NL-KVK-41149287-AFCT0271 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>RO GAA2019 Development/Integration of Regional Efforts Against CT/CSEC in Africa</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands EACHRights / EACRN Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 516370.0 192569.0 2019 Total Disbursement for EACRN Regional Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 249231.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Inputs given to Government</narrative> Inputs given to Government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Dialogues with targeted Civil Society Organisations</narrative> Dialogues with targeted Civil Society Organisations <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices NL-KVK-41149287-AFCT0322 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>GAA RO 2020: Dev't and Inte of Regional Efforts Against CTM and CSEC in Africa.</narrative> This project will be implemented n Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia, targeting; regional and sub-regional CSOs; improved monitoring by EAC, IGAD, and ACERWC; and AU and EAC policies (PTIP 2009 &amp; IGAD). Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands EACHRights / EACRN Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 411450.0 <narrative>Regional and sub-regional COSs networks monitor continental (Maputo protocol, African charter on the rights and welfare of the child, African Youth Charter, General comment on Child Marriage and General comment on CSEC, EAC anti Trafficking Bill & IGAD Migration Protocol) protocols pertaining to GBV and EE of girls and young women by 2020.</narrative> Regional and sub-regional COSs networks monitor continental (Maputo protocol, African charter on the rights and welfare of the child, African Youth Charter, General comment on Child Marriage and General comment on CSEC, EAC anti Trafficking Bill & IGAD Migration Protocol) protocols pertaining to GBV and EE of girls and young women by 2020. <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers During the period under review, we began by initiating discussions with policy makers, and CSOs within the region to plan around the target issues for advocacy. Whereas most of the issues were on track, the challenge of COVID 19 pandemic slowed progress of the activities that were slated for late February and March.; There was a change in the behaviour of partners during this period. IGAD invited our participation in the development of their child protection policy as well as other engagtiemnets in relation to child protection. The Stop the Traffic invited us to provide data and conceptualise the child trafficking and child sexual exploitation report on Kenya, Uganda Network held follow up meeting in relation to the East African Legislation on Anti human Trafficking and Mombasa Child Rights Network held follow-up meetings with the members of parliament regarding children's demands following the joint convening on CT and CSEC .; <narrative>Campaigns on GBV and EE towards Policy Makers.</narrative> Campaigns on GBV and EE towards Policy Makers. <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers we engaged in online conversations with partners on the impact of COVID 19 on women and girls in Africa. Follow up meetings will subsequently be held with other CSOs in Africa.; 2 Outcome statements of various high level policy advocacy forums, indication gender based violence and sexual exploitation of children as a concern in the context of COVID 19. Also, 2 media statements developed on CT and CSEC in East Africa.; We held three convenings with policy makers on child trafficking and child sexual exploitation. The first involved the Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Children in Africa, Hon. Byamukama, a former member of the EALA Parliament and mover of the Counter trafficking in Persons Bill at EALA and CSOS. Another convening focused on policy makers in Kenya, with children presenting a memorandum to the policy makers , being EALA Mps on their asks in relation to addressing sexual exploitation in the context of Tourism in Mombasa.; <narrative>Three CSO networks, with over 40 CSO membership will be targeted to strengthen coordination and voices against CTM and CSEC Output has been dropped post Q1</narrative> Three CSO networks, with over 40 CSO membership will be targeted to strengthen coordination and voices against CTM and CSEC Output has been dropped post Q1 <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs 1. On 28th January, we participated at the STTK project planning meeting in Kenya. We met members of the network and shared our work plan for the year. 2. Conducted online dialogues with UCATIP ( Uganda Coalition Against Trafficking in Persons and STTK - Stop the Traffik Kenya on 27th March to develop strategies to mitigate the implementation of activities under GAA Project. 3. On 9th April , we held 2 consultative meetings with UCATIP, STTK, Wanadeta Network - network of female journalists in Africa, Mtoto News, an NGO that provide online advocacy on child rights, an online on how to engage journalists within CHTEA - Counter Human trafficking Trust of East Africa , as a follow up to the November 2019 training of journalists within GAA project countries. The meeting also resolved to plan for the next training online.; <narrative>Targeted National & regional CSOs will be faciliated to attend network meeting organized by GAA and/or GAA partners. - Amended to - Three CSO networks of 40 CSO members will be targeted to participate in different fora. These CSO will be coordinated to continue with advocacy around CTM/ CSEC through the CSO Forum and other fora. Most of these network engagements will be virtual, due to the restrictions of Covid-19.</narrative> Targeted National & regional CSOs will be faciliated to attend network meeting organized by GAA and/or GAA partners. - Amended to - Three CSO networks of 40 CSO members will be targeted to participate in different fora. These CSO will be coordinated to continue with advocacy around CTM/ CSEC through the CSO Forum and other fora. Most of these network engagements will be virtual, due to the restrictions of Covid-19. <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners We have held 4 consultative meetings with CSOs leading Anti Human trafficking campaigns in the region, we plan on following up with other networks as well in light of the impact of COVID 19 on girls and boys.; During this period, CSOs held 5 meetings and targeted over 200 participants through online engagements on CT and CSEC. The national forums included the participation of leading agencies such as the Anti Human Trafficking Police unit of Kenya which works regionaly within East Africa. We also engaged with Interpol online as well as other Child Rights networks working to safeguard children from online child sexual exploitation.; During this period we supported 3 CSO networks of 40 members in holding advocacy convenings on CT and CSEC in Kenya, at the national level and in Mombasa at the sub national level.; <narrative>AU, ECOWAS and EAC adopt, improve monitoring and accountability of the AU_ECM new strategy, Maputo protocol, IGAD Migration protocol on cross boarder issues of CTM and CSEC, EAC Anti trafficking bill, OCSEC declaration by 2020, ECOWAS Child Protection System Strengthening Framework, ECOWAS Plan of Action Against Human Trafficking.</narrative> AU, ECOWAS and EAC adopt, improve monitoring and accountability of the AU_ECM new strategy, Maputo protocol, IGAD Migration protocol on cross boarder issues of CTM and CSEC, EAC Anti trafficking bill, OCSEC declaration by 2020, ECOWAS Child Protection System Strengthening Framework, ECOWAS Plan of Action Against Human Trafficking. <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government We await the directions of the African Union this month on the viability of holding CSOs forum virtually, including opportunities for further advocacy within the AU. We are schedule to meet with the AU Special Envoys on COVID 19 virtually on 16th April. There are prospects of holding online campaigns.; <narrative>Inputs will be given to EAC/EALA on the enactment of the Anti Human Trafficking Bill, the AU-ACERWC on the inclusion of CTM and CSCEC in sessions, and during the 35th sessions ... Updated to Inputs will be given to ACERWC, IGAD through position papers. IGAD will also be support to develop a CTM/CSEC focused child protection policy.</narrative> Inputs will be given to EAC/EALA on the enactment of the Anti Human Trafficking Bill, the AU-ACERWC on the inclusion of CTM and CSCEC in sessions, and during the 35th sessions ... Updated to Inputs will be given to ACERWC, IGAD through position papers. IGAD will also be support to develop a CTM/CSEC focused child protection policy. <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government Because the bill will have to be debated afresh at the EALA, we plan to do a policy brief that will measure it against GAA country national standards and propose measures for reform. This will be used for in country advocacy by CSO networks.; The project team engaged the InterGovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) towards the development of the IGAD Child Protection Policy. The Policy, will address concerns around Child Trafficking and Child Sexual Exploitation within the IGAD countries and will provide a framework for internal operations within IGAD. We hope that a draft policy will be shared by October 2020.; The position paper is developed and undergoing final reviews.; <narrative>RECS (EAC and ECOWAS) and GAA states’ policies and interventions to address youth migration successfully mainstream and prioritise children, women and gender equality issues.</narrative> RECS (EAC and ECOWAS) and GAA states’ policies and interventions to address youth migration successfully mainstream and prioritise children, women and gender equality issues. <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised Although we consider this activity as on track, we would also like to do a further analysis of the policy brief to compare against international and regional standards.; The EAC child rights policy is currently ongoing a review. We participated in the initial review and raised on the concerns on CT and CSEC. We willl continue engaging in the subsequent national convening alongside our CSO networks.; <narrative>Inputs will be given to IGAD officials on the enactment of Migration Protocol and to EAC on cross- boarder issues.</narrative> Inputs will be given to IGAD officials on the enactment of Migration Protocol and to EAC on cross- boarder issues. <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government Input submitted to IGAD. Terms of reference for the consultant drafted and recruitment ongoing.; An analysis of the IGAD Migration Protocol and position paper was prepared with will be reviewed and shared with IGAD to highlight concerns in relation to CT and CSEC.; NL-KVK-41149287-AFHA0222 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>AF 2018 Afghanistan Joint Response 2</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 655080.0 136957.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>Number of girls provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets</narrative> Number of girls provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets <narrative># of girls provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of girls provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of boys provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets</narrative> Number of boys provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets <narrative># of boys provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of boys provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of men provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets</narrative> Number of men provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets <narrative># of men provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of men provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of women provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets</narrative> Number of women provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets <narrative># of women provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of women provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance) NL-KVK-41149287-AFHA0289 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>AF 2019 Afghanistan Joint Response 3 TdH Lausanne</narrative> Tdh aims to prevent, to reduce, and to eliminate economic and social vulnerabilities for children working in the streets and to prevent them from the Worst Forms of Child Labour (WFCL) in Nangarhar. Tdh intervened in four components: Child Protection,&nbsp; Vocational Training, non-formal education and protection mainstreaming training to the consortium international and&nbsp; local partners.&nbsp;The main beneficiaries of the project were members of families of documented and undocumented returnees, IDPs, host communities and staff of AFJR partners. Project funded by the Dutch MFA and led by Cordaid. &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Cordaid TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 1080000.0 513000.0 1st instalment Cordaid Terre des Hommes Netherlands 494000.0 1st instalment Cordaid Terre des Hommes Netherlands 520000.0 Cordaid Terre des Hommes Netherlands 540000.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Boys provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets</narrative> Boys provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets <narrative>Number of boys provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets</narrative> Number of boys provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets <narrative>Girls provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets</narrative> Girls provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets <narrative>Number of girls provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets</narrative> Number of girls provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets <narrative>Men provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets</narrative> Men provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets <narrative>Number of men (18+ years) provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets</narrative> Number of men (18+ years) provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets <narrative>Women provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets</narrative> Women provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets <narrative>Number of women (18+) provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets</narrative> Number of women (18+) provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets <narrative>Budget spent on capacity building</narrative> Budget spent on capacity building <narrative>% of budget spent on capacity building of national and local actors</narrative> % of budget spent on capacity building of national and local actors <narrative>Crisis-affected women who are also involved in the design, implementation, montoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Crisis-affected women who are also involved in the design, implementation, montoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected women who are also involved in the design, implementation, montoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected women who are also involved in the design, implementation, montoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Crisis-affected men who are also involved in the design, implementation, montoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Crisis-affected men who are also involved in the design, implementation, montoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected men who are also involved in the design, implementation, montoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected men who are also involved in the design, implementation, montoring and/or evaluation of the programme NL-KVK-41149287-ASCA0338 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>AS 2020 GAA: Lobby and Advocacy Initiatives in Asia Region including empowering Children to lead Advocacy Initiatives</narrative> This is a new project for TdH-NL at Asia Region to engage directly with the regional bodies such as SAARC &amp; SAIEVAC for strengthening the advocacy efforts by TdH-NL at Bangladesh, India and Nepal Programmes, increase the visibility of TdH-NL in Asia Region working through existing projects in the countries and supporting advocacy events at Regional level. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 120030.0 0.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised Target not achieved as per planning. Expenditure incurred for the activity 1.1.1 in India and preparatory expenses in Bangladesh; Due to restriction by National Governments no event under 1.1.2 could be organised.1.1.1 completed in Bangladesh in 1st quarter.; Due to COVID 19 pandemic, Government officials could not be availed for the regional workshop. Hence it is postponed to next quarter. Hence no expenditure in the quarter.; <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government Not implemented as planned.; Due to restriction by National Governments no event under 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 could be organised.; The activity 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 is planned in next quarter.; <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners Not implemented as planned.; 8 NACG platforms engaged on online campaign against Violence Against Children under activity 2.1.1.; As CSOs were available for online workshops, the activity 2.1.1 is started. However due to online workshops, less expenses incurred.; NL-KVK-41149287-ASCE0050 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Regional CSEC Programme: Joint programme to address SECO and SECTT in Asia ECPAT</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECPAT International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 NL-KVK-41149287-ASCE0055 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Regional CSEC Programme Joint programme to address SECO and SECTT in Asia ICMEC</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 260550.0 0.0 Expenditure 2016 120467.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT <narrative># of CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> # of CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT <narrative># of private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> # of private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders <narrative># of private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> # of private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders NL-KVK-41149287-ASCE0207 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>AS 2018 : Combating Sexual Exploitation of Children in South and Southeast Asia</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECPAT International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 380302.0 190151.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised NL-KVK-41149287-ASCE0263 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>AS2019 GAA Combating Sexual Exploitation of Children in South and Southeast Asia</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECPAT International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 381192.0 140156.0 2019 Total Disbursement for ECPAT Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 143073.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government All indicators are already achieved.; <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners NL-KVK-41149287-ASCE0313 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>AS 2020 GAA: Combating Sexual Exploitation of Children in South and Southeast Asia</narrative> ECPAT International, as part of Asia Regional component under Girls Advocacy Alliance programme, aims to work with Government regional bodies and regional coalition of CSOs in South and Southeast Asia on combating Sexual Exploitation of Children. This budget has the contribution from GAA 2020 (&euro; 140,000). The target actors for 2020 include: - Government = 80 in total &ndash; (20 ACWC and SOMSWD, 20 parliamentarians, 10 law enforcers &amp; development of action plan in two countries in SA) &nbsp; -CSO = 55 (CSO participants, for development of action plans and capacity building initiative) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECPAT International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 348642.0 <narrative># of inputs given to government</narrative> # of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government ECPAT has submitted a proposal to develop the Regional Plan of Action (RPA) for Protection of Children from All Forms of OCSE to implement ASEAN Declaration, to ACWC in February 2020. Nevertheless, the proposal needs to be approved at a physical meeting of ACWC. Due to the impact of COVID-19, bi-annual meeting of ACWC, previously scheduled for early March has been postponed. ECPAT’s proposal has thus been pending for approval until further notice. This has implications on appointment of members of technical working group to draft the RPA which is put on hold.; <narrative># of government officials sensitised</narrative> # of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised 3rd TWG 10; Thai Consultation 35; ASEAN Roadmap conference 30; <narrative># of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> # of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners Have begun discussions on regional meetings, but now delayed due to COVID-19.; Virtual regional meeting 11; Webinar on online grooming 30; NL-KVK-41149287-ASCL0185 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>2018 GAA Asia - Global March: Addressing the issues of CL/CT/CE in Asia</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Global March-International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 176200.0 88005.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices NL-KVK-41149287-ASCL0216 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>INT 2018 Engaging in Multi-Stakeholder Advocacy Towards Achieving SDG 8.7</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Global March-International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 194000.0 96999.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers NL-KVK-41149287-ASCL0261 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>2019GAA Asia: Decent work which covers CL, education and safe economic migration</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Global March-International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 182170.0 83614.0 2019 Total Disbursement for Global March Int Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 87995.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners Achieved in previous quarter; NL-KVK-41149287-ASCL0312 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>2020 GAA GM: Strengthening the movement in Asia to protect from child labour</narrative> This Project is part of GAA, within Asia Regional context, Global March will focus the work towards CSO Pathway of change. Through the increased capacity on advocacy for the GAA themes Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Global March-International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 223386.0 <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised Govt representatives and MPs sensitised in Bangladesh and Nepal; Government officials were sensitised in Nepal (through online meetings and events) and in Bangladesh through local level meeting at the district level.; Government officials were sensitised across all the countries - nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka at different levels - local, district/municipal and national levels.; <narrative>Number of inputs given to Government</narrative> Number of inputs given to Government <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government Inputs on child labour, child rights, child protection.; Inputs were given to government representatives both at local and national levels in Nepal and Bangladesh on the issues of child labour, child marriage, child trafficking and other child protection issues. In Sri Lanka, CCH worked with the government officials in providing support to children and women affected by increased violence as well as children in child care institutions.; Inputs were given to the government on child labour and forced labour in Nepal.; <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs Dialogues and workshops with CSOs held in Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka; Dialogues, discussions and online meetings were held with CSOs in all 3 countries, 1 per country.; Dialogues with CSOs were carried out in all 3 countries at different levels and also a mix of physical meetings and virtual interactions were used.; <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners Activities are planned in 2Q20, which will be decided based on current Covid situation; CSOs across the 3 countries attended different meetings online and in some cases physical as well . Though physical meetings were one on one due to social distancing norms.; More than 50 NGOs attended the online symposium organised by SAN Nepal on the issue of forced labour including child labour.; NL-KVK-41149287-ASCT0361 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Destination Unknown project Thailand</narrative> Children on the Move Advocacy in Sub-Mekong Region Project. The project aim to reduce the risks and vulnerabilities migrants and refugees face at different stages of migration by empowered, respecting, protecting and fulfilling their human rights. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Germany, Thailand Office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 NL-KVK-41149287-BDCA0010 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Education and SRHR for the Children of Harijan and Brothel Children in Tangail</narrative> &nbsp;Ensure Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CA) in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SSS Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 128000.0 0.0 63164.0 Expenditure 2016 0.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused children received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused children received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>of cases reported by community members</narrative> of cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSO representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRS, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSO representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRS, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights</narrative> # of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights NL-KVK-41149287-BDCA0024 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2016: Initiative for Married Adolescent Girls Empowerment (IMAGE)</narrative> BD CA // Bangladesh Programme - IMAGE (Initiatives for Married Adolescent Girls&rsquo; Empowerment) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Pollisree SKS Foundation RedOrange Media TdH Lausanne Bangladesh country office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 2046076.0 0 915254.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>children & youth trained as agent of changes</narrative> children & youth trained as agent of changes <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change NL-KVK-41149287-BDCA0104 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2017 Education and SRHR for Children of Harijan/Brothel Children in Tangail</narrative> AS CA // Ensure Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CA) in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SSS Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 120000.0 56332.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights</narrative> # of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights NL-KVK-41149287-BDCA0139 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2017 Initiatives for Adolescent Girl Empowerment Phase II IMAGE Plus Revised</narrative> BD CA // Bangladesh Programme - IMAGE (Initiatives for Married Adolescent Girls&rsquo; Empowerment) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Pollisree SKS Foundation RedOrange Media TdH Lausanne Bangladesh country office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 1783608.0 0.0 Expenditure 2016 838825.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities NL-KVK-41149287-BDCA0157 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2018 Initiatives for Married Adolescent Girls Empowerment Phase II IMAGE Plus</narrative> BD CA // Bangladesh Programme - IMAGE (Initiatives for Married Adolescent Girls&rsquo; Empowerment) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Pollisree SKS Foundation RedOrange Media TdH Lausanne Bangladesh country office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 1962704.0 976036.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities NL-KVK-41149287-BDCA0166 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Child Protection, Education and SRHR for Tangail Brothel and Harijan Community</narrative> Ensure Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CA) in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SSS Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 130000.0 59577.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>of government officials trained</narrative> of government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>of child protection committees supported</narrative> of child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported NL-KVK-41149287-BDCA0255 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2019 IMAGE Plus Initiatives for Married Girls Empowerment Phase II (EKN)</narrative> BD CA // Bangladesh Programme - IMAGE (Initiatives for Married Adolescent Girls&rsquo; Empowerment) Terre des Hommes Netherlands The Dutch Embassy in Bangladesh Pollisree SKS Foundation RedOrange Media TdHNL Bangladesh country office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 1938032.0 913943.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>1.1 The knowledge of Early Married Girls strengthened on Maternal and Child Health (MCH), Nutrition and SRHR [Old Areas]</narrative> 1.1 The knowledge of Early Married Girls strengthened on Maternal and Child Health (MCH), Nutrition and SRHR [Old Areas] <narrative>1.1 The knowledge of Early Married Girls strengthened on Maternal and Child Health (MCH), Nutrition and SRHR [Old Areas]</narrative> 1.1 The knowledge of Early Married Girls strengthened on Maternal and Child Health (MCH), Nutrition and SRHR [Old Areas] <narrative>1.2 Early Married Girls better aware of Gender Based Violence (GBV) [Old Areas]</narrative> 1.2 Early Married Girls better aware of Gender Based Violence (GBV) [Old Areas] <narrative>1.2 Early Married Girls better aware of Gender Based Violence (GBV) [Old Areas]</narrative> 1.2 Early Married Girls better aware of Gender Based Violence (GBV) [Old Areas] <narrative>1.3 The knowledge of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [Old Areas]</narrative> 1.3 The knowledge of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [Old Areas] <narrative>1.3 The knowledge of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [Old Areas]</narrative> 1.3 The knowledge of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [Old Areas] <narrative>1.4 Early Married Girls participated in education opportunities [Old Areas]</narrative> 1.4 Early Married Girls participated in education opportunities [Old Areas] <narrative>1.4 Early Married Girls participated in education opportunities [Old Areas]</narrative> 1.4 Early Married Girls participated in education opportunities [Old Areas] <narrative>1.5 Early Married Girls engaged in income generating activities [Old Areas]</narrative> 1.5 Early Married Girls engaged in income generating activities [Old Areas] <narrative>1.5 Early Married Girls engaged in income generating activities [Old Areas]</narrative> 1.5 Early Married Girls engaged in income generating activities [Old Areas] <narrative>2.1. The knowledge of Early Married Girls built on MCH, Nutrition and SRHR [New Areas]</narrative> 2.1. The knowledge of Early Married Girls built on MCH, Nutrition and SRHR [New Areas] <narrative>2.1. The knowledge of Early Married Girls built on MCH, Nutrition and SRHR [New Areas]</narrative> 2.1. The knowledge of Early Married Girls built on MCH, Nutrition and SRHR [New Areas] <narrative>2.2. Early Married Girls better aware of GBV [New Areas]</narrative> 2.2. Early Married Girls better aware of GBV [New Areas] <narrative>2.2. Early Married Girls better aware of GBV [New Areas]</narrative> 2.2. Early Married Girls better aware of GBV [New Areas] <narrative>2.3. The knowledge of Early Married Girls built on family planning [New Areas]</narrative> 2.3. The knowledge of Early Married Girls built on family planning [New Areas] <narrative>2.3. The knowledge of Early Married Girls built on family planning [New Areas]</narrative> 2.3. The knowledge of Early Married Girls built on family planning [New Areas] <narrative>2.4. Early Married Girls participated in education opportunities [New Areas]</narrative> 2.4. Early Married Girls participated in education opportunities [New Areas] <narrative>2.4. Early Married Girls participated in education opportunities [New Areas]</narrative> 2.4. Early Married Girls participated in education opportunities [New Areas] <narrative>2.5. Early Married Girls engaged in income generating activities [New Areas]</narrative> 2.5. Early Married Girls engaged in income generating activities [New Areas] <narrative>2.5. Early Married Girls engaged in income generating activities [New Areas]</narrative> 2.5. Early Married Girls engaged in income generating activities [New Areas] <narrative>3.1. The knowledge of husbands and/ or families of Early Married Girls strengthened on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and SRHR [Old Areas]</narrative> 3.1. The knowledge of husbands and/ or families of Early Married Girls strengthened on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and SRHR [Old Areas] <narrative>3.1. The knowledge of husbands and/ or families of Early Married Girls strengthened on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and SRHR [Old Areas]</narrative> 3.1. The knowledge of husbands and/ or families of Early Married Girls strengthened on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and SRHR [Old Areas] <narrative>3.2. Husbands and/or families of Early Married Girls are better aware of GBV [Old Areas]</narrative> 3.2. Husbands and/or families of Early Married Girls are better aware of GBV [Old Areas] <narrative>3.2. Husbands and/or families of Early Married Girls are better aware of GBV [Old Areas]</narrative> 3.2. Husbands and/or families of Early Married Girls are better aware of GBV [Old Areas] <narrative>3.3. The knowledge of the husbands of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [Old Areas]</narrative> 3.3. The knowledge of the husbands of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [Old Areas] <narrative>3.3. The knowledge of the husbands of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [Old Areas]</narrative> 3.3. The knowledge of the husbands of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [Old Areas] <narrative>4.1. The knowledge of husbands and/ or families of Early Married Girls built on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and SRHR [New Areas]</narrative> 4.1. The knowledge of husbands and/ or families of Early Married Girls built on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and SRHR [New Areas] <narrative>4.1. The knowledge of husbands and/ or families of Early Married Girls built on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and SRHR [New Areas]</narrative> 4.1. The knowledge of husbands and/ or families of Early Married Girls built on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and SRHR [New Areas] <narrative>4.2. Husbands and/or families of Early Married Girls are better aware of GBV [New Areas]</narrative> 4.2. Husbands and/or families of Early Married Girls are better aware of GBV [New Areas] <narrative>4.2. Husbands and/or families of Early Married Girls are better aware of GBV [New Areas]</narrative> 4.2. Husbands and/or families of Early Married Girls are better aware of GBV [New Areas] <narrative>4.3. The knowledge of the husbands of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [New Areas]</narrative> 4.3. The knowledge of the husbands of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [New Areas] <narrative>4.3. The knowledge of the husbands of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [New Areas]</narrative> 4.3. The knowledge of the husbands of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [New Areas] <narrative>5.1. The situation of Early Married Girls in Bangladesh spread among the public through media</narrative> 5.1. The situation of Early Married Girls in Bangladesh spread among the public through media <narrative>5.1. The situation of Early Married Girls in Bangladesh spread among the public through media</narrative> 5.1. The situation of Early Married Girls in Bangladesh spread among the public through media <narrative>5.2. The cultural activists are advocating EMGs’ issues e.g. SRHR, MCH, Nutrition, education and GBV</narrative> 5.2. The cultural activists are advocating EMGs’ issues e.g. SRHR, MCH, Nutrition, education and GBV <narrative>5.2. The cultural activists are advocating EMGs’ issues e.g. SRHR, MCH, Nutrition, education and GBV</narrative> 5.2. The cultural activists are advocating EMGs’ issues e.g. SRHR, MCH, Nutrition, education and GBV <narrative>6.2. Media professionals and journalists are actively engaged in Early Married Girls issues and producing articles, shows on the issues</narrative> 6.2. Media professionals and journalists are actively engaged in Early Married Girls issues and producing articles, shows on the issues <narrative>6.2. Media professionals and journalists are actively engaged in Early Married Girls issues and producing articles, shows on the issues</narrative> 6.2. Media professionals and journalists are actively engaged in Early Married Girls issues and producing articles, shows on the issues <narrative>7.1. Government provided support to IMAGE Plus to work on health issues of Early Married Girls</narrative> 7.1. Government provided support to IMAGE Plus to work on health issues of Early Married Girls <narrative>7.1. Government provided support to IMAGE Plus to work on health issues of Early Married Girls</narrative> 7.1. Government provided support to IMAGE Plus to work on health issues of Early Married Girls <narrative>7.2. Government is supportive to IMAGE Plus to work on education services and income generating opportunities for Early Married Girls</narrative> 7.2. Government is supportive to IMAGE Plus to work on education services and income generating opportunities for Early Married Girls <narrative>7.2. Government is supportive to IMAGE Plus to work on education services and income generating opportunities for Early Married Girls</narrative> 7.2. Government is supportive to IMAGE Plus to work on education services and income generating opportunities for Early Married Girls <narrative>8.1. Field level learning, evidences, best practices and knowledge is collected and collated for addressing EMG issues and policy advocacy at both local and national level</narrative> 8.1. Field level learning, evidences, best practices and knowledge is collected and collated for addressing EMG issues and policy advocacy at both local and national level <narrative>8.1. Field level learning, evidences, best practices and knowledge is collected and collated for addressing EMG issues and policy advocacy at both local and national level</narrative> 8.1. Field level learning, evidences, best practices and knowledge is collected and collated for addressing EMG issues and policy advocacy at both local and national level <narrative>8.2. Civil Society Organisations (donor organisations, local and international NGOs, individual activists and private sectors) engaged in addressing the issues of EMGs</narrative> 8.2. Civil Society Organisations (donor organisations, local and international NGOs, individual activists and private sectors) engaged in addressing the issues of EMGs <narrative>8.2. Civil Society Organisations (donor organisations, local and international NGOs, individual activists and private sectors) engaged in addressing the issues of EMGs</narrative> 8.2. Civil Society Organisations (donor organisations, local and international NGOs, individual activists and private sectors) engaged in addressing the issues of EMGs NL-KVK-41149287-BDCA0337 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD IMAGE 2020: Initiatives for Married Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment Phase II (IMAGE Plus)</narrative> IMAGE Plus is focused on Early Married Girls (EMG), to realize their rights and potentials towards a dignified life, in the areas of&nbsp; SRHR; GBV; Education and IGA. Implemented in 3 Northern districts - Gaibandha, Kurigram and Nilphamari ( 6 union in 6 sub-districts), targeting 9000 EMGs, their families, communities, related CSOs and Government with community based interventions for awareness raising and advocacy initiatives at local and national level. Terre des Hommes Netherlands EKN Pollisree SKS Foundation RedOrange Media TdH Lausanne Bangladesh country office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 1644864.0 <narrative>Early Married Girls (IMAGE I) have adequate knowledge and access to quality health services on SRHR, Nutrition, GBV, education and income generating opportunities. [Old Areas]</narrative> Early Married Girls (IMAGE I) have adequate knowledge and access to quality health services on SRHR, Nutrition, GBV, education and income generating opportunities. [Old Areas] <narrative># of EMGs access to knowledge and services on SRHR, GBV, Educaton and IGA opportunities</narrative> # of EMGs access to knowledge and services on SRHR, GBV, Educaton and IGA opportunities More EMGs were reached as per their availability (Old areas); Due to COVID-19 situation all targeted EMGs were not possible to reach (Old areas); <narrative># Institutional Delivery among EMGs</narrative> # Institutional Delivery among EMGs Out of 118 pregnant EMGs, 80 EMGs managed institutional delivery due to COVID situation; <narrative>The knowledge of Early Married Girls strengthened on Maternal and Child Health (MCH), Nutrition and SRHR [Old Areas]</narrative> The knowledge of Early Married Girls strengthened on Maternal and Child Health (MCH), Nutrition and SRHR [Old Areas] <narrative># of EMGs participated in awareness raising sessions on SRHR including MCH and Nutrition</narrative> # of EMGs participated in awareness raising sessions on SRHR including MCH and Nutrition (Target): More targeted people were reached as per their availability in Qtr 1 (Budget): Expenditure is on track, however, not fully spent due to two undone works (Ref. 1.1.2 & 1.1.7) happened for COVID-19 situation; (Target): More targeted people were reached as per their availability in Qtr 2 (Budget): Expenditure is on track, however, not fully spent due to two undone works (Ref. 1.1.7 & 1.1.10) happened for COVID-19 situation; More targeted people were reached as per their availability in Qtr 3. Moreover, almost all the activities of Qtr 4 were completed in Qtr 3 as per instruction of EKN. More budget was required as maximum activities of Qtr 4 were completed in Qtr 3; <narrative>1.2 Early Married Girls better aware of Gender Based Violence (GBV) [Old Areas]</narrative> 1.2 Early Married Girls better aware of Gender Based Violence (GBV) [Old Areas] <narrative># of EMGs improved knowledge on GBV</narrative> # of EMGs improved knowledge on GBV (Target): More targeted people were reached as per their availability in Qtr 1 (Budget): Expenditure for certified training received costs (Ref: 1.2.1) of two TdH NL staff on Psycho-social counseling from Institute of Well-being Foundation (IWF) is considered.; (Target): More targeted people were reached as per their availability in Qtr 2 (Budget): Due to COVID-19 situation, the ToT for project staff (Ref: 1.2.1) was conducted in Virtually Thus, less budget was required.; More targeted people were reached as per their availability in Qtr 3. Moreover, almost all the activities of Qtr 4 were completed in Qtr 3 as per instruction of EKN.; <narrative># of EMGs reported GBV cases</narrative> # of EMGs reported GBV cases (Target): More EMGs were supported (Ref. No. 1.2.4) through referral and linkages. Thirty (30) changemakers (Ref. No. 1.2.5) were reached through Refresher Training on psychosocial counseling. (Budget): Refresher Training (Ref: 1.2.5) on psycho-social counseling for Change-makers was planned for Qtr 2, however, conducted in Qtr 1 due to their availability. Thus budget was required.; (Target): Activity 1.2.5. was conducted in Qtr 1 due to more availability of the changemakers. Thus, achievement is less. (Budget): As expenditure of 1.2.5 activity was spent in Qtr 1, thus less budget was spent in Qtr 2.; More supports provided through referral and linkages. More budget required as more supports provided during this quarter; <narrative>The knowledge of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [Old Areas]</narrative> The knowledge of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [Old Areas] <narrative># Family planning methods usage among EMGs</narrative> # Family planning methods usage among EMGs (Target): More targeted people were reached as per their availability in Qtr 1 (Budget): All activities were non-budgetary; (Target): More targeted people were reached as per their availability in Qtr 2 (Budget): All activities were non-budgetary; More targeted people were reached as per their availability in Qtr 3 All activities were non-budgetary; <narrative>Early Married Girls participated in education opportunities [Old Areas]</narrative> Early Married Girls participated in education opportunities [Old Areas] <narrative># of EMGs currently at educational institute</narrative> # of EMGs currently at educational institute More EMGs reached through referral and linkages. Thus, budget was less required.; Due to COVID-19 situation, no EMG was enrolled at educational institute in Qtr 2.; More authorities of formal/non-formal/ vocational educational institutions were reached than anticipated. More linkages of EMGs were possible during Qtr 3. Thus, budget was more required.; <narrative>Early Married Girls engaged in income generating activities [Old Areas]</narrative> Early Married Girls engaged in income generating activities [Old Areas] <narrative># of EMGs participated in skills/ vocational trainings related to Income Generating Activities</narrative> # of EMGs participated in skills/ vocational trainings related to Income Generating Activities (Budget): EMGs were supported through vocational/skills training (Ref. No. 1.5.3) as per need. Thus, less budget was required.; (Target): Due to COVID-19 situation all vocational/skills training institutes are closed. Thus, not possible for any EMG to participate for any skills training.; More EMGs were participated skills training and supported for livelihood opportunities in this Qtr. Thus more budget was required.; <narrative># of EMGs involved in Income Generating Activities</narrative> # of EMGs involved in Income Generating Activities (Budget): More participants were reached than anticipated (Ref, No. 1.5.2). Thus, extra costs were required; (Budget): EMGs were involved in income generation activities through linkages. Thus, less budget was required.; EMGs were involved in income generation activities through linkages. Thus, less budget was required.; <narrative>Early Married Girls (New) have adequate knowledge and access to quality health services on SRHR, Nutrition, GBV, education and income generating opportunities. [New Areas]</narrative> Early Married Girls (New) have adequate knowledge and access to quality health services on SRHR, Nutrition, GBV, education and income generating opportunities. [New Areas] <narrative># of EMGs access to knowledge and services on SRHR, GBV, Educaton and IGA opportunities</narrative> # of EMGs access to knowledge and services on SRHR, GBV, Educaton and IGA opportunities Less EMGs were reached due to their unavailability in Qtr 1 (New areas); More EMGs reached than anticipated; <narrative># Institutional Delivery among EMGs</narrative> # Institutional Delivery among EMGs Achieved more than anticipated (New areas); Out of 76 pregnant EMGs, 56 EMGs managed institutional delivery due to COVID situation; <narrative>The knowledge of Early Married Girls built on MCH, Nutrition and SRHR [New Areas]</narrative> The knowledge of Early Married Girls built on MCH, Nutrition and SRHR [New Areas] <narrative># of EMGs participated in awareness raising sessions on SRHR including MCH and Nutrition</narrative> # of EMGs participated in awareness raising sessions on SRHR including MCH and Nutrition EMGs were not fully reached in Qtr 1 than anticipated (Ref. No. 2.1.2). Thus, budget was less spent.; EMGs were not fully reached in Qtr 2 than anticipated. Thus, budget was less spent.; More targeted people were reached as per their availability in Qtr 3. Moreover, almost all the activities of Qtr 4 were completed in Qtr 3 as per instruction of EKN. More budget was required as maximum activities of Qtr 4 were completed in Qtr 3; <narrative>Early Married Girls better aware of GBV [New Areas]</narrative> Early Married Girls better aware of GBV [New Areas] <narrative># of EMGs improved knowledge on GBV</narrative> # of EMGs improved knowledge on GBV (Target): Due to unavailability, less number of EMGs participated in awareness sessions (Ref. No. 2.2.3) (Budget): All activities were non-budgetary; (Budget): All activities were non-budgetary; More targeted people were reached as per their availability in Qtr 3. Moreover, almost all the activities of Qtr 4 were completed in Qtr 3 as per instruction of EKN. All activities were non-budgetary; <narrative># of EMGs reported GBV cases</narrative> # of EMGs reported GBV cases More supports (Ref. 2.2.3) were provided to EMGs through referral and linkages process. Thus, less budget was required.; All supports (Ref. 2.2.3) were provided to EMGs through referral and linkages process. Thus, budget was not required.; More supports provided during this quarter. However, expenditure was less due to linkages; <narrative>The knowledge of Early Married Girls built on family planning [New Areas]</narrative> The knowledge of Early Married Girls built on family planning [New Areas] <narrative># Family planning methods usage among EMGs</narrative> # Family planning methods usage among EMGs All activities were non-budgetary; (Budget): All activities were non-budgetary; More targeted people were reached as per their availability in Qtr 3 All activities were non-budgetary; <narrative>Early Married Girls participated in education opportunities [New Areas]</narrative> Early Married Girls participated in education opportunities [New Areas] <narrative># of EMGs currently at educational institute</narrative> # of EMGs currently at educational institute More EMGs reached than plan through referral and linkages.Thus, budget was less required.; Due to COVID-19 situation, no EMG was enrolled at educational institute in Qtr 2.; More authorities of formal/non-formal/ vocational educational institutions were reached than anticipated. More linkages of EMGs were possible during this Qtr. Thus budget was more required.; <narrative>Early Married Girls engaged in income generating activities [New Areas]</narrative> Early Married Girls engaged in income generating activities [New Areas] <narrative># of EMGs participated in skills/ vocational trainings related to Income Generating Activities</narrative> # of EMGs participated in skills/ vocational trainings related to Income Generating Activities EMGs were supported through vocational/skills training (Ref. No. 2.5.3) as per need. Thus, less budget was required.; (Target): Due to COVID-19 situation all vocational/skills training institutes are closed. Thus, not possible for any EMG to participate for any skills training.; More EMGs were participated skills training and supported for livelihood opportunities in this Qtr. Thus more budget was required.; <narrative># of EMGs involved in Income Generating Activities</narrative> # of EMGs involved in Income Generating Activities More EMGs were reached through linkages. Thus, less budget was required.; Three activities (Ref. 2.5.5) were conducted in Qtr 3. Thus, budget was required to conduct these activities.; <narrative>Families and communities continue to demonstrate their support to Early Married Girls (IMAGE I) to have access to quality health services (MCH & SRH), education and income generating opportunities. [Old Areas]</narrative> Families and communities continue to demonstrate their support to Early Married Girls (IMAGE I) to have access to quality health services (MCH & SRH), education and income generating opportunities. [Old Areas] <narrative># of EMGs reported that their families are supportive to EMGs for access to MCH services/education/IGA</narrative> # of EMGs reported that their families are supportive to EMGs for access to MCH services/education/IGA Completed; <narrative>The knowledge of husbands and/ or families of Early Married Girls strengthened on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and SRHR [Old Areas]</narrative> The knowledge of husbands and/ or families of Early Married Girls strengthened on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and SRHR [Old Areas] <narrative># of husbands of EMGs participated in SRHR (MCH, Nutrition and SRHR) sessions</narrative> # of husbands of EMGs participated in SRHR (MCH, Nutrition and SRHR) sessions Less number of spouses were reached (Ref. 3.1.2) in Qtr 1 due to their unavailability. Thus, the whole amount was not spent; More spouses were reached (Ref. 3.1.2) in Qtr 3 due to their availability. Thus, budget was more required; <narrative># of familiy members (mother-in-law, mother, unmarried adolescent girls) of EMGs participated in SRHR (MCH, Nutrition and SRHR) sessions</narrative> # of familiy members (mother-in-law, mother, unmarried adolescent girls) of EMGs participated in SRHR (MCH, Nutrition and SRHR) sessions More family club members (Ref. 3.1.3) were reached in Qtr 1 than anticipated. Thus, extra cost was required.; Due to COVID situation, less number of family club members were reached. Thus, budget was not fully spent.; <narrative>Husbands and/or families of Early Married Girls are better aware of GBV [Old Areas]</narrative> Husbands and/or families of Early Married Girls are better aware of GBV [Old Areas] <narrative># of family members (mothers in law, unmarried girls) oriented on Gender-Based Violence</narrative> # of family members (mothers in law, unmarried girls) oriented on Gender-Based Violence All targeted people (Ref, No. 3.2.1) were not reached in Qtr 1 than plan. Thus budget was less spent. Local campaigns (Ref. 3.2.3) were conducted within less budget than anticipated; Due to COVID-19 situation, activity 3.2.3. was not performed this Qtr. Thus, budget was less spent.; Activities (Ref. 3.2.1 & 3.2.3) were planned in Qtr 2, however, could not possible to conduct due to COVID situation. These activities were conducted in Qtr 3.; <narrative>The knowledge of the husbands of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [Old Areas]</narrative> The knowledge of the husbands of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [Old Areas] <narrative># of Husbands participation in family planning methods</narrative> # of Husbands participation in family planning methods All activities were non-budgetary; All activities were non-budgetary; All activities are non-budgetary; <narrative>Families and communities support Early Married Girls (New) to have access to quality health services (MCH & SRH), education and income generating opportunities. [New Areas]</narrative> Families and communities support Early Married Girls (New) to have access to quality health services (MCH & SRH), education and income generating opportunities. [New Areas] <narrative># of EMGs reported that their families are supportive to EMGs for access to MCH services/education/IGA</narrative> # of EMGs reported that their families are supportive to EMGs for access to MCH services/education/IGA Completed; <narrative>The knowledge of husbands and/ or families of Early Married Girls built on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and SRHR [New Areas]</narrative> The knowledge of husbands and/ or families of Early Married Girls built on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and SRHR [New Areas] <narrative># of husbands of EMGs participated in SRHR (MCH, Nutrition and SRHR) sessions</narrative> # of husbands of EMGs participated in SRHR (MCH, Nutrition and SRHR) sessions (Target): Less number of spouses were reached due to their unavailability in Qtr 2 in COVID -19 situation. (Budget): Due to less number of participants, budget was not fully spent,; More spouses were reached (Ref. 4.1.3) in Qtr 3 due to their availability.; <narrative># of familiy members (mother-in-law, mother, unmarried adolescent girls) of EMGs participated in SRHR (MCH, Nutrition and SRHR) sessions</narrative> # of familiy members (mother-in-law, mother, unmarried adolescent girls) of EMGs participated in SRHR (MCH, Nutrition and SRHR) sessions Targeted event with Civil Society Forum Members (Ref. 4.1.4) and Community Radio (Ref. 4.1.5) were not completed due to COVID-19 situation. Thus, whole budget was not spent.; (Target): Less number of family members were reached due to their unavailability in Qtr 2 due to COVID -19 situation (Budget): Due to less number of participants, budget was not fully spent,; More family club members reached (Ref. 4.1.2) in Qtr 3 due to their availability. 4 activities under 4.1.5 also conducted in Qtr 3. Thus, budget was more required.; <narrative>Husbands and/or families of Early Married Girls are better aware of GBV [New Areas]</narrative> Husbands and/or families of Early Married Girls are better aware of GBV [New Areas] <narrative># of family members (mothers in law, unmarried girls) oriented on Gender-Based Violence</narrative> # of family members (mothers in law, unmarried girls) oriented on Gender-Based Violence All activities were non-budgetary; All activities were non-budgetary; More people reached than anticipated. However, all activities were non-budgetary; <narrative>The knowledge of the husbands of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [New Areas].</narrative> The knowledge of the husbands of Early Married Girls strengthened on family planning [New Areas]. <narrative># of Husbands participation in family planning methods</narrative> # of Husbands participation in family planning methods All activities were non-budgetary; All activities were non-budgetary; All activities were non-budgetary; <narrative>Mass awareness increased on early married girls’ situation on SRHR, MCH, Nutrition, GBV, Education and IGA through Mass Media Communication.</narrative> Mass awareness increased on early married girls’ situation on SRHR, MCH, Nutrition, GBV, Education and IGA through Mass Media Communication. <narrative># of people informed of EMG issues on SRHR, MCH, Nutrition, and GBV</narrative> # of people informed of EMG issues on SRHR, MCH, Nutrition, and GBV Achieved more than planned; <narrative>The situation of Early Married Girls in Bangladesh spread among the public through media.</narrative> The situation of Early Married Girls in Bangladesh spread among the public through media. <narrative># of tv spot telecasted</narrative> # of tv spot telecasted 1 TV series/serial/ (Ref. No. 5.1.1) was planned in Qtr1. However, not performed due to COVID-19 situation. Thus, budget was not spent.; Due to COVID-19, this activity (Ref. 5.1.1.) plan to conduct in Qtr 3; Activity 5.1.1 was planned in Qtr 2, however, could not perform due to COVID situation, This activity was conducted in Qtr 3. Thus, budget was spent accordingly.; <narrative># of media monitoring and impact assessment tool in place</narrative> # of media monitoring and impact assessment tool in place The expenditure will be completed in Qtr 4; <narrative>The cultural activists are advocating EMGs’ issues e.g. SRHR, MCH, Nutrition, education and GBV</narrative> The cultural activists are advocating EMGs’ issues e.g. SRHR, MCH, Nutrition, education and GBV <narrative># of cultural activists/celebrities are actively promoting the rights of EMG</narrative> # of cultural activists/celebrities are actively promoting the rights of EMG Completed in Qtr 1; Completed in Qtr 1; <narrative>Media professionals and journalists are more aware and involved in improving the situation of EMG.</narrative> Media professionals and journalists are more aware and involved in improving the situation of EMG. <narrative>A network of journalists is established for the cause of EMG</narrative> A network of journalists is established for the cause of EMG Completed; Completed in Qtr 2; <narrative>6.1 Media professionals and journalists are sensitized on Early Married Girls' issues</narrative> 6.1 Media professionals and journalists are sensitized on Early Married Girls' issues <narrative># of sensitization meetings</narrative> # of sensitization meetings Not planned for this year; Not planned for this year; Not planned for this year; <narrative>Media professionals and journalists are actively engaged in Early Married Girls issues and producing articles, shows on the issues.</narrative> Media professionals and journalists are actively engaged in Early Married Girls issues and producing articles, shows on the issues. <narrative># of talkshows broadcasted</narrative> # of talkshows broadcasted Preparation for activity 6.2.1 is in progress. Thus, a portion of the budget was spent.; Due COVID-19, this activity was not possible to be performed. Thus, this activity has been shifted in Qtr 3. However, preparation of this activity is in progress.; Among 2 TV talk shows, 1 completed in Qtr 3 and another shifted to Qtr 4 due to Ambassador's time availability. When the activity will be completed in Qtr 4, the budget will be spent.; <narrative>Government supportive to Early Married Girls’ for access to health, education and IGA services in Bangladesh.</narrative> Government supportive to Early Married Girls’ for access to health, education and IGA services in Bangladesh. <narrative># of initiatives (related to policy) to address the health, education and IGA issues of EMGs</narrative> # of initiatives (related to policy) to address the health, education and IGA issues of EMGs Not planned in Qtr 1; No initiative was addressed in Qtr 2; Completed; <narrative>Government provided support to IMAGE Plus to work on health issues of Early Married Girls.</narrative> Government provided support to IMAGE Plus to work on health issues of Early Married Girls. <narrative># of supports provided to EMGs by the Government health service providers</narrative> # of supports provided to EMGs by the Government health service providers (Target): More Govt. and non-govt health service providers (Ref. No. 7.1.4) were reached than plan. (Budget): Preparation for Issue based National Campaign (Ref. No. 7.1.6) is in progress. Thus, a portion of the budget was spent along with the total amount; Planned to conduct activity 7.1.6. in Qtr 2, however, due to COVID-19, this was not possible to be conducted. Will be conducted in Qtr 3.; More Govt. and non-govt health service providers (Ref. activity 7.1.4) were reached than plan. Moreover, activity 7.1.6 was planned in Qtr 2, however, could not perform due to COVID situation, This activity was conducted in Qtr 3. Thus, budget was more required.; <narrative>Government is supportive to IMAGE Plus to work on education services and income generating opportunities for Early Married Girls</narrative> Government is supportive to IMAGE Plus to work on education services and income generating opportunities for Early Married Girls <narrative># of supports provided to EMGs by the Government related to education and income generating opportunities</narrative> # of supports provided to EMGs by the Government related to education and income generating opportunities (Target): More people were reached (Ref. No. 7.2.1) than anticipated. (Budget): Expenditure of 7.2.1 activity was less in this Qtr than anticipated; (Target): Less number of people were reached (Ref. No. 7.2.1) than anticipated. (Budget): Expenditure of 7.2.1 activity was less in this Qtr than anticipated; More people reached than anticipated. Thus, budget was required more.; <narrative>Civil society organizations (donor organizations, local and international NGOs, individual activists and private sectors) are informed, aware and sensitized about the situation of Early Married Girls in Bangladesh.</narrative> Civil society organizations (donor organizations, local and international NGOs, individual activists and private sectors) are informed, aware and sensitized about the situation of Early Married Girls in Bangladesh. <narrative># of civil society organizations responsive to EMG issues</narrative> # of civil society organizations responsive to EMG issues More achieved than anticipated due to their availability in Qtr 1; Less achieved than anticipated due to COVID-19 situation; Less reached due to COVID situation; <narrative>Field level learning, evidences, best practices and knowledge is collected and collated for addressing EMG issues and policy advocacy at both local and national level.</narrative> Field level learning, evidences, best practices and knowledge is collected and collated for addressing EMG issues and policy advocacy at both local and national level. <narrative># of comprehensive evidence based document available to aware CSOs</narrative> # of comprehensive evidence based document available to aware CSOs Preparation for activity 8.1.3 is in progress. Thus, a portion of the budget was spent along with the total amount; Activity Completed; <narrative># of people informed through visiting Online/web based knowledge, advocacy & networking platform on EMGs issues</narrative> # of people informed through visiting Online/web based knowledge, advocacy & networking platform on EMGs issues More people reached through Online/web based knowledge, advocacy & networking platform; <narrative>Civil Society Organisations (donor organisations, local and international NGOs, individual activists and private sectors) engaged in addressing the issues of EMGs.</narrative> Civil Society Organisations (donor organisations, local and international NGOs, individual activists and private sectors) engaged in addressing the issues of EMGs. <narrative># of CSOs involved in IMAGE Plus-led events on the issues of EMGs</narrative> # of CSOs involved in IMAGE Plus-led events on the issues of EMGs (Target): Targeted activity 8.2.1 was not performed in Qtr 1 due to COVID-19 situation. Thus less target was achieved. (Budget): Preparation for activity 8.2.4 is in progress. Thus, a portion of the budget was spent.; Due to COVID situation, activity 8.2.4 was conducted online Webinar. Thus, less number of participants were reached.; NL-KVK-41149287-BDCE0023 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2016: Combating Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Bangladesh</narrative> BD CE // Bangladesh Programme-EU : Combating Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children ( CCSEC) in Bangladesh Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SSS SEEP Breaking the Silence Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 405258.0 0 164890.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>children organized in # of CLOs</narrative> children organized in # of CLOs <narrative>children organized in # of CLOs</narrative> children organized in # of CLOs <narrative>research study conducted on CSEC</narrative> research study conducted on CSEC <narrative>research study conducted on CSEC</narrative> research study conducted on CSEC <narrative>children vulnerable to sexual abuse received TVET</narrative> children vulnerable to sexual abuse received TVET <narrative># of children vulnerable to sexual abuse received TVET</narrative> # of children vulnerable to sexual abuse received TVET <narrative>children violation of sexual abuse received life skill training</narrative> children violation of sexual abuse received life skill training <narrative># of children violation of sexual abuse received life skill training</narrative> # of children violation of sexual abuse received life skill training <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>CLOs actively advocating child abuse issues and demanding rights and entitlement of survivors and at risk children of CSEC.</narrative> CLOs actively advocating child abuse issues and demanding rights and entitlement of survivors and at risk children of CSEC. <narrative>CLOs actively advocating child abuse issues and demanding rights and entitlement of survivors and at risk children of CSEC.</narrative> CLOs actively advocating child abuse issues and demanding rights and entitlement of survivors and at risk children of CSEC. <narrative>of boys and # of girls participated in awareness raising sessions on sexual abuse</narrative> of boys and # of girls participated in awareness raising sessions on sexual abuse <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>boy and # of girl (victims) violation of sexual abuse received psychosocial support</narrative> boy and # of girl (victims) violation of sexual abuse received psychosocial support <narrative># of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative>survivors and at risk children of CSEC organized no of .advocacy, social and media events demanding their rights and entitlement</narrative> survivors and at risk children of CSEC organized no of .advocacy, social and media events demanding their rights and entitlement <narrative>survivors and at risk children of CSEC organized no of .advocacy, social and media events demanding their rights and entitlement</narrative> survivors and at risk children of CSEC organized no of .advocacy, social and media events demanding their rights and entitlement NL-KVK-41149287-BDCE0033 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2016 Sexual exploitation of children online and in travel and tourism</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ACD Mukti Cox's Bazar Agrogoti Sangstha Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 320000.0 0 118215.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families counseled</narrative> families counseled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>Curriculum developed on safe internet use for children</narrative> Curriculum developed on safe internet use for children <narrative>Curriculum developed on safe internet use for children</narrative> Curriculum developed on safe internet use for children <narrative>schools adopted curriculum on safe internet use for children</narrative> schools adopted curriculum on safe internet use for children <narrative>schools adopted curriculum on safe internet use for children</narrative> schools adopted curriculum on safe internet use for children <narrative>private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders <narrative>private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders <narrative>community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights <narrative># of community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> # of community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights <narrative>abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options</narrative> abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options <narrative># of abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options</narrative> # of abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights NL-KVK-41149287-BDCE0108 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2017: Combating Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CCSEC)</narrative> BD CE // Bangladesh Programme-EU : Combating Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children ( CCSEC) in Bangladesh Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SSS SEEP Breaking the Silence Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 456322.0 192257.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>children vulnerable to sexual abuse received TVET</narrative> children vulnerable to sexual abuse received TVET <narrative># of children vulnerable to sexual abuse received TVET</narrative> # of children vulnerable to sexual abuse received TVET <narrative>children violation of sexual abuse received life skill training</narrative> children violation of sexual abuse received life skill training <narrative># of children violation of sexual abuse received life skill training</narrative> # of children violation of sexual abuse received life skill training <narrative>CLOs actively advocating child abuse issues and demanding rights and entitlement of survivors and at risk children of CSEC.</narrative> CLOs actively advocating child abuse issues and demanding rights and entitlement of survivors and at risk children of CSEC. <narrative># of CLOs actively advocating child abuse issues and demanding rights and entitlement of survivors and at risk children of CSEC.</narrative> # of CLOs actively advocating child abuse issues and demanding rights and entitlement of survivors and at risk children of CSEC. <narrative>evidence sharing events on sexual abuse with policy makers, media and civil society organized</narrative> evidence sharing events on sexual abuse with policy makers, media and civil society organized <narrative>evidence sharing events on sexual abuse with policy makers, media and civil society organized</narrative> evidence sharing events on sexual abuse with policy makers, media and civil society organized <narrative>CSO’s have updated policies on optional protocol 2</narrative> CSO’s have updated policies on optional protocol 2 <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>children vulnerable to violation of CSEC participated in awareness raising, advocacy & campaign activities</narrative> children vulnerable to violation of CSEC participated in awareness raising, advocacy & campaign activities <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>CSEC survivor identified, rescued and rehabilitated from CSEC and similar practices</narrative> CSEC survivor identified, rescued and rehabilitated from CSEC and similar practices <narrative>CSEC survivor identified, rescued and rehabilitated from CSEC and similar practices</narrative> CSEC survivor identified, rescued and rehabilitated from CSEC and similar practices <narrative>survivors and children at risk of CSEC organized no of advocacy, social and media events demanding their rights and entitlement.</narrative> survivors and children at risk of CSEC organized no of advocacy, social and media events demanding their rights and entitlement. <narrative>survivors and children at risk of CSEC organized no of advocacy, social and media events demanding their rights and entitlement.</narrative> survivors and children at risk of CSEC organized no of advocacy, social and media events demanding their rights and entitlement. NL-KVK-41149287-BDCE0120 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2017 Sexual Exploitation of Children Online and in Travel and Tourism</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ASK ACD Mukti Cox's Bazar Agrogoti Sangstha Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 253314.0 114189.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights</narrative> # of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights <narrative>private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders <narrative>private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders <narrative>community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights <narrative>community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders NL-KVK-41149287-BDCE0164 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2018 GAA ASK Address Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC) and SECTT</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ACD Mukti Cox's Bazar Agrogoti Sangstha Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 210000.0 0 92178.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners</narrative> community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions NL-KVK-41149287-BDCE0165 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2018 EU-CSEC TdH NL Combat Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children</narrative> BD CE // Bangladesh Programme-EU : Combating Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children ( CCSEC) in Bangladesh Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SSS SEEP Breaking the Silence Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 597026.0 240884.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative>vulnerable girls/boys participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable girls/boys participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions NL-KVK-41149287-BDCE0260 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2019 GAA ASK Sexual Exploitation of Children Online and in Travel and Tourism</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ACD Mukti Cox's Bazar Agrogoti Sangstha Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 352498.0 96138.0 2019 Total Disbursements for ASK Bangladesh Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 156154.