#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; $| = 1; use IO::Socket; use IO::Select; use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; my $LocalSSID = ""; # The SSID of your network my $LocalPassword = ""; # The password for your network # Change if you want but there is no need to my $SSID = "ZAGDU-789"; my $Password = "un49fqxc"; my $Timeout = 30; # Seconds of inactivity before moving on my $DeviceIP; # IP address of target device my $WiFiDevice = ""; # Usually wlan0 - automatically detected my $WiFiIPAddr = ""; # IP assigned to wlan my $WiFiSubnet = ""; # An approximation of APs subnet (calculated) my $WiFiAPDevice = "wlan0"; # Device created for Access Point my $WiFiSCDevice = "wlan0"; # Device created for Scanning and Connecting my $WiFiAPPresent = 0; # Device may already be there from previous run my $WiFiSCPresent = 0; # Device may already be there from previous run my $APConfigFile = "hostapd.conf"; # Will be created if doesn't exist my $DNSQsocket; # DNS Query socket my $DNSRsocket; # DNS Response socket my $SonoffSilence = 0; # Only send SSID/key message once my $Google; # So I know where to send DNS replies my $GoogleAddress = sockaddr_in(53,inet_aton("")); my $DeviceList; my $Status; # So I know whats happening my $AP_IP; # IP address of Access Point/WiFi Connection my $AP_SN; # An approximation of the Access Point's subnet my $StageOneFirmware = "image_user2-0x81000.bin"; my $BeginStage = 1; # Starting stage of the script my $StageTwoFirmware = "sonoff.bin"; my $SonoffIP = ""; # Address for configuring device my $FinalStageIP = ""; # Address for configuring device my $MQHost = ""; # Host for mq. Set when receive DNS request my $Monitor = { IOset => IO::Select->new }; my $FirmHeader = pack("H*","55aa55aa312e312e3000000000000200" . "000002000000330003a674013a113d00" . "03a6a70003a674013a113d000007bfaa" . "55aa5500000000000000000000000000"); # # Upgrade response dont bother editing # my $UpgradeResponse = '{' . '"result":{' . '"url":"http://fakewebsite/ota/tuya-sonoff.bin",' . '"type":0,' . '"size":"478491",' . '"md5":"79e9748319d7ad888f2deff16a87a296",' . '"version" :"1.1.0"' . '},' . '"e":false,' . '"success":true' . '}'; sub SetupInterface { my $if = shift; print("Getting interface into stable state\n"); system("ip a del $FinalStageIP/24 dev $if"); system("ip a del $WiFiIPAddr/24 dev $if"); system("ip link set $if down"); system("ip link set $if up"); print("Done\n"); } sub SetupDeviceMonitor { my $mon = shift; my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'udp', Broadcast => 1, LocalPort => 6666, ReuseAddr => 1, ) or die "Unable to create Device Listener socket! $!"; my $fileno = $socket->fileno; $mon->{IOset}->add($socket); $mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Read} = [ \&CB_DeviceMonitorRead ]; return $socket; } sub ScanForWlan { my $fh; # Scan for WiFi devices even if one has been # specified on the command line. print("Looking for WiFi device\n"); unless( open($fh,"iwconfig 2>/dev/null |") ) { print("Error: $!\n"); print("There is a problem with iwconfig\n"); print("Make sure 'wireless tools' package is installed\n"); exit(-1); }; my $wifi; while(<$fh>) { chomp($_); if( my($dev,$type) = /^([^\s]+)\s+(.*)/ ) { if( $dev eq $WiFiAPDevice ) { print("Found AP device $WiFiAPDevice, marking it as present\n"); $WiFiAPPresent = 1; next; } if( $dev eq $WiFiSCDevice ) { print("Found Scan/Connect device $WiFiSCDevice, marking it as present\n"); $WiFiSCPresent = 1; next; } if( $type =~ /IEEE\s*802/ ) { if(length($WiFiDevice)) { if($WiFiDevice eq $dev) { $wifi = $dev; } } else { $WiFiDevice = $wifi = $dev; } } } } unless(close($fh)) { print("There is a problem with iwconfig\n"); print("Perhaps you are not running the script as root?