/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * http://www.dspace.org/license/ */ package org.dspace.submit.step; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dspace.app.util.DCInputsReader; import org.dspace.app.util.DCInputsReaderException; import org.dspace.app.util.DCInput; import org.dspace.app.util.SubmissionInfo; import org.dspace.app.util.Util; import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException; import org.dspace.content.*; import org.dspace.content.authority.Choices; import org.dspace.content.authority.factory.ContentAuthorityServiceFactory; import org.dspace.content.authority.service.ChoiceAuthorityService; import org.dspace.content.authority.service.MetadataAuthorityService; import org.dspace.content.factory.ContentServiceFactory; import org.dspace.core.Context; import org.dspace.services.factory.DSpaceServicesFactory; import org.dspace.submit.AbstractProcessingStep; /** * Describe step for DSpace submission process. Handles the gathering of * descriptive information (i.e. metadata) for an item being submitted into * DSpace. *

* This class performs all the behind-the-scenes processing that * this particular step requires. This class's methods are utilized * by both the JSP-UI and the Manakin XML-UI *

* * @see org.dspace.app.util.SubmissionConfig * @see org.dspace.app.util.SubmissionStepConfig * @see org.dspace.submit.AbstractProcessingStep * * @author Tim Donohue * @version $Revision$ */ public class DescribeStep extends AbstractProcessingStep { /** log4j logger */ private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DescribeStep.class); /** hash of all submission forms details */ private static DCInputsReader inputsReader = null; /*************************************************************************** * STATUS / ERROR FLAGS (returned by doProcessing() if an error occurs or * additional user interaction may be required) * * (Do NOT use status of 0, since it corresponds to STATUS_COMPLETE flag * defined in the JSPStepManager class) **************************************************************************/ // user requested an extra input field to be displayed public static final int STATUS_MORE_INPUT_REQUESTED = 1; // there were required fields that were not filled out public static final int STATUS_MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS = 2; // the metadata language qualifier public static final String LANGUAGE_QUALIFIER = getDefaultLanguageQualifier(); protected final ChoiceAuthorityService choiceAuthorityService; protected final MetadataAuthorityService metadataAuthorityService; /** Constructor */ public DescribeStep() throws ServletException { //load the DCInputsReader getInputsReader(); metadataAuthorityService = ContentAuthorityServiceFactory.getInstance().getMetadataAuthorityService(); choiceAuthorityService = ContentAuthorityServiceFactory.getInstance().getChoiceAuthorityService(); } /** * Do any processing of the information input by the user, and/or perform * step processing (if no user interaction required) *

* It is this method's job to save any data to the underlying database, as * necessary, and return error messages (if any) which can then be processed * by the appropriate user interface (JSP-UI or XML-UI) *

* NOTE: If this step is a non-interactive step (i.e. requires no UI), then * it should perform *all* of its processing in this method! * * @param context * current DSpace context * @param request * current servlet request object * @param response * current servlet response object * @param subInfo * submission info object * @return Status or error flag which will be processed by * doPostProcessing() below! (if STATUS_COMPLETE or 0 is returned, * no errors occurred!) */ @Override public int doProcessing(Context context, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, SubmissionInfo subInfo) throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException { if(!request.getParameterNames().hasMoreElements()){ //In case of an empty request do NOT just remove all metadata, just return to the submission page return STATUS_MORE_INPUT_REQUESTED; } // check what submit button was pressed in User Interface String buttonPressed = Util.getSubmitButton(request, NEXT_BUTTON); // get the item and current page Item item = subInfo.getSubmissionItem().getItem(); int currentPage = getCurrentPage(request); // lookup applicable inputs Collection c = subInfo.getSubmissionItem().getCollection(); DCInput[] inputs = null; try { inputs = inputsReader.getInputs(c.getHandle()).getPageRows( currentPage - 1, subInfo.getSubmissionItem().hasMultipleTitles(), subInfo.getSubmissionItem().isPublishedBefore()); } catch (DCInputsReaderException e) { throw new ServletException(e); } // Fetch the document type (dc.type) String documentType = ""; if( (itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(item, "dc.type") != null) && (itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(item, "dc.type").size() >0) ) { documentType = itemService.getMetadataByMetadataString(item, "dc.type").get(0).getValue(); } // Step 1: // clear out all item metadata defined on this page for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { // Allow the clearing out of the metadata defined for other document types, provided it can change anytime if (!inputs[i] .isVisible(subInfo.isInWorkflow() ? DCInput.WORKFLOW_SCOPE : DCInput.SUBMISSION_SCOPE)) { continue; } if (inputs[i].getInputType().equals("qualdrop_value")) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // This cast is correct List pairs = inputs[i].getPairs(); for (int j = 0; j < pairs.size(); j += 2) { String qualifier = pairs.get(j+1); itemService.clearMetadata(context, item, inputs[i].getSchema(), inputs[i].getElement(), qualifier, Item.ANY); } } else { String qualifier = inputs[i].getQualifier(); itemService.clearMetadata(context, item, inputs[i].getSchema(), inputs[i].getElement(), qualifier, Item.ANY); } } // Clear required-field errors first since missing authority // values can add them too. clearErrorFields(request); // Step 2: // now update the item metadata. String fieldName; boolean moreInput = false; for (int j = 0; j < inputs.length; j++) { // Omit fields not allowed for this document type if(!inputs[j].isAllowedFor(documentType)) { continue; } if (!inputs[j] .isVisible(subInfo.isInWorkflow() ? DCInput.WORKFLOW_SCOPE : DCInput.SUBMISSION_SCOPE)) { continue; } String element = inputs[j].getElement(); String qualifier = inputs[j].getQualifier(); String schema = inputs[j].getSchema(); if (qualifier != null && !qualifier.equals(Item.ANY)) { fieldName = schema + "_" + element + '_' + qualifier; } else { fieldName = schema + "_" + element; } String fieldKey = metadataAuthorityService.makeFieldKey(schema, element, qualifier); String inputType = inputs[j].getInputType(); if (inputType.equals("name")) { readNames(context, request, item, schema, element, qualifier, inputs[j] .getRepeatable()); } else if (inputType.equals("date")) { readDate(context, request, item, schema, element, qualifier); } // choice-controlled input with "select" presentation type is // always rendered as a dropdown menu else if (inputType.equals("dropdown") || inputType.equals("list") || (choiceAuthorityService.isChoicesConfigured(fieldKey) && "select".equals(choiceAuthorityService.getPresentation(fieldKey)))) { String[] vals = request.getParameterValues(fieldName); if (vals != null) { for (int z = 0; z < vals.length; z++) { if (!vals[z].equals("")) { itemService.addMetadata(context, item, schema, element, qualifier, LANGUAGE_QUALIFIER, vals[z]); } } } } else if (inputType.equals("series")) { readSeriesNumbers(context, request, item, schema, element, qualifier, inputs[j].getRepeatable()); } else if (inputType.equals("qualdrop_value")) { List quals = getRepeatedParameter(request, schema + "_" + element, schema + "_" + element + "_qualifier"); List vals = getRepeatedParameter(request, schema + "_" + element, schema + "_" + element + "_value"); for (int z = 0; z < vals.size(); z++) { String thisQual = quals.get(z); if ("".equals(thisQual)) { thisQual = null; } String thisVal = vals.get(z); if (!buttonPressed.equals("submit_" + schema + "_" + element + "_remove_" + z) && !thisVal.equals("")) { itemService.addMetadata(context, item, schema, element, thisQual, null, thisVal); } } } else if ((inputType.equals("onebox")) || (inputType.equals("twobox")) || (inputType.equals("textarea"))) { readText(context, request, item, schema, element, qualifier, inputs[j] .getRepeatable(), LANGUAGE_QUALIFIER, inputs[j].getLanguage()); } else { throw new ServletException("Field " + fieldName + " has an unknown input type: " + inputType); } // determine if more input fields were requested if (!moreInput && buttonPressed.equals("submit_" + fieldName + "_add")) { subInfo.setMoreBoxesFor(fieldName); subInfo.setJumpToField(fieldName); moreInput = true; } // was