definitions: credential.CredentialSchema: properties: digestSRI: type: string id: type: string type: type: string required: - id - type type: object credential.CredentialSubject: additionalProperties: {} type: object credential.Prohibition: properties: action: items: type: string type: array assignee: type: string assigner: type: string target: type: string type: object credential.RefreshService: properties: id: type: string type: type: string required: - id - type type: object credential.TermsOfUse: properties: id: type: string profile: type: string prohibition: items: $ref: '#/definitions/credential.Prohibition' type: array type: type: string type: object credential.VerifiableCredential: properties: '@context': description: Either a string or set of strings credentialSchema: $ref: '#/definitions/credential.CredentialSchema' credentialStatus: {} credentialSubject: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/credential.CredentialSubject' description: This is where the subject's ID *may* be present evidence: items: {} type: array expirationDate: type: string id: type: string issuanceDate: description: type: string issuer: description: either a URI or an object containing an `id` property. proof: description: |- For embedded proof support Proof is a digital signature over a credential refreshService: $ref: '#/definitions/credential.RefreshService' termsOfUse: items: $ref: '#/definitions/credential.TermsOfUse' type: array type: description: Either a string or a set of strings required: - '@context' - credentialSubject - issuanceDate - issuer - type type: object credential.VerifiablePresentation: properties: '@context': description: Either a string or set of strings holder: type: string id: type: string presentation_submission: description: an optional field as a part of proof: {} type: {} verifiableCredential: description: Verifiable credential could be our object model, a JWT, or any other valid credential representation items: {} type: array required: - type type: object crypto.KeyType: enum: - Ed25519 - X25519 - secp256k1 - secp256k1-ECDSA - P-224 - P-256 - P-384 - P-521 - RSA - BLS12381G1 - BLS12381G2 - Dilithium2 - Dilithium3 - Dilithium5 type: string x-enum-varnames: - Ed25519 - X25519 - SECP256k1 - SECP256k1ECDSA - P224 - P256 - P384 - P521 - RSA - BLS12381G1 - BLS12381G2 - Dilithium2 - Dilithium3 - Dilithium5 crypto.SignatureAlgorithm: enum: - EdDSA - ES256K - ES256 - ES384 - PS256 - Dilithium2 - Dilithium3 - Dilithium5 type: string x-enum-varnames: - EdDSA - ES256K - ES256 - ES384 - PS256 - Dilithium2Sig - Dilithium3Sig - Dilithium5Sig did.Document: properties: '@context': {} alsoKnownAs: type: string assertionMethod: items: {} type: array authentication: items: {} type: array capabilityDelegation: items: {} type: array capabilityInvocation: items: {} type: array controller: type: string id: description: |- As per intermediate representations of DID Documents do not require an ID property. The provided test vectors demonstrate IRs. As such, the property is optional. type: string keyAgreement: items: {} type: array service: items: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_TBD54566975_ssi-sdk_did.Service' type: array verificationMethod: items: $ref: '#/definitions/did.VerificationMethod' type: array type: object did.Method: enum: - key - peer - pkh - web - ion - jwk type: string x-enum-varnames: - KeyMethod - PeerMethod - PKHMethod - WebMethod - IONMethod - JWKMethod did.PublicKeyPurpose: enum: - authentication - assertionMethod - capabilityInvocation - capabilityDelegation - keyAgreement type: string x-enum-varnames: - Authentication - AssertionMethod - CapabilityInvocation - CapabilityDelegation - KeyAgreement did.VerificationMethod: properties: blockchainAccountId: description: for PKH DIDs - type: string controller: type: string id: type: string publicKeyBase58: type: string publicKeyJwk: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/jwx.PublicKeyJWK' description: must conform to publicKeyMultibase: description: type: string type: type: string required: - controller - id - type type: object exchange.ClaimFormat: properties: jwt: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.JWTType' jwt_vc: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.JWTType' jwt_vp: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.JWTType' ldp: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.LDPType' ldp_vc: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.LDPType' ldp_vp: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.LDPType' type: object exchange.Constraints: properties: fields: items: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.Field' type: array is_holder: items: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.RelationalConstraint' type: array limit_disclosure: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.Preference' same_subject: items: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.RelationalConstraint' type: array statuses: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.CredentialStatus' description: subject_is_issuer: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.Preference' description: type: object exchange.CredentialStatus: properties: active: properties: directive: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.Preference' type: object revoked: properties: directive: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.Preference' type: object suspended: properties: directive: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.Preference' type: object type: object exchange.Field: properties: filter: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.Filter' id: type: string intent_to_retain: description: type: boolean name: type: string optional: type: boolean path: items: type: string type: array predicate: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.Preference' description: |- If a predicate property is present, filter must be too purpose: type: string required: - path type: object exchange.Filter: properties: additionalProperties: type: boolean allOf: {} const: {} enum: items: {} type: array exclusiveMaximum: {} exclusiveMinimum: {} format: type: string maxLength: type: integer maximum: {} minLength: type: integer minimum: {} not: {} oneOf: {} pattern: type: string properties: {} required: items: type: string type: array type: type: string type: object exchange.InputDescriptor: properties: constraints: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.Constraints' format: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.ClaimFormat' group: description: Must match a grouping strings listed in the `from` values of a submission requirement rule items: type: string type: array id: description: Must be unique within the Presentation Definition type: string name: type: string purpose: description: Purpose for which claim's data is being requested type: string required: - constraints - id type: object exchange.JWTType: properties: alg: items: $ref: '#/definitions/crypto.SignatureAlgorithm' type: array required: - alg type: object exchange.LDPType: properties: proof_type: items: type: string type: array required: - proof_type type: object exchange.Preference: enum: - required - preferred - allowed - disallowed type: string x-enum-varnames: - Required - Preferred - Allowed - Disallowed exchange.PresentationDefinition: properties: format: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.ClaimFormat' frame: description: id: type: string input_descriptors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.InputDescriptor' type: array name: type: string purpose: type: string submission_requirements: items: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.SubmissionRequirement' type: array required: - id - input_descriptors type: object exchange.PresentationSubmission: properties: definition_id: type: string descriptor_map: items: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.SubmissionDescriptor' type: array id: type: string required: - definition_id - descriptor_map - id type: object exchange.RelationalConstraint: properties: directive: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.Preference' field_id: items: type: string type: array required: - directive - field_id type: object exchange.Selection: enum: - all - pick type: string x-enum-varnames: - All - Pick exchange.SubmissionDescriptor: properties: format: type: string id: description: Must match the `id` property of the corresponding input descriptor type: string path: type: string path_nested: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.SubmissionDescriptor' required: - format - id - path type: object exchange.SubmissionRequirement: properties: count: minimum: 1 type: integer from: type: string from_nested: items: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.SubmissionRequirement' type: array max: type: integer min: type: integer name: type: string purpose: type: string rule: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.Selection' required: - rule type: object github_com_TBD54566975_ssi-sdk_did.Service: properties: accept: items: type: string type: array id: type: string routingKeys: items: type: string type: array serviceEndpoint: description: |- A string, map, or set composed of one or more strings and/or maps All string values must be valid URIs type: type: string required: - id - serviceEndpoint - type type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_internal_credential.Container: properties: credential: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/credential.VerifiableCredential' description: |- Verifiable Credential in the `application/vc+ld+json` format. The credential is secured with an external proof using JWS. In other words, the `proof` field is not present. See `credentialJwt` for the secured Verifiable Credential. credentialJwt: description: |- JWT representation of `credential`, secured with an external proof. Verification can be done according to `fullyQualifiedVerificationMethodId`. type: string fullyQualifiedVerificationMethodId: description: |- Fully qualified verification method ID that can be used to verify the credential. For example `did:ion:EiDpQBo_nEfuLVeppgmPVQNEhtrnZLWFsB9ziZUuaKCJ3Q#83526c36-136c-423b-a57a-f190b83ae531`. type: string id: description: |- UUID assigned by the ssi-service. For example, 48958871-6a6d-4a25-889f-88c9c6835780. The `` value will be a URL that can be dereferenced, which includes this ID. type: string revoked: description: Whether this credential is currently revoked. type: boolean suspended: description: Whether this credential is currently suspended. type: boolean type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_credential.Status: properties: id: description: ID of the credentials whose status this object represents. type: string revoked: type: boolean suspended: type: boolean required: - revoked - suspended type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_did.CreateIONDIDOptions: properties: jwsPublicKeys: description: |- List of JSON Web Signatures serialized using compact serialization. The payload must be a JSON object that represents a publicKey object. Such