\n"); exit(0); } unless(defined($wifi)) { print("Unable to find WiFi device\n"); if(length($WiFiDevice)) { print("You specified $WiFiDevice as your device but I could not find it\n"); print("If any devices are listed above try one of them.\n"); } exit(-1); } print("Wifi device is $WiFiDevice\n"); } sub SetupAccessPoint { my $mon = shift; my $fh; print("Using WiFi device $WiFiAPDevice for Access Point\n"); unless( -r $APConfigFile ) { print("Creating Access Point config file $APConfigFile\n"); open($fh,"> $APConfigFile") or die "Unable to create $APConfigFile: $!"; print $fh "interface=$WiFiAPDevice\n"; print $fh "wpa=2\n"; print $fh "ssid=$SSID\n"; print $fh "wpa_passphrase=$Password\n"; print $fh "hw_mode=g\n"; print $fh "channel=1\n"; close($fh); } print("Starting Access Point with SSID $SSID\n"); my $pid = open($fh,"hostapd hostapd.conf |"); unless(defined($pid) && $pid > 0) { print("Failed to run hostapd: $!\n"); print("Please ensure it is installed\n"); print("Continuing in case other devices are partway through upgrade\n"); return; } print("Giving Access Point IP address $WiFiIPAddr, pid is $pid\n"); system("ip a add $WiFiIPAddr/24 dev $WiFiAPDevice"); my $fileno = $fh->fileno; $mon->{IOset}->add($fh); $mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Read} = [ \&CB_AccessPointRead, $pid ]; $mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Close} = [ \&CB_AccessPointClose, $pid ]; } sub SetupWiFiScan { my $mon = shift; my $fh; print("Setting up wifi scan\n"); system("ip link set dev $WiFiSCDevice up"); my $pid = (open($fh,"while true; do iwlist $WiFiSCDevice scan; sleep 5; done |")); unless ($pid > 0) { print("FAILURE\n"); } my $fileno = $fh->fileno; $mon->{IOset}->add($fh); $mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Read} = [ \&CB_WiFiScanRead, {} ]; $mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Close} = [ \&CB_WiFiScanClose, $pid ]; } sub SetupDHCP { my $mon = shift; # The DHCP listener my $sockin = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'udp', # LocalAddr => $WiFiIPAddr, LocalPort => 67, ReuseAddr => 1, Broadcast => 1, ) or die "Unable to create DHCP Listener socket! $!"; # The DHCP sender # Setup an IP address table for leases ($WiFiSubnet) = $WiFiIPAddr =~ /(.*)[.]\d+/; my $Leases; for (2..254) { my $ip = "$WiFiSubnet.$_"; $Leases->{IP}{$ip} = { IP => $ip } unless( $ip eq $WiFiIPAddr ); } my $fileno = $sockin->fileno; $mon->{IOset}->add($sockin); $mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Read} = [ \&CB_DHCPRead, $Leases ]; } sub SetupDNS { my $mon = shift; # The DNS listener my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'udp', LocalAddr => $WiFiIPAddr, LocalPort => 53, ReuseAddr => 1, ) or die "Unable to create DNS Listener socket! $!"; # The DNS Sender my $fileno = $socket->fileno; $mon->{IOset}->add($socket); $mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Read} = [ \&CB_DNSRead ]; } sub SetupMQTTListener { my $mon = shift; my $socket; $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM, LocalAddr => $WiFiIPAddr, LocalPort => 1883, Listen => 1, ReuseAddr => 1, ) or die "Unable to create MQTT Listener socket! $!"; my $fileno = $socket->fileno; $mon->{IOset}->add($socket); $mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Read} = [ \&CB_MQTTAccept ]; return $socket; } sub SetupWebListener { my $mon = shift; my $socket; $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM, LocalAddr => $WiFiIPAddr, LocalPort => 80, Listen => 1, ReuseAddr => 1, ) or die "Unable to create Web Listener socket! $!"; my $fileno = $socket->fileno; $mon->{IOset}->add($socket); $mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Read} = [ \&CB_WebAccept ]; return $socket; } sub SetupFinalStageListener { my $mon = shift; my $socket; print("Setting up listener for FinalStage\n"); $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM, LocalAddr => $FinalStageIP, LocalPort => 8080, Listen => 1, ReuseAddr => 1, ) or die "Unable to create FinalStage Listener on port 8080! $!"; my $fileno = $socket->fileno; $mon->{IOset}->add($socket); $mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Read} = [ \&CB_FSAccept ]; $mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Timeout} = [ \&CB_FSTimeout ]; return $socket; } sub RedirectDevice { my $ip = shift; print("Redirecting device $ip to use Access Point $SSID\n"); # Construct the packet... my $payload = sprintf('{"passwd":"%s","ssid":"%s","token":"EUb6IPWXYTn455"}',$Password,$SSID); my $pkt = pack("NNNN",0x55aa,0,1,length($payload)+8) . $payload; $pkt .= pack("NN",0,0xaa55); # Connect to the device my $socket; unless($socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $ip, PeerPort => 6668, Proto => "tcp", Type => SOCK_STREAM) ) { print("Unable to open socket to $ip: $!\n"); print("The device might be at the next stage, ignoring for now\n"); return; } sleep(5); my $n; eval { $n = $socket->send($pkt); }; if($n == length($pkt)) { print("**** Redirect appears successful\n"); } sleep(1); close($socket); } sub CheckBinaries { unless(-r $StageOneFirmware) { print("Stage One firmware not found, downloading it\n"); system("wget","https://github.com/SynAckFin/TuyOTA/raw/master/static/image_user2-0x81000.bin"); } unless(-r $StageTwoFirmware) { print("Stage Two firmware not found, downloading it\n"); system("wget","https://github.com/SynAckFin/TuyOTA/raw/master/static/sonoff.bin"); } unless( -s $StageOneFirmware == 239220 ) { printf("Error %s is wrong size, should be 239220 bytes but is actually %i\n", $StageOneFirmware, -s $StageOneFirmware); exit(0); } unless( -s $StageTwoFirmware == 482512 ) { printf("Error %s is wrong size, should be 482512 bytes but is actually %i\n", $StageTwoFirmware, -s $StageTwoFirmware); exit(0); } } sub HandleSonoff { my $ap = shift; return if($SonoffSilence); if( length($LocalSSID) == 0 ) { print("**** You haven't configured an SSID to connect the device to\n"); print("**** If you run again using -s and -p flags this\n"); print("**** will attempt to configure any device that needs it\n"); $SonoffSilence = 1; return 0; } print("***** Found Sonoff AP $1 ******\n"); system("iwconfig $WiFiSCDevice mode Managed"); system("iwconfig $WiFiSCDevice essid off"); if(system("iwconfig $WiFiSCDevice essid $ap")) { print("Failed to connect to $ap\n"); return 0; } print("***** Connected to $ap ******\n"); sleep(2); if( my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $SonoffIP,Proto => 'tcp') ) { print("Sending config to $ap\n"); $sock->send( "GET /sv?w=1%2C1&s1=$LocalSSID&p1=$LocalPassword&s2=&p2=&h=%25s-%2504d HTTP/1.1\r\n" . "Host: $ap\r\n" . "Connection: close\r\n" . "\r\n" ); my $rbuff; 1 while( $sock->recv($rbuff,4096,0) ); close($sock); print("***** Config sent *****\n"); } else { print("Failed to connect to device $ap: $!\n"); system("iwconfig $WiFiSCDevice essid off"); return 0; } system("iwconfig $WiFiSCDevice essid off"); return 1; } sub usage { print("usage: $0 [-t Timeout] [-b BeginStage] [-ip DeviceIP] [-s SSID] [-p password]\n"); print(" Timeout - Default 30. Seconds of inactivity before moving on\n"); print(" BeginStage - Default 1. Stage to start at. Can be 1,2, or 3\n"); print(" DeviceIP - Default none. IP address of the target device\n"); print(" SSID - Your home networks SSID\n"); print(" Password - Your home networks Password\n"); print("\n"); print("Stages:\n"); print(" Stage 1:\n"); print(" Asks DeviceIP to move to custom Access Point (AP)\n"); print(" Asks any device on custom AP to recheck for firmware update\n"); print(" Hands out 1st stage firmware to any device that asks for it\n"); print("\n"); print(" Stage 2:\n"); print(" Looks for a device running 1st stage firmware and installs sonoff.bin.