{ "Motioneye": { "containers": { "motioneye": { "image": "enros/motioneye", "launch_order": 1, "opts": [ ["--net", "host" ] ], "ports": { "8081": { "description": "Port for Web-ui managment. Suggested default: 8765.", "host_default": 8765, "label": "Web-ui port", "protocol": "upd", "ui": true }, "8765": { "description": "Port/-s for streaming data. Add more ports to this JSON if having more than one camera. Eg. 8081,8082,8083... Suggested starting default: 8081.", "host_default": 8081, "label": "Streaming port", "protocol": "upd", "ui": false } }, "volumes": { "/etc/motioneye": { "description": "Choose a Share for configuration. Eg: create a Share called motioneye-config for this purpose alone.", "label": "Config Storage" }, "/var/lib/motioneye": { "description": "Choose a Share for file storage for still images and movies. Eg: create a Share called motioneye-media for this purpose", "label": "Security media Storage" } }, "environment": { "PUID": { "description": "Enter a valid UID to run Motioneye with. It must have full permissions to all Shares mapped in the previous step.", "label": "UID", "index": 1 }, "PGID": { "description": "Enter a valid GID to use along with the same UID. It(or the above UID) must have full permissions to all Shares mapped", "label": "GID", "index": 2 } } } }, "description": "motionEye is a web frontend for the motion daemon, written in Python. Attention! This Rockone requires 'motion' package to be installed manually from CLI as root 'zypper install motion", "ui": { "https": true, "slug": "" }, "volume_add_support": true, "website": "https://github.com/motioneye-project/motioneye", "version": "0.42.1" } }