TEI stylesheet for making HTML output.

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Author: See AUTHORS

Copyright: 2013, TEI Consortium

Stylesheet constant setting the name of the main output file. index.xml index [html] How to work out the filename component of a pathfilename [html] Work out language code [html] Work out rendition. In order of precedence, we first look at @rend; if that does not exist, @rendition and @style values are merged together; if neither of those exist, we look at default renditions in tagUsage; if default is set to false, we do nothing; if default has a value, use that for @class; otherwise, use the element name as a value for @class. [html] Look up rendition value value. They are either turned directly into @class values, or by following the link to an external document and using the @xml:id from there to make a class. [html] Look up @rend value. We recognize some simple cases, and turn them into an "s" element, otherwise we use the @rend to make a "c" element. The "s" and "c" are processed into appropriate @class and @style attributes at the end. The special cases for super and subscript have been dealt with separately, so ignore them. font-family:cursive text-align: center letter-spacing: 0.15em font-family: Papyrus, fantasy text-indent: 5em font-size: 130% font-size: 200% text-decoration:overline font-style: normal font-variant: small-caps font-size: 75% font-size: 50% letter-spacing: 0.15em background-color: text-align: color: no support for post() pattern in @rend no support for pre() pattern in @rend font-weight:bold font-style:italic text-decoration: line-through text-decoration:underline [html] Process @style attribute. It is simply mapped to an HTML @style attribute. If it is not using CSS, that will fail. Is given a TEI paragraph element and says what the HTML wrapper element should be (ie plain <p> or <div class="p"> if the content is complex). div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div div p [html] Create a class attribute. what to do with an inline object how to make a horizontal rule
what to do with a block-level object Section-like object false

: Process any element and work out a unique identifying string . _ - Process any element, trying to make the right hyperlink for it index

Process element TEI in generateLink mode

when a <div> is referenced, see whether its plain anchor, or needs a parent HTML name prepended

Process elements tei:* in toc mode

anything with a head can go in the TOC

  • toc headless contains-mathml false plain
  • Process extra elements in generateLink mode # # # Process element note # [html] where [[undefined ]] [html] Find the name of the outermost container for the current object which would create an output file Process cross-ref to note formatting of the number part of a header whether a div starts a new page true true true true true false General conversion of all xml:id attributes to id attributes in HTML output.