\n"); print(" Configures devices with SSID and Password if specified on commandline\n"); exit(1); } sub CB_WiFiScanRead { my ($fh, $mon, $data) = @_; my $fileno = $fh->fileno; $_ = <$fh>; # This can interfer with itself so need # a mechanism to prevent it attaching twice # to the same interface return 0 if( exists($data->{When}) && $data->{When} > time() ); return unless($_ =~ s/^\s*ESSID(.*)/$1/); if( $_ =~ /FinalStage/) { print("***** FinalStage Detected ******\n"); system("ip link set $WiFiSCDevice down"); system("iwconfig $WiFiSCDevice mode Managed"); system("iwconfig $WiFiSCDevice essid off"); system("ip link set $WiFiSCDevice up"); if(system("iwconfig $WiFiSCDevice essid FinalStage")) { print("Failed to connect to FinalStage\n"); return 0; } print("***** Connected to FinalStage ******\n"); $data->{When} = time() + 20; return 1; } elsif( $_ =~ /"(sonoff-[\dA-F]+)"/i ) { return 0 if(exists($data->{Sonoff}{$1}) && $data->{Sonoff}{$1}{Retry} > time()); $data->{When} = time() + 20; $data->{Sonoff}{$1}{Retry} = time() + 25; return HandleSonoff($1); } # print("$_\n"); return 0; } sub CB_WiFiScanClose { my ($fh, $mon, $pid) = @_; kill(9, $pid) if( $pid > 0 ); $mon->{IOset}->remove($fh); close($fh); } sub CB_AccessPointRead { my ($fh, $mon) = @_; my $rbuff; my $fileno = $fh->fileno; $_ = <$fh>; if(length($_)) { # print "AP: $_"; return 0; } print("***** Access Point has Shutdown *****\n"); $mon->{IOset}->remove($fileno); delete($mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}); close($fh); return 0; } sub CB_AccessPointClose { my ($fh, $mon, $pid) = @_; kill(9, $pid) if( $pid > 0 ); $mon->{IOset}->remove($fh); delete($mon->{Callbacks}{$fh->fileno}); close($fh); } sub CB_DeviceMonitorRead { my $socket = shift; my $pkt; $socket->recv($pkt,512,0); my $ip; my $gwID; return 0 unless( $pkt =~ /"ip":"(.*?)"/i ); $ip = $1; return 0 unless( $pkt =~ /"gwId":"(.*?)"/i ); $gwID = $1; if( exists($DeviceList->{$gwID}) ) { if( $DeviceList->{$gwID} != $ip ) { print("**** Device $gwID has changed IP from $DeviceList->{$gwID} to $ip\n"); $DeviceList->{$gwID} = $ip; return 1; } } else { print("**** New device detected. ID: $gwID IP:$ip\n"); $DeviceList->{$gwID} = $ip; if( defined($DeviceIP) && $ip eq $DeviceIP ) { print("Asking device to move networks and upgrade...\n"); RedirectDevice($ip); return 1; } my ($devsn) = $ip =~ /(.*)[.]/; if( $devsn eq $WiFiSubnet ) { print("**** New device looks to be part way through upgrading\n"); print("**** Forcing it to retry the upgrade\n"); RedirectDevice($ip); return 1; } } return 0; } sub CB_DHCPRead { my ($socket, $mon, $leases) = @_; my $pkt; my $out; my $rv = $socket->recv($pkt,512,0); if( length($pkt) < 243 ) { print("Bad DHCP request - ignoring\n"); return 0; } # Decode the packet my ($op,$htype,$hlen,$hops,$xid,$secs,$flags,$pkt) = unpack("CCCCNnna*",$pkt); # Might not be for me. return if( $op != 1 || $htype != 1 || $hlen != 6 || $hops != 0 ); my ($cip,$yip,$sip,$gip,$hwaddr,$pad,$sname,$file,$cookie,$options) = unpack("NNNNa6a10Z64Z128Na*",$pkt); my $mac = sprintf("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",unpack("C*",$hwaddr)); # Have we come accross this before? my $ip; if( exists($leases->{MAC}{$mac}) ) { $ip = $leases->{MAC}{$mac}{IP}; } else { for ( values %{$leases->{IP}} ) { next if( exists( $_->{MAC} ) ); $ip = $_; $ip->{MAC} = $mac; $leases->{MAC}{$mac}{IP} = $ip; last; } } # Start building reply packet $pkt = pack("CCCCNnnN",2,$htype,$hlen,$hops,$xid,$secs,$flags,$cip); # Give it its IP $pkt .