{ "common": { "name": "divera247", "version": "0.2.0", "news": { "0.2.0": { "en": "Complete renewal of the adapter", "de": "Generelle Erneuerung des Adapters" }, "0.1.3": { "en": "general revision of the adapter", "de": "Generelle Überarbeitung des Adapters" }, "0.1.2": { "en": "added alarmed vehicles datapointg", "de": "Datenpunkt für alarmierte Fahrzeuge hinzugefügt" }, "0.1.1": { "en": "small changes - wording", "de": "Kleine Änderungen in Bezeichnungen" }, "0.1.0": { "en": "added possibility to specify alarm groups", "de": "Möglichkeit hinzugefügt, nur auf Alarmierungen bestimmter Alarm-Gruppe zu lauschen" }, "0.0.10": { "en": "bug in info.connection fixed and handling of user ids expanded", "de": "Fehler in Verbindungsanzeige behoben und Handling von UserIDs erweitert" }, "0.0.9": { "en": "added default values for admin page", "de": "Standardwerte für Admin-Seite hinzugefügt" }, "0.0.8": { "en": "Changed API call from intervall to timeout, added states 'group' and 'foreign_id'", "de": "Apfrage der API von Intervall auf Timeout geändert, States 'Gruppe' und 'Einsatznummer' hinzugefügt" }, "0.0.7": { "en": "added object priority and alarm object updates only in case of an new alarm or when an alarm was closed", "de": "Objekt Priorität/Sonderrechte hinzugefügt und Alarm wird nur noch bei neuem oder Schließung eines Alarms aktualisiert" }, "0.0.6": { "en": "state handling while active alarm and connection check improved, fixed object types", "de": "state handling bei aktivem Alarm und connection check verbessert, Fehler bei Objekttypen behoben" }, "0.0.5": { "en": "fixed io-package news issue", "de": "io-package news Anforderungen nachgepflegt" }, "0.0.4": { "en": "Connection check to api improved, added timestamp of latest alert", "de": "API-Verbindungs-Check verbesserunt, Alarmieringszeitstempel hinzugefügt" }, "0.0.3": { "en": "added title, text, address, latitude, longitude, general formatting", "de": "Einsatzstichwort, Meldungstext, Adresse, Längengrad und Breitengrad hinzugefügt" }, "0.0.2": { "en": "adjusted translation", "de": "Übersetzung verbessert" }, "0.0.1": { "en": "initial release", "de": "Erstveröffentlichung" } }, "title": "Divera 24/7", "titleLang": { "en": "Divera 24/7", "de": "Divera 24/7" }, "desc": { "en": "Adapter for the alerting software Divera 24/7", "de": "Adapter zur Alarmierungssoftware Divera 24/7" }, "authors": [ "tknpl " ], "author": { "name": "TKnpl", "email": "dev@t-concepts.de" }, "keywords": [ "divera", "alarm" ], "license": "MIT", "platform": "Javascript/Node.js", "main": "main.js", "icon": "divera247.png", "enabled": true, "extIcon": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TKnpl/ioBroker.divera247/master/admin/divera247.png", "readme": "https://github.com/TKnpl/ioBroker.divera247/blob/master/README.md", "loglevel": "info", "mode": "daemon", "type": "alarm", "compact": true, "connectionType": "cloud", "dataSource": "poll", "materialize": true, "dependencies": [ { "js-controller": ">=2.0.0" } ] }, "native": { "diveraAccessKey": "", "diveraUserId": "", "diveraAlarmGroup": "", "pollIntervall": 30 }, "objects": [], "instanceObjects": [ { "_id": "info", "type": "channel", "common": { "name": "Information" }, "native": {} }, { "_id": "info.connection", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "indicator.connected", "name": "Device or service connected", "type": "boolean", "read": true, "write": false, "def": false }, "native": {} } ] }