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organized by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organized by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices NL-KVK-41149287-BDCE0276 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2019 (EU-CCSEC) Combating Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in BD</narrative> BD CE // Bangladesh Programme-EU : Combating Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children ( CCSEC) in Bangladesh Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SSS SEEP Breaking the Silence Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 389542.0 173977.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of vulnerable girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable boys participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable boys participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable boys participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable boys participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused boys participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused boys participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative># of government staff sensitized on CSEC</narrative> # of government staff sensitized on CSEC <narrative># of government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> # of government officials trained on CSEC <narrative># of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights</narrative> # of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights <narrative># of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights</narrative> # of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights NL-KVK-41149287-BDCE0315 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2020 GAA:Address Online Sexual Exploitation of Children and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism</narrative> The major project activity constitutes lobby with government to develop child friendly provisions to ensure the safety&nbsp; of children in digital platform as per relevant laws, advocacy with government and private sector to adopt a Code of Conduct (CoC) for safe internet delivery. The working areas include Satkhira, Rajshahi and Dhaka.&nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ACD Agragati Shangstha Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 296738.0 <narrative>Community B3: 10 public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Community B3: 10 public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level 1.1.2, 1.1.4 Due to late approval from NGO Affairs Bureau (approval date 19th january-2020), late release of fund (date: 03th march-2020) and COVID 19 outbreak, we could not accomplish planned activities within March.; Since the revised budget is not approved by NGOAB, we are following original budget. So expenditure is as per original budget. However, target inserted in PRIMAS is for revised budget.; One activity was done in Q2. So achieved hundred percent.; <narrative>Community B2: 61680 community members participating in awareness raising sessions.</narrative> Community B2: 61680 community members participating in awareness raising sessions. <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.5, 2.1.6 Due to late release of fund and COVID 19 outbreak, we could not accomplish planned activities within March 2020. We will organize rest of the programs in the next phase then full budget will expenses on that time.; One planned event is not accomplished.; <narrative>Community B1: 3 dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Community B1: 3 dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders 2.2.1 Due to late approval from NGO Affairs Bureau, late release of fund and COVID 19 outbreak, we could not accomplish planned activities within March 2020. We will organize the programs in the next phase then budget will expenses on that time.; As per revised RFW events of this output are shifted to Q3. One backlog event is accomplished.; One activity was done in Q2. Another one activity will be done in October 2020.; <narrative>Government C3: 11 inputs given to government</narrative> Government C3: 11 inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.5 Due to COVID 19, considering the present situation, we have conducted 2 meeting with BTRC and other government authorities at their premises, so budget is not utilized with in this period. We will organize wider meeting in the next phase then budget will expenses on that time.; As per revised RFW events of this output are shifted to Q3.; Two activities were done in Q2. Another one event will be done in October; <narrative>Government C2: 640 government officials sensitized</narrative> Government C2: 640 government officials sensitized <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4 Due to COVID 19, considering the present situation, government discouraged to the CSOs to avoid public meeting within March 2020 in project location in all districts of Bangladesh. So, we have conducted only 1 meeting. We will organize rest of the programs in the next phase then full budget will expenses on that time.; As per revised RFW events of this output are shifted to Q3. Two backlog event is accomplished.; <narrative>CSO D3: 6 dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> CSO D3: 6 dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs 4.1.1, 4.1.2 Due to late release of fund and COVID 19 outbreak, we could not accomplish planned activities within March 2020.; As per revised RFW events of this output are shifted to Q3. One backlog event is accomplished.; <narrative>CSO D1: 146 targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> CSO D1: 146 targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices 4.2.1, 4.2.4 Due to late release of fund and COVID 19 outbreak, we could not accomplish planned activities within March 2020.; Backlog events are accomplished.; <narrative>Private Sector F.2: 8 dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Private Sector F.2: 8 dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives 5.1.1, 5.1.2 Due to COVID 19, considering the present situation, government discouraged to the CSOs to avoid public meeting within March 2020 in project location in all districts of Bangladesh. So, we have conducted only 1 meeting. We will organize rest of the programs in the next phase then full budget will expenses on that time.; As per revised RFW events of this output are shifted to Q3. Three backlog events are accomplished.; Five events under this output were done in Q2 and Q1.; NL-KVK-41149287-BDCL0013 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2016: Ending Child Labour in Bangladesh: A Comprehensive Approach</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SSS SEEP BSAF Village Education Resource Center Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 895956.0 0 414700.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>children vulnerable to (worst forms of) child labour received TVET</narrative> children vulnerable to (worst forms of) child labour received TVET <narrative># of children vulnerable to child labour received TVET</narrative> # of children vulnerable to child labour received TVET <narrative>child labourers received psycho-social support</narrative> child labourers received psycho-social support <narrative># of child labourers received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child labourers received psycho-social support <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted NL-KVK-41149287-BDCL0102 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2017: Ending Child Labour in Bangladesh: A Comprehensive Approach</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands UDDIPAN ACD BSAF Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 348000.0 163621.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>children vulnerable to (worst forms of) child labour received TVET</narrative> children vulnerable to (worst forms of) child labour received TVET <narrative># of children vulnerable to child labour received TVET</narrative> # of children vulnerable to child labour received TVET <narrative>child labourers received psycho-social support</narrative> child labourers received psycho-social support <narrative># of child labourers received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child labourers received psycho-social support <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights NL-KVK-41149287-BDCL0181 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2018 -UDDIPAN (CL) Ending Child labour in Bangladesh A Comprehensive Approach</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Village Education Resource Center Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 390000.0 0.0 Expenditure 2017 177120.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights NL-KVK-41149287-BDCL0252 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2019: Ending Child Labour in Bangladesh: A Comprehensive Approach</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands INCIDIN BSAF Village Education Resource Center Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 462992.0 197755.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused boys participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused boys participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting child rights, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting child rights, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights NL-KVK-41149287-BDCT0006 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2016 Prevention of Child Trafficking by Strengthening Community/Networking</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands CPD SEEP BNWLA Nari Maitree Rights Jesscore Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 603880.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 205604.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed NL-KVK-41149287-BDCT0119 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2017: Prevention Child Trafficking through Community Strengthening&Networking</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands CPD SEEP BNWLA Nari Maitree Rights Jesscore Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 335844.0 155529.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted NL-KVK-41149287-BDCT0155 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2018 (GAA-INCIDIN)Prevention of CT through Community Strength/Network PCTSCN</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands CPD SEEP BNWLA Nari Maitree Rights Jesscore Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 272002.0 0 121474.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners</narrative> community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs</narrative> campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers NL-KVK-41149287-BDCT0251 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD2019 (GAA INCIDIN) Prevention of CT through Community Strengthening/Networking</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands CPD SEEP Nari Maitree Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 415230.0 139844.0 2019 Total Disbursement for INCIDIN Bangladesh Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 194470.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of government officials sensitized</narrative> Number of government officials sensitized <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs NL-KVK-41149287-BDCT0314 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BD 2020 GAA: Prevention of Child Trafficking through Community Strengthening & Networking (PCTSCN)</narrative> This is a GAA funded advocacy project, aim to facilitate relevant stakeholders in combating child trafficking according to trafficking act, rules and national plan of action (NPA) 2018-22 through lobby and advocacy. The project will be implemented in 5 districts in Bangladesh and stakeholders of the project include community, CSOs and government. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands CPD Nari Maitree Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 388228.0 <narrative>Community B1:23 dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Community B1:23 dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders NGOAB approval received on 10th of February’2020, this also to delayed to deliver the planned activities; <narrative>Communities B2: 300881 community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Communities B2: 300881 community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions Due to COVID-19 pandemic, all planned activities suspended as the country wide lockdown imposed by the government.; Since revised budget is still not approved by NGOAB, we are following the original RFW.; <narrative>Communities B3: 29 public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Communities B3: 29 public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level Due to COVID-19 pandemic, all planned activities suspended as the country wide lockdown imposed by the government.; Accomplished 3 backlog events in Q1.; 4 events under this output were accomplished in Q2. Achieved 100%; <narrative>Government C1: 13 campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Government C1: 13 campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers All activity under this output is shifted in Q3.; <narrative>Government C2: 730 government officials sensitized</narrative> Government C2: 730 government officials sensitized <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised Due to COVID-19 pandemic, all planned activities suspended as the country wide lockdown imposed by the government.; Accomplished 2 backlog events in Q1.; <narrative>Government C3:4 inputs given to government</narrative> Government C3:4 inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government Due to COVID-19 pandemic, all planned activities suspended as the country wide lockdown imposed by the government.; The activities under this output are shifted to Q3; <narrative>CSOs D1: 120 targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> CSOs D1: 120 targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices Due to COVID-19 pandemic, all planned activities suspended as the country wide lockdown imposed by the government.; The activities under this output are shifted to Q3; <narrative>CSOs D2: 11 dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> CSOs D2: 11 dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs Accomplished backlog events in Q1; 2 events under this output were accomplished in Q2. Achieved 100%; NL-KVK-41149287-BDHA0355 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Bangladesh ECHO 2019</narrative> Contribute to a protective environment for Rohingya and host communities in Cox&rsquo;s Bazar in camps 26 and 27. Activities will be a continuity of the ongoing ECHO funded project and will: - Improve the protection of children and their caregivers through access to CM, PSS and community based alternative care support. Tdh will implement protection promotion activities through the production and dissemination of a research paper on adapted services for boy survivors of SV. -&nbsp;Improve access to emergency primary health care focusing on children under 5 and PLW, in camp 26 through operating a PHC and outreach activities. -&nbsp;Improve faecal sludge management in camp 27, and hygiene promotion. Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECHO TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 1800000.0 0.0 ECHO Terre des Hommes Netherlands 680000.0 ECHO Terre des Hommes Netherlands 0.0 ECHO Terre des Hommes Netherlands 170000.0 ECHO Terre des Hommes Netherlands 844393.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Ensure safe and dignified access to a multisectoral integrated package of services for Rohingyas and host communities in Cox’s Bazar District</narrative> Ensure safe and dignified access to a multisectoral integrated package of services for Rohingyas and host communities in Cox’s Bazar District <narrative># of children for who a comprehensive assessment was completed</narrative> # of children for who a comprehensive assessment was completed <narrative>% of beneficiaries who reported receiving non-discriminatory and culturally appropriate health care when they themselves or a household member felt sick</narrative> % of beneficiaries who reported receiving non-discriminatory and culturally appropriate health care when they themselves or a household member felt sick <narrative>% of the existing WASH infrastructure functional</narrative> % of the existing WASH infrastructure functional <narrative>% of beneficiaries reporting that assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible and accountable manner across sectors of intervention.</narrative> % of beneficiaries reporting that assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible and accountable manner across sectors of intervention. <narrative>Protection: Improve the protection of children and their caregivers through access to case management services, psychosocial support and community based alternative care support</narrative> Protection: Improve the protection of children and their caregivers through access to case management services, psychosocial support and community based alternative care support <narrative># of unaccompanied and/or separated children who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA</narrative> # of unaccompanied and/or separated children who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA <narrative># of persons who receive an appropriate response</narrative> # of persons who receive an appropriate response <narrative># of persons with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> # of persons with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative># of participants showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus</narrative> # of participants showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus <narrative>Total number of individuals reached</narrative> Total number of individuals reached <narrative>Health: Improved access to emergency primary health care, with focus on children under 5 and PLW</narrative> Health: Improved access to emergency primary health care, with focus on children under 5 and PLW <narrative># of primary health care consultations</narrative> # of primary health care consultations <narrative>% of health services users reporting satisfaction of services</narrative> % of health services users reporting satisfaction of services <narrative># of individuals benefitting from awareness activities that include information on general maternal and newborn health topics, GBV concepts, and the locations and the benefits of services</narrative> # of individuals benefitting from awareness activities that include information on general maternal and newborn health topics, GBV concepts, and the locations and the benefits of services <narrative>% of medical staff who increase of skills and knowledge</narrative> % of medical staff who increase of skills and knowledge <narrative>Total number of individuals reached</narrative> Total number of individuals reached <narrative>WASH: Improved sanitary environment through improvement of infrastructure, hygiene promotion and community mobilization</narrative> WASH: Improved sanitary environment through improvement of infrastructure, hygiene promotion and community mobilization <narrative># of people with access to dignified, safe, clean and functional excreta disposal facilities</narrative> # of people with access to dignified, safe, clean and functional excreta disposal facilities <narrative>% of targeted women, men, boy and girls able to demonstrate at least 3 critical hygiene practices</narrative> % of targeted women, men, boy and girls able to demonstrate at least 3 critical hygiene practices <narrative>% of the committees created meet at least once a month</narrative> % of the committees created meet at least once a month <narrative>Total number of individuals reached</narrative> Total number of individuals reached NL-KVK-41149287-BDHA356 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Bangladesh ECHO 2020</narrative> Project funded by ECHO and implemented by Tdh Lausanne, in Cox's Bazaar. Title: Enhance the safety and dignity of refugees and host communities in Bangladesh through integrated, multi-sectorial humanitarian assistance. Health, child protection and&nbsp;Fecal Sludge Management services for refugees in Camp 26 and 27 and host communities. Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECHO TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 1977570.0 0.0 ECHO Terre des Hommes Netherlands 720000.0 ECHO Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Increase access to quality health and child protection services, notably through integrated, community-based mechanisms.</narrative> Increase access to quality health and child protection services, notably through integrated, community-based mechanisms. <narrative>% of beneficiaries (disaggregated by sex, age and diversity) reporting that humanitarian assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible and accountable manner</narrative> % of beneficiaries (disaggregated by sex, age and diversity) reporting that humanitarian assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible and accountable manner <narrative>% of target population with adequate access to primary health services</narrative> % of target population with adequate access to primary health services <narrative># of persons effectively referred to other specialized services and/or assistance providers</narrative> # of persons effectively referred to other specialized services and/or assistance providers <narrative>Protection: Strengthened access to quality, gender-sensitive Child Protection (CP) services for at-risk boys and girls.</narrative> Protection: Strengthened access to quality, gender-sensitive Child Protection (CP) services for at-risk boys and girls. <narrative># of persons who receive an appropriate response</narrative> # of persons who receive an appropriate response <narrative># of unaccompanied and/or separated children who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA</narrative> # of unaccompanied and/or separated children who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA <narrative># of persons reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures</narrative> # of persons reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures <narrative>% of sampled children and their caregivers who report satisfaction with the case management process</narrative> % of sampled children and their caregivers who report satisfaction with the case management process <narrative>% of sampled children and their caregivers who report improvement in their psychosocial wellbeing following program completion</narrative> % of sampled children and their caregivers who report improvement in their psychosocial wellbeing following program completion <narrative>Total number of individuals reached</narrative> Total number of individuals reached <narrative>Health: Strengthened access to quality Essential Package of Health Services (EPHS), and continued access to the Fecal Sludge Management (FSM) system.</narrative> Health: Strengthened access to quality Essential Package of Health Services (EPHS), and continued access to the Fecal Sludge Management (FSM) system. <narrative># of primary health care consultation</narrative> # of primary health care consultation <narrative># of mental health consultations</narrative> # of mental health consultations <narrative>% of patients who report satisfaction of the services provided at the PHC</narrative> % of patients who report satisfaction of the services provided at the PHC <narrative>% of skilled and unskilled PHC staff with an increased knowledge on various health topics</narrative> % of skilled and unskilled PHC staff with an increased knowledge on various health topics <narrative># of people benefitting from awareness activities that include general maternal and newborn health topics, GBV concepts and services available</narrative> # of people benefitting from awareness activities that include general maternal and newborn health topics, GBV concepts and services available <narrative># of people receiving vaccinations at the PHC</narrative> # of people receiving vaccinations at the PHC <narrative># of people benefitting from FSM facilities</narrative> # of people benefitting from FSM facilities <narrative>Total number of individuals reached</narrative> Total number of individuals reached NL-KVK-41149287-BFCE0365 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Supporting Vocational Training and Job Creation for GYW in Burkina Faso</narrative> Implemented by TdH Germany -&nbsp;Supporting Vocational Training and Job Creation for GYW in Burkina Faso Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 NL-KVK-41149287-BFHA0305 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Strengthening the health system to maintain access to quality care in the context of COVID-19</narrative> Contract start date is 01-08-2020, but ECHO has agreed that we can start on 01-09-2020. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 NL-KVK-41149287-BFHA0351 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>BF Burkina Faso Joint Response 2019</narrative> Since early 2019, non-state armed groups have consolidated their presence in especially the Northern part of Burkina Faso. There has been a sharp increase in violence which has unfolded a dramatic humanitarian crisis. Currently, Tdh responds through an Acute Joint Response in the Titao district, with service provision including in primary health care, natal care, GBV treatment, child protection, PSS. Project funded by the Dutch MFA, with Plan as lead organisation. Project includes a COVID-19 Top Up. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Plan Nederland TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 2438270.0 490957.0 1st instalment Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 497656.0 Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 472774.0 1st instalment Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 214812.0 COVID-19 top up Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 228945.0 COVID-19 top up Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 226118.0 COVID-19 top up Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 0.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Live births attended by skilled health staff</narrative> Live births attended by skilled health staff <narrative>Number of live births attended by skilled health personnel- females (under 18 years)</narrative> Number of live births attended by skilled health personnel- females (under 18 years) <narrative>Number of live births attended by skilled health personnel- females (18+ years)</narrative> Number of live births attended by skilled health personnel- females (18+ years) <narrative>People have access to primary health care</narrative> People have access to primary health care <narrative>Number of primary health care consultations by females (below 18 years)</narrative> Number of primary health care consultations by females (below 18 years) <narrative>Number of primary health care consultations by males (below 18 years)</narrative> Number of primary health care consultations by males (below 18 years) <narrative>Number of primary health care consultations by females (18+ years)</narrative> Number of primary health care consultations by females (18+ years) <narrative>Number of primary health care consultations by males (18+ years)</narrative> Number of primary health care consultations by males (18+ years) <narrative>People reached by the implementation specific prevention measures</narrative> People reached by the implementation specific prevention measures <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) reached by the implementation specific prevention measures</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) reached by the implementation specific prevention measures <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) reached by the implementation specific prevention measures</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) reached by the implementation specific prevention measures <narrative>Persons who receive an appropriate response</narrative> Persons who receive an appropriate response <narrative>Number of females (below 18 years) who receive an appropriate response</narrative> Number of females (below 18 years) who receive an appropriate response <narrative>Number of males (below 18 years) who receive an appropriate response</narrative> Number of males (below 18 years) who receive an appropriate response <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) who receive an appropriate response</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) who receive an appropriate response <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) who receive an appropriate response</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) who receive an appropriate response <narrative>children receive support specified to their needs</narrative> children receive support specified to their needs <narrative>Number of female children that received support specified to their needs</narrative> Number of female children that received support specified to their needs <narrative>Number of male children that received support specified to their needs</narrative> Number of male children that received support specified to their needs <narrative>Number of crisis-affected people who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected people who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected females (below 18 years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected females (below 18 years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected males (below 18 years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected males (below 18 years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected females (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected females (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected males (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected males (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Prevention and response to COVID-19 pandemic related to Health</narrative> Prevention and response to COVID-19 pandemic related to Health <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) - Female (under 18)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) - Female (under 18) <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) - Male (under 18)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) - Male (under 18) <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) - Female (18+)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) - Female (18+) <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) - Male (18+)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) - Male (18+) <narrative>Prevention and response to COVID-19 pandemic related to Protection</narrative> Prevention and response to COVID-19 pandemic related to Protection <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Protection) - Female (under 18)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Protection) - Female (under 18) <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Protection) - Male (under 18)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Protection) - Male (under 18) <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Protection) - Female (18+)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Protection) - Female (18+) <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Protection) - Male (18+)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Protection) - Male (18+) NL-KVK-41149287-BFHA358 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Burkina Faso ECHO 2020</narrative> The objective of the project is to improve health preparedness and response to disasters in 27 communes in the North, the Boucle du Mouhoun and the East by deploying the innovative surveillance system developed by Tdh which facilitates shock analysis recurrent, by strengthening the response capacities of the decentralized CONASUR services and of the health services to anticipate seasonal risks and provide rapid and appropriate responses in the event of disasters without these reducing the capacity to respond to needs usual users of health centers. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 1536962.0 0 0 1400000.0 ECHO Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Renforcer la capacité du système de santé et des structures de secours d’urgence et de réhabilitation à la préparation pour une réponse d’urgence dans 6 districts sanitaires des régions de l’Est, du Nord et de la Boucle du Mouhoun.</narrative> Renforcer la capacité du système de santé et des structures de secours d’urgence et de réhabilitation à la préparation pour une réponse d’urgence dans 6 districts sanitaires des régions de l’Est, du Nord et de la Boucle du Mouhoun. <narrative>Nombres de fois pendant le projet où les enquêtes d’évaluation de risques ont été actualisées et partagées avec des mécanismes de coordination et autres partenaires pertinents.</narrative> Nombres de fois pendant le projet où les enquêtes d’évaluation de risques ont été actualisées et partagées avec des mécanismes de coordination et autres partenaires pertinents. <narrative>Taux d'effectivité du système de surveillance (cohérence et promptitude des messages transmis et intégration du système)</narrative> Taux d'effectivité du système de surveillance (cohérence et promptitude des messages transmis et intégration du système) <narrative>DRR/ Preparedness: Les structures de santé sont préparées pour répondre aux pics liés aux principales morbidités chez les enfants de 0 – 5 ans.</narrative> DRR/ Preparedness: Les structures de santé sont préparées pour répondre aux pics liés aux principales morbidités chez les enfants de 0 – 5 ans. <narrative># of people covered by early action/contingency plans</narrative> # of people covered by early action/contingency plans <narrative>% des activités planifiées dans les plans d’action SURGE à l’échelle des CSPS et des communautés qui ont été mises en oeuvre</narrative> % des activités planifiées dans les plans d’action SURGE à l’échelle des CSPS et des communautés qui ont été mises en oeuvre <narrative>Un document de capitalisation sur les acquis et leçons apprises du déploiement du modèle SURGE PCIME digitalisé est disponible.</narrative> Un document de capitalisation sur les acquis et leçons apprises du déploiement du modèle SURGE PCIME digitalisé est disponible. <narrative>Total number of individuals reached</narrative> Total number of individuals reached <narrative>DRR/ Preparedness: Les capacités des communautés locales et des services décentralisés de la CONASUR à la préparation ainsi qu’à la réponse d’urgence dans les zones affectées par la crise sécuritaire sont améliorées.</narrative> DRR/ Preparedness: Les capacités des communautés locales et des services décentralisés de la CONASUR à la préparation ainsi qu’à la réponse d’urgence dans les zones affectées par la crise sécuritaire sont améliorées. <narrative># of people covered by a functional early warning system</narrative> # of people covered by a functional early warning system <narrative># of people participating in interventions that enhance their capacity to face shocks and stresses</narrative> # of people participating in interventions that enhance their capacity to face shocks and stresses <narrative>Taux (%) d'alertes précoces ayant été transmises dans un délai inférieur ou égal à 24h</narrative> Taux (%) d'alertes précoces ayant été transmises dans un délai inférieur ou égal à 24h <narrative>Total number of individuals reached</narrative> Total number of individuals reached <narrative>DRR/ Preparedness: Renforcement des capacités du dispositif du CONASUR pour une meilleure préparation à la réponse d’urgence au niveau national.</narrative> DRR/ Preparedness: Renforcement des capacités du dispositif du CONASUR pour une meilleure préparation à la réponse d’urgence au niveau national. <narrative>% des actions définies dans le plan de renforcement des capacités mises en œuvre à la fin de l'action</narrative> % des actions définies dans le plan de renforcement des capacités mises en œuvre à la fin de l'action <narrative>% de plans sectoriel ayant intégré et mis en œuvre de façon satisfaisante des activités de prévention selon la grille d’analyse</narrative> % de plans sectoriel ayant intégré et mis en œuvre de façon satisfaisante des activités de prévention selon la grille d’analyse <narrative>Nombre d'acteurs du niveau central qui ont vu leurs capacités de préparation et réponse aux crises s'améliorer dans le cadre du projet.</narrative> Nombre d'acteurs du niveau central qui ont vu leurs capacités de préparation et réponse aux crises s'améliorer dans le cadre du projet. <narrative>Total number of individuals reached</narrative> Total number of individuals reached NL-KVK-41149287-CHCT0278 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>INT2019 Engaging CSOs with H Mechanism to Eliminate Gender-Based Violence GAA</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH ISC Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 100000.0 50000.0 2019 Total Disbursement for TDHIF Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 48749.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>CSO Meetings</narrative> CSO Meetings <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Research and advocacy briefs completed</narrative> Research and advocacy briefs completed <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Events, conferences, statements</narrative> Events, conferences, statements <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised NL-KVK-41149287-EACT0074 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>RE DEVELOPMENT AND INTEGRATION OF REGIONAL EFFORTS AGAINST CT (DIRECT) (GAA)</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands FIDA Uganda The Uganda Association of Women Lawyers Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 169998.0 0 0 0 60521.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector NL-KVK-41149287-ETCE0051 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2016: Addressing Issues of CSEC in Bahir Dar/Dangila towns of Amhara State</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Forum on Sustainable Child Empowerment (FSCE) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 121942.0 0 0 49644.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative># of monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> # of monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies NL-KVK-41149287-ETCE0077 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2016 GAA: Combined Efforts Against CSEC in Amhara Region</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands JeCCDO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 86430.0 0 0 16439.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative># of inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> # of inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs NL-KVK-41149287-ETCE0093 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2017 GAA: Combined Efforts Against CSEC in Amhara Region</narrative> Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands JeCCDO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 203614.0 91556.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices NL-KVK-41149287-ETCE0147 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2018 GAA: Combined Efforts Against CSEC in Amhara Region</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands JeCCDO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners</narrative> community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs</narrative> campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative</narrative> trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders NL-KVK-41149287-ETCE0197 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2018: Reducing Sexual Exploitation of Girls in Bahir Dar</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Forum on Sustainable Child Empowerment (FSCE) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 190000.0 80368.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities NL-KVK-41149287-ETCE0243 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Combined Efforts Against CSEC in Amhara Region (GAA)</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands JeCCDO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 287504.0 104500.0 2019 Total Disbursement for JECCDO Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 137856.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives NL-KVK-41149287-ETCE0244 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2019: Reducing Sexual Exploitation of Girls in Bahir Dar (ReSEG)</narrative> &nbsp; This project is part of a three- year (2018-2020) project focusing on CSEC. The project has been implemented for the last one year and is entering its second year. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Forum on Sustainable Child Empowerment (FSCE) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 250674.0 112466.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights NL-KVK-41149287-ETCE0298 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Support Victims of Fire Outbreak in Fasilo Sub City(Kebele 05) of Bahir Dar Town</narrative> Emergency project responding to a fire outbreak in March 2019 in Bahir Dar town affecting beneficiaries of project&nbsp;PC0197&nbsp;designed to provide support to these victims &amp; avoid risks of re-victimisation Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Forum on Sustainable Child Empowerment (FSCE) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 28950.0 14475.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Children able to attend education through fulfillment of educational material need.</narrative> Children able to attend education through fulfillment of educational material need. <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>Number of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> Number of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>Families and communities in and around Bahir Dar town are well-informed, supported and protect children from commercial sexual exploitation</narrative> Families and communities in and around Bahir Dar town are well-informed, supported and protect children from commercial sexual exploitation <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>#of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> #of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled NL-KVK-41149287-ETCE0309 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2020 Combined Efforts Against CSEC in Bahir Dar City, Ethiopia.</narrative> This project is part of the GAA initiative and it is aimed at&nbsp; ensuring effective implementation of legislations and public policies and improved practices of government and Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands JeCCDO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 273172.0 <narrative>By the end of project period, September 2020, representatives of different government offices acquire basic knowledge on CSEC and EE issues of girls and young women</narrative> By the end of project period, September 2020, representatives of different government offices acquire basic knowledge on CSEC and EE issues of girls and young women <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised Only program staff salary charged.; There will be more training and sensitization sessions for government officials to be performed in October. Therefore the planned target will be accomplished. We would also like to comment that according to the recently revised plan, the Q3 budget for out put 1.1. is 2,460.74 but not 1095.26. This caused for the big difference in percentages between target and budget performances.; <narrative>Enhanced knowledge and practices to end CSEC and EE of girls and young women among members of councils and law enforcement agencies in Amhara region</narrative> Enhanced knowledge and practices to end CSEC and EE of girls and young women among members of councils and law enforcement agencies in Amhara region <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government The correct output target for Q1 is 80 (34 for activity 1.2.1, 16 for activity 1.2.2 and 30 for activity 1.2.3. As all the activities were planned for January when no budge was transferred all these activities remained un- performed.; Expense is only program staff salary.; There will also be more training programs for government officials in October so as to achieve the planned target. In addition, we would like to comment that according to the recently revised plan, the Q3 budget for out put 1.2. is 3,281.88 but not 1,500.8This caused for the big difference in percentages between target and budget performances; <narrative>Targeted government offices found in Amhara region effectively implement policies and strategies aimed at protecting girls and young women from CSEC and EE issues by September 2020.</narrative> Targeted government offices found in Amhara region effectively implement policies and strategies aimed at protecting girls and young women from CSEC and EE issues by September 2020. <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers A panel discussion was not held and re planned for July; In the revised plan for September, we added two media based campaigns (One TV Drama and One TV Spot) and thus the total target is 3 including the other one target implemented in August. Similarly, the over expenditure is caused by the revised plan and performance of the media based campaigns.; <narrative>Girls and Young women focused CSOs come together and able to lobby duty bearers on protecting girls and young women from CSEC and to ensure safe economic benefit</narrative> Girls and Young women focused CSOs come together and able to lobby duty bearers on protecting girls and young women from CSEC and to ensure safe economic benefit <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners The planned target should have been 44 in stead of 22, since the activities are two with 22 target each.; <narrative>Girls and Young women focused CSOs develop joint plan of action for lobby and advocacy in reducing GBC, CSEC and EE of girls and young women</narrative> Girls and Young women focused CSOs develop joint plan of action for lobby and advocacy in reducing GBC, CSEC and EE of girls and young women <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs Expense is only program staff salary.; <narrative>Enhanced knowledge and practices to end CSEC and EE of girls and young women among community members and key leaders</narrative> Enhanced knowledge and practices to end CSEC and EE of girls and young women among community members and key leaders <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions The target 2978 is the annul plan and the correct target for Q1 is 968. It needs to be corrected.; Expense is only program staff salary.; There will be more activities planned for October and thus the planned target will be achieved.; <narrative>Enhanced knowledge and practices to end CSEC and EE of girls and young women among community members and key leaders</narrative> Enhanced knowledge and practices to end CSEC and EE of girls and young women among community members and key leaders <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level One campaign is re adjusted for Q3 (July).; <narrative>Community members and key leaders able to protect girls and young women from CSEC, GBV and EE</narrative> Community members and key leaders able to protect girls and young women from CSEC, GBV and EE <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders Expense is only program staff salary.; There will be more activities to be implemented in October so that the planned targets will be achieved.; <narrative>Private sector actors found in Amhara region develop and implement code of conduct to protect girls and young women from GBV, CSEC and EE</narrative> Private sector actors found in Amhara region develop and implement code of conduct to protect girls and young women from GBV, CSEC and EE <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives Activity under this output is re-adjusted for Q3.; There will be one more training so as to achieve the targets.; <narrative>Ensured accountabulity framework among private sector actors in protecting girls and young women from GBV, CSEC and EE issues</narrative> Ensured accountabulity framework among private sector actors in protecting girls and young women from GBV, CSEC and EE issues <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives The number of dialogues planned for this quarter is 1 i.e. activity 2.2.2. which has been accomplished accordingly.; NL-KVK-41149287-ETCE0323 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Reducing Sexual Exploitation of Girls (ReSEG) in Bahir Dar</narrative> This is the third and ending year of an on-going three year (2018-2020) project targeting on Reducing Sexual Exploitation of Girls being implemented in the capital town of Amhara Regional State in three sub-cities (Gish Abay, Fasilo and Belay Zeleke) of Bahir Dar town in Amhara region since 2018. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Forum on Sustainable Child Empowerment (FSCE) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 202964.0 <narrative>Capacities of 40 Government officials in the 3 sub cities of Bahir Dar built on CSEC & CP issues</narrative> Capacities of 40 Government officials in the 3 sub cities of Bahir Dar built on CSEC & CP issues <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained The output target here is achieved in quarter 1.; The actual cost for conducting review meeting exceeds the plan due to inflation and program staff salary in this output but the overall actual salary paid Euro 3014,54 is less than the planned budget Euro 3731.93 in quarter three and the adjusted one; <narrative>Enhanced knowledge on CSEC among vulnerable children at the end of 2020</narrative> Enhanced knowledge on CSEC among vulnerable children at the end of 2020 <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions High achievement is because the project organised 3 awareness raising workshops in 3 schools and the turn out was very high.; In quarter 1 the project has organised awareness raising for 1100 children and output target was fully achieved.; The budget utilization looks small because excess program staff salary charged and reported in output one; <narrative>Vulnerable children able to continue education</narrative> Vulnerable children able to continue education <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services The expense under this output is only program staff salary.; The budget utilization is less than the plan because less budget utilized for educational support of children as compared to the plan excess program staff salary charged and reported in output one; <narrative>Girls victim to CSEC withdrawn and provided with rehabilitation services by December 2020</narrative> Girls victim to CSEC withdrawn and provided with rehabilitation services by December 2020 <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded 25 girls who are victim to CSEC have been withdrawn, provided life skill and basic business training and startup capital to start their own business.; The budget utilization was very small as compared to the plan because less budget utilized for temporary shelter renovation, for transportation, on food, for reunification and family tracing and no budget utilization on vocational skill training feed including training input , sanitation materials and medical as compared to the plan. less program staff salary charged and reported under this output.; <narrative>By the end of the project period local community members able to protect children from all forms of exploitation</narrative> By the end of the project period local community members able to protect children from all forms of exploitation <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities Due to COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, organising training and community conversation sessions was not possible in the quarter. The expense under the output is only program staff salary.; Due to COVID-19 the project can not organize community conversations; <narrative>By December 2020 a child protection mechanism that involves local community in Bahir Dar town become functional</narrative> By December 2020 a child protection mechanism that involves local community in Bahir Dar town become functional <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees The expense under the output is only program staff salary.; More program staff salary expenses charged and reported in output one; <narrative>Provide support (food items and sanitary materails) for vulnerable community members</narrative> Provide support (food items and sanitary materails) for vulnerable community members <narrative># of people received food packages and/or drinking water (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received food packages and/or drinking water (Humanitarian Assistance) This is new output added following approval of RfC for responding to COVID-19. The project has supported 337 community members with provision of food items and sanitary materials.; <narrative>By December 2020 CSOs in Bahir Dar town create referral linkage and ensure collaboration</narrative> By December 2020 CSOs in Bahir Dar town create referral linkage and ensure collaboration <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights The budget shifted/reallocated to prevention of COVID-19 pandemic. The revised activity accomplished: Accordingly floor, oil and sanitation materials purchased and provided for vulnerable families of in the project target community; More program staff salary expenses charged and reported in output one; <narrative>Enhanced understanding and engagement in child protection issues among representatives private sector actors found in Bahir Dar town by December 2020 Activity dropped for Covid Consideration</narrative> Enhanced understanding and engagement in child protection issues among representatives private sector actors found in Bahir Dar town by December 2020 Activity dropped for Covid Consideration <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events More program staff salary expenses charged and reported in output one; NL-KVK-41149287-ETCE0328 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Joint Voice against Trafficking and Unsafe Migration project</narrative> The GAA project is focusing on CT and economic exclusion of girls and young women in&nbsp; Amhara Ethiopia. Targeting the following actors; government, community, CSOs and private sectors. The project intends to achieve outcomes across three levels of changes; Agenda setting, Policy change and practice change. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 398206.0 <narrative>Targetted government officers in Amhara region implement policies and stratagies aimed at protecting girls and young women from CT and EE issues by September 2020.</narrative> Targetted government officers in Amhara region implement policies and stratagies aimed at protecting girls and young women from CT and EE issues by September 2020. <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers Under this output, activity 1.1.1 was planned to be conducted in this quarter (March, 2020) but due to the world Pandemic, COVID-19 and following to proclamation of the state emergency, it was not conducted as per the plan; In this reporting period, we utilized over budget. This is because some of quarter one and two activities budget were postponed and re-planned to quarter three due to COVID 19 .; <narrative>By the end of project period, September 2020, representatives of different government offices acquire basic knowledge on CT and EE issues of girls and young women</narrative> By the end of project period, September 2020, representatives of different government offices acquire basic knowledge on CT and EE issues of girls and young women <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised The existing budget allowed to increase the number of participants. Besides, the consultative meetings will also continue to the rest of the coming quarters of 2020. So the remaining budget will be used accordingly; The expense is only program staff salary.; In this reporting period, we utilized over budget. This is because some of quarter one and two activities budget were postponed and re-planned to quarter three due to COVID 19 .; <narrative>Enhanced knowledge and practices to end CT and EE of girls and young women among members of councils and law enforcement agencies in Amhara region</narrative> Enhanced knowledge and practices to end CT and EE of girls and young women among members of councils and law enforcement agencies in Amhara region <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government Due to the absence of some sector office representatives in the joint discussion, we couldn't finish the total budget.; The expense is only program staff salary.; In this reporting period, we utilized over budget. This is because some of quarter one and two activities budget were postponed and re-planned to quarter three due to COVID 19 .; <narrative>Private sector actors found in Amhara region develop and implement code of conduct to protect girls and young women from CT and EE</narrative> Private sector actors found in Amhara region develop and implement code of conduct to protect girls and young women from CT and EE <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives The world pandemic, COVID-19 affected the output. Besides, due to the absence of some private sector representatives in the training, we couldn't finish the total budget.; The expense is only program staff salary. One activity under this output is moved to Q3 due to COVID-19.; In this reporting period, we utilized over budget. This is because some of quarter one and two activities budget were postponed and re-planned to quarter three due to COVID 19 .; <narrative>Ensured accountability framework among private sector actors in protecting girls and young women from CT and EE issues</narrative> Ensured accountability framework among private sector actors in protecting girls and young women from CT and EE issues <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives This was planned in the first quarter 2020 but some of them affected by COVID-19; Activities under this output are forcefully moved to Q3 due to COVID-19.; In this reporting period, we utilized over budget. This is because some of quarter one and two activities budget were postponed and re-planned to quarter three due to COVID 19 .; <narrative>Enhanced knowledge and practices to end CT and EE of girls and young women among community members and key leaders</narrative> Enhanced knowledge and practices to end CT and EE of girls and young women among community members and key leaders <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions Planned to be conducted in the second and third quarters 2020; Due to the current existence of COVID-19 the world wide pandemic, and following with the enactment of the Ethiopian government state of emergency prevented to conduct the activity as per the plan.; In this reporting period, we utilized over budget. This is because some of quarter one and two activities budget were postponed and re-planned to quarter three due to COVID 19 .; <narrative>Enhanced knowledge and practices to end CTM and EE of girls and young women among community members and key leaders</narrative> Enhanced knowledge and practices to end CTM and EE of girls and young women among community members and key leaders <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level Since the project implementation districts are eight, under this output, we have supported 8 Harmful Traditional Practice Committees and have conducted 9 campaigns (at eight districts and zone level). Besides, a dialogue conducted for four clubs; Due to the current existence of COVID-19 the world wide pandemic, and following with the enactment of the Ethiopian government state of emergency prevented to conduct the activity as per the plan.; <narrative>Girls and Young women focused CSOs come together and able to lobby duty bearers on protecting girls and young women from CT and to ensure safe economic benefit</narrative> Girls and Young women focused CSOs come together and able to lobby duty bearers on protecting girls and young women from CT and to ensure safe economic benefit <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners This activity will continue to the next quarter. So the remaining will be addressed accordingly; Due to the current existence of COVID-19 the world wide pandemic, and following with the enactment of the Ethiopian government state of emergency prevented to conduct the activity as per the plan.; <narrative>Enhanced knowledge on CTM and EE among representatives of girls and young women CSOs found in Amhara region by September 2020</narrative> Enhanced knowledge on CTM and EE among representatives of girls and young women CSOs found in Amhara region by September 2020 <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices Since the activities under this output are planned to continue in the coming quarters, those CSOs which are organized as members of the Network will involve in the next quarters with commitment; The expense is only program staff salary.; Due to COVID-19 pandemic, this output has been highly affected and postponed to project extension month (October 2020).; <narrative>Girls and Young women focused CSOs develop joint plan of action for lobby and advocacy in reducing CTM and EE of girls and young women</narrative> Girls and Young women focused CSOs develop joint plan of action for lobby and advocacy in reducing CTM and EE of girls and young women <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs Mainly planned to be conducted in the second and third quarters 2020 and some activities are affected by COVID-19; The expense is only program staff salary.; In this reporting period, we utilized over budget. This is because some of quarter one and two activities budget were postponed and re-planned to quarter three due to COVID 19 .; NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0039 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET: Reaching Victim and Vulnerable Children of Trafficking and unsafe Migration</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Facilitator for Change Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 187710.0 0 0 89152.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0040 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET Zero Tolerance to Unsafe Migration and CT in Lay and Tach Gayint South Gonder</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands WACT Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 200078.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2016 84663.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0042 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET2016 Addressing CT/Unsafe Migration in Tach Arnachiho/Adi Arkay/Jan. Woredas</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 198150.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2016 80364.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0061 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2016: Paths to safer childhood ANPPCAN (027)</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 125302.0 0 0 59174.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0062 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2016: Children on the move (027A ANPPCAN)</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 201778.0 0 0 95483.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0063 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2016: Paths to safer childhood - MSD (029)</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands MSD - Mahibere Hiwot for Social Development Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 173256.0 0 0 84165.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0076 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2016 GAA: Joint Voices Against Trafficking and Unsafe Migration</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 151956.0 0 0 33014.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0091 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2017 GAA: Joint Voices Against Child Trafficking and Unsafe Migration</narrative> Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region &nbsp; &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 298382.0 0 124898.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0094 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2017: Paths to Safer Childhood (MSD)</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET MSD - Mahibere Hiwot for Social Development Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 107732.0 0 0 50734.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>children immediately safeguarded</narrative> children immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0098 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2017: Paths to Safer Childhood (ANPPCAN)</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET MSD - Mahibere Hiwot for Social Development Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 51410.0 0 0 24076.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0099 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET: Paths to Safer Childhood (TdHNL self-implemented) 2017</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 325742.0 82916.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0114 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2017: Addressing Child Trafficking and Unsafe Migration in Ethiopia</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 60000.0 0 0 26257.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0146 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2018 GAA: Joint Voices Against Child Trafficking and Unsafe Migration</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 273926.0 0 132691.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners</narrative> community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative</narrative> trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSO</narrative> campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSO <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners</narrative> coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0148 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2018 - Paths to Safer Childhood (ANPPCAN ET)</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 100000.0 0 48093.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0149 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2018- Paths to Safer Childhood (MSD)</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands MSD - Mahibere Hiwot for Social Development Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 100000.0 0 47346.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0192 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2018: TdH-NL (PSC)</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdHNL Ethiopia Country Office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 250320.0 111020.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0193 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2018: ANPPCAN</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 120000.0 0 50504.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0196 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2018: Supporting Ethiopian Returnee Children from Saudi Arabia</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdHNL Ethiopia Country Office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 149998.0 46143.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0240 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2019 GAA: Joint Voices Against Trafficking and Unsafe Migration project</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 367506.0 142500.0 2019 Total Disbursement for ANPPCAN-ET Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 179498.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0242 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Support to Returnee Girls and Young Women from Saudi Arabia TdH self-implemented</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdHNL Ethiopia Country Office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 250066.0 102232.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0245 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET2019 Adressing Trafficking/Unsafe Migration of Children in T.Armachiho/A.Arkay</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 167840.0 77874.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0286 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2019-20: Paths to Safer Childhood ( Phase II)</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET MSD - Mahibere Hiwot for Social Development Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 347412.0 375918.0 0 158471.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Children (boys and girls) vulnerable to CTM and those who are victims are protected from child trafficking and unsafe migration</narrative> Children (boys and girls) vulnerable to CTM and those who are victims are protected from child trafficking and unsafe migration <narrative>Number of CTM cases reported by children</narrative> Number of CTM cases reported by children <narrative>Percentage of vulnerable children progressing to the next grade in school</narrative> Percentage of vulnerable children progressing to the next grade in school <narrative>Percentage of vulnerable children dropping out of school during the school year</narrative> Percentage of vulnerable children dropping out of school during the school year <narrative>Percentage of reunified children that are not likely to migrate again</narrative> Percentage of reunified children that are not likely to migrate again <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions A three days refresher training was organized for 40 peer to peer educators (M: 19 & F: 21) on unsafe migration and child trafficking and their possible consequences. The main importance of the training was to transfer and cascade relevant messages to other children who are found in-schools and outside schools about the significance of staying safe and being away from unsafe migrations and trafficking. In the training, the participants were supported to access better knowledge and understanding on concepts of peer sessions, the significance of peer to peer sessions, concepts and types of vulnerabilities, meaning and benefits of volunteerism, the way to kick CTM out of the lives of school children and effects of CTM on children. In addition, 1,544 children (710 boys and 834 girls) were helped to participate in the peer to peer discussions focusing on various issues especially on reporting and protecting children from any possible cases of abuse. Regarding budget utilization under this output was underutilized due to delay in procurement process on support for mini-media clubs and development and disseminating IEC materials.; The output targets are under achieved becuase unable to conduct peer discussion forums since schools were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Where as the budget expenses were achieved above. This was because the expenses of traning for peer eduactors and the peer discussion forums planned & achieved in Q1 was not reported in Q1 due to the lockdown and reported in Q2. In addition support mini media clubs was planned in Q1 but achieved in Q2.; Output target achieved zero. This was because the peer to peer discussions at school level were not conducted since schools were closed in Q3. However there is overspending in Q3. This was because the expenses were for the celebration of World Day against Trafficking in Persons achieved in Q3; for development of child friendly IEC materials that was supposed to be achieved in Q1 and achieved in Q3 by MSD and the program implementation costs; <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services Case by case safe alternative care arrangements promoted for fifty (50 ) vulnerable secondary school girls to live in a protected environment (foster family arrangement, small group households...) and follow up on a quarterly basis or on a monthly basis for cases with protection concerns; The output targets were not achieved. Becaues award ceremony for 30 best performing girls was not conducted since schools were closed due to the COVID-19. Where as the budget expenses were the expenses of the activities of promote case by case safe alternative arrangements, installing suggestion boxes and program implementation costs; ANPPCAN-ET purchased award materials and made ready to award 90 best achieving girls when the school is oppened in October. The expenses were for the purchase of award materials and program implementation costs. Output targets and budget were achieved below the targets. This was because we could not provide scholastiic materials support to target girl children since schools were not oppened in September as planned due to COVID-19.; <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services The expense is only for program implementation cost; The output targets were not achieved. Becaues award ceremony for 30 best performing boys was not conducted since schools were closed due to the COVID-19. Where as the budget expenses were only program implementation costs; Output targets and budget achieved below the target since scholastict materials (exercise books, pens & pencils) support for target boy children was done since schools were not oppened in this reporting period. The targets and expenses reported here were award purchased and school uniforms prepared by ANPPCAN-ET to be awarded and supported when schools oppened; <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded Target Reduced by 30 due to Covid</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded Target Reduced by 30 due to Covid <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded 39 migrant boys intercepted and provided food and psychosocial support in the temporary shelters and after family tracing by pertinent bodies all the 39 trafficked and migrant boys reunified with their families following the conclusion of the BID. In addition, 8 boys have been followed up and supported to settle and start safe life within their community members. All the necessary support is expected to continue by parents and kebele administrators until the children are able to start a settled life free from unsafe migration and trafficking.; The output targets achieved below the target. This was because of less number of boys intercepted and reunified with ther families in the quarter as expected. The same is true on budget achievement.; Targets and budgets were achieved above the target since partners intercepted and reunified more number of boys during the reporting period; <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded Target Reduced by 20</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded Target Reduced by 20 <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded 25 migrant girls intercepted and provided food and psychosocial support in the temporary shelters and after family tracing by pertinent bodies all the 25 trafficked and migrant girls reunified with their families following the conclusion of the BID. In addition, follow up of 3 reunified girls has been conducted in the three target areas of ANPPCAN-ET in the quarter to assess the current condition of these reunified girls and to discuss how their families and the communities are treating them; Output targets achieved above the target because of more number of girls intercepted and reunified with their families in the quarter. The budget is also over achieved because of more number of girls reunified.; Output targets and budget were achieved above the target since the partners intercepted and reunified more number of girls during the reporting period; <narrative>children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces</narrative> children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces <narrative># of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance) This activity was planned to be accomplished in June of Q2. However the partner ANPPCAN-ET could not achieve in Q2 due to delay in the process of procurement of the hygienic materials and be abled to achieve in July of Q3.; <narrative>Families and communities are well-informed and supported and able to protect children from trafficking and unsafe migrati</narrative> Families and communities are well-informed and supported and able to protect children from trafficking and unsafe migrati <narrative>Number of CTM cases reported by community members</narrative> Number of CTM cases reported by community members <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities Refresher training provided to a total of 20 (M: 8 and F: 12) community facilitators to enable them conducting dialogues with community members. Community dialogues with community members conducted in all target kebeles of the project. In the dialogues a total of 3,682 (M: 1,095 and F: 2,587) community members participated on different topics (prevention of CTM, causes of CTM, impacts & solutions of CTM, etc.).; Output targets are achieved below since community dialogues could not be conducted due to COVID-19. However, the budget looks on target.This was because the expense of community dialogue achieved in March was not reported in Q1 due to the lockdown and reported in Q2 by MSD. The other expense is program implementation cost.; Output targets and budget achieved below the target since the partners could not conduct community dialogues in July and August due to COVID-19 pandemic; <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings The expense is only for program implementation cost; Output targets and budget are achieved below the target since the refresher training on business development skills by MSD was not conducted due to COVID-19.; Output targets and budget were achieved above the target since part of busness skills development training planned and supposed to be achieved in Q2 was accomplished in Q3.; <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities Technical support has been rendered to all 442 members of SHGs to work in a collaborative and meaningful manner so that they can produce good results. The support was given by technical experts from government stakeholders and staff members from ANPPCAN-ET & MSD. Target and budget below the the target due to unable to work as expected because of COVID-19; Output targets achieved below the target sinnce the technical support to SHGs was done by MSD only but by ANPPCAN-ET was not conducted due to shortage of taime and giving priority for other activies and postponed for the coming quarter. Where as the budget expenses are over achieved. This was because of expenses for the technical support done in March was not reported in Q1 due to lockdown and reported in Q2 by MSD.; Budget was achieved above the target. This was because material support for SHGs was planned in Q2 and achieved in Q3 by ANPPCAN-ET; <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees 10 community child protection structures /CCCs/ strengthened by providing material support. Besides, a total of 33 (M: 22 and F: 11) rural child protection structures representatives and volunteers trained on child protection principles, identification of trafficked children and children at risk of trafficking issues. 