XMLUI's "remove" button pushed? else if (buttonPressed.equals("submit_" + fieldName + "_delete")) { subInfo.setJumpToField(fieldName); } } // Step 3: // Check to see if any fields are missing // Only check for required fields if user clicked the "next", the "previous" or the "progress bar" button if (buttonPressed.equals(NEXT_BUTTON) || buttonPressed.startsWith(PROGRESS_BAR_PREFIX) || buttonPressed.equals(PREVIOUS_BUTTON) || buttonPressed.equals(CANCEL_BUTTON)) { for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { // Do not check the required attribute if it is not visible or not allowed for the document type String scope = subInfo.isInWorkflow() ? DCInput.WORKFLOW_SCOPE : DCInput.SUBMISSION_SCOPE; if ( !( inputs[i].isVisible(scope) && inputs[i].isAllowedFor(documentType) ) ) { continue; } String qualifier = inputs[i].getQualifier(); if (qualifier == null && inputs[i].getInputType().equals("qualdrop_value")) { qualifier = Item.ANY; } List values = itemService.getMetadata(item, inputs[i].getSchema(), inputs[i].getElement(), qualifier, Item.ANY); if ((inputs[i].isRequired() && values.size() == 0) && inputs[i].isVisible(subInfo.isInWorkflow() ? DCInput.WORKFLOW_SCOPE : DCInput.SUBMISSION_SCOPE)) { // since this field is missing add to list of error fields addErrorField(request, getFieldName(inputs[i])); } } } // Step 4: // Save changes to database ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getInProgressSubmissionService(subInfo.getSubmissionItem()).update(context, subInfo.getSubmissionItem()); // commit changes context.dispatchEvents(); // check for request for more input fields, first if (moreInput) { return STATUS_MORE_INPUT_REQUESTED; } // if one or more fields errored out, return else if (getErrorFields(request) != null && getErrorFields(request).size() > 0) { return STATUS_MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS; } // completed without errors return STATUS_COMPLETE; } /** * Retrieves the number of pages that this "step" extends over. This method * is used to build the progress bar. *

* This method may just return 1 for most steps (since most steps consist of * a single page). But, it should return a number greater than 1 for any * "step" which spans across a number of HTML pages. For example, the * configurable "Describe" step (configured using input-forms.xml) overrides * this method to return the number of pages that are defined by its * configuration file. *

* Steps which are non-interactive (i.e. they do not display an interface to * the user) should return a value of 1, so that they are only processed * once! * * @param request * The HTTP Request * @param subInfo * The current submission information object * * @return the number of pages in this step */ @Override public int getNumberOfPages(HttpServletRequest request, SubmissionInfo subInfo) throws ServletException { // by default, use the "default" collection handle String collectionHandle = DCInputsReader.DEFAULT_COLLECTION; if (subInfo.getSubmissionItem() != null) { collectionHandle = subInfo.getSubmissionItem().getCollection() .getHandle(); } // get number of input pages (i.e. "Describe" pages) try { return getInputsReader().getNumberInputPages(collectionHandle); } catch (DCInputsReaderException e) { throw new ServletException(e); } } /** * * @return the current DCInputsReader */ public static DCInputsReader getInputsReader() throws ServletException { // load inputsReader only the first time if (inputsReader == null) { // read configurable submissions forms data try { inputsReader = new DCInputsReader(); } catch (DCInputsReaderException e) { throw new ServletException(e); } } return inputsReader; } /** * @param filename * file to get the input reader for * @return the current DCInputsReader */ public static DCInputsReader getInputsReader(String filename) throws ServletException { try { inputsReader = new DCInputsReader(filename); } catch (DCInputsReaderException e) { throw new ServletException(e); } return inputsReader; } /** * @return the default language qualifier for metadata */ public static String getDefaultLanguageQualifier() { String language = ""; language = DSpaceServicesFactory.getInstance().getConfigurationService().getProperty("default.language"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(language)) { language = "en"; } return language; } // **************************************************************** // **************************************************************** // METHODS