id: near-cli
title: NEAR CLI
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
The NEAR [Command Line Interface](https://github.com/near/near-cli-rs) (CLI) is a tool that enables to interact with the NEAR network directly from the shell. Among other things, the NEAR CLI enables you to:
- Login with a NEAR account
- Deploy a contract
- Interact and query information from a deployed contract
## Installation
npm install -g near-cli-rs@latest
$ cargo install near-cli-rs
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf https://github.com/near/near-cli-rs/releases/latest/download/near-cli-rs-installer.sh | sh
irm https://github.com/near/near-cli-rs/releases/latest/download/near-cli-rs-installer.ps1 | iex
## Configuration file
The directory with access keys and available connection networks are defined in the configuration file (`near-cli/config.toml`), which is located depending on the operating system in the following places:
- macOS: `$HOME/Library/Application Support` (e.g. `/Users/Alice/Library/Application Support`)
- Linux: `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` or `$HOME/.config` (e.g. `/home/alice/.config`)
- Windows: `{FOLDERID*RoamingAppData}` (e.g. `C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming`)
You can learn more about working with the configuration file [here](https://github.com/near/near-cli-rs/blob/main/docs/GUIDE.en.md#config---manage-connections-in-a-configuration-file).
:::tip Custom RPC
You can setup a custom [RPC server](../api/rpc/providers) by changing the `rpc_url` parameter in `near-cli` settings:
near config edit-connection testnet --key rpc_url --value https://archival-rpc.testnet.near.org/
## Interactive mode
To use the `near-cli` simply run the following in your terminal.
$ near
You should then see the following. Use the arrow keys and hit `enter` or simply type out one of the available options to select an option

We provide examples only of the most used commands. Such commands may have two versions - a **full** one and a **short** one. If you want to explore all options provided by `near-cli` use the interactive mode described above.
## Account
This option will allow you to manage, control, and retrieve information on your accounts.
### Summary
`view-account-summary` - view properties for an account.
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
near account view-account-summary $ACCOUNT_ID network-config testnet now
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
near state $ACCOUNT_ID --networkId testnet
### Import
`import-account` - import existing account (a.k.a. "sign in").
near account import-account using-web-wallet network-config testnet
near login --networkId testnet
### Export
`export-account` - export existing account.
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
near account export-account $ACCOUNT_ID using-web-wallet network-config testnet
### Create
`create-account` - create a new account.
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
near account create-account sponsor-by-faucet-service $ACCOUNT_ID autogenerate-new-keypair save-to-keychain network-config testnet create
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
near create-account $ACCOUNT_ID --useFaucet --networkId testnet
### Delete
`delete-account` - delete an account.
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
export BENEFICIARY_ID=alice.testnet
near account delete-account $ACCOUNT_ID beneficiary $BENEFICIARY_ID network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
export BENEFICIARY_ID=alice.testnet
near delete-account $ACCOUNT_ID $BENEFICIARY_ID --networkId testnet
## Keys
Showing, adding and removing account keys.
### List keys
`list-keys` - view a list of keys for an account.
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
near account list-keys $ACCOUNT_ID network-config testnet now
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
near list-keys $ACCOUNT_ID --networkId testnet
### Add key
`add-key` - add an access key to an account.
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
near account add-key $ACCOUNT_ID grant-full-access use-manually-provided-public-key ed25519:CXqAs8c8kZz81josLw82RQsnZXk8CAdUo7jAuN7uSht2 network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
near add-key $ACCOUNT_ID ed25519:CXqAs8c8kZz81josLw82RQsnZXk8CAdUo7jAuN7uSht2 --networkId testnet
### Delete key
`delete-keys` - delete an access key from an account.
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
near account delete-keys $ACCOUNT_ID public-keys ed25519:HdkFZFEPoWfgrrLK3R4t5dWtNoLC8WymBzhCXoP3zrjh network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
near delete-key $ACCOUNT_ID ed25519:HdkFZFEPoWfgrrLK3R4t5dWtNoLC8WymBzhCXoP3zrjh --networkId testnet
## Tokens
This will allow you to manage your token assets such as NEAR, FTs and NFTs.
### Send NEAR
`send-near` - transfers NEAR to a specified recipient in units of NEAR or yoctoNEAR.
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
export RECEIVER_ID=alice.testnet
near tokens $ACCOUNT_ID send-near $RECEIVER_ID '0.5 NEAR' network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
export RECEIVER_ID=alice.testnet
near send-near $ACCOUNT_ID $RECEIVER_ID 0.5 --networkId testnet
### Send FT
`send-ft` - transfer Fungible Tokens to a specified user.
