package frc.robot.subsystems.IMU; import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation3d; import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation3d; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.ADXRS450_Gyro; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SmartDashboard; import java.util.Optional; /** * IMU Swerve class for the {@link ADXRS450_Gyro} device. */ public class ADXRS450Swerve extends SwerveIMU { /** * {@link ADXRS450_Gyro} device to read the current headings from. */ private final ADXRS450_Gyro imu; /** * Offset for the ADXRS450 yaw reading. */ private double yawOffset = 0; /** * Construct the ADXRS450 imu and reset default configurations. Publish the gyro to the SmartDashboard. */ public ADXRS450Swerve() { imu = new ADXRS450_Gyro(); factoryDefault(); SmartDashboard.putData(imu); } /** * Reset IMU to factory default. */ @Override public void factoryDefault() { yawOffset = imu.getAngle() % 360; } /** * Clear sticky faults on IMU. */ @Override public void clearStickyFaults() { // Do nothing. } /** * Set the yaw in degrees. * * @param yaw Yaw angle in degrees. */ @Override public void setYaw(double yaw) { yawOffset = (yaw % 360) + (imu.getAngle() % 360); } /** * Fetch the yaw/pitch/roll from the IMU. * * @param yprArray Array which will be filled with {yaw, pitch, roll} in degrees. */ @Override public void getYawPitchRoll(double[] yprArray) { yprArray[0] = (imu.getAngle() % 360) - yawOffset; yprArray[1] = 0; yprArray[2] = 0; } public double getYaw() { double yaw = (imu.getAngle() % 360) - yawOffset; return yaw; } public double getPitch() { double pitch = 0; return pitch; } public double getRoll() { double roll = 0; return roll; } /** * Fetch the {@link Rotation3d} from the IMU. Robot relative. * * @return {@link Rotation3d} from the IMU. */ public Rotation3d getRotation3d() { return new Rotation3d(0, 0, imu.getAngle()) .minus(new Rotation3d(0, 0, Math.toRadians(yawOffset))); } /** * Fetch the acceleration [x, y, z] from the IMU in meters per second squared. If acceleration isn't supported returns * empty. * * @return {@link Translation3d} of the acceleration as an {@link Optional}. */ @Override public Optional getAccel() { return Optional.empty(); } /** * Get the instantiated IMU object. * * @return IMU object. */ @Override public Object getIMU() { return imu; } }