object must follow the schema described in step 3 of The payload must be signed with the private key associated with the `publicKeyJwk` that will be added in the DID document. The input will be parsed and verified, and the payload will be used to add public keys to the DID document in the same way in which the `add-public-keys` patch action adds keys (see items: type: string type: array serviceEndpoints: description: Services to add to the DID document that will be created. items: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_TBD54566975_ssi-sdk_did.Service' type: array type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_framework.Status: properties: message: description: When `status` is `"not_ready"`, message contains an explanation of why it's not ready. type: string status: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_framework.StatusState' description: Enum of the status. type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_framework.StatusState: enum: - ready - not_ready type: string x-enum-varnames: - StatusReady - StatusNotReady github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_issuance.ClaimTemplates: additionalProperties: {} type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_issuance.CredentialTemplate: properties: credentialInputDescriptor: description: |- Optional. When present, it's the ID of the input descriptor in the application. Corresponds to one of the PresentationDefinition.InputDescriptors[].ID in the credential manifest. When creating a credential, the base data will be populated from the provided submission that matches this ID. When absent, there will be no base data for the credentials created. Additionally, no JSON path strings in ClaimTemplates.Data will be resolved. type: string data: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_issuance.ClaimTemplates' description: |- Data that will be used to determine credential claims. Values may be json path like strings, or any other JSON primitive. Each entry will be used to come up with a claim about the credentialSubject in the credential that will be issued. expiry: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_issuance.TimeLike' description: Parameter to determine the expiry of the credential. id: description: ID corresponding to an OutputDescriptor.ID from the manifest. type: string revocable: description: Whether the credentials created should be revocable. type: boolean schema: description: ID of the CredentialSchema to be used for the issued credential. type: string type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_issuance.Template: properties: credentialManifest: description: ID of the credential manifest that this template corresponds to. type: string credentials: description: Info required to create a credential from a credential application. items: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_issuance.CredentialTemplate' type: array id: description: ID of this template. type: string issuer: description: ID of the issuer that will be issuing the credentials. type: string verificationMethodId: description: |- The id of the verificationMethod (see who's privateKey is stored in ssi-service. The verificationMethod must be part of the did document associated with `issuer`. The private key associated with the verificationMethod's publicKey will be used to sign the credentials. example: did:key:z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3#z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3 type: string required: - credentialManifest - issuer - verificationMethodId type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_issuance.TimeLike: properties: duration: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/time.Duration' description: For a fixed offset from when it was issued. time: description: For fixed time in the future. type: string type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_manifest_model.CredentialOverride: properties: data: additionalProperties: {} description: Data that will be used to determine credential claims. type: object expiry: description: Parameter to determine the expiry of the credential. type: string revocable: description: Whether the credentials created should be revocable. type: boolean type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_manifest_model.Request: properties: audience: description: Audience as defined in items: type: string type: array callbackUrl: description: |- The URL that the presenter should be submitting the presentation submission to. Optional. example: type: string credentialManifestJwt: description: |- CredentialManifestJWT is a JWT token with a "presentation_definition" claim and an optional "callbackUrl" claim within it. The value of the field named "" matches PresentationDefinitionID. This is an output only field. type: string expiration: description: Expiration as defined in type: string id: description: |- ID for this request. It matches the "jti" claim in the JWT. This is an output only field. type: string issuerId: description: DID of the issuer of this presentation definition. type: string manifestId: description: ID of the credential manifest used for this request. type: string verificationMethodId: description: |- The id of the verificationMethod (see who's privateKey is stored in ssi-service. The verificationMethod must be part of the did document associated with `issuer`. The private key associated with the verificationMethod's publicKey will be used to sign the JWT. example: did:key:z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3#z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3 type: string required: - issuerId - manifestId - verificationMethodId type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_presentation_model.Request: properties: audience: description: Audience as defined in items: type: string type: array callbackUrl: description: |- The URL that the presenter should be submitting the presentation submission to. Optional. example: type: string expiration: description: Expiration as defined in type: string id: description: |- ID for this request. It matches the "jti" claim in the JWT. This is an output only field. type: string issuerId: description: DID of the issuer of this presentation definition. type: string presentationDefinitionId: description: ID of the presentation definition used for this request. type: string presentationRequestJwt: description: |- PresentationDefinitionJWT is a JWT token with a "presentation_definition" claim and an optional "callbackUrl" claim within it. The value of the field named "" matches PresentationDefinitionID. This is an output only field. type: string verificationMethodId: description: |- The id of the verificationMethod (see who's privateKey is stored in ssi-service. The verificationMethod must be part of the did document associated with `issuer`. The private key associated with the verificationMethod's publicKey will be used to sign the JWT. example: did:key:z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3#z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3 type: string required: - issuerId - presentationDefinitionId - verificationMethodId type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_presentation_model.Submission: properties: reason: description: The reason why the submission was approved or denied. type: string status: description: One of {`pending`, `approved`, `denied`, `cancelled`}. type: string verifiablePresentation: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/credential.VerifiablePresentation' description: The verifiable presentation containing the presentation_submission along with the credentials presented. required: - status type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.GetSupportedNounsResponse: properties: nouns: items: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.Noun' type: array type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.GetSupportedVerbsResponse: properties: verbs: items: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.Verb' type: array type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.Noun: enum: - Credential - DID - Manifest - SchemaID - Presentation - Application - Submission type: string x-enum-varnames: - Credential - DID - Manifest - Schema - Presentation - Application - Submission github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.Verb: enum: - BatchCreate - Create - Delete type: string x-enum-varnames: - BatchCreate - Create - Delete github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.Webhook: properties: noun: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.Noun' urls: items: type: string type: array verb: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.Verb' required: - noun - urls - verb type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_well-known.VerifyDIDConfigurationRequest: properties: origin: description: |- Represents an origin to fetch the DID Configuration Resource from. Must be serialized as described in The `scheme` MUST be `https`. example: type: string required: - origin type: object github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_well-known.VerifyDIDConfigurationResponse: properties: didConfiguration: description: The configuration that was fetched from the origin's well known location. type: string reason: description: When Verified == false, the reason why it wasn't verified. type: string verified: description: Whether the DIDConfiguration was verified. type: boolean type: object ion.PublicKey: properties: id: type: string publicKeyJwk: $ref: '#/definitions/jwx.PublicKeyJWK' purposes: items: $ref: '#/definitions/did.PublicKeyPurpose' type: array type: type: string type: object jwx.PublicKeyJWK: properties: alg: type: string crv: type: string e: type: string key_ops: type: string kid: type: string kty: type: string "n": type: string use: type: string x: type: string "y": type: string required: - kty type: object manifest.CredentialApplication: properties: applicant: type: string format: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.ClaimFormat' id: type: string manifest_id: type: string presentation_submission: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.PresentationSubmission' description: Must be present if the corresponding manifest contains a presentation_definition spec_version: type: string required: - applicant - format - id - manifest_id - spec_version type: object manifest.CredentialManifest: properties: description: type: string format: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.ClaimFormat' id: type: string issuer: $ref: '#/definitions/manifest.Issuer' name: type: string output_descriptors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/manifest.OutputDescriptor' type: array presentation_definition: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.PresentationDefinition' spec_version: type: string required: - id - issuer - output_descriptors - spec_version type: object manifest.CredentialResponse: properties: applicant: type: string application_id: type: string denial: properties: input_descriptors: items: type: string type: array