20 (M: 8 & F: 12) volunteers monitored and followed up individual cases and they are trying to meet the needs of children identified through referral and direct support systems with strong collaboration of key stakeholders. Moreover; quarterly review meetings organized with child protection structures and local authorities at woreda level in the three intervention areas with a total of 42 (M:28 and F:14) child protection structures and local authorities representative participants attended the review meetings.; Output targets were achieved below the target since partners (ANPPCAN-ET& MSD) could not conduct quarter review meeting with CP structures in the quarter. Where as the budget expense is over achieved. This was because activity 2.4.2 (strengthen community child protection structures by providing material support) was planned in Q3 and brought & achieved in Q2 by MSD.; Budget achieved below the target. This was becuase an activity: strengthen community CP structures by providing material support was done in Q2 and reported the same by MSD.; <narrative>Sanitary materials to project beneficiaries in response COVID-19 support call by the government PCC - 3276 OPC - 4054 DPC - 2816</narrative> Sanitary materials to project beneficiaries in response COVID-19 support call by the government PCC - 3276 OPC - 4054 DPC - 2816 <narrative># of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance) Sanitory materials provided with 1052 target beneficiary children in all the target areas of the project. In addition contribution to COVID-19 funds apeal by the national task force has also been done in the quarter; <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government The expense is only for program implementation cost; Expenses are only program implementation cost; Expense is program implementation costs; <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained A three days training was organized and conducted for 29 government officials (M: 13 & F: 16) on issues of system strengthening to help tackle child trafficking and unsafe migration which is rampant in the woreda as both transit and destination place. A review meeting was also conducted for 30 participants (M:19 and F: 11) for those who came from all pertinent government offices which focus on quality services rendered for children who are exposed to child trafficking and unsafe migration. Expenses for the training was not reported because of the lockdown field staff of MSD could not send the documents of expenses to their national office in the reporting period; Expenses are training on government officials done in March which was not repoted in Q1 due to lockdown and reported in Q2; and program implementation costs; Reason budget achieved above the target was becuase of the expenses of governemnt officials training that was planned in the previous quarter but done and reported in Q3.; <narrative># of inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> # of inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events An experience sharing meeting organized on how to protect vulnerable children to trafficking and unsafe migration at zone level drawn from three intervention areas of ANPPCAN-ET for a total of 25 (M: 14 and F: 11) on how to protect vulnerable children to trafficking and unsafe migration. In addition, quarterly review meeting for 29 (M: 18 and F: 11) on March 15-16/2020 with private decision makers such as bus station workers, hotel managers, etc. in MSD target areas ( G/wuha, Metema and Dembiya) for 2 days on issues of child trafficking and case reporting mechanisms. Under achievement on the output targets was because of not coming all invited private sectors decision makers Expenses for quarterly review meeting done by MSD were not reported because of the lockdown in Amhara region, the field staff could not send the financial document to the national office during the reporting period in time.; No activities achieved under this output in the quarter due to COVID-19 pandemic. Where as the expenses are for workshop with private sectors representatives done in March was not repoeted in Q1 due to lockdown by MSD and reported in Q2; and program implementation costs; Output targets achieved above since the budget allowed the partners to include more participants in the workshopes organized in the quarter; <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights The expense is only for program implementation cost; No activities achieved in this output due to COVID-19 pandemic. Expenses are only program implementation costs; Output targets were achieved above the target since the budget entertained the partners to include more participants in the training. However, the budget achieved above the plan is the partners conducted experience sharing meetings in Q3 that was planned to be conducted in Q2.; NL-KVK-41149287-ETCT0292 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ET 2019 GAA Alliance for the Rights of Girls & Young Women in Ethiopia (ARGYWE)</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdHNL Ethiopia Country Office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 173622.0 59746.0 2019 Total Disbursement for TDHNL-ET Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 65555.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers NL-KVK-41149287-IDCE0034 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ID 2016/2017: Building a movement to combat the Sexual Exploitation of children</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Yayasan KAKAK Yayasan Setara Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 200000.0 0 91367.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members NL-KVK-41149287-IDCE0067 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ID 2016: Strengthening Law Enforcer in Prosecuting Perpetrators of CSEC</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands YEP SCCC Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 218752.0 109000.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 109000.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 94928.0 Expenditure 2016 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative># of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative>community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights <narrative># of community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> # of community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights NL-KVK-41149287-IDCE0085 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Strengthening Law Enforcement to Prosecute Perpetrators of Crimes Against Childs</narrative> Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands YEP Surabaya Children Crisis Centre Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 272618.0 131609.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 136309.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 124242.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative>of children trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> of children trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of children trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> # of children trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>effective referral systems established</narrative> effective referral systems established <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established <narrative>children trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> children trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative>media campaigns on CSEC conducted</narrative> media campaigns on CSEC conducted <narrative># of media campaigns on CSEC conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns on CSEC conducted <narrative>families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative>of meetings held with Government officials</narrative> of meetings held with Government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights NL-KVK-41149287-IDCE0153 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IDCE0153 2018 DtZ: Strengthening Law Enforcement to Prosecute Sexual Child Crimes</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands YEP Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 331186.0 0 138850.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 165592.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 146606.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> # of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative>girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative>boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative>girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative>boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative>boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative>girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative>male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>effective referral systems established</narrative> effective referral systems established <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> government officials trained on CSEC <narrative># of government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> # of government officials trained on CSEC <narrative>meetings held with government officials</narrative> meetings held with government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials <narrative>lobby and advocacy documents presented to law enforcement agencies</narrative> lobby and advocacy documents presented to law enforcement agencies <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to law enforcement agencies</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to law enforcement agencies <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice <narrative>companies sensitized on CSEC</narrative> companies sensitized on CSEC <narrative># of companies sensitized on CSEC</narrative> # of companies sensitized on CSEC <narrative>private sector staff trained on CSEC</narrative> private sector staff trained on CSEC <narrative># of private sector staff trained on CSEC</narrative> # of private sector staff trained on CSEC <narrative>families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) <narrative>girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers"</narrative> # of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers" NL-KVK-41149287-IDCE0236 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ID 2019 DtZ: Strengthening Multi-Stakeholders to Fight CSEC</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SCCC Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 409264.0 162283.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 165611.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 207788.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC Targets have been achieved in the previous quarters; <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC Targets have been achieved in the previous quarters; <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases Targets have been achieved in the previous quarters; <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases Targets have been achieved in the previous quarters; <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) Targets have been achieved in the previous quarters; <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) Targets have been achieved in the previous quarters; <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative># of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities Targets have been achieved in the previous quarters; <narrative># of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities Targets have been achieved in the previous quarters; <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government <narrative># of government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> # of government officials trained on CSEC <narrative># of government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> # of government officials trained on CSEC <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC <narrative># of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC</narrative> # of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC <narrative># of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC</narrative> # of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC NL-KVK-41149287-IDCE0303 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ID 2020 DtZ: Strengthening Multi-Stakeholders to Fight Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)</narrative> The project is part of Down to Zero, funded by MoFA and aims to address the issue of CSEC using a holistic approach involving multi-strategies and works with multi-stakeholders. In Indonesia, TdH is the lead, works in alliance with Plan and ECPAT Indonesia, and 2 local partners in Batam and Surabaya. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands YEP SCCC Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 258486.0 <narrative>Children CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> Children CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) New cases YEP=0, SCCC= 9; Partners continued providing services for the boys victims from the previous months.; Partners continued provided services for mostly the child victims from previous period, so it does not count on this quarter. ++ Additional activity done was child survey on internet use during Covid19; <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) New cases YEP=4, SCCC=3; Services were provided also for the girls victims from the previous months; Same as above. There was 1 new victim + 7 girls and 5 boys survivors from the previous months were assisted during Q3. ++ And 95 children participated in the child survey (join activity with ECPAT); <narrative>Children trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> Children trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of children trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of children trained on CSEC and how to report cases combined activities with 1.4.; <narrative>Children trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> Children trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC Cost of Activity 1.4.1; YEP (bi-monthly children group) = 11 SCCC (school workshop) = 63; See detail for Activity 1.4.2 and 1.4.3; <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC Cost of Activity 1.4.1; YEP (bi-monthly children group) = 20 SCCC (school workshop) = 37; See detail for Activity 1.4.2 and 1.4.3; <narrative>Families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> Families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) Refer to the same indicator on Activity 2.2.1 = 18 family members; YEP (3) + SCCC (1) No cost because counseling is provided at the same time with children counseling sessions; = Activity 2.2.1; <narrative>Effective referral systems established - by strengthening community members in prevention and service provision activities</narrative> Effective referral systems established - by strengthening community members in prevention and service provision activities <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established SCCC had two agreement with YKYU (the local branch of Compassion First) and Universitas 45; SCCC : paralegal training/group YEP : bimonthly CBCP groups; Conducted Activity 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 New village: Mansang and Buliang; <narrative>Community Based Child Protection (CBCP) committees supported</narrative> Community Based Child Protection (CBCP) committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported Participants were from 10 CBCP groups (4 in Batam and 6 in Surabaya) established in previous years participated in bi-monthly meetings; YEP (4 CBCP groups) : Village TANJUNG PIAYU, BATAM LESTARI, MUKA KUNING, DURIANGKANG + Cost related to Youth Group SCCC : 5 villages: SAWUNGGALING, WONOKROMO, SAMBIKEREP, LONTAR, SONOKEIJENAN; Conducted Activity 2.4.2. and 2.4.3; <narrative>Informal meetings with government officials to follow up the implementation of Governor's Regulation & with Village government for DAU access</narrative> Informal meetings with government officials to follow up the implementation of Governor's Regulation & with Village government for DAU access <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials YEP = 9x SCCC = 13x meetings with province & city gov, Women & Child Protection Units, Social agency, legislative, village heads; YEP : 4X DP3AP2KB KEPRI SCCC : PKSAI Tulungagung 3x; YEP: new village government, new head of police, social agency, CP local unit SCCC: Social agency, Correctional hall office; <narrative>Lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> Lobby and advocacy documents presented to government <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government SCCC: advocacy doc to social agency on follow up rehabilitation of child survivors; will be done in Q3; Still in draft MoU, will check again in Oct; <narrative>Meetings held with police and judiciary to follow up CSEC cases prosecution</narrative> Meetings held with police and judiciary to follow up CSEC cases prosecution <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC Refer to the same indicator on Activity 3.6.1.; YEP: 23x SCCC : 17x; Ref to Activity 3.6.1.; <narrative>LEA officials trained on child friendly protocol in handling CSEC cases</narrative> LEA officials trained on child friendly protocol in handling CSEC cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice Refer to Activity 3.7.1.; YEP : to be done in Aug; Refer to Activity 3.7.1 (or 3.b.4.1. in the approved budget); <narrative>Operational Cost to support activities of local partners</narrative> Operational Cost to support activities of local partners <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported = Project Management Cost; This is = Total Project Management Cost; This is = Project Management Cost; <narrative>Direct Project Staff Salary and Benefits to support children victims of CSEC i.e. providing services & follow up case prosecution</narrative> Direct Project Staff Salary and Benefits to support children victims of CSEC i.e. providing services & follow up case prosecution <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC Direct Project Staff Salary and Benefits; Ref to Direct Project Staff salary and benefits; NL-KVK-41149287-IDCE0359 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ID 2020 Voice for Change: Eliminating CSEC in Indonesia</narrative> People in Indonesia become aware of the magnitude of crime against children. DtZ Alliance wishes to capitalise on a number of achievements from the current program for reform of the child protection system that addresses the specific needs of child victims and children at risk of CSEC. To do so, children and youth in the project areas are keen to share their thoughts with the government demanding for measures that make the Child Protection System more child, victim and gender sensitive in its approach to prevention and response. The DtZ Alliance supports them and complements their demands with its own evidence-based lobby and advocacy culminating in a national level event. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SCCC Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 <narrative>Child victims and children at risk of CSEC are empowered to speak out and play an active role in their own protection and those of their peers</narrative> Child victims and children at risk of CSEC are empowered to speak out and play an active role in their own protection and those of their peers <narrative>Signs of child victims and children at risk of CSEC being empowered to speak out and play an active role in their own protection and those of their peers</narrative> Signs of child victims and children at risk of CSEC being empowered to speak out and play an active role in their own protection and those of their peers <narrative>Child victims and children at risk of CSEC with interest to contribute to lobby & advocacy are mobilised</narrative> Child victims and children at risk of CSEC with interest to contribute to lobby & advocacy are mobilised <narrative>Number of children and youths (m/f) trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> Number of children and youths (m/f) trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC We can reach exceed target.; <narrative>Child victims and children at risk of CSEC with interest to contribute to lobby & advocacy are networked together for peer to peer learning and more powerful voice</narrative> Child victims and children at risk of CSEC with interest to contribute to lobby & advocacy are networked together for peer to peer learning and more powerful voice <narrative>Number of children and youths (f/m) who joined established networks</narrative> Number of children and youths (f/m) who joined established networks Not yet started. We are still waiting another group from another partner from all of areas; <narrative>Advocacy skills of children and youth networks strengthened to enable them to advocate for a child- and gender-sensitive protection system</narrative> Advocacy skills of children and youth networks strengthened to enable them to advocate for a child- and gender-sensitive protection system <narrative>Number of action plans / advocacy strategies developed by children and youth advocacy groups</narrative> Number of action plans / advocacy strategies developed by children and youth advocacy groups In the kick-off meeting with the children and youth group, we have been talking with them to prepare advocacy strategies.; NL-KVK-41149287-IDCL0016 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ID 2016: Community empowerment and law enforcement to reduce child labor</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands PPM Yayasan Bahtera Yayasan GAGAS Yayasan Genta Surabaya Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 371728.0 0 0 176848.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>children vulnerable to (worst forms of) child labour received TVET</narrative> children vulnerable to (worst forms of) child labour received TVET <narrative># of children vulnerable to child labour received TVET</narrative> # of children vulnerable to child labour received TVET <narrative>child labourers received psycho-social support</narrative> child labourers received psycho-social support <narrative># of child labourers received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child labourers received psycho-social support <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights NL-KVK-41149287-IDCT0009 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ID 2016: Indonesia Against Child Trafficking</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands YEP ISCP Yayasan KAKAK Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 716370.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 226670.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation NL-KVK-41149287-IDCT0059 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ID 2016: Preventing child trafficking/increasing synergy among policy maker</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands LBH LHNK Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 129958.0 0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 42805.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights NL-KVK-41149287-IDCT0060 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ID 2016: Programme for the protection of Child rights/against Child Trafficking</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Ondak Jaya Group Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 149908.0 0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 47630.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government NL-KVK-41149287-INCA0014 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Preventing Child Exploitation and promoting SRHR of Children</narrative> Ensure Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CA) in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Society for Helping Entire Lower and rural People (HELP) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 300114.0 0 125012.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>childs immediately safeguarded</narrative> childs immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused children received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused children received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative>number of cases reported by community members</narrative> number of cases reported by community members <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative>number of advocacy plans developed</narrative> number of advocacy plans developed <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights</narrative> # of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained/supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained/supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff received capacity strengthening sessions on reporting and/ or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff received capacity strengthening sessions on reporting and/ or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>Children vulnerable to violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received TVET</narrative> Children vulnerable to violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received TVET <narrative>Children vulnerable to violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received TVET</narrative> Children vulnerable to violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received TVET <narrative>children (vicitims) violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received psycho-social support</narrative> children (vicitims) violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received psycho-social support <narrative>children (victims) violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received psycho-social support</narrative> children (victims) violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received psycho-social support NL-KVK-41149287-INCA0015 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Protect Children from Child Marriage and Sexual Abuse</narrative> Ensure Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CA) in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands VIDYANIKETHAN MANUSH Child Rights Trust (CRT) PMSR QWARIDS CIVIC Bangalore Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 175030.0 0 87038.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>children immediately safeguarded</narrative> children immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused children received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused children received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative># of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights</narrative> # of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>Children vulnerable to violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received TVET</narrative> Children vulnerable to violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received TVET <narrative>Children vulnerable to violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received TVET</narrative> Children vulnerable to violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received TVET <narrative>children (vicitims) violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received psycho-social support</narrative> children (vicitims) violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received psycho-social support <narrative>child violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received psycho-social support</narrative> child violation of sexual reproductive health rights and sexual abuse received psycho-social support NL-KVK-41149287-INCA0106 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>GAA 2017 - Addressing issues of Child Marriage/Trafficking in Andhra Pradesh</narrative> AS CA // Ensure Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CA) in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Rural Action In Development Society (RAIDS) Human And Natural Resources Development Society (HANDS) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 319704.0 134429.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices NL-KVK-41149287-INCA0150 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN GAA 2018: Address issues related to CM and CT in Andhra Pradesh & 3 districts</narrative> AS CA // Ensure Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CA) in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Rural Action In Development Society (RAIDS) Human And Natural Resources Development Society (HANDS) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 246998.0 122564.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners</narrative> community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners</narrative> coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs</narrative> campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector NL-KVK-41149287-INCA0151 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN GAA 2018: Address issues related to CM and CT in Telangana State & 6 district</narrative> AS CA // Ensure Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CA) in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SVK SCOPE-RD Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 194056.0 93784.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs</narrative> campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners</narrative> community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners</narrative> coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector NL-KVK-41149287-INCA0179 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Prevent and Empower girls from Devadasi families through reintegration, etc.</narrative> Ensure Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CA) in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Society for Integrated Community Development (SNEHA) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 140010.0 0.0 Expenditure 2017 66421.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> # of dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative># of dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> # of dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative># of government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> # of government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative># of government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> # of government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative># of community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners</narrative> # of community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners <narrative># of community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners</narrative> # of community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners <narrative># of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities NL-KVK-41149287-INCA0198 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2018-2020 Initiatives Married Adolescent Girls Empowerment (IMAGE) Karnataka</narrative> AS CA // Ensure Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CA) in Asia &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands VIDYANIKETHAN MANUSH Child Rights Trust (CRT) PMSR SEVAK - Society for Empowerment through Voluntary Action in Karnataka REACH - Rural Environmental Awareness Community Help Arpanam Trust Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 511172.0 660650.0 604788.0 249185.0 Expenditure 2018 329742.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Mobilising vulnerable children in clubs and sensitise them on the adverse effect of child marriages</narrative> Mobilising vulnerable children in clubs and sensitise them on the adverse effect of child marriages <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions Awareness raising sessions on child marriages, abuses, protection from COVID were given during the quarter. As on the quarter the achievement is more than the plan.; <narrative>Sensitising the married adolescent girls on the issues concerning to their health, education and legal rquirement.</narrative> Sensitising the married adolescent girls on the issues concerning to their health, education and legal rquirement. <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions All 3077 girls were already covered; <narrative>Support to early married girls on health, education, legal aid through referral and para counselling services</narrative> Support to early married girls on health, education, legal aid through referral and para counselling services <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded All the 3077 girls were immediately supported during emergency situation; <narrative>Improve th vocational skill/ education opportunities to early married girls to empower their social and economical status</narrative> Improve th vocational skill/ education opportunities to early married girls to empower their social and economical status <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>Awareness on adverse effect of child marriages to the community members</narrative> Awareness on adverse effect of child marriages to the community members <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Strengthening the child protection committee with the support of community and family members</narrative> Strengthening the child protection committee with the support of community and family members <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees 3461 community members participated out of 3000 planned; <narrative>Sensitise the community and family members of the early married girls on their health, education and social need</narrative> Sensitise the community and family members of the early married girls on their health, education and social need <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Mobilising EMGs in various forums and support them emotionally through counselling</narrative> Mobilising EMGs in various forums and support them emotionally through counselling <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled The family members of the EMGs counselled first time during the quarter was 55 and the follow up was done with 511. Overall, reached 3341 out of 3000 planned; <narrative>Sensitising the media on the issues of early married girls and ensuring their support on addressing the issues in child right policies</narrative> Sensitising the media on the issues of early married girls and ensuring their support on addressing the issues in child right policies <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>Various state and district level consultations to provide inputs on CR policies and laws to Government and law makers</narrative> Various state and district level consultations to provide inputs on CR policies and laws to Government and law makers <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government Follow up visits were made and dialogue happened on CR during the quarter.; <narrative>strengthening the network of CSOs to address the issues of EMGs</narrative> strengthening the network of CSOs to address the issues of EMGs <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces</narrative> # of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces <narrative># of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of people received health services</narrative> # of people received health services <narrative># of people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of people received food packages and/or drinking water</narrative> # of people received food packages and/or drinking water <narrative># of people received food packages and/or drinking water</narrative> # of people received food packages and/or drinking water NL-KVK-41149287-INCA0249 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2019 GAA: Addressing the issues of CM and CT in Telangana State/6 districts</narrative> AS CA // Ensure Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CA) in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SVK SCOPE-RD Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 261812.0 100586.0 2019 Total Disbursement for THARUNI Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 125747.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices NL-KVK-41149287-INCA0250 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2019 GAA Addressing the issues of CM/CT in Andhra Pradesh State/3 districts</narrative> AS CA // Ensure Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CA) in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Rural Action In Development Society (RAIDS) Human And Natural Resources Development Society (HANDS) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 333914.0 128298.0 2019 Total Disbursement for HELP Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 158248.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives NL-KVK-41149287-INCA0282 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>GOOD- Child Empowerment for the Devadasi community in North Karnataka</narrative> AS CA // Ensure Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CA) in Asia &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Society for Integrated Community Development (SNEHA) Child Rights Trust (CRT) SEVAK - Society for Empowerment through Voluntary Action in Karnataka Chaithanya AIDS Prevention Women’s Sangha AIDS Jagruthi Mahila Sangha Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 498896.0 553516.0 0 0 193588.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions Target reached during previous quarters; Reached in previous quarters; New Children participated are 15, during the Covid we have conducted awareness programs on Child Marriage and Abuses. also activities like Rangoli and Drawing competitions were conducted. Expenses are slightly higher; <narrative>Children are supported to resume their schooling</narrative> Children are supported to resume their schooling <narrative># of children provided education and/or supported to attend school (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of children provided education and/or supported to attend school (Humanitarian Assistance) No such activities were under taken during this period; <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions All chidren were covered in the awareness sessions on COVID with varous activities and individual approch.; <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services No children are covered under formal education. However educational materials were provided to them engaged at home; Education Kits were provided to identified girls across operating locations; <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice No formal legal aid were given during this period.; No Court cases during the period July to September 2020; <narrative># of Children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of Children trained as agents of change <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change Reached in previous quarters, and continued; New children participated in awareness raising sessions and poster making along with other children; Child Led Research training and Goal Setting is ongoing and the leaders in kishori groups will be identified shortly.; <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services 50 reached against 60 planned overall; No formal education were supported since all the schools are closed.; Enrollment of identified girl to vocational training courses; <narrative># of media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted Continued the efforts; No major activities were conducted. But technical team keeps follow up work.; Due to Covid and restrictions it was a challenge to organize a campaign. planning the same in upcoming quarter; <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained Due to COVID situation no training were conducted. Partners work on coordination; Gram Panchayat elections are being planned and Govt officials are busy. The activity will be planned in the upcoming quarter; <narrative># of inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> # of inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government Efforts are made.; Lobbing activities and Research are continued by the technical team; <narrative># of community members with vulnerable children to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities.</narrative> # of community members with vulnerable children to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities. <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities Community members were involved in the awareness of COVID prevention and on the issues of child marriage and abuses.; Awareness sessions which includes Covid, Child Marriage, Devadasi System, Poster / pamphlet distribution, Career Guidance etc.; <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported Activities are implemented as planned; This was not possible due to COVID situatation; Gram Panchayat elections are being planned and Govt officials are busy. The activity will be planned in the upcoming quarter; <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees This was not possible due to COVID situation.; Gram Panchayat elections are being planned and Govt officials are busy. The activity will be planned in the upcoming quarter; <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities Community members took part during the COVID awareness programmes and on the issues of child marriage and child abuses.; <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights It was not planned in this reporting period; 10 CSO participated in activities; <narrative># of formal complaints/court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of formal complaints/court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners Activities followed up as per plan; Cases not possible this year.; No cases were followed up and no cases were reported; No Court case during July to September 2020; <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary District level events organised; No Meetings were conducted but coordination were continued; No meetings conducted during the quarter; NL-KVK-41149287-INCA0306 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2020 GAA: Addressing the issue of Child Marriage and Child Trafficking</narrative> This is a GAA funded advocacy project being implemented in Andhra Pradesh State of India, aim for Eliminating GBV and reduce the Economic Exclusion of Girls and Young Women. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Human And Natural Resources Development Society (HANDS) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 346914.0 <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders As per the request from the religious leader's organisation, both the activity 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 were implemented.; The output 1.1 is achieved in 1st quarter.; This output was achieved during 1st quarter. Keeping in view of COVID impact one additional dialogue with the religious leaders have been organized. Hence slight excess spending occurred.; <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level 1.2.1 activity completed as per plan. IEC can not be developed due to shutdown in view of Corona outbreak.; Keeping in view of present COVID Pandemic and its effect on the children related to GAA themes, additional campaigns were organised by the youth advocates under activity 1.2.1.; Output completed by completing both 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 activities.; <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions On going as per planning.1.3.1 activity also initiated in 1 block prior to its plan as per the availability of religious leaders.; More number of community members participated in 1st quarter and the same people along with new ones participated in 2nd quarter. hence only the new numbers are calculated under both the activity 1.3.1 and 1.3.2.; 1.3.1 activity completed in all the planned blocks. Workshops with youth advocates were completed under 1.3.2. The pending activities of 2nd quarter were also implemented in this quarter. So excess spending against planning.; <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners Less expenses incurred due to less participation in view of Government restrictions.; Achieved as planned as the CSOs participated in both district and state level events by using virtual conference platforms under 2.1.1 and 2.1.2.; Output achieved during last quarter. The pending activity 2.1.2 from 2nd quarter is implemented in this quarter. Hence more spending.; <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices Not yet started. HR and travel cost of program team for the output is booked.; All the GAA network CSOs were oriented on gender policy and practices through online conference and participated in vulnerability mapping of young women under activity 2.2.1.; The output achieved during last quarter by organising the training for the targeted number of CSOs. Only HR cost is budgeted under this output..; <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs Both 2.31. and 2.3.2 acivity could not be implemented due to the lockdown because of CORONA outbreak.; 2 dialogue conducted under 2.3.1 through online conference platform. The spending also includes 2.3.2 which was initially planned in 1st quarter.; Output achieved by completing. The pending activity under 2.3.1 is implemented in this quarter. Hence more spending then planned.; <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers 3.1.2 activity could not be completed due to lockdown of printers as per Government advisory.; Due to COVID 19 Pandemic and restrictions by both National and State Governments, many Government officials were not permitted for the activity 3.1.1.Hence postponed to 3rd quarter.; The campaign under both 3.1.1 which was supposed to be completed during last quarter. Due to the COVID restrictions tit is postponed and completed during this quarter. Hence the excess spending than planned.; <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised Activity not yet implemented as planned. Inly HR and travel cost of program staff for the output is charged.; Due to COVID 19 pandemic no Government officials were available for the activity 3.2.1.. The district level activities under 3.2.2 were conducted using online conference platforms. Hence less target achieved against planning.; Due to COVID 19 restriction many of the Government officials were not availed during last quarter. Hence more number of officers included in 3rd quarter and the output is achieved. So excess spending than planned.; <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government Activity 3.3.2 completed as planned. Slight less expenses due to less participation because of Government advisory.; 3.3.1 could not be held as no officials availed for the dialogue.; The activity 3.3.1 which was supposed to be completed in 2nd quarter was completed only during this quarter and with that the output is achieved. Due to the carryforward of activity more spending than planned achieved.; <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives Due to shut down on public gathering in line with Government advisory 4.1.1 activity could not be implemented. Only HR and travel cost charged.; Dialogues carried out through virtual mode instead of physical presence under 4.1.1. Hence only the human resource cost was spent.; Out of 3 dialogues under activity 4.1.1, only one was completed by end of 2nd quarter due to COVID restrictions. Now the balance 2 dialogues completed during this quarter and the output is achieved. So more expense than planned.; <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector Activity not yet started in line with planning. Only HR and travel cost of program team is charged.; Due t the restriction by Government no physical interaction held with the Private sector and conducting research for 4.2.1 was not possible. Only Human resource cost booked.; The activity 4.2.2 could not be held in 2nd quarter due to COVID restrictions and as a result the publishing of research paper was delayed. Now it is completed. Due to this carry forward of activity, excess expenditure is observed.; NL-KVK-41149287-INCA0310 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Nurturing Movement of Girls and Young Women as Agents of Change</narrative> The project aims to ensure that the young women who are victims/ vulnerable to child marriage and GBV, especially SRHR, effectively realize their rights. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands VIDYANIKETHAN Child Rights Trust (CRT) PMSR SEVAK - Society for Empowerment through Voluntary Action in Karnataka REACH - Rural Environmental Awareness Community Help Arpanam Trust Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 14058.0 73444.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Sensitising married adolescent girls on the the issues concerning to their social protection , rights, services and opportunities</narrative> Sensitising married adolescent girls on the the issues concerning to their social protection , rights, services and opportunities <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions Overall 4113 exploited girls participated in the awareness raising session.; <narrative>Support to married adolescent girls and survivors of early marriages to enroll in the movement activities</narrative> Support to married adolescent girls and survivors of early marriages to enroll in the movement activities <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded Totally 10,204 girls are safeguarded by health services especially during COVID crisis. Therefore during the quarter it is less than the planned.; <narrative>Develop the married adolescent girls and survivors of early marriages to lead the movement and claim their rights</narrative> Develop the married adolescent girls and survivors of early marriages to lead the movement and claim their rights <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change <narrative>Various awareness sessions to community members in collaboration with existing community based organisations</narrative> Various awareness sessions to community members in collaboration with existing community based organisations <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities Mobilising the community members for mass event was not allowed. Therefore one to one and small gatherings were organised for the awareness raising sessions. Therefore the achievement is less than the target; <narrative>Organise various events for community members to sensitise the issues of child marriages</narrative> Organise various events for community members to sensitise the issues of child marriages <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported Due to Covid crisis, the incidence of child marriages has increased. The partners worked with the child protection committee closely to prevent the incidences; <narrative>Various events to champions for sensitisation</narrative> Various events to champions for sensitisation <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>Organise various sessions to create awareness on the needs of early married girls</narrative> Organise various sessions to create awareness on the needs of early married girls <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities Mobilising the community members for mass event was not allowed. Therefore one to one and small gatherings were organised for the awareness raising sessions. Therefore the achievement is less than the target; <narrative>Awareness on early marriages, early pregnancy and GBV to the community members</narrative> Awareness on early marriages, early pregnancy and GBV to the community members <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Conduct various studies and gather evidence to present the data to Government as part of advocacy</narrative> Conduct various studies and gather evidence to present the data to Government as part of advocacy <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government Overall, it was planned to present 1 document for child rights to government. However, due to the crisis situation, it will be done in next quarter; <narrative>Various sensitisation and interface programme to Government officials as part of advocacy</narrative> Various sensitisation and interface programme to Government officials as part of advocacy <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained The discussions and trainings given on the support and protection measures required to EMGs and their families during Crisis; <narrative>Various workshop and meetings organised to bring front the need, demand of married adolescent girls</narrative> Various workshop and meetings organised to bring front the need, demand of married adolescent girls <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government Overall for the year, it was planned to give 2 inputs on CR and totally 11 was given on CR during crisis situation.; <narrative>Organise various workshops for CSOs to ensure their support with movement activities</narrative> Organise various workshops for CSOs to ensure their support with movement activities <narrative># of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights</narrative> # of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights It was planned to network with 50 CSOs during the year and reached 71 as on 3rd quarter.; NL-KVK-41149287-INCA0311 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2020 GAA: Addressing the issue of Child Marriage and Child Trafficking (SVK)</narrative> This is a GAA funded advocacy project being implemented in Telangana State of India with an objective of Eliminating Gender Based Violence and reduce Economic Exclusion of Girls and Young Women. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SCOPE-RD FRANCISCAN MISSIONARIES OF MARY SOCIAL SERVICE SOCIETY (FMMSSS) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 286840.0 <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders As per request from religious leaders two additional dialogues (1.1.2) in 2 Districts; Already 2 additional dialogues under 1.1.1 was implemented in 1st quarter. Due to COVID lock down no dialogue conducted under 1.1.1.; Activity 1.1 was conducted in one of the district during this quarter. Keeping in view of impact of COVID pandemic additional precautionary measure implemented. Hence spent more than planned.; <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level 1.2.1 is Implemented. 1.2.2 could not e done due to shut down because of corona pandemic.; Additional awareness campaigns conducted under 1.2.1 due to COVID pandemic and its effect on the children in relation to GAA objectives.; Observational days organized this quarter under activity 1.2.1 and IEC materials completed for all religious leaders.; <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions Because of restriction by government less participated; Due to COVID pandemic less number of public participated under 1.3.1. Also less number of meetings conducted by the religious leaders due to the pandemic.; 1.3.1 activity completed in all the planned blocks. Workshops with youth advocates were completed under 1.3.2. Left out activities of last quarter were added in this quarter, hence more spending.; <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners Less Expenditure made due to less participation from no. of CSO representative.; All the CSOs participated in the network meeting as planned. Less expenditure due to no physical meeting and use of online platform for the meetings under both 2.1.1 and 2.1.2.; Additional 6 CSOs joined under activity 2.1.1. Left out activities such as 2.2.2 of last quarter completed during this quarter. Hence more spending than planned.; <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices Non budgeted activity that planned earlier could not be organised.; As planned 45 CSOs participated in the training on gender policy and in vulnerability mapping under 2.2.1. This is preponed from 3rd quarter to 2nd quarter looking at the possibility.; This output is achieved last quarter. Additionally 6 more CSOs joined with the activity 2.2.1. In total this output is over achieved. The activity was achieved last quarter. Only the HR cost is showing as expenditure.; <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs Activities 2.3.1 not implemented due to shut down because of corona pandemic; Completed 2 activities under 2.3.1 by completing the backlog of previous quarter.; Output achieved by completing the activity 2.3.1 and 2.3.2. pending activity of last quarter achieved during this quarter. Hence more spending.; <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers Only HR Cost and some preparatory cost for 3.1.1 is spent.; The activity 3.1.1 could not be conducted due to restriction by both central as well as state Government for public gathering due to COVID 19 pandemic.; Output carry forwarded from last quarter achieved during this quarter. Hence the entire planned spending of last quarter is added to this quarter.; <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised Only HR Cost & Travel is Spent; Less number of Government officials participated through online conference under 3.2.2 and no officials made available for 3.2.1 due to COVID 19 Pandemic restrictions.; Activity 3.2.1 carry forwarded from last quarter are completed during this quarter. The excess expenditure is due to implementation of back log activity of last quarter 3.2.1.; <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government Activity 3.3.1 was implemented in place of 3.2.2 as per state government request.; No officials made available for 3.3.2 at state level event due to COVID 19 Pandemic restrictions by the state Government. Hence the activity postponed to 3rd quarter. .; This output was supposed to be completed last quarter by completing both the activities. Due to COVID restrictions, 2.3.2 was not completed during last quarter and completed during this quarter. Hence showing more spending against plan.; <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives Not implemented due to shut down because of corona pandemic. HR & Travel cost spent; Only 1 dialogue was possible through virtual meeting with the Private sector representatives under activity 4.1.1. This is due to the current pandemic situation. No expenditure under 4.1.1 was made and HR cost only booked.; Due to COVID restrictions only 1 event organized under 4.1.1 during last quarter. Now this is completed. Hence more spending than plan.; NL-KVK-41149287-INCE0011 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Combat CSEC with Participation of Multi Stakeholders</narrative> Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Society for Integrated Community Development (SNEHA) READS Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 227400.0 0 104488.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable children received educational services</narrative> vulnerable children received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights</narrative> # of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff received capacity strengthening sessions on reporting and/ or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff received capacity strengthening sessions on reporting and/ or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative># of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative>community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights <narrative># of community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> # of community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights <narrative>abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options</narrative> abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options <narrative># of abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options</narrative> # of abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options <narrative>child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials</narrative> child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials <narrative>child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials</narrative> child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials <narrative>incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children</narrative> incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children <narrative>incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children</narrative> incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children NL-KVK-41149287-INCE0017 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN2016: Prevention Sexual Exploitation Children in Travel/Tourism/Online PSECTTO</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Child Rights Trust (CRT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 290516.0 0.0 Expenditure 2016 155249.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families counseled</narrative> families counseled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> # of boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative># of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative>CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT <narrative># of CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> # of CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT <narrative>abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options</narrative> abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options <narrative># of abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options</narrative> # of abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options <narrative>child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials</narrative> child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials <narrative># of child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials</narrative> # of child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials NL-KVK-41149287-INCE0115 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN2017: Empowering girl from Devadasi families through vocational skill training</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Society for Integrated Community Development (SNEHA) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 89126.0 45254.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> # of boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative># of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative>abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options</narrative> abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options <narrative># of abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options</narrative> # of abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options <narrative>incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children</narrative> incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children <narrative>incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children</narrative> incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities NL-KVK-41149287-INCE0118 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>LK 2017 Protect from Sexual Child Exploitation Online in Travel/Tourism PSECOTT</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands PEACE Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 92366.0 46214.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judiciary</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judiciary <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judiciary</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judiciary <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>families counseled</narrative> families counseled <narrative>families counseled</narrative> families counseled <narrative>community members who no longer facilitate (online) sex with children</narrative> community members who no longer facilitate (online) sex with children <narrative>community members who no longer facilitate (online) sex with children</narrative> community members who no longer facilitate (online) sex with children <narrative>CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT <narrative># of CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> # of CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0026 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2016 Protection of children from child labour by ensuring their rights</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ARPNA NAMCO SIVA Trust Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 188876.0 0 97077.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>child labourers received psycho-social support</narrative> child labourers received psycho-social support <narrative># of child labourers received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child labourers received psycho-social support <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0032 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2016: Preventing Child Labor through, Community Empowering, etc. in Jharkhand</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands PRERNA Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 290000.0 0 143351.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>child labourers received psycho-social support</narrative> child labourers received psycho-social support <narrative># of child labourers received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child labourers received psycho-social support <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0100 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>AS 2017 GAA: Global March International-Regional-National</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 448000.0 0 134202.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative># of dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> # of dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0132 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Prevention of Child Labour in Mica Mining through Community Empowerment</narrative> This project aims to prevent and protect children from mica mining, by buildng capacity of children, families and communities to prevent child rights violations. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands KSCF Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 290782.0 47069.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0141 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2017-2018 Strategy for improving plight of mica mining communities Jharkhand</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Centre for Responsible Business (CRB) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 104542.0 0.0 Expenditure 2017 52437.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative>advocacy plans developed to influence private sector</narrative> advocacy plans developed to influence private sector <narrative># of advocacy plans developed to influence private sector</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed to influence private sector NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0144 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2017: Enhancement of Income of the Mica Collector communities in 10 villages</narrative> This project aims to make appropriate livelihood interventions for the communities dependent solely on the collection of mica for their livelihood.&nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ASK Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 149844.0 0.0 Expenditure 2017 0.0 Expenditure 2018 72530.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0201 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2018: Child Protection in Mica mining areas of Jharkhand</narrative> This is a RVO and TdH funded project with the overall goal of &lsquo;Elimination of worst forms of child labour in the mica mining belt in Jharkhand and Bihar, India&rsquo;. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Bhartiya Kishan Sangh (BKS) Rastriya Jharkhand Seva Santhan (RJSS) Jago Foundation Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 399920.0 200761.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>children & youth trained as agent of changes</narrative> children & youth trained as agent of changes <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0203 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2018: Prevention of Child Labour in Mica Mining in Jharkhand</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands KSCF Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 290104.0 135362.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0228 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2018: Survey on Out-of-school children in mica mines area of Jharkhand, India</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Bhartiya Kishan Sangh (BKS) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 39734.0 8987.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0229 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2018: Empowering mica community with livelihood support</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Bhartiya Kishan Sangh (BKS) Rastriya Jharkhand Seva Santhan (RJSS) Jago Foundation Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 50000.0 50000.0 0.0 Expenditure 2018 50521.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0247 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2019 : Child Protection programme in Mica mining areas of Jharkhand</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Bhartiya Kishan Sangh (BKS) Rastriya Jharkhand Seva Santhan (RJSS) Jago Foundation Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 561636.0 296473.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of Children & Youth trained as agents of change</narrative> # of Children & Youth trained as agents of change <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change Actual achieved earlier; <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions Achieved during previous quarters; <narrative># of exploited/abused boys participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused boys participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services.</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services. <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational service</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational service <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees Achieved in previous quarter; <narrative># of community members with exploited /abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited /abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of government officials trained (In budget: # of government officials sensitised)</narrative> # of government officials trained (In budget: # of government officials sensitised) <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained Achieved in previous quarters; NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0277 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>2019 GAA INT GM Engaging in Multi-stakeholder Advocacy Towards Achieving SDG 8.7</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Global March-International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 196954.0 98477.0 2019 Total Disbursement for Global March Int Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 98477.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Engagement by CSOs and PWB members with Government</narrative> Engagement by CSOs and PWB members with Government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>CSOs engagement through Alliance/Partnership/UN bodies and other stakeholders</narrative> CSOs engagement through Alliance/Partnership/UN bodies and other stakeholders <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0280 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2019: Ensuring legal right of Mica pickers on collection/sale of Mica scraps</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Bhartiya Kishan Sangh (BKS) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 78004.0 35158.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative># of documents presented to the government</narrative> # of documents presented to the government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0281 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2019: (Mica) Multi Stakeholder Platform India</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands RMI Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 100440.0 55037.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of documents presented to the government</narrative> # of documents presented to the government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative># of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights</narrative> # of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights <narrative># of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights</narrative> # of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights <narrative># of advocacy plans developed to influence private sector</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed to influence private sector <narrative># of advocacy plans developed to influence private sector</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed to influence private sector <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative># of presentations held at companies</narrative> # of presentations held at companies <narrative># of presentations held at companies</narrative> # of presentations held at companies NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0330 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2020 MICA: Enhancement of Income of the Mica Collector Communities in 9 targeted villages</narrative> This project aims to work with 9 Mica dependent communities of Koderma district who are living on subsistence agriculture with small piece of rainfed land and income from Mica collection is not enough to live a basic life. Goal is to ensure parents and communities protect children from WFCL. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Rastriya Jharkhand Seva Santhan (RJSS) TdHNL India Country Office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 3358.0 65712.0 46928.0 0.