Device: Nothing phone1 Device code name : Spacewar Device maintainer: Vikas Yaduvanshi Date -(16/08/2023) ================= General source Changes ======================== General Changes - Merged August security patch - Updated AppLock API (To allow hiding apps in launcher even if app not protected) - Restored elevation to QS footer (To fix dead QS bottom shotcuts on landscape mode) - Added QS Header Image customisations - Added string to inform user when face unlock detection is running - Made QS clock, date & battery clickable again - Expanded header font compatibility - Added support for DP audio - Added toggle to disable back gesture haptic feedback - Added toggle for secure tiles on keyguard - Added toggle to disable qs on secure lockscreen - Introducing Superior wallpaper stub (Dropped prebuilt wallpaper app) ========= Bug Fixes ========= - Fixed hidden apps reset after reboot - Fixed the occasional interaction hint spam - Fixed opengl swap failure logspam - Fixed Battery-meter view for some IconPacks Device Side Changes (16/08/2023) ======================== * Added Richtap vibration effects * Fixed excessive battery drain in some scenarios * Switch to pixy kernel thanks to brother aswin * Updated libs from nos v1.5.6 * Enabled secure NFC support * Fixed low speaker volume • Notes - CTS passes by default