reason: type: string required: - reason type: object fulfillment: properties: descriptor_map: items: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.SubmissionDescriptor' type: array required: - descriptor_map type: object id: type: string manifest_id: type: string spec_version: type: string required: - id - manifest_id - spec_version type: object manifest.Issuer: properties: id: type: string name: type: string styles: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.EntityStyleDescriptor' description: |- an object or URI as defined by the DIF Entity Styles specification required: - id type: object manifest.OutputDescriptor: properties: description: type: string display: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.DataDisplay' description: 'both below: an object or URI as defined by the DIF Entity Styles specification' id: description: Must be unique within a manifest type: string name: type: string schema: type: string styles: $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.EntityStyleDescriptor' required: - id - schema type: object pkg_server_router.BatchCreateCredentialsRequest: properties: requests: description: Required. The list of create credential requests. Cannot be more than {{.Services.CredentialConfig.BatchCreateMaxItems}} items. items: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateCredentialRequest' type: array required: - requests type: object pkg_server_router.BatchCreateCredentialsResponse: properties: credentials: description: The credentials created. items: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_internal_credential.Container' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.BatchCreateDIDsRequest: properties: requests: description: Required. The list of create credential requests. Cannot be more than {{.Services.DIDConfig.BatchCreateMaxItems}} items. items: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateDIDByMethodRequest' type: array required: - requests type: object pkg_server_router.BatchCreateDIDsResponse: properties: dids: description: The DID documents created. items: $ref: '#/definitions/did.Document' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.BatchUpdateCredentialStatusRequest: properties: requests: description: Required. The list of update credential requests. Cannot be more than the config value in `services.credentials.batch_update_status_max_items`. items: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.SingleUpdateCredentialStatusRequest' type: array required: - requests type: object pkg_server_router.BatchUpdateCredentialStatusResponse: properties: credentialStatuses: items: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_credential.Status' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.CreateCredentialRequest: properties: '@context': description: A context is optional. If not present, we'll apply default, required context values. example: "" type: string data: additionalProperties: type: string description: Claims about the subject. The keys should be predicates (e.g. "alumniOf"), and the values can be any object. example: alumniOf: did_for_uni type: object evidence: description: Optional. Corresponds to `evidence` in example: - '[{"id":""' - '"type":["DocumentVerification"]}]' items: {} type: array expiry: description: Optional. Corresponds to `expirationDate` in example: "2029-01-01T19:23:24Z" type: string issuer: description: The issuer id. example: did:key:z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3 type: string revocable: description: |- Whether this credential can be revoked. When true, the created VC will have the "credentialStatus" property set. example: true type: boolean schemaId: description: A schema ID is optional. If present, we'll attempt to look it up and validate the data against it. example: 30e3f9b7-0528-4f6f-8aac-b74c8843187a type: string subject: description: The subject id. example: did:key:z6MkiTBz1ymuepAQ4HEHYSF1H8quG5GLVVQR3djdX3mDooWp type: string suspendable: description: |- Whether this credential can be suspended. When true, the created VC will have the "credentialStatus" property set. example: false type: boolean verificationMethodId: description: |- The id of the verificationMethod (see who's privateKey is stored in ssi-service. The verificationMethod must be part of the did document associated with `issuer`. The private key associated with the verificationMethod's publicKey will be used to sign the credential. example: did:key:z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3#z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3 type: string required: - data - issuer - subject - verificationMethodId type: object pkg_server_router.CreateCredentialResponse: properties: credential: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/credential.VerifiableCredential' description: |- Verifiable Credential in the `application/vc+ld+json` format. The credential is secured with an external proof using JWS. In other words, the `proof` field is not present. See `credentialJwt` for the secured Verifiable Credential. credentialJwt: description: |- JWT representation of `credential`, secured with an external proof. Verification can be done according to `fullyQualifiedVerificationMethodId`. type: string fullyQualifiedVerificationMethodId: description: |- Fully qualified verification method ID that can be used to verify the credential. For example `did:ion:EiDpQBo_nEfuLVeppgmPVQNEhtrnZLWFsB9ziZUuaKCJ3Q#83526c36-136c-423b-a57a-f190b83ae531`. type: string id: description: |- UUID assigned by the ssi-service. For example, 48958871-6a6d-4a25-889f-88c9c6835780. The `` value will be a URL that can be dereferenced, which includes this ID. type: string revoked: description: Whether this credential is currently revoked. type: boolean suspended: description: Whether this credential is currently suspended. type: boolean type: object pkg_server_router.CreateDIDByMethodRequest: properties: keyType: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/crypto.KeyType' description: Identifies the cryptographic algorithm family to use when generating this key. options: description: Options for creating the DID. Implementation dependent on the method. required: - keyType type: object pkg_server_router.CreateDIDByMethodResponse: properties: did: $ref: '#/definitions/did.Document' type: object pkg_server_router.CreateDIDConfigurationRequest: properties: expirationDate: description: Will be used to set the `DomainLinkageCredential.credentialSubject.expirationDate`. Required. example: "2051-10-05T14:48:00.000Z" type: string issuanceDate: description: |- Will be used to set the `DomainLinkageCredential.credentialSubject.issuanceDate`. If left empty, then the current time will be used. Optional. example: "2021-10-05T14:48:00.000Z" type: string issuerDid: description: |- DID that identifies who the issuer of the credential(s) will be. Required. example: did:key:z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3 type: string origin: description: |- Serialization of an origin as described in Represents the origin that the IssuerDID controls, which will be included in the `DomainLinkageCredential.credentialSubject.origin` value. Required. example: type: string verificationMethodId: description: |- The id of the verificationMethod (see who's privateKey is stored in ssi-service. The verificationMethod must be part of the did document associated with `issuer`. The private key associated with the verificationMethod's publicKey will be used to sign the domain linkage credential. Required. example: did:key:z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3#z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3 type: string required: - expirationDate - issuerDid - origin - verificationMethodId type: object pkg_server_router.CreateDIDConfigurationResponse: properties: didConfiguration: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.DIDConfiguration' description: The DID Configuration Resource according to wellKnownLocation: description: The location in which the `didConfiguration` value should be hosted. type: string type: object pkg_server_router.CreateIssuanceTemplateRequest: properties: credentialManifest: description: ID of the credential manifest that this template corresponds to. type: string credentials: description: Info required to create a credential from a credential application. items: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_issuance.CredentialTemplate' type: array id: description: ID of this template. type: string issuer: description: ID of the issuer that will be issuing the credentials. type: string verificationMethodId: description: |- The id of the verificationMethod (see who's privateKey is stored in ssi-service. The verificationMethod must be part of the did document associated with `issuer`. The private key associated with the verificationMethod's publicKey will be used to sign the credentials. example: did:key:z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3#z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3 type: string required: - credentialManifest - issuer - verificationMethodId type: object pkg_server_router.CreateManifestRequest: properties: description: description: |- Explains what the Manifest in question is generally offering in exchange for meeting its requirements. Optional. type: string format: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.ClaimFormat' description: |- Formats that the issuer can support when issuing the credential. At least one needs to be set. We currently only support `jwt_vc` for issuance. See for the definition. TODO: support different claim formats issuerDid: description: |- DID that identifies who the issuer of the credential(s) will be. Required. type: string issuerName: description: |- Human-readable name the Issuer wishes to be recognized by. Optional. type: string name: description: |- Summarizing title for the Manifest in question. Optional. type: string outputDescriptors: description: Array of objects as defined in items: $ref: '#/definitions/manifest.OutputDescriptor' type: array presentationDefinition: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.PresentationDefinition' description: value of the presentation definition to use. Must be empty if `id` is present. presentationDefinitionId: description: id of the presentation definition created with the PresentationDefinitions API. Must be empty if `value` is present. type: string verificationMethodId: description: |- The id of the verificationMethod (see who's privateKey is stored in ssi-service. The verificationMethod must be part of the did document associated with `issuer`. The private key associated with the verificationMethod's publicKey will be used to sign the issued credentials. Required. example: did:key:z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3#z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3 type: string required: - format - issuerDid - outputDescriptors - verificationMethodId type: object pkg_server_router.CreateManifestRequestRequest: properties: audience: description: |- Audience as defined in Optional items: type: string type: array callbackUrl: