------------/ TRIGGERS /------------ ----/ Exits workaround trigger /---- curRoom_exits = {} for w in string.gmatch ("%2", "[^%s]+") do table.insert (curRoom_exits, w) end -- for w draw_minimap () ----/ Equipment stat triggers /---- DoAfterSpecial (1, 'ColourNote ("goldenrod", "", "Check your equipment to see it totaled up")', sendto.script) if GetVariable("eqstatcheck") == "true" then SetVariable("eqstatcheck", "false") EnableTrigger ("additup", false) show_equip_list () start_of_equip_list () end -- eqstatcheck ----/ Chat Channel Triggers /---- ----/ Temp fix until I have time to redo again (prompt bar may occasional show in window) /---- ----/ Star Logger /---- ------------/ ALIASES /------------ ----/ Equipment Stat aliases /---- ----/ Map Patch aliases /---- ----/ Plugin updater /---- ----/ Star Logger /----