FOR FILLING DC FIELDS FROM METADATA FORMS // **************************************************************** // **************************************************************** /** * Set relevant metadata fields in an item from name values in the form. * Some fields are repeatable in the form. If this is the case, and the * field is "dc.contributor.author", the names in the request will be from * the fields as follows: * * dc_contributor_author_last -> last name of first author * dc_contributor_author_first -> first name(s) of first author * dc_contributor_author_last_1 -> last name of second author * dc_contributor_author_first_1 -> first name(s) of second author * * and so on. If the field is unqualified: * * dc_contributor_last -> last name of first contributor * dc_contributor_first -> first name(s) of first contributor * * If the parameter "submit_dc_contributor_author_remove_n" is set, that * value is removed. * * Otherwise the parameters are of the form: * * dc_contributor_author_last dc_contributor_author_first * * The values will be put in separate DCValues, in the form "last name, * first name(s)", ordered as they appear in the list. These will replace * any existing values. * * @param request * the request object * @param item * the item to update * @param schema * the metadata schema * @param element * the metadata element * @param qualifier * the metadata qualifier, or null if unqualified * @param repeated * set to true if the field is repeatable on the form */ protected void readNames(Context context, HttpServletRequest request, Item item, String schema, String element, String qualifier, boolean repeated) throws SQLException { String metadataField = metadataFieldService.findByElement(context, schema, element, qualifier).toString(); String fieldKey = metadataAuthorityService.makeFieldKey(schema, element, qualifier); boolean isAuthorityControlled = metadataAuthorityService.isAuthorityControlled(fieldKey); // Names to add List firsts = new LinkedList(); List lasts = new LinkedList(); List auths = new LinkedList(); List confs = new LinkedList(); if (repeated) { firsts = getRepeatedParameter(request, metadataField, metadataField + "_first"); lasts = getRepeatedParameter(request, metadataField, metadataField + "_last"); if(isAuthorityControlled) { auths = getRepeatedParameter(request, metadataField, metadataField + "_authority"); confs = getRepeatedParameter(request, metadataField, metadataField + "_confidence"); } // Find out if the relevant "remove" button was pressed // TODO: These separate remove buttons are only relevant // for DSpace JSP UI, and the code below can be removed // once the DSpace JSP UI is obsolete! String buttonPressed = Util.getSubmitButton(request, ""); String removeButton = "submit_" + metadataField + "_remove_"; if (buttonPressed.startsWith(removeButton)) { int valToRemove = Integer.parseInt(buttonPressed .substring(removeButton.length())); firsts.remove(valToRemove); lasts.remove(valToRemove); if(isAuthorityControlled) { if(valToRemove < auths.size()) { auths.remove(valToRemove); confs.remove(valToRemove); } } } } else { // Just a single name String lastName = request.getParameter(metadataField + "_last"); String firstNames = request.getParameter(metadataField + "_first"); String authority = request.getParameter(metadataField + "_authority"); String confidence = request.getParameter(metadataField + "_confidence"); if (lastName != null) { lasts.add(lastName); } if (firstNames != null) { firsts.add(firstNames); } auths.add(authority == null ? "" : authority); confs.add(confidence == null ? "" : confidence); } // Remove existing values, already done in doProcessing see also bug DS-203 // item.clearMetadata(schema, element, qualifier, Item.ANY); // Put the names in the correct form for (int i = 0; i < lasts.size(); i++) { String f = firsts.get(i); String l = lasts.get(i); // only add if lastname is non-empty if ((l != null) && !