# Alphanumeric Markdown Footnote A Sublime Text 3 plugin. When a shortcut is pressed, inserts footnotes where the cursor is. If the cursor is inside a footnote, you can hit a different shortcut to go back to where the footnote marker is in the document. Similar to [MarkdownFootnotes](https://github.com/classicist/MarkdownFootnotes), having these shared features: - Adds a footnote label to the cursor position and a corresponding footnote entry to the bottom of the file. - Automatically handles footnote numbers, keeping them consecutive, like Microsoft Word. - Automatically places cursor in the footnote entry so you can just start typing away at your note. It differs from MarkdownFootnotes by: - handling non-integer footnote ids - ignoring your currently selected text when creating the footnote - not bothering to validate all of your footnotes - when footnote ids end with a number, use that prefix for the new footnote, but adjust all the numbers to line up - having a "go back to the footnote marker" shortcut - less code - tests ## Example ``` This is a test paragraph And here is another[^chapter1-1] [^chapter1-1]: Totally a footnote ``` With the cursor at the end of the first line, hitting the shortcut produces this: ``` This is a test paragraph[^chapter1-1] And here is another[^chapter1-2] [^chapter1-1]: [^chapter1-2]: Totally a footnote ``` with the cursor on the footnote line immediately after `[^chapter1-1]: `. ## Keybinding ### Insert footnote - ctrl+f (OS X) - ctrl+alt+f (Linux, Windows) ### Move to footnote - ctrl+alt+f (OS X) - ctrl+alt+super+f (Linux, Windows) ## To run tests ```sh python3 test.py ``` ## License [WTFPL](http://wtfpl2.com/)