PAG Logo [Homepage]( | English | [简体中文](./ ## Introduction libpag is a real-time rendering library for PAG (Portable Animated Graphics) files that renders both vector-based and raster-based animations across most platforms, such as iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, Linux, and Web. ## Features PAG Web SDK is built on WebAssembly and WebGL which supports all of the PAG features. ## Quick start PAG Web SDK consists of two files: `libpag.js` and `libpag.wasm`. ### Browser (Recommend) Use ``` You can browse the files of the NPM package at the public CDN []( , and you can use the keyword `@lastest` to get the lastest version. The PAG library is also available on other public CDNs that sync with NPM, such as [unpkg]( ```html ``` You can use the `locateFile` function to get the path of `libpag.wasm` file. By default, the `libpag.wasm` file is located next to the `libpag.js` file. For example: ```js const PAG = await window.libpag.PAGInit({ locateFile: () => { if ( === '') { // development environment return ''; } else { // production environment return ''; } }, }); ``` ### EsModule ```bash $ npm i libpag ``` ```js import { PAGInit } from 'libpag'; PAGInit().then((PAG) => { // Initialize pag webassembly module. }); ``` **Note: If you are using ESModule to import PAG Web SDK, you must pack the `libpag.wasm` file manually into the final web program, because the common packing tools usually ignore the wasm file. Then use the `locateFile` function to get the path of the `libpag.wasm` . You also need to upload the `libpag.wasm` file to a server so that users can load it from network.** There are many kinds of products in the npm package after building. You could read the [doc](./doc/ to know about them. There is also a [repository]( that contains some demos about using PAG Web SDK with HTML / Vue / React / PixiJS. You can find the API documentation [here]( ## Browser | [Chrome](
Chrome | [Safari](
Safari | [Chrome](
Chrome for Android | [Safari](
Safari on iOS | QQ Browser Mobile | | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------- | | Chrome >= 69 | Safari >= 11.3 | Android >= 7.0 | iOS >= 11.3 | last 2 versions | More compatible versions are coming soon. ## Roadmap Please visit [here]( to see the roadmap of the PAG Web SDK. ## Development First, make sure you have installed all the tools and dependencies listed in the [](../ located in the project root directory. ### Dependency Management Then run the following command to install required node modules: ```bash $ npm install ``` ### Build (Debug) Execute ` debug` to get `libpag.wasm` file. ```bash # ./web $ npm run build:debug ``` Start TypeScript compiler watcher (Optional). ```bash # ./web $ npm run dev ``` Start HTTP server. ```bash # ./ $ npm run server ``` Use Chrome to open `http://localhost:8081/demo/index.html` to see the demo. If you need to debug, you can install [C/C++ DevTools Support (DWARF)](, and open Chrome DevTools > Settings > Experiments > Check the "WebAssembly Debugging: Enable DWARF support" option to enable SourceMap support. Now you can debug C++ files in Chrome DevTools. ### Build (Release) ```bash # ./web $ npm run build ``` ### Build with CLion Create a new build target in CLion, and use the following **CMake options**(find them under **CLion** > **Preferences** > **Build, Execution, Deployment** > **CMake**) ``` -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=path/to/emscripten/emscripten/version/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake ``` ### Test Build release version ```bash $ npm run build ``` Start test HTTP server. ```bash $ npm run server ``` Start cypress test. ```bash $ npm run test ```