# Angel Compilation Guide --- 1. **Source Code Download** ```git clone https://github.com/Tencent/angel``` 2. **Compile** 2.1. **Compile Manually** 2.1.1. **Compiling Environment Dependencies** * Jdk >= 1.8 * Maven >= 3.0.5 * Protobuf >= 2.5.0 should be consistent with the protobuf version that Hadoop is built with; in current Apache Hadoop release, it is 2.5.0, so we recommend using version 2.5.0 unless you have compiled Hadoop using a different version of protobuf. 2.1.2. **Compile Instructions** Run the following command in the root directory of the source code: ```mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true``` After compilied, a distribution package named 'angel-{version}-bin.zip' will be generated under `dist/target` under the root directory. 2.2. **Compile By Docker** If there is a docker environment, you can directly execute the script ```sh docker-build.sh``` to compile. After compilied, a distribution package named 'angel-{version}-bin.zip' will be generated under `dist` 3. **Distribution Package** Unpacking the distribution package, four subdirectories will be generated under the root directory: * bin: contains Angel submit scripts * conf: contains system config files * data: contains data for testing * lib: contains jars for Angel and dependencies