Each time there is a ____________________ at the end of a line, you're at a new section. Instructions: Important Step 0: ____________________ Please be sure to come back and grab a copy of the Analyzer from Step 2 about once a month for any updates I make. Step 1: ____________________ This analyzer only works with Destiny Item Manager. Link below for Destiny Item Manager: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/ This can be used on Mobile. Copy the link below to see a guide on using DIM on phones. https://destinyitemmanager.fandom.com/wiki/Desktop_and_Mobile_Apps Step 2: ____________________ Copy the link below to access the Vault Analyzer's DIM Search code. Select ALL text on the page and copy it. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TMMania/TMManias-DIM-Filter-Gallery/main/2.%20Searches/Vault%20Analyzer.txt Warning about changing values in this code, skip this if you won't do that: I won't stop you, but I would avoid adjusting them too high if you plan to use searches to tell you to dismantle the armor you consider "not good" like the Analyzer does. Spend some time thinking about it before you commit all the way. You can end up siphoning out armor that is actually good while still getting the same slow trickle of "better armor." Even if your standards are higher, your RNG won't change. Step 3: ____________________ Paste the Vault Analyzer into the Destiny Item Manager Search Bar Optional: Click the star button on the far right of the search bar to save the Vault Analyzer in your search bar favorites. Step 4: ____________________ Look at your highlighted items and tag anything you want to keep with any of these tags: Favorite Keep Archive Infuse Step 5: ____________________ If you have any items that you want to dismantle that are not highlighted, Tag them with the "Junk" Tag. Step 6: ____________________ Transfer highlighted items to your character's inventory to be dismantled. Step a: Click on the emblem of the character you want to dismantle items on. Step b: Click the ""Transfer Search"" option. Pictured below. Note: You must have the Vault Analyzer in your DIM search for the ""Transfer Search"" option to appear. Step 7: ____________________ Dismantle items in-game that are highlighted in Destiny Item Manager. If you cannot see DIM and the game at the same time, I suggest moving items that are not highlighted out of your character's inventory to avoid mistakes. Step 7: ____________________ Any time you want to clean out your vault, tag your items you want to delete as "Junk" and repeat these steps. If there are any items that are highlighted that you'd like to keep, follow step 3. Important Step 8 ____________________ Please be sure to come back and grab a copy of the Analyzer from Step 2 or from the link below about once a month for any updates I make. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TMMania/TMManias-DIM-Filter-Gallery/main/2.%20Searches/Vault%20Analyzer.txt You're done! ____________________ You're done, the rest of this is extra info about what the Vault Analyzer is. What this "Vault Analyzer" is____________________ This Vault Analyzer is a very long search for Destiny Item Manager that highlights what you can dismantle without worrying about it being useful. The main goal is to make the process of checking random stat armor simpler by reducing the need to look at every piece and decide in the moment "is this good?" This is done by performing mathematical analysis and checks on every armor piece in your vault to check if they reach any of the set conditions. T hese conditions are listed in the "Items to be Kept" section of the google doc on the Vault Analyzer page. The Analyzer also helps prevent mistakes like deleting that pinnacle you just got from running a dungeon and making sure you have raid armor in each slot to utilize Raid Mods without accidentally deleting those pieces. What this "Vault Analyzer" is not____________________ My Vault Analyzer is not telling you how to play or limiting your builds for a specific meta, you are in control. First, the Analyzer cannot dismantle anything, you dismantle items in game. The Analyzer will keep any armor that could be useful to any player. I don't have to agree with your play style, but the Analyzer will keep armor that will help you make your builds. Also, the Analyzer is not saying the highlighted items are the only things you can trash since it does not filter things like weapons based on perks. Also, there may be armor rolls you don't want that are considered interesting by the Analyzer. If you want to delete more, tag items with the junk tag and the next time you use the Analyzer, those items will be included. Who should use this Vault Analyzer?