((l.trim()).equals(""))) { // Ensure first name non-null if (f == null) { f = ""; } // If there is a comma in the last name, we take everything // after that comma, and add it to the right of the // first name int comma = l.indexOf(','); if (comma >= 0) { f = f + l.substring(comma + 1); l = l.substring(0, comma); // Remove leading whitespace from first name while (f.startsWith(" ")) { f = f.substring(1); } } // Add to the database -- unless required authority is missing if (isAuthorityControlled) { String authKey = auths.size() > i ? auths.get(i) : null; String sconf = (authKey != null && confs.size() > i) ? confs.get(i) : null; if (metadataAuthorityService.isAuthorityRequired(fieldKey) && (authKey == null || authKey.length() == 0)) { log.warn("Skipping value of "+metadataField+" because the required Authority key is missing or empty."); addErrorField(request, metadataField); } else { itemService.addMetadata(context, item, schema, element, qualifier, null, new DCPersonName(l, f).toString(), authKey, (sconf != null && sconf.length() > 0) ? Choices.getConfidenceValue(sconf) : Choices.CF_ACCEPTED); } } else { itemService.addMetadata(context, item, schema, element, qualifier, null, new DCPersonName(l, f).toString()); } } } } /** * Fill out an item's metadata values from a plain standard text field. If * the field isn't repeatable, the input field name is called: * * element_qualifier * * or for an unqualified element: * * element * * Repeated elements are appended with an underscore then an integer. e.g.: * * dc_title_alternative dc_title_alternative_1 * * The values will be put in separate DCValues, ordered as they appear in * the list. These will replace any existing values. * * @param request * the request object * @param item * the item to update * @param schema * the short schema name * @param element * the metadata element * @param qualifier * the metadata qualifier, or null if unqualified * @param repeated * set to true if the field is repeatable on the form * @param lang * language to set (ISO code) * @param hasLanguageTag * to check if the field has a language tag */ protected void readText(Context context, HttpServletRequest request, Item item, String schema, String element, String qualifier, boolean repeated, String lang, boolean hasLanguageTag) throws SQLException { // FIXME: Of course, language should be part of form, or determined // some other way String metadataField = metadataFieldService.findByElement(context, schema, element, qualifier).toString(); String fieldKey = metadataAuthorityService.makeFieldKey(schema, element, qualifier); boolean isAuthorityControlled = metadataAuthorityService.isAuthorityControlled(fieldKey); // Values to add TreeMap vals = null; List auths = null; List confs = null; if (repeated) { vals = getRepeatedParameterWithTheirIndices(request, metadataField, metadataField); if (isAuthorityControlled) { auths = getRepeatedParameter(request, metadataField, metadataField+"_authority"); confs = getRepeatedParameter(request, metadataField, metadataField+"_confidence"); } // Find out if the relevant "remove" button was pressed // TODO: These separate remove buttons are only relevant // for DSpace JSP UI, and the code below can be removed // once the DSpace JSP UI is obsolete! String buttonPressed = Util.getSubmitButton(request, ""); String removeButton = "submit_" + metadataField + "_remove_"; if (buttonPressed.startsWith(removeButton)) { int valToRemove = Integer.parseInt(buttonPressed .substring(removeButton.length())); //find the key from the given position //for more information take a look at < Edit-metadata.jsp> int key = vals.keySet().toArray(new Integer[vals.size()])[valToRemove]; vals.remove(key); if(isAuthorityControlled) { auths.remove(valToRemove); confs.remove(valToRemove); } } } else { // Just a single name vals = new TreeMap(); String value = request.getParameter(metadataField); if (value != null) { vals.put(0, value.trim()); } if (isAuthorityControlled) { auths = new LinkedList(); confs = new LinkedList(); String av = request.getParameter(metadataField+"_authority"); String cv = request.getParameter(metadataField+"_confidence"); auths.add(av == null ? "":av.trim()); confs.add(cv == null ? "":cv.trim()); } } // Remove existing values, already done in doProcessing see also bug DS-203 // item.clearMetadata(schema, element, qualifier, Item.ANY); int i=0; // Put the names in the correct form for(Map.Entry entry: vals.entrySet()) { // Add to the database if non-empty String s = entry.getValue(); int key = entry.getKey(); if ((s != null) && !s.equals("")) { if (hasLanguageTag && !repeated && key == 0) { // the field is like dc_title[lang] for none repeatable element, // dc_title_alternative_2[lang] otherwise lang = request.getParameter(metadataField + "[lang]"); } else if (hasLanguageTag && repeated) { lang = request.getParameter(metadataField + "_" + key + "[lang]"); } if (isAuthorityControlled) { String