// ==UserScript== // @name Minimal Tetromino Friends // @namespace minimaltetrisfriends // @description Reduces lag as much as possible // @include http*://*tetrisfriends.com/* // @grant none // @run-at document-start // @version 5.0.1 // @author TSTman // ==/UserScript== try { chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener( function (changes, namespace) { if (changes.downscaleValue !== undefined) { downscaleValue = changes.downscaleValue.newValue; } if (changes.correctSize !== undefined) { correctSize = changes.correctSize.newValue; } if (changes.changeInGame !== undefined) { changeInGame = changes.changeInGame.newValue; } if (changes.restartKey !== undefined) { restartKey = changes.restartKey.newValue; } updateMTFValues(downscaleValue, correctSize, changeInGame, restartKey) } ); } catch (err) { /* running as userscript */ } function updateMTFValues(downscaleValue, correctSize, changeInGame, restartKey) { var currentScript = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; if (typeof currentScript !== 'undefined') { currentScript.parentNode.removeChild(currentScript); 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else { var aiNames = []; var aiAvatars = []; var resultsArray = results.split(","); var currentRank = resultsArray[1].split("&")[0]; gameData = [] var currentSubject; for (var i = 0; i < resultsArray.length; i++) { try { currentSubject = resultsArray[i].match(/^([^<]+) 1) { aiNames.push(resultsArray[i - 2]); aiAvatars.push("/data/images/avatars/40X40/" + resultsArray[i - 1]); } } catch (err) { } } } var gameReplayer = document.createElement('embed'); gameReplayer.setAttribute('id', 'gameReplayer'); gameReplayer.setAttribute('allowscriptaccess', 'always'); gameReplayer.setAttribute('name', 'plugin'); gameReplayer.setAttribute('type', 'application/x-shockwave-flash'); gameReplayer.setAttribute('src', location.protocol + '//' + location.host + '/data/games/replayer/' + (gameNumberAIPlayers[gameName] === 0 ? 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