description: |- The URL that the presenter should be submitting the presentation submission to. Optional. example: type: string credentialManifestId: description: ID of the credential manifest to use for this request. type: string expiration: description: |- Expiration as defined in Optional. type: string issuerId: description: DID of the issuer of this presentation definition. The DID must have been previously created with the DID API. type: string verificationMethodId: description: |- The id of the verificationMethod (see who's privateKey is stored in ssi-service. The verificationMethod must be part of the did document associated with `issuerId`. The private key associated with the verificationMethod's publicKey will be used to sign an envelope that contains the created presentation definition. example: did:key:z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3#z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3 type: string required: - credentialManifestId - issuerId - verificationMethodId type: object pkg_server_router.CreateManifestRequestResponse: properties: manifestRequest: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_manifest_model.Request' type: object pkg_server_router.CreateManifestResponse: properties: credential_manifest: $ref: '#/definitions/manifest.CredentialManifest' type: object pkg_server_router.CreatePresentationDefinitionRequest: properties: format: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.ClaimFormat' inputDescriptors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.InputDescriptor' type: array name: type: string purpose: type: string submissionRequirements: items: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.SubmissionRequirement' type: array required: - inputDescriptors type: object pkg_server_router.CreatePresentationDefinitionResponse: properties: presentation_definition: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.PresentationDefinition' presentationDefinitionJwt: description: |- Signed envelope that contains the PresentationDefinition created using the privateKey of the author of the definition. type: string type: object pkg_server_router.CreateRequestRequest: properties: audience: description: |- Audience as defined in Optional items: type: string type: array callbackUrl: description: |- The URL that the presenter should be submitting the presentation submission to. Optional. example: type: string expiration: description: |- Expiration as defined in Optional. type: string issuerId: description: DID of the issuer of this presentation definition. The DID must have been previously created with the DID API. type: string presentationDefinitionId: description: ID of the presentation definition to use for this request. type: string verificationMethodId: description: |- The id of the verificationMethod (see who's privateKey is stored in ssi-service. The verificationMethod must be part of the did document associated with `issuerId`. The private key associated with the verificationMethod's publicKey will be used to sign an envelope that contains the created presentation definition. example: did:key:z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3#z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3 type: string required: - issuerId - presentationDefinitionId - verificationMethodId type: object pkg_server_router.CreateRequestResponse: properties: presentationRequest: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_presentation_model.Request' type: object pkg_server_router.CreateSchemaRequest: properties: description: description: Description is an optional human-readable description for a schema type: string issuer: description: |- Issuer represents the DID of the issuer for the schema if it's signed. Required if intending to sign the schema as a credential using JsonSchemaCredential. type: string name: description: Name is a human-readable name for a schema type: string schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/schema.JSONSchema' description: |- Schema represents the JSON schema for the credential schema If the schema has an $id field, it will be overwritten with an ID the service generates. The schema must be against draft 2020-12, 2019-09, or 7. Must include a string field `$schema` that must be one of ``, ``, or ``. verificationMethodId: description: |- The id of the verificationMethod (see who's privateKey is stored in ssi-service. The verificationMethod must be part of the did document associated with `issuer`. The private key associated with the verificationMethod's publicKey will be used to sign the schema as a credential using JsonSchemaCredential. Required if intending to sign the schema as a credential using JsonSchemaCredential. example: did:key:z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3#z6MkkZDjunoN4gyPMx5TSy7Mfzw22D2RZQZUcx46bii53Ex3 type: string required: - issuer - name - schema - verificationMethodId type: object pkg_server_router.CreateSchemaResponse: properties: credentialSchema: description: CredentialSchema is the JWT schema for the credential, returned when the type is CredentialSchema type: string id: description: ID is the URL of for resolution of the schema type: string schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/schema.JSONSchema' description: Schema is the JSON schema for the credential, returned when the type is JsonSchema type: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/schema.VCJSONSchemaType' description: Type is the type of schema such as `JsonSchema` or `JsonSchemaCredential` required: - type type: object pkg_server_router.CreateSubmissionRequest: properties: submissionJwt: description: |- A Verifiable Presentation that's encoded as a JWT. Verifiable Presentation are described in JWT encoding of the Presentation as described in type: string required: - submissionJwt type: object pkg_server_router.CreateWebhookRequest: properties: noun: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.Noun' description: 'The noun (entity) for the new Credential' url: description: The URL to post the output of this request to Noun.Verb action to. type: string verb: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.Verb' description: 'The verb for the new Create' required: - noun - url - verb type: object pkg_server_router.CreateWebhookResponse: properties: webhook: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.Webhook' type: object pkg_server_router.DIDConfiguration: properties: '@context': {} linked_dids: items: {} type: array required: - '@context' - linked_dids type: object pkg_server_router.GetApplicationResponse: properties: application: $ref: '#/definitions/manifest.CredentialApplication' id: type: string type: object pkg_server_router.GetCredentialResponse: properties: credential: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/credential.VerifiableCredential' description: |- Verifiable Credential in the `application/vc+ld+json` format. The credential is secured with an external proof using JWS. In other words, the `proof` field is not present. See `credentialJwt` for the secured Verifiable Credential. credentialJwt: description: |- JWT representation of `credential`, secured with an external proof. Verification can be done according to `fullyQualifiedVerificationMethodId`. type: string fullyQualifiedVerificationMethodId: description: |- Fully qualified verification method ID that can be used to verify the credential. For example `did:ion:EiDpQBo_nEfuLVeppgmPVQNEhtrnZLWFsB9ziZUuaKCJ3Q#83526c36-136c-423b-a57a-f190b83ae531`. type: string id: description: |- UUID assigned by the ssi-service. For example, 48958871-6a6d-4a25-889f-88c9c6835780. The `` value will be a URL that can be dereferenced, which includes this ID. type: string revoked: description: Whether this credential is currently revoked. type: boolean suspended: description: Whether this credential is currently suspended. type: boolean type: object pkg_server_router.GetCredentialStatusListResponse: properties: credential: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/credential.VerifiableCredential' description: Credential where type includes "VerifiableCredential" and "StatusList2021". credentialJwt: description: The JWT signed with the associated issuer's private key. type: string id: type: string type: object pkg_server_router.GetCredentialStatusResponse: properties: revoked: description: Whether the credential has been revoked. type: boolean suspended: description: Whether the credential has been suspended. type: boolean type: object pkg_server_router.GetDIDByMethodResponse: properties: did: $ref: '#/definitions/did.Document' type: object pkg_server_router.GetHealthCheckResponse: properties: status: description: Status is always equal to `OK`. type: string type: object pkg_server_router.GetKeyDetailsResponse: properties: controller: type: string createdAt: description: Represents the time at which the key was created. Encoded according to RFC3339. type: string id: type: string publicKeyJwk: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/jwx.PublicKeyJWK' description: |- The public key in JWK format according to RFC7517. This public key is associated with the private key with the associated ID. type: $ref: '#/definitions/crypto.KeyType' type: object pkg_server_router.GetManifestRequestResponse: properties: manifestRequest: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_manifest_model.Request' type: object pkg_server_router.GetPresentationDefinitionResponse: properties: presentation_definition: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.PresentationDefinition' type: object pkg_server_router.GetReadinessResponse: properties: serviceStatuses: additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_framework.Status' description: A map from the name of the service to the status of that current service. type: object status: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_framework.Status' description: Overall status of the ssi service. type: object pkg_server_router.GetRequestResponse: properties: presentationRequest: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_presentation_model.Request' type: object pkg_server_router.GetResponseResponse: properties: credential_response: $ref: '#/definitions/manifest.CredentialResponse' responseJwt: type: string verifiableCredentials: description: this is an interface type to union Data Integrity and JWT style VCs type: object pkg_server_router.GetSchemaResponse: properties: credentialSchema: description: CredentialSchema is the JWT schema for the credential, returned when the type is CredentialSchema type: string id: description: ID is the URL of for resolution of the schema type: string schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/schema.JSONSchema' description: Schema is the JSON schema for the credential, returned when the type is JsonSchema type: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/schema.VCJSONSchemaType' description: Type is the type of schema such as `JsonSchema` or `JsonSchemaCredential` required: - type type: object pkg_server_router.GetSubmissionResponse: properties: reason: description: The reason why the