"""Defines the skeleton for all TIM plugins. TIM interacts with plugins through certain HTTP routes: * multihtml: Renders the plugin instances as HTML. Called with a list of JSONs of the same plugin type. The route returns a list of corresponding HTMLs. * answer: Renders the plugin response when an answer is posted to the plugin. The accepted data of each route is defined by a dataclass. Upon successful validation, the JSON is converted to the corresponding Model object that can be used in code. If validation fails, the plugin returns an error with status code 422. """ import base64 import json from abc import ABC from dataclasses import dataclass, field from enum import Enum from json import JSONEncoder from typing import ( TypeVar, Generic, Any, Callable, TypedDict, ) from flask import Blueprint, request, Response, current_app from flask import render_template_string, jsonify, Flask from flask_wtf import CSRFProtect from marshmallow import ValidationError, Schema from marshmallow.utils import missing from webargs.flaskparser import use_args from tim_common.markupmodels import list_not_missing_fields, GenericMarkupModel from tim_common.marshmallow_dataclass import class_schema from tim_common.timjsonencoder import TimJsonEncoder from tim_common.utils import Missing class PluginAnswerWeb(TypedDict, total=False): result: str error: str class TimInfo(TypedDict, total=False): points: float # TODO add others when needed class PluginAnswerResp(TypedDict, total=False): web: PluginAnswerWeb save: dict[str, Any] tim_info: TimInfo class EditorMenuItem(TypedDict): data: str expl: str text: str class EditorMenu(TypedDict): text: str items: list[EditorMenuItem] class EditorTab(TypedDict): text: str items: list[EditorMenu] class PluginReqs(TypedDict, total=False): js: list[str] multihtml: bool multimd: bool editor_tabs: list[EditorTab] css: list[str] @dataclass class InfoModel: """Model for the information that is given by TIM in an answer request.""" earlier_answers: int look_answer: bool max_answers: int | None user_id: str valid: bool # could be False e.g. if answering deadline has passed show_points: bool | None = None @property def primary_user(self) -> str: users = self.user_id.split(";") return users[0] InfoSchema = class_schema(InfoModel) PluginMarkup = TypeVar("PluginMarkup", bound=GenericMarkupModel) PluginState = TypeVar("PluginState") PluginInput = TypeVar("PluginInput") @dataclass class GenericRouteModel(Generic[PluginInput, PluginMarkup, PluginState]): """Base class for answer and HTML route models. Contains the fields that the routes have in common.""" info: InfoModel | None markup: PluginMarkup state: PluginState | None taskID: str @dataclass class GenericAnswerModel(GenericRouteModel[PluginInput, PluginMarkup, PluginState]): """Generic base class for answer route models.""" input: PluginInput info: InfoModel def make_answer_error(self, msg: str) -> PluginAnswerResp: return {"web": {"error": msg}} class Laziness(Enum): No = False Yes = True Never = "NEVERLAZY" def to_json(self) -> str | bool: return self.value def __bool__(self) -> bool: raise Exception("Please use Laziness.{Yes,No,Never} explicitly.") @dataclass class GenericHtmlModel(GenericRouteModel[PluginInput, PluginMarkup, PluginState]): """Generic base class for HTML route models.""" anonymous: bool current_user_id: str doLazy: Laziness = field(metadata={"by_value": True}) preview: bool review: bool targetFormat: str taskIDExt: str user_id: str userPrint: bool viewmode: bool access: str | Missing = missing hide_names: bool | Missing = missing def requires_login(self) -> bool: """ Whether the login prompt is shown to anonymous users. """ return not self.markup.anonymous def get_browser_json(self) -> dict: r = dict(list_not_missing_fields(self)) r["markup"] = self.markup.get_visible_data() return r def get_maybe_empty_static_html(self) -> str: """Renders a static version of the plugin. When plugin is not shown in view mode, return empty string """ if self.viewmode and not self.show_in_view(): return render_template_string("") return self.get_static_html() def get_static_html(self) -> str: """Renders a static version of the plugin. This is meant to be a static lightweight lookalike version of the plugin. """ raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by a derived class.") def get_review(self) -> str: # TODO: This should be in field classes, not here. c = getattr(self.state, "c", None) if c: return f"