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>School Management Committees track the regularity and achievement of children in school</narrative> School Management Committees track the regularity and achievement of children in school <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees Preparatory works for rolling out the project activities were ongoing.; <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities Preparatory works for rolling out the project activities were ongoing.; <narrative>135 SMC members are trained on child attendance and academic performance tracking</narrative> 135 SMC members are trained on child attendance and academic performance tracking <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees Preparatory works for rolling out the project activities were ongoing.; Lead community members along with designated members of SMC were very enthusiastic to attend the training. Hence more participants.; SMC members were oriented on outlined roles and responsibilities on ensuring attendance, 100% enrollment of children in school and creating enabling condition for quality education and thereby measures for no drop outs.; Reason for less expenditure in this Qtr is due organizing meeting in small groups due to COVID-19 restrictions.; <narrative>400 parents were sensitised on Right to Education Act</narrative> 400 parents were sensitised on Right to Education Act <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities Preparatory works for rolling out the project activities were ongoing.; Community members were found very enthusiastic to attend the awareness sessions and more importantly the ensuring accessibility to online education through Government run programme.; <narrative>Parents and communities protect children from the worst form of child labour in 9 villages of mica belt of Jharkhand by 2021.</narrative> Parents and communities protect children from the worst form of child labour in 9 villages of mica belt of Jharkhand by 2021. <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities Preparatory works for rolling out the project activities were ongoing.; <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities Preparatory works for rolling out the project activities were ongoing.; <narrative>150 families of exploited and abused children are supported with IGA</narrative> 150 families of exploited and abused children are supported with IGA <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities Preparatory works for rolling out the project activities were ongoing.; The support was to strengthen ongoing agro based livelihoods. Further Q1 was the the most appropriate time to extend the support.; All 150 families were identified as per the outlined project criterion. Accordingly community groups were also trained to assume responsibilities for proper functioning and collectively monitoring the support extended to these families.; The reasons for excess expenditure in the Qtr are due to;(a) Unanticipated complementary support for 22 families who could avail rebuilding of their livelihoods under COVID-19 specific Govt schemes (b)Implemented the rescheduled activities (lockdown due to COVID-19) in the month of September,2020.; <narrative>50 families of vulnerable children are supported with IGA</narrative> 50 families of vulnerable children are supported with IGA <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities Preparatory works for rolling out the project activities were ongoing.; The expenditure was for training of 18 SHGs about book keeping, maintaining records and measures to adhere with financial discipline in repayment and recycling of fund.; There was plan to support 50 families but project facilitated training support to additional 25 families to receive training on agro horticulture based long term livelihood under special livelihood Government programme 'Birsa Harit Yojna' under COVID-19 rehabilitation in rural areas.; The reasons for excess expenditure in Qtr are due to;(a) Need for more support in rebuilding the lost livelihoods due to COVID-19 and (b) Implemented the rescheduled activities (lockdown due to COVID-19) in the month of September,2020.; NL-KVK-41149287-INCL0339 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2020 MICA: Elimination of WFCL in the Mica mining belt in Jharkhand, India</narrative> &nbsp; As per MTR results, it is worth renewing this in order to ensure sustainability. Impact created on 32 villages will be used as foundation for expansion to 10 more using &lsquo;cluster approach&rsquo;.&nbsp;&nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Bhartiya Kishan Sangh (BKS) Rastriya Jharkhand Seva Santhan (RJSS) Jago Foundation Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 448892.0 <narrative># of Children & Youth trained as agents of change</narrative> # of Children & Youth trained as agents of change <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change Children and and youth are demonstrating the role of change agent through presenting the issues with authorities, encouraging their peers to continue school education and disseminating the positive vibes across entire communities through sharing their efforts on creating an overall conducive environment.; Covid-19 humanitarian response activities were prioritized and children were supported with online training and small group interactions and hence less expenditure on routine planned activities.; <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services These children were facilitated for birth registration and care givers were trained on user friendly and easy to adopt home based early childhood education.; Covid-19 humanitarian response activities were prioritized hence less expenditure on routine planned activities.; The reason for more coverage is due to increased level of vulnerabilities for the children and their families due to COVID-19. Majority of the boys of these families were at the verge of going back to Mica picking as families had lost their livelihoods due to lockdown and hence unable to support academic needs (learning kit, study material support) of their children.; <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services These children were facilitated for birth registration and care givers were trained on user friendly and easy to adopt home based early childhood education.; The reason for more coverage is due to increased level of vulnerabilities for the children and their families due to COVID-19. Majority of the boys of these families were at the verge of going back to Mica picking as families had lost their livelihoods due to lockdown and hence unable to support academic needs (learning kit, study material support) of their children.; <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions Awareness sessions were conducted across 32 villages. These sessions covered the aspects of child protection, child rights, child marriage and child labour.; Covid-19 humanitarian response activities were prioritized and small group interactions with children and hence less expenditure on routine planned activities.; <narrative># of exploited/ abused children participated in awareness raising session</narrative> # of exploited/ abused children participated in awareness raising session <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions Awareness session were on child protection issues including the continuation of school education were conducted in 32 villages,; Covid-19 humanitarian response activities were prioritized and small group interactions and hence less expenditure on routine planned activities.; <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services Government prohibitory orders due to COVID-19 did not allow the project to run an elaborated enrollment campaign for children. The academic sessions are also likely to get delayed due to nation wide lock down. However few preparatory activities were accomplished.; The reasons for excess expenditure in 3Q are due to; (a) need of support on educational services more than the originally projected due to COVID-19 and (b)Implemented the rescheduled activities (lockdown due to COVID-19) in the month of September,2020.; <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services Government prohibitory orders due to COVID-19 did not allow the project to run an elaborated enrollment campaign for children. The academic sessions are also likely to get delayed due to nation wide lock down. However few preparatory activities were accomplished.; Covid-19 humanitarian response activities were prioritized hence less expenditure on routine planned activities.; The reasons for excess expenditure in 3Q are due to; (a) need of support on educational services more than the originally projected due to COVID-19 and (b)Implemented the rescheduled activities (lockdown due to COVID-19) in the month of September,2020.; <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported Government prohibitory orders did not allow to conduct the training of Village Level Child Protection Committees due to COVID-19. It will be taken up once the restrictions on meetings/ training are lifted.; Covid-19 humanitarian response activities were prioritized hence less expenditure on routine planned activities.; The reasons for excess expenditure in3Q are due to need for equipping these committees with more functional skills and latest manuals emerged due COVID-19 (b) Implemented the rescheduled activities (lockdown due to COVID-19) in the month of September,2020.; <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees Government prohibitory orders did not allow to conduct the training of Village Level Child Protection Committees due to COVID-19. It will be taken up once the restrictions on meetings/ training are lifted.; Covid-19 humanitarian response activities were prioritized hence less expenditure on routine planned activities.; The reasons for excess expenditure in 3 Qtr are due to; (a) Emerging child protection concerns due to influx of inward migrants during COVID-19 and project emphasized upon protection issues of the children with VLCPCs(b) Equipped them with reference materails and linkages with relevant Government institutions (c) Implemented the rescheduled activities (lockdown due to COVID-19) in the month of September,2020.; <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities Awareness session were on child protection in wider perspective of ' Rights of Children' were conducted in 32 villages.; Covid-19 humanitarian response activities were prioritized hence less expenditure on routine planned activities.; <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities Awareness sessions were conducted in 32 villages inclusive of alignment with the activities conducted in anganwadi centers under Government flagship programmes (such as nutrition day, special days for antenatal and post natal health care); Covid-19 humanitarian response activities were prioritized hence less expenditure on routine planned activities.; <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities The monitoring report indicated that majority of families who had been supported with income generating activities in past are continuing and adhering with repayment schedule till the end of February 2020. But by end of March 2020, it has been affected very badly due to lock down and thus non compliance to adhere with the repayment schedule. However project is confident to ensure resumption once the COVID-19 crisis is over.; The reasons for excess expenditure in 3 Qtr are due to; (a) Emerging child protection concerns due to influx of inward migrants during COVID-19 and project emphasized upon protection issues of the children with VLCPCs (b) Equipped them with reference materials and linkages with relevant Government institutions (c) Implemented the rescheduled activities (lockdown due to COVID-19) in the month of September,2020.; <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities The monitoring report indicated that majority of families who had been supported with income generating activities in past are continuing and adhering with repayment schedule till the end of February 2020. But by end of March 2020, it has been affected very badly due to lock down and thus non compliance to adhere with the repayment schedule. However project is confident to ensure resumption once the COVID-19 crisis is over.; Covid-19 humanitarian response activities were prioritized ,awareness sessions were done through small group meetings and hence less expenditure on routine planned activities.; The reasons for excess expenditure in the Qtr are due to;(a) awareness sessions organized in small groups due to COVID-19 restrictions and more children participated in sessions. (b) Implemented the rescheduled activities (lockdown due to COVID-19) in the month of September,2020.; <narrative># of government officials sensitised</narrative> # of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised Government prohibitory orders due to COVID-19, did not allow to conduct the planned training and consultations with block and district level officials. The majority of discussions and meetings were limited only to the key officials in districts and blocks.It will be taken up once restrictions are lifted. But it is worth mentioning that project has been closely coordinating with authorities in relation with pandemic crisis.; Covid-19 humanitarian response activities were prioritized hence less expenditure on routine planned activities.; The reason for excess expenditure in 3Qtr are due to ;(a) Involvement of more Government officials due to demand for rebuilding of livelihoods (b) Needs for more coordination and linkages between Govt officials and communities to minimize the negative impact/ building resilience(c) Implemented the rescheduled activities (lockdown due to COVID-19) in the month of September,2020.; <narrative># of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces</narrative> # of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces <narrative># of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance) COVID-19 humanitarian response activities were undertaken.; <narrative># of people received health services</narrative> # of people received health services <narrative># of people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance) COVID-19 humanitarian response activities were undertaken.; <narrative># of people received food packages and/or drinking water</narrative> # of people received food packages and/or drinking water <narrative># of people received food packages and/or drinking water</narrative> # of people received food packages and/or drinking water COVID-19 humanitarian response activities were undertaken.; NL-KVK-41149287-INCT0029 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2016: Protecting the Rights of Children On the Move (PROCOM)</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SAVE Pourakhi People’s Cultural Center CARE-T BSJVS Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 637836.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 286456.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>Children's clubs supported</narrative> Children's clubs supported <narrative>Children's clubs supported</narrative> Children's clubs supported <narrative>children/youth trained as agent of change</narrative> children/youth trained as agent of change <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change <narrative>children received healthcare</narrative> children received healthcare <narrative># of people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-INCT0107 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2017 GAA Addressing the issues of Child Trafficking in Telangana State</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SVK SCOPE-RD Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 264012.0 121877.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives NL-KVK-41149287-INCT0224 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IN 2018: Destination Unknown Children on the Move (DU-CoM) Campaign in West Bengal, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdHNL India Country Office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 20000.0 0.0 Expenditure 2018 10015.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions NL-KVK-41149287-IQHA0212 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IQ Child Protection by TdH Italy</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH Italy Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 461002.0 228490.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>Number of boys provided with specialised protection services</narrative> Number of boys provided with specialised protection services <narrative># of boys provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of boys provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of girls provided with specialised protection services</narrative> Number of girls provided with specialised protection services <narrative># of girls provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of girls provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of girls benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events</narrative> Number of girls benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events <narrative># of girls benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of girls benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of boys benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events</narrative> Number of boys benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events <narrative># of boys benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of boys benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of men benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events</narrative> Number of men benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events <narrative># of men benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of men benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of women benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events</narrative> Number of women benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events <narrative># of women benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of women benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of men trained on protection topics to provide protection services</narrative> Number of men trained on protection topics to provide protection services <narrative># of men trained on protection topics to provide protection services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of men trained on protection topics to provide protection services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of women trained on protection topics to provide protection services</narrative> Number of women trained on protection topics to provide protection services <narrative># of women trained on protection topics to provide protection services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of women trained on protection topics to provide protection services (Humanitarian Assistance) NL-KVK-41149287-IQHA0213 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IQ Cash transfers by TdH Lausanne</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 461002.0 0 166697.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of boys provided with unconditional cash transfers</narrative> Number of boys provided with unconditional cash transfers <narrative># of boys provided with unconditional cash transfers (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of boys provided with unconditional cash transfers (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of girls provided with unconditional cash transfers</narrative> Number of girls provided with unconditional cash transfers <narrative># of girls provided with unconditional cash transfers (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of girls provided with unconditional cash transfers (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of men provided with unconditional cash transfers</narrative> Number of men provided with unconditional cash transfers <narrative># of men provided with unconditional cash transfers (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of men provided with unconditional cash transfers (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of women provided with unconditional cash transfers</narrative> Number of women provided with unconditional cash transfers <narrative># of women provided with unconditional cash transfers (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of women provided with unconditional cash transfers (Humanitarian Assistance) NL-KVK-41149287-IQHA0287 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>IQ 2019 Iraq Joint Response 4 TdH Italy</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs TdH Italy Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 282372.0 141186.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of boys provided with specialised protection services</narrative> Number of boys provided with specialised protection services <narrative>Number of boys provided with specialised protection services</narrative> Number of boys provided with specialised protection services <narrative>Number of girls provided with specialised protection services</narrative> Number of girls provided with specialised protection services <narrative>Number of girls provided with specialised protection services</narrative> Number of girls provided with specialised protection services <narrative>Number of men trained on protection topics to provide protection services</narrative> Number of men trained on protection topics to provide protection services <narrative>Number of men trained on protection topics to provide protection services</narrative> Number of men trained on protection topics to provide protection services <narrative>Number of women trained on protection topics to provide protection services</narrative> Number of women trained on protection topics to provide protection services <narrative>Number of women trained on protection topics to provide protection services</narrative> Number of women trained on protection topics to provide protection services NL-KVK-41149287-IQHA0354 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Iraq ECHO 2019</narrative> To&nbsp;provide emergency assistance to conflict-affected populations in two governorates with the highest number of needs: Ninewa and Salah al Din. The proposed project will implement an integrated emergency response as well as to facilitate the safe, voluntary and dignified return of IDPs through improving access to basic services in&nbsp;CP and Education in Emergencies. In Ninewa: Education in Emergencies through formal and non-formal education, to complement ongoing activities in Child Protection. In Salah al Din Governorate:&nbsp;CP&nbsp;activities, through case management provision, psychosocial support and building local capacity for CP through designated community-based committees. Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECHO TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 2700000.0 0.0 ECHO Terre des Hommes Netherlands 1040000.0 ECHO Terre des Hommes Netherlands 258789.0 ECHO Terre des Hommes Netherlands 1350000.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Provide integrated and coordinated emergency and post emergency response in child protection and education sectors in Ninewa and Salah al Din governorates.</narrative> Provide integrated and coordinated emergency and post emergency response in child protection and education sectors in Ninewa and Salah al Din governorates. <narrative>% of children and adults participating in structured PSS activities who express improvement of their subjective well-being by the end of the project</narrative> % of children and adults participating in structured PSS activities who express improvement of their subjective well-being by the end of the project <narrative>Number of school-aged boys and girls accessing quality learning opportunities relevant to the emergency</narrative> Number of school-aged boys and girls accessing quality learning opportunities relevant to the emergency <narrative>Protection: Protection needs of conflict affected children are addressed in Salah al Din governorates</narrative> Protection: Protection needs of conflict affected children are addressed in Salah al Din governorates <narrative># of participants showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus</narrative> # of participants showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus <narrative># of children, youth and caregivers accessing structured PSS activities</narrative> # of children, youth and caregivers accessing structured PSS activities <narrative># of girls and boys at risk received case management services</narrative> # of girls and boys at risk received case management services <narrative># of women, men, girls and boys participating in awareness-raising initiatives</narrative> # of women, men, girls and boys participating in awareness-raising initiatives <narrative>Total number of individuals reached</narrative> Total number of individuals reached <narrative>Education in Emergencies: Conflict affected children, adolescents and youths have access to an improved learning environment in Ninewa governorate</narrative> Education in Emergencies: Conflict affected children, adolescents and youths have access to an improved learning environment in Ninewa governorate <narrative># of boys and girls that access safe, quality learning opportunities (formal education)</narrative> # of boys and girls that access safe, quality learning opportunities (formal education) <narrative># of boys and girls that access safe, quality learning opportunities (non-formal education)</narrative> # of boys and girls that access safe, quality learning opportunities (non-formal education) <narrative># of participants involved in capacity building and structured outreach sessions</narrative> # of participants involved in capacity building and structured outreach sessions <narrative># of school-aged boys and girls accessing sustained and structured psychosocial support</narrative> # of school-aged boys and girls accessing sustained and structured psychosocial support <narrative># of learning spaces/schools set up or rehabilitated and equipped to meet standards</narrative> # of learning spaces/schools set up or rehabilitated and equipped to meet standards <narrative>Total number of individuals reached</narrative> Total number of individuals reached NL-KVK-41149287-ITCE0302 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Sweetie</narrative> Sweetie- fighting online sexual exploitation of children&nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 0 0 Expenditure 2019 NL-KVK-41149287-ITCE0334 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>International programme, 2020, Girls Advocacy Alliance (GAA)</narrative> International programme, 2020, Girls Advocacy Alliance (GAA) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes International Federation Secretariat Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 84000.0 <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>INTL. PR.FR - Provide technical assistance to the APTs in KE/UGA/PHI</narrative> INTL. PR.FR - Provide technical assistance to the APTs in KE/UGA/PHI <narrative>"INTL PR. FR - Provide technical assistance to the APTs in KE/UGA/PHI on how to engage in HRMs: Kenya: follow up Cedaw/UPR Uganda: follow up UPR and other relevant HRMs Philippines: CRC and other relevant HRMs"</narrative> "INTL PR. FR - Provide technical assistance to the APTs in KE/UGA/PHI on how to engage in HRMs: Kenya: follow up Cedaw/UPR Uganda: follow up UPR and other relevant HRMs Philippines: CRC and other relevant HRMs" <narrative>Provide technical assistance to the APTs in KE/UGA/PHI on "Making the Link"</narrative> Provide technical assistance to the APTs in KE/UGA/PHI on "Making the Link" <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>INTL PR FR - Engage with Human Rights Council (e.g. 3 sessions of the HRC, side events, meetings, conferences)</narrative> INTL PR FR - Engage with Human Rights Council (e.g. 3 sessions of the HRC, side events, meetings, conferences) <narrative>Lobby/Engage with key stakeholders: Treaty bodies, Permanent Missions</narrative> Lobby/Engage with key stakeholders: Treaty bodies, Permanent Missions <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Make submissions to HRMs: CRC (General Comments), CEDAW General Recommendations, OHCHR, Special Procedures thematic reports</narrative> Make submissions to HRMs: CRC (General Comments), CEDAW General Recommendations, OHCHR, Special Procedures thematic reports <narrative>INTL PR FR. - Disseminate Advocacy briefings and Use the Thematic analysis throughout the year to provide targeted audiences with GAA relevant messages.</narrative> INTL PR FR. - Disseminate Advocacy briefings and Use the Thematic analysis throughout the year to provide targeted audiences with GAA relevant messages. NL-KVK-41149287-ITCL333 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Engaging in Multi-stakeholder Advocacy Towards Achieving SDG 8.7</narrative> Engaging in Multi-stakeholder Advocacy Towards Achieving SDG 8.7 Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Global March-International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 156944.0 <narrative>Number of Dialogues with Targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of Dialogues with Targeted CSOs <narrative>Dissemination meeting in India</narrative> Dissemination meeting in India A physical dissemination event could not be planned due to COVID19. However, dissemination took place via in person meeting in January, and electronically in other 2 months; The physical dissemination event could not be planned due to Covid-19, also there has been delay in receiving inputs to the draft report, owing to the pre-occupation of partners with immediate/urgent response to Covid-19. However, virtual dialogues with partners have continued, and virtual dissemination is planned for Q3.; A webinar for the dissemination of the research on child labour in sugarcane in India was conducted in August.; <narrative>Dissemination meeting in Uganda</narrative> Dissemination meeting in Uganda The draft report were shared in Uganda via a validation workshop by the Consultants in February. A physical dissemination event upon finalisation of the report is being deliberated, though uncertain due to COVID19.; The physical dissemination event could not be planned due to Covid-19, also there has been delay in finalising the draft report, owing to to Covid-19. However, virtual dialogues with partners have continued, and virtual dissemination is planned for Q3.; The reports of child labour in sugarcane in Uganda have been finalised, along with summary and policy brief. Preparations have been made to organise the physical dissemination event in Uganda for national stakeholders on 15th October.; <narrative>Dissemintation to international stakeholders (ILO/Alliance 8.7, IUF, ITUC, etc)</narrative> Dissemintation to international stakeholders (ILO/Alliance 8.7, IUF, ITUC, etc) International travel is affected due to COVID19. Dissemination is taking place electronically. We are considering a webinar in these teleworking times.; The status is same as for India and Uganda. It is planned to disseminate in Q3. Series of online events are being planned.; <narrative>Engagement with CSOs from Global March network - virtually/in-person</narrative> Engagement with CSOs from Global March network - virtually/in-person Engagement on child labour and gender, covering topics such as child labour in domestic work, International Year of Elimination of Child Labour, among others, could take place mostly virtually due to COVID19; See summary. We have had to put more effort to engage with CSOs, sometimes using several online means, which has proved fruitful.; <narrative>Participating in Alliance 8.7 and other related events</narrative> Participating in Alliance 8.7 and other related events Engaged with CSOs at IPPCLA (International Partnership for Prevention of Child Labour in Agriculture), virtually and at the Taking the Next Steps event on Chil d Labour in Supply Chains in the Netherlands, physically. Need to strategise participation in events physically, given COVID19.; See summary. Due to Covid-19, no physical events are taking place. We are putting more time in attending and organising online events.; <narrative>CSO (with other stakeholders) meetings in Uganda to give input on SDG 8.7 in Uganda VNR 2020 - CSOs</narrative> CSO (with other stakeholders) meetings in Uganda to give input on SDG 8.7 in Uganda VNR 2020 - CSOs Postponed due to COVID19. In touch with Erin from Plan to decide way forward for this.; See Summary. Follow-up on VNR in Uganda could not take place owing to technology constraints in the region, so as an alternative HLPF side-event with Nepal is being organised in Q3.; A virtual side-event on the sidelines of HLPF was conducted in July with ILO and government stakeholders, focusing on Nepal which was due for VNR submission this year. Also, Ghana - a pathfinder country is engaging with government stakeholders for inclusion of children and child labour issues in COVID-19 response.; <narrative>Engage with CSOs virtually/in-person in Nepal/Bangladesh, Kenya, Liberia and India for CSO input on SDG 8.7 in VNR 2020 - CSOs</narrative> Engage with CSOs virtually/in-person in Nepal/Bangladesh, Kenya, Liberia and India for CSO input on SDG 8.7 in VNR 2020 - CSOs This has been slow due to COVID19.; See above and summary. HLPF Side-event with Nepal is being organised in Q3. In light of new situation, CSOs were engaged for their input towards addressing Covid-19, and Alliance 8.7. This will continue in Q3 and Q4, focussed on 2021- International Year for Elimination of Child Labour.; Continued engagement with CSOs regarding child labour issues amidst COVID-19. They were also engaged via a survey to understand the impacts on their work and child labour situation in their countries.; <narrative>Number of inputs given to the government</narrative> Number of inputs given to the government <narrative>Brief guidance paper for CSOs for VNR report on child labour</narrative> Brief guidance paper for CSOs for VNR report on child labour Need to rethink this in light of COVID19; A briefing paper on VNR had to be compiled by Global March earlier, however as the VNR meeting was cancelled in Uganda; Global March instead developed a position paper on COVID-19 and child labour. The advocacy asks in it will be refined based on responses of CSO survey in Q3 and Q4.; <narrative>Engagements with MPs virtually/in-persons</narrative> Engagements with MPs virtually/in-persons This has been slow due COVID19. Focus has been of engaging with CSOs in network to understand the impact on the ground; See Summary. Activity for engaging with MPs on child labour in light of government response to Covid-19 is being planned for coming quarters.; Nepal and Malawi - both pathfinder countries under Alliance 8.7, have been engaging with government stakeholders towards child labour advocacy.; <narrative>Engagements with government virtually/in-persons/via letter</narrative> Engagements with government virtually/in-persons/via letter Engaged with governments at Taking the Next Steps event on Chil d Labour in Supply Chains in the Netherlands on child Labour and gender, intersection and related efforts.; See Summary. Activity for engaging with MPs on child labour in light of government response to Covid-19 is being planned for coming quarters.; Nepal and Malawi - both pathfinder countries under Alliance 8.7, have been engaging with government stakeholders towards child labour advocacy.; <narrative>Direct Project Costs</narrative> Direct Project Costs <narrative>Direct Project Costs</narrative> Direct Project Costs <narrative>Operational Costs</narrative> Operational Costs <narrative>Operational Costs</narrative> Operational Costs NL-KVK-41149287-KECA0368 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Protecting Children During the COVID-19 crisis and Beyond</narrative> This programme has been designed for short term and long term where the short term is to respond rapidly to the global COVID-19 pandemic emergency. While the longterm seeks to address child protection issues/concerns in Kenya while working with key stakeholders like the government of Kenya. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdHNL Kenya Country Office TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 0 0 <narrative>R1.1 Identification, reporting and referral mechanisms strengthened to cope with COVID-19 related child protection issues</narrative> R1.1 Identification, reporting and referral mechanisms strengthened to cope with COVID-19 related child protection issues <narrative># of child protection referral pathways reviewed and adapted for COVID-19</narrative> # of child protection referral pathways reviewed and adapted for COVID-19 Implementation of the project started late hence less expenses reported.; <narrative>R1.1 Identification, reporting and referral mechanisms strengthened to cope with COVID-19 related child protection issues</narrative> R1.1 Identification, reporting and referral mechanisms strengthened to cope with COVID-19 related child protection issues <narrative># of trained child protection workforce who demonstrate knowledge of child protection risks associated with COVID-19 and how to report and respond</narrative> # of trained child protection workforce who demonstrate knowledge of child protection risks associated with COVID-19 and how to report and respond <narrative>R1.3 Specialized services and institutions for vulnerable children are developed/ strengthened- i.e. Child Helplines, community case management services, alternative care institutions, shelters, Koranic schools, etc. Screen reader support enabled.</narrative> R1.3 Specialized services and institutions for vulnerable children are developed/ strengthened- i.e. Child Helplines, community case management services, alternative care institutions, shelters, Koranic schools, etc. Screen reader support enabled. <narrative># of national child helplines supported through financial, material, or technical support</narrative> # of national child helplines supported through financial, material, or technical support <narrative>R1.3 Specialized services and institutions for vulnerable children are developed/ strengthened- i.e. Child Helplines, community case management services, alternative care institutions, shelters, Koranic schools, etc.</narrative> R1.3 Specialized services and institutions for vulnerable children are developed/ strengthened- i.e. Child Helplines, community case management services, alternative care institutions, shelters, Koranic schools, etc. <narrative># of alternative care services supported through financial, material, or technical support</narrative> # of alternative care services supported through financial, material, or technical support <narrative>R1.4 National and Local Government takes measures to protect the social service workforce and includes child protection services as part of COVID19 response plans (including budget allocation)</narrative> R1.4 National and Local Government takes measures to protect the social service workforce and includes child protection services as part of COVID19 response plans (including budget allocation) <narrative># of advocacy activities conducted aimed at influencing the increase of government budget allocation for children needs</narrative> # of advocacy activities conducted aimed at influencing the increase of government budget allocation for children needs This output will be implemented in 2021; <narrative>R1.4 National and Local Government takes measures to protect the social service workforce and includes child protection services as part of COVID-19 response plans (including budget allocation) Screen reader support enabled.To enable screen reader support, press Ctrl+Alt+Z To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press Ctrl+slash</narrative> R1.4 National and Local Government takes measures to protect the social service workforce and includes child protection services as part of COVID-19 response plans (including budget allocation) Screen reader support enabled.To enable screen reader support, press Ctrl+Alt+Z To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press Ctrl+slash <narrative># of national and sub-national Covid-19 Response Plans that appropriately include child protection considerations</narrative> # of national and sub-national Covid-19 Response Plans that appropriately include child protection considerations This output will be implemented in 2021; <narrative>R1.4 National and Local Government takes measures to protect the social service workforce and includes child protection services as part of COVID19 response plans (including budget allocation)</narrative> R1.4 National and Local Government takes measures to protect the social service workforce and includes child protection services as part of COVID19 response plans (including budget allocation) <narrative># of advocacy activities conducted aimed at influencing the increase of government budget allocation for children needs</narrative> # of advocacy activities conducted aimed at influencing the increase of government budget allocation for children needs This output will be implemented in 2021; <narrative>Improved protection in resilient families, communities and institutions in the context of COVID19 and during recovery phase</narrative> Improved protection in resilient families, communities and institutions in the context of COVID19 and during recovery phase <narrative>% of children aged 10-17 who report their parents and caregivers understood their problems and worries most of the time or always during the past month</narrative> % of children aged 10-17 who report their parents and caregivers understood their problems and worries most of the time or always during the past month <narrative>R2.2 Parents and caregivers have increased capacity, skills and support to mitigate the child protection risks associated with COVID-19 and its secondary impacts</narrative> R2.2 Parents and caregivers have increased capacity, skills and support to mitigate the child protection risks associated with COVID-19 and its secondary impacts <narrative># of parents and caregivers who participate in parenting skills sessions</narrative> # of parents and caregivers who participate in parenting skills sessions The activity is planned for Q4 2021 hence no expenses reported.; <narrative>R2.4 Schools and learning spaces integrate child protection messaging and support measures into distance/ online learning and when schools reopen</narrative> R2.4 Schools and learning spaces integrate child protection messaging and support measures into distance/ online learning and when schools reopen <narrative># of education actors who receive training on child protection, providing psychological first aid for children, and reporting violence against children</narrative> # of education actors who receive training on child protection, providing psychological first aid for children, and reporting violence against children This output will be implemented in 2021; <narrative>Increased capacity and agency of children to prevent and respond to violence against them during COVID-19 crisis and recovery phase</narrative> Increased capacity and agency of children to prevent and respond to violence against them during COVID-19 crisis and recovery phase <narrative>% of children who state that they are confident to report a protection violation to a reporting structure</narrative> % of children who state that they are confident to report a protection violation to a reporting structure <narrative>R3.1 Children benefit from participation in life skills and psychosocial support activities, as well as peer support through child clubs/ groups and structured support programs</narrative> R3.1 Children benefit from participation in life skills and psychosocial support activities, as well as peer support through child clubs/ groups and structured support programs <narrative># of children who participate in life skills, peer support, and other structured support programs</narrative> # of children who participate in life skills, peer support, and other structured support programs This output will be implemented in 2021; <narrative>R3.2 Increased participation of children as active agents of change for ending violence</narrative> R3.2 Increased participation of children as active agents of change for ending violence <narrative>% of members of peer-based networks who demonstrate adequate knowledge of child protection and child-friendly accountability approaches</narrative> % of members of peer-based networks who demonstrate adequate knowledge of child protection and child-friendly accountability approaches <narrative>R3.3 Regional and national child participation mechanisms are strengthened to enable children to conduct advocacy with decision makers on issues relating to violence and impact of COVID-19</narrative> R3.3 Regional and national child participation mechanisms are strengthened to enable children to conduct advocacy with decision makers on issues relating to violence and impact of COVID-19 <narrative># of children engaged in a social accountability mechanism on child protection issues</narrative> # of children engaged in a social accountability mechanism on child protection issues The initial budget allocated for children's airtime was reduced by half. This allowed us to support additional 8 children from Mombasa and Marsabit Counties. Furthermore, Mtoto News used the same platform to facilitate participation of additional 7 children from Kitui, Nairobi, Machakos, Kwale and Narok Counties. This activity was implemented during the reporting period . The expenses will reflect in the next Quarter.; <narrative>R3.3 Regional and national child participation mechanisms are strengthened to enable children to conduct advocacy with decision makers on issues relating to violence and impact of COVID-19</narrative> R3.3 Regional and national child participation mechanisms are strengthened to enable children to conduct advocacy with decision makers on issues relating to violence and impact of COVID-19 <narrative>% of targeted children who report that their views are sought and incorporated into the decision making of regional or national government</narrative> % of targeted children who report that their views are sought and incorporated into the decision making of regional or national government <narrative>Increased learning and sharing of knowledge and best practice related to child protection approaches</narrative> Increased learning and sharing of knowledge and best practice related to child protection approaches <narrative>% of child protection actors who report being satisfied with their participation in the learning activities of the project</narrative> % of child protection actors who report being satisfied with their participation in the learning activities of the project <narrative>R4.1 Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms that emphasize child participation are established for the project and embedded in wider organizational processes</narrative> R4.1 Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms that emphasize child participation are established for the project and embedded in wider organizational processes <narrative># of monitoring mechanisms established</narrative> # of monitoring mechanisms established This output will be implemented in 2021; <narrative>R4.1 Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms that emphasize child participation are established for the project and embedded in wider organizational processes</narrative> R4.1 Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms that emphasize child participation are established for the project and embedded in wider organizational processes <narrative># of mid-term and end-line evaluations conducted</narrative> # of mid-term and end-line evaluations conducted <narrative>R4.2 Learning exchanges conducted in country, with project countries and in the wider Joining Forces Initiative</narrative> R4.2 Learning exchanges conducted in country, with project countries and in the wider Joining Forces Initiative <narrative># of learning exchanges per targeted country</narrative> # of learning exchanges per targeted country This output will be implemented in 2021; NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0052 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KE 2016: Elimination of commercial sexual exploitation of children</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SCOPE-RD Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 187614.0 0 62971.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0069 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KE 2016: Ending Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Turkana County</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Diocese of Lodwar Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 107274.0 0 0 0 48605.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0075 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KE 2016: Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW)(GAA)</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands COVAW Coalition on Violence Against Women Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 265564.0 0 0 119532.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0087 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KE 2017: Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW)</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands COVAW Coalition on Violence Against Women Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 429272.0 0 0 214631.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0105 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KE2017: Elimination Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Turkana County</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Diocese of Lodwar Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 100000.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2017 49165.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0163 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KE 2018: Coalition on Violence Against Women</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands COVAW Coalition on Violence Against Women Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 502150.0 0 247277.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners</narrative> community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners</narrative> coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs</narrative> campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative</narrative> trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0226 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Contribute to the reduction of the prevalence of CSEC in Turkana County by October 2020.</narrative> The project seeks to ensure the protection of children in Turkana County focusing on those at risk and victims of CSEC through enhancing their capacities. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SAPCONE Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 663320.0 16098.0 Expenditure 2018 253501.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded There still a challenge in identification and willingness of the boys to be identified as survivors of CSEC due to community stigmatization.; 7 boys have been supported with the temporary shelter since the beginning of the quarter until mid June when 1 boy was reintegrated back home due to his uncertain behavior and also threatening others children using a kitchen knife. Part of the amount was realigned to facilitate COVID19 response and delay of and the unspent funds was due delay in recruiting of the Programme officer.; 6 sheltered boys in Turkana Transition shelter continued receiving psychosocial support and other rehabilitation support in quarter until the end of July when there were reintegrated back home to their families after successful home visits and tracing . Action research was not also done because of the time constraints and COVID-19 challenges, the costs for the specific activity was realigned to support other proposed activities. Under expenditure was due to part of the disallowed expenses funds were returned.; <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions Most of the activities in the output completed in the first year 2019. Except for the training not done due to COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of schools.; Due to COVID-19 some of the activities in the output were realigned to support COVID-19 response to cushion families against the spread of COVID-19 impact. The day of African child was celebrated at the shelter and 45 children participated in the celebration. Some activities were implemented in June however the expenses will reflect in July causing under expenditure. Also part activities had disallowed expenses and therefore the amounts were refunded this quarter but reported as negative.; Some of the activities in this output were achieved in the previous quarters and some realigned to support COVID-19 new proposed activities. Development of CSEC IEC materials incurred less expense and part of the disallowed expenses were deducted from the expenses reported.; <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded 47 girls being supported by the project. 39 already at the shelter and 8 are receiving home based care and 1 had escaped from the shelter and tracing is still ongoing although COVID-19 has interfered with the search.; 38 girls were supported with hygiene promotion materials and educational materials to cushion the children against COVID-19 pandemic.Some of the educational materials included: manila papers, felt pens, flip charts, short hand note books, and also educational CDs that contained recorded series of lessons for all grades in Primary and Secondary. The CDs supported Children academically during Covid-19 period when Shelter tutors were suspended to protect the children against COVID-19. The shelter team supervised children during lessons. During this period 50 children (50 children in standard 8 and form 4) were supported with education materials to ensure the continuity especially with their studies. Activities to cushion children on COVID 19 were implemented and the expense will reflect in the next quarter.; During the reporting period victims and children at risk of CSEC were reached out through SRH trainings and other support such as medical support for the children under comprehensive care and dignity kits purchase to ensure they have enough necessities during this period of COVID-19 to avoid relapse of the children to the exploitation in search of needs.The under expenditure was due to purchase of the dignity kits costed less than what was planned and some of the items were not purchased.; <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services 17 children already being supported in this Output , the rest will be identified in the second cohort at the shelter. The 7 are being supported in the shelter with back to school programme.; Children supported during the quarter were the children from the shelter and standard eight and form four candidates . Children were supported with educational support materials and hygiene items. Candidates both for primary and secondary were supported with revision papers to keep them active in their studies. However School fees contributes to this output and there have been delay on submission of the fees structures to make the payment on time causing under expenditure.; Apart the shelter children who were supported with back to school programme , the project was only able The over expenditure was on payment of school fees arrears for both secondary and primary school boys that was pending due to late provision of the fees structure.; <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services 56 children supported; School based activities were affected by COVID-19 after the government directives to close the schools until further notice. Currently the project is trying to ensure all vital documents required are in place to ensure school fees for first term has been paid to the schools. Letters from the headteacher are the only thing remaining to finalise the process of paying school fees. The expense of fees in arrears will reflect in the next quarter; Activities under this output were all realigned after payment of first term school fees for 69 children. The over expenditure was due to paying school fees for the previous teams for the secondary and primary school girls including the existing beneficiaries,that was pending due to late provision of the fees structure.; <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice No boy has been identified requiring legal advice support - Dropped Post Q2</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice No boy has been identified requiring legal advice support - Dropped Post Q2 <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice No case of a boy has been identified to receive any legal support.; The activity in this output was realigned to support COVID-19 response; No boy has been identified for this support , The support was realigned to support COVID-19 response.; <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice Two cases identified during the quarter and one case, the probono lawyer has been issued with the instruction to take over the case and the hearing will be in May depending on COVID-19 crisis. Amother case from Kalokol, the accused has escaped from the police cell and the search is still going on.; During the reporting period a case of the project beneficiary was referred from Kalokol by the social worker after it was reported to the police and the case referred to Lodwar for medical assessment and recording the statement. The accused person is already at the police custody already taken plea and awaiting for the court sessions to resume after the assessment from the MOH and a go ahead. The under expenditure is due to some costs for the pro-bono lawyer for taking up cases have not been invoiced due to court cases put on hold cause of the pandemic, this will be done in the month of July, August 2020; This quarter the project was able to continue providing the legal services to the already identified 3 cases and one 5 year girl who was defiled by her over 20 years old neighbor to access legal advice and support, the case hearing date has not yet been fixed because the girl went through surgery to correct her private parts awaiting recovery. Within the reporting quarter the project supported one with psychosocial support services after giving birth - her case is fixed for next month date not yet know as she was given some time to heal from the birth situation. The over expenditure is due to the lawyer costs balances were acurred including the logistical costs in processing the cases.; <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services 236 vulnerable girls have been supported so far with education support. 236 is the target for the two the years.; The activities under this output were not able to be achieved due to COVID-19 outbreak and the closure of the schools causing under expenditure. Plans to pay school fees are underway and the remaining balance to be realigned to support proposed activities.; During the reporting period the project cleared the first term arrears for 255 and the balance was realigned to support other new proposed activities. The under expenditure was due most activities were relating to purchase of of uniforms and personal items.This was not done due to closer of schools.Expense reported are fees arrears paid.; <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services 65 boys so far have been supported with educational support this quarter.; 5 Children were supported with educational materials to engage them during this period without difficulties. Children have been at home due to COVID-19 and the closure of the schools. The project has been putting in place vital information to ensure arrears for the first term has been cleared and the balance to be realigned to support proposed activities that relates directly to children. School fee structures, accounts are in place but the pending document was a stamped letter from the headteacher confirming the details of the children. That has so far been done and the children school fees payment has began in the month of July 2020.; School fees for the 70 children for the first term paid to clear the arrears . The under expenditure was due most activities were relating to purchase of of uniforms and personal items.This was not done due to closer of schools.Expense reported are fees arrears paid.; <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions The consultant selected, but activity put on hold due to COVID-19.; It was not possible to implement the activity because of COVID-19 challenges and the lock down, Although the consultant had already been selected. The discussion and the review of the activity will be done in the month of July as the lock down restrictions has been ease and the consultant can be able to travel.; During the reporting, The documentary was develop in the month of August and yet to be launched for the public. Different stakeholders were targeted to feature and talk about the CSEC project. The activity was planned to happen in Q1 balances of will be paid to the consultancy once the approval of the documentary is made.; <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities Activity dropped</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities Activity dropped <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities Two barazas conducted but Activity put on hold because of the government directives to stop any social gatherings .; Funds for the output was realigned to support COVID-19 response. Although one of the activity had expenses that were disallowed by auditors and therefore the amounts were refunded this quarter but reported as negative.; The activities in this output were realigned to support COVID-19 response; <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings In the reporting period, 465 families were provided with food, one phase was supported by SAPCONE and the other supported by TdH-NL directly. 97 (13 M 84F) families CSEC victims while 368 (276M 92 M) were families of Vulnerable Children to CSEC. The identified Merchandised shops to supply food, strictly adhered to MoH regulations and encouraged families to comply. The activity took place in the project areas; Kalokol 130 families, Lokichar 142 families, and Lodwar 193 families. Social workers and CPCs worked as a team and managed to do both mobilization and sensitisation to the targeted families on the items the families were expected to receive. Each family receives a shopping Voucher for KE. 2000. The amount was not fully utilised since the food voucher costed less than what was planned.; <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights Activities to be implemented in the next quarter. However, COVID 19 activities were implemented during the quarter,May and June but expenses will reflect in the next quarter and hence no cost reported.; 5 radio talks were conducted in the reporting quarter to create awareness on COVID-19 impact in relation to children, positive parenting skills and mass awareness on the child rights. The full amount was not utilised since activity of Media advocacy through 1 feature story is linked to the documentary that was finalised in the month of August 2020; <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings Activities in this output not planned until the next quarter but again depending on COVID-19 crisis.; The identification and mobilization of families to be trained was done in the month of June 2020 but due to the measures that were supposed to be put in place to ensure people and The project team were working on getting a letter from County Commissioner to authorise the meetings to take place adhering to MoH guidelines on COVID 19. The activities are planned for the next quarter and hence no expense has been incurred in the reporting period. Although one of the activity had expenses that were disallowed by auditors and therefore the amounts were refunded this quarter but reported as negative.; In the reporting period, the project identified and mobilized 150 families of children at risk of CSEC. The project team worked closely with the Child Protection Committees to achieve the objective of the activity. Identification and Mobilization were done in the three project areas. The activity was planned for Q3 due to the COVID 19 it was implemented in Q4. Part of the disallowed expenses were deducted from the expenses reported.; <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities Identification of those to receive seed fund already done but awaiting assessment of economic status of the family and capability to be able to give the families funds for the IGA.; Activities in this output were not implemented due to the pandemic and strict guidelines of MoH hence no expense incurred. Families to be benefit from the seed capital will be identified after the training in the first week of July 2020.; CPCs used selection criteria of 25 families from 139 to join the rest 25 families who were previously selected and trained in 2019 to present viable business ideas.The selected families of 50 were presented to the participants who endorsed them to benefit from seed capital.The families selected should have an existing business that needed support, a have realistic business plan.The participants nominated beneficiaries that met these targets.They were provided with seed capital of Ksh. 10,000 for each family (15 Kalokol, 15 Lokichar, 20 Lodwar).They suggested the project consider targeting all beneficiary parents with seed capital next time so their counterparts would benefit as well.Activity 2.1.4 was planned for Q1.The 25.62 was to facilitate social workers on transport during follow ups; <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities Not planned; The pandemic affected implementation of the activities causing under expenditure during the quarter. The families will be trained after they are provided with seed fund capital to support them with the business.; To enhance Cooperation and make use of available expertise within the organization, the project implemented the activity in collaboration with SAP ONE's livelihood department to train 97 families (38 Lokichar, 30 Kalokol, and 29 Lodwar) of Victim of CSEC on Income generating activities. The participants were trained for two days on, Business skills, Profit and loss analysis, Business ideas development, Recordkeeping. The methodology used during the training was lecturing, role-play, brainstorming, and the use of case stories. The training was conducted by the MOH guidelines on the COVID 19.The over expenditure is due to activities were planned for Q3 due covid restrictions, they were implemented in Q4. Euros 179.32 was to cater for the mentorship and follow ups for the social workers.; <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled 28 guardians counselled and 200 families trained on positive parenting skills.; Families were trained in the previous quarter and in the reporting, the counsellor took initiative of ensuring that the 21 families of the children in the shelter have been trained.21 Families representative 19 females and 2 males in Lokichar were counselled to prepare them for reintegration of the children at the Shelter. 2 families planned to be counselled were not found. The 2 families will be counselled after tracing is complete. The MoH guidelines on COVID 19 was observe. Sanitizers and masks were procured and used during the implementation of the activity. A Total number of 21 guardians have been counselled in LOkichar, Kalokol and Lodwar. The caregivers are 2 males and 19 females The over expenditure was due to the activity 2.6.2 was planned in the previous quarter but the expenses have been reported in this quarter.; Follow up meetings were held in the three project locations as a follow up on positive parenting training. The families shared their experiences. Changes included; Children’s attitude especially respect has improved, strong sense of responsibility Communication between the children and the parents has improved and even amongst themselves.They are also able to take in instructions without resisting Children self esteem has improved, Good peer relation noted amongst themselves Challenges include: Lack of commitment from the parents side especially due to side hustle and inability to take in responsibilities Alcoholism, smart phones, IGA seed fund capital conflict as children feel they have right over the money than their caregivers Reconnection with other old friends after reintegration; <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees There were monthly meetings held for the CPCs before the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic with the government directives on no social gatherings.; Most of the activity in this output were achieved in previous quarter and some were realigned to support COVID-19 response causing the under expenditure. This output had disallowed expenses and the funds refunded have been reported as negative.; The project works closely with 72 (42 M, 30 F) Child protection Communities who actively support the project in the reporting of cases in the project areas. A Total of 3 CPCs meeting were supported. 32, 18 and 18 CPCs in Lodwar, Kalokol, and Lokichar respectively were supported monthly with KES 2000 each being a monthly stipend for July and August. While the 3 CPCs Chairperson in the project areas were provided with additional KES 2000 being Monthly Communication facilitation in the project areas. The chairperson constantly supports the social workers in the implementation of the CSEC activities.The funds were directly sent to their phones and they confirmed the receive on the support.The over expenditure is due additional costs during review meetings and communication; <narrative>Provision of food to families of CSEC child victims and children at risk of CSEC.</narrative> Provision of food to families of CSEC child victims and children at risk of CSEC. <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) 420 families benefited from the food support for the 420 households.. The targeted 182, 117 and 121 CSEC families in Lodwar, Kalokol and Lokichar respectively were sensitized on the expectations of the activity. The CSEC families were enlightened by the social workers in all the targeted areas on what to expect and when to receive food. The food vouchers of kshs 2000 per month were distributed to the families of victims and children at risk of CSEC’ representatives to redeem at selected merchandise shops. The food package voucher contained the name of the household head, national identity card number, location, village and beneficiary.unique number. The vouchers were to serve as identification tools coupled with national identity cards during the actual distribution of food The issuing of vouchers was done from house to house. . The activity was implemented in two phases May and June. However under expenditure was due to the settlement of phase one payment .; This was planned for the previous quarter and was done The expenses reported are transportation payment of food that were not reported in the previous quarter.; <narrative>families cushioned during the pandemic period to be able to access basic needs related to WASH</narrative> families cushioned during the pandemic period to be able to access basic needs related to WASH <narrative># of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance) 420 families were to benefit from hygiene promotion materials to cushion the families against the impact of COVID-19. Procurement for the hygiene items was done and expenses reported. Part of the activity of facilitating transportation of the items will be reported in the next quarter.; Achieved in the previous quarter. Expenses reported are for facilitation of transport for hygiene items that were not reported in the previous s reporting period due to late submission of invoices; <narrative># of meetings held with Government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with Government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials Meetings with the government officials were affected by COVID-19 hence no expenses reported. The project team plans to implement the activities in the next quarter and one was realigned to support COVID-19 response.; The activities under this output were realigned to support other COVID-19 proposed activities. The balances were not utilised due to restriction measures to hold activity 3.1.1 and 3.1.4; <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained Activities in this output (only one has been achieved in the previous quarter) the chiefs activity will be done in the next quarter early July 2020. In this output there were disallowed expenses that were refunded and reported in this quarter as negative.; The project during the reporting period enhanced the capacity of local administrators who have direct contact with the community. A total of 44 (14 females, 30 Male) Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs were sensitized on child protection, and on their roles and responsibilities and those of the communities in ensuring that child rights are upheld. More so on the reporting and referral mechanisms of any child protection concerns. The Chiefs were able to report cases of child abuse and they also continued to sensitize the community on CSEC in there village barazas. Activities was planned for Q2 but due to COVID this activity was implemented current reporting period and expenses reported.; <narrative>#of training of private sector staff on CRC, COC and UN Global - TdH activity</narrative> #of training of private sector staff on CRC, COC and UN Global - TdH activity <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted Activity was affected by COVID-19 and restrictions on social gatherings affected the activity hence causing under expenditure. Although reviews and discussion on how to go about the activity are underway and different approaches will be taken with regards to engaging the private sector. Meetings will be planned to engage them to come up with the IEC materials.; 45 business owners (Bar and video cafes owners/operators and boda boda owners) and BMU representatives were reached out with the main objective of providing the business with the knowledge and skills to enhance the protection of children against accessing the business /video dens premises. The discussion that was facilitated by the project pro bono lawyer and the representatives of the Department of Children was eye opener for the private sector who feel the need and urge for the children’s rights to be protected and to help the key stakeholders in the protection of the children from violence, exploitation and abuse. A few messages were developed by the private sector and some selected to be used for the IEC materials.This was planned in Q2 4,145.46 due to covid this was done in August; <narrative># of dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> # of dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives Discussions with regards to engagement with Tullow oil is still going on.; The activity was realigned to support other new proposed activities.; <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview technique</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview technique <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation Some activities accomplished in the last quarter.; Activities for this output were achieved during the previous quarters.; The activities in this quarter achieved in the last quarter.; <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary Affected by Covid-19</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary Affected by Covid-19 <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary Although there were costs from the project end, the meetings were held with the support from the government- Judiciary department which funded the meeting.; Cost for quarter 2( Q1) was realigned to support COVID-19 response and the remaining funds will support one meeting in quarter 4 that is to happen in July 2020 hence no expense has been reported this quarter; During the quarter,activity 5.2.3 was held in July 2020 and the expense were reported in August 2020 though this was planned to happen in Q3; <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights A meeting of the CSOs organization supportd by Terre des hommes was held in the month of February. Key stakeholders focused on child protection programmes in Turkana attended the meeting.; Costs for one meeting for support quarterly meeting funds was realigned to support COVID-19 response. The output is under spent because it entails activities that require visits to the field by finance and programme coordinator and this did not happen due to COVID 19.; During the quarter there two activities done in this output both targeting 20 key stakeholders from different organizations, both national and county government representatives. The usual network quarterly review and the meeting with the TGCPN members on COVID-19 challenges in relations to children. The funds were not fully utilised because of meetings conducted incurred less cost has compared to what was planned.; <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights Most of the activities accomplished during the 1st year of implementation and some not yet planned or started.; The activities have not been achieved as per the implementation plan tthus under expense. This is due to COVID-19 crisis thus delaying the implementation of the activity. The activity under this output will be implemented in the last month of the next quarter (September); Activities in this output were achieved in the previous and one has been affected by COVID-19 pandemic. Under expenditure was due to one activity under monitoring was conducted and expenses were reported in August and September 2020.; <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies Activity put on hold due to COVID-19; The activity has not been achieved as per the implementation plan, this is due to COVID-19 crisis thus delaying the implementation of the activity. The activity under this output is under review and discussions whether to realigned activity to support other proposed activities is underway.; The activity was realigned to support other new proposed activities.; NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0227 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Tackling CSEC on the Kenyan Coast</narrative> TDH KCO in partnership with KESHO and TRACE Kenya will implement this project from 2018-2021. The main objective is to tackle CSEC in the coastal region of Kenya.