____________________ Anyone. From weekend warriors to daily hardcore grinders, this is designed for everyone. For you weekend warriors who only play when the kids are asleep, this should help reduce the chaos and pressure that is "I don't understand armor," while making sure you have armor to abuse things like Hunter invisibility for Nightfalls. No more checking armor but still knowing you can make an effective build for PvE or a casually competitive build for PvP. While also knowing you won't accidentally dismantle any useful items for light leveling or utilizing raid mods. Just follow the analyzer's recommendations and go have fun. Tip: Recovery is the most important stat for PvE. Resilience shines brighter in PvP. For you daily grinders, this can help make sure you're keeping armor for your late game builds for PvE and PvP without having to consider every drop that you earn. The analyzer looks for any combination of stats that can theoretically make builds from a no-mods build with T10 Recovery, T7 Discipline, T7 Intellect on Warlock for PvE to a fully modded 10/10/10/5 Hunter build for PvP. What is GitHub and why are you asking me to click a link leading to GitHub in Step 2?____________________ Go look up GitHub on Wikipedia, it's a website used for programming. GitHub lets me have a single link that never changes while I can update the text on that page as I change the Analyzer and anyone who ever clicks on that link goes to the most up to date version. The Vault Analyzer's Conditions____________________ Items to be kept "Conditions for all Armor & Weapons - Items tagged Keep / Favorite / Archive / Infuse - Highest Light Level items * - All Exotics - Items in a DIM Loadout - All Masterworked Items Additional conditions for Armor only on all classes: - All non-Armor 2.0 Armor - One armor piece for each armor slot for non-sunset raids ** - Event Armor 3* - Class Items that meets any one of these conditions: 4* a. Has a mod installed b. Is locked c. Is upgrade level 6 or greater d. Is not your highest light level raid class item - Items with the highest value in a stat per armor slot. 5* - 65+ stat total - 23+ in one stat (High value in one stat) - 17.5+ Average in any two stats (High values in two stats) - 15+ Average in any three stats (High values in three stats) - 8+ Average across all six stats (Values distributed across all stats) Notes: * One of each slot for each character when below season cap, keeps all items at pinnacle cap ** The analyzer always keeps the highest light level raid item per slot and will remove any duplicates with a lower light level that do not have stats that pass the analyzer. 3* Currently the only 2.0 armor from events is Solstice armor which has quests tied into the armor. I will not identify this armor to be deleted because players may have an attached sentiment to it. If random drop event armor is added to the game, I will change this condition. 4* Essentially these rules say ""You've interacted with the class item."" This is designed to prevent random class items from living in your vault and you should lock a class item if you'd like to keep it. 5* This means that as you play more and earn armor with higher values in a specific stat, the lower value armor will be put through the filter and identified to be dismantled if it does not pass the filter." Items to be Deleted____________________ The Golden Rule: - Items with the Junk tag that are not your highest light level items. Conditions for Armor & Weapons * - Sunset Items - Blues that are not your high light level items 2* - Any class item that does not fulfill any of these conditions: 3* a. Has a mod installed b. Is locked c. Is upgrade level 6 or greater d. Is not your highest light level raid class item Conditions for Armor only: - Anything that does not pass the armor filtering. Additional Conditions for Weapons only: - There are no additional conditions. I do not do any kind of filtering on weapons based on perks or Masterwork type or anything like that. This is Analyzer is mostly for armor and there is plenty of resources out there that analyze based on perks. Examples: The wishlists in DIM (the little thumbs up below some guns), Light.gg's perk recommendations and community average rolls, YouTuber's reviews on weapons. Notes: * Any condition listed in the ""Keep"" section will override any condition in this section except for the golden rule. 2* The analyzer will keep War Mantis Gauntlets on Hunters, these are popular for their Mobility / Recovery / Resilience splits for PvP. 3* To clarify, if one or more conditions is met in this ""abcd"" list, the class item is kept. This is the same set of rules listed in the "Kept Items"