# Battlecode 2021 M.A.R.S. Team This is the repository of the M.A.R.S. (Ministry of Alien RattleSnakes) team from [E.S.A.I.V. Serpentine](https://www.serpentine.ai), containing the competition code for Battlecode 2021. For the technical report for this competition and more, check out the [publications](https://serpentine.ai/publications/) from Serpentine. Team Members: Dik van Genuchten, Koen Ligthart, Max de Louw, Gijs Pennings ### Useful Commands - `./gradlew run` Runs a game with the settings in gradle.properties - `./gradlew update` Update to the newest version! Run every so often ### Project Structure - `README.md` This file. - `build.gradle` The Gradle build file used to build and run players. - `src/mars` M.A.R.S source code. - `test/` test code. - `client/` Contains the client. The proper executable can be found in this folder (don't move this!) - `build/` Contains compiled player code and other artifacts of the build process. Can be safely ignored. - `matches/` The output folder for match files. - `maps/` The default folder for custom maps. - `gradlew`, `gradlew.bat` The Unix (OS X/Linux) and Windows versions, respectively, of the Gradle wrapper. These are nifty scripts that you can execute in a terminal to run the Gradle build tasks of this project. If you aren't planning to do command line development, these can be safely ignored. - `gradle/` Contains files used by the Gradle wrapper scripts. Can be safely ignored. # Acknowledgements Forked from the [MIT BattleCode 2021 Scaffold](https://2021.battlecode.org/getting-started). [E.S.A.I.V. Serpentine](https://www.serpentine.ai) is a student team from [Eindhoven University of Technology](https://www.tue.nl).