&nbsp;&nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands KESHO Kenya Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 931470.0 0 16098.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Children have increased awareness of their rights and how to protect themselves from violence and abuse</narrative> Children have increased awareness of their rights and how to protect themselves from violence and abuse <narrative># and % of children who demonstrate knowledge of child protection risks in their community</narrative> # and % of children who demonstrate knowledge of child protection risks in their community Most if not all activities under this section were achieved in the pre-COVID 19 period. Given good opportunities, effective facilitation and guidance, children can take very active roles in their own protection especially in advocacy and awareness creation.; <narrative>Vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions (Target 3,100)</narrative> Vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions (Target 3,100) <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions This activity was postponed as a result of the spread of the corona virus pandemic. The activity will resume once schools are back in normal session.Over-expenditure due to procurement of IEC materials under activity 1.1.5 that had been budgeted for in Q1; Achieved between January and March, a target of 1550 CRC members from 31 schools. Given good opportunities and guidance, children can take very active roles in their own protection especially in advocacy and awareness creation. Under-expenditure due due to low expenditure on peer-led sensitisation sessions due occasioned by schools closure due to COVID-19 pandemic; <narrative>Exploited/abused boys received legal advice (Traget 20)</narrative> Exploited/abused boys received legal advice (Traget 20) <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice In this reporting period the project targeted to support 7 boys with legal advice. This target was unmet with no boy being supported. The activity was interrupted by the outbreak of the corona virus pandemic and so all the 7 boys are yet to receive legal advice; No identified beneficiaries required legal aid and hence the budget was not utilized.; This activity refers to the provision of legal advice to 10 boys by identifying and referring them for legal aid. Whereas the legal advice with regards to the exploitation of the 27 boys has been shared, no case has been referred partly due to nature of cases: unwillingness of the victims to pursue and absence of identifiable perpetrator. No case was referred for legal advice advice and hence no expenditure was incurred; <narrative>Exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions (Target 300)</narrative> Exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions (Target 300) <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions The government directive on curbing/controlling the COVID-19 pandemic that barred all public gatherings as from the 3rd week of March, hence leading to postponement of FDG dialogue sessions Planned by Trace Kenya. One for Kesho Kenya was done.; Under-achieved due to non implementation of the activity due to schools; The target had already been achieved in the 1st quarter of the reporting period (January to March 2020). No FGDS were held in the current reported period having attained the target in previous quarter and hence no expenditure reported.; <narrative>Vulnerable girls received educational services (Target 405)</narrative> Vulnerable girls received educational services (Target 405) <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services This activity was not planned for in this quarter. Under performance due to closure learning institutions affecting payment of fees to vocational training centres; As schools were on conditional recess due to COVID 19 School visits were not conducted to vulnerable girls enrolled in primary, secondary and Vocational institutions. The funds were reallocated to support learning while at home through provision of lanterns and dignity kits. Expenditure reported as per the revised budget; <narrative>Vulnerable boys received educational services (Target 200)</narrative> Vulnerable boys received educational services (Target 200) <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services This activity was not planned for in this quarter.- Over expenditure due to implementation of activities that had been planned in previous quarters; Funds allocated for the activity have been reallocated to support children while at home in accessing learning and promoting their dignity. Over-expenditure due to high cost of solar-powered lanterns/radios compared to the amount budgeted.; <narrative>Exploited/abused girls received educational services (Target 200)</narrative> Exploited/abused girls received educational services (Target 200) <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services This activity was not planned for in this reporting period. Under performance due to low enrollment of beneficiaries hence low absorption of funds on follow-ups; With schools closed for extended periods, there was need to follow up on all project beneficiaries to mentor and intervene in all efforts to ensure they do not get trapped into CSEC. In the process 132 girls already enrolled were followed up. Follow-up of abused /exploited girls budgeted for under Trace Kenya was not undertaken hence the slight under-expenditure; <narrative>Exploited/abused boys received educational services (Target 100)</narrative> Exploited/abused boys received educational services (Target 100) <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services Under performance due to non payment of schools for the enrolled boys to vocational centers after schools closure. This will be achieved upon reopening of learning institutions.; his output relates to placing and supporting a targeted cumulative of 42 exploited boys in education. We have been able to achieve 27. The variance in achievement has been as a result of low willingness of exploited boys to open up on being exploited for fear of stigmatization and ridicule and machoism among boys as a result of cultural conditioning. Over-expenditure due to high costs of lanterns/radios compared to the budget; <narrative>Girls immediately safeguarded (Target 200)</narrative> Girls immediately safeguarded (Target 200) <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded The total girls safeguarded during the previous quarter is 41, however only 10 were safeguarded in the second quarter. This was underachieved in this quarter because the bulk of the target was achieved in quarter 1. There was an excess of 8 girls enrolled. One partner achieved all their target for this quarter.; under-performance due to few cases requirement reporting to gender desk hence low expenditure on logistical costs. Activities earmarked for implementation by Trace Kenya were not undertaken after discontinuation of partnership.; Achieved 132 as a result of successful identification comprising of community identification, referrals from partners and other institutions, peer-to-peer referrals and willingness of identified girls to open up about their exploitation.Over-expenditure due to payment of medical premiums and gratuities that had not been factored in the budget; <narrative>Boys immediately safeguarded (Target 100)</narrative> Boys immediately safeguarded (Target 100) <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded This activity was postponed as a result of the corona virus pandemic. However, referrals from the DCS and community are open for identification of any CSEC case in the community.under expenditure due to reduced activities occasioned by movement restrictions due to COVID-19 pandemic; In reference to this output, the project has achieved 11 boys and budget balances reallocated.Over-expenditure due to costs incurred in relation to offering psychosocial support though budgeted for in the previous quarters.; <narrative>Exploited/abused girls received legal advice (Target 40)</narrative> Exploited/abused girls received legal advice (Target 40) <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice In this reporting period the project targeted to support 12 girls with legal advice. This target was unmet with only 6 girls being supported. The activity was interrupted by the outbreak of the corona virus pandemic and so 6 more girls are yet to receive legal advice; No identified beneficiaries required legal aid and hence the budget was not utilized.; This activity has been fully achieved- Over expenditure due to undertaking an activity(1.9.3) that had been budgeted for in Q2 not not implemented in Q3; <narrative>Families and communities protect children from commercial sexual exploitation</narrative> Families and communities protect children from commercial sexual exploitation <narrative># and % targeted communities who are aware of local child protection services and know how to formally report violence/abuse against children</narrative> # and % targeted communities who are aware of local child protection services and know how to formally report violence/abuse against children The Covid-19 pandemic restricted public gatherings and constrained implementation of this activities under this outcome. However, when the restrictions were relaxed the activity resumed but with reduced participation of 15 people as opposed to the planned 25. They will however continue in year 3 when all targets are to be met.; <narrative>Community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities (Target 11,346)</narrative> Community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities (Target 11,346) <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities Most of the activities planned did not happen due to the COVID19 pandemic. The over expenditure however is a result in procurement of IEC materials that had been planned for in Q4 2019; From already realized activities, a noticeable change in community articulation and communication on CSEC is very evident. Whereas initially knowledge and involvement of CSEC within the community was low, as having conversations about it was also low, most community members in the implementation area are aware and can openly identify, talk about and engage in tackling CSEC. The common phrase used to describe CSEC in the community is “Ngono Biashara dhidi ya Watoto”, which is a translation of acronym CSEC.Community barazas were not undertaken due to movement restrictions due to COVID-19 pandemic and hence the under-expenditure; <narrative>Families of child victims receiving support services</narrative> Families of child victims receiving support services <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) To be implemented in Q3; This was done and reported on in the previous reporting period. Activity 2.110.1 budgeted for by TDH was not undertaken. Balance marked for redesign; <narrative>Community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote children rights (Target 20)</narrative> Community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote children rights (Target 20) <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights Media session that was planned to be implemented during this period was postponed due to covid 19 pandemic. Cost for PO to attend media show on CSEC.The partner Is currently developing a media concept that needs to be approved by TdH-NL.; Activity did not happen due to movement restrictions occasioned by COVID-19 pandemic and hence no expenditure. This will materialize in Q3 following lifting of the restrictions; The development of an animation video with a storyboard tackling CSEC and encouraging children, parents and community members at large to end CSEC has been ongoing. There has been a setback in working with the animator due to missed timelines and this has affected submission of samples for approval. The animation should be shared our social media platforms including Facebook, YouTube channel and the website. We are following progress to ensure that it is achieved. Activities that has been earmarked for implementation by TDH was not undertaken. Balances to be re-designed in year 3; <narrative>Community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings (Target 600)</narrative> Community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings (Target 600) <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings Training done by IGA training and development of training materials by Kesho but not implemented by Trace Kenya; under achieved due to late issuance of start-up capital to beneficiaries and therefore low expenditure on logistical costs.This is expected to be achieved in Q3; No training was conducted in the quarter, however, follow ups were actualized in the reporting period to 83 families of the community members with children vulnerable to exploitation trained in the previous reporting periods.; <narrative>Families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities. (Target 300)</narrative> Families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities. (Target 300) <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities under performance due to low number of parents trained on IGA(96 out of a target of 150).The remaining to be trained in the month of July.; The economic empowerment of parent was kicked of and so far all caregivers trained on IGA have been issued with start up kits. Training on enterprenuership skills had been budget for in Q2 but implemented in Q3 hence the over-expenditure; <narrative>Families of exploited/abused children counselled (Target 900)</narrative> Families of exploited/abused children counselled (Target 900) <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled Training of families of CSEC victims was not implemented due to government restriction on public gatherings due to COVID 19 pandemic hence the underachievement.; This output has been fully achieved. Activity planned to be implemented by Trace Kenya was not undertaken hence low expenditure.; <narrative>Community members participated in child protection committees (Target 205)</narrative> Community members participated in child protection committees (Target 205) <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees Target was not achieved.Only one meeting took place through zoom and some of the members did not attend due to technology challenges.This activity has majorly been affected by the COVID 19 pandemic hence the under-achievement; CPC members are very important in supporting the project by identifying children as well as referring cases to relevant service providers. They act as a link between community and service provision. The project will work more closely with this structure to achieve targets. Under-expenditure due non-implementation of an activity that had been budgeted for by Trace Kenya; <narrative>Court cases followed up/attended by partners with a total target of 60 cases (40 girls and 20 boys victims of CSEC)</narrative> Court cases followed up/attended by partners with a total target of 60 cases (40 girls and 20 boys victims of CSEC) <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners No cases were reported by any community member hence no expenditure reported; Yet to be achieved due to COVID 19 constraints and hence no reported expenditure; <narrative>People received income assistance (395)</narrative> People received income assistance (395) <narrative># of people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance) 315 Youth advocates in kwale and 80 families will receive receive income assistance through cash transfer assistance to cushion them against the effect of Covid 19.Over expenditure due to exchange rate fluctuations at the time of payment.; Under-expenditure due to lower transfer charges than budgeted for.; <narrative>people provided with access to WASH facilities (80 households)</narrative> people provided with access to WASH facilities (80 households) <narrative># of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance) 80 families were provided with hand washing equipment and soaps in Kwale county.Over expenditure due to price differences between actual and budgeted.; This was done and reported on in the previous reporting period.; <narrative>Private sector (formal and informal) adopt codes of conduct for their staff with regard to child exploitation and abuse.</narrative> Private sector (formal and informal) adopt codes of conduct for their staff with regard to child exploitation and abuse. <narrative>% of Private sectors actor implementing child friendly practices, SOPS and policies</narrative> % of Private sectors actor implementing child friendly practices, SOPS and policies Marked for redesign in year 3.; <narrative>Private sector staff trained on CSEC (Target 400)</narrative> Private sector staff trained on CSEC (Target 400) <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted sensitation of local tranport indurstry planned to be implemented in March but was affected by government directive of not holding public meeting due to Covid 19 pandemic hence the under achievement; The activity was not implemented since the process of identifying a new partner to undertake activities hence no expenditure; Marked for redesign in year 3 as it was Trace Kenya activity.; <narrative>Dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives (Target 36)</narrative> Dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives (Target 36) <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events Activity was not undertaken due to COVID 19 pandemic. This will be implemented upon easing of the restrictions; The private sector is well aware of gaps in itself with regards to lack of a code of conduct on CSEC, and child protection in general. As such, this needs to be expedited so as to fill the knowledge and action gaps that exist in the private sector.Over-expenditure due to the increased costs of holding consultative meetings; <narrative>Government protects children by making and adequately implementing laws and policies</narrative> Government protects children by making and adequately implementing laws and policies <narrative># or % of citizens who can identify how they can access information about local, district and regional government policies, plans and budgets</narrative> # or % of citizens who can identify how they can access information about local, district and regional government policies, plans and budgets Meetings with the government are set to continue in year 3. Limitations on gatherings and meetings has led to the underachievement of this activity.; <narrative>Meetings held with government officials (Target 87)</narrative> Meetings held with government officials (Target 87) <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials Activity did not happen due to COVID 19 restrictions hence no expenditure reported; Meetings with the government are set to continue in year 3. Limitations on gatherings and meetings has led to the underachievement of this activity. Achieved as per budget; <narrative>Government officials trained on CSEC (Target 285)</narrative> Government officials trained on CSEC (Target 285) <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained Implemented and reported on in quarter 2 and hence no cost reported in this quarter; <narrative>Law enforcement agencies convict perpetrators of child abuse and exploitation</narrative> Law enforcement agencies convict perpetrators of child abuse and exploitation <narrative># and % of citizens who say they have access to [formal/informal] justice systems to to address child exploitation concerns</narrative> # and % of citizens who say they have access to [formal/informal] justice systems to to address child exploitation concerns Achieved and reported in year 1.; <narrative>Judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice (Target 140)</narrative> Judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice (Target 140) <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation Achieved and reported on.; <narrative>Meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC (Target 37)</narrative> Meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC (Target 37) <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary To be implemented in Q3; Constrained by COVID 19 pandemic and hence no expenditure reported within the quarter.; <narrative>CSOs develop/revise their policies and activities to ensure children’s best interests are served.</narrative> CSOs develop/revise their policies and activities to ensure children’s best interests are served. <narrative># and % of supported CSOs demonstrating improved support for citizens and communities to take collective action and hold power holders to account</narrative> # and % of supported CSOs demonstrating improved support for citizens and communities to take collective action and hold power holders to account Continuous process with a spill to third year; <narrative>CSO’s participated in networks for promotion of child rights (Target 75)</narrative> CSO’s participated in networks for promotion of child rights (Target 75) <narrative># of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights</narrative> # of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights over-achieved due as PO cost charged under monitoring cost which included medical insurance premiums paid in March.; under-achieved due to non- implementation of activities under Trace Kenya(6.1.4).Process is underway to identify a new partner.; Achieved in Quarter two- Under-expenditure due to low expenditure on Trace Kenya Program Officer cost within the quarter.; <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights (Target 75)</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights (Target 75) <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights The activity was not implemented due to COVID 19 pandemic and hence no reported expenditure.; Marked for redesign; <narrative>CSOs have updated policies (Target 20)</narrative> CSOs have updated policies (Target 20) <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies under-achieved due to non- implementation of activities under Trace Kenya(6.1.4).To be implemented once a new partner has been identified.; Continuous process with a spill to year 3.; NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0266 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Advocacy for the elimination of GBV and Economic Excl. of girls in Kwale County</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands COVAW Coalition on Violence Against Women Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 638376.0 266000.0 2019 Total Disbursement for COVAW Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 267645.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives.</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives. <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0267 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Advocacy for the elimination of GBV and Economic Excl of girls in Kwale/National</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdHNL Kenya Country Office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0300 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Elimination of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Busia County</narrative> The project will address CSEC in Busia County for 2 years with the objective of preventing &amp; responding to CSEC through awareness creation and strengthening existing child protection structures Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN - RO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 339856.0 0 83605.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions Child Rights Clubs were formed in 10 project schools as follows: Bulanda Pr 48 members (30G18B), Mabale Pr.42 members(22G20B), Lwanya Special School 22 members(13G9B), Mundika Girls Pr 45 members(45G), Burumba Pri.43 members(23G20B), Nandekere Pr.47 members(23G24B),Sisenye Pr.45 members(24G21B), Port Mixed 46(23G,23B), Musoma Pr 46members(19G27B), Bukoma Pri 47 members(26G 21B). The members of these Child Rights Clubs were sensitized against CSEC including forms and hotspots prone to CSEC and how to protect themselves and those around them. As a result, the members participated in creating and raising awareness in their respective schools during important days such as Parents Days, academic days through presentations such as poems, songs and drama; Due to COVID 19 the activities under this output including sports tournaments were reallocated to respond to the harsh economic times that increased vulnerability of Project CSEC victims into child exploitation. As a result 50 Project families were supported with cash transfer for a period of 3 months to cushion them from the difficult economic times. 35 Project families that had been affected by floods were also supported with essential items such as blankets, bed sheets, jerricans, mosquito nets and sanitary towels since their property had been destroyed by the rains; The activity had been Planned to be implemented in quarter 2 of 2020 but the planning was interfeared with the Covid -19 pandemic, since the government has allowed gatherings with permission from the county commanders/ coordinators office, the activity will be implemented in November 2020. The Project team engaged Project children from the camps in Budalangi in Community Child Rights Clubs. From the 4 camps that our beneficiaries were placed as a result of floods that destroyed their homes and properties, children asked the project team if they can be engaging their time especially now that schools have closed. The Project team organized them into clubs and have been meeting twice a week. During the Community Child Rights clubs, children engage in different activities such as educative; <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights The Activity was scheduled in the month of March but did not take place due to the outbreak of COVID19; This activity was planned and reported in the last quarter Q1; AThe activity was supposed to be done in June but it never happened as planned because the were restrictions on movement due to Covid pandemic, the partner implemented the activity in September 2020. kindly rearrange the activities under this output, they are mixed up; <narrative>Cases reported by community members</narrative> Cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members During the quarter 17(14 girls3 boys) cases were reported by the community members to the Project team. This is as a result of awareness against CSEC that had been raised in the community including sensitizing them where to report cases of CSEC.; 30 cases were reported by community members. increased cases were reported by community memebers since schools have closed and all children are now at home. As a result of many cases that were previously reported by the schools are now being reported by community members. The community child protection volunteers have also intensified community awareness on child protection issues and where to report CSEC cases when they arise; Activity done as planned, target achieved. the project intensified community sensitization and also door to door awareness raising against CSEC coupled with home visits. The Community Child Protection Volunteers worked closed with the community members in identification of cases. As a result community members were able to identify and refer cases of CSEC among other exploitations including 5 cases of child trafficking and child labour. The cases reported by community members were high since previously most cases were reported from schools (Child Rights Clubs) but since schools closed community; <narrative>Exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> Exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services 30 exploited girls were supported with scholastic materials including school uniforms, bags, pens, books, hygiene kits- re washable sanitary towels and school levies in primary school while 4 victims of CSEC were supported with school fees, uniforms, books, bags and pens.; This activity was planned, conducted and reported in last quarter (Q1); This activity was reallocated to respond to severe impacts of COVID 19 that affected our project beneficiaries; <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded The target reached was 55 victims of CSEC who were supported by project team with counseling services, medical and other pschosocial support; 52 girls were immediately safeguarded through provision of counseling services and referral services such as medical services and legal; The activity was done as planned and target achieved. COVID 19 pandemic has increased CSEC especially those from poor background, child headed households and orphans. During the quarter 102 victims of CSEC received psychosocial services including counseling services, medical, legal and provision of essential items such as sanitary towels and face mask. The project coordinated with DCS to ensure the parents/caregivers to these children have been equipped with parenting skills to ensure they look after the children. The families were also supported with COVID 19 cash transfers to reduce their vulnerability to re falling victims of CSEC. The project has continued carrying out home visits to identify their progress; <narrative>Boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> Boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded 22 boys were immediately safeguarded in the quarter; 21 victims of CSEC were identified and reported to the project team. These cases were identified and reported by community structures such as area chiefs, village elders, parents and care givers, community members and fellow children; The activity was done as planned and target achieved. Since school closed, many children were involved in fishing. Many boys accompanied fishermen into the lake for deep fishing. As a result boys got sexually exploited as they sought accommodation in the deep waters islands. Some fishermen sexually exploited these boys in exchange of food since fishing took more than a week. Most of these boys are orphaned, child headed households and others come from very poor background where they need to support the family with meeting their basic needs. The project together with DCS and local chiefs have been able to follow up with the children through continuous home visits to asses their well being as well as continue with the counseling services.; <narrative>Exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> Exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services 8 victims were supported with scholastic materials including school uniforms, school bags,; This activity was planned, conducted and reported in last quarter (Q1); The balances for the activity was reallocated to suit Covid reseponse activities.; <narrative>Exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> Exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice One case involved a school going girl and a community elder who used to give her pocket money in exchange for sex. The second one involved a minor and her boyfriend who was could give her food and pocket money and in return exploit the girl sexually. There was underachievement due to breakout of COVID 19 that stopped many processes. The government directives on social distance and restricted movement of people hindered our legal officer from traveling.; 5 cases of CSEC Victims girls received legal aid; This is an ongoing activity but it didn't happen this quarter since movements outside Nairobi were restricted due to the outbreak of COVID-19. The budgetlines are being utilized we a propono Lawyer whom we only facilitate to follow up cases within Busia. 22 girls who were sexually abused received legal advice. 10 cases are currently in court 2 (children court) while 12 cases are under police investigation since the perpetrators are on the run. The 10 cases in court 4 cases have been mentioned and the accused pleaded not guilty to the offense. 6 cases are at a hearing stage. The legal officer together with Children officer requested the magistrate to deny the accused bond since they stand a chance of further exploiting the victims. Since they have a right to a bind, they were given; <narrative>Exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> Exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice 2 abused boys received legal advice/guidance from the Child Trafficking Project lawyer; 3 boys victims of CSEC received legal aid from the police and the legal officer from Child Trafficking program; This is an ongoing activity but it didnt happen this quarter since movements outside Nairobi were restricted due to the outbreak of COVID-19. The budgetlines are being utilized we a propono Lawyer whom we only facilitate to follow up cases within Busia The project provided legal services to 5 boys who were sexually exploited. The local chief and police were able to apprehend 2 perpetrators. The project supported the police to ensure the cases arraigned in court (Busia Children Court 2). There the mention where the accused pleaded not guilty. The perpetrators were taken to Korinda remand but later released on bond. The other 2 cases are still under police investigation since the perpetrators are at large. The project team is working closely with the police; <narrative>Community members (including community, religious and traditional leaders ) participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Community members (including community, religious and traditional leaders ) participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> # of community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights 8292 members participated through Project Schools while 40 members were reached through community dialogues. There was over achievement since children through the Child Rights Clubs were used in creating awareness against CSEC; This activity was planned, conducted and reported in last quarter (Q1); Activity done as planned, target achieved. The project team was engaged in 2 radio talk shows at Bulala FM. During the talk shows the project team together with the Children Officer sensitized the community on the need to protect their children against all forms of exploitations including CSEC. The community was also sensitized on where to report cases of CSEC whenever they occur and the correct procedure to follow when the abuse has happened. The local chief got the opportunity to also inform the community to report all cases of child sexual exploitation to his office, police or nyumba kumi.; <narrative>Child protection committees supported</narrative> Child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported During the quarter the Project supported Department of Children Services to conduct an Area Advisory Meeting in Matayos Sub County; This activity was reallocated to respond to floods affected Project victims; The activity was supposed to be done in May and July but it never happened as planned because the were restrictions on movement due to Covid pandemic, the partner implemented the activity in August 2020.; <narrative>Private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> Private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events This activity was not carried out due to COVID 19 and the government directives; The activity was done as planned The only utilized lines here are project staff salaries for July and August Beach management Unit and Boda boda management representatives were targeted with awareness raising information. They were also sensitized on the penalties and jail terms to perpetrators of CSEC. As a result they invited CSEC Project team in their meetings to sensitize their members SACCO in effort to prevent them from exploiting children in the community.; <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary This activity was not carried out because of COVID 19. The activity will be carried out this quarter (Q3) after the government eased up the strict measures and will also be carried out under the measures recommended by the Ministry of Health; The activity was done as planned. The project in coordination with the Department of Children Services engaged the police, Judiciary and the chiefs in a forum to discuss how cases of CSEC are reported. The chiefs were encouraged to ensure all cases of CSEC are reported to the police and not resolved at community level. The police were also advised to ensure evidence is not tampered with as the children Magistrate took them through how to handle cases of sexual exploitation. the chiefs raised the following challenges: they work so hard with the project team to ensure cases are arraigned in court; <narrative>Families adversely affected by Covid 19 interruption and floods in Busia are supported to ensure their children exposure to exploitation is minimized</narrative> Families adversely affected by Covid 19 interruption and floods in Busia are supported to ensure their children exposure to exploitation is minimized <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) 35 project families affected by floods received essential and sanitation items while 50 families adversely affected by floods received cash transfers to cushion them from the effects as well as prevent their children from falling victims of CSEC. As a result, 270 community family members were reached with provision of essential items such as face masks, jerricans for storage of clean water, blankets and sheets, rewashable sanitary towels and mosquito nets; The families were supported with blankets, bed sheets branded jerricans in June 2020; <narrative>Families affected by Floods & Covid 19 interruptions provided with income supported.</narrative> Families affected by Floods & Covid 19 interruptions provided with income supported. <narrative># of people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance) 50 project families whose livelihoods were affected by COVID received monthly cash transfers for 3 months of Ksh 2000 per month. 20 project families affected by COVID 19 and floods received a monthly cash transfer of Ksh 2000 for two months. This lowered the vulnerability of CSEC victims and other children within the households from being sexually exploited in search of basic needs. As a result we have reported 0 cases of CSEC from these specific families during the quarter because of the financial support from the project; Activity done as planned, target achieved. This is an ongoing activity 50 Project families that were adversely affected by COVID 19 by losing their livelihoods were supported with cash transfers of Ksh 2000/- for 7 months. These funds are helping the families to purchase food stuff lowering our beneficiaries from falling victims of CSEC. These families have also been supported with face masks to prevent the spread and protect our beneficiaries from COVID 19 pandemic. The families are however still in camps since their houses were destroyed. These families are asking for support in reconstructing their houses to be able to have a roof again. The project recommends the partner TdH-NL to support these families re start off their lives by supporting them with basic building materials; <narrative>Families affected by Covid-19 interruptions and Floods in Busia, supported with key WASH interventions</narrative> Families affected by Covid-19 interruptions and Floods in Busia, supported with key WASH interventions <narrative># of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance) 183 girls and women received reusable sanitary towels, each receiving 5 towels to maintain and enhance their hygiene. 35 households received msquito nets to protect young children from Malaria. Each family received 3 mosquito nets.; NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0307 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KE 2019 ‘Don’t Look Away’ awareness campaign at the Kenyan Coast</narrative> Awareness creation for SEC in general (local &amp; tourist perpetrators) combined with a call to action for the general public to Don&rsquo;t look away and report cases of SEC in travel and tourism (SECTT). Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 213584.0 0.0 Expenditure 2019 NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0308 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Inclusive and community-led prevention and response to SGBV/CP in Turkana West</narrative> Inclusive and community-led prevention and response to protection of children from SGBV in Turkana West Sub-County, Focusing on capacity strengthening of local partners in Letea and Songot. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdHNL Kenya Country Office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 445148.0 4036.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Government and non-governmental partners adopt risk-informed approaches to emergency preparedness, planning and response to humanitarian needs for child protection and HIV</narrative> Government and non-governmental partners adopt risk-informed approaches to emergency preparedness, planning and response to humanitarian needs for child protection and HIV <narrative>Percentage of UNICEF-targeted girls and boys in humanitarian situations provided with psycho social support, including access to child friendly spaces with intersectoral programming interventions</narrative> Percentage of UNICEF-targeted girls and boys in humanitarian situations provided with psycho social support, including access to child friendly spaces with intersectoral programming interventions The project familiarization community entry visit was conducted before the kick off of activities in the project target areas and to key county and national government ministries. The purpose of the visit was to help the stakeholders understand the project background, focus and strategies to be employed, identify areas of collaboration and roles for various stakeholders for effective and efficient project delivery and collectively develop a way forward on keeping project momentum for high-quality results. The SGBV/CP inception meeting held in Kakuma on 30th January 2020 reached a total of 35 (23 male, 12 Female) participants from the project target areas, sub county and county level.The inception meeting held in Kakuma on 30th January 2020 reached a total of 35 (23 male, 12 Female) participants Developmental and state actors concurred that the children benefit from the trickle down effect from services tailored for refugeeś children Refer to project inception report; In the review period, 56 (49 female, 7 male) child sexual abuse and related cases were reported within the project areas by the Community/village-based child protection structures. Of these 35 (30 female 5 male) were from Letea and 21 (19 female, 2 male) from Songot. Of these cases, 30 are under assessment by KICOBO a CBO based in the areas, 10 are under arbitration, 6 solved, and 10 referred to police in Kakuma and Lokichoggio for legal action. However, there is Political interference in 3 of the cases reported to police as the arrested perpetrators of child Pregnancies have been released with no clear direction on case resolution. Cumulatively, the cases in the two quarters reached 91(72 female, 19 male). In all these cases, the project intervention remained as indirect support through referral to relevant community structures, government, and partners within Letea and Songot.; In the review period, 94 (87 female, 7 male) child sexual violence and related cases were reported within the project areas by the Community/village-based child protection structures. Of these 35 (30 female 5 male) were from Letea and 21 (19 female, 2 male) from Songot. Of these cases, 30 are under assessment by KICOBO a CBO based in the areas, 10 are under arbitration, 6 solved, and 10 referred to police in Kakuma and Lokichoggio for legal action. Cumulatively, the project reached a total of 133 (120 female, 13 male).; <narrative>By July 2020, community-based coordination and referral mechanisms for prevention and protection of children from Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) in Turkana West Sub-County is strengthened</narrative> By July 2020, community-based coordination and referral mechanisms for prevention and protection of children from Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) in Turkana West Sub-County is strengthened <narrative># of SGBV prevention and service provision mappings for Letea and Sogot Counties finalized</narrative> # of SGBV prevention and service provision mappings for Letea and Sogot Counties finalized A consultant has been hired to conduct SGBV mapping, learning and best practices assessment/ exercise in Turkana West Sub County (Letea and Songot Wards). The inception report has been shared and in the process of review. However the plan to finalise this exercise in this quarter has been disrupted by covid 19 pandemic. The readjusted plan is to finalise all the tools (in consultation with UNICEF focal point) in readiness for the actual field work as soon as things are back to normal.; The consultant was engaged in the first quarter of 2020. However, owing to the COVID 19 related complications and travel/work restrictions and lockdown mid-March 2020, the assignment was temporarily brought to halt. Following the extension of COVID 19 related restriction end of April 2020, online/remote data collection via email, skype/phone interviews with the key informants, and regulated FGD with communities were explored. To this end, significant strides have been made and the draft report is expected on the 25th of July 2020 and the final one by the end of the same month.Reported expenditure relates to procurement of IEC materials. Under expenditure due to re-scheduling of planned activity (1.7). This will be undertaken in August 2020; A consultant to undertake the mapping was engaged in Q1 of 2020. Following the extension of COVID 19 related restriction beginning of May 2020, facial and virtual data collection approach was explored with the key informants and regulated face to face FGD with communities in the two project areas. Data collection, analysis and validation processes went on well as planned. Stakeholders attending the report launch event urged the project under the support of TdH-NL and UNICEF to consider a continuation of their intervention in the two wards to address the gaps identified in the area. Over-spend is a result of implementation of activities that had been projected in Q1 but were not undertaken due to COVID-19 pandemic and hence implemented in Q2.; <narrative># of child protection SGBV prevention and referral pathway developed</narrative> # of child protection SGBV prevention and referral pathway developed This deliverable is a product of the SGBV/CP mapping exercise currently at halt due to COVID 19 pandemic.; The actualization of this activity is primarily pegged on the completion of Mapping, learning, and best practices assessment on existing Child Sexual Abuse and Violence coordination structures and referral pathways in Songot and Letea. The final report is earmarked for the end of July 2020, thereby giving a platform for the popularization of the developed prevention and referral pathways at the sub-County and County level the subsequent month.; The project commissioned SVAC mapping research in the project areas to develop a guide for stakeholders in Child protection to create and strengthen a Child Protection Referral System to put into practice the principles of a country’s existing laws, policies, and procedures through Sub County relevant state departments. Hence a key product in addition to the SVAC mapping report was an illustrative Reporting and referral pathway; <narrative>By July 2020, the capacity of State and Non-State actors in Letea and Songot Locations on prevention, protection and support to children SGBV survivors is enhanced</narrative> By July 2020, the capacity of State and Non-State actors in Letea and Songot Locations on prevention, protection and support to children SGBV survivors is enhanced <narrative># of community-based child protection stakeholders trained on strategies for SGBV prevention and conducting outreach activities.</narrative> # of community-based child protection stakeholders trained on strategies for SGBV prevention and conducting outreach activities. Only Salaries and Inductions costs were uncured in Q4 2019( December 2019); In the review period, SGBV/CP capacity assessment spanning for ten days was conducted targeting Project communities (Letea and Songot wards), the state and non-state service providers in the locations. The assessment findings were destined to gauge the community understanding of SGBV/CP and associated risks and vulnerabilities, assess the capacity of stakeholders at the community level/grassroots in identification and mitigation of risks, prevention and response to SGBV. The assessment reached 100 (58 male, 42 Female) respondents, 6 FGDs- three from each ward with 24 Key informants. The sample was inclusive of personś living with disabilities and the youth leaders and Women representatives. Focus group discussions (FGDs), structured andunstructured face-to-face key informant interviews were conducted.Refer to capacity assessment report.; The project trained 75 (43 male, 32 female) ToT and facilitated the establishment of 12 local (village)based committees with ToR spelling out their roles, responsibilities, and expectations on explicit guidance on prevention, identification, and reporting SGBV/child abuse incidents identified in the project areas. The training drive addressed rife knowledge gaps in the institutional and legal frameworks of addressing sexual violence for boys and girls, the protection needs of the child survivors and caregivers, and the clinical management of child survivors, as well as popularising the incidents reporting procedures.Over expenditure due to procurement of laptops and expenditure related toTOT training that was undertaken in Q2 both of which had been planned in Q1.; The training reached out to 75 (43 male, 32 female) ToTs. The sessions adopted a participatory and interactive approach, and drew on participants' experiences with SVAC prevention, detection and response . The training bore the establishment of 12local (village)based committees with ToR spelling out their roles, responsibilities, and expectations on explicit guidance on prevention, identification, and reporting SVAC incidents identified in the project areas. Over-expenditure due to implementation of SBCC consultancy and training in Q3 though budgeted for in Q1 and August project staff salaries following the one month extension.; <narrative># of child protection partners trained on the use of contextualized SGBV reporting and referral pathway</narrative> # of child protection partners trained on the use of contextualized SGBV reporting and referral pathway Following the completion of capacity assessment, The project staff plan to meet the training needs of 75 trainers of trainers (ToTs) ( 40 from Letea ward and 35 from Songot ward) who will be trained, mentored and coached by staff through ongoing monitoring and elaborate mentorship program for 4 months. Mobilization of the 75 ToT was kicked off (40 participants from Letea and 35 from Songot) This happened before the government directive of banning social gatherings due to COVID 19. The information regarding the ban and postponement of the training was communicated to the participants and the training will be held once the ban is lifted.; Completion of Mapping, learning, and best practices assessment on existing Child Sexual Abuse and Violence coordination structures and referral pathways in Songot and Letea is yet to be concluded by the end of July 2020. Once this is accomplished, the training for child protection partners on the use of contextualized SGBV reporting and referral pathways will be actualized which will offer an explicit headway to responsive action to child sexual abuse incidences in the project areas.; Prior to the training, SVAC mapping and SBCC assessment to establish underlying negative social norms was conducted as a buildup to inform the training content.The training brought together 75 participants drawn from the entire Letea and Songot wards in Turkana West. The workshop presented a great opportunity for the participants to have a common understanding of reporting and referral pathway and basic concepts related behaviour change communication with regard to issues related to SVAC in a two days workshop.; NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0332 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KE 2020 GAA: Equal Rights and opportunities for Girls and Young Women</narrative> In 2020, the GAA project&nbsp; will build up on the previous achievements to speed up change at policy and practice level of all actors, whilst ensuring sustainability.&nbsp; The project aims at ending gender based violence and ensuring economic empowered of AGYW. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands COVAW Coalition on Violence Against Women Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 581814.0 <narrative>Community dialogues held to foster social and behaviour change by facilitating community-led and youth-led advocacy.</narrative> Community dialogues held to foster social and behaviour change by facilitating community-led and youth-led advocacy. <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders Underachievement is on output level is due to rescheduling and postponing of Activity 1.1.5 and other activities that were affected by Covid19. The program held 21 learning and exchange session in order to progress simultaneously with all the 21 villages to be able to meet the objectives of exchange visits; Reallocation approvals were done late in Q2 thus delayed in implementation of some of the planned activities ( 1.1.11). This has since been adjusted and implementation fast tracked in July. CA meeting ( Activity 1.1.7) was held to cover to the delay in media activity approvals at program and donor levels. The meeting reached to 29 participants out of expected 30. FGD will be implemented in July Week 4. Salaries continued to be a running cost irrespective of activity implementation. T; The closeout meetings were not implemented during the reporting period and have been scheduled for the last week of October and also a balance of funds towards salary costs.; <narrative>4200 community members in 21 villages reached with awareness raising messages through the film</narrative> 4200 community members in 21 villages reached with awareness raising messages through the film <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions Postponement of activity 1.2.1 resulted to under performance on this output; Activity 1.2.3 was conducted in June, reaching 306 youth advocates. There was a delay in review and approval of the media concept notes to facilitate implementation of activity 1.2.4, causing a delay in implementation.the activity has been spread within Q3 and measures have been put in place to accelerate the media activities. The implemented 1.2.4 activity was a no-budget activity an only staff airtime was facilitated, with follow up ongoing in July. Process for Production of IEC materials commenced in late June. To be completed in July. 1817 Euros went to salaries and 88 Euros were for the phone interviews; A series 5 of radio shows held within the Quarter each reaching 2000 listeners increased the number at output.; <narrative>Public campaigns conducted during the commemoration of International Day’s e.g. International Women's Day (Youth-led campaign launch through a feature film and radio drama series), Day of the African Child, World Day against Trafficking in Persons and the World Youth Day</narrative> Public campaigns conducted during the commemoration of International Day’s e.g. International Women's Day (Youth-led campaign launch through a feature film and radio drama series), Day of the African Child, World Day against Trafficking in Persons and the World Youth Day <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level Ontrack, however, the development of the IEC is still ongoing, affecting the procurement process and expenditure for the activity. This is to be completed in Q2; Achieved. Held the Day of the African child Celebrations through engagement of beneficiaries and community champions through radio and social media platforms. The production of IEC materials cost will reflect in in Qtr. 3. This has resulted to under achievement on finance. Act. 1 3.4 DAC was conducted virtually reducing the cost; Implementation is on track. Activity 1.3.2 has commenced and will be finalised in October.There is an overspend of 14% on activity 1.3.6; <narrative>CSO networks´ coordination meetings held both at county and national levels.</narrative> CSO networks´ coordination meetings held both at county and national levels. <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners The over achievement of as a result of bringing forward activity 2.1.1 which was planned for Q 2. this was to make up for activity 1.2.1; 12 out of the target 15 CSO were reached in Qtr 2, May at County level during 1 virtual meeting that was held, with a focus on child protection during COVID-19 pandemic. This activity is considered complete. No costs were incurred for the virtual meeting. The initial funds were reallocated to FGD with girl advocates to be held in Qtr 3 in July and August. The Euro 7 only captures activity 2.1.3 costs whereas the output has staff costs; Theres an outstanding payment for activity 2.1.2 to reflect in October.; <narrative>6 dialogues held for CSOs through the existing networks in support of lobby asks targeting the government. The CSO networks will drive the lobby initiatives to ensure sustainability of the efforts beyond 2020.</narrative> 6 dialogues held for CSOs through the existing networks in support of lobby asks targeting the government. The CSO networks will drive the lobby initiatives to ensure sustainability of the efforts beyond 2020. <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs Output performance on course.; The activities 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 planned for Q2 were not implemented due to COVID pandemic prevention directives, and a meeting with the targeted participants was not foreseeable as these required government officers whose focus was on containing the outbreak. However these have been planned for Q3 (July and August). The cost has been towards staff costs.; Activities 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 will be implemented in October following reallocation of funds to facilitate their implementation. The budget for this output should be Euro 6211 after the reallocation. The figure of Euro 609 is erroneous.; <narrative>5 CSOs trained in lobby and advocacy: networking, resource mobilisation and youth inclusiveness.</narrative> 5 CSOs trained in lobby and advocacy: networking, resource mobilisation and youth inclusiveness. <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices Output perfomance on course. Howvwer activity 2.3.3 was not carried out due to cancellation by the organisers due to COVID 19, instead activity 2.3.2 was implemented; Activity 2.3.4: 2 virtual staff meetings and 1 virtual board meeting were held in April and May, however, project M&E visits were not conducted. Since the onset of the pandemic, the prevention measures put in place restricted travel and physical field visits. The capacity development activity was rescheduled for implementation in August week 1. IEC procurement is ongoing, M&E activities and recruitment of a staff was affected by COVID prevention restrictions. COVAW is observing the COVID situation to determine possible monitoring activities in Q3.; Training consultant payments will be completed in October. The program M&E activities are ongoing. The training s also incorporated Government officers from youth, gender and DCS.; <narrative>Two trainings conducted for the private sector reps, and further support the local transport to finalize on their code of conduct.</narrative> Two trainings conducted for the private sector reps, and further support the local transport to finalize on their code of conduct. <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives Activity 3.1.1, 3.1.2 were brought forward to make up for activity 1.2.1 which was pushed to April due to delays in the Launch of GAA film; Completed in Q1 Remaining costs are towards staff salaries; Activity implementation on track. The activities were completed between quarter 1 and 2.; <narrative>23 dialogues held with representativies of the private sector to address GBV and EE.</narrative> 23 dialogues held with representativies of the private sector to address GBV and EE. <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives The activities under this output are tied to the community filming activities which are TdH-NL led. The under spend on targets is due to the reallocation of funds to activities tied to the media campaign while 3.2.2 is a no budget activity Has been planned for Q3; implementation is on track, however activity 3.2.3 was affected by the reallocation of its funds to the pre recorded discussions with the private sector for radio airing. The Activity could not be held in September pending a second reallocation, and was implemented in the first week of October following fund reallocation.; <narrative>County and national govts engaged to provide inputs on 4 relevant policies (the County SGBV Bill, Gender responsive budget year 2020/2021, NPA on CTiP 2018-2022 and NPA against SEC 2018-2022)</narrative> County and national govts engaged to provide inputs on 4 relevant policies (the County SGBV Bill, Gender responsive budget year 2020/2021, NPA on CTiP 2018-2022 and NPA against SEC 2018-2022) <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government The targeted participant are government officers. Due to COVID 19, there was a shift of focus to contain the pandemic. Under achievement and under spending due to rescheduling of activities 4.1.3 and 4.1.4 for implementation in July and August.; Activity implementation on track. payments for activity 4.1.5, 4.1.2 and 4.13 will reflect in October. The article was published on 11th October.; <narrative>37 govt officials sensitised on the need to enact the county SGBV Bill, and Capacity Building Workshop on Voluntary National Review and High-level Political Forum Engagement. It is expected that the county officials will enact the SGBV Bill into law for implementation, and that the National level government officals will develop a roadmap to VNR Engagement, and roadmap of influencing the HLPF process in preparation for Kenyaś VNR report in 2020 and the HLPF in June/July 2020.</narrative> 37 govt officials sensitised on the need to enact the county SGBV Bill, and Capacity Building Workshop on Voluntary National Review and High-level Political Forum Engagement. It is expected that the county officials will enact the SGBV Bill into law for implementation, and that the National level government officals will develop a roadmap to VNR Engagement, and roadmap of influencing the HLPF process in preparation for Kenyaś VNR report in 2020 and the HLPF in June/July 2020. <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised Under achievement due to cancellation of activity 4.2.2 as a result of government directives to fight COVID19; Activity implementation planned for quarter 3 following rescheduling and full reallocation of activities to media campaign activities. Under-spend is because activities are scheduled in Q3; implementation on track. However, following a reallocation of funds in September, activity 4.2.2 was implemented in October week 1.; <narrative>A media campaign on GBV and EE run through the participation of girl advocates targeting duty bearers and decision makers in Kwale county.</narrative> A media campaign on GBV and EE run through the participation of girl advocates targeting duty bearers and decision makers in Kwale county. <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers The media campaign will be implemented in July week 4 and will be reported in Qtr 3.; Activity implemented with 21 youth advocates participating in the message development workshop; NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0340 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KE 2020 Youth-led campaign through a Feature Film & Radio drama series in Kwale County.</narrative> The project will build onto the ongoing youth-led advocacy campaign; linked&nbsp; to community activities and advocacy efforts ( to be implemented by COVAW) targeting policy makers and duty bearers. Main objective: Official launch of the campaign through a feature film and radio drama series in Kwale County. (Phase 2 of the Youth-Led Advocacy for social action and behaviour change in addressing Gender Based Violence and Economic Exclusion of Girls and Young Women in Kenya &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdHNL Kenya Country Office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 70164.0 <narrative>Conduct public awareness by launching the campaign through a feature film and radio drama series during the commemoration of International Women's Day in March 2020. Onced launched, COVAW will disseminate the feature film by screening in the 21 villages under activity 1.2.1 Support community and champion led advocacy (film screening), and their participation in the County level budgeting.</narrative> Conduct public awareness by launching the campaign through a feature film and radio drama series during the commemoration of International Women's Day in March 2020. Onced launched, COVAW will disseminate the feature film by screening in the 21 villages under activity 1.2.1 Support community and champion led advocacy (film screening), and their participation in the County level budgeting. <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions Launch had been scheduled for 2nd week of March 2020. However, due to the need for additional time to finalise on the film (Verbatim translation and review of English subtitles) the date was changed to 4th week/26th March. The activity was not implemented due to the COVID-19 situation. TOR for hiring a consultant for the assignment is ready.; As a result of challenges experienced due to COVID-19, the activity was rescheduled to Q2/3 2020. The Consultancy ToR was advertised in April but no application was received. Potential consultants declined to submit EOI citing the unpredictable situation arising from the pandemic and government guidelines. TOr was revised and shared with prospective candidates in the month of June 2020. Only 2 applications were received. These have been reviewed and analysed. Contracting process in progress. Campaign expected to be launched by 5th September 2020/ as per the TOR. GAA Film classification certificate from the Kenya Film Classification Board was received; classified as PG.; The film premiered on KTN Home on 5th September. The film was screened three times on TV, and reached a television viewership of 893,989 people on the Launch Day, and 228,253 during the re-run, and a digital reach of; 23.9K on Facebook, 16.6K on Twitter and over 532 engagements on Instagram owing to KTN’s popularity. Through the GAA and TdH-NL Social media pages – the campaign reach was; 51.8K on Twitter, and 105.5K on Facebook. 50,000 SMS containing YouTube link were sent via a custom SMS Sender ID targeting Kwale audience. 70 T-shirts and 30 lesos produced and distributed to the GAA affiliated champions in Kwale. 1,000 branded DVDs loaded with the film were developed and delivered to COVAW for further dissemination. Final payment to the consultant will be reported Q4; <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs (NEW)</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs (NEW) <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0347 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Improving reporting and response of CSEC cases during COVID-19 through the national Child Helpline -116</narrative> The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) pandemic is exacting a huge toll on children, families, communities, and societies across the world, thus TdH-NL will support the costs of engaging (5) counselors to increase the human resource capacity of the Helpline 116 Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ChildLine Kenya Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 <narrative>Improved reporting and response of CSEC cases during COVID-19 through the national Child Helpline -116</narrative> Improved reporting and response of CSEC cases during COVID-19 through the national Child Helpline -116 <narrative># of cases of OCSE/CSEC reported through the helpline during covid 19 period</narrative> # of cases of OCSE/CSEC reported through the helpline during covid 19 period <narrative>Children Immediately safeguarded (provided counselling, rescue and referrals)</narrative> Children Immediately safeguarded (provided counselling, rescue and referrals) <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded A total of 3,751 boys were safeguarded. Out of the total; 2,494 boys went through counselling issues like abuse(Physical, Neglect and Abandonment), reproductive health, et cetera. 1,257 were referred to the Children office, Chief’s office, Kenya Police, Court, and CSO's like red cross and MSF for support. Childline’s case management team is following up these cases with the different service providers and the clients to ensure delivery of quality service. No children were rescued during this period. The target was not reached because the contract with the donor was signed late. However, plans have been made to meet the target in the subsequent months. There is an under expenditure because project staff salary for the month of July was not paid due to delay in signing of the contract; <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded A total of 4195 girls were safeguarded during the reporting period. Out of the total reached, 2567 girls went through counselling on various child protection issues like abuse(Sexual abuse, child marriage, physical abuse), child-parent relationship, boy-girl relationships, reproductive health among others. 1,628 were referred for other services to children offices, Kenya police, Hospitals, chief’s office and other partners for support. All the cases are being followed up by Childline’s case management team. No children were rescued during this period. The target was not reached because the contract with the donor was signed late. However, plans have been made to meet the target in the subsequent months. There is an under expenditure which was brought by delay in signing of the contract.; <narrative>" Community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities - Using media (social media, radio, TV) to target parents and caregivers "</narrative> " Community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities - Using media (social media, radio, TV) to target parents and caregivers " <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities The Covid- 19 awareness messages were shared through Childline’s social media pages i.e. Facebook and Twitter where 1371 people were reached. The target was not met because, peer educators delayed in giving feedback on the messages before they could be used. Since more children will be engaged in October 2020, they will be able to interact with the awareness messages and provide feedback. To meet the target, daily posting of the messages on social media and frequent boosting will be done. The messages will also be shared through TV and Radio stations. The funds allocated to this activity were never used because only few messages had been shared. With the frequent boosting of the social media messages and airing via mass media in the coming month the budget will be utilized.; NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0348 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Tackling Online Child Sexual Exploitation</narrative> The project seeks to create a protective environment that prevents children from being exploited online. This will be achieved by influencing the development of Standard Operating Procedures for the identified private sector partners and lobbying the Ministry of Education to institutionalize the OCSE approved curriculum into the education system to mainstream prevention of OCSE through education. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ChildLine Kenya Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 205027.0 <narrative>Children, families and communities in Nairobi, Kisumu and Mombasa are empowered to prevent and respond to child online sexual exploitation by December 2020.</narrative> Children, families and communities in Nairobi, Kisumu and Mombasa are empowered to prevent and respond to child online sexual exploitation by December 2020. <narrative># of children, families and communities preventing and responding to OCSE</narrative> # of children, families and communities preventing and responding to OCSE <narrative>Girls immediately safeguarded (Childline) - Services will be offered to the girls by the project through counselling, rescue, refrerrals as well as access to legal advice when need arises.</narrative> Girls immediately safeguarded (Childline) - Services will be offered to the girls by the project through counselling, rescue, refrerrals as well as access to legal advice when need arises. <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded During the quarter, a total of 7 girls were identified and supported through counseling. Six (6) were cases of online grooming and 1 was a case of distribution of child abuse materials online (CSAM). There were no children rescued during the reporting period. However, of the 7 girls identified, 4 were referred to the children’s office who are working closely with CPU for investigation two (2) of these cases are in court (Mariakani Law court and Tononoka children's court). The mention of these cases took place in the above mentioned courts. This activity is not on track because of the delay in the start of the project. There were no follow up cases and late implementation of activities caused under expenditure; <narrative>Boys immediately safeguarded (Childline) - Particular efforts will be made to increase the number of boys identified, safeguarded and involved in the project by exploring gender dynamics that hinder boys from reporting cases of OCSE .</narrative> Boys immediately safeguarded (Childline) - Particular efforts will be made to increase the number of boys identified, safeguarded and involved in the project by exploring gender dynamics that hinder boys from reporting cases of OCSE . <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded During the reporting period, Childline identified and safeguarded 2 boys whose cases were of online grooming. the 2 cases identified were referred to DCS and AHT-CPU for investigations and prosecution. This activity is not on track because of the delay in the start of the project. With more community engagement in the month of October, we expect the number of victims to rise. The training was done online less funds were spent causing under expenditure.; <narrative>Vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions - gender specific forums will be held by peer educators and supported by co-facilitators</narrative> Vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions - gender specific forums will be held by peer educators and supported by co-facilitators <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions During the quarter a total of 69 children participated in gender specific forums in Nairobi, Kisumu and Mombasa. Of the 69, Forty-eight (48) were Female and twenty-one (21) were male. This activity is not on track because the project started late hence eating into the implementation time. These numbers are expected to be achieved in the month of October. Due to late implementation the expenses will reflect in the next reporting period.; <narrative>Child protection committees supported - County and Sub County AAC will be trained on case management of OCSE cases, monthly case conferencing and PAC meetings to be held to discuss status of reported OCSE cases.