authKey = auths.size() > i ? auths.get(i) : null; String sconf = (authKey != null && confs.size() > i) ? confs.get(i) : null; if (metadataAuthorityService.isAuthorityRequired(fieldKey) && (authKey == null || authKey.length() == 0)) { log.warn("Skipping value of "+metadataField+" because the required Authority key is missing or empty."); addErrorField(request, metadataField); } else { itemService.addMetadata(context, item, schema, element, qualifier, lang, s, authKey, (sconf != null && sconf.length() > 0) ? Choices.getConfidenceValue(sconf) : Choices.CF_ACCEPTED); } } else { itemService.addMetadata(context, item, schema, element, qualifier, lang, s); } } i++; } } /** * Fill out a metadata date field with the value from a form. The date is * taken from the three parameters: * * element_qualifier_year element_qualifier_month element_qualifier_day * * The granularity is determined by the values that are actually set. If the * year isn't set (or is invalid) * * @param request * the request object * @param item * the item to update * @param schema * the metadata schema * @param element * the metadata element * @param qualifier * the metadata qualifier, or null if unqualified * @throws SQLException if database error */ protected void readDate(Context context, HttpServletRequest request, Item item, String schema, String element, String qualifier) throws SQLException { String metadataField = metadataFieldService.findByElement(context, schema, element, qualifier).toString(); int year = Util.getIntParameter(request, metadataField + "_year"); int month = Util.getIntParameter(request, metadataField + "_month"); int day = Util.getIntParameter(request, metadataField + "_day"); // FIXME: Probably should be some more validation // Make a standard format date DCDate d = new DCDate(year, month, day, -1, -1, -1); // already done in doProcessing see also bug DS-203 // item.clearMetadata(schema, element, qualifier, Item.ANY); if (year > 0) { // Only put in date if there is one! itemService.addMetadata(context, item, schema, element, qualifier, null, d.toString()); } } /** * Set relevant metadata fields in an item from series/number values in the * form. Some fields are repeatable in the form. If this is the case, and * the field is "relation.ispartof", the names in the request will be from * the fields as follows: * * dc_relation_ispartof_series dc_relation_ispartof_number * dc_relation_ispartof_series_1 dc_relation_ispartof_number_1 * * and so on. If the field is unqualified: * * dc_relation_series dc_relation_number * * Otherwise the parameters are of the form: * * dc_relation_ispartof_series dc_relation_ispartof_number * * The values will be put in separate DCValues, in the form "last name, * first name(s)", ordered as they appear in the list. These will replace * any existing values. * * @param request * the request object * @param item * the item to update * @param schema * the metadata schema * @param element * the metadata element * @param qualifier * the metadata qualifier, or null if unqualified * @param repeated * set to true if the field is repeatable on the form */ protected void readSeriesNumbers(Context context, HttpServletRequest request, Item item, String schema, String element, String qualifier, boolean repeated) throws SQLException { String metadataField = metadataFieldService.findByElement(context, schema, element, qualifier).toString(); // Names to add List series = new LinkedList(); List numbers = new LinkedList(); if (repeated) { series = getRepeatedParameter(request, metadataField, metadataField + "_series"); numbers = getRepeatedParameter(request, metadataField, metadataField + "_number"); // Find out if the relevant "remove" button was pressed String buttonPressed = Util.getSubmitButton(request, ""); String removeButton = "submit_" + metadataField + "_remove_"; if (buttonPressed.startsWith(removeButton)) { int valToRemove = Integer.parseInt(buttonPressed .substring(removeButton.length())); series.remove(valToRemove); numbers.remove(valToRemove); } } else { // Just a single name String s = request.getParameter(metadataField + "_series"); String n = request.getParameter(metadataField + "_number"); // Only put it in if there was a name present if ((s != null) && !s.equals("")) { // if number is null, just set to a nullstring if (n == null) { n = ""; } series.add(s); numbers.add(n); } } // Remove existing values, already done in doProcessing see also bug DS-203 // item.clearMetadata(schema, element, qualifier, Item.ANY); // Put the names in the correct form for (int i = 0; i < series.size(); i++) { String s = (series.get(i)).trim(); String n = (numbers.get(i)).trim(); // Only add non-empty if (!s.equals("") || !n.equals("")) { itemService.addMetadata(context, item, schema, element, qualifier, null, new DCSeriesNumber(s, n).toString()); } } } /** * Get repeated values from a form. If "foo" is passed in as the parameter, * values in the form of parameters "foo", "foo_1", "foo_2", etc. are * returned. *