" return "
" def get_real_html(self) -> str: """Renders the plugin as HTML.""" component = self.get_component_html_name() if self.viewmode and not self.show_in_view(): return "" if self.review: return self.get_review() return current_app.jinja_env.from_string( """<{{component}} json="{{data}}">""", ).render( data=make_base64( self.get_browser_json(), json_encoder=self.get_json_encoder() ), component=component, ) def get_md(self) -> str: return "Not implemented" def get_real_md(self) -> str: if self.viewmode and not self.show_in_view(): return "" return self.get_md() def get_json_encoder(self) -> type[json.JSONEncoder]: return TimJsonEncoder def get_component_html_name(self) -> str: """Gets the name of the Angular component as it should be in HTML.""" raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by a derived class.") def show_in_view_default(self) -> bool: """ If component is not show in view mode return False. This method is for to be overridden in child classes if they should not be shown on View-mode :return: is component shown in view as default """ return True def show_in_view(self) -> bool: """ If component is not show in view mode return False :return: is component shown in view mode """ if isinstance(self.markup.showInView, bool): return self.markup.showInView return self.show_in_view_default() PluginContext = TypeVar("PluginContext") @dataclass class GenericHtmlModelWithContext( Generic[PluginInput, PluginMarkup, PluginState, PluginContext], GenericHtmlModel[PluginInput, PluginMarkup, PluginState], ABC, ): ctx: PluginContext | None = field( init=False, default=None, metadata={"missing": True} ) def render_validationerror(e: ValidationError) -> str: """Renders a validation error as HTML indicating which fields were erroneous.""" if isinstance(e.messages, dict): msgs = e.messages else: msgs = {} # TODO check if this is ever reached in practice return render_template_string( """
The following fields have invalid values:
""".strip(), errors=msgs.get("markup", msgs.get("input", e.messages)), ) def render_plugin_with_login_request( m: GenericHtmlModel[PluginInput, PluginMarkup, PluginState] ) -> str: """Renders a static version of the plugin as HTML along with a request to log in.""" return render_template_string( """

Please to interact with this component.

{{ static_html|safe }}""", static_html=m.get_maybe_empty_static_html(), ) def make_base64(d: dict, json_encoder: type[JSONEncoder] | None = None) -> str: """Converts the given dict to a base64-encoded JSON string.""" return base64.b64encode( json.dumps(d, sort_keys=True, cls=json_encoder).encode() ).decode() def is_lazy(q: GenericHtmlModel) -> bool: """Determines if the server should render a lazy version of the plugin.""" if q.doLazy == Laziness.Never: return False if q.markup.lazy: return True if q.markup.lazy is False: return False if q.doLazy == Laziness.Yes: return True return False def render_plugin_lazy( m: GenericHtmlModel[PluginInput, PluginMarkup, PluginState] ) -> str: """Renders lazy HTML for a plugin. The lazy HTML displays the static version of the plugin and has the real HTML in an attribute that will be activated on mouse hover. The end ". :param m: The plugin HTML schema. :return: HTML. """ return render_template_string( """
{{ static_html|safe }} """.strip(), static_html=m.get_maybe_empty_static_html(), real_html=m.get_real_html(), ) def render_plugin_html( m: GenericHtmlModel[PluginInput, PluginMarkup, PluginState] ) -> str: """Renders HTML for a plugin. :param m: The plugin HTML schema. :return: HTML. """ if m.user_id == "Anonymous" and m.requires_login(): return render_plugin_with_login_request(m) if is_lazy(m): return render_plugin_lazy(m) return m.get_real_html() def render_plugin_md( m: GenericHtmlModel[PluginInput, PluginMarkup, PluginState] ) -> str: """Renders HTML for a plugin. :param m: The plugin HTML schema. :return: HTML. """ if m.user_id == "Anonymous" and m.requires_login(): return render_plugin_with_login_request(m) return m.get_real_md() def render_multimd(args: list[dict], schema: Schema) -> Response: """Renders HTMLs according to the given Schema. :param args: Partially validated HTML arguments. :param schema: The marshmallow schema to use for validating the plugin data. :return: List of HTMLs. """ results = [] for a in args: try: p = schema.load(a) except ValidationError as e: results.append(render_validationerror(e)) else: results.append(render_plugin_md(p)) return jsonify(results) def create_app(name: str) -> Flask: """Creates the Flask app for the plugin server. :param name: Name of import. Usually __name__ should be passed. :return: The app. """ return Flask(name, static_folder=".", static_url_path="") HtmlModel = TypeVar("HtmlModel", bound=GenericHtmlModel) AnswerModel = TypeVar("AnswerModel", bound=GenericAnswerModel) def register_html_routes( app: Flask | Blueprint, html_schema: type[Schema], reqs_handler: Callable[[], PluginReqs], csrf: CSRFProtect | None = None, multihtml_preprocessor: Callable[[list[HtmlModel]], None] | None = None, ) -> None: @app.errorhandler(422) def handle_invalid_request(error: Any) -> Response: return jsonify( { "web": { "error": render_validationerror( ValidationError(message=error.data["messages"]) ) } } ) @app.post("/multihtml") def multihtml() -> Response: args = request.get_json(silent=True) if not isinstance(args, list): args = [args] ret = render_multihtml(args, html_schema()) return ret @app.post("/multimd") def multimd() -> Response: args = request.get_json(silent=True) if not isinstance(args, list): args = [args] ret = render_multimd(args, html_schema()) return ret @app.get("/reqs") def reqs() -> Response: return jsonify(reqs_handler()) if csrf: csrf.exempt(multihtml) csrf.exempt(multimd) @app.before_request def print_rq() -> None: pass # pprint(request.get_json(silent=True)) # print(request.get_json(silent=True)) def render_multihtml(args: list[dict], schema: Schema) -> Response: """Renders HTMLs according to the given Schema. :param schema: The marshmallow schema to use for validating the plugin data. :param args: Unvalidated HTML arguments. :return: List of HTMLs. """ results: list[str | None] = [] result_data = [] for a in args: try: p = schema.load(a) except ValidationError as e: results.append(render_validationerror(e)) else: result_data.append(p) # Leave empty space for the preprocessed data results.append(None) if multihtml_preprocessor: multihtml_preprocessor(result_data) # Fill in Nones with preprocessed multihtml j = 0 for i, d in enumerate(results): if d is None: results[i] = render_plugin_html(result_data[j]) j += 1 return jsonify(results) T = TypeVar("T") def value_or_default(val: T | None | Missing, default: T) -> T: if val is None or isinstance(val, Missing): return default return val def create_blueprint( name: str, plugin_name: str, html_model: type[HtmlModel], answer_model: type[AnswerModel], answer_handler: Callable[[AnswerModel], PluginAnswerResp], reqs_handler: Callable[[], PluginReqs], csrf: CSRFProtect | None = None, multihtml_preprocessor: Callable[[list[HtmlModel]], None] | None = None, ) -> Blueprint: bp = create_nontask_blueprint( name, plugin_name, html_model, reqs_handler, csrf, multihtml_preprocessor ) register_answer_route(bp, answer_model, answer_handler, csrf) return bp def create_nontask_blueprint( name: str, plugin_name: str, html_model: type[HtmlModel], reqs_handler: Callable[[], PluginReqs], csrf: CSRFProtect | None = None, multihtml_preprocessor: Callable[[list[HtmlModel]], None] | None = None, ) -> Blueprint: bp = Blueprint(plugin_name, name, url_prefix=f"/{plugin_name}") register_html_routes( bp, class_schema(html_model), reqs_handler, csrf, multihtml_preprocessor ) return bp def register_answer_route( app: Flask | Blueprint, answer_model: type[AnswerModel], answer_handler: Callable[[AnswerModel], PluginAnswerResp], csrf: CSRFProtect | None = None, ) -> None: @app.put("/answer") @use_args(class_schema(answer_model)(), locations=("json",)) def ans(m: AnswerModel) -> Response: return jsonify(answer_handler(m)) if csrf: csrf.exempt(ans) return ans def register_plugin_app( name: str, html_model: type[HtmlModel], answer_model: type[AnswerModel], answer_handler: Callable[[AnswerModel], PluginAnswerResp], reqs_handler: Callable[[], PluginReqs], ) -> Flask: app = create_app(name) register_html_routes(app, class_schema(html_model), reqs_handler) register_answer_route(app, answer_model, answer_handler) return app def launch_if_main(name: str, app: Flask) -> None: if name == "__main__": app.run( host="", port=5000, debug=False, # for live reloading, this can be turned on )