</narrative> Child protection committees supported - County and Sub County AAC will be trained on case management of OCSE cases, monthly case conferencing and PAC meetings to be held to discuss status of reported OCSE cases. <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported The output target was not achieved due to the delay in the start of the project affecting timely implemetation of the AAC trainings in the Counties. Only Mombasa County training was held, Kisumu and Nairobi are planned for Q4. This delay also affected the case conferencing meetings. These 2 activities are scheduled to take place in Q4. Only in one county implementation was done causing the under expenditure. The expenses will reflect in the next quarter; <narrative>Community members with vulnerable children participated in awareness raising activities (CLK) - This includes Mass media, dialogue forums and sensitization of teachers on OCSE curriculum)</narrative> Community members with vulnerable children participated in awareness raising activities (CLK) - This includes Mass media, dialogue forums and sensitization of teachers on OCSE curriculum) <narrative># of community members with vulnerable children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with vulnerable children participated in awareness raising activities 61 participants participated in the dialogue forums between community groups and community resource person. However, media engagement and sensitization of teachers on the approved curriculum did not happen. Reasons for this are elaborated in the activity section below.; <narrative>Families of exploited/abused children counselled - involves providing psychosocial support to parents of child survivors of OCSE</narrative> Families of exploited/abused children counselled - involves providing psychosocial support to parents of child survivors of OCSE <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled Six (6) caregivers were supported through counseling and psychosocial support. Four (4) of them were female while two (2) were male. This was not budgeted for hence discussions are ongoing regard to the activity; <narrative>Private sector actors adopt a SOP to act as a code of conduct for their staff with regards to child exploitation and abuse.</narrative> Private sector actors adopt a SOP to act as a code of conduct for their staff with regards to child exploitation and abuse. <narrative># of SOPs developed</narrative> # of SOPs developed <narrative>Private sector participated in decision making events -to discuss code of conduct within their premises that protect children and influence private sector to develop advocacy plans (SOP) for the sector (TdH - NL)</narrative> Private sector participated in decision making events -to discuss code of conduct within their premises that protect children and influence private sector to develop advocacy plans (SOP) for the sector (TdH - NL) <narrative># of companies attending SOP-development meetings</narrative> # of companies attending SOP-development meetings This output was not achieved. This is as a result of the delay in the finalization of the NPA. Once the county NPA consultations are concluded, ISPs will be taken through the developed NPA on COP to enable them come up with Standard Operating procedures that ensure the safety of children whenever they use their platforms This was not implemented hence the expenses will reflect in the next period.; <narrative>Government enters into a dialogue with CSOs about child rights and child online protection.</narrative> Government enters into a dialogue with CSOs about child rights and child online protection. <narrative># of NGOs/CSOs present at NPA coordination meetings (working with each other and the government to finalize + disseminate the NPA against OCSE)</narrative> # of NGOs/CSOs present at NPA coordination meetings (working with each other and the government to finalize + disseminate the NPA against OCSE) <narrative>Targeted NGOs/CSOs attend network meeting with government for the promotion of child rights</narrative> Targeted NGOs/CSOs attend network meeting with government for the promotion of child rights <narrative># of NPA coordination meetings organized by TdH, attended by NGOs and the government</narrative> # of NPA coordination meetings organized by TdH, attended by NGOs and the government This meeting was not held during the quarter. One of the agenda that was to be discussed is the status of the NPA on child online protection. Since the county consultation meetings did not happen then this activity was also affect. Expenses will be reported in the next quarter.; <narrative>Government (MoE) adopts the KICD approved OCSE training curriculum and institutionalize in the Kenyan education system</narrative> Government (MoE) adopts the KICD approved OCSE training curriculum and institutionalize in the Kenyan education system <narrative># of number of documents/ agreements from the government indicating that the KICD-approved OCSE curriculum is/will be instiutionalized across the Kenyan education system</narrative> # of number of documents/ agreements from the government indicating that the KICD-approved OCSE curriculum is/will be instiutionalized across the Kenyan education system <narrative>Advocacy engagements to influence government and the Ministy of Education (MoE) to adopt and institutionalize the KICD OCSE approved curriculum into the Kenyan basic Education system</narrative> Advocacy engagements to influence government and the Ministy of Education (MoE) to adopt and institutionalize the KICD OCSE approved curriculum into the Kenyan basic Education system <narrative># of lobbying meetings with government/MoE official towards adoption of OCSE curriculum</narrative> # of lobbying meetings with government/MoE official towards adoption of OCSE curriculum These meetings are planned for Q4 hence no expenses incurred. Explanations are given per activity below; NL-KVK-41149287-KECE0367 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>CSEC Training and employment for children and youth at risk of sexual exploitation</narrative> This is a project under the CSEC theme. it will be implemented for 16months and the main activities include, training, employment, and community dialogues meetings to promoted boys and meant involvement to prevent CSEC. It targets 150 youth girls and boys who will be trained on employability skills, life skills, and SRH. to enable them to gain employment. There will also be the provision of seed capital to the beneficiaries for the identified IGAs.&nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands KNOTE- Kenya National Outreach, Counselling and Training Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 <narrative>Learning and vocational institutions identified</narrative> Learning and vocational institutions identified <narrative># of institutions identified</narrative> # of institutions identified <narrative>150 girls, boys and youth have participated in life skills, and job skills trainings</narrative> 150 girls, boys and youth have participated in life skills, and job skills trainings <narrative># of girls, boys and youth trained in life and job skills</narrative> # of girls, boys and youth trained in life and job skills <narrative>150 Girls, boys and youth are placed in apprenticeship, mentorships and formal training environments</narrative> 150 Girls, boys and youth are placed in apprenticeship, mentorships and formal training environments <narrative># of girls, boys and youth in apprenticeship and on the job training environment</narrative> # of girls, boys and youth in apprenticeship and on the job training environment <narrative>150 Girls, boys and youth receiving start kits</narrative> 150 Girls, boys and youth receiving start kits <narrative># of girls, boys and youth receiving start up kits #/% of girls, boys and youth engaged in income generation</narrative> # of girls, boys and youth receiving start up kits #/% of girls, boys and youth engaged in income generation <narrative>100 Boys and men participated in /community dialogues that promote gender equality and positive social change</narrative> 100 Boys and men participated in /community dialogues that promote gender equality and positive social change <narrative>#/% of males engaging in participating in community dialogues promoting gender and positive social change</narrative> #/% of males engaging in participating in community dialogues promoting gender and positive social change <narrative>(150) girls, boys and youth attending Reproductive health sessions</narrative> (150) girls, boys and youth attending Reproductive health sessions <narrative># of girls, boys and youth receiving RH information and services through sessions and referrals</narrative> # of girls, boys and youth receiving RH information and services through sessions and referrals <narrative>Parenting skills workshops conducted for 100 Parents/caregivers</narrative> Parenting skills workshops conducted for 100 Parents/caregivers <narrative># of parents trained in parenting skills</narrative> # of parents trained in parenting skills NL-KVK-41149287-KECT0048 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KE: Building Foundations for Child Traffick Free Zones in Urban and Rural Keny</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN -ET Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 334036.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2016 156604.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> Trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-KECT0194 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Building the Foundations for Child Trafficking Free Zones in Urban/ Rural Kenya</narrative> Persons are trafficked from Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea to Kenya using Mandera, Moyale to Nairob. This project,&nbsp;will be implemented in Busia, Mandera, Nairobi and Marsabit Counties: Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ANPPCAN - RO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 712726.0 159652.0 Expenditure 2018 234532.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> Targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners During the CTM Quarterly 1 review and work planning meeting at St.Pauls Moyale on 21st to 22nd January 2020, the Team was joined by two invited organizations that are in working with families to suppress cases of child abuse, school truancy and any exploitation by bridging the poverty factor gap that is rampant. The organization have been taken through child safeguarding policies and signed to work on the same .the organizations are; Northern Women Development Aid (WONDA), Marsabit and Canadian Organization for Development through Education, Marsabit; During this reporting period, CTM program held a Virtual Quarterly review and work planning meeting on 16th April 2020.CTM team comprised of Program and Finance staff from ANPPCAN, MACT Nairobi and Busia, NCRH, DCS Moyale and Busia and SND Moyale and apologies from TdH was shared. The meeting focused on; • Review of the Q1 performances, Challenges and success, • Intervention on CTM on COVID-19 and its effects • Analyze previously set goals and set new ones. • Examine emerging trends. • Highlight Successes and challenges in previous quarters through reviews of previous work plans and targets • Legal aid report. • Financial report. It was noted that, there is a spike of cases of girls who are at risk of being exploited and that the team needs to work with all actors in the community in ensuring the response and preventive measures are activated at all times. •The effects of COVID-19 had grounded the planned activities including community and school based activities and the team was advised to support the beneficiaries and offer support that is needed including information on Corona, The shelter houses in Nairobi and Busia, were advised to put enforce child safeguarding policies and safe house protocols to avoid infections in the facilities. The team were advised to work with the community team to assess the level of need that the program can support. The team was informed, that TdH-NL was in receipt of the proposal made in response to COVID-19 in cushioning the beneficiaries of the program with some tokenism of Cash transfer for the period of 3 moths (APRIL –June) and support the stuff and the families with face masks and Sanitizers as well. Safe houses and rescues were put on hold but emergency cases will be analyzed and supported based on the MOH regulation. It was noted that, the Program now can engage the media in a continuous awareness creation on Trafficking Most cases in court are not scheduled, since the courts are on partial lockdown and the backlog of cases is the order of the day, the counsel for the CTM program will continue following up matters that are due for mention be it virtually or watching brief of getting information of the cases .Social workers and Counselors were informed to continuous provide psychosocial support to the Children the shelters. And ensure follow ups virtually and physical within the Distancing guidelines. Where necessary, the program will work with the law enforcement agencies to seek justice and protection at all times to the needy cases and work with DCS to ensure welfare of children is enforced. During the reporting period,13 CBOs,6 in Busia,3 in Moyale 4 Nairobi participated in Covid awareness sessions with specific Messages in how to have preventive mechanisms ,; Both Quarterly planning and Support the Movement Against Child Trafficking to hold feedback meetings was done but in Q1 and Q2, the activities had been planned but never took place, the balances were utilized in Q3. Q3.saw Monitoring visits to Marsabit, Busia, and Nairobi, The visits strengthens the alliances of the program for better results.4 organizations working with MACT (3 In Nairobi One in Busia )were inducted on Child protection policies and standards .They also participated on Community feedback meetings in Busia and Nairobi .in Busia a total of 30(19M,11F) .Nairobi (12F,18M)participants Drawn from DCs,Chiefs,village elders, Community opinion leaders and children ,participated in the activity .Among the issues discussed are, Children be more; <narrative>Families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> Families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities The activity was planned to happen but suspended because of COVID -19.planned to be implemented post COVID-19 Q3; The Activity was planned amidst COVID-19 restrictions but the Curfew enforced affected its commencement and the activity was pushed to July 2nd week.; The support to families with IGA funds was supposed to be done in March and May and the entrepreneurship training was supposed to be done in February and April were not implemented due to Covid 19 pandemic, all the funds were utilized this quarter. 34 families were trained on Entrepreneurship during the reporting period .The beneficiaries are parents or care givers of the VOTs as identified, They were later given seed capital for starting of their business or agri-business ,this was conducted with professional and Business plan was developed by each beneficiaries' to qualify for seed capital. The beneficiaries are as follows;15(4M-11F) families in Nairobi,6 (2M-4F)Families in Busia and 13 Families in Marsabit (3M-F10); <narrative>Community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders ) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners</narrative> Community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders ) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners <narrative># of community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> # of community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights Community leaders and MACT leaders together with Community volunteers in CTM have been facilitated to coordinate and work with their team’s in order to ensure CTM Cases from the community are well managed and supported. They have handled 48 cases this quarter. 14 VOTs (2 BOYS 12 GIRLS) 44 ARTs (20 BOYS 24GIRLS); Community resource person were facilitated for the Quarter to support community coordination of cases in Moyale and Mandera. Community leaders and MACT leaders together with Community volunteers in CTM have been facilitated to coordinate and work with their team’s in order to ensure CTM Cases from the community are well managed and supported. They have handled 39 cases this quarter. 7VOTs (1 BOYS 6 GIRLS) 22 ARTs ( 6 BOYS 16 GIRLS); Sign posts which supposed to be produced in April, May and June were never done due to Covid pandemic, the funds were utilized this quarter. Part of the funds on soccer was reallocated to support COVID-19 response. MACT Leaders during the reporting period, supported and facilitated and coordinated continuous community awareness initiatives tat led to referrals and intervention of 34 cases from the community while working with Community volunteers and the Chiefs .; <narrative>Effective referral systems established</narrative> Effective referral systems established <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established This activity was reallocated to support CTM beneficiaries with Cash transfer and Non Food items during Covid-19 Pandemic.; The case conferencing which was supposed to be done in May Never happened hence the funds were utilized in this quarter. The activity was done as planned and target achieved; <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members Community leaders and MACT leaders together with Community volunteers in CTM have been facilitated to coordinate and work with their team’s in order to ensure CTM Cases from the community are well managed and supported. They have handled 48 cases this quarter. 14 VOTs (2 BOYS 12 GIRLS) 44 ARTs (20 BOYS 24GIRLS); Community resource person were facilitated for the Quarter to support community coordination of cases in Moyale and Mandera. In Busia and Nairobi Community volunteers were also supported to support cases coordination and act as a rink with the community in Identification of CT cases and support the linkage /referrals of the cases to the authority four action. linkages with Government agencies across the Project sites has been effective and the agencies within Government also participated in safeguarding the cases already pursued by the program; The activity was done as planned and target achieved. Community project volunteers supported 12 cases 6 in Nairobi and 5 In Busia. They were very instrumental in follow up during the COVID-19 pandemic with follow up in the community to access the situation of the Cash transfers of the VOTs care givers of the program. The project supported and facilitated the community child protection volunteers to help in assessing cases of VOTs in the community and connect them with service providers for intervention our action.; <narrative>lobby and advocacy documents presented to government (1) Output Dropped - Post Covid-19 (Review and Approval of NAP document yet to be done)</narrative> lobby and advocacy documents presented to government (1) Output Dropped - Post Covid-19 (Review and Approval of NAP document yet to be done) <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government The NPA document is still at the draft level, the input from the counties and other key stakeholders were to be edited ,nationally validated and then launched, that process was projected in Q1 and Finally in Q2,it dint happen, the Governmental process has hindered the success and the achievement of it because of the bureaucracies involved. Due to COVID-19, the prospect of having the document soonest as envisaged, is something that cannot be predicted. The proposal is that, we reallocate this funds to support the project beneficiaries during this global pandemic (COVID-19) period.; <narrative>advocacy plans developed towards private sector (2)</narrative> advocacy plans developed towards private sector (2) <narrative># of advocacy plans developed to influence private sector</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed to influence private sector <narrative>private sector decision makers participated in events  (70)</narrative> private sector decision makers participated in events  (70) <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events During the Q1 reporting period, various media houses within the county of Marsabit held a meeting on how best to support the fight against Child trafficking and support objective reporting. They shared some of cultural acts that provide for child trafficking. These are adoption as well as fostering of children without following due process. The media houses participated in enhancement of child trafficking include SIFA FM, Kenya news agency (KNA), Radio Jangwani, NTV, IBSE FM, Star FM and Milele FM. And each media station sent 1 representative and all were Male. Some of the Success stories is that, media is picking up cases of child exploitation as part of the segments in the bulleting Programmes, thus increasing the awareness reach. IBSE for example took the initiative to have a morning discussion on in the Somali and Borana vernacular that attracted viewership of 3000 views and likes. The media house already started educating the masses on the effects of child exploitation. The challenge they face is unwilling community to accept to collaborate in giving the leads of the suspected cases being investigated for purposes of highlighting them for awareness purposes. This is attributed by way of life (Culture) of the communities in the region which safeguards family matters (Secrecy); Media breakfast and training planned was affected by COVID -19 rescheduled to take place in August 2020.However Media houses in Busia, Moyale and Nairobi were engaged on the question of COVID-19 and CT and CP in general; The activity was to take place in March but never happened because of Covid 19 outbreak, the funds were utilized this quarter. 34 media journalistand editors were reached with a view to broaden the partnership with media in creating awrenss,7 (all men)media journalist were taken through on the role of media in advancing the awareness of anti-child trafficking campaigns in Marsabit . 23 media(10M 13F)were rearched virtually .the meeting with media on the role of media in advocating against child exploitation, Child trafficking and using media as a tool of advocacy .it emerged that ,many editors have not given children matters the sensitivity it requires and the spaces it requires in both print and electronic media. Focus shifting in engaging media in the community; <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary (60 meetings)</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary (60 meetings) <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary 5 meetings (2 Meetings in Malaba and 2 in Teso South Sub counties held on 18th and 19th of February) and County meeting held at Busia’s Itoya Hotel on 20th Feb 2020. ANPPCAN regional Office with support from TDH Netherlands supported the law Enforcement meetings .The main objective of convening the meetings was to analyzing the emerging issues in the prosecution handling of child trafficking cases in Busia County. In attendance was various departments involved in prosecution and law enforcers of Child trafficking cases including the Judiciary, Office of the directorate of Public prosecutions, National, Police services Probation Department, Department of Children services, County government officials, Sub County Commissioner. Total Reach was 43 :( Female15 and male 28) Analysis of the issues raised /Gaps in prosecution of child trafficking cases • Children, especially those in need of protection and care are usually brought to court from police stations without the presence of children officers. However, the Children department said that court issues are usually a very small fraction of the work of Children Officers and therefore; it is impossible for them to be available in court every time unlike probation officers whose work revolves around the court. However, the situation can be reduced if OCS of various stations inform the respective children officers before the cases are brought to court. The law enforcers in the justice system were urged to always observe the cardinal rule of the best interest of the child. • On children cases especially child trafficking, some family members liaise with accused persons to hide the children victims/witnesses across the border in Uganda in attempt to defeat justice after being compromised. Members suggested that children cases be expeditiously handled by possibly taking the evidence of the minors on the date of plea to avoid interference; The project continuously facilitates 2 police who are Goodwill ambassador to the project in order to help with advice for prosecution of perpetrators, The officers working with directorate of Public prosecution and Court officers have supported the 2 cases 2 boys and 2 girls in the quarter. The low cases rates were as a result of backlog of cases and COVID-19 disruptions, in Busia, Nairobi and Moyale ,The law enforcers play a critical role on rescue and safeguarding and they have been fully engaged in the frontline services.; meetings with law enforcers and raids by police which were supposed to be done in April never took place because of Covid 19 pandemic, the funds were utilized this quarter. Q3 saw 20 meetings with police and law enforcers that led to 18 6M12F) cases being supported as a result of raid through the police ambassadors supported by the project in Busia, there were 4 Follow up meetings involving law enforcement officers in Moyale and Mandera reaching out 47 (42M-5F)Officers. Law enforcement meeting in Kimaiko 39 (22M-17F)reaching out to Business community in Kiamaiko, Children Department both at the county and sub county, Chiefs, Administration officers and the community ,pointed out glaring issues like ,corruption, a well connected network of cartel creating fear while working; <narrative>Judiciary and police staff trained on CT and child-safe justice</narrative> Judiciary and police staff trained on CT and child-safe justice <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice <narrative>Vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions During the reporting period, 4 community resource person were supported in helping SND staff to identify and rescue children in trafficking in Mandera and Marsabit Counties.; During the reporting period, 4 community resource person were supported in helping SND staff to identify and rescue children in trafficking in Mandera and Marsabit Counties.; The partner utilized the balances which remained in Q2 that were meant for travel to Mandera, the activity took place in Q3.; <narrative>Exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> Exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services CTM Program provided School levies to primary school going pupils who were victims of child trafficking. 2VOTs both in Moyale. Sala Issack 12 yrs-Moyale Daystar academy, class 5 Salim Abdirahman-11yrs-Gurumesa academy-Class 4 The outbreak of COVID-19 outbreak affected 6 cases that was supported to be supported upon review. CTM Program provided education bursaries to secondary school going students who were victims of child trafficking .4 VOTs were reached. 1. Hillary Masiza in form 2 at Friends School Mbale in Vihiga County. 2. Nelson Juma Mondoh in form 2 at Mary Immaculate Nambale Urban Secondary in Busia County. 3. Oundo Dennis Masimba in Form 1 at St. Austin’s Kingadole High School in Busia County. 4. Glen Otieno in form 1 at St. Mary’s Mundika High School Busia County The outbreak of COVID-19 outbreak affected 8 more cases that was supported to be supported upon review. Vocational Training 3 Victims of trafficking 3, were support to join vocational training in Moyale to pursue Tailoring and masonry courses. Kindly Check the workplan shared. The activity was planned.; The activity was Distributed with the Resurgence of COVID-19 and there is likelihood that school may not reopen for the entire year, hence need to reallocate the funds.; Reallocated for Covid- Response; <narrative>Vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> Vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services CTM Program provided School levies to primary school going pupils who were vulnerable to trafficking. The total reach was 4 boys) 1. Brian Ochieng schooling at Alupe Primary School in class 6 Busia County 2. Abdifatah Enow schooling at Gurumesa academy class 6 Marsabit County Moyale. 3. Liban Abdub schooling at Heilu pry school in class 5 in Marsabit county Moyale 4. Galgallu Halkano schooling at Moyale AIC in class 4 in Moyale Marsabit County The outbreak of COVID-19 outbreak affected 7 more cases that was supported to be supported upon review. Secondary school Bursaries. CTM Program provided education bursaries to secondary school going students who were vulnerable to trafficking. The total reach was 4 students 1. Edebe Ale Ochieng’ schooling at Nambale Boys High School in form 2 Busia county 2. Brian Otieno schooling at Mathias’ Busia Secondary School in Form 2 Busia county 3. Kevin Otieno schooling at Mathias’ Busia Secondary School in Form 2 Busia county 4. Reuben Ochieng’ schooling at Busia Township Secondary Schoolin form 2 Busia. The outbreak of COVID-19 outbreak affected 8 more cases that was supported to be supported upon review.; The activity was Distributed with the Resurgence of COVID-19 and there is likelihood that school may not reopen for the entire year, hence need to reallocate the funds.; Reallocated for Covid- Response; <narrative>Provision of cash transfers to families affected by COVID-19 Provision of non food items(Essential items)to the families affected by COVID-19</narrative> Provision of cash transfers to families affected by COVID-19 Provision of non food items(Essential items)to the families affected by COVID-19 <narrative># of people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance) COVID -19 came with Lockdown and lead to shutdown of small business and loss of economic gains, thus the community, families of the VOTs were at the blink of suffering and without a meal. The cash transfer Programme reached 98 families (33 in Busia, 25 in Marsabit and 40 in Nairobi) Cash transfers to 98 Families, ● 26 Children in Mary Gladys Rescue Centre ● 47 Children at Nairobi Children's Remand Home. CTM program supported Tanks and hand washing in Nairobi Children's Remand ,in Busia Mary Gladys rescue Centre ,the CPU in the police Divisional Office in Busia Border and 25 families in Marsabit were supported with family storage tanks in their families because water is essential during COVID-19 era in northern Kenya era. As one of the containing measures in regard to COVID-19, CTM beneficiaries were supported on how to soaps, Sanitizers and Face masks and were aided on to use them to safeguard them from contracting the disease through promoting the very basic hygiene practices like hand washing. Emphasis on the need to keep one to one and half meter as social distance was put forward Repair of the underground tank at the Nairobi Children's Remand home was supported, equally the motor and the pump was repaired and it’s serving more than 47 children at the facility. Livelihood support to the CTM beneficiaries in the times of COVID-19 from April –June 2020, through the cash transfer program was made possible through Terre des Hommes in the East Africa and Its partners ANPPCAN being the lead. The goal was to have 98 families cushioned from sharp pains of economic downfalls and as intervention, the community frontline workers ,project staff and the beneficiaries were supported with sanitizers, hand washing tanks, tanks, Masks and COVID-19 Info pack. The cash transfer and supply of PPE was meant to reduce the risk of COVID-19 to the families and families’ afforded food as well. This sign of intervention made direct impact to the families in Marsabit, Nairobi and Busia.; The activity was done as planned and target achieved. CT program for Q3,facilitated cash transfer for the families/Beneficiaries of the VOTs in Marsabit, Busia ,Mandera and Nairobi Counties. Marsabit and Mandera supported 50 families(18M-32F)Busia had 36 families(27F,9M)Nairobi had 42 Families(22F,20M)the families received Ksh 2000 monthly from July to August2020.Families also received Mask nd sanitizers during this period of COVID-19 as part of the project efforts to cushion and support the families during this peridermic times.; <narrative>Exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> Exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services CTM Program provided School levies to primary school going pupils who were victims of child trafficking. The total reach was 2 Girls Both of Moyale 1. Asha Mustafa-10 yrs-Gurumesa academy-class 2 Naima Yusuf 16yrs-Krashidin pry school-7 The outbreak of COVID-19 outbreak affected 6 more cases that was supported to be supported upon review. CTM Program provided education bursaries to secondary school going students who were victims of child trafficking .3 VOTs were reached. 1. Faith Fridah Khaoya schooling at St. Annes Ang’orom Girls Secondary School in form 2 Busia County 2. Linet Adhiambo schooling at St. Michael’s Secondary Buyende in form 1 Busia 3. Sharon Adhiambo schooling at Lirhanda Girl’s High School in form 2 Kakamega The outbreak of COVID-19 outbreak affected 6more cases that was supported to be supported upon review. Vocational Training 1 Victims of trafficking (Guyatu Guyo-17 yrs-vocational training-tailoring) was supported to join vocational training in Moyale to pursue Tailoring course. The outbreak of COVID-19 outbreak affected 4more cases that was supported to be supported upon review.; The activity was Distributed with the Resurgence of COVID-19 and there is likelihood that school may not reopen for the entire year, hence need to reallocate the funds.; Reallocated for Covid- Response; <narrative>Boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> Boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded During the Q1 reporting period, CTM program managed to safeguard 49 Victim of trafficking, sheltered in different project areas (Nairobi Children remand Home had 43 cases MACT 2 cases (sheltered in the alternative family care with relatives )and SND had 4 cases(sheltered in the alternative family care with relatives.) The children received shelter support services, food clothing, medical aid, Basic educational skills, Counselling. 25 cases were traces awaited reintegration .the process was affected by COVID -19. The High rise of cases safeguarded, is attributable to the streamlined community structures, Program involving all the community and Government structures in referrals and managing of the cases. Awareness of the CT related cases by the community is also high courtesy of the CTM in routes in the project areas.; Q2 year of CTM saw 11 children being safeguarded, 2 Victim of trafficking, 9 ARTs sheltered in different project areas (Nairobi Children remand Home had 4 cases MACT 6 cases (sheltered in at Mary Gladys rescue centre and SND had 1 cases (sheltered in the alternative family care with relatives.) The children received shelter support services, food clothing, medical aid, Basic educational skills, Counselling. 25 cases that were traced in Q1 are still awaiting reintegration .the process was affected by COVID -19. Covid -19 has affected rescues and tracing, not that the cases are low but because of the restrictions, some perpetrators are taking advantage and it has led into more exploitation like Worst form of child labor; The activity was done as planned and target achieved. 60 boys who were at risk and those were victims were supported during the reporting quartrer.25 were shelter in Nairobi,2 in Marsabit and 33 in Busia. They received food, clothing, medical support in the shelter as well as counselling as the cases are being followed up before reintegration upon tracing. Most cases during the pandemic were left vulnerable ,the upsurge of the numbers, was as a result of the curfew ,some children were rescued by Police officers and working with the project team and children officers, the Children were able to be settled in .; <narrative>Girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> Girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded During the Q1 reporting period, CTM program managed to safeguard 26 Victim of trafficking, sheltered in different project areas (Nairobi Children remand Home had 10 cases MACT 14 cases (Sheltered at Mary Gladys Rescue Centre) and SND had 2 cases(Sheltered at the relatives of the Children). The children received shelter support services, food clothing, medical aid, Basic educational skills, Counselling. 6 cases were traces awaited reintegration .the process was affected by COVID -19. The High rise of cases safeguarded, is attributable to the streamlined community structures, Program involving all the community and Government structures in referrals and managing of the cases. Awareness of the CT related cases by the community is also high courtesy of the CTM in routes in the project areas.; Q2 year of CTM saw 57 children being safeguarded, 6 Victim of trafficking, 51 ARTs sheltered in different project areas (Nairobi Children remand Home had 16 cases MACT 39 cases (sheltered in at Mary Gladys rescue centre and SND had 2 cases (sheltered in the alternative family care with relatives.) The children received shelter support services, food clothing, medical aid, Basic educational skills, Counselling. 6 cases that were traced in Q1 are still awaiting reintegration .the process was affected by COVID -19. Covid -19 has affected rescues and tracing, There was spike of teenage girls being Vulnerable to exploitation including teenage pregnancies based on the school being closed and that girls find themselves vulnerable to exploitation in this COVID-19 Era; The activity was done as planned and target achieved. 60 girls who were at risk and those were victims were supported during the reporting quartrer.22 were sheltered in Nairobi,2 in Marsabit and 36 in Busia. They received food, clothing, medical support in the shelter as well as counselling as the cases are being followed up before reintegration upon tracing..42 girls have been reintegrated so far tp their homes and guardians.; <narrative>Exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> Exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice CTM in Q1, offered legal aid services to 24 cases for Girls exploited Services offered included; 1) Court representation 2) Preparing witnesses to testify in court (pre-trial conference) 3) Preparing or providing Prosecutor with documents to be adduced in court as evidence 4) Updating the Prosecutor on any emerging issue that might be beneficial to the case 5) Update on the progress of the case (if it is in court) 6) Legal counsel to both VOTs and ARTs on various legal issues (on a case to case basis) such as; child trafficking, child labor, child marriage, child prostitution, defilement etc. 7) Legal counsel to parents of VOTs/ARTs on proper child care, and the offence of neglect of a child. There are 4 cases on-going in court and 1 new case instituted fully in court this quarter. 1) The minor cannot trace where the perpetrator lives because of their tender age or unfamiliarity with the environment 2) The minor being new in the city cannot trace where they used to work especially when they were left on their own as a result of being chased away or lost their way 3) When the victims are foreigners it becomes even more difficult to conduct investigations since they are not aware of their environment and hence the only option is repatriation. 4) The community is afraid to report cases cause of fear of intimidation; therefore, the minor is rescued and the perpetrator does not face any repercussion for his actions. 5) The Perpetrator disappearing before arrest is made. The high No of cases received legal services, stems from the Close collaborations with the community and government agencies in reporting and ensuring the children are cared for and that justice is served. The legal officer with the CTM has created a link with the Lsk litigation teams in the counties and therefore follow ups and service delivery is hastened. The legai aid Status reported will be shared on E-mail.; CTM in Q2, offered legal aid services to 20 cases for Girls exploited Services offered included; 1) Court representation- Holding brief and Virtual Court session. 2) Preparing witnesses to testify in court (pre-trial conference) 3) Preparing or providing Prosecutor with documents to be adduced in court as evidence 4) Updating the Prosecutor on any emerging issue that might be beneficial to the case 5) Update on the progress of the case (if it is in court) 6) Legal counsel to both VOTs and ARTs on various legal issues (on a case to case basis) such as; child trafficking, child labor, child marriage, child prostitution, defilement etc. 7) Legal counsel to parents of VOTs/ARTs on proper child care, and the offence of neglect of a child. There are 4 cases on-going in court and 2 new case instituted fully in court this quarter. COVID- 19 largely affected the operations of the Legal aid. The legal aid Status reported will be shared on E-mail.; The activity was done as planned and target achieved. The legal Counsel for the project, Handled 5 cases this quartrer,3 girls in Busia Law courts and 2 girls in Nairobi In Mililani and Kibera law courts. There are only 3 cases before court ,2 cases did not proceed because of failure to testify , fear of intimidation and withdrew the case on own motion. Some of the services offered, legal representation ,legal clinic for the victims parents and caregivers, and guiding prosecution of the cases and update of the project cases ongoing. The legal status report is attached,; <narrative>Vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> Vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services CTM Program provided School levies to primary school going pupils who were were vulnerable to trafficking. The total reach was 3 Pupils ARTs 1. Sarah Nicole Schooling at Nambale Township Preparatory School in class 5 .Busia 2. Loki Q racho schooling at Q racho Moyale AIC in class 5 3. Ibado moh’d schooling at Moyale junior academy in class 4 The outbreak of COVID-19 outbreak affected 3 more cases that was supported to be supported upon review. CTM program provided education bursaries to secondary school going students who were vulnerable to trafficking. The total reach was 2 students where ARTs both from Busia 1. Michelle Musachi Edebe in form 2 at Our Lady of Mercy Girl’s Secondary School Busia 2. Lucy Otieno in form 2 at St. Anne’s Kisoko Girls High School The outbreak of COVID-19 outbreak affected 4 more cases that was supported to be supported upon review. Vocational training for ARTs, did attract any case this Quarter.; The activity was planned but affected by COVID-19; Reallocated for Covid- Response; <narrative>Exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> Exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice CTM in Q1, offered legal aid services to 49 cases for Boys exploited Services offered included; 1) Court representation 2) Preparing witnesses to testify in court (pre-trial conference) 3) Preparing or providing Prosecutor with documents to be adduced in court as evidence 4) Updating the Prosecutor on any emerging issue that might be beneficial to the case 5) Update on the progress of the case (if it is in court) 6) Legal counsel to both VOTs and ARTs on various legal issues (on a case to case basis) such as; child trafficking, child labor, child marriage, child prostitution, defilement etc. 7) Legal counsel to parents of VOTs/ARTs on proper child care, and the offence of neglect of a child. There are 2 cases on-going in court and 1 new case instituted fully in court this quarter. 1) The minor cannot trace where the perpetrator lives because of their tender age or unfamiliarity with the environment 2) The minor being new in the city cannot trace where they used to work especially when they were left on their own as a result of being chased away or lost their way 3) When the victims are foreigners it becomes even more difficult to conduct investigations since they are not aware of their environment and hence the only option is repatriation. 4) The community is afraid to report cases cause of fear of intimidation; therefore, the minor is rescued and the perpetrator does not face any repercussion for his actions. 5) The Perpetrator disappearing before arrest is made They are all cases of VOT as stated and the legal aid received as stated above was absolutely necessary.; CTM in Q2, offered legal aid services to 10(2 VOTs 8 ARTs ) cases for Boys exploited Services offered included; 1) Court representation 2) Preparing witnesses to testify in court (pre-trial conference) 3) Preparing or providing Prosecutor with documents to be adduced in court as evidence 4) Updating the Prosecutor on any emerging issue that might be beneficial to the case 5) Update on the progress of the case (if it is in court) 6) Legal counsel to both VOTs and ARTs on various legal issues (on a case to case basis) such as; child trafficking, child labor, child marriage, child prostitution, defilement etc. 7) Legal counsel to parents of VOTs/ARTs on proper child care, and the offence of neglect of a child. There are 2 cases on-going in court and 1 new case instituted fully in court this quarter. They are VOT and ARTs as stated and the legal aid received as stated above was absolutely necessary.; The activity was done as planned and target achieved. The legal Counsel for the project, Handled 5 cases this quartrer,4 boys in Busia and 1 boy in Nairobi. There is only 1 case before court ,4 cases did not proceed because of failure to testify , fear of intimidation and withdrew the case on own motion. Some of the services offered, legal representation ,legal clinic for the victims parents and caregivers, and guiding prosecution of the cases and update of the project cases ongoing.; NL-KVK-41149287-KEHA0133 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KE 2017: TdH-NL Turkana Drought Emergency Response</narrative> Emergency response to the drought induced near-famine situation in Turkana. arranged by the Child Protection in Emergencies &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Diocese of Lodwar Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 747952.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2017 332337.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance) NL-KVK-41149287-KEHA0134 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>WoC Foundation Limited - WASH project in Laisamis Constituency, Marsabit County</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands WoC Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 58178.0 0 29089.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance) NL-KVK-41149287-KEHA0135 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KE 2017: Emergency Response to the Adverse Effects of Droughts in Northern Kenya</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SND Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 130484.0 0 60394.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance) NL-KVK-41149287-KEHA0162 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KE2017 Emergency Response to Adverse Effects of Droughts Marsabit Northern Kenya</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SND Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 52900.0 0.0 Expenditure 2017 24363.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance) NL-KVK-41149287-KEHA0189 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Kenya 2018: SND</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SND Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 400002.0 0 196948.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>children provided education and/or supported to attend school (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> children provided education and/or supported to attend school (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of children provided education and/or supported to attend school (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of children provided education and/or supported to attend school (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received income assistance (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>people received food packages and/or drinking water (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> people received food packages and/or drinking water (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>meetings held with government officials</narrative> meetings held with government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials NL-KVK-41149287-KEHA357 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Kenya ECHO 2020</narrative> Project funded by ECHO and implemented through Tdh Lausanne.&nbsp; Title: Strengthening Child Protection system to prevent and respond to violence, neglect, abuse and exploitation of most vulnerable children affected by displacement in Dadaab. Location: Ifo, Hagadera and Dagahaley Activities: CM, cash voucher for CM, PSS, shelter for life-threatening cases, strengthened&nbsp;CP capacity of non-governmental community groups and CP services to children and their families. Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECHO TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 1306656.0 0 0.0 ECHO Terre des Hommes Netherlands 400000.0 ECHO Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Prevention and response to CP concerns are strengthened in Dadaab refugee camp.</narrative> Prevention and response to CP concerns are strengthened in Dadaab refugee camp. <narrative>% of beneficiaries (disaggregated by sex, age and diversity) reporting that humanitarian assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible, accountable and participatory manner</narrative> % of beneficiaries (disaggregated by sex, age and diversity) reporting that humanitarian assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible, accountable and participatory manner <narrative>Protection: Most vulnerable refugee children and caregivers have access to integrated protection services aiming to respond to unmet priority protection needs.</narrative> Protection: Most vulnerable refugee children and caregivers have access to integrated protection services aiming to respond to unmet priority protection needs. <narrative># of persons who receive an appropriate response</narrative> # of persons who receive an appropriate response <narrative># of unaccompanied and/or separated children who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA</narrative> # of unaccompanied and/or separated children who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA <narrative># of survivors who receive an appropriate response to GBV</narrative> # of survivors who receive an appropriate response to GBV <narrative>Total number of individuals reached</narrative> Total number of individuals reached <narrative>Protection: Child protective mechanisms are reinforced in the refugee community</narrative> Protection: Child protective mechanisms are reinforced in the refugee community <narrative># of persons with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> # of persons with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative># of participants showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus</narrative> # of participants showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus <narrative>Total number of individuals reached</narrative> Total number of individuals reached NL-KVK-41149287-KHCA0215 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KH 2018: contribute to reduction in prevalence of child marriage in Mondulkiri</narrative> AS CA // Ensure Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CA) in Asia &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdHNL Cambodia country office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 403798.0 801206.0 315760.0 27316.0 Expenditure 2018 90248.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>District Women’s and Children’s Consultative Committees (DWCCC) and Commune Council of Women and Children (CCWC) promote the Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights of children in their respective districts and communes</narrative> District Women’s and Children’s Consultative Committees (DWCCC) and Commune Council of Women and Children (CCWC) promote the Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights of children in their respective districts and communes <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials <narrative>A close relationship is built with DWCCC and CCWC through the project</narrative> A close relationship is built with DWCCC and CCWC through the project <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials In this period of time, ECM project working closely with department of Education, Healthy, Social Security staff and other stakeholder to support through meeting: 1). District WCCC: 2 meeting: 26ps (F: 14ps) and 2). Commune CWC: 9 meeting in total 120ps (F: 37ps).; TDH MDK team continued participating in meetings with CCWVC, DWCCC. There was growing effort to build a local advocacy strategy. They were also invited in September by the provincial governor to present the project.; <narrative>Gatekeepers and community members protect children in their communities from getting married before the age of 18.</narrative> Gatekeepers and community members protect children in their communities from getting married before the age of 18. <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Adult volunteers engage actively in project activities to support child clubs</narrative> Adult volunteers engage actively in project activities to support child clubs <narrative>(new) # adult volunteers selected</narrative> (new) # adult volunteers selected In this quarter, we do the replacement of 16 AV (all female). Among 16 New AV there are 5 is ages under 18 year old. 40 AV/5 male volunteers; 9 volunteers had to be replaced in this quarter. in total there are now 42 volunteers : 20 facilitators and 22 focusing on media production. finance adjustment (3259.21) - not possible to enter; <narrative>Adult volunteers are able to support child led behaviour change initiatives</narrative> Adult volunteers are able to support child led behaviour change initiatives <narrative>(new) % adult volunteers who demonstrate a change in KAP</narrative> (new) % adult volunteers who demonstrate a change in KAP The KAP survey pre-test could not happen in Q2 because of delays in implementation related to COVID. KAP Survey was finalized in July and baseline data will be collected in August. Actual is Q2 is negative due to the adjustment of wrong report in Q1. The system is not allowed to report that negative balance of Eur 1635.68; implementation of KAP survey was delayed because project team needed extra support on this (new tool).; <narrative>Adult volunteers are supported by staff to facilitate children as agents of change</narrative> Adult volunteers are supported by staff to facilitate children as agents of change <narrative>(new) % adult volunteers who demonstrate an increased competency to support children as change agents, applying developmental relationships</narrative> (new) % adult volunteers who demonstrate an increased competency to support children as change agents, applying developmental relationships overspending by partner in Jan and Feb reported in this quarter - spent for development of tutorials.; finance adjustment (3924.25) - not possible to enter 18 child club meetings were organized and jointly facilitated by adult volunteers.; <narrative>Adult volunteers are capacitated to support children to share their research activities</narrative> Adult volunteers are capacitated to support children to share their research activities <narrative>(new) # annual village review events held at village level</narrative> (new) # annual village review events held at village level Overspending by partner in January reported in Q2 - Consultative workshop to produce tutorials.; <narrative>Community members engage actively in project activities to reflect on child marriage</narrative> Community members engage actively in project activities to reflect on child marriage <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities overspending by partner in Jan and Feb reported in this quarter - spent for development of tutorials.; A total of 742 community members participated in ECM project activities included 550 participants in child club orientation (403 females, 118 vulnerable boys and 252 vulnerable girls, 1 abused girl) and 190 vulnerable children participated in child club meetings (61 vulnerable boys, 129 vulnerable girls).; <narrative>Child clubs are supported by adult volunteers to use results from research initiatives to build village level plans</narrative> Child clubs are supported by adult volunteers to use results from research initiatives to build village level plans <narrative>(new) # planning events held at village level</narrative> (new) # planning events held at village level <narrative>Local authorities are aware of the needs and plan expressed by child clubs</narrative> Local authorities are aware of the needs and plan expressed by child clubs <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials delayed due to COVID prevention measures; 1 adult volunteer was engaged in a meeting with CCWC.; <narrative>Adult volunteers to support change in communities</narrative> Adult volunteers to support change in communities <narrative>(new) # of MSC and stories of change that identify ways community members prevent early child marriage</narrative> (new) # of MSC and stories of change that identify ways community members prevent early child marriage <narrative>Children vulnerable to and child victims of early marriage claim their Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights</narrative> Children vulnerable to and child victims of early marriage claim their Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>3.1 Project staff are the relevant ressources to implement participatory sessions with child clubs</narrative> 3.1 Project staff are the relevant ressources to implement participatory sessions with child clubs <narrative>3.1 (new) # session child club currriculum created</narrative> 3.1 (new) # session child club currriculum created A curriculum session was organised during partner workshop in June. The content will be in English and Khmer version.; ?; <narrative>Early married boys engage in participatory sessions to reflect on their SRH rights</narrative> Early married boys engage in participatory sessions to reflect on their SRH rights <narrative># of exploited/abused boys participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>3.3 Child clubs engage with community stakeholders to raise issues related to child marriage</narrative> 3.3 Child clubs engage with community stakeholders to raise issues related to child marriage <narrative>3.3 (new) # meetings held between child clubs and community members"</narrative> 3.3 (new) # meetings held between child clubs and community members" 15 sessions conducted in 11 locations.; <narrative>3.4. Children actively engage in participatory sessions to reflect on early child marriage</narrative> 3.4. Children actively engage in participatory sessions to reflect on early child marriage <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions Partner purchase materials for production of content (C4D); 192 vulnerable children participated in child club meetings (61 vulnerable boys, 129 vulnerable girls).; <narrative>3.5 Children are capacitated to facilitate change in their communities</narrative> 3.5 Children are capacitated to facilitate change in their communities <narrative>(new) # vulnerable children who demonstrate a basic competency (level 1) to facilitate their peers as agents of change</narrative> (new) # vulnerable children who demonstrate a basic competency (level 1) to facilitate their peers as agents of change expenses related to M1 training; <narrative>(new) # events in which representatives from different child clubs meet and work together as agents of change</narrative> (new) # events in which representatives from different child clubs meet and work together as agents of change <narrative>3.7. Child clubs interact with their community members to reflect on how to prevent child marriage</narrative> 3.7. Child clubs interact with their community members to reflect on how to prevent child marriage <narrative>3.7 ( new) # village level events led by children to share research</narrative> 3.7 ( new) # village level events led by children to share research 1 session - 15 events in 11 locations; <narrative>3.6. Child clubs use media to communicate their views on child marriage to community members</narrative> 3.6. Child clubs use media to communicate their views on child marriage to community members <narrative>3.6 (new) # media content produced by child clubs</narrative> 3.6 (new) # media content produced by child clubs 5 audio spots, 4 audio drama, 4 videos and 1 case story were produced by adult volunteers.; <narrative>3.2 Project staff are equipped with the relevant skills set to facilitate child clubs</narrative> 3.2 Project staff are equipped with the relevant skills set to facilitate child clubs <narrative>3.2 (new) # project staff who demonstrate increased competency levels to stay overnight in villages and facilitate children as agents of changes (both monitored quarterly)</narrative> 3.2 (new) # project staff who demonstrate increased competency levels to stay overnight in villages and facilitate children as agents of changes (both monitored quarterly) <narrative>3.9 Early married girls engage in participatory sessions to reflect on their SRH rights</narrative> 3.9 Early married girls engage in participatory sessions to reflect on their SRH rights <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions In this period, ECM project had distribution the Soap (PROTEX) to 590 HH for COVID-19 590 families with Aweraness Raising on Covid-19 Prevention: 1748 pieces distributed 1. ECM children:213ps (Boy: 24ps, Girl: 189ps). Expenses include indicator for boys 3.11; <narrative>3.8 Vulnerable boys are supported to pursue their education</narrative> 3.8 Vulnerable boys are supported to pursue their education <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services Expense covers also for indicator on girls.; expenditure includes boys and girls.; <narrative>3.8 Vulnerable boys and girls are supported to pursue their education</narrative> 3.8 Vulnerable boys and girls are supported to pursue their education <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services This period of COVID19 pandemic, ECM project to Support Home-School and e-learning support to children during COVID-19 : 221 ps, F:145 ps amount 2 Primary Schools and 1 Secondary School.; NL-KVK-41149287-KHCE0022 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Sexual Exploitation of Children Online and in Travel and Tourism</narrative> Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Cambodia Women's Crisis Center Hagar International Foundation - Cambodia Legal Aid of Cambodia Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 702072.0 0.0 Expenditure 2016 415614.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>community members organized as Watchgroups/or informants sustain advocacy against SECO and SECTT and reporting possible cases of SECO and SECTT to concerned agencies</narrative> community members organized as Watchgroups/or informants sustain advocacy against SECO and SECTT and reporting possible cases of SECO and SECTT to concerned agencies <narrative># of CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> # of CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT <narrative>Curriculum developed on safe internet use for children</narrative> Curriculum developed on safe internet use for children <narrative>Curriculum developed on safe internet use for children</narrative> Curriculum developed on safe internet use for children <narrative>private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders <narrative>private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders <narrative># of boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> # of boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative># of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative>community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights <narrative># of community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> # of community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights <narrative>child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials</narrative> child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials <narrative># of child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials</narrative> # of child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials NL-KVK-41149287-KHCE0202 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KH 2018: WATCH Cambodia</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Action Pour les Enfants (APLE) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 6958360.0 847764.0 649472.0 210887.0 Expenditure 2018 289829.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Government coordinates efforts of multi-stakeholders for the prevention of and response to SECTT in country.</narrative> Government coordinates efforts of multi-stakeholders for the prevention of and response to SECTT in country. <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government This activity has been completed as the initially planned activities to disseminate the SECTT research are cancelled following the change in funding source. SECTT research report is being finalized for publication by TDH.; <narrative>Government institutions relevant to criminal justice system have capacity to undertake child-centric investigations for better protection of SECTT victims and SECTT witnesses throughout the criminal justice process.</narrative> Government institutions relevant to criminal justice system have capacity to undertake child-centric investigations for better protection of SECTT victims and SECTT witnesses throughout the criminal justice process. <narrative># of judiciary and police staff received capacity strengthening sessions on reporting and/ or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff received capacity strengthening sessions on reporting and/ or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative># of judiciary and police staff received capacity strengthening sessions on reporting and/ or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff received capacity strengthening sessions on reporting and/ or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation The target has been reached for this output, however it was agreed with APLE to continue activities to disseminate the new child-centric investigation manual and monitor its implementation in 2020.; waiting for confirmation from APLE that beneficiaries were new and not the same as in previous trainings. reported for now 541 / 179 females.; <narrative>Child victims have access to appropriate support services through better coordination between NGOs, police, court and government agencies.</narrative> Child victims have access to appropriate support services through better coordination between NGOs, police, court and government agencies. <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice In this quarter, we received 5 new case on legal support and PSS។; <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice 05 new child victims (F:03, M:02) were rescued by AHTJP police in Kandal, Phnom Penh and Siem Reap province in cases APLE joinedly worked with the respectives provincial and municipal AHTJP unit. After the rescue, APLE provided immediate crisis intervention supports and conduct initial risk and need assessments.; APLE-legal team keeps on providing legal support to 22 (19F:3M) child victims and 14 (9F:5M) plaintiffs, and there is one new case related to child online sexual abuse which have 01 girl victim; <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice Same to 3.1 This output is including also direct staff and other direct operating costs.; <narrative># of girls reintegrated</narrative> # of girls reintegrated <narrative># of girls reintegrated</narrative> # of girls reintegrated 2 of child is remote cases 60% of Actual cost reported under "Girl"; - Get referral from APLE 4 F=2 (Remote monitoring cases , 2 boys at Kandal province, and girls PNP) - Cases closed : two boys location one boy at Siem Reap province, and one boy at Preah Vihear.; <narrative># of boys reintegrated</narrative> # of boys reintegrated <narrative># of boys reintegrated</narrative> # of boys reintegrated 2 of child is remote cases 40% of Actual cost reported under "Boy".; Ongoing Psychological therapeutic service delivery to 35 cases, F=12 girls. 6 case conferences, 2 meetings with PCCT and 2 meetings with CCWC; <narrative>communities monitor and prevent SECTT risks in their communities.</narrative> communities monitor and prevent SECTT risks in their communities. <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Communities monitor and prevent SECTT risks in their communities.</narrative> Communities monitor and prevent SECTT risks in their communities. <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities This output is including also direct staff and other direct operating costs. WATCH project field staff to conducted, 2 activities (4.4.1 & 4.4.3) There was a stakeholder engagement meeting for peer to peer to support learning on 19th June 2020.There were 20/4F as participants including Provincial of Education, District of Education , School directors , teachers and youths. As a result , all participants were excited about the short-term response for the learning outcome to students during school closed. For school directors side , they proposed some times to discuss with their colleagues prior the teachers involve coordinating this assignment and will get back a week after. Final request from the project to offer their colleagues with appreciation letter as part of their contribution. During the period, There were 3 events on (C4D) with youth volunteers both school and village. 1st event was the refresher training on C4D with 8/6F joint online 6/3F offline at Siem Riep office.; 641 participants Purchase of materials for child club activities as well as adapting to COVID-19 restrictions explains high expenditure.; NL-KVK-41149287-KHCE0211 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KH2018 Prevent and respond Online Child Sexual Exploitation of Children Cambodia</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Action Pour les Enfants (APLE) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 540922.0 633044.0 621902.0 84169.0 Expenditure 2018 135790.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Government protects children by developing and adequately implementing a National Action Plan on OCSE to protect children from OCSE</narrative> Government protects children by developing and adequately implementing a National Action Plan on OCSE to protect children from OCSE <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>1.1 Documents presented to government</narrative> 1.1 Documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government During the reporting period, workshops with the interministerial Technical Working Group were put on hold. However, CNCC did go ahead with contracting the national consultant to work on the NAP, who produced a first draft to be reviewed by the group.; The development of the National Action Plan on OCSE is still in progress. However during Q3 CNCC conducted training of the OCSE technical working group + Ministry representatives (54 persons) and the consultant developed the draft of the NAP; <narrative>(new) 1.2 families with children vulnerable to exploitation received emergency support</narrative> (new) 1.2 families with children vulnerable to exploitation received emergency support <narrative>1.2 families with children vulnerable to exploitation received emergency support</narrative> 1.2 families with children vulnerable to exploitation received emergency support In May to June during the COVID19 pandemic, CNCC and Representative from inter-ministry to distributed the food, and non food for emergency items in 6 province ( BTB, Thboung Khum, Kompong Thom, Kraties, RTK and Modolkiri) with 570 families (50% of beneficiaries were girls). 5 representative from CNCC and 1 from MoI. Expense is not reported yet as some supporting documents are dated in July.; Beneficiaries already reported in Q2 (570 families). However expenses were reported in this quarter. The plan is completed and expenditure is 100% based on Q2 +Q3; <narrative>1.3 # of meetings held with government officials</narrative> 1.3 # of meetings held with government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials Before the COVID19 response, CNCC conduct 1 online meeting discussion with inter-ministries for the location selection. and in person meeting with INGO (Childfund Cambodia) for resources mobilizing). Total participants is 10 pp.; 1 TV roundtable and 3 consultation workshops.; <narrative>Children at risk of OCSE are less vulnerable to OCSE</narrative> Children at risk of OCSE are less vulnerable to OCSE <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions In this period. APLE conducted two sessions of awareness raising on "Internet Safety and Preventing Online Child Sexual Exploitation" with a total number of 37 children, 4 youths and 2 teachers and 1 deputy director on 16 and 17 June 2020 in Siem Reap focusing on key topics: internet and me, risks, forms of OCSE, and how to report while there is an increasing rate of internet use during the school closure.; APLE promote the online resource center and online courses through 5 awareness events with 134 children and youth (75 females); <narrative>(new output) 2.2 child survivors of sexual exploitation online and through travel and tourism received psychosocial support.</narrative> (new output) 2.2 child survivors of sexual exploitation online and through travel and tourism received psychosocial support. <narrative>2.2 (new output) # of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and through travel and tourism received psychosocial support.</narrative> 2.2 (new output) # of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and through travel and tourism received psychosocial support. <narrative>Communities are better prepared to keep children safe from OCSE</narrative> Communities are better prepared to keep children safe from OCSE <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities On 29 June 2020, we conducted ToT training on internet safety and preventing OCSE with 17 participants (13 Females; 4 males) as trainers and key staff from Indochina Starfish Foundation (ISF) Chbar Ampov Branch and Stellar Child Care Organization (SCCO).; 129 people (79 females)—including 17 government officials, 41 teachers and 71 NGOs staff; <narrative>(new output) awareness raising media content to prevent OCSE"</narrative> (new output) awareness raising media content to prevent OCSE" <narrative>3.2 (new output) # awareness raising media content to prevent OCSE"</narrative> 3.2 (new output) # awareness raising media content to prevent OCSE" 1. On 8 May and 12 June 2020: our staff joined two live talk shows on Family Radio FM99.5 MHz to disseminate online CSEA safety messages and risk mitigation tips and also encouraged parents to keep children safe and the general public to report the case of OCSE while an increasing use of internet during Covid-19. - The first live interview gained 772 views, 25 shares and 124 likes ( - The second live interview gained 615 views, 13 shares, and 34 Likes (; 12 safety tips were boosted on APLE Facebook page reaching a total of 112,909 people and among them 12,137 have engaged with the posts. Expenses for materials were already done in previous quarter - videos now produced internally at no cost.; NL-KVK-41149287-KHCL0019 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KH 2016: Eliminating child labor in agricultural and handicraft sectors</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Santi Sena Organization Kumar Ney Kdey Sangkheum Indigenous Community Support Organization - ICSO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 370902.0 0 0 174108.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>children vulnerable to (worst forms of) child labour received TVET</narrative> children vulnerable to (worst forms of) child labour received TVET <narrative># of children vulnerable to child labour received TVET</narrative> # of children vulnerable to child labour received TVET <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted NL-KVK-41149287-KHCT0004 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KH 2016: Children's Safe passage Programme Friends International</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Damnok Toek Komar Rikreay Krousar Thmey Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 550000.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 192584.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government NL-KVK-41149287-KHCT0005 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KH 2016: Peace and Development Aid Organization</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands CFED Ponleur Kumar Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 149986.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 58579.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government NL-KVK-41149287-KHCT0008 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KH 2016: Cambodia Against Child Trafficking</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Santi Sena Organization Kumar Ney Kdey Sangkheum Cambodia Women's Crisis Center Child Helpline Cambodia Children and Life Association Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 1454268.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 550816.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>Children's clubs supported</narrative> Children's clubs supported <narrative>Children's clubs supported</narrative> Children's clubs supported <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-KHCT0064 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KH 2016: Migration and its effects on migrant workers/child migrant workers</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands IDEA Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 139304.