# Hippie Autocompletion Sublime Text 2/3 style auto completion for ST4: cycle through words, do not show popup. Simply hit `Tab` to insert completion, hit `Tab` again if you don't like it. Features: - fuzzy search - supports multiple cursors - expands abbreviations into combined_words for snake, mixed and camel case - prioritizes previously chosen completions - current view words go before other views words TODO: - prefer words closer to cursor? - take into account scope/language word defined vs we are editing - better support for multiple cursors, i.e. if primers differ - obey `word_separators` setting to parse words - `shift+tab` to cycle back? `backspace` to cancel? Started from discussion [here](https://forum.sublimetext.com/t/st3-style-autocomplete-in-st4/57774) and based on sketch by **LightsOut8008**.