{ "description": "Appt Reminders replace-me template (RepairShopr)", "states": [ { "name": "Trigger", "type": "trigger", "transitions": [ { "event": "incomingMessage" }, { "event": "incomingCall" }, { "next": "confirm_appt", "event": "incomingRequest" } ], "properties": { "offset": { "x": 40, "y": -180 } } }, { "name": "confirm_appt", "type": "send-and-wait-for-reply", "transitions": [ { "next": "split_confirmation", "event": "incomingMessage" }, { "event": "timeout" }, { "event": "deliveryFailure" } ], "properties": { "offset": { "x": 140, "y": 60 }, "from": "{{flow.channel.address}}", "body": "Hi {{flow.data.customer.name}}!\nYour appointment is coming up on {{flow.data.appointment.date}} at {{flow.data.appointment.time | split:\" \" | last}}. Please reply \"C\" to confirm and \"X\" to cancel.", "timeout": 3600 } }, { "name": "split_confirmation", "type": "split-based-on", "transitions": [ { "next": "send_no_match", "event": "noMatch" }, { "next": "confirmation_webhook", "event": "match", "conditions": [ { "friendly_name": "C", "arguments": [ "{{widgets.confirm_appt.inbound.Body}}" ], "type": "equal_to", "value": "C" } ] }, { "next": "cancellation_webhook", "event": "match", "conditions": [ { "friendly_name": "X", "arguments": [ "{{widgets.confirm_appt.inbound.Body}}" ], "type": "equal_to", "value": "X" } ] } ], "properties": { "input": "{{widgets.confirm_appt.inbound.Body}}", "offset": { "x": 130, "y": 340 } } }, { "name": "send_confirmation_sms", "type": "send-message", "transitions": [ { "event": "sent" }, { "event": "failed" } ], "properties": { "offset": { "x": -260, "y": 860 }, "from": "{{flow.channel.address}}", "to": "{{contact.channel.address}}", "body": "Thanks! See you at the office." } }, { "name": "send_cancellation_sms", "type": "send-message", "transitions": [ { "event": "sent" }, { "event": "failed" } ], "properties": { "offset": { "x": 140, "y": 850 }, "from": "{{flow.channel.address}}", "to": "{{contact.channel.address}}", "body": "We understand that plans change. Thanks for letting us know!" } }, { "name": "send_no_match", "type": "send-message", "transitions": [ { "next": "confirm_appt", "event": "sent" }, { "event": "failed" } ], "properties": { "offset": { "x": -330, "y": 280 }, "from": "{{flow.channel.address}}", "to": "{{contact.channel.address}}", "body": "We're sorry, we couldn't understand your response." } }, { "name": "confirmation_webhook", "type": "make-http-request", "transitions": [ { "next": "send_confirmation_sms", "event": "success" }, { "event": "failed" } ], "properties": { "offset": { "x": -260, "y": 650 }, "method": "POST", "content_type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8", "parameters": [ { "value": "replace-me-required-security-token", "key": "token" }, { "value": "{{flow.data.appointment.id}}", "key": "appointment_id" }, { "value": "confirm", "key": "appointment_action" } ], "url": "https://replace-me-subdomain.repairshopr.com/api/v1/twilio/appointment_confirmation", "timeout": 3600 } }, { "name": "cancellation_webhook", "type": "make-http-request", "transitions": [ { "next": "send_cancellation_sms", "event": "success" }, { "event": "failed" } ], "properties": { "offset": { "x": 130, "y": 650 }, "method": "POST", "parameters": [ { "value": "replace-me-required-security-token", "key": "token" }, { "value": "{{flow.data.appointment.id}}", "key": "appointment_id" }, { "value": "cancel", "key": "appointment_action" } ], "url": "https://replace-me-subdomain.repairshopr.com/api/v1/twilio/appointment_confirmation", "timeout": 3600 } } ], "initial_state": "Trigger", "flags": { "allow_concurrent_calls": true } }