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
export RECEIVER_ID=alice.testnet
export FT_CONTRACT_ID=0c97251cd1f630c444dbusdt.testnet
near tokens $ACCOUNT_ID send-ft $FT_CONTRACT_ID $RECEIVER_ID amount-ft '1 USDT' prepaid-gas '100.0 Tgas' attached-deposit '1 yoctoNEAR' network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
### Send NFT
`send-nft` - transfers NFTs between accounts.
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
export RECEIVER_ID=alice.testnet
export NFT_CONTRACT_ID=nft.examples.testnet
near tokens $ACCOUNT_ID send-nft $NFT_CONTRACT_ID $RECEIVER_ID 1 --prepaid-gas '100.0 Tgas' --attached-deposit '1 yoctoNEAR' network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
### View NEAR balance
`view-near-balance` - view the balance of NEAR tokens.
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
near tokens $ACCOUNT_ID view-near-balance network-config testnet now
### View FT balance
`view-ft-balance` - view the balance of Fungible Tokens.
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
export FT_CONTRACT_ID=0c97251cd1f630c444dbusdt.testnet
near tokens $ACCOUNT_ID view-ft-balance $FT_CONTRACT_ID network-config testnet now
### View NFT balance
`view-nft-assets` - view the balance of NFT tokens.
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
export NFT_CONTRACT_ID=nft.examples.testnet
near tokens $ACCOUNT_ID view-nft-assets $NFT_CONTRACT_ID network-config testnet now
## Contract
This option allows you to manage and interact with your smart contracts.
### Call
`call-function` - execute function (contract method).
# View method
export CONTRACT_ID=nft.examples.testnet
near contract call-function as-read-only $CONTRACT_ID nft_tokens json-args '{"from_index": "0", "limit": 2}' network-config testnet now
# Call method
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
near contract call-function as-transaction $CONTRACT_ID nft_mint json-args '{"metadata": {"copies": 1, "description": "The Team Goes", "media": "https://bafybeidl4hjbpdr6u6xvlrizwxbrfcyqurzvcnn5xoilmcqbxfbdwrmp5m.ipfs.dweb.link/", "title": "GO TEAM"}, "receiver_id": "bob.testnet", "token_id": "5895"}' prepaid-gas '100.0 Tgas' attached-deposit '0.1 NEAR' sign-as $ACCOUNT_ID network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
# View method
export CONTRACT_ID=nft.examples.testnet
near view $CONTRACT_ID nft_tokens '{"from_index": "0", "limit": 2}' --networkId testnet
# Call method
export ACCOUNT_ID=bob.testnet
near call $CONTRACT_ID nft_mint '{"metadata": {"copies": 1, "description": "The Team Goes", "media": "https://bafybeidl4hjbpdr6u6xvlrizwxbrfcyqurzvcnn5xoilmcqbxfbdwrmp5m.ipfs.dweb.link/", "title": "GO TEAM"}, "receiver_id": "bob.testnet", "token_id": "5896"}' --deposit 0.1 --useAccount $ACCOUNT_ID --networkId testnet
### Deploy
`deploy` - add a new contract code.
export CONTRACT_ID=contract.testnet
near contract deploy $CONTRACT_ID use-file ../target/near/contract.wasm without-init-call network-config testnet sign-with-keychain send
export CONTRACT_ID=contract.testnet
near deploy $CONTRACT_ID ../target/near/contract.wasm --networkId testnet
### Inspect
`inspect` - get a list of available function names.
export CONTRACT_ID=nft.examples.testnet
near contract view-storage $CONTRACT_ID all as-text network-config testnet now
export CONTRACT_ID=nft.examples.testnet
near storage $CONTRACT_ID --finality final --utf8 --networkId testnet
## Transaction
Operate transactions.
### View status
`view-status` - view a transaction status.
near transaction view-status BFrVVtjqD2p1zYX1UCvn4nJpy7zPHpY5cTgQaKCZjBvw network-config testnet
near tx-status BFrVVtjqD2p1zYX1UCvn4nJpy7zPHpY5cTgQaKCZjBvw --networkId testnet
## Config
Manage the connection parameters inside the `config.toml` file for `near-cli`.
This will allow you to change or modify the network connections for your CLI.
### Show connections
`show-connections` - show a list of network connections.
near config show-connections
### Edit connection
`edit-connection` - edit a network connection.
near config edit-connection testnet --key rpc_url --value https://test.rpc.fastnear.com
We provide examples only of the most used commands. If you want to explore all options provided by `near-cli` use [the interactive mode](#interactive-mode).