import hashlib from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long import sys import re import socket import telnetlib import itertools import string # SIDH parameters from SIKEp434 # using built-in weierstrass curves instead of montgomery curves because i'm lazy e2 = 0xD8 e3 = 0x89 p = (2^e2)*(3^e3)-1 K. = GF(p^2, modulus=x^2+1) E = EllipticCurve(K, [0,6,0,1,0]) xP20 = 0x00003CCFC5E1F050030363E6920A0F7A4C6C71E63DE63A0E6475AF621995705F7C84500CB2BB61E950E19EAB8661D25C4A50ED279646CB48 xP21 = 0x0001AD1C1CAE7840EDDA6D8A924520F60E573D3B9DFAC6D189941CB22326D284A8816CC4249410FE80D68047D823C97D705246F869E3EA50 yP20 = 0x0001AB066B84949582E3F66688452B9255E72A017C45B148D719D9A63CDB7BE6F48C812E33B68161D5AB3A0A36906F04A6A6957E6F4FB2E0 yP21 = 0x0000FD87F67EA576CE97FF65BF9F4F7688C4C752DCE9F8BD2B36AD66E04249AAF8337C01E6E4E1A844267BA1A1887B433729E1DD90C7DD2F xQ20 = 0x0000C7461738340EFCF09CE388F666EB38F7F3AFD42DC0B664D9F461F31AA2EDC6B4AB71BD42F4D7C058E13F64B237EF7DDD2ABC0DEB0C6C xQ21 = 0x000025DE37157F50D75D320DD0682AB4A67E471586FBC2D31AA32E6957FA2B2614C4CD40A1E27283EAAF4272AE517847197432E2D61C85F5 yQ20 = 0x0001D407B70B01E4AEE172EDF491F4EF32144F03F5E054CEF9FDE5A35EFA3642A11817905ED0D4F193F31124264924A5F64EFE14B6EC97E5 yQ21 = 0x0000E7DEC8C32F50A4E735A839DCDB89FE0763A184C525F7B7D0EBC0E84E9D83E9AC53A572A25D19E1464B509D97272AE761657B4765B3D6 xP30 = 0x00008664865EA7D816F03B31E223C26D406A2C6CD0C3D667466056AAE85895EC37368BFC009DFAFCB3D97E639F65E9E45F46573B0637B7A9 xP31 = 0x00000000 yP30 = 0x00006AE515593E73976091978DFBD70BDA0DD6BCAEEBFDD4FB1E748DDD9ED3FDCF679726C67A3B2CC12B39805B32B612E058A4280764443B yP31 = 0x00000000 xQ30 = 0x00012E84D7652558E694BF84C1FBDAAF99B83B4266C32EC65B10457BCAF94C63EB063681E8B1E7398C0B241C19B9665FDB9E1406DA3D3846 xQ31 = 0x00000000 yQ30 = 0x00000000 yQ31 = 0x0000EBAAA6C731271673BEECE467FD5ED9CC29AB564BDED7BDEAA86DD1E0FDDF399EDCC9B49C829EF53C7D7A35C3A0745D73C424FB4A5FD2 P2 = E(xP20+ii*xP21, yP20+ii*yP21) Q2 = E(xQ20+ii*xQ21, yQ20+ii*yQ21) P3 = E(xP30+ii*xP31, yP30+ii*yP31) Q3 = E(xQ30+ii*xQ31, yQ30+ii*yQ31) def nc(host, port): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((host, port)) return s def receive_until(s, delimiters, break_on_empty=False): all_data = "" data = s.recv(1) while data not in delimiters: all_data += data data = s.recv(1) if data == '' and break_on_empty: return all_data return all_data + data def send(s, payload): s.sendall(payload + b"\n") def interactive(s): t = telnetlib.Telnet() t.sock = s t.interact() def elem_to_coefficients(x): l = x.polynomial().list() l += [0]*(2-len(l)) return l def elem_to_bytes(x): n = ceil(log(p,2)/8) x0,x1 = elem_to_coefficients(x) # x == x0 + ii*x1 x0 = ZZ(x0).digits(256, padto=n) x1 = ZZ(x1).digits(256, padto=n) return "".join(map(long_to_bytes,(x0+x1))) # stupid py3 def isogen2(sk2): Ei = E P = P3 Q = Q3 S = P2+sk2*Q2 for i in range(e2): phi = Ei.isogeny((2^(e2-i-1))*S) Ei = phi.codomain() S = phi(S) P = phi(P) Q = phi(Q) return (Ei,P,Q) def isoex2(sk2, pk3): Ei, P, Q = pk3 S = P+sk2*Q for i in range(e2): R = (2^(e2-i-1))*S phi = Ei.isogeny(R) Ei = phi.codomain() S = phi(S) return Ei.j_invariant() def parse_K_elem(re,im): re = ZZ(re) im = ZZ(im) return K(re + ii*im) supersingular_cache = set() def is_supersingular(Ei): a = Ei.a_invariants() if a in supersingular_cache: return True result = Ei.is_supersingular(proof=False) if result: supersingular_cache.add(a) return result def