submission was approved or denied. type: string status: description: One of {`pending`, `approved`, `denied`, `cancelled`}. type: string verifiablePresentation: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/credential.VerifiablePresentation' description: The verifiable presentation containing the presentation_submission along with the credentials presented. required: - status type: object pkg_server_router.ListApplicationsResponse: properties: applications: items: $ref: '#/definitions/manifest.CredentialApplication' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.ListCredentialsResponse: properties: credentials: description: Array of credentials that match the query parameters. items: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_internal_credential.Container' type: array nextPageToken: description: Pagination token to retrieve the next page of results. If the value is "", it means no further results for the request. type: string type: object pkg_server_router.ListDIDMethodsResponse: properties: method: items: $ref: '#/definitions/did.Method' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.ListDIDsByMethodResponse: properties: dids: items: $ref: '#/definitions/did.Document' type: array nextPageToken: description: Pagination token to retrieve the next page of results. If the value is "", it means no further results for the request. type: string type: object pkg_server_router.ListDefinitionsResponse: properties: definitions: items: $ref: '#/definitions/exchange.PresentationDefinition' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.ListIssuanceTemplatesResponse: properties: issuanceTemplates: items: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_issuance.Template' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.ListManifestRequestsResponse: properties: manifestRequests: description: The manifest requests matching the query. items: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_manifest_model.Request' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.ListManifestResponse: properties: credential_manifest: $ref: '#/definitions/manifest.CredentialManifest' id: type: string type: object pkg_server_router.ListManifestsResponse: properties: manifests: items: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListManifestResponse' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.ListOperationsResponse: properties: nextPageToken: description: Pagination token to retrieve the next page of results. If the value is "", it means no further results for the request. type: string operations: items: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.Operation' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.ListPresentationRequestsResponse: properties: presentationRequests: description: The presentation requests matching the query. items: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_presentation_model.Request' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.ListResponsesResponse: properties: responses: items: $ref: '#/definitions/manifest.CredentialResponse' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.ListSchemasResponse: properties: nextPageToken: description: Pagination token to retrieve the next page of results. If the value is "", it means no further results for the request. type: string schemas: description: Schemas is the list of all schemas the service holds items: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetSchemaResponse' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.ListSubmissionResponse: properties: nextPageToken: description: Pagination token to retrieve the next page of results. If the value is "", it means no further results for the request. type: string submissions: items: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_presentation_model.Submission' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.ListWebhookResponse: properties: webhook: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.Webhook' type: object pkg_server_router.ListWebhooksResponse: properties: webhooks: items: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListWebhookResponse' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.Operation: properties: done: description: Whether this operation has finished. type: boolean id: description: The name of the resource related to this operation. E.g. "presentations/submissions/" type: string result: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.OperationResult' description: Populated if Done == true. required: - done - id type: object pkg_server_router.OperationResult: properties: error: description: Populated when there was an error with the operation. type: string response: description: Populated iff Error == "". The type should be specified in the calling APIs documentation. type: object pkg_server_router.ResolveDIDResponse: properties: didDocument: $ref: '#/definitions/did.Document' didDocumentMetadata: $ref: '#/definitions/resolution.DocumentMetadata' didResolutionMetadata: $ref: '#/definitions/resolution.Metadata' type: object pkg_server_router.ReviewApplicationRequest: properties: approved: type: boolean credentialOverrides: additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_manifest_model.CredentialOverride' description: |- Overrides to apply to the credentials that will be created. Keys are the ID that corresponds to an OutputDescriptor.ID from the manifest. type: object reason: type: string type: object pkg_server_router.ReviewSubmissionRequest: properties: approved: type: boolean reason: type: string required: - approved type: object pkg_server_router.ReviewSubmissionResponse: properties: reason: description: The reason why the submission was approved or denied. type: string status: description: One of {`pending`, `approved`, `denied`, `cancelled`}. type: string verifiablePresentation: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/credential.VerifiablePresentation' description: The verifiable presentation containing the presentation_submission along with the credentials presented. required: - status type: object pkg_server_router.RevokeKeyResponse: properties: id: type: string type: object pkg_server_router.SingleUpdateCredentialStatusRequest: properties: id: description: ID of the credential who's status should be updated. type: string revoked: description: |- The new revoked status of this credential. The status will be saved in the encodedList of the StatusList2021 credential associated with this VC. type: boolean suspended: type: boolean required: - id type: object pkg_server_router.StateChange: properties: publicKeyIdsToRemove: items: type: string type: array publicKeysToAdd: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ion.PublicKey' type: array serviceIdsToRemove: items: type: string type: array servicesToAdd: items: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_TBD54566975_ssi-sdk_did.Service' type: array type: object pkg_server_router.StoreKeyRequest: properties: base58PrivateKey: description: Base58 encoding of the bytes that result from marshalling the private key using golang's implementation. type: string controller: description: See type: string id: description: |- The `id` field is the unique identifier for this object. If set to a resolvable DID, the ssi-service will use the private key encoded in the `PrivateKeyBase58` field of this object to sign objects issued or authored by this DID; otherwise, it will only be used to identify this object. type: string type: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/crypto.KeyType' description: |- Identifies the cryptographic algorithm family used with the key. One of the following: "Ed25519", "X25519", "secp256k1", "P-224", "P-256", "P-384", "P-521", "RSA". required: - base58PrivateKey - controller - id - type type: object pkg_server_router.SubmitApplicationRequest: properties: applicationJwt: description: |- A JWT signed by the applicant. The payload MUST contain the following properties: - `credential_application`: an object of type manifest.CredentialApplication (specified in - `vcs`: an array of Verifiable Credentials. type: string required: - applicationJwt type: object pkg_server_router.SubmitApplicationResponse: properties: credential_response: $ref: '#/definitions/manifest.CredentialResponse' responseJwt: type: string verifiableCredentials: description: this is an any type to union Data Integrity and JWT style VCs items: {} type: array type: object pkg_server_router.UpdateCredentialStatusRequest: properties: revoked: description: |- The new revoked status of this credential. The status will be saved in the encodedList of the StatusList2021 credential associated with this VC. type: boolean suspended: type: boolean type: object pkg_server_router.UpdateCredentialStatusResponse: properties: revoked: description: The updated status of this credential. type: boolean suspended: type: boolean type: object pkg_server_router.UpdateDIDByMethodRequest: properties: stateChange: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.StateChange' description: Expected to be populated when `method == "ion"`. Describes the changes that are requested. required: - stateChange type: object pkg_server_router.UpdateDIDByMethodResponse: properties: did: $ref: '#/definitions/did.Document' type: object pkg_server_router.VerifyCredentialRequest: properties: credential: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/credential.VerifiableCredential' description: A credential secured via data integrity. Must have the "proof" property set. credentialJwt: description: A JWT that encodes a credential. type: string type: object pkg_server_router.VerifyCredentialResponse: properties: reason: description: The reason why this credential couldn't be verified. type: string verified: description: Whether the credential was verified. type: boolean type: object pkg_server_router.VerifyPresentationRequest: properties: presentationJwt: description: A JWT that encodes a verifiable presentation according to type: string required: - presentationJwt type: object pkg_server_router.VerifyPresentationResponse: properties: reason: description: The reason why this presentation couldn't be verified. type: string verified: description: Whether the presentation was verified. type: boolean type: object rendering.ColorResource: properties: color: description: 'a HEX string color value (e.g. #00000)' type: string type: object rendering.DataDisplay: properties: description: $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.DisplayMappingObject' properties: items: $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.LabeledDisplayMappingObject' type: array subtitle: $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.DisplayMappingObject' title: $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.DisplayMappingObject' type: object rendering.DisplayMappingObject: properties: fallback: type: string path: description: |- Ifa path is present it must be an array of JSON Path string expressions and the schema property must also be present. items: type: string type: array schema: $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.DisplayMappingSchema' text: description: