import time from base64 import b64encode import random from os import urandom from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead import AESCCM from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend class AnsiRng: _state = None def _get_timestamp (self) -> bytes : unix_ts = int(time.time() * 1000000) return int.to_bytes(unix_ts, length=16, byteorder='little') def __init__ (self, seed: bytes): if(not seed or len(seed) != 16): raise Error('Seed must be 16 bytes long') self._state = seed def _get_random_block(self): t = self._get_timestamp() cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(b'1234567890123456'), modes.ECB(), backend = default_backend()) c1 = cipher.encryptor().update(t) c2 = bytes([c1[i] ^ self._state[i] for i in range(16)]) o = cipher.encryptor().update(c2) c3 = bytes([c1[i] ^ o[i] for i in range(16)]) self._state = cipher.encryptor().update(c3) return o def get_random(self, length=16): o = b'' for i in range(int(length/16)): o = o + self._get_random_block() return o[:length] def play_lottery() -> bool: random.seed(int(time.time())) for _ in range(3): number = random.randint(1,65535) guess = input('Guess the next lottery number: ') guess = int(guess) if(number == guess): print('Congratulations, you won the lottery.') return True else: print('Wrong. The correct number was {}.'.format(number)) return False print(time.ctime()) # Let's play the lottery try: if(not play_lottery()): print('Better luck next time') exit(-1) except: print('Fair play, please.') exit(-1) # Give the player an encrypted flag as the prize with open('flag.txt') as f: flag = # Use a cryptographically secure random number generator to secure the flag rng = AnsiRng(urandom(16)) # Use an unguessable seed value for the RNG key = rng.get_random(16) r = rng.get_random(32) nonce = r[:12] ad = r[12:] cipher = AESCCM(key, tag_length=16) encrypted_flag = cipher.encrypt(nonce, flag.encode('utf-8'), associated_data=ad) output = b64encode(nonce + ad + encrypted_flag).decode('utf-8') print("Here is your encrypted flag: {}".format(output)) exit(0)