openapi: 3.0.3 info: version: 9dcb0dc8 title: The SureVoIP RESTful API license: name: Proprietry url: x-logo: url: '' description: > # Introduction Welcome to the SureVoIP RESTful hypermedia API (sometimes known as a VoIP REST API, Telecom REST API, SIP API, Hypermedia API or just VoIP API.) The SureVoIP API is a way for you to automate your interaction with the SureVoIP platforms. With the API, you can create your own scripts, applications or mashups which can: * List calls * create customers * search numbers * provision numbers * send SMS texts * create outbound calls * schedule announcements * schedule call hangups with an announcement * subscribe to events/alerts * track calls * retrieve invoices * grab your SIP details * check your IP address * be 100% self-sufficient * and much more! termsOfService: '' contact: name: SureVoIP API Support email: url: '' servers: - url: '' description: Production SureVoIP API (live data) - url: '' description: Sandbox SureVoIP API (data is 24 hours behind production) security: - BasicAuth: [] - OAuth2: [] tags: - name: announcements description: Announcements that can be played during or before a call - name: areacodes description: Areacodes of numbers that SureVoIP can supply - name: billing description: Billing details and invoices - name: calls description: Create phone calls via an API - name: charges description: Create a charge for a customer - name: contacts description: Create, List, Updated and Delete Contacts - name: customers description: Create, List, Updated and Delete Customers - name: echo description: Echo back your payload - name: faxes description: Send faxes - Not in service - name: hosted description: Create, List, Updated and Delete Hosted VoIP Customers - name: ip-address description: Show the originating IP address of your request - name: mobile description: Create, List, Updated and Delete SIMs - name: numbers description: Create, List, Updated and Delete Numbers (DDIs) - name: partners description: Create, List, Updated and Delete Partners and their customers - name: porting description: Create, List, Updated and Delete Number Porting requests - name: service-status description: List Services Statuses - name: sip description: List SIP details - name: sms description: Send SMS (text messages) - name: support description: List support details - name: topups description: Create call credit topups for customers externalDocs: description: SureVoIP API Wiki url: '' components: securitySchemes: BasicAuth: $ref: components/securitySchemes/BasicAuth.yaml OAuth2: $ref: components/securitySchemes/OAuth2.yaml OpenIDConnect: $ref: components/securitySchemes/OpenIDConnect.yaml paths: /: $ref: ./paths/.yaml /announcements: $ref: ./paths/announcements.yaml /areacodes: $ref: ./paths/areacodes.yaml /billing: $ref: ./paths/billing.yaml /calls: $ref: ./paths/calls.yaml /charges: $ref: ./paths/charges.yaml /contacts: $ref: ./paths/contacts.yaml /customers: $ref: ./paths/customers.yaml '/customers/{account}': $ref: './paths/customers@{account}.yaml' '/customers/{account}/announcements': $ref: './paths/customers@{account}@announcements.yaml' '/customers/{account}/announcements/{announcement_id}': $ref: './paths/customers@{account}@announcements@{announcement_id}.yaml' /faxes: $ref: ./paths/faxes.yaml /hosted: $ref: ./paths/hosted.yaml /ip-address: $ref: ./paths/support@ip-address.yaml /mobile: $ref: ./paths/mobile.yaml /numbers: $ref: ./paths/numbers.yaml /numbers/areacodes: $ref: ./paths/numbers@areacodes.yaml /partners: $ref: ./paths/partners.yaml /porting: $ref: ./paths/porting.yaml /service-status: $ref: ./paths/support@service-status.yaml /sip: $ref: ./paths/sip.yaml /sms: $ref: ./paths/sms.yaml /support/echo: $ref: ./paths/support@echo.yaml /support/ip-address: $ref: ./paths/support@ip-address.yaml /support/service-status: $ref: ./paths/support@service-status.yaml /topups: $ref: ./paths/topups.yaml