[[items]] name = "GlobalCache" type = "activity" description = "An in-memory key:value store based on go-cache." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/globalcache" uploadedon = "October 10, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Sleep" type = "activity" description = "Pause flow execution for given time interval" url = "https://github.com/vijaynalawade/flogo-contrib/tree/master/activity/sleep" uploadedon = "February 28, 2019" author = "vijaynalawade" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Amqp" type = "activity" description = "AMQP publisher." url = "https://github.com/mmussett/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/amqp" uploadedon = "September 4, 2018" author = "mmussett" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Colored Logger" type = "activity" description = "A log activity that will write colored logs to console." url = "https://github.com/eswarabhi/colored_logger" uploadedon = "December 06, 2018" author = "Abhi" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Transform" type = "activity" description = "Transform json using specification." url = "https://github.com/mmussett/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/transform" uploadedon = "September 3, 2018" author = "mmussett" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Write to File" type = "activity" description = "Write to a file." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/writetofile" uploadedon = "August 21, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Trello Cards" type = "activity" description = "Create a new Trello card." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/trellocard" uploadedon = "August 21, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "TOML Reader" type = "activity" description = "Reads and queries TOML files." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/tomlreader" uploadedon = "August 21, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Query Parser" type = "activity" description = "Parse a query string into name/value pairs." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/queryparser" uploadedon = "August 21, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Null" type = "activity" description = "An activity that does nothing (useful for branching out right after the trigger)." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/null" uploadedon = "August 21, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Mashery Token" type = "activity" description = "Get a Mashery Token (Login)." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/mashtoken" uploadedon = "August 21, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "IFTTT WebHook" type = "activity" description = "Send webhook requests to IFTTT." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/iftttwebhook" uploadedon = "August 21, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "GitHub Issues" type = "activity" description = "Get the GitHub issues assigned to an authenticated user." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/githubissues" uploadedon = "August 21, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Download File" type = "activity" description = "Download a file." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/downloadfile" uploadedon = "August 21, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Command Parser" type = "activity" description = "Parses a commandline string into separate arguments." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/commandparser" uploadedon = "August 21, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Amazon SQS Send" type = "activity" description = "Send a message using Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)" url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/amazonsqssend" uploadedon = "August 21, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "PubNub publisher" type = "activity" description = "Publish messages to PubNub." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/pubnubpublisher" uploadedon = "July 5, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "PubNub subscriber" type = "trigger" description = "Receive messages from PubNub." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/trigger/pubnubsubscriber" uploadedon = "July 5, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Amazon S3" type = "activity" description = "Activities for interacting with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/amazons3" uploadedon = "May 2, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Amazon SSM" type = "activity" description = "Activities for interacting with the parameter store of Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM)." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/amazonssm" uploadedon = "May 2, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "GNU Zip" type = "activity" description = "Activities for reading and writing of gzip format compressed files." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/gzip" uploadedon = "May 2, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Send Message Azure IOT" type = "activity" description = "Activity for sending data to Azure IOT Hub" url = "https://github.com/pradyuz3rocool/flogo-workspace/tree/master/activity/sendazureiot" uploadedon = "May 18, 2018" author = "iSteerApps" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Recieve Message Azure IOT" type = "activity" description = "Activity for receiving data from Azure IOT Hub" url = "https://github.com/shaliniGovindaNayak/flogo-workspace/tree/master/activity/recieveazure" uploadedon = "Jan 29, 2019" author = "iSteerApps" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Raise an Incident on ServiceNow" type = "activity" description = "Activity to raise an Incident on service Now" url = "https://github.com/shaliniGovindaNayak/flogo-workspace/tree/master/activity/servicenow" uploadedon = "sept 18, 2019" author = "iSteerApps" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Insert data Into InfluxDB" type = "activity" description = "Activity to insert data on InfluxDB" url = "https://github.com/shaliniGovindaNayak/flogo-workspace/tree/master/activity/influxdb" uploadedon = "oct 01, 2019" author = "iSteerApps" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Parse CSV" type = "activity" description = "Parses a CSV string and produces an array of objects." url = "https://github.com/mellistibco/flogo-activities/tree/master/activities/parsecsv" uploadedon = "April 5, 2018" author = "mellistibco" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "DynamoDB Insert" type = "activity" description = "Inserts a record in an Amazon DynamoDB." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/dynamodbinsert" uploadedon = "February 28, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "DynamoDB Query" type = "activity" description = "Executes a query against an Amazon DynamoDB." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/dynamodbquery" uploadedon = "February 28, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Azure IoT Hub" type = "activity" description = "Provides your Flogo app the ability to perform CRUD operations for device management on the Azure Iot Hub" url = "https://github.com/pradyuz3rocool/flogo-workspace/tree/master/activity/azureiot" uploadedon = "April 17, 2018" author = "iSteerApps" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "JavaScript Activity" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides your Flogo application the ability to execute embedded JavaScript code." url = "https://github.com/vijaynalawade/flogo/tree/master/activity/js" uploadedon = "February 25, 2018" author = "vijaynalawade" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Riff Trigger" type = "trigger" description = "This trigger provides your Flogo application the ability to start a flow as a Riff(https://projectriff.io/) function." url = "https://github.com/vijaynalawade/flogo/tree/master/trigger/riff" uploadedon = "April 27, 2018" author = "vijaynalawade" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Serverless Demo" type = "app" description = "Three sample apps working deployed using the Serverless Framework to query DynamoDB and RDS to return a combined result" url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/apps/serverless-demo" uploadedon = "February 20, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Payment Service" type = "app" description = "A sample application demonstrating environment variables, custom activities and mappings" url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/apps/paymentservice" uploadedon = "February 20, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Payment Service (Go)" type = "app" description = "A sample application like the Payment service, but written using the Flogo Go API." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/apps/paymentservice-go" uploadedon = "August 21, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Invoice Service" type = "app" description = "A sample application demonstrating environment variables, custom activities, mappings and REST invocations." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/apps/invoiceservice" uploadedon = "February 20, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Invoice Service (Go)" type = "app" description = "A sample application like the Invoice service, but written using the Flogo Go API." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/apps/invoiceservice-go" uploadedon = "August 21, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Add to Date" type = "activity" description = "Adds a specified number of units (days, months or years) to a date." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/addtodate" uploadedon = "February 20, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Random Number" type = "activity" description = "Generate a random unique number between the min and max value." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/randomnumber" uploadedon = "February 20, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Random String" type = "activity" description = "Generate a random string consisting with the length you specify." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/randomstring" uploadedon = "February 20, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Activity Reply" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides your flogo action/flow the ability to reply to a trigger invocation and set output values." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/contrib/tree/master/activity/actreply" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Activity Return" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides your flogo action/flow the ability to return immediately and set output values." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/contrib/tree/master/activity/actreturn" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "AWS IoT Device Shadow" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides your Flogo application the ability to update a device shadow on AWS IoT." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/contrib/tree/master/activity/awsiot" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "CLI Trigger" type = "trigger" description = "This trigger enables you to execute a Flogo Flow via the command line. The Flow will execute till completion and return the results to STDOUT." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/contrib/tree/master/trigger/cli" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "CoAP Publish" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides your flogo application the ability to send CoAP messages." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/edge-contrib/tree/master/activity/coap" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "CoAP Trigger" type = "trigger" description = "This trigger provides your Flogo application the ability to start a flow via CoAP." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/edge-contrib/tree/master/trigger/coap" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "MQTT Trigger" type = "trigger" description = "This trigger provides your Flogo application the ability to start a flow via MQTT." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/edge-contrib/tree/master/trigger/mqtt" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "MQTT Activity" type = "activity" description = "This activity allows you to send MQTT messages to TLS enabled servers (AWS IoT Core, Eclipse Hono and Bosch IoT Hub." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/edge-contrib/tree/master/activity/mqtt" uploadedon = "April 24, 2019" author = "ayh20" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Couchbase" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides your Flogo application the ability to connect to a Couchbase server." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/datastore-contrib/tree/master/activity/couchbase" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "teivah" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "GPIO" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides your Flogo application the ability to control the Raspberry Pi GPIO interface." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/edge-contrib/tree/master/activity/gpio" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "ML Inference" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides your Flogo application the ability to inference ML models. Currently supporting TensorFlow." url = "https://github.com/ml/tree/master/activity/inference" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Kafka Publish" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides your Flogo application the ability to publish Kafka messages." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/contrib/tree/master/activity/kafka" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Kafka Subscribe" type = "trigger" description = "This trigger provides your Flogo application with the ability to subscribe to messages from a kafka cluster and start a flow with the contents of the message." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/contrib/tree/master/trigger/kafka" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "AWS Lambda Trigger" type = "trigger" description = "This trigger provides your Flogo application the ability to start a flow as an AWS Lambda function." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/aws-contrib/tree/master/trigger/lambda" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "AWS Lambda Invoke" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides native Lambda invocation capabilities to your Flogo apps. You can invoke a Lambda function via ARN and provide the access key and secret for authentication." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/aws-contrib/tree/master/activity/lambda" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "REST Trigger" type = "trigger" description = "This trigger provides your Flogo application the ability to start a flow via REST over HTTP." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/contrib/tree/master/trigger/rest" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "REST" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides your Flogo application the ability to invoke REST services." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/contrib/tree/master/activity/rest" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "SQL Query" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides your Flogo application the ability query SQL databases." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/contrib/tree/master/activity/sqlquery" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "eFTL Publish" type = "activity" description = "This activity sends a message to TIBCO eFTL. Code is based on the WSMessage activity created by Leon Stigter." url = "https://github.com/jvanderl/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/eftl" uploadedon = "December 19, 2017" author = "jvanderl" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "eFTL Subscriber" type = "trigger" description = "This trigger provides your flogo application the ability to start a flow via eFTL." url = "https://github.com/jvanderl/flogo-components/tree/master/trigger/eftl" uploadedon = "December 19, 2017" author = "jvanderl" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Timer Trigger" type = "trigger" description = "This trigger provides your Flogo application the ability to schedule a flow via a scheduling service." url = "https://github.com/project-flogo/contrib/tree/master/trigger/timer" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Get Book Information" type = "app" description = "A sample application demonstrating multi trigger flows, mappings and REST invocations." url = "https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/flogo/tree/master/samples/getbooksample" uploadedon = "December 20, 2017" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "GrovePi" type = "activity" description = "allows Digital Write to GrovePi Board from Raspberry Pi." url = "https://github.com/JGrotex/GrovePi/tree/master/Software/flogo" uploadedon = "March 22, 2018" author = "jgrote" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "JSON Config Reader" type = "activity" description = "This activity reads configuration from a JSON file." url = "https://github.com/philippegabert/configreader/tree/master/flogo-contrib/activity/configreader" uploadedon = "Jan 31, 2018" author = "philippegabert" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "TensorFlow HelloWorld" type = "app" description = "Basic sample demonstrating how to inference a TensorFlow model." url = "https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/flogo/tree/master/samples/tensorflow/helloworld" uploadedon = "Feb 6, 2018" author = "TIBCOSoftware" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "MySQL Fetch" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides your flogo application the ability to fire a select query to mySQL database and fetch the required data returning it as a JSON string." url = "https://github.com/Ganitagya/flogo-contrib/tree/master/activity/mysqlfetch" uploadedon = "April 3, 2018" author = "Akash Mahapatra" [[items]] name = "databasequery" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides your flogo application the ability to connect to various database providers like MySQL, Postgres, SQLITE3 and query the required data returning it as a JSON string." url = "https://github.com/Ganitagya/flogo-contrib/tree/master/activity/databasequery" uploadedon = "April 7, 2018" author = "Akash Mahapatra" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "UDP Subscriber Trigger" type = "trigger" description = "This trigger provides your flogo application a stream of UDP data from the specificed port and, optionally, Multicast group" url = "https://github.com/ayh20/flogo-components/tree/master/trigger/udp" uploadedon = "April 18, 2018" author = "ayh20" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "UDP Receive activity" type = "activity" description = "This activity provides your flogo application the ability to send a message over UDP" url = "https://github.com/jvanderl/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/udp" uploadedon = "April 18, 2018" author = "jvanderl" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Redis activity" type = "activity" description = "Activity for interacting with Redis DB." url = "https://github.com/mmussett/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/redis" uploadedon = "May 11, 2018" author = "mmussett" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Statsd activity" type = "activity" description = "Activity for publishing statsd events." url = "https://github.com/mmussett/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/statsd" uploadedon = "May 11, 2018" author = "mmussett" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "EMS activity" type = "activity" description = "Activity for sending and receiving EMS messages." url = "https://github.com/mmussett/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/ems" uploadedon = "May 11, 2018" author = "mmussett" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Env activity" type = "activity" description = "Activity for getting and setting Environment Variables." url = "https://github.com/mmussett/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/env" uploadedon = "May 11, 2018" author = "mmussett" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Randon number activity" type = "activity" description = "Activity to generate a random number value given a distribution type: Normal, Uniform, Triangular or Exponential" url = "https://github.com/ecarlier-tibco/flogo/tree/master/activity/numdatasim" uploadedon = "June 13, 2018" author = "ecarlier-tibco" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "WebSocket Trigger" type = "trigger" description = "This trigger provides your Flogo application the ability to start a flow from a WebSocket trigger." url = "https://github.com/mmussett/flogo-components/tree/master/trigger/websocket" uploadedon = "July 4, 2018" author = "mmussett" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "gRPC Trigger" type = "trigger" description = "Subscribe to gRPC messages." url = "https://github.com/retgits/flogo-components/tree/master/trigger/grpctrigger" uploadedon = "August 23, 2018" author = "retgits" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Key based Aggregator" type = "activity" description = "Aggregate based on a key" url = "https://github.com/ayh20/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/aggregate" uploadedon = "September 25, 2018" author = "ayh20" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "UUID Generator" type = "activity" description = "Generates various UUID strings" url = "https://github.com/mmussett/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/uuid" uploadedon = "October 3, 2018" author = "mmussett" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Elastic Cloud Activity" type = "activity" description = "This activity lets you index documents into Elastic Cloud." url = "https://github.com/tuurleyck/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/elasticloud" uploadedon = "October 23, 2018" author = "tuurleyck" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Mashery ECLS Trigger" type = "trigger" description = "Mashery ECLS WebSocket Trigger" url = "https://github.com/mmussett/flogo-components/tree/master/trigger/ecls" uploadedon = "November 1, 2018" author = "mmussett" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Execute a shell script" type = "activity" description = "This activity execute a shell script with optional parameters and consume the script response." url = "https://github.com/iainharfield/flogo/tree/master/activity/runshellscript" uploadedon = "December 14, 2018" author = "iharfiel" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "JSONata Mapper Activity" type = "activity" description = "This activity allows you map JSON data using JSONata transformation language." url = "https://github.com/yxuco/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/jsmapper" uploadedon = "February 8, 2019" author = "yxuco" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "EMS Trigger" type = "trigger" description = "EMSTrigger" url = "https://github.com/mmussett/flogo-components/tree/master/trigger/ems" uploadedon = "June 5, 2019" author = "mmussett" showcase = "true" [[items]] name = "Apache Pulsar Activity" type = "activity" description = "This activity allows you to publish messages to an Apache Pulsar message broker" url = "https://github.com/mmussett/flogo-components/tree/master/activity/pulsar" uploadedon = "December 10, 2019" author = "mmussett" showcase = "true"