October 2019 01:00 04:00 Discretionary Time 04:00 07:00 Common Time (1-min) (no switching) 07:00 08:00 Special Time (see Note A) 08:00 09:00 Common Time (1-min) (no switching) 09:00 10:00 Special Time (see Note A) 10:00 12:00 Common Time (1-min) 12:00 16:00 Common Time (1-min) (no switching) 16:00 19:00 Discretionary Time (see Note C) 19:00 21:00 Common Time (1-min) 21:00 24:00 Discretionary Time (see Note C) 24:00 26:00 Common Time (1-min) 26:00 27:00 Special Time (see Note A) 27:00 30:00 Special Time (see Note B) 30:00 31:24 Common Time (1-min) # Total Common Time (1-min): 16d 0h # Total Discretionary Time: 9d 0h # Total Special Time: 6d 0h # Notes: Special Time notes: Note A: This time covers the 'Pulsating Aurora' request (Hosokawa). All radars should run themisscan during this interval. This mode has a camping beam which is sounded on every 6 seconds. The scanning scheme is such that the field of view scan is interleaved with the camping beam. Note B: This time covers the 'ULF Wave' request (Shi). All radars should run rbspscan during this interval. This mode consists of a full scan of at least 16 beams with an interleaved mini-scan of 3 beams, with a scan time of 2-min. Note C: This time covers the 'EISCAT/Heater' discretionary time request (Yeoman). The only radar covered by this request is HAN. All other radars run their normal discretionary time programs.