--[[-- Use this file to specify System preferences. Review [examples](+/Applications/ZeroBraneStudio.app/Contents/ZeroBraneStudio/cfg/user-sample.lua) or check [online documentation](http://studio.zerobrane.com/documentation.html) for details. --]]-- -- Style preferences local G = ... --styles = G.loadfile('cfg/tomorrow.lua')('Palleton') --stylesoutshell = styles -- also apply the same scheme to Output/Console windows local luaspec = G.ide.specs.lua luaspec.keywords[3] = luaspec.keywords[3] .. [[ Agent Automaton Cell CellularSpace Chart Choice Clock Directory Environment Event File Flow Group InternetSender Jump Layer Log Mandatory Map Model Neighborhood Project Random SocialNetwork Society State TextScreen Timer Trajectory UnitTest VisualTable Application View List Report GPM Network MultipleRuns SAMDE]] luaspec.keywords[4] = luaspec.keywords[4] .. [[ forEachAgent forEachCell forEachCellPair forEachConnection forEachElement forEachNeighbor forEachNeighborhood forEachFile forEachDirectory forEachOrderedElement forEachSocialNetwork import createNeighboorhood createSocialNetwork createPlacement greaterByCoord greaterByAttribute integrate]] luaspec.keywords[3] = string.gsub(luaspec.keywords[3], "select ", "") editor.indentguide = false editor.fold = false styles.text = {bg = {240,240,220}} -- Editor preferences editor.fontsize = 16 -- this is mapped to ide.config.editor.fontsize editor.fontname = "Courier" -- to disable indicators (underlining) on function calls -- styles.indicator.fncall = nil -- to change the type of the indicator used for function calls -- styles.indicator.fncall.st = wxstc.wxSTC_INDIC_HIDDEN styles.indicator = {} filehistorylength = 20 -- this is mapped to ide.config.filehistorylength -- Output preferences output.fontname = "Courier"-- set font name. output.fontsize = 16 -- set font size (the default value is 11 on OSX). stylesoutshell.text = { fg = {255,255,255}, bg = {40,40,40} } --stylesoutshell = styles -- also apply the same scheme to Output/Console windows -- to have 4 spaces when TAB is used in the editor editor.tabwidth = 4 -- to specify language to use in the IDE (requires a file in cfg/i18n folder) language = "en"