# Changelog ## v0.2.3 (2023-12-18) * Update dependencies to include release deps. * Bump dependencies. * Update readme. * Fix issue #20 (#21) * Remove `-c:v copy` from the FFmpeg command putting YUV content in a Y4M container. Mention that `-strict -1` is necessary fot 10-bit pixel formats. * Make sure the example for 10-bit pixel format actually uses a 10-bit pixel format * Fix README installation instructions. * Update readme, addresses #17. * Fix ffmpeg libs. ## v0.2.2 (2023-06-27) * Update dependencies. * Update test decode function. * Explain usage with YUV files. * Add version support to CLI. * Add utility for converting JSON output to CSV. * Error on unsupported frame formats. ## v0.2.1 (2022-05-13) * Fix console script installation. * Fix link in setup.py. * Update README. ## v0.2.0 (2022-05-03) * Check for pypandoc on release. * Fix CI setup (#14) * CI: support only Python 3.8 and higher. * Fix broken link. * Merge branch 'siti2020' * Update README links. * Minor code style. * Code formatting and note. * ITU-T --> ITU-R. * Improve docs and tests. * Add profiling test. * Update README.md. * Update release script. * Add poetry environment. * Type error. * Improve logs. * Fix logs. * Add legacy mode. * Format code. * Update README. * Add option for total frame count in tqdm bar. * Update for newer ffmpeg, update pip. * Fix call of OETF, fix tests. * Remove superfluous scaling for PU21. * Fix issue with CSV output. * Add type casts for type checks. * Make logger global. * Update README. * Add histogram plots. * Fix formula for EOTF output. * Add progress bar/iterator. * Add CSV output functionality. * Add logging and fix error with l_min/l_max conversion. * Add further test content. * Fix unit tests. * Update README and docs. * Fixes for 10bpp reading, fixes #12. * Update requirements. * Update test set, fix reading function for Y4M. * Update test functions. * Print more info during tests. * Remove unused import. * Update dev requirements. * Fix test functions. - use JSON for testing the complex class functions - fall back to one video for testing the simple functions - prepare using other videos for testing * Limit download size of test videos. * Add options to select PU21. * Remove comment. * Add typing support for PU21. * Add oetf_pu21. * Simplify test functions. * Add note on input values. * Update requirements. * Remove import. * Update test suite. * Add CLI documentation and entry point. * Allow reusing settings from previous run, fixes #10. * Convert to 0-1 range. This converts values into 0-1 for EOTF/OETF handling, and then scales everything up to 0-255 again for output, regardless of original bit depth. * Add new class-based calculation and results. add more CLI flags rework classes * Update LICENSE and README. * Implementation of eotf_1886, eotf_inv_srgb, eotf_hlg, and oetf_pq. * Implement first conversion functions. * Update README links. ## v0.1.3 (2022-03-14) * Add method to specify full range in read_container. * Link to development branch. * Update docs. ## v0.1.2 (2021-05-14) * Add documentation for method. * Fix link. * Update README.md. * Update README.md. * Output frame data as integers. ## v0.1.1 (2021-05-13) * Add warning for full range passed to limited range function, fixes #2. * Add new test video, improve test harness. ## v0.1.0 (2021-03-08) * Add status badge. * Bump Python support. * Add GitHub Actions CI (#1) * Fix flake8 errors. ## v0.0.2 (2021-03-08) * Fix setup.py. * Add CHANGELOG. ## v0.0.1 (2021-03-08) * Improve README. * Initial commit. * Initial commit.