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 73962.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government NL-KVK-41149287-KHCT0097 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>KH 2017: Destination Unknown - Child Rights in the Global Compacts</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Cambodia Against Child Trafficking Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 68612.0 28305.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>children/youth trained as agent of change</narrative> children/youth trained as agent of change <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government NL-KVK-41149287-LACL0025 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>LA 2016: Children and Community acts as Prevention of the Forms of Child Labor</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Community Development and Environment Association Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 200000.0 0 0 93112.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>children vulnerable to (worst forms of) child labour received TVET</narrative> children vulnerable to (worst forms of) child labour received TVET <narrative># of children vulnerable to child labour received TVET</narrative> # of children vulnerable to child labour received TVET <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy NL-KVK-41149287-LACT0001 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>LA 2016: Village Focus International</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands RRDPA LSDA Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 836358.0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 0.0 Expenditure 2016 277890.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>Children's clubs supported</narrative> Children's clubs supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported NL-KVK-41149287-LACT0095 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>LA 2017: Protection and Empowerment of Women and Children in the Lao, PDR</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands VFI Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 23314.0 9293.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>children/youth trained as agent of change</narrative> children/youth trained as agent of change <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change NL-KVK-41149287-LBHA0343 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Lebanon 2020: Supporting vulnerable boys, girls and caregivers, affected by the Beirut Blast</narrative> After the explosion on August 4th, 2020 in Beirut, Tdh, funded by Giro 555/SHO, has started its response immediately after the explosions in support of children in the blast area.&nbsp; Phase 1 of the reponse (emergency): PSS, case management and caregiver support, guidance and counselling, provision of hygiene items and cash assistance. Phase 2 (recovery): continue providing PSS services, caregiver program, case management, as well as&nbsp;support the education sector in the assessment of the education needs in the areas affected by the blast.&nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands SHO GIRO 555 TdH Italy Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 <narrative>Children and caregivers affected by the Beirut Port explosions recover from the trauma and have access to quality Child Protection and Education services</narrative> Children and caregivers affected by the Beirut Port explosions recover from the trauma and have access to quality Child Protection and Education services <narrative>% of children, participating in PSS activities who show increased confidence and a restored sense of normalcy</narrative> % of children, participating in PSS activities who show increased confidence and a restored sense of normalcy <narrative>% of boys and girls assisted through child protection Case Management services with positive outcome and closed cases</narrative> % of boys and girls assisted through child protection Case Management services with positive outcome and closed cases <narrative># of boys and girls whose educational status is assessed and whose needs are met through internal/external referral</narrative> # of boys and girls whose educational status is assessed and whose needs are met through internal/external referral <narrative>% of caregivers showing increased resilience and knowledge towards wellbeing and protection of children</narrative> % of caregivers showing increased resilience and knowledge towards wellbeing and protection of children <narrative># of families supported through cash assistance improved their financial situation</narrative> # of families supported through cash assistance improved their financial situation <narrative>Outreach campaign and PFA activity is conducted and families in need of support are identified and assessed</narrative> Outreach campaign and PFA activity is conducted and families in need of support are identified and assessed <narrative># of families identified and assessed</narrative> # of families identified and assessed <narrative># of caregivers receiving PFA sessions</narrative> # of caregivers receiving PFA sessions <narrative># number of children receiving PFA</narrative> # number of children receiving PFA <narrative>Children are supported through the provision of remote and/or face-to-face Psycho-Social Support (PSS) and assessment of their educational status/needs</narrative> Children are supported through the provision of remote and/or face-to-face Psycho-Social Support (PSS) and assessment of their educational status/needs <narrative># of children engaged in recreational activities</narrative> # of children engaged in recreational activities <narrative># of children engaged in PSS activities</narrative> # of children engaged in PSS activities <narrative>% of children attending PSS activities reporting an increase of their wellbeing</narrative> % of children attending PSS activities reporting an increase of their wellbeing <narrative>Children and families identified as at medium-high risk improve their psychological and economic wellbeing through individual Case Management and Cash assistance</narrative> Children and families identified as at medium-high risk improve their psychological and economic wellbeing through individual Case Management and Cash assistance <narrative># of boys and girls identified and assisted (cases open) through child protection case management services</narrative> # of boys and girls identified and assisted (cases open) through child protection case management services <narrative># of families receiving cash assistance (ECA – MCA)</narrative> # of families receiving cash assistance (ECA – MCA) <narrative>Families receive awareness and material support through the provision of Hygiene kits and PPEs</narrative> Families receive awareness and material support through the provision of Hygiene kits and PPEs <narrative># of families who receive hygiene kits/PPEs</narrative> # of families who receive hygiene kits/PPEs <narrative># of individuals receiving awareness on Covid-19</narrative> # of individuals receiving awareness on Covid-19 <narrative>Caregivers and staff acquire essential skills to cope with the emergency through individual counselling and/or group sessions"</narrative> Caregivers and staff acquire essential skills to cope with the emergency through individual counselling and/or group sessions" <narrative># of caregivers met and supported through individual counselling</narrative> # of caregivers met and supported through individual counselling <narrative># of staff supported individually or through group sessions</narrative> # of staff supported individually or through group sessions <narrative># of individuals receiving awareness on CP</narrative> # of individuals receiving awareness on CP <narrative># of caregivers attending Caregiver program</narrative> # of caregivers attending Caregiver program NL-KVK-41149287-LBHA0366 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Back to the Future phase 2</narrative> The project &lsquo;Back to the Future&rsquo; aims at providing a protective and nurturing environment for over 16,955 local vulnerable and refugee children, ensuring extracurricular activities for 5,380 children, and referring 350 children at risk and/or with special needs to specialized services. In addition, it will indirectly impact 12,200 students through the upgrading 18 public schools and 4 learning centers across Lebanon. Finally, it will foster community engagement, by addressing 4,245 caregivers on matters such as educational activities and child protection. Budget: 10.8MCommunications: &euro; 106,00010 events planned: 4 NL, 4 Italy and 2 Brussels.Budget for Europe events: &euro; 25,000 Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH Italy Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 0 0 Expenditure 2019 NL-KVK-41149287-LKCE0028 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>LK 2016: Combating Sexual Exploitation Children Online/Travel/Tourism (CSECOTT)</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands NCDC SERVE Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 179996.0 0 79016.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>schools adopted curriculum on safe internet use for children</narrative> schools adopted curriculum on safe internet use for children <narrative>schools adopted curriculum on safe internet use for children</narrative> schools adopted curriculum on safe internet use for children <narrative>incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children</narrative> incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children <narrative>incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children</narrative> incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members of which children are vulnerable to sexual abuse online and in travel and tourism part of a social enterprise</narrative> community members of which children are vulnerable to sexual abuse online and in travel and tourism part of a social enterprise <narrative>community members of which children are vulnerable to sexual abuse online and in travel and tourism part of a social enterprise</narrative> community members of which children are vulnerable to sexual abuse online and in travel and tourism part of a social enterprise <narrative>Private sector decision makers attend events on sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism</narrative> Private sector decision makers attend events on sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative>community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights <narrative># of community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> # of community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>families counseled</narrative> families counseled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>community members who no longer facilitate (online) sex with children</narrative> community members who no longer facilitate (online) sex with children <narrative>community members who no longer facilitate (online) sex with children</narrative> community members who no longer facilitate (online) sex with children <narrative>private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders <narrative>private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders <narrative>CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT <narrative># of CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> # of CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities NL-KVK-41149287-MGCL0350 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>MICA Madagscar</narrative> Project to work on responsible MICA mining in Madagascar Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TBC Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 491000.0 NL-KVK-41149287-MMCE0066 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>MM Myanmar Situational Analysis (SITAN) on SECOTT</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECPAT International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 204388.0 0 26941.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed NL-KVK-41149287-MMCE0116 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>MM 2017 Myanmar Situational Analysis (SITAN) on Online Child Exploitation (OCSE)</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECPAT International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 218296.0 0.0 Expenditure 2017 102326.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed NL-KVK-41149287-MMCL0031 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>MM 2016: Combating worst forms of child labour through community participation</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands YMCA KYDA Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 200000.0 0 0 92446.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>children vulnerable to (worst forms of) child labour received TVET</narrative> children vulnerable to (worst forms of) child labour received TVET <narrative># of children vulnerable to child labour received TVET</narrative> # of children vulnerable to child labour received TVET <narrative>child labourers received psycho-social support</narrative> child labourers received psycho-social support <narrative># of child labourers received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child labourers received psycho-social support <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities NL-KVK-41149287-MMCT0057 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>MM 2016: Child Trafficking and Migration in Myanmar Public Awareness/Advocacy</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands RMECG UACT Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 399326.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 0.0 Expenditure 2016 210937.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>children/youth trained as agent of change</narrative> children/youth trained as agent of change <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change NL-KVK-41149287-MMCT0129 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>MM 2017: Destination Unknown - Child Rights in the Global Compacts</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands UACT Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 21246.0 0 0 4382.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>children/youth trained as agent of change</narrative> children/youth trained as agent of change <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change NL-KVK-41149287-NGHA0285 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>NG 2019 Nigeria Joint Response TdH Lausanne</narrative> This is the second year Tdh participates in the Nigeria Joint Response, programme funded by the Dutch MFA and led by Save the Children. Our implementing partner is Tdh Lausanne.&nbsp;Nigeria has suffered greatly since the Boko Haram insurgency began in 2009, resulting in widespread displacement.&nbsp;1 in 4 of IDPs are under 5, and 80% are women and children. Half of IDPs in Borno are living outside IDP camps in local communities, who are themselves stricken by poverty making them also highly vulnerable to the situation. Activity:&nbsp;WASH, HC rehab, Reproductive Health education, pre/post natal education, cholera and malaria prevention and referral. PSS and awareness in CPiE, CM. Loction: Mafa and Gwoza &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Save the children TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 2569796.0 590332.0 1st instalment Save the children Terre des Hommes Netherlands 630331.0 2nd instalment Save the children Terre des Hommes Netherlands 1237309.0 Save the children Terre des Hommes Netherlands 617576.0 2nd instalment Save the children Terre des Hommes Netherlands 568459.0 1st instalment Save the children Terre des Hommes Netherlands 1284898.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of people having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs</narrative> Number of people having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs <narrative>Number of females (below 18 yrs) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs</narrative> Number of females (below 18 yrs) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs <narrative>Number of males (below 18 yrs) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs</narrative> Number of males (below 18 yrs) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs <narrative>Number of females (18+ yrs) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs</narrative> Number of females (18+ yrs) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs <narrative>Number of males (18+ yrs) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs</narrative> Number of males (18+ yrs) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs <narrative>People living in settlements with a functional solid waste management system</narrative> People living in settlements with a functional solid waste management system <narrative>Number of females (below 18yrs) living in settlements with a functional solid waste management system</narrative> Number of females (below 18yrs) living in settlements with a functional solid waste management system <narrative>Number of males (below 18yrs) living in settlements with a functional solid waste management system</narrative> Number of males (below 18yrs) living in settlements with a functional solid waste management system <narrative>Number of females (18+ yrs) living in settlements with a functional solid waste management system</narrative> Number of females (18+ yrs) living in settlements with a functional solid waste management system <narrative>Number of males (18+yrs) living in settlements with a functional solid waste management system</narrative> Number of males (18+yrs) living in settlements with a functional solid waste management system <narrative>Number of people having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use</narrative> Number of people having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use <narrative>Number of females (below 18yrs) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use</narrative> Number of females (below 18yrs) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use <narrative>Number of males (below 18yrs) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use</narrative> Number of males (below 18yrs) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use <narrative>Number of females (18+ yrs) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use</narrative> Number of females (18+ yrs) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use <narrative>Number of males (18+ yrs) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use</narrative> Number of males (18+ yrs) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use <narrative>Number of people reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities</narrative> Number of people reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of females (below 18 yrs) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities</narrative> Number of females (below 18 yrs) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of males (below 18 yrs) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities</narrative> Number of males (below 18 yrs) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of females (18+ yrs) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities</narrative> Number of females (18+ yrs) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of males (18+ yrs) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities</narrative> Number of males (18+ yrs) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities <narrative>Health facilities rehabilitated</narrative> Health facilities rehabilitated <narrative>Number of health facilities rehabilitated</narrative> Number of health facilities rehabilitated <narrative>Live births attended by skilled health personnel</narrative> Live births attended by skilled health personnel <narrative>Number of live births attended by skilled health personnel, females (below 18 years)</narrative> Number of live births attended by skilled health personnel, females (below 18 years) <narrative>Number of live births attended by skilled health personnel, females (18 + years)</narrative> Number of live births attended by skilled health personnel, females (18 + years) <narrative>Outbreak alerts responded to</narrative> Outbreak alerts responded to <narrative>Number of outbreak alerts responded to</narrative> Number of outbreak alerts responded to <narrative>Children who received community based treatment for malaria, diarrhoea and/or acute respiratory infections</narrative> Children who received community based treatment for malaria, diarrhoea and/or acute respiratory infections <narrative>Number of females (below 18 years) who received community based treatment for malaria, diarrhoea and/or acute respiratory infections</narrative> Number of females (below 18 years) who received community based treatment for malaria, diarrhoea and/or acute respiratory infections <narrative>Number of males (below 18 years) who received community based treatment for malaria, diarrhoea and/or acute respiratory infections</narrative> Number of males (below 18 years) who received community based treatment for malaria, diarrhoea and/or acute respiratory infections <narrative>Number of hospitalisations</narrative> Number of hospitalisations <narrative>Number of hospitalisations-females below 18 years</narrative> Number of hospitalisations-females below 18 years <narrative>Number of hospitalisations-males below 18 years</narrative> Number of hospitalisations-males below 18 years <narrative>Number of hospitalisations-females 18+ years</narrative> Number of hospitalisations-females 18+ years <narrative>Number of hospitalisations-males 18+ years</narrative> Number of hospitalisations-males 18+ years <narrative>Persons with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> Persons with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative>Participants showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus</narrative> Participants showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus <narrative>Unaccompanied and/or separated children who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA</narrative> Unaccompanied and/or separated children who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA <narrative>Number of unaccompanied and/or separated females (below 18yrs) who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA</narrative> Number of unaccompanied and/or separated females (below 18yrs) who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA <narrative>Number of unaccompanied and/or separated males (below 18yrs) who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA</narrative> Number of unaccompanied and/or separated males (below 18yrs) who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA <narrative>Children that received support specified to their needs</narrative> Children that received support specified to their needs <narrative>Number of females (below 18 yrs) that received support specified to their needs</narrative> Number of females (below 18 yrs) that received support specified to their needs <narrative>Number of males (below 18 yrs) that received support specified to their needs</narrative> Number of males (below 18 yrs) that received support specified to their needs <narrative>Budget spent on capacity building of national an local actors</narrative> Budget spent on capacity building of national an local actors <narrative>% of budget spent on capacity building of national an local actors</narrative> % of budget spent on capacity building of national an local actors <narrative>National and local actors supported with capacity-building</narrative> National and local actors supported with capacity-building <narrative>Number of national and local actors supported with capacity-building</narrative> Number of national and local actors supported with capacity-building <narrative>Crisis-affected people who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Crisis-affected people who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected females (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected females (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected males (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected males (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Adaptations in the design and/or implementation of the JR, as a result of the input from beneficiaries.</narrative> Adaptations in the design and/or implementation of the JR, as a result of the input from beneficiaries. <narrative>Number of adaptations in the design and/or implementation of the JR, as a result of the input from beneficiaries.</narrative> Number of adaptations in the design and/or implementation of the JR, as a result of the input from beneficiaries. <narrative>People benefitting from unconditional and unrestricted cash</narrative> People benefitting from unconditional and unrestricted cash <narrative>Number of females (below 18 years) benefitting from unconditional and unrestricted cash</narrative> Number of females (below 18 years) benefitting from unconditional and unrestricted cash <narrative>Number of males (below 18 years) benefitting from unconditional and unrestricted cash</narrative> Number of males (below 18 years) benefitting from unconditional and unrestricted cash NL-KVK-41149287-NGHA0353 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Nigeria Joint Response 2020</narrative> Second year that Tdh responds to the Nigerian crisis within the Nigeria Joint Response, funded by the Dutch MFA, and led by Save the Children. Location: Borno State (Mafa, Dikwa and Gwoza LGA) Activities include WASH, natal education, cholera/ malaria/ measles awareness, community based management of childhood illnesses - through mobile teams, PSS, CPiE awareness and CM. Project includes a COVID-19 Top Up and Innovation scale-up funding. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Save the children TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 3984986.0 526321.0 1st instalment Save the children Terre des Hommes Netherlands 306968.0 2nd instalment Save the children Terre des Hommes Netherlands 1258438.0 Save the children Terre des Hommes Netherlands 506741.0 1st instalment Save the children Terre des Hommes Netherlands 295599.0 2nd instalment Save the children Terre des Hommes Netherlands 375875.0 COVID-19 top up Save the children Terre des Hommes Netherlands 427043.0 3rd instalment Save the children Terre des Hommes Netherlands 408882.0 3rd instalment Save the children Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>People have regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs</narrative> People have regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs <narrative>Number of females (under 18 years) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs</narrative> Number of females (under 18 years) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs <narrative>Number of males (under 18 years) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs</narrative> Number of males (under 18 years) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) having regular access to soap to meet hygienic needs <narrative>People have access to dignified, safe, clean and functional excreta disposal facilities</narrative> People have access to dignified, safe, clean and functional excreta disposal facilities <narrative>Number of females (under 18 years) having access to dignified, safe, clean and functional excreta disposal facilities</narrative> Number of females (under 18 years) having access to dignified, safe, clean and functional excreta disposal facilities <narrative>Number of males (under 18 years) having access to dignified, safe, clean and functional excreta disposal facilities</narrative> Number of males (under 18 years) having access to dignified, safe, clean and functional excreta disposal facilities <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) having access to dignified, safe, clean and functional excreta disposal facilities</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) having access to dignified, safe, clean and functional excreta disposal facilities <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) having access to dignified, safe, clean and functional excreta disposal facilities</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) having access to dignified, safe, clean and functional excreta disposal facilities <narrative>People having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use</narrative> People having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use <narrative>Number of females (under 18 years) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use</narrative> Number of females (under 18 years) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use <narrative>Number of males (under 18 years) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use</narrative> Number of males (under 18 years) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use <narrative>People are reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities</narrative> People are reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of females( under 18 years) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities</narrative> Number of females( under 18 years) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of males( under 18 years) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities</narrative> Number of males( under 18 years) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) reached with hygiene promotion/awareness raising activities <narrative>Live births attended by skilled health personnel</narrative> Live births attended by skilled health personnel <narrative>Number of live births attended by skilled health personnel- females (under 18 years)</narrative> Number of live births attended by skilled health personnel- females (under 18 years) <narrative>Number of live births attended by skilled health personnel- females (18+ years)</narrative> Number of live births attended by skilled health personnel- females (18+ years) <narrative>Hospitalisations done</narrative> Hospitalisations done <narrative>Number of hospitalisations-females (under 18 years)</narrative> Number of hospitalisations-females (under 18 years) <narrative>Number of hospitalisations-males (under 18 years)</narrative> Number of hospitalisations-males (under 18 years) <narrative>Number of hospitalisations-females (18+ years)</narrative> Number of hospitalisations-females (18+ years) <narrative>children receive community based treatment for malaria, diarrhoea and/or acute respiratory infections</narrative> children receive community based treatment for malaria, diarrhoea and/or acute respiratory infections <narrative>Number of children who received community based treatment for malaria, diarrhoea and/or acute respiratory infections-females (under 18 years)</narrative> Number of children who received community based treatment for malaria, diarrhoea and/or acute respiratory infections-females (under 18 years) <narrative>Number of children who received community based treatment for malaria, diarrhoea and/or acute respiratory infections-males (under 18 years)</narrative> Number of children who received community based treatment for malaria, diarrhoea and/or acute respiratory infections-males (under 18 years) <narrative>Persons reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures</narrative> Persons reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures <narrative>Persons with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> Persons with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative>Number of females (under 18 years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> Number of females (under 18 years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative>Number of males (under 18 years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> Number of males (under 18 years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative>Number of females (18+years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> Number of females (18+years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative>Participants showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus</narrative> Participants showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus <narrative>Unaccompanied and/or separated children who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA</narrative> Unaccompanied and/or separated children who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA <narrative>Number of unaccompanied and/or separated female children (under 18 years) who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA</narrative> Number of unaccompanied and/or separated female children (under 18 years) who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA <narrative>Number of unaccompanied and/or separated male children (under 18 years) who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA</narrative> Number of unaccompanied and/or separated male children (under 18 years) who are reunited with their caregivers OR in appropriate protective care arrangements based on BIA <narrative>Children that received support specified to their needs</narrative> Children that received support specified to their needs <narrative>Number of female children (under 18 years) that received support specified to their needs</narrative> Number of female children (under 18 years) that received support specified to their needs <narrative>Number of female children (under 18 years) that received support specified to their needs</narrative> Number of female children (under 18 years) that received support specified to their needs <narrative>Unconditional and unrestricted cash</narrative> Unconditional and unrestricted cash <narrative>Number of female (under 18) benefiting from unconditional and unrestricted cash</narrative> Number of female (under 18) benefiting from unconditional and unrestricted cash <narrative>Number of male (under 18) benefiting from unconditional and unrestricted cash</narrative> Number of male (under 18) benefiting from unconditional and unrestricted cash <narrative>Prevention and response to COVID-19 pandemic related to WASH</narrative> Prevention and response to COVID-19 pandemic related to WASH <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (WASH) Female (under 18)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (WASH) Female (under 18) <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (WASH) Male (under 18)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (WASH) Male (under 18) <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (WASH) Female (18+)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (WASH) Female (18+) <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (WASH) Male (18+)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (WASH) Male (18+) <narrative>Prevention and response to COVID-19 pandemic related to Health</narrative> Prevention and response to COVID-19 pandemic related to Health <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) Female (under 18)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) Female (under 18) <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) Male (under 18)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) Male (under 18) <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) Female (18+)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) Female (18+) <narrative>Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) Male (18+)</narrative> Number of people receiving COVID-19 related assistance (Health) Male (18+) <narrative>Crisis-affected people who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Crisis-affected people who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected females (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected females (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected females (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected females (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme NL-KVK-41149287-NLCE0232 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>NL 2018: Watch NL</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 NL-KVK-41149287-NLCE0349 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Global Boys Initiative</narrative> ECPAT Int'l has launched an initiative to explore the sexual exploitation of boys over the next three years. The proposed design for the global initiative is organized under one broad overarching objective: &ldquo;To consolidate and strengthen the evidence base of the sexual exploitation of boys globally, and to identify appropriate prevention, protection and recovery frameworks to inform legislative reforms, policy and programming.&rdquo;The Frontline Providers Survey is one of the four projects launched under this initiative. The global survey of frontline workers providing sexual exploitation and GBV services will be carried out to&nbsp; establish promising practices accessible to clients of all genders. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECPAT International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 <narrative>Adapt methodology and survey tools</narrative> Adapt methodology and survey tools <narrative>Survey developed, translated and pilot tested</narrative> Survey developed, translated and pilot tested <narrative>Conduct survey via ECPAT network and other partners</narrative> Conduct survey via ECPAT network and other partners <narrative>survey disseminated and responses from at least 2500 valid responses collected</narrative> survey disseminated and responses from at least 2500 valid responses collected <narrative>Analyse data and generate reports</narrative> Analyse data and generate reports <narrative>draft reports for consultation</narrative> draft reports for consultation <narrative>Use reports for targeted advocacy</narrative> Use reports for targeted advocacy <narrative>Campaigns</narrative> Campaigns NL-KVK-41149287-NLCE0364 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>WATCH NL</narrative> To be completed Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 3999960.0 3999960.0 4000000.0 <narrative>(identification) Children and caregivers access a low threshold hotline to report potential cases of child sexual exploitation and abuse.</narrative> (identification) Children and caregivers access a low threshold hotline to report potential cases of child sexual exploitation and abuse. <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>Vulnerable children are sensitized to the risks of sexual exploitation and abuse</narrative> Vulnerable children are sensitized to the risks of sexual exploitation and abuse <narrative># of children at risk sensitized through awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of children at risk sensitized through awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of vulnerable children and victims are aware of the systems and mechanisms in place to protect them and prevent sexual exploitation and abuse</narrative> Number of vulnerable children and victims are aware of the systems and mechanisms in place to protect them and prevent sexual exploitation and abuse <narrative># of children at risk aware of protection mechanisms through communication</narrative> # of children at risk aware of protection mechanisms through communication <narrative>Caregivers and professionals are sensitized in identifying the indicators of sexual exploitation and abuse of children and minors</narrative> Caregivers and professionals are sensitized in identifying the indicators of sexual exploitation and abuse of children and minors <narrative># of caregivers and professionals are sensitized through awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of caregivers and professionals are sensitized through awareness raising sessions <narrative>Caregivers and professionals are aware of the systems and mechanisms in place to protect them and prevent sexual exploitation and abuse</narrative> Caregivers and professionals are aware of the systems and mechanisms in place to protect them and prevent sexual exploitation and abuse <narrative># of caretakers and/or proffesionals are aware of protection mechanisms through communication</narrative> # of caretakers and/or proffesionals are aware of protection mechanisms through communication <narrative>Reports on possible cases of sexual exploitation and abuse of minors prepared and referred to law enforcement for further investigation</narrative> Reports on possible cases of sexual exploitation and abuse of minors prepared and referred to law enforcement for further investigation <narrative># of reports to the hotline</narrative> # of reports to the hotline Is expected, because of not fully functional hotline; <narrative># of reports reffered to social care</narrative> # of reports reffered to social care <narrative># of cases investigated</narrative> # of cases investigated <narrative># of investigated cases transfered to law enforcement</narrative> # of investigated cases transfered to law enforcement Will increase as time moves on, because of the length of investigations; <narrative># of case follow-up meetings with law enforcement</narrative> # of case follow-up meetings with law enforcement <narrative>Strategic meetings with law enforcement and other authorities aiming to report and follow up findings on sexual exploitation and abuse of minors</narrative> Strategic meetings with law enforcement and other authorities aiming to report and follow up findings on sexual exploitation and abuse of minors <narrative># of strategic meetings with law enforcement</narrative> # of strategic meetings with law enforcement <narrative># of strategic meetings with public prosecution office</narrative> # of strategic meetings with public prosecution office <narrative># of strategic meetings with ICT companies</narrative> # of strategic meetings with ICT companies <narrative>Increased number of perpetrators identified and investigated by law enforcement</narrative> Increased number of perpetrators identified and investigated by law enforcement <narrative># of suspicious sex advertisements identified and transfered to law enforcement</narrative> # of suspicious sex advertisements identified and transfered to law enforcement Is expected, because of a lack in personnel; <narrative>Warning messages sent to the identified potential perpetrators</narrative> Warning messages sent to the identified potential perpetrators <narrative># of detterent messages sent to potential perpetrators of sexual abuse of minors</narrative> # of detterent messages sent to potential perpetrators of sexual abuse of minors Is expected, because of a lack in personnel; NL-KVK-41149287-NLCL0279 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>NL 2019 GAA - GM Effective due diligence towards eradicating child labour</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Global March-International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 96000.0 43000.0 2019 Total Disbursement for Global March NL Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 48000.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>meetings among CSOs</narrative> meetings among CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>government officials sensitised</narrative> government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Training of ps representatives</narrative> Training of ps representatives <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives NL-KVK-41149287-NLCL0336 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Effective due diligence towards eradicating child labour</narrative> This is GAA-NL project Implemented by GMACL, based in The Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Global March Against Child Labour Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 96000.0 <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Participation in the due diligence support group for the metallurgic agreement</narrative> Participation in the due diligence support group for the metallurgic agreement <narrative>Liaise with the gender organizations on the agreements</narrative> Liaise with the gender organizations on the agreements <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Organise a round table between, ambassadors, private sector and MP's on the impact of due diligence legislation in Bangladesh and Uganda with a focus on food and garment producers an d buyers.</narrative> Organise a round table between, ambassadors, private sector and MP's on the impact of due diligence legislation in Bangladesh and Uganda with a focus on food and garment producers an d buyers. This has been changed to develop a grdd toolkit. After the completion of the research we now have started with interviews with companies to test if we are developing something pratical.; <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>GM staff trained on gender responsive due diligence</narrative> GM staff trained on gender responsive due diligence <narrative>Introduce the complaint mechanismen from the different IRBC agreements to our partners in Bangaldesh, Uganda to give victims access to remedy especially child labour and GBV.</narrative> Introduce the complaint mechanismen from the different IRBC agreements to our partners in Bangaldesh, Uganda to give victims access to remedy especially child labour and GBV. Everything is done virtually.; <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>Short research on the different outcomes of risks and priorities of a gender responsive due diligence report.</narrative> Short research on the different outcomes of risks and priorities of a gender responsive due diligence report. This research is finished.; NL-KVK-41149287-NPCE0018 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>NP Children Against Sexual Exploitation - (ChASE)</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Saathi CeLRRd Change Nepal Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 276576.0 0.0 Expenditure 2016 156431.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders <narrative>private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders <narrative>of boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> of boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative># of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative>CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT <narrative># of CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> # of CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT NL-KVK-41149287-NPCE0142 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>NP 2017-2020 Working Actively Together for Children on Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel/Tourism (WATCH-SECTT)</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands CWIN Saathi CeLRRd TdHNL Nepal country office National Child Rights Council (NCRC) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 241310.0 432658.0 264976.0 25614.0 Expenditure 2017 110338.0 Expenditure 2018 154782.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Strengthened national governance and oversight committee to prevent and respond to SECTT</narrative> Strengthened national governance and oversight committee to prevent and respond to SECTT <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained Cumulative results of last 2 years; The activities could not be conducted due to COVID 19 situatation; <narrative># of research on SECTT conducted</narrative> # of research on SECTT conducted <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector Cumulative results of last 2 years; Already achieved in previous years; The research work is under progress yet to be done due to COVID 19 situatation; <narrative># of inputs on child rights policies and laws given to decision-makers</narrative> # of inputs on child rights policies and laws given to decision-makers <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government Cumulative results of last 2 years; Achieved in previous years; This was not possible due to COVID situatation; <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation Cumulative results of last 2 years; Target achieved earlier.; This was not possible due to COVID 19 situatation; <narrative>Provided end-to-end support services to SECTT child victims</narrative> Provided end-to-end support services to SECTT child victims <narrative># of CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) Cumulative results of last 2 years; More beneficiaries from previous quarters. achieved the project plan previous year; No new cases were reported. The follow ups were done on previous cases; <narrative>Active child helpline for victim reporting and support</narrative> Active child helpline for victim reporting and support <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights Cumulative results of last 2 years; Achieved already; No trainings were conducted. However they were able coordinate; <narrative>Increased awareness of children at risk of SECTT and their communities on SECTT prevention</narrative> Increased awareness of children at risk of SECTT and their communities on SECTT prevention <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities Cumulative results of last 2 years; Delayed approval from SWC.; No public awareness activities were conducted due to COVID 19; NL-KVK-41149287-NPCL0027 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>NP2016 Combating Child Labour focusing on Free-bonded Labour (Ex-Kamalari) Nepal</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SWAN Creating Possibilities Nepal Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 177964.0 0 89141.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights NL-KVK-41149287-NPCL0140 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>NP 2017/2019: Combating WFCL through education, focusing on Labour in Nepal</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands KFN Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 61046.0 0.0 Expenditure 2017 0.0 Expenditure 2018 30517.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-NPCT0124 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>NP/IN 2017: Destination Unknown - Children on the Move (DU-CoM) Campaign</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdHNL India Country Office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 40000.0 0.0 Expenditure 2017 18358.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>children/youth trained as agent of change</narrative> children/youth trained as agent of change <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change NL-KVK-41149287-NPCT0225 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>NP 2018: Destination Unknown - Children on the Move (DU-CoM) Campaign in Nepal</narrative> "DU" aims at contributing in reduction of vulnerability and strengthening protection of children on the move at all stages of migration cycle. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Swatantrata Abhiyan Nepal (SAN) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 10000.0 9996.0 0.0 2602.0 Expenditure 2018 1664.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of children/youth trained as agent of change</narrative> # of children/youth trained as agent of change <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change this includes 1 quarter from 2018 and all 2019 actuals together; More children were covered than the planned since it covered all over Nepal; <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights this includes 1 quarter from 2018 and all 2019 actuals together; More number of GSOs were covered than the planned in previous period; <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights this includes 1 quarter from 2018 and all 2019 actuals together; More number of CSO personals were trained since DU CoM covered all over Nepal with more CSOs; <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained this includes 1 quarter from 2018 and all 2019 actuals together; More number of Government officials were trained since campaign focused more on advocacy; <narrative># of media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns on CSEC conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns on CSEC conducted this includes 1 quarter from 2018 and all 2019 actuals together; More activities were conducted in previous period than the planned; NL-KVK-41149287-PC0290 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Safe Online: Addressing Online Child Sexual Exploitation</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ChildLine Kenya AICS Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 716458.0 170934.0 277914.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> Exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice The target for this output was achieved in the previous quarter. During the reporting period there were no cases of boys received.; <narrative>Boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> Boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded This output was achieved. During this quarter no boys were identified.; <narrative>Girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> Girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded Even though the target for this output was achieved, 18 more girls were identified and safeguarded during the quarter. Out of which, 14 were identified in Kisumu, 2 in Mombasa and 2 in Nairobi County. No new cases were identified in Nakuru counties. All these cases were of online grooming. The cases were identified through children officers and remand home. The 18 girls identified during the quarter are new cases.; <narrative>Exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> Exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice During the reporting period, 18 cases of OCSE were identified, out of which, 14 were identified in Kisumu, 2 in Mombasa and 2 in Nairobi County. No new cases were identified in Nakuru counties. The girls were given legal advice on how to report the OCSE case and where to report. They were also explained to the legal process that is involved in a legal case. All the 18 cases were referred to the children officers in Kisumu Nairobi and Mombasa who then referred them to DCI for investigation, none of these cases is in court.; <narrative>Exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions This activity was completed in Q2 of the project; <narrative>Vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions Out of the 847 children reached by the project this quarter, 784 (382 boys and 402 Girls) participated in peer educator’s sensitization sessions, 45(32 girls and 13 boys) in review of IEC materials.; <narrative>Community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> Community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities This activity was completed however the 160 teachers reached in the previous quarters are working with the peer educators especially in schools to support them during sensitization sessions. They are also sensitizing the children in their schools on OCSE; <narrative>Community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> Community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>Families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> Families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled Thirty-five (35) parents/care givers of exploited children from last quarter went through counselling sessions to help them understand the risks that are on the online space and know how to support their children better without exposing them to further harm. During the reporting period, no caregivers/parents were counselled as a result of children victims identified not being willing or ready to have their parents know that they have been abused online. OCSE is a sensitive form of exploitation especially because sexual matters remain a taboo subject in many households but the partner through DCS and the PAC are working closely to pull this through and ensure parents are identified and counselled.; <narrative>Monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> Monitoring visits made by partners <narrative># of monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> # of monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judiciary</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judiciary <narrative># of NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> # of NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative>Government officials trained</narrative> Government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>Advocacy plans developed</narrative> Advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed This was completed in Q3 and report shared by the partner (AICS). TdH is inputting feedback to be shared with the partner.; <narrative>Private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> Private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events During the reporting period, 3 activities targeting ISPs were merged together. These activities include:- 1) Round table meetings with ISPs, mobile phone companies,bloggers to get their buy-in in terms of their role in preventing and responding to abuse. 2) Meetings with private sector management to get their commitment to self-regulate and cooperate with civil society to share best practices. 3) Engage with ISP providers to provide a reporting sticker connected to CLK and the police. A total of 25 participants attended the 2 days forum. Among the recommendations from the meeting include - The need to have a training curriculum for law enforcement officers e.g. police, judiciary and other law enforcement officers. - Review of legislative frameworks to make it more clear for industry pick what is relevant to them. - Have standard operating procedures (SOP) for the ISP in place..; NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0021 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Stopping Sexual Exploitation of Children Online, in Travel and Tourism in Cebu</narrative> Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Fellowship for Organizing Endeavors (FORGE) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 447986.0 0 251214.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 274747.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 202958.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable children received educational services</narrative> vulnerable children received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>Children immediately safeguarded</narrative> Children immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights</narrative> # of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>families counselled</narrative> families counselled <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) <narrative>community members who no longer facilitate (online) sex with children</narrative> community members who no longer facilitate (online) sex with children <narrative>community members who no longer facilitate (online) sex with children</narrative> community members who no longer facilitate (online) sex with children <narrative>community members organized as Watchgroups/or informants sustain advocacy against SECO and SECTT and reporting possible cases of SECO and SECTT to concerned agencies</narrative> community members organized as Watchgroups/or informants sustain advocacy against SECO and SECTT and reporting possible cases of SECO and SECTT to concerned agencies <narrative>community members organized as Watchgroups/or informants sustain advocacy against SECO and SECTT and reporting possible cases of SECO and SECTT to concerned agencies</narrative> community members organized as Watchgroups/or informants sustain advocacy against SECO and SECTT and reporting possible cases of SECO and SECTT to concerned agencies <narrative>private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders <narrative>private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders <narrative>of boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> of boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative>of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative>community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights <narrative>community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights</narrative> community members participated in awareness raising campaigns on child rights <narrative>CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT <narrative>CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT <narrative>abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options</narrative> abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options <narrative>abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options</narrative> abused/exploited youth assisted with alternate livelihood options <narrative>child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials</narrative> child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials <narrative>child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials</narrative> child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials <narrative>incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children</narrative> incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children <narrative>incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children</narrative> incidence of child abuse/exploitation identified and reported for legal action by children NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0101 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH DTZ 2017 CEBU CSEC Program</narrative> Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Bidlisiw Foundation, Inc. Fellowship for Organizing Endeavors (FORGE) Children's Legal Bureau, Inc. (CLB) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 594594.0 282432.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 297297.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 265515.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>children trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> children trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative>children trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> children trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative>CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative>children trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> children trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> # of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers"</narrative> # of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers" <narrative>families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>effective referral systems established</narrative> effective referral systems established <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established <narrative>companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC</narrative> companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC <narrative># of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC</narrative> # of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC <narrative>media campaigns on CSEC conducted</narrative> media campaigns on CSEC conducted <narrative># of media campaigns on CSEC conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns on CSEC conducted <narrative>meetings held with Government officials</narrative> meetings held with Government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials <narrative>private sector staff trained on CSEC</narrative> private sector staff trained on CSEC <narrative># of private sector staff trained on CSEC</narrative> # of private sector staff trained on CSEC <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0113 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH GAA LOBBY AND ADVOCACY TO END CSEC AS FORM OF GBV IN CEBU</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Bidlisiw Foundation, Inc. Children's Legal Bureau, Inc. (CLB) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 176486.0 74941.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0173 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2018 DTZ to Prevent and Respond to OSEC and SECTT in Cebu</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Bidlisiw Foundation, Inc. Children's Legal Bureau, Inc. (CLB) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 594594.0 267567.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 297297.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 281737.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative>boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative>boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative>boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> # of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative>girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative>girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative>girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative>girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers"</narrative> # of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers" <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>companies sensitized on CSEC</narrative> companies sensitized on CSEC <narrative># of companies sensitized on CSEC</narrative> # of companies sensitized on CSEC <narrative>companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC</narrative> companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC <narrative># of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC</narrative> # of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC <narrative>families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) <narrative>female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> government officials trained on CSEC <narrative># of government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> # of government officials trained on CSEC <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice <narrative>lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> lobby and advocacy documents presented to government <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government <narrative>male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>meetings held with government officials</narrative> meetings held with government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC <narrative>private sector staff trained on CSEC</narrative> private sector staff trained on CSEC <narrative># of private sector staff trained on CSEC</narrative> # of private sector staff trained on CSEC NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0174 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2018 GAA Lobbying for better implementation of laws/services for CSEC victims</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Children's Legal Bureau, Inc. (CLB) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 59994.0 25080.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners</narrative> community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners</narrative> coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs</narrative> campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative</narrative> trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0217 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>INT 2018 Engaging CSOs to Eliminate Violence/Economic Excl of Girls/Women GAA</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH ISC Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 106574.0 42107.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0219 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2018-2021 Comprehensive Prevention and Response on OCSE</narrative> Overall Objective: To support a comprehensive prevention and response of Online Child Sexual Exploitation (OCSE) in Cebu, the Philippines &nbsp; Outcome 1: The government in Cebu (including DSWD) has increased capacity to prevent and respond to OCSE Outcome 2: Civil society organisations (including social workers) have increased capacity to prevent and respond to OCSE Outcome 3: Families and Communities contribute to protecting children from Online Child Sexual Exploitation (OCSE) Outcome 4: Children protect themselves from Online Child Sexual Exploitation (OCSE) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdHNL Cebu Field Office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 26812.0 1009394.0 620834.0 0 5411.0 Expenditure 2018 70657.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Document presented to government</narrative> Document presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government Physical accomplishment: No target for the quarter; Not a target for this quarter as we shifted implementation of the CoVid-19 Emergency Response. However, preparatory activities have already started, including the onboarding of the ER consultant.; <narrative>Government officials trained</narrative> Government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> # of government officials trained on CSEC Physical target: No target for the quarter.; <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting child rights, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting child rights, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights Physical target: No target for the quarter.; Not a target for this quarter as we shifted implementation of the CoVid-19 Emergency Response.; <narrative>Community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> Community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities No target for the quarter.; No target for the quarter; <narrative>Vulnerable girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Vulnerable girls participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable girls participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable girls participated in awareness raising sessions No target for the quarter.; No target for the quarter; <narrative>Vulnerable boys participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Vulnerable boys participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable boys participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable boys participated in awareness raising sessions No target for the quarter.; No target for the quarter; NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0223 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2018 Improvement Plan of Forge Shelter</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Fellowship for Organizing Endeavors (FORGE) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 16000.0 6265.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0256 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2019 DtZ To prevent and respond to OSEC and SECTT in Cebu province</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Bidlisiw Foundation, Inc. Children's Legal Bureau, Inc. (CLB) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 657506.0 264667.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 264667.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 324170.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> # of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> # of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> # of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers"</narrative> # of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers" <narrative># of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative># of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of meetings held with Government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with Government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC <narrative># of government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> # of government officials trained on CSEC <narrative># of government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> # of government officials trained on CSEC <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice <narrative># of media campaigns on CSEC conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns on CSEC conducted <narrative># of media campaigns on CSEC conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns on CSEC conducted <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government <narrative># of private sector staff trained on CSEC</narrative> # of private sector staff trained on CSEC <narrative># of private sector staff trained on CSEC</narrative> # of private sector staff trained on CSEC <narrative># of companies sensitized on CSEC</narrative> # of companies sensitized on CSEC <narrative># of companies sensitized on CSEC</narrative> # of companies sensitized on CSEC NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0257 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2019 GAA Lobbying for better implementation of laws/services for CSEC victims</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Children's Legal Bureau, Inc. (CLB) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 74284.0 28672.0 2019 Total Disbursement for CLB Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 37418.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0259 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH2019 GAA Private Sector Engagement to Address GBV, Economic Exclusion Among Vulnerable Groups in Metro Cebu</narrative> This project is part of GAA and will address the issues of CSEC and other forms of GBV and economic exclusion of girls and young women. Expected outcomes of this project include increased awareness, appreciation, and recognition of the importance of addressing these issues through strong collaboration and partnership with CSOs and private sectors in Metro Cebu (Cebu, Mandaue and Lapu-lapu). Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Bidlisiw Foundation, Inc. Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 Expenditure 2019 NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0264 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2019-2021 Community-based Alternative Care for CSEC (CARE for CSEC)</narrative> The project is a pilot endeavor to develop a community-supported foster care program for rescued commercially sexually exploited children whose victimization entails that they be pulled-out of their family and community because the perpetrators are located therein.&nbsp; It is community-supported because the project aims to develop the foster care program within a child-safe community supported by a strong partner people&rsquo;s organization, barangay local government unit and Cebu City Social Welfare Office in close coordination with the Department of Social Welfare and Development. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Fellowship for Organizing Endeavors (FORGE) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 122178.0 115162.0 97460.0 40568.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> Boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) expenditure reflected in Output 1.2. also covered this output 1.1; No additional children profiled from Balay-Damgo in 3rd Quarter. Cebu City DSWS initially referred three (3) children for foster care.; <narrative>Girl CSEC victims receiving specialized services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> Girl CSEC victims receiving specialized services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) No additional children profiled from Balay-Damgo in 3rd Quarter. Cebu City DSWS initially referred three (3) children for foster care.; <narrative>Effective referral system established</narrative> Effective referral system established <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established On-going, to be continued after the ECQ; Budlaan LGU will revisit its referral mechanism/system in October 2020. Banilad LGU will conduct workshop for establishment of referral mechanism/system in October 2020.; <narrative>Families of Child victims receiving support services</narrative> Families of Child victims receiving support services <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) There are only two (2) out the 24 families identified in the data baseline study were able to pass the family assessment. And five (5) out of six (6) based on a list recommended by the LGU; <narrative>Child protection committees (Child Protection Task Force) supported</narrative> Child protection committees (Child Protection Task Force) supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported CPTF created its 2nd quarter plan during the Assessment-Planning workshop conducted last February 21, 2020 and attended by its 13 members; During the 3rd quarter, the Banilad Child Protection Task Force was formally organized with 16 total members. They already took their oath and elected its President, Vice-president and Secretary.; <narrative>Male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness</narrative> Male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness <narrative># of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities The session in March was not realized due to Cebu City’s declaration of ECQ.; A total of 28 male community members participated in awareness six (6) awareness sessions regarding the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act conducted during the third quarter.; <narrative>Female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness</narrative> Female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness <narrative># of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities The session in March was not realized due to Cebu City’s declaration of ECQ.; A total of 103 female community members participated in awareness six (6) awareness sessions regarding the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act conducted during the third quarter.; <narrative>Meetings held with government officials</narrative> Meetings held with government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials Courtesy meetings with BLGU-BCPC Talamban and Banilad were conducted separately on the same day. At Banilad, six (6) members of BCPC, and two (2) barangay councilors were present and at Talamban, four (4) BCPC members, Barangay Captain, Barangay Secretary and GAD Focal were present.; Conducted BCPC meeting in Barangay Budlaan. Conducted Partnership Signing with Barangay Banilad.; <narrative>Government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> Government officials trained on CSEC <narrative># of government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> # of government officials trained on CSEC No training conducted during the 3rd quarter due but there were five (5) barangay officials (Punong Barangay Dennes Tabar, SK Chair Jessa Mae Ricarte, Kagawad Adelaida Ouano, Kagawad Teofe Butas and Kagawad Alfredo Gabini) in Banilad were present during one of our awareness sessions regarding Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act.; <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights 16 members of the newly-organized Banilad Child Protection Task Force attended (in separate schedules) the awareness regarding the Anti-trafficking in Persons Act.; NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0265 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2019 SPARK-a-PAGE to address Gender-based Violence and Economic Exclusion</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Action Pour les Enfants (APLE) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 122704.0 47260.0 2019 Total Disbursement for SPARK Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 64362.