If path is not present, the text value is required with no other properties type: string type: object rendering.DisplayMappingSchema: properties: format: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.SchemaFormat' description: Must be present if the value of the type property is "string" type: $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.SchemaType' required: - type type: object rendering.EntityStyleDescriptor: properties: background: $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.ColorResource' hero: $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.ImageResource' text: $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.ColorResource' thumbnail: $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.ImageResource' type: object rendering.ImageResource: properties: alt: description: Describes the alternate text for a logo image type: string uri: description: Must be a valid URI string to an image resource type: string required: - uri type: object rendering.LabeledDisplayMappingObject: properties: fallback: type: string label: type: string path: description: |- Ifa path is present it must be an array of JSON Path string expressions and the schema property must also be present. items: type: string type: array schema: $ref: '#/definitions/rendering.DisplayMappingSchema' text: description: If path is not present, the text value is required with no other properties type: string required: - label type: object rendering.SchemaFormat: enum: - date-time - time - date - email - idn-email - hostname - idn-hostname - ipv4 - ipv6 - uri - uri-reference - iri - iri-reference type: string x-enum-varnames: - DateTimeFormat - TimeFormat - DateFormat - EmailFormat - IDNEmailFormat - HostnameFormat - IDNHostnameFormat - IPV4Format - IPV6Format - URIFormat - URIReferenceFormat - IRIFormat - IRIReferenceFormat rendering.SchemaType: enum: - string - boolean - number - integer type: string x-enum-varnames: - StringType - BooleanType - NumberType - IntegerType resolution.DocumentMetadata: properties: canonicalId: description: See `canonicalId` in type: string created: description: See `created` in type: string deactivated: description: See `deactivated` in type: boolean equivalentId: description: See `equivalentId` in items: type: string type: array method: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/resolution.Method' description: |- Optional information that is specific to the DID Method of the DID Document resolved. Populated only for sidetree based did methods (e.g. ION), as described in nextUpdate: description: See `nextUpdate` in type: string nextVersionId: description: See `nextVersionId` in type: string updated: description: See `updated` in type: string versionId: description: See `versionId` in type: string type: object resolution.Error: properties: code: type: string invalidDid: type: boolean notFound: type: boolean representationNotSupported: type: boolean type: object resolution.Metadata: properties: contentType: type: string error: $ref: '#/definitions/resolution.Error' type: object resolution.Method: properties: published: description: The `method` property in type: boolean recoveryCommitment: description: The `recoveryCommitment` property in type: string updateCommitment: description: The `updateCommitment` property in type: string type: object schema.JSONSchema: additionalProperties: {} type: object schema.VCJSONSchemaType: enum: - JsonSchemaCredential - JsonSchema type: string x-enum-varnames: - JSONSchemaCredentialType - JSONSchemaType time.Duration: enum: - -9223372036854775808 - 9223372036854775807 - 1 - 1000 - 1000000 - 1000000000 - 60000000000 - 3600000000000 type: integer x-enum-varnames: - minDuration - maxDuration - Nanosecond - Microsecond - Millisecond - Second - Minute - Hour info: contact: email: name: TBD url: description: 'The Self Sovereign Identity Service: Managing DIDs, Verifiable Credentials, and more!' license: name: Apache 2.0 url: title: SSI Service API version: 0.0.3 paths: /health: get: consumes: - application/json description: Health is a simple handler that always responds with a 200 OK produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetHealthCheckResponse' summary: Service health check tags: - ServiceInfo /readiness: get: consumes: - application/json description: |- Readiness runs a number of application specific checks to see if all the relied upon services are healthy. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetReadinessResponse' summary: Check service readiness tags: - ServiceInfo /v1/credentials: get: consumes: - application/json description: |- Checks for the presence of an optional query parameter and calls the associated filtered get method. Only one optional parameter is allowed to be specified. parameters: - description: The issuer id, e.g. did:key:z6MkiTBz1ymuepAQ4HEHYSF1H8quG5GLVVQR3djdX3mDooWp in: query name: issuer type: string - description: The value to filter by in: query name: schema type: string - description: The value to filter by in: query name: subject type: string - description: Hint to the server of the maximum elements to return. More may be returned. When not set, the server will return all elements. in: query name: pageSize type: number - description: Used to indicate to the server to return a specific page of the list results. Must match a previous requests' `nextPageToken`. in: query name: pageToken type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListCredentialsResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: List Verifiable Credentials tags: - Credentials put: consumes: - application/json description: Create a Verifiable Credential parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateCredentialRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateCredentialResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Create a Verifiable Credential tags: - Credentials /v1/credentials/{id}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Delete a Verifiable Credential by its ID parameters: - description: ID of the credential to delete in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "204": description: No Content schema: type: string "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Delete a Verifiable Credential tags: - Credentials get: consumes: - application/json description: Get a Verifiable Credential by its ID parameters: - description: ID of the credential within SSI-Service. Must be a UUID. in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetCredentialResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Get a Verifiable Credential tags: - Credentials /v1/credentials/{id}/status: get: consumes: - application/json description: Get a Verifiable Credential's status by the credential's ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetCredentialStatusResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Get a Verifiable Credential's status tags: - Credentials put: consumes: - application/json description: Update a Verifiable Credential's status parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.UpdateCredentialStatusRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.UpdateCredentialStatusResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Update a Verifiable Credential's status tags: - Credentials /v1/credentials/batch: put: consumes: - application/json description: Create a batch of Verifiable Credentials. parameters: - description: The batch requests in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.BatchCreateCredentialsRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.BatchCreateCredentialsResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Batch create Credentials tags: - Credentials /v1/credentials/status/{id}: get: consumes: - application/json description: Get a credential status list by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetCredentialStatusListResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Get a Credential Status List tags: - Credentials /v1/credentials/status/batch: put: consumes: - application/json description: Updates the status all a batch of Verifiable Credentials. parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.BatchUpdateCredentialStatusRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.BatchUpdateCredentialStatusResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Batch Update a Verifiable Credential's status tags: - Credentials /v1/credentials/verification: put: consumes: - application/json description: |- Verifies a given verifiable credential. The system does the following levels of verification: 1. Makes sure the credential has a valid signature 2. Makes sure the credential has is not expired 3. Makes sure the credential complies with the VC Data Model v1.1 4. If the credential has a schema, makes sure its data complies with the schema parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.VerifyCredentialRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.VerifyCredentialResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Verify a Verifiable Credential tags: - Credentials /v1/did-configurations: put: consumes: - application/json description: |- Creates a DID Configuration Resource which conforms to The `didConfiguration` can be hosted at the `wellKnownLocation` specified in the response. parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateDIDConfigurationRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateDIDConfigurationResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Create DID Configurations tags: - DIDConfigurations /v1/did-configurations/verification: put: consumes: - application/json description: Verifies a DID Configuration Resource according to parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_well-known.VerifyDIDConfigurationRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_well-known.VerifyDIDConfigurationResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Verifies a DID Configuration Resource tags: - DIDConfigurations /v1/dids: get: consumes: - application/json description: Get the list of supported DID methods produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListDIDMethodsResponse' summary: List DID methods tags: - DecentralizedIdentifiers /v1/dids/{method}: get: consumes: - application/json description: |- List DIDs by method. Checks for an optional "deleted=true" query parameter, which exclusively returns DIDs that have been "Soft Deleted". parameters: - description: Method must be one returned by GET /v1/dids in: path name: method required: true type: string - description: When true, returns soft-deleted DIDs. Otherwise, returns DIDs that have not been soft-deleted. Default is false. in: query name: deleted type: boolean - description: Hint to the server of the maximum elements to return. More may be returned. When not set, the server will return all elements. in: query name: pageSize type: number - description: Used to indicate to the server to return a specific page of the list results. Must match a previous requests' `nextPageToken`. in: query name: pageToken type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListDIDsByMethodResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: List DIDs by method tags: - DecentralizedIdentifiers put: consumes: - application/json description: |- Creates a fully custodial DID document with the given method. The document created is stored internally and can be retrieved using the GetOperation. Method dependent registration (for example, DID web registration) is left up to the clients of this API. The private key(s) created by the method are stored internally never leave the service boundary. parameters: - description: Method in: path name: method required: true type: string - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateDIDByMethodRequest' - properties: options: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_did.CreateIONDIDOptions' type: object produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateDIDByMethodResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Create a DID Document tags: - DecentralizedIdentifiers /v1/dids/{method}/{id}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: |- When this is called with the correct did method and id it will flip the softDelete flag to true for the db entry. A user can still get the did if they know the DID ID, and the did keys will still exist, but this did will not show up in the ListDIDsByMethod call This facilitates a clean SSI-Service Admin UI but not leave any hanging VCs with inaccessible hanging DIDs. Soft deletes a DID by its method parameters: - description: Method in: path name: method required: true type: string - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "204": description: No Content schema: type: string "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Soft delete a DID tags: - DecentralizedIdentifiers get: consumes: - application/json description: Gets a DID Document by its DID ID parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateDIDByMethodRequest' - description: Method in: path name: method required: true type: string - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetDIDByMethodResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string summary: Get a DID tags: - DecentralizedIdentifiers put: consumes: - application/json description: |- Updates a DID for which SSI is the custodian. The DID must have been previously created by calling the "Create DID Document" endpoint. Currently, only ION dids support updates. parameters: - description: Method in: path name: method required: true type: string - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.UpdateDIDByMethodRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.UpdateDIDByMethodResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Updates a DID document. tags: - DecentralizedIdentifiers /v1/dids/{method}/batch: put: consumes: - application/json description: |- Create a batch of DIDs. The operation is atomic, meaning that all requests will succeed or fail. This is currently only supported for the DID method named `did:key`. parameters: - description: Method. Only `key` is supported. in: path name: method required: true type: string - description: The batch requests in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.BatchCreateDIDsRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.BatchCreateDIDsResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Batch Create DIDs tags: - DecentralizedIdentifiers /v1/dids/resolver/{id}: get: consumes: - application/json description: Resolve a DID that may not be stored in this service parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ResolveDIDResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string summary: Resolve a DID tags: - DecentralizedIdentifiers /v1/issuancetemplates: put: consumes: - application/json description: Creates an issuance template parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateIssuanceTemplateRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_issuance.Template' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Create an issuance template tags: - IssuanceTemplates /v1/issuancetemplates/{id}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Delete an issuance template by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "204": description: No Content schema: type: string "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Delete an issuance template tags: - IssuanceTemplates get: consumes: - application/json description: Get an issuance template by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_issuance.Template' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string summary: Get an issuance template tags: - IssuanceTemplates /v1/keys: put: consumes: - application/json description: Stores a key to be used by the service parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.StoreKeyRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Store a keys tags: - KeyStore /v1/keys/{id}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: |- Marks a key as being revoked, along with the timestamps of when it was revoked. NB: the key can still be used for signing. This will likely be addressed before v1 is released. parameters: - description: ID of the key to revoke in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.RevokeKeyResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Revoke a key tags: - KeyStore get: consumes: - application/json description: Get details about a stored key parameters: - description: ID of the key to get in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetKeyDetailsResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string summary: Get details for a key tags: - KeyStore /v1/manifests: get: consumes: - application/json description: Checks for the presence of a query parameter and calls the associated filtered get method for Credential Manifests parameters: - description: string issuer in: query name: issuer type: string - description: string schema in: query name: schema type: string - description: string subject in: query name: subject type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListManifestsResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: List Credential Manifests tags: - Manifests put: consumes: - application/json description: Create a Credential Manifest. Most fields map to the definitions from parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateManifestRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateManifestResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Create a Credential Manifest tags: - Manifests /v1/manifests/{id}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Delete a Credential Manifest by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "204": description: No Content schema: type: string "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Delete a Credential Manifests tags: - Manifests get: consumes: - application/json description: Get a Credential Manifest by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListManifestResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string summary: Get a Credential Manifest tags: - Manifests /v1/manifests/applications: get: consumes: - application/json description: List all the existing Credential Applications. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListApplicationsResponse' "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: List Credential Applications tags: - ManifestApplications put: consumes: - application/json description: |- Submit a Credential Application in response to a Credential Manifest request. The request body is expected to be a valid JWT signed by the applicant's DID, containing two top level properties: `credential_application` and `vcs` according to the spec parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.SubmitApplicationRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Operation with a SubmitApplicationResponse type in the `result.response` field. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.Operation' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Submit a Credential Application tags: - ManifestApplications /v1/manifests/applications/{id}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Delete a Credential Application by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "204": description: No Content schema: type: string "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Delete Credential Applications tags: - ManifestApplications get: consumes: - application/json description: Get a Credential Application by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetApplicationResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string summary: Get a Credential Application tags: - ManifestApplications /v1/manifests/applications/{id}/review: put: consumes: - application/json description: |- Reviewing a Credential Application either fulfills or denies the credential(s) issuance according to the spec parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ReviewApplicationRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Credential Response schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.SubmitApplicationResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Review a Credential Application tags: - ManifestApplications /v1/manifests/requests: get: consumes: - application/json description: Lists all the existing Credential Manifest requests produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListManifestRequestsResponse' "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: List Credential Manifest Requests tags: - ManifestRequests put: consumes: - application/json description: Create a Credential Manifest Request from an existing Credential Manifest. parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateManifestRequestRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateManifestRequestResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Create a Credential Manifest Request tags: - ManifestRequests /v1/manifests/requests/{id}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Delete a Credential Manifest Request by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "204": description: No Content schema: type: string "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Delete a Credential Manifest Request tags: - ManifestRequests get: consumes: - application/json description: Get a Credential Manifest Request by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetManifestRequestResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string summary: Get a Credential Manifest Request tags: - ManifestRequests /v1/manifests/responses: get: consumes: - application/json description: Lists all responses to Credential Applications associated with a Credential Manifest produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListResponsesResponse' "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: List Credential Manifest Responses tags: - ManifestResponses /v1/manifests/responses/{id}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Delete a Credential Manifest Response by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: type: string "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Delete a Credential