# gortal [![Actions Status](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/TNK-Studio/gortal/Build%20release)](https://github.com/TNK-Studio/gortal/actions)[![Docker build](https://img.shields.io/docker/cloud/build/elfgzp/gortal)](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/elfgzp/gortal)[![Docker build automated](https://img.shields.io/docker/cloud/automated/elfgzp/gortal)](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/elfgzp/gortal) [![Docker pull](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/elfgzp/gortal)](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/elfgzp/gortal)[![Release Download](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/TNK-Studio/gortal/total)](https://github.com/TNK-Studio/gortal/releases) A super lightweight jumpserver service developed using the Go language. [English Document](./README.md) | [中文文档](./doc/README_CN.md) ![gortal](./doc/gortal.gif) ## Deployment Gortal needs a server with a public IP as the server for the jumpserver service. This server needs external network access to be able to access the target server you need to access. ### Docker ```shell $ docker pull elfgzp/gortal:latest $ mkdir -p ~/.gortal/.ssh $ docker run \ -p 2222:2222 \ -v ~/.gortal:/root\ -v ~/.gortal/.ssh:/root/.ssh\ --name gortal -d gortal:latest ``` ### Binary file Download the version you need from the [Release](https://github.com/TNK-Studio/gortal/releases) page, decompress it to get the `gortal` binary executable, and run it. ```shell $ ./gortal starting ssh server on port 2222... ``` ## How to use ### First Time After the gortal service is started, an sshd service will be started on port `2222`. You can also set the startup port through `-p`. After the service is started, you only need to use the `ssh` command to access the service. ```shell $ ssh -p 2222 root@'s password: New Username: root█ Password: ******█ Confirm your password: ******█ Please login again with your new acount. Shared connection to closed. ``` The default user password for the first access is `newuser`, and then the command line prompts to create a new user. Follow the prompts to create a new `admin` account for the jumpserver service. ```shell $ ssh root@ -p 2222 root@'s password: Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ← ? Please select the function you need: ▸ List servers Edit users Edit servers Edit personal info Quit ``` You can use it after logging in with your password again. ### Upload or download file server via jumpserver If you want to upload or download file from the server via jumpserver, you can use the `scp` command in the following format: ```shell $ scp -P 2222 ~/Desktop/README.md gzp@jumpserver:gzp@server2:~/Desktop/README1.md README.md 100% 9279 73.9KB/s 00:00 ``` ```shell scp -P 2222 gzp@jumpserver:gzp@server2:~/Desktop/video.mp4 ~/Downloads video.mp4 100% 10MB 58.8MB/s 00:00 ``` Note the use of `:` after `gzp@jumpserver` plus the `key` and `username` of the server you need to transfer, and finally write the destination or source path. Folder transfer is currently not supported. Please compress the file and upload or download it.