# BUGOUT 🐛 Play Go against your friends, over the web! 🕸 🤖 _Or play against KataGo AI_ on a power-efficient dev board! 🤖 ![BUGOUT Online Go](BUGOUT.jpeg) Read about the evolution of the project [on terkwood.farm](https://terkwood.farm/tech/BUGOUT/index.html). ## Design - Allows play against AI using [KataGo](https://github.com/lightvector/KataGo), running on an [NVIDIA Jetson Nano](https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetson-nano-developer-kit) and consuming a mere 5W of power. - Backend powered by [kafka](https://kafka.apache.org/) and [Redis](https://redis.io/). - Uses a descendant of [Sabaki](https://sabaki.yichuanshen.de/) for the [web UI](browser/). - A [public-facing websocket gateway](gateway/README.md) communicates with the browser.