= pack("CCCC",split(/[.]/,$ip->{IP})); # Next server and relay are $pkt .= pack("NN",0,0); # Add Hardware and padding $pkt .= $hwaddr . $pad; # Add server name $pkt .= pack("Z64","MyDHCP"); # Add a boot file $pkt .= pack("Z128","SomeFile"); # Add magic cookie $pkt .= pack("N",$cookie); # Go through the options to find packet type while(length($options) > 0) { # Get type and length my ($opt,$len); ($opt,$len,$options) = unpack("CCa*",$options); if( $opt == 53 ) { my ($t) = unpack("C",$options); printf("%s %s %s\n",$t == 1 ? "DHCP Discover" : "DHCP Request",$mac,$ip->{IP}); $pkt .= pack("CCC",$opt,1,$t == 1 ? 2 : 5); } last if( $opt == 255 ); (undef,$options) = unpack("a$len",$options); } # DHCP Server $pkt .= pack("CCCCCC",54,4,split(/[.]/,$WiFiIPAddr)); # Lease time $pkt .= pack("CCN",51,4,3600); # Subnet $pkt .= pack("CCCCCC",1,4,255,255,255,0); # Router $pkt .= pack("CCCCCC",3,4,split(/[.]/,$WiFiIPAddr)); # DNS server $pkt .= pack("CCCCCC",6,4,split(/[.]/,$WiFiIPAddr)); # Domain Name $pkt .= pack("CCa*",15,length("nowhere.com"),"nowhere.com"); # End $pkt .= pack("CC",255,0); $pkt .= pack("Z",""); system("arp -s $ip->{IP} $mac"); $rv = sockaddr_in(68,inet_aton($ip->{IP})); $socket->send($pkt,0,$rv); return 0; } sub CB_DNSRead { my $socket = shift; my $pkt; my $sender = $socket->recv($pkt,512,0); my $pktcpy = $pkt; my ( $ident, $flags, $qdc, $anc, $nsc, $arc, $pkt ) = unpack("nnnnnna*",$pkt); # Only going to handle standard queries with one question # Just drop it if outside parameters if( $flags != 0x0100 || $qdc != 1 ) { return 0; } # printf("%s\n", $flags & 0x8000 ? "Response" : "Query"); # printf("Ident: %04x\n", $ident ); # printf("%04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x\n",$ident, $flags, $qdc, $anc, $nsc, $arc); my $query = ""; my $question = $pkt; for( ( my $l, $pkt ) = unpack("Ca*",$pkt); $l ; ( $l, $pkt ) = unpack("Ca*",$pkt) ) { (my $part, $pkt) = unpack("a${l}a*",$pkt); $query .= $part . "."; } $query = lc($query); print("Received DNS query for $query\n"); $MQHost = $query if( $query =~ /^mq/ ); print("Sending $WiFiIPAddr as response\n"); my $response = pack("nnnnnn",$ident, 0x8180, 1, 1, 0, 0); # Append the question; $response .= $question; # Add pointer to domain name, type, class , ttl $response .= pack("nnnN",0xc00c,1,1,60); # Append the answer $response .= pack("nCCCC",4,split(/[.]/,$WiFiIPAddr)); # Send it to the device $socket->send($response,0,$sender); return 0; } sub CB_MQTTAccept { my ($socket,$mon) = @_; print("Accepting MQTT connection, forwarding to $MQHost\n"); my $client = $socket->accept or return print "Error accepting MQTT request: $!\n"; # This should happen until DNS has been queried # If it does then just should it down if( length($MQHost) <= 0 ) { print("$MQHost not set\n"); close($client); return 0; } my $remote; unless( $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM, PeerHost => "$MQHost", PeerPort => 1883, Proto => 'tcp', ) ) { print "Unable to reach $MQHost: $!"; close($client); return 0; } my $fileno = $client->fileno; $mon->{IOset}->add($client); $mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Read} = [ \&CB_Proxy, $remote ]; $fileno = $remote->fileno; $mon->{IOset}->add($remote); $mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Read} = [ \&CB_Proxy, $client ]; return 0; } sub CB_WebAccept { my $sock = shift; print("Receiving www request\n"); my $client = $sock->accept or return print "Error accepting WWW request: $!