#!/bin/bash set -e trap 'echo "[ERROR] Error in line $LINENO when executing: $BASH_COMMAND"' ERR echo "Installing build tools and dependencies..." apt install -y git apt install -y make apt install -y gcc apt install -y g++ apt install -y cmake apt install -y pkg-config apt install -y librtlsdr-dev apt install -y whiptail apt install -y libpq-dev INSTALL_FOLDER=/usr/share/aiscatcher echo "Creating folder aiscatcher if it does not exist" mkdir -p ${INSTALL_FOLDER} function create-config(){ echo "Creating config file aiscatcher.conf" CONFIG_FILE=${INSTALL_FOLDER}/aiscatcher.conf touch ${CONFIG_FILE} chmod 777 ${CONFIG_FILE} echo "Writing code to config file aiscatcher.conf" /bin/cat <${CONFIG_FILE} -d 00000162 -v 10 -M DT -gr TUNER 38.6 RTLAGC off -s 2304k -p 3 -o 4 -u 10110 -N 8383 -N PLUGIN_DIR /usr/share/aiscatcher/my-plugins EOM chmod 644 ${CONFIG_FILE} } if [[ -f "${INSTALL_FOLDER}/aiscatcher.conf" ]]; then CHOICE=$(whiptail --title "CONFIG" --menu "An existing config file 'aiscatcher.conf' found. What you want to do with it?" 20 70 5 \ "1" "KEEP existing config file \"aiscatcher.conf\" " \ "2" "REPLACE existing config file by default config file" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); if [[ ${CHOICE} == "2" ]]; then if (whiptail --title "Confirmation" --yesno "Are you sure you want to REPLACE your existing config file by default config File?" --defaultno 10 60 5 ); then echo "Saving old config file as \"aiscatcher.conf.old\" "; cp ${INSTALL_FOLDER}/aiscatcher.conf ${INSTALL_FOLDER}/aiscatcher.conf.old; create-config fi fi elif [[ ! -f "${INSTALL_FOLDER}/aiscatcher.conf" ]]; then create-config fi echo "Creating startup script file start-ais.sh" SCRIPT_FILE=${INSTALL_FOLDER}/start-ais.sh touch ${SCRIPT_FILE} chmod 777 ${SCRIPT_FILE} echo "Writing code to startup script file start-ais.sh" /bin/cat <${SCRIPT_FILE} #!/bin/sh CONFIG="" while read -r line; do CONFIG="\${CONFIG} \$line"; done < ${INSTALL_FOLDER}/aiscatcher.conf cd ${INSTALL_FOLDER} /usr/local/bin/AIS-catcher \${CONFIG} EOM chmod +x ${SCRIPT_FILE} echo "Creating Service file aiscatcher.service" SERVICE_FILE=/lib/systemd/system/aiscatcher.service touch ${SERVICE_FILE} chmod 777 ${SERVICE_FILE} /bin/cat <${SERVICE_FILE} # AIS-catcher service for systemd [Unit] Description=AIS-catcher Wants=network.target After=network.target [Service] User=aiscat RuntimeDirectory=aiscatcher RuntimeDirectoryMode=0755 ExecStart=/bin/bash ${INSTALL_FOLDER}/start-ais.sh SyslogIdentifier=aiscatcher Type=simple Restart=on-failure RestartSec=30 RestartPreventExitStatus=64 Nice=-5 [Install] WantedBy=default.target EOM chmod 644 ${SERVICE_FILE} systemctl enable aiscatcher echo "Entering install folder..." cd ${INSTALL_FOLDER} if [[ -d AIS-catcher ]]; then echo -e "\e[36mcode exists \e[39m" else echo -e "\e[36mCloning source-code of AIS-catcher from Github \e[39m" git clone https://github.com/jvde-github/AIS-catcher.git -b listener fi echo -e "\e[36mUpdating code \e[39m" cd AIS-catcher git config --global --add safe.directory ${INSTALL_FOLDER}/AIS-catcher git fetch --all git reset --hard origin/main if [[ -d build ]]; then rm -rf build fi echo -e "\e[36mMaking executable binary \e[39m" mkdir -p build cd build cmake .. make echo "Copying AIS-catcher binary in folder /usr/local/bin/ " if [[ -f "${INSTALL_FOLDER}/AIS-catcher/build/AIS-catcher" ]]; then echo "Stoping existing aiscatcher to enable over-write" systemctl stop aiscatcher if [[ `pgrep AIS-catcher` ]]; then killall AIS-catcher fi echo "Copying newly built binary \"AIS-catcher\" to folder \"/usr/local/bin/\" " cp ${INSTALL_FOLDER}/AIS-catcher/build/AIS-catcher /usr/local/bin/AIS-catcher elif [[ ! -f "${INSTALL_FOLDER}/AIS-catcher/build/AIS-catcher" ]]; then echo " " echo -e "\e[1;31mAIS binary was not built\e[39m" echo -e "\e[1;31mPlease run install script again\e[39m" exit fi echo "Renaming existing folder \"my-plugins\" to \"my-plugins.old\" " if [[ -d ${INSTALL_FOLDER}/my-plugins.old ]]; then rm -rf ${INSTALL_FOLDER}/my-plugins.old fi if [[ -d ${INSTALL_FOLDER}/my-plugins ]]; then mv ${INSTALL_FOLDER}/my-plugins ${INSTALL_FOLDER}/my-plugins.old fi echo "Copying files from Source code folder \"AIS-catcher/plugins\" to folder \"my-plugins\" " mkdir ${INSTALL_FOLDER}/my-plugins cp ${INSTALL_FOLDER}/AIS-catcher/plugins/* ${INSTALL_FOLDER}/my-plugins/ if [[ ! `id -u aiscat` ]]; then echo "Creating user aiscat to run AIS-catcher" useradd --system aiscat usermod -a -G plugdev aiscat else echo "User aiscat already exists. Not creating it again" fi echo "Assigning ownership of install folder to user aiscat" chown aiscat:aiscat -R ${INSTALL_FOLDER} systemctl start aiscatcher echo " " echo " " echo -e "\e[32mINSTALLATION COMPLETED \e[39m" echo -e "\e[32m=======================\e[39m" echo -e "\e[32mPLEASE DO FOLLOWING:\e[39m" echo -e "\e[32m=======================\e[39m" echo -e "\e[33m(1) If on RPi you have installed AIS Dispatcher or OpenCPN,\e[39m" echo -e "\e[33m it should be configured to use UDP Port 10110, IP OR\e[39m" echo -e "\e[33m(2) Open file aiscatcher.conf by following command:\e[39m" echo -e "\e[39m sudo nano "${INSTALL_FOLDER}"/aiscatcher.conf \e[39m" echo -e "\e[33m(3) In above file:\e[39m" echo -e "\e[33m (a) Change 00000162 in \"-d 00000162\" to actual Serial Number of AIS dongle\e[39m" echo -e "\e[33m (b) Change 3 in \"-p 3\" to the actual ppm correction figure of dongle\e[39m" echo -e "\e[33m (c) Change 38.6 in \"-gr TUNER 38.6 RTLAGC off\" to desired Gain of dongle\e[39m" echo -e "\e[33m (d) Add following line and replace xx.xxx and yy.yyy by actual values:\e[39m" echo -e "\e[35m -N STATION MyStation LAT xx.xxx LON yy.yyy \e[39m" echo -e "\e[33m (e) For each Site you want to feed AIS data, add a new line as follows:\e[39m" echo -e "\e[35m -u [URL or IP of Site] [Port Number of Site] \e[39m" echo -e "\e[33m (f) Save (Ctrl+o) and Close (Ctrl+x) file aiscatcher.conf \e[39m" echo " " echo -e "\e[01;31mIMPORTANT: \e[32mIf you are \e[01;31mUpgrading or Reinstalling,\e[32myour old config file & pluin folder are saved as \e[39m" echo -e "\e[39m "${INSTALL_FOLDER}/aiscatcher.conf.old" \e[39m" echo -e "\e[39m "${INSTALL_FOLDER}/my-plugins.old" \e[39m" echo " " echo -e "\e[01;31m(4) REBOOT RPi ... REBOOT RPi ... REBOOT RPi \e[39m" echo " " echo -e "\e[01;32m(5) See the Web Interface (Map etc) at\e[39m" echo -e "\e[39m $(ip route | grep -m1 -o -P 'src \K[0-9,.]*'):8383 \e[39m" "\e[35m(IP-of-PI:8383) \e[39m" echo " " echo -e "\e[32m(6) Command to see Status\e[39m sudo systemctl status aiscatcher" echo -e "\e[32m(7) Command to Restart\e[39m sudo systemctl restart aiscatcher"