#!/bin/sh # install-unifi.sh # Installs the Uni-Fi controller software on a FreeBSD machine or FreeBSD Jail running on FreeNAS. # The latest version of UniFi: UNIFI_SOFTWARE_URL="https://dl.ubnt.com/unifi/5.8.28/UniFi.unix.zip" # The rc script associated with this branch or fork: RC_SCRIPT_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TechButton/unifi-controller-freebsd-freenas/master/rc.d/unifi.sh" # If pkg-ng is not yet installed, bootstrap it: if ! /usr/sbin/pkg -N 2> /dev/null; then echo "FreeBSD pkgng not installed. Installing..." env ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=YES /usr/sbin/pkg bootstrap echo " done." fi # If installation failed, exit: if ! /usr/sbin/pkg -N 2> /dev/null; then echo "ERROR: pkgng installation failed. Exiting." exit 1 fi # Stop the controller if it's already running... # First let's try the rc script if it exists: if [ -f /usr/local/etc/rc.d/unifi.sh ]; then echo -n "Stopping the unifi service..." /usr/sbin/service unifi.sh stop echo " done." fi # Then to be doubly sure, let's make sure ace.jar isn't running for some other reason: if [ $(ps ax | grep -c "/usr/local/UniFi/lib/[a]ce.jar start") -ne 0 ]; then echo -n "Killing ace.jar process..." /bin/kill -15 `ps ax | grep "/usr/local/UniFi/lib/[a]ce.jar start" | awk '{ print $1 }'` echo " done." fi # And then make sure mongodb doesn't have the db file open: if [ $(ps ax | grep -c "/usr/local/UniFi/data/[d]b") -ne 0 ]; then echo -n "Killing mongod process..." /bin/kill -15 `ps ax | grep "/usr/local/UniFi/data/[d]b" | awk '{ print $1 }'` echo " done." fi # If an installation exists, we'll need to back up configuration: if [ -d /usr/local/UniFi/data ]; then echo "Backing up UniFi data..." BACKUPFILE=/var/backups/unifi-`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`.tgz /usr/bin/tar -vczf ${BACKUPFILE} /usr/local/UniFi/data fi # Add the fstab entries apparently required for OpenJDKse: if [ $(grep -c fdesc /etc/fstab) -eq 0 ]; then echo -n "Adding fdesc filesystem to /etc/fstab..." echo -e "fdesc\t\t\t/dev/fd\t\tfdescfs\trw\t\t0\t0" >> /etc/fstab echo " done." fi if [ $(grep -c proc /etc/fstab) -eq 0 ]; then echo -n "Adding procfs filesystem to /etc/fstab..." echo -e "proc\t\t\t/proc\t\tprocfs\trw\t\t0\t0" >> /etc/fstab echo " done." fi # Run mount to mount the two new filesystems: echo -n "Mounting new filesystems..." /sbin/mount -a echo " done." # Install mongodb, OpenJDK, and unzip (required to unpack Ubiquiti's download): # -F skips a package if it's already installed, without throwing an error. echo "Installing required packages..." env ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=YES /usr/sbin/pkg install mongodb openjdk8 unzip pcre v8 snappy echo " done." # Switch to a temp directory for the Unifi download: cd `mktemp -d -t unifi` # Download the controller from Ubiquiti (assuming acceptance of the EULA): echo -n "Downloading the UniFi controller software..." /usr/bin/fetch ${UNIFI_SOFTWARE_URL} echo " done." # Unpack the archive into the /usr/local directory: # (the -o option overwrites the existing files without complaining) echo -n "Installing UniFi controller in /usr/local..." /usr/local/bin/unzip -o UniFi.unix.zip -d /usr/local echo " done." # Update Unifi's symbolic link for mongod to point to the version we just installed: echo -n "Updating mongod link..." /bin/ln -sf /usr/local/bin/mongod /usr/local/UniFi/bin/mongod echo " done." # Fetch the rc script from github: echo -n "Installing rc script..." /usr/bin/fetch -o /usr/local/etc/rc.d/unifi.sh ${RC_SCRIPT_URL} echo " done." # Fix permissions so it'll run chmod +x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/unifi.sh # Add the startup variable to rc.conf.local. # Eventually, this step will need to be folded into pfSense, which manages the main rc.conf. # In the following comparison, we expect the 'or' operator to short-circuit, to make sure the file exists and avoid grep throwing an error. if [ ! -f /etc/rc.conf.local ] || [ $(grep -c unifi_enable /etc/rc.conf.local) -eq 0 ]; then echo -n "Enabling the unifi service..." echo "unifi_enable=YES" >> /etc/rc.conf.local echo " done." fi # Restore the backup: if [ ! -z "${BACKUPFILE}" ] && [ -f ${BACKUPFILE} ]; then echo "Restoring UniFi data..." mv /usr/local/UniFi/data /usr/local/UniFi/data-orig /usr/bin/tar -vxzf ${BACKUPFILE} -C / fi #TODO - *Need to verify the current version of snappyjava* echo "Install snappy java" env ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=YES /usr/sbin/pkg install snappyjava /bin/mv /usr/local/UniFi/lib/snappy-java- snappy-java- /bin/ln -s /usr/local/share/java/classes/snappy-java.jar /usr/local/UniFi/lib/snappy-java- # Start it up: echo -n "Starting the unifi service..." /usr/sbin/service unifi.sh start echo " done."