\n"; my $io = IO::Select->new; $io->add($client); # Get the request and use a 10 second timeout # so dont wait forever for client my $request = ""; while( $request !~ /\r\n\r\n/s ) { my $rbuff; $io->can_read(10) or return print("Timed out waiting for request\n"); $client->recv($rbuff,4096,0); if( length($rbuff) <= 0 ) { print("REQ: $request"); print("Client closed connection while receiving request: $!\n"); return; } $request .= $rbuff; } # Handle firmware request directly if ( $request =~ /tuya-sonoff.bin/ ) { # Does it want the header of the firmware? print("Sending firmware $StageOneFirmware\n"); # print($request); unless( $request =~ /Range: bytes=(\d+)-(\d+)/ ) { $client->send("HTTP/1.1 500 Server error\r\n"); } else { my $start = $1; my $end = $2; my $length = $end - $start + 1; my $firmsize = -s $StageOneFirmware; my $size = $firmsize * 2 + 51; $client->send("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content\r\n" . "Content-Length: $length\r\n" . "Content-Range: bytes $start-$end/$size\r\n" . "Connection: close\r\n" . "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n" . "\r\n"); if( $1 == 0 ) { $client->send($FirmHeader); } else { my $fh; open($fh,"< $StageOneFirmware"); # Need to calculate the offset into the file # based upon start position my $offset = $start; # Remove header bytes from offset $offset -= 51; # Remove first firmware length if it want second $offset -= $firmsize if $offset >= $firmsize; seek($fh, $offset, 0); print("Sending bytes $start-$end from offset $offset\n"); my $rbuff; while( read($fh,$rbuff,$length > 4096 ? 4096 : $length) && $length > 0 ) { $client->send($rbuff); } } } return; } # Request might have some content so make sure # that we actually have it if( $request =~ /^Content-Length:\s+(\d+).*\r\n\r\n(.*)/ms ) { my $cl = $1 - length($2); while( $cl > 0 ) { print("Fetching Request Content\n"); $io->can_read(10) or return print("Timed out waiting for content\n"); my $rbuff; $client->recv($rbuff,$cl,0); if( length($rbuff) <= 0 ) { print("Client closed connection while receiving content: $!\n"); return; } $cl -= length($rbuff); $request .= $rbuff; } } # Extract the url for logging if( $request =~ /^\w+\s(.*?)&/ ) { print("URL: $1\n"); } # Extract the host from the request unless( $request =~ /^Host:\s+(.*?)\s*(\n|\r)/mi ) { print("Unable to interpret request, abandoning\n"); return; } my $host = $1; # Change connection type to close $request =~ s/^Connection:\s+(.*?)(\n|\r)$/Connection: close/m; # Connect to remote host my $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM, PeerHost => $host, PeerPort => 80, Proto => 'tcp', ) or die "Unable to reach $host: $!"; # Send the request; $remote->send($request); # Set up for reply $io->remove($client); $io->add($remote); # # Should I intercept or let it pass through? # if ( $request =~ /tuya.device.upgrade.silent.get/ ) { # Fake it my $response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" . "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" . "Content-Length: " . length($UpgradeResponse) . "\r\n" . "Connection: close\r\n" . # "Content-Language: zh-CN\r\n" . # "Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1\r\n" . "\r\n" . $UpgradeResponse; $client->send($response); print("Sent upgrade response\n"); return 1; } else { while($io->can_read(30)) { my $rbuff; $remote->recv($rbuff,4096,0); last if(length($rbuff) <= 0); $client->send($rbuff); if( $rbuff =~ m{(HTTP/1.1 \d+ .*)} ) { print("Response: $1\n"); } if( $rbuff =~ /\r\n\r\n({.+})/s ) { print("$1\n"); } } } return 0; } sub CB_FSAccept { my $sock = shift; print("***** Receiving FinalStage Request ****\n"); my $client = $sock->accept or return print "Error accepting WWW request: $!