send_key(s, pk2): send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[0].a1())[0])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[0].a1())[1])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[0].a2())[0])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[0].a2())[1])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[0].a3())[0])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[0].a3())[1])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[0].a4())[0])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[0].a4())[1])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[0].a6())[0])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[0].a6())[1])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[1][0])[0])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[1][0])[1])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[1][1])[0])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[1][1])[1])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[2][0])[0])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[2][0])[1])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[2][1])[0])) send(s,str(elem_to_coefficients(pk2[2][1])[1])) def oracle(Ei, P, Q, ciphertext, s): pk2 = Ei,P,Q send_key(s,pk2) receive_until(s, ":") send(s, ciphertext.encode("hex")) result = receive_until(s, [".","!"]) return "Good" in result def recover_coefficients(Ea,R,S,oracle, ciphertext, s): x = 0 ZE = Zmod(3^e3) for i in range(e3-2): print("Recovering 3^%d coefficient" % i) theta = 1/ZE(1+3^(e3-1-i)) theta = theta.nth_root(2) found_coeff = 0 for case in range(1,3): phiPb = (int(theta)*R-int(theta*3^(e3-i-1)*(x+case*3**i))*S) phiQb = int(theta*(1+3^(e3-i-1)))*S if oracle(Ea, phiPb, phiQb, ciphertext, s): found_coeff = case break; print('coefficient', found_coeff, 'for power 3^'+str(i)) x+=found_coeff*3**i return x def read_a(s): a = receive_until(s,"\n") a = re.findall("\d+",a) a = parse_K_elem(a[1], a[2]) return a def read_point(s): p = receive_until(s,"\n") p = re.findall("\d+",p) p = parse_K_elem(p[0], p[1]) return p def read_inputs(s): print("reading inputs") print(receive_until(s,"\n")) a1 = read_a(s) a2 = read_a(s) a3 = read_a(s) a4 = read_a(s) a6 = read_a(s) Ei = EllipticCurve(K, [a1,a2,a3,a4,a6]) Px = read_point(s) Py = read_point(s) P = Ei(Px, Py) Qx = read_point(s) Qy = read_point(s) Q = Ei(Qx, Qy) return (Ei, P, Q) def PoW(s): data = receive_until(s, "\n") print(data) prefix = re.findall("with (.*) of length", data)[0] length = 18 print(prefix) for perm in itertools.product(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, repeat=length - len(prefix)): data = prefix + "".join(perm) digest = hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest() if digest.endswith("fffffff"): print("found pow!") send(s, data) break def main(): port = 31337 host = "" s = nc(host, port) PoW(s) #host = "localhost" #port = 12345 #s = nc(host, port) sk2 = randint(1,2^e2-1) pk2 = isogen2(sk2) Ei,P,Q = pk2 R = P S = Q pk3 = read_inputs(s) shared = isoex2(sk2, pk3) key = hashlib.sha256(elem_to_bytes(shared)).digest() cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB) plaintext=b"Hello world.\x00\x00\x00\x00" ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext) res = recover_coefficients(Ei, R, S, oracle, ciphertext, s) print('recovered',res) limit = e3 for a in range(3): for b in range(3): secret = res+a*3**(limit-1)+b*3**(limit-2) super_secret_hash = hashlib.sha256(str(secret).encode('ascii')).digest()[:16] ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(super_secret_hash) send_key(s, pk2) send(s,ciphertext.encode("hex")) response = s.recv(9999) print(response) interactive(s) if __name__ == '__main__': main()