package; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.Button; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import; import com.tjhello.demo.adeasy.R; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import kotlin.Unit; /** * 作者:天镜baobao * 时间:2020/1/12 16:59 * 说明:允许使用,但请遵循Apache License 2.0 * 使用: * Copyright 2020/1/12 天镜baobao *

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at *

* *

* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ public class JavaTestActivity extends JavaAppActivity { private Button btShowVideo ; private Button btShowInterstitialVideo ; private Button btShowInterstitial ; private Button btShowBanner ; @Override void onInitValue(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { adEasy.isAutoShowBanner(true); } @Override void onInitView() { setContentView(R.layout.test_activity_layout); btShowVideo = this.findViewById(; btShowInterstitialVideo = this.findViewById(; btShowInterstitial = this.findViewById(; btShowBanner = this.findViewById(; Button btHideBanner = this.findViewById(; //刷新按钮的UI状态 refreshBtVideo(); refreshBtIns(); refreshBtInsVideo(); refreshBtBanner(); btShowVideo.setOnClickListener(v->{ adEasy.showVideo((adInfo, aBoolean) -> { //看视频完成回调 refreshBtVideo(); return Unit.INSTANCE; }); }); btShowInterstitialVideo.setOnClickListener(v->{ adEasy.showInterstitialVideo((adInfo) -> { //看插屏视频完成回调 return Unit.INSTANCE; }); }); btShowInterstitial.setOnClickListener(v->{ adEasy.showInterstitial((adInfo) -> { //看插屏完成回调 refreshBtIns(); return Unit.INSTANCE; }); }); btShowBanner.setOnClickListener(v->{ adEasy.showBanner(); }); btHideBanner.setOnClickListener(v->{ adEasy.hideBanner(); }); } @Override void onLoadData() { } private void refreshBtVideo(){ if(adEasy.hasVideo()){ btShowVideo.setAlpha(1f); }else{ btShowVideo.setAlpha(0.5f); } } private void refreshBtIns(){ if(adEasy.hasInterstitial()){ btShowInterstitial.setAlpha(1f); }else{ btShowInterstitial.setAlpha(0.5f); } } private void refreshBtInsVideo(){ if(adEasy.hasInterstitialVideo()){ btShowInterstitialVideo.setAlpha(1f); }else{ btShowInterstitialVideo.setAlpha(0.5f); } } private void refreshBtBanner(){ if(adEasy.hasBanner()){ btShowBanner.setAlpha(1f); }else{ btShowBanner.setAlpha(0.5f); } } //广告加载成功回调 @Override public void onAdLoad(@NotNull ADInfo adInfo, boolean isSelf) { super.onAdLoad(adInfo, isSelf); switch (adInfo.getType()){ case ADInfo.TYPE_VIDEO:refreshBtVideo();break; case ADInfo.TYPE_INTERSTITIAL:refreshBtIns();break; case ADInfo.TYPE_INTERSTITIAL_VIDEO:refreshBtInsVideo();break; case ADInfo.TYPE_BANNER:refreshBtBanner();break; } } @Override public void onAdClick(@NotNull ADInfo adInfo) { } @Override public void onAdInit() { } }