\n"; my $io = IO::Select->new; $io->add($client); # Get the request and use a 3 second timeout # so dont wait forever for client my $request = ""; while( $request !~ /\r\n\r\n/s ) { my $rbuff; $io->can_read(3) or return print("Timed out waiting for request\n"); $client->recv($rbuff,4096,0); if( length($rbuff) <= 0 ) { print("REQ: $request"); print("Client closed connection while receiving request: $!\n"); return; } $request .= $rbuff; } return 0 unless( $request =~ /image_arduino.bin/ ); print("Sending firmware $StageTwoFirmware\n"); my $length = -s $StageTwoFirmware; $client->send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" . "Content-Length: $length\r\n" . "Connection: close\r\n" . "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n" . "\r\n"); my $fh; open($fh,"<$StageTwoFirmware"); my $rbuff; my $sent; while(read($fh,$rbuff,4096)) { $client->send($rbuff); $sent += length($rbuff); } if($sent == $length) { print("***** Tasmota Firmware sent to device ******\n"); return 1; } return 0; } sub CB_Proxy { my ($src,$mon,$dst) = @_; my $rbuff; $src->recv($rbuff,4096,0); if(length($rbuff) <= 0) { delete($mon->{Callbacks}{$src->fileno}); delete($mon->{Callbacks}{$dst->fileno}); $mon->{IOset}->remove($src); $mon->{IOset}->remove($dst); close($src); close($dst); } else { $dst->send($rbuff,0); } return 0; } sub MonitorActivity { my $mon = shift; my $LastActivity = time(); while( my @handles = $mon->{IOset}->can_read($Timeout)) { for ( @handles ) { my $fileno = $_->fileno; my ( $exec, @args ) = @{$mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Read}}; $LastActivity = time() if &$exec($_, $mon,@args); } last if( (time() - $LastActivity) > $Timeout); } } sub MonitorShutdown { my $mon = shift; print("Shutting down...\n"); for ( $mon->{IOset}->handles ) { my $fileno = $_->fileno; if( exists( $mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Close} ) ) { my ( $exec, @args ) = @{$mon->{Callbacks}{$fileno}{Close}}; &$exec($_, $mon,@args); } else { $mon->{IOset}->remove($_); close($_); } } } sub END { print("Exiting....\n"); MonitorShutdown($Monitor); } ####################################################### # ____ _ _ _ _ # # / ___|| |_ __ _ _ __| |_ ___ | | | | ___ _ __ ___ # # \___ \| __/ _` | '__| __/ __| | |_| |/ _ | '__/ _ \ # # ___) | || (_| | | | |_\__ \ | _ | __| | | __/ # # |____/ \__\__,_|_| \__|___/ |_| |_|\___|_| \___| # # # ####################################################### while(@ARGV) { my $arg = shift @ARGV; if( $arg eq "-s" ) { $LocalSSID = shift @ARGV || ""; $LocalSSID =~ s/([^\w])/sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/egi; } elsif( $arg eq "-p" ) { $LocalPassword = shift @ARGV || ""; $LocalPassword =~ s/([^\w])/sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/egi; } elsif( $arg eq "-b" ) { $BeginStage = shift @ARGV || 1; $BeginStage = 1 unless $BeginStage =~ /^\d+$/; } elsif( $arg eq "-t" ) { $Timeout = shift @ARGV || 30; $Timeout = 1 unless $Timeout =~ /^\d+$/; } elsif( $arg eq "-ip" ) { $DeviceIP = shift @ARGV || ""; } else { print("Unknown option $arg\n"); usage(); } } SetupDeviceMonitor($Monitor); CheckBinaries(); if( $BeginStage <= 1 ) { SetupInterface($WiFiAPDevice); SetupAccessPoint($Monitor); SetupDHCP($Monitor); SetupDNS($Monitor); SetupMQTTListener($Monitor); SetupWebListener($Monitor); RedirectDevice($DeviceIP) if(length($DeviceIP)); MonitorActivity($Monitor); MonitorShutdown($Monitor); } print("Setting up IP Address $FinalStageIP for Final Stages\n"); SetupInterface($WiFiSCDevice); system("ip a add $FinalStageIP/24 dev $WiFiSCDevice"); SetupWiFiScan($Monitor); SetupFinalStageListener($Monitor); MonitorActivity($Monitor); MonitorShutdown($Monitor); SetupInterface($WiFiSCDevice); print("Finished\n"); 1;