* This method can also handle "composite fields" (metadata fields which may * require multiple params, etc. a first name and last name). * * @param request * the HTTP request containing the form information * @param metadataField * the metadata field which can store repeated values * @param param * the repeated parameter on the page (used to fill out the * metadataField) * * @return a List of Strings */ protected List getRepeatedParameter(HttpServletRequest request, String metadataField, String param) { List vals = new LinkedList(); int i = 1; //start index at the first of the previously entered values boolean foundLast = false; // Iterate through the values in the form. while (!foundLast) { String s = null; //First, add the previously entered values. // This ensures we preserve the order that these values were entered s = request.getParameter(param + "_" + i); // If there are no more previously entered values, // see if there's a new value entered in textbox if (s==null) { s = request.getParameter(param); //this will be the last value added foundLast = true; } // We're only going to add non-null values if (s != null) { boolean addValue = true; // Check to make sure that this value was not selected to be // removed. // (This is for the "remove multiple" option available in // Manakin) String[] selected = request.getParameterValues(metadataField + "_selected"); if (selected != null) { for (int j = 0; j < selected.length; j++) { if (selected[j].equals(metadataField + "_" + i)) { addValue = false; } } } if (addValue) { vals.add(s.trim()); } } i++; } log.debug("getRepeatedParameter: metadataField=" + metadataField + " param=" + metadataField + ", return count = "+vals.size()); return vals; } /** * This Methode has the same function as the getRepeatedParameter. * For repeated values with language tag their indices are needed to * properly identify their language tag * * @param request * the HTTP request containing the form information * @param metadataField * the metadata field which can store repeated values * @param param * the repeated parameter on the page (used to fill out the * metadataField) * @return a TreeMap of Integer and Strings */ protected TreeMap getRepeatedParameterWithTheirIndices(HttpServletRequest request, String metadataField, String param) { LinkedHashMap vals = new LinkedHashMap(); int i = 1; //start index at the first of the previously entered values boolean foundLast = false; // Iterate through the values in the form. while (!foundLast) { String s = null; //First, add the previously entered values. // This ensures we preserve the order that these values were entered s = request.getParameter(param + "_" + i); // If there are no more previously entered values, // see if there's a new value entered in textbox if (s==null) { s = request.getParameter(param); //this will be the last value added foundLast = true; } // We're only going to add non-null values if (s != null) { boolean addValue = true; // Check to make sure that this value was not selected to be // removed. String[] selected = request.getParameterValues(metadataField + "_selected"); if (selected != null) { for (int j = 0; j < selected.length; j++) { if (selected[j].equals(metadataField + "_" + i)) { addValue = false; } } } if (addValue) { vals.put(i, s.trim()); } } i++; } log.debug("getRepeatedParameterWithTheirIndices: metadataField=" + metadataField + " param=" + metadataField + ", return count = "+vals.size()); return new TreeMap(vals); } /** * Return the HTML / DRI field name for the given input. * * @param input */ public static String getFieldName(DCInput input) { String dcSchema = input.getSchema(); String dcElement = input.getElement(); String dcQualifier = input.getQualifier(); if (dcQualifier != null && !dcQualifier.equals(Item.ANY)) { return dcSchema + "_" + dcElement + '_' + dcQualifier; } else { return dcSchema + "_" + dcElement; } } }