Manifest Response tags: - ManifestResponses get: consumes: - application/json description: Get a Credential Manifest Response by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetResponseResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Get a Credential Manifest Response tags: - ManifestResponses /v1/operations: get: consumes: - application/json description: List operations according to the request parameters: - description: 'The name of the parent''s resource. For example: `?parent=/presentation/submissions`' in: query name: parent type: string - description: 'A standard filter expression conforming to For example: `?filter=done=' in: query name: filter type: string - description: Hint to the server of the maximum elements to return. More may be returned. When not set, the server will return all elements. in: query name: pageSize type: number - description: Used to indicate to the server to return a specific page of the list results. Must match a previous requests' `nextPageToken`. in: query name: pageToken type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListOperationsResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: List operations tags: - Operations /v1/operations/{id}: get: consumes: - application/json description: Get operation by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.Operation' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Get an operation tags: - Operations /v1/operations/cancel/{id}: get: consumes: - application/json description: Cancels an active operation, if possible. parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.Operation' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Cancel an operation tags: - Operations /v1/presentations/definitions: get: consumes: - application/json description: Lists all the existing Presentation Definitions produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListDefinitionsResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: List Presentation Definitions tags: - Presentations put: consumes: - application/json description: Create a Presentation Definition parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreatePresentationDefinitionRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreatePresentationDefinitionResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Create a Presentation Definition tags: - Presentations /v1/presentations/definitions/{id}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Delete a Presentation Definition by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "204": description: No Content schema: type: string "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Delete a Presentation Definition tags: - Presentations get: consumes: - application/json description: Get a Presentation Definition by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetPresentationDefinitionResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string summary: Get a Presentation Definition tags: - Presentations /v1/presentations/requests: get: consumes: - application/json description: Lists all the existing Presentation Requests produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListPresentationRequestsResponse' "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: List Presentation Requests tags: - PresentationRequests put: consumes: - application/json description: |- Create a Presentation Request from an existing Presentation Definition with an existing DID according to the spec parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateRequestRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateRequestResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Create a Presentation Request tags: - PresentationRequests /v1/presentations/requests/{id}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Delete a Presentation Request by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "204": description: No Content schema: type: string "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Delete a Presentation Request tags: - PresentationRequests get: consumes: - application/json description: Get a Presentation Request by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetRequestResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string summary: Get a Presentation Request tags: - PresentationRequests /v1/presentations/submissions: get: consumes: - application/json description: List existing Presentation Submissions according to a filtering query. The `filter` field follows the syntax described in parameters: - description: 'A standard filter expression conforming to For example: `?filter=status=' in: query name: filter type: string - description: Hint to the server of the maximum elements to return. More may be returned. When not set, the server will return all elements. in: query name: pageSize type: number - description: Used to indicate to the server to return a specific page of the list results. Must match a previous requests' `nextPageToken`. in: query name: pageToken type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListSubmissionResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: List Presentation Submissions tags: - PresentationSubmissions put: consumes: - application/json description: Accepts a Presentation Submission ( in this server ready to be reviewed. parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateSubmissionRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The type of response is Submission once the operation has finished. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.Operation' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Create a Presentation Submission tags: - PresentationSubmissions /v1/presentations/submissions/{id}: get: consumes: - application/json description: Get a Presentation Submission by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetSubmissionResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string summary: Get a Presentation Submission tags: - PresentationSubmissions /v1/presentations/submissions/{id}/review: put: consumes: - application/json description: |- Reviews a pending Presentation Submission. After this method is called, the operation with `id==presentations/submissions/{submission_id}` will be updated with the result of this invocation. parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ReviewSubmissionRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ReviewSubmissionResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Review a pending Presentation Submission tags: - PresentationSubmissions /v1/presentations/verification: put: consumes: - application/json description: |- Verifies a given presentation. The system does the following levels of verification: 1. Makes sure the presentation has a valid signature 2. Makes sure the presentation is not expired 3. Makes sure the presentation complies with of VC Data Model v1.1 4. For each credential in the presentation, makes sure: a. Makes sure the credential has a valid signature b. Makes sure the credential is not expired c. Makes sure the credential complies with the VC Data Model d. If the credential has a schema, makes sure its data complies with the schema parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.VerifyPresentationRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.VerifyPresentationResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Verifies a Verifiable Presentation tags: - Presentations /v1/schemas: get: consumes: - application/json description: List Credential Schemas stored by the service parameters: - description: Hint to the server of the maximum elements to return. More may be returned. When not set, the server will return all elements. in: query name: pageSize type: number - description: Used to indicate to the server to return a specific page of the list results. Must match a previous requests' `nextPageToken`. in: query name: pageToken type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListSchemasResponse' "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: List Credential Schemas tags: - Schemas put: consumes: - application/json description: Create a schema for use with a Verifiable Credential parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateSchemaRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateSchemaResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Create a Credential Schema tags: - Schemas /v1/schemas/{id}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Delete a Credential Schema by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "204": description: No Content schema: type: string "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Delete a Credential Schema tags: - Schemas get: consumes: - application/json description: Get a Credential Schema by its ID parameters: - description: ID in: path name: id required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.GetSchemaResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string summary: Get a Credential Schema tags: - Schemas /v1/webhooks: get: consumes: - application/json description: Lists all webhooks stored by the service produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListWebhooksResponse' "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: List webhooks tags: - Webhooks put: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a webhook parameters: - description: request body in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateWebhookRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.CreateWebhookResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Create a webhook tags: - Webhooks /v1/webhooks/{noun}/{verb}: get: consumes: - application/json description: Get a webhook by its ID parameters: - description: noun in: path name: noun required: true type: string - description: verb in: path name: verb required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/pkg_server_router.ListWebhookResponse' "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string summary: Get a webhook tags: - Webhooks /v1/webhooks/{noun}/{verb}/{url}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Delete a webhook by its ID parameters: - description: noun in: path name: noun required: true type: string - description: verb in: path name: verb required: true type: string - description: url in: path name: url required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "204": description: No Content schema: type: string "400": description: Bad request schema: type: string "500": description: Internal server error schema: type: string summary: Delete a webhook tags: - Webhooks /v1/webhooks/nouns: get: consumes: - application/json description: Get supported nouns for webhook generation produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.GetSupportedNounsResponse' summary: Get supported webhook nouns tags: - Webhooks /v1/webhooks/verbs: get: consumes: - application/json description: Get supported verbs for webhook generation produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_tbd54566975_ssi-service_pkg_service_webhook.GetSupportedVerbsResponse' summary: Get supported webhook verbs tags: - Webhooks swagger: "2.0"