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0316 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2020 DtZ :To prevent and respond to OSEC and SECTT in Cebu province</narrative> The DtZ project aims to provide a comprehensive approach to promotion, protection, provision and prosecution of Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) in Cebu province, Philippines. The Consortium will implement these through active engagement of children, families, communities, private sector and the government agencies in target areas through awareness raising activities, lobbying, capacity building and response to OSEC, SECTT and CSEC cases in its target areas. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Bidlisiw Foundation, Inc. Children's Legal Bureau, Inc. (CLB) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 416116.0 <narrative>Boy CSEC victims receive specialised services</narrative> Boy CSEC victims receive specialised services <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) The quarterly planned target set for the 1st quarter was 10 instead of 12. Other CSEC boys who received specialised services were old CSEC contacts. Only 11 out of 35 Boys who received the specialised services were new CSEC contacts.; Limited mobility to reach out children because of COVID-19 pandemic.; Targets for the year already achieved in the previous quarters. Most of the activities done were continuing and end conferences.; <narrative>Girl CSEC victims receive specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> Girl CSEC victims receive specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) The quarterly planned target set for the 1st quarter was 10 instead of 12. Other CSEC girls who received specialised services were old CSEC contacts. Only 10 out of 39 girls who received the specialised services were new CSEC contacts.; Additional number of girls provided with services by CLB.; Excess of target for the quarter. More opportunities to provide free legal advise through the online legal assistance form.; <narrative>Boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> Boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases Trained boys are existing cases; The other activities are set to be conducted for the 1st quarter was postponed to the 2nd quarter due to enhanced community quarantine amidst pandemic COVID-19 crisis. Amount was utilized as direct cost of the project.; Some activities were not conducted because of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) from April to May and later lifted to General Community Quarantine (GCQ) on June amidst COVID-19 pandemic. Expenses were on the salary of the staff.; Excess. We maximized the budget where it can still accommodate more.; <narrative>Girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> Girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases Trained girls are existing cases; The other activities are set to be conducted for the 1st quarter was postponed to the 2nd quarter due to enhanced community quarantine amidst pandemic COVID-19 crisis. Amount was utilized as direct cost of the project.; Some activities were not conducted because of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) from April to May and later lifted to General Community Quarantine (GCQ) on June amidst COVID-19 pandemic. Expenses were on the salary of the staff.; Excess. We maximized the budget where it can still accommodate more.; <narrative>Boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> Boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> # of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers CLB target for this is 15 new contacts per area per quarter. They have 5 areas where they conducted the CRA Meetings.; Some activities were not conducted because of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) from April to May and later lifted to General Community Quarantine (GCQ) on June amidst COVID-19 pandemic. Expenses were on the salary of the staff.; Excess. We maximized the budget where it can still accommodate more.; <narrative>Girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> Girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers"</narrative> # of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers" CLB target for this is 15 new contacts per area per quarter. They have 5 areas where they conducted the CRA Meetings.; Some activities were not conducted because of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) from April to May and later lifted to General Community Quarantine (GCQ) on June amidst COVID-19 pandemic. Expenses were on the salary of the staff.; Excess. We maximized the budget where it can still accommodate more.; <narrative>Boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> Boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC Shared expenses from Direct Program cost; The Activity will be conducted in 2nd quarter.; Some activities were not conducted because of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) from April to May and later lifted to General Community Quarantine (GCQ) on June amidst COVID-19 pandemic. Expenses were on the salary of the staff.; Excess. We maximized the budget where it can still accommodate more.; <narrative>Girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> Girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC Shared expenses from Direct Program cost; The Activity will be conducted in 2nd quarter.; Some activities were not conducted because of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) from April to May and later lifted to General Community Quarantine (GCQ) on June amidst COVID-19 pandemic. Expenses were on the salary of the staff.; Excess. We maximized the budget where it can still accommodate more.; <narrative>Effective referral systems established</narrative> Effective referral systems established <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established The other activities set to be conducted for the 1st quarter was postponed to the 2nd quarter due to enhanced community quarantine amidst pandemic COVID-19 crisis.; Some activities were not conducted because of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) from April to May and later lifted to General Community Quarantine (GCQ) on June amidst COVID-19 pandemic. Expenses were on the salary of the staff.; Target achieved.; <narrative>Families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> Families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) <narrative># of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling)</narrative> # of families of child victims receiving support services (e.g. counselling) 10 families received support from FORGE; 6 family case conference were conducted by CLB.; Additional number of families provided with counseling services by the CLB.; Target was already reached during the Quarter 1 and 2.; <narrative>Child protection committees supported</narrative> Child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported Slight over-achievement of the realised output is due to the number of Investigation and Data Gathering for Case Build-up in several areas by CLB.; Some activities were not conducted because of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) from April to May and later lifted to General Community Quarantine (GCQ) on June amidst COVID-19 pandemic. Expenses were on the salary of the staff.; Achieved target.; <narrative>Male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> Male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities The other activities set to be conducted for the 1st quarter was postponed to the 2nd quarter due to enhanced community quarantine amidst pandemic COVID-19 crisis.; Some activities were not conducted because of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) from April to May and later lifted to General Community Quarantine (GCQ) on June amidst COVID-19 pandemic. Expenses were on the salary of the staff.; Excess. We maximized the budget where it can still accommodate more.; <narrative>Female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> Female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities The other activities set to be conducted for the 1st quarter was postponed to the 2nd quarter due to enhanced community quarantine amidst pandemic COVID-19 crisis.; Some activities were not conducted because of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) from April to May and later lifted to General Community Quarantine (GCQ) on June amidst COVID-19 pandemic. Expenses were on the salary of the staff.; Excess. We maximized the budget where it can still accommodate more.; <narrative>Meetings held with Government officials</narrative> Meetings held with Government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials The realised outputs that are underachieved were the result of the cancelled/postponed activities due to the community quarantine implemented to avoid the spread of COVID-19.; Actually this is an over-achieved target. The indicated target output here is much higher than in the PRF.; Excess. We maximized the budget where it can still accommodate more.; <narrative>Meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC</narrative> Meetings held with police and judiciary on CSEC <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary 12 (of 20) Hearings of Cases were attended by CLB. The NGO targets 20 hearings per quarter as average hearing they have for their program. They are not putting target per quarter since they are putting target annually.; All hearings are cancelled due to the lockdown regulations. Expenses were on the staff salary.; Not all courts have conducted court hearings.; <narrative>Government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> Government officials trained on CSEC <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained No cost/budget allocated for this output as reflected in the Project Results Framework.; The project has an overreached target of 2 meetings. This was because the meetings are relevant to the project and helped the team to respond to the issues and concerns experienced by the children beneficiaries and even the Project team.; The project has already reached its target from the previous quarter.; <narrative>Media campaigns on CSEC conducted</narrative> Media campaigns on CSEC conducted <narrative># of media campaigns on CSEC conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns on CSEC conducted This is in excess of 1. The original foreseeable media campaign targeted was the #OBR2020 in time for the Women’s Month in March, One Billion Rising Dance. However, CLB was invited as main campaigner to lobby in Congress for the passage of the amendments to the statutory rape law, thus #EndChidRape was integrated; As targeted; Excess. We maximized the budget where it can still accommodate more.; <narrative>Lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> Lobby and advocacy documents presented to government <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government Achieved beyond the target output due to the high demand of raising awareness on child protection against abuse amidst the pandemic situation.; Excess. We maximized the budget where it can still accommodate more.; <narrative>Lobby and advocacy documents presented to law enforcement agencies</narrative> Lobby and advocacy documents presented to law enforcement agencies <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to law enforcement agencies</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to law enforcement agencies As targeted; Excess. We maximized the budget where it can still accommodate more.; <narrative>Private sector staff trained on CSEC</narrative> Private sector staff trained on CSEC <narrative># of private sector staff trained on CSEC</narrative> # of private sector staff trained on CSEC Shared expenses from Direct Program cost; The activity was already scheduled to be implemented last March 30-31, 2020 but because of the COVID 19 crisis, it was cancelled.; Actually this is an over-achieved target. The indicated target output here is much higher than in the PRF.; Excess. We maximized the budget where it can still accommodate more.; <narrative>Companies sensitized on CSEC</narrative> Companies sensitized on CSEC <narrative># of companies sensitized on CSEC</narrative> # of companies sensitized on CSEC For implementation in the following quarter.; No activities implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown implementation.; No target.; <narrative># of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC</narrative> # of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC <narrative># of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC</narrative> # of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC For implementation in the following quarter.; No activities implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown implementation.; No target for this quarter.; NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0326 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2020 GAA: Lobbying for a more effective implementation of laws and appropriate services for CSEC victims</narrative> This project is part of the GAA campaign to end gender-based violence against girls and young women and aims to address the issues of their economic exclusion and promote empowerment through various laws, policies, and ordinances. It will connect the gaps in empowering that leads young women and girls becoming easy victims of commercial sexual exploitation. Recognizing that closing the gaps cannot be done with simply relying on government initiatives, the project&rsquo;s objectives include the involvement of community leaders, CSOs and the private sector to support campaigns against CSEC, as well as&nbsp; lobbying activities for more effective laws and services for CSEC victims. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Children's Legal Bureau, Inc. (CLB) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 51430.0 <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders Scheduling of activities was affected by the delay in availability of funds. Community Quarantine caught up with the schedules; Due to the lockdown restrictions, face to face meetings are prohibited. Online monitoring is done, and many partners in the communities are still adjusting to the situation.; Other activities made up for deficiencies.; <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions Resources was shared with other participating organizations, minimizing cost and increasing the number of participants covered by the budget; No schedule.; Excess is due to change of platform to online, which increased participation at lower cost to CLB.; <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level Forums were scheduled in March, but had to be cancelled due to the community quarantine issuance suspending all classes; No schedule. For implementation in July; Each area participating in the WDAT activity is counted as separate campaign as their attendance is a product of separate communication and lobbying.; <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government Two issues: On child labor during the Regional Council on Child Labor workshop (Feb), and on Child Trafficking during a Technical Working Group meeting; Two online meetings were held; group had discussion on human trafficking and child labor.; There is opportunity to discuss more.; <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy maker</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy maker <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers In consonance with National campaign to raise age of sexual consent.; Opportunity came for discussion on child labor, and OSEC; One is coordinative with Plan Intl's (as GAA lead) campaign to raise age to determine statutory rape, while the other is on restarting travel and tourism which is a DTZ alliance campaign relevant to GAA.; <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised More govt officials are interested in joining quarterly meetings; One cluster meeting on June 26 was attended by government officials, children's cases were discussed.; Online platform expanded the reach of the activity.; <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners Some participants will be invited during the next succeeding meetings and conference; No meetings were held due to lockdown regulations, although they were updated regularly online and were invited to webinars.; Other CSOs were also constrained by the pandemic. 20 comes from attendance in CAST Conference, 10 from CNN who are not CAST member. Those who are both CAST and CNN members are listed as CAST; <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs Achieved as planned; No meetings were held due to lockdown regulations, although they were updated regularly online and were invited to webinars.; Achieved.; <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector Private sector provided with Position paper on the raising of the age of sexual consent; Will coincide with meetings; Achieved.; <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives Achieved as planned; Will coincide with meetings; Achieved.; <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives For implementation on the Second Quarter; No mass gatherings allowed; Partners in the private sector have temporarily ceased operations due to Covid.; Scheduled in October due to extension of implementation; NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0327 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2020 GAA: SPARK-a-PAGE 2 (Partnership for Advocating Gender Equality) to eliminate GBV and economic exclusion</narrative> The project will strengthen its partnership with the Gender Focal Point System (GFPS) of government agencies and local government units so they would be more encouraged to localise the #RespetoNaman advocacy campaign. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Samahan ng mga Pilipina para sa Reporma at Kaunlaran (SPARK!) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 95548.0 <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders The focused-group discussions for the youth and children were postponed due to Enhanced Community Quarantine caused by CoVID-19 pandemic.; As we were not able to realize 2 FGDs in Q1 because of the quarantine measures, we had to do 4 FGDs in this quarter, Q2. However, all FGDs were done online to still follow the government policies.; Activity was not accomplished due to delay in receiving the tranche which until now is not yet received.; <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level The #RespetoNaman's #DontTellMeHowToDress Exhibit had its homecoming in the capital where it originated courtesy of the Quezon City Government. As this in partnership with Mayor Joy Belmonte, it is currently placed in the Quezon City Hall where thousands of people go everyday for government transactions. This is in addition to the online component of the campaign which is still active and continues to gain support and positive traction. However, the launch of a modified #DontTellMeHowToDress Exhibit in Bohol Province was postponed due to CoVID-19 pandemic. Hence, we were not able to surpass our baseline and make it into 2.; There is no change in the number of output but a change in the description of the output instead. As discussed above, the current restrictions made our planned activities no longer possible such as the localization of the #DontTellMeHowToDress Exhibit. As our adaptive effort to keep the objective of this output, we are banking on our social media campaign by intensifying our online activities to inform and empower the netizens on gender-based violence particularly in this time of the pandemic. The area identified here does not anymore correspond to a specific location but now refers to the Philippines in general. Moreover, the exhibit is still in the Quezon City Hall.; There is no change in the number of output but a change in the description of the output instead. As discussed above, the current restrictions made our planned activities no longer possible such as the localization of the #DontTellMeHowToDress Exhibit. As our adaptive effort to keep the objective of this output, we are banking on our social media campaign by intensifying our online activities to inform and empower the netizens on gender-based violence particularly in this time of the pandemic. The area identified here does not anymore correspond to a specific location but now refers to the Philippines in general. Moreover, the exhibit is still in the Quezon City Hall.; <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions The #RespetoNaman Forum which was supposed to be held in Bohol was postponed due to Enhanced Community Quarantine caused by CoVID-19 pandemic. Computation of the costs did not include personnel.; Due to the current restrictions, the shift to online fora was expected therefore it became easier for us to gather and educate more people through our webinar series.; Due to the current restrictions, the shift to online fora was expected therefore it became easier for us to gather and educate more people through our webinar series.; <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government 2 official meetings were held to discuss the inclusion of the campaign into the local government's gender and development plan and budget. These two meetings were with the Office of the City Mayor of Quezon City and the Provincial Administrator of Province of Bohol. Additional meetings are necessary to iron out the details and further guide the partners. The number of inputs here means the whole process of institutionalizing the campaign into their local policies thus continuous coordination meetings are part of the output.; In spite of the absence of physical or even online meetings with local government officials, still, we were able to find a way both directly and indirectly influence them through the webinar series. Through the topics, invited guests, and questions, each episode clearly aimed to influence and encourage the legislature and local government units to properly and fairly implement the law and create better policies that ensure the rights and welfare of the women, girls, and the LGBTQ+ community during and after the pandemic.; In spite of the absence of physical or even online meetings with local government officials, still, we were able to find a way both directly and indirectly influence them through the webinar series. Through the topic, invited guests, and questions, each episode clearly aimed to influence and encourage the legislature and local government units to properly and fairly implement the law and create better policies that ensure the rights and welfare of the women, girls, and the LGBTQ+ community after the pandemic.; <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised Vice-President Leni Robredo Senator Grace Poe Atty. Kat Pioquinto Bohol Provincial Administrator Bohol Provincial, 2 Bohol Gender and Development Heads, Mayor Joy Belmonte, Councilor Mayen Juico, Ms Janet Oviedo, Office of the City Mayor; In connection to the difficulty in realizing this, the webinar became an avenue for us to engage with people from the government, not specifically from the planned local government officials but from various areas instead. 1 - Rep. Geraldine Roman 1 - Rep. Sarah Elago 1 - undeclared LGU 5 - Quezon City Tourism Department 1 - Municipality of Bustos 1 - Sangguniang Kabataan, undeclared LGU; In connection to the difficulty in realizing this, the webinar became an avenue for us to engage with people from the government, not specifically from the planned local government officials but from various areas instead. 1 - GAD Officer 1 - Legal Officer 2 - Commission on Human Rights 1 - MSSD-BARMM 1 - Department of Education; <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers As we were able to re-launch the #RespetoNaman in the Quezon City Hall, we were also able to partner with the city officials to make this happen. And as because the exhibit is placed in the City Hall, we can assure that public officials can see and learn from it.; The #RespetoNaman Campaign has been ongoing online and similar to last year, we were able to celebrate the one year anniversary of its spin-off campaign #EndRainbowViolence that calls to eliminate discrimination and violence against people with diverse gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.; The #RespetoNaman Campaign has been ongoing online.; <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs CSO partnership dialogues in support of Women’s Month Activities were held with the following: UN Women, UNFPA, Rappler, Para Sa Sining We considered the meetings as bilateral dialogues as we were able to discuss future partnership efforts.; We were able to partner with different organizations to realize the webinar series. Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium Embassy of Sweden, Mindanao Pride, Mujer LGBT, Ladlad Caraga, Youth Voices Count; We were able to partner with different organizations to realize the webinar series. 1-Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 2-Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium 3-Mindanao Pride, 4-Mujer LGBT, 5-Ladlad Caraga, Youth 6-Voices Count; <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives Private sector partnership dialogues were held with the following organizations in support with the Women's Month activities: PBCWE, SMART Infinity and SM Aura We considered the meetings as bilateral dialogues as we were able to discuss future partnership efforts.; We were able to partner with one private company to realize a webinar series. 1 Transcom Philippines; There was no activity done related to this.; NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0329 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2020 GAA: Private Sector Engagement to Address GBV, Economic Exclusion Among Vulnerable Groups in Metro Cebu</narrative> The objective of the 2020 GAA project is to focus activities more on building men&rsquo;s capacity to become advocates in upholding the rights of women and girls in target communities. The work on private sector will also be strengthened to orient companies on compliance with laws and policies i.e. Magna Carta of Women, Child Protection Laws including Child Labor Law as well as the Labor Code of the Philippines. The project also aims to document stories of success in the work/partnership with the private sector. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Bidlisiw Foundation, Inc. Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 50620.0 <narrative>Number of community members (incl. community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members (incl. community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions A total of 217 community members (106 males, 111 females) attended the awareness raising session.; The Drama sa Trumpa reached 10,000 community members. A certificate from the barangay is secured by the project as MOV. Out of the 10,000 community members, 265 (60 males, 205 females) participated in the question and answer portion.; <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives The project conducted 1 training on GBV and Magna Carta of Women participated in by 22 companies with 26 individuals.; <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives Two partner companies were monitored last March 2020.; The project were able to conduct dialogues to 3 new partner companies namely, JoDin, IT Companies, and Cebu Technological Sciences.; <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV & Decent Work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV & Decent Work for the private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector The Compilation of Stories of Triumph on its lay-outing stage.; The Stories of triumph is now in its lay-outing and will be published/reproduced in October 2020.; NL-KVK-41149287-PHCE0362 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2020 Voice for Change: Cross-country C4D Research Intervention</narrative> Child victims of CSEC and vulnerable to sexual exploitation known to our partners will be brought together to identify what they see as the biggest barriers for change regarding CSEC. Advocacy strategies will be developed with them and communication challenges and opportunities identified. IT specialists will be engaged to develop prototypes that can address these needs. The most promising prototype will be tested. Once successful this can be rolled-out in other areas and countries. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Fellowship for Organizing Endeavors (FORGE) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 <narrative>Child victims and children at risk of CSEC with interest to contribute to lobby & advocacy are networked together for peer to peer learning and more powerful voice</narrative> Child victims and children at risk of CSEC with interest to contribute to lobby & advocacy are networked together for peer to peer learning and more powerful voice <narrative>Number of children and youths (female and male) joined established networks</narrative> Number of children and youths (female and male) joined established networks NL-KVK-41149287-PHCL0020 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2016: Mobilising Child Labour Free Communities in Eastern Visayas</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdHNL Samar Field Office Exodus from Child Labor to Integration, Play,Socialization & Educ (ECLIPSE) Inc. Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 365722.0 0 173870.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative># of NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> # of NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>children vulnerable to (worst forms of) child labour received TVET</narrative> children vulnerable to (worst forms of) child labour received TVET <narrative># of children vulnerable to child labour received TVET</narrative> # of children vulnerable to child labour received TVET <narrative>child labourers received psycho-social support</narrative> child labourers received psycho-social support <narrative># of child labourers received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child labourers received psycho-social support <narrative>children & youth trained as agent of changes</narrative> children & youth trained as agent of changes <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events NL-KVK-41149287-PHCL0112 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>2017 GAA: Economic Empowerment and GBV for Girls/Young Women in Eastern Visayas</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme&nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdHNL Samar Field Office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 300000.0 132402.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives NL-KVK-41149287-PHCL0167 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2018 GAA Samar and Leyte Economic Empowerment of Girls/Young Women from CL</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Exodus from Child Labor to Integration, Play,Socialization & Educ (ECLIPSE) Inc. Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 260000.0 127992.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners</narrative> community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners</narrative> coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative</narrative> trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices NL-KVK-41149287-PHCL0218 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>NL 2018 Effective due diligence towards eradicating child labour</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Global March-International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 94566.0 46396.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative</narrative> trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners NL-KVK-41149287-PHCL0258 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH2019GAA Elimination of Gender Based Violence/Economic Excl. in Eastern Visayas</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Exodus from Child Labor to Integration, Play,Socialization & Educ (ECLIPSE) Inc. Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 326828.0 132639.0 2019 Total Disbursement for SAMAR Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 169525.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised NL-KVK-41149287-PHCL0325 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2020 GAA: Promotion of Gender Equality and Economic Empowerment in Eastern Visayas</narrative> The Consortium continue to advocate for behavioral change through efforts influencing community, local CSOs and government partner to contribute to the achievement of the overall goal - Girls and young women are economically empowered and free from all forms of gender based violence. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Exodus from Child Labor to Integration, Play,Socialization & Educ (ECLIPSE) Inc. Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 280058.0 <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions Some planned activities moved to 2nd quarter. 166 Women leaders from different LGUs attended the Provincial GST during the women's month celebration, the activity is in partnership with TdH and Provincial Government of Eastern Samar thru the office of PSWDO. 147 Community Leaders oriented and trained on the Roles and functions of BCPC and VAWC Desk in addressing Child Protection and VAWC rlated cases in Borongan City, in partnership with the City Government thru MSWDO. 52 members of the Barangay Councils trained on VAWC Handling in Oras, we were tapped as resource speaker, we don't have expenses in this activity. 19 Community watched group members directly reached by ECLIPSE. 41 faith-based leaders were oriented on the crafting of their OCP Policy and attended GST and lastly included in the counting is the 515 children reached oriented on series of CP Orientations by the Consortium. 129 individuals from the government reached and 95 from the Provincial and Local Government Units ).; Raise community awareness to avoid panic and prevention of CP and GBV cases in the midst of disaster maximizing social media like Radio, FB, Group Chats, printed IECs, community orientation, conducts of psycho social support to young and adults. Variance of the budget. 2 activities of ECLIPSE not realized due to COVID increasing cases in Ormoc and liquidation of 1 activity conducted(Faith based) submitted late, it will be considered in July financial report.; <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religions and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religions and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders Of the 4 target this quarter only 2 reached from Samar FO dialogue with local leaders in partner communities.. Planned target output of ECLIPSE was not realized due to stringent measures of COVID 19 being imposed by the City Government of Ormoc due to increasing number of COVID cases in the City.; <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level 1.Safer Internet Day, 2.Women's Month Celebration and 3.End Sexual Exploitation Education Campaign; The Consortium able to produced 4 Radio Infomercials, 1 flyer in local dialect and 2 Referral Flow tarpaulins installed in 2 barangays hardly hit by typhoon Ambo and COVID 19. We maximized the allocated funds for the production of Radio Infomercial, flyers and tarpaulins this quarter to aid us in disseminating key messages in safeguarding children and young women in the midst of COVID 19 pandemic and ill-effects of typhoon Ambo destruction.; <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers One activity moved to 2nd quarter with the corresponding budget. 142 individuals from Government and Law enforcers reached in our lobbying and advocacy activities. Breakdown below, (13 from Executive and Legislative officials lobbied facilitating our MOU with 4 partner LGUs, 129 from various government organizations and law enforcement agencies (24 Provincial PNP-WCPD Personnel &95 from Provincial and MLGUs employees) attended the GST last March 11, 2020 at the Provincial Capitol of Eastern Samar.; No allocated budget for this quarter. Remaining budget last 1st quarter maximized for meals and transportation in the coordination and meeting with government partners and local officials in our partner communities.; Target not realized due to COVID 19 Pandemic – face to face meetings was discouraged at the regional level, because Tacloban Leyte has local transmission.; <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised Moved to May 2020. Expenses is for the direct support and program cost.; Remaining budget last 1st quarter maximized to support the Orientation to Local Officials on VAWC; TdH NL was invited to conduct a Gender Sensitivity Training to Philippine Army Officials and Enlisted Personnel of the 78IB Philippine Army; <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government Expenses for direct staff and program cost.; These activities was scheduled last 1st quarter, but not realized due to Enhanced Community Quarantine and has been moved to 2nd quarter.; No target this quarter but there’s a series of activities and consultations to get inputs from concerned CSOs that incurred budget Series of meetings and consultations in consolidating CSO ideas in drafting of Empowerment Ordinance; <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices Not realized due to ECQ. Budget spent for direct staff cost and program support.; Face to face training is discourage due to local transmission of COVID 19 virus. Need to secure clearances and permits to ensure health protocols are strictly followed before the event organizer is allowed to conduct an activity as face to face gathering is not allowed and online activity is a great challenge since signal to some areas is not stable.; <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners Preparatory meeting with consultants and partners San Julian CSO Network in preparation for TdH NL localization and preparation for the EU Call for Proposal. Expenses was charged to CSO Registration and Accreditation in the Legislative Councils of the Provincial and Municipal LGUs.; Budget incurred for program support cost.; Invited CSO did not attend the meeting of fear that they might aquire the COVID 19 virus, Ormoc has local transmission; <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs Expenses for direct Support and Program Cost.; <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives Direct Support and program Support Cost; Explanation of planned activities for this quarter stated in respective boxes; <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives Expenses for direct staff and program support cost.; Consultations, brainstorming and meeting done with City Tourism and Business Establishments for the drafting of Zero Tolerance to Child Abuse Policy; Production of IEC Sample presented to the Business Sector for comments, suggestion and recommendation.; NL-KVK-41149287-PHCT0007 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2016: Protecting Children Against Human Trafficking in areas in Philippines</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands KKI SALIGAN Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 720902.0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 0.0 Expenditure 2016 271069.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative># of NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> # of NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>Children's clubs supported</narrative> Children's clubs supported <narrative>Children's clubs supported</narrative> Children's clubs supported NL-KVK-41149287-PHCT0111 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>2017 GAA PACT National Central Region, focus on Trafficking/Migration of Girls</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Philippines Against Child Trafficking, Inc. (PACT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 81800.0 36869.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised NL-KVK-41149287-PHCT0172 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH CTM 2018 PACT CSOs/gvnment addressing issues of CT/migration as a form of GBV</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Philippines Against Child Trafficking, Inc. (PACT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 95986.0 46605.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners</narrative> coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders NL-KVK-41149287-PHCT0254 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH CTM 2019 Mobilizing CSOs, Private Sector and Government to address CTM Issues</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Philippines Against Child Trafficking, Inc. (PACT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 267810.0 108469.0 2019 Total Disbursement for PACT Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 140012.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs NL-KVK-41149287-PHCT0324 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>PH 2020 GAA:Mobilising CSOs & government to address issues of CTM as a form of GBV in the Philippines</narrative> This project is part of the Girls Advocacy Alliance (GAA), which aims to mobilize partner CSOs in addressing the issues of child trafficking as a form of gender-based violence.&nbsp;The Project will contribute to the achievement of the 2020 outcomes and intermediate outcomes through the following: Five functional community informal community&nbsp; protection mechanisms (CPMs), with twelve CSOs as members of CPMs Seventeen CSO partners share good practices in organizing CPMs passage of&nbsp; four anti-trafficking in persons policies in three(3) cities and on women and children protection in private agencies in one city Three private sectors adopt&nbsp; women and children protection policies. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Philippines Against Child Trafficking, Inc. (PACT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 159236.0 <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders Expenditure of this activity is for Salaries of Personnel; The expenses under this output included the salaries of the staff in-charge of the activities, who focused their efforts for consultations. These activities will be done after the consultation on informal mechanisms that will be held on the last week of July.; Activities under this output are actually delayed due to the COVID 19 pandemic. However, some of the partners have conducted activities but have yet to submit their narrative and financial reports.; <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions 4 community leaders attend Tdh and Plan BPFA Consultation and 4 staff attended CRC Coalition and staff meetings and there were 100 views of PACT's social media posts; The data include the ff: 1,107 (networking activities), 1,213 (from WDAHT campaign activities), IEC Materials (2000), likes from social media posts (177); <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices the expenses seemed exceeding the Q1 budget but actually, the PRIMAS program had an error in equally distributing the budget quarterly not considering the submitted quarterly timeframe of the activities; We put 2 CSOs as output despite not having a target for Quarter 2 because we had two(2) new CSOs who attended special consultation meetings with partners on how the activities will be implemented. The two CSOs were not present during the Quarter 1 Learning and Planning Sessions.; Several cluster meetings with 17 PACT GAA CSO partners were done to discuss plans on their local activity implementation. However, the 17 CSOs are the same CSOs reported in the previous quarters.; <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs activities may still be done on the third quarter of implementation; Actually, there were other meetings conducted by the local partners but were not included in the report due to late submission of reports. They will be included in the next Quarter Report.; <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government Expenditures of this activity is for Salaries of Personnel and Olongapo City stakeholders started earlier than planned because the LGU called for a public hearing on the submitted ATIP ordinance in 2019; A bigger number of CSO partners were accredited with their respective LGUs and agencies. They did not use the allocated funds for the accreditation because they utilized their own funds. The expenses under this output was spent more for the salaries of the staff in charge of coordinating with the CSOs and government partners.; Thirteen(13) PACT GAA CSO partners have actually renewed/ processed their accreditation. The following partners are now processing their accreditation/renewal of accreditation to their respective LGU: JCSFCC, PACT Malabon, RYAT, TAWAD, PACT Olongapo, PACT Taguig, KTACT, PACT Valenzuela, PACT is also working for its accreditation in QC and the DSWD.; <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives The activities were projected to starting Quarter 2. The expenditures of this activity was spent for Salaries of Personnel; This was delayed due to the stoppage in the operation of the previously targeted establishments since the ECQ up to the present. The expenses incurred were for the salaries of the staff in charge, who followed up with PACT Cabanatuan on this activity. The partners are planning to conduct activities in July or early August.; This is still being pursued in October despite the great delay because most of the establishments who were engaged in 2019, have been closed or not operational due to the pandemic.; NL-KVK-41149287-SACT0058 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TH 2016: Zero Trafficking and Safe Migration in Thai-Myanmar Border/CPPCR</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Burma Against Child Trafficking Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 544748.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 0.0 Expenditure 2016 203882.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>children received healthcare</narrative> children received healthcare <narrative># of people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance) NL-KVK-41149287-SSHA0128 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>SS 2017: South Sudan Joint Response 3</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 652976.0 0 0 326486.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance) NL-KVK-41149287-SSHA0138 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>SS 2017 Providing access to WaSH in South Sudan</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 800000.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2017 401994.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people provided with access to WASH facilities (Humanitarian Assistance) NL-KVK-41149287-SYHA0082 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>SY 2016: Syria Joint Response 2</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH Italy Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 1597756.0 0.0 Expenditure 2016 100000.0 Expenditure 2017 NL-KVK-41149287-SYHA0175 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>SY 2017 Syria Joint Response 3</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH Italy Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 1233038.0 589519.0 Expenditure 2017 NL-KVK-41149287-SYHA0220 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>SY 2018: Syria Joint Response 4</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands ZOA TdH Italy Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0.0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>Number of girls enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of girls enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of girls enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of girls enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of boys enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of boys enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of boys enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of boys enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of women enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of women enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of men enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of men enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of men enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of men enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of men enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of men enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of primary health care consultations with girls</narrative> Number of primary health care consultations with girls <narrative>Number of primary health care consultations with girls</narrative> Number of primary health care consultations with girls <narrative>Number of primary health care consultations with boys</narrative> Number of primary health care consultations with boys <narrative>Number of primary health care consultations with boys</narrative> Number of primary health care consultations with boys <narrative>Number of primary health care consultations with women</narrative> Number of primary health care consultations with women <narrative>Number of primary health care consultations with women</narrative> Number of primary health care consultations with women <narrative>Number of primary health care consultations with men</narrative> Number of primary health care consultations with men <narrative>Number of primary health care consultations with men</narrative> Number of primary health care consultations with men <narrative>Number of women benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events</narrative> Number of women benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events <narrative>Number of women benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events</narrative> Number of women benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events <narrative>Number of men benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events</narrative> Number of men benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events <narrative>Number of men benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events</narrative> Number of men benefiting from child protection awareness-raising and community events NL-KVK-41149287-SYHA0288 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>SY 2019 Syria Joint Response 5 TdH Italy</narrative> This is the 6th phase of the Syria Joint Response. In this project, funded by MFA and led by ZOA, Tdh focus on people with disabilities in the areas of&nbsp;Jaramana, Qattana, Daf El, shok, Other Vulnerable Areas Aleppo. Activities include: distribution of food vouchers,&nbsp;MHPSS and physical rehabilitation, provision of&nbsp;physiotherapy services or assistive devices or rehabilitation of houses.&nbsp; Implemented through our sister organisation, Tdh Lausanne. Terre des Hommes Netherlands ZOA TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 1980142.0 754859.0 1st instalment ZOA Terre des Hommes Netherlands 185709.0 Cash top up ZOA Terre des Hommes Netherlands 726901.0 1st instalment ZOA Terre des Hommes Netherlands 188243.0 Cash top up ZOA Terre des Hommes Netherlands 765159.0 ZOA Terre des Hommes Netherlands 707682.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of people in Aleppo - Jebel Saman are enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of people in Aleppo - Jebel Saman are enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of females (below 18 yrs) enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of females (below 18 yrs) enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of males (below 18 yrs) enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of males (below 18 yrs) enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of females (18+ yrs) enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of females (18+ yrs) enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of males (18+ yrs) enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of males (18+ yrs) enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>People enabled to meet their basic food needs.</narrative> People enabled to meet their basic food needs. <narrative>Number of females (below 18 years) enabled to meet their basic needs</narrative> Number of females (below 18 years) enabled to meet their basic needs <narrative>Number of males (below 18 years) enabled to meet their basic needs</narrative> Number of males (below 18 years) enabled to meet their basic needs <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) enabled to meet their basic needs</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) enabled to meet their basic needs <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) enabled to meet their basic needs</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) enabled to meet their basic needs <narrative>People have access to primary health care</narrative> People have access to primary health care <narrative>Number of primary healthcare females (below 18 years)</narrative> Number of primary healthcare females (below 18 years) <narrative>Number of primary healthcare males (below 18 years)</narrative> Number of primary healthcare males (below 18 years) <narrative>Number of primary healthcare females (18+ years)</narrative> Number of primary healthcare females (18+ years) <narrative>Number of primary healthcare males (18+ years)</narrative> Number of primary healthcare males (18+ years) <narrative>People have access to mental health services.</narrative> People have access to mental health services. <narrative>Number of mental health consultations by females (below 18 years)</narrative> Number of mental health consultations by females (below 18 years) <narrative>Number of mental health consultations by males (below 18 years)</narrative> Number of mental health consultations by males (below 18 years) <narrative>Number of mental health consultations by females (18+ years)</narrative> Number of mental health consultations by females (18+ years) <narrative>Number of mental health consultations by males (18+ years)</narrative> Number of mental health consultations by males (18+ years) <narrative>Budget that went to national and local actors</narrative> Budget that went to national and local actors <narrative>% of budget that went to national and local actors</narrative> % of budget that went to national and local actors <narrative>Budget spent on capacity building of national an local actors</narrative> Budget spent on capacity building of national an local actors <narrative>% of budget spent on capacity building of national an local actors</narrative> % of budget spent on capacity building of national an local actors <narrative>National and local actors supported with capacity-building</narrative> National and local actors supported with capacity-building <narrative>Number of national and local actors supported with capacity-building</narrative> Number of national and local actors supported with capacity-building NL-KVK-41149287-SYHA0301 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Syria Aleppo Autumn campaign 2017</narrative> Name of the project: Food support for households in Aleppo Because of&nbsp;the high severity and needs in&nbsp;Aleppo, TdH Italy together with TdH Netherland decided to raise funds through a campaign done by Tdh Netherlands to provide food support to Syrians in need. Tdh Italy, as our implementing partner, distributes food vouchers to 510 HHs for 5 Cycles (2550 individuals). The project started in 2017 and was extended to 2018, but could not be finalised because of change of priorities. Now, project implementation is being extended once again: from Nov 2020 to Feb 2021. Budget: EUR 100,000 Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH Italy Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 NL-KVK-41149287-SYHA0352 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Syria Joint Response 2020</narrative> For the sixth year, Tdh is part of the Syria Joint Response, funded by the Dutch MFA, and led by ZOA. Tdh is mostly providing assistance to people with disabilities in Jaramana, Qattana, Daf El shok, Eastern Ghota (Rural Damascus) and Jeble (Aleppo). Activities: Food vouchers, MHPSS and physical rehab, fisiotherapy, or rehab. Project includes a COVID-19 Top Up. Terre des Hommes Netherlands ZOA TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 4033028.0 1267187.0 ZOA Terre des Hommes Netherlands 937378.0 1st instalment ZOA Terre des Hommes Netherlands 902661.0 1st instalment ZOA Terre des Hommes Netherlands 70682.0 2nd instalment ZOA Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>People are enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> People are enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of females (below 18 years) were enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of females (below 18 years) were enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of males (below 18 years) were enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of males (below 18 years) were enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) were enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) were enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) were enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) were enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Access to mental health</narrative> Access to mental health <narrative>Number of mental health consultations by females (below 18 years)</narrative> Number of mental health consultations by females (below 18 years) <narrative>Number of mental health consultations by males (below 18 years)</narrative> Number of mental health consultations by males (below 18 years) <narrative>Number of mental health consultations by females (18+ years)</narrative> Number of mental health consultations by females (18+ years) <narrative>Number of mental health consultations by males (18+ years)</narrative> Number of mental health consultations by males (18+ years) <narrative>People have access to primary health consultations</narrative> People have access to primary health consultations <narrative>Number of primary health consultations by females (below 18 years)</narrative> Number of primary health consultations by females (below 18 years) <narrative>Number of primary health consultations by males (below 18 years)</narrative> Number of primary health consultations by males (below 18 years) <narrative>Number of primary health consultations by females (18+ years)</narrative> Number of primary health consultations by females (18+ years) <narrative>Number of primary health consultations by males (18+ years)</narrative> Number of primary health consultations by males (18+ years) <narrative>Budget for national and local actors</narrative> Budget for national and local actors <narrative>% of budget that went to national and local actors</narrative> % of budget that went to national and local actors <narrative>Budget for capacity building for national and local actors</narrative> Budget for capacity building for national and local actors <narrative>% of budget for capacity building for national and local actors</narrative> % of budget for capacity building for national and local actors <narrative>National and local actors supported with capacity building</narrative> National and local actors supported with capacity building <narrative>Number of national and local actors supported with capacity building</narrative> Number of national and local actors supported with capacity building <narrative>Crisis-affected people are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Crisis-affected people are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected females (below 18 years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected females (below 18 years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected males (below 18 years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected males (below 18 years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected females (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected females (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected males (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected males (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme NL-KVK-41149287-THCE0056 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TH Fast Forward; Dek Hi-Tech Programme</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Childline Thailand Foundation Internet Foundation for the Development of Thailand Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 249532.0 0 115920.0 PAYMENT TO TDH IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS FACE DTZ 2016 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 115920.0 Commitment towards implementing partners DTZ Face 2016 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 110949.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights</narrative> # of targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting for the promotion of child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>Curriculum developed on safe internet use for children</narrative> Curriculum developed on safe internet use for children <narrative>Curriculum developed on safe internet use for children</narrative> Curriculum developed on safe internet use for children <narrative>schools adopted curriculum on safe internet use for children</narrative> schools adopted curriculum on safe internet use for children <narrative>schools adopted curriculum on safe internet use for children</narrative> schools adopted curriculum on safe internet use for children <narrative>boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> boy and # of girl survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative># of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support</narrative> # of child survivors of sexual exploitation online and in travel and tourism received psycho-social support <narrative>CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT <narrative># of CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT</narrative> # of CSO´s strengthened coordination to effectively combat SECO and SECTT <narrative>child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials</narrative> child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials <narrative># of child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials</narrative> # of child groups established and trained as vigilant groups representing CR concerns to officials NL-KVK-41149287-THCE0090 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TH Down to Zero Fast Forward; Dek Hi-Tech Programme 2017</narrative> Stop Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Childline Thailand Foundation Internet Foundation for the Development of Thailand Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 448830.0 213194.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 224415.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 225161.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>children trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> children trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative>of children trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> of children trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> # of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers"</narrative> # of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers" <narrative>meetings held with Government officials</narrative> meetings held with Government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>effective referral systems established</narrative> effective referral systems established <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established NL-KVK-41149287-THCE0122 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>AS 2017 Combating Sexual Exploitation of Children in Asia (CSECA) - ECPAT</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 292642.0 96369.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights NL-KVK-41149287-THCE0123 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>2017 Regional CSEC Joint programme to address SECO and SECTT in Asia - ECPAT</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Policy marker code &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECPAT International Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 397358.0 199477.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders <narrative>private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders</narrative> private sector cooperations established to protect children from (online) child abuse and travelling sex offenders NL-KVK-41149287-THCE0168 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TH DTZ 2018 PC FACE: Prevent online sexual abuse/exploitation in Thailand</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Childline Thailand Foundation Internet Foundation for the Development of Thailand Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 498656.0 0 236861.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 249328.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 243529.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative>girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative>boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> # of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative>girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers"</narrative> # of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers" <narrative>boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative>boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative>girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative>boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice <narrative>female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>effective referral systems established</narrative> effective referral systems established <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established <narrative>meetings held with government officials</narrative> meetings held with government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials <narrative>companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC</narrative> companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC <narrative># of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC</narrative> # of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC <narrative>lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> lobby and advocacy documents presented to government <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government NL-KVK-41149287-THCE0248 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TH OSEC and SECTT (DtZ) in Thailand 2019</narrative> AS CE // Sexual Exploitation of Children Online (SECO) and Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands FACE Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 572620.0 231859.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 231859.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 288229.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> # of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> # of boys trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers</narrative> # of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers <narrative># of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers"</narrative> # of girls trained to raise issues of CSEC among their peers" <narrative># of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established <narrative># of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to law enforcement agencies</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to law enforcement agencies <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to law enforcement agencies</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to law enforcement agencies <narrative># government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> # government officials trained on CSEC <narrative># of government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> # of government officials trained on CSEC <narrative># judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> # judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice <narrative># of private sector staff trained on CSEC</narrative> # of private sector staff trained on CSEC <narrative># of private sector staff trained on CSEC</narrative> # of private sector staff trained on CSEC <narrative># of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC</narrative> # of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC <narrative># of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC</narrative> # of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC NL-KVK-41149287-THCE0331 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TH DTZ 2020: Address and prevent online sexual abuse of children and SECTT Thailand</narrative> In 2020, the Down to Zero project will aim at supporting the Royal Thai Government&rsquo;s efforts to eradicate the sexual exploitation of children in Thailand, particularly the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism and online. The project works with children as agents of change, communities to protect children at risk through awareness raising activities, and the private sector to contribute to increasing the level of awareness and protection of children online. The project&nbsp; will be implemented mainly in Bangkok and Pattaya areas. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands FACE Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 500814.0 <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of boy CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) Due to the pandemic over the country, Some activities have been postponed to Q2 or depends on the situation is getting better.; <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g.shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) <narrative># of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> # of girl CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) Due to the pandemic over the country, Some activities have been postponed to Q2 or depends on the situation is getting better.; <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of boys trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases</narrative> # of girls trained on CSEC and how to report cases <narrative># of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of boys trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC Due to the pandemic, Thaihotline decided to create a platform on CSEC online and allow public to access.; Due to safety during the pandemic, THL is trying to do the platform online.; <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC <narrative># of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC</narrative> # of girls trained to advocate for child rights and protect against CSEC Due to the pandemic, Thaihotline decided to create a platform on CSEC online and allow public to access.; Due to safety during the pandemic, THL is trying to do the platform online.; <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established <narrative># of effective referral systems established</narrative> # of effective referral systems established <narrative># of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities to prevent CSEC/OCSE. Follow up coaching will be provided to support the implementation of recommendations from initial training.</narrative> # of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities to prevent CSEC/OCSE. Follow up coaching will be provided to support the implementation of recommendations from initial training. <narrative># of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of male community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities Due to the pandemic, Thaihotline decided to create a platform on CSEC online and allow public to access.; <narrative># of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities towards developing community based mechanisms to prevent CSEC/OCSE. Follow up coaching will be provided to support the implementation of recommendations from initial training.</narrative> # of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities towards developing community based mechanisms to prevent CSEC/OCSE. Follow up coaching will be provided to support the implementation of recommendations from initial training. <narrative># of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of female community members (with children at risk of CSEC) that participated in awareness raising activities Due to the pandemic, Thaihotline decided to create a platform on CSEC online and allow public to access.; <narrative># of meetings held with Government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with Government officials <narrative># of meetings held with government officials</narrative> # of meetings held with government officials Due to the pandemic, all of meeting online or offline have been canceled but FACE keeps thing up to date with them by chatting via LINE, mobile chatting application.; Besides of 13 meetings in this quarter, the Ministry of Education announced on 20th July, an opening of the Protection and Helping Sexual Violated Students Center in the compound of the MOE. This Center is a result of lobbying and advocacy work of FACE together with a few other key NGOs and civil society due to the problems of child sexual abuse and CSAM Online that occurred in schools in various provinces ; some CSA cases were committed by the teachers.; <narrative># of government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> # of government officials trained on CSEC <narrative># of government officials trained on CSEC</narrative> # of government officials trained on CSEC Training with government officials had to be postponed due to the pandemic of COVID-19.; There is no training due to the pandemic.; FACE managed to do capacity building / on – job –training with police, and multi-disciplinary team during case conferences as a part of monitoring work with cases of child sex abuse online cases at Salaya police station, Nakhon Pathom in August and September. One case need to get assistance from child psychiatrists from Chula Hospital.; <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained on CSEC and child-safe justice Training with judges (Bangkok and Northern Thailand) on OCSE/Child online protection had to be postponed due to the pandemic of COVID-19.; There is no training due to the pandemic.; <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government <narrative># of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government</narrative> # of lobby and advocacy documents presented to government Mainly regarding on; 1. abrogation of the new law on domestic violence and the revision of the old law. 2. The draft law focusing on child online protection .; <narrative># of private sector staff trained on CSEC</narrative> # of private sector staff trained on CSEC <narrative># of private sector staff trained on CSEC</narrative> # of private sector staff trained on CSEC <narrative># of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC</narrative> # of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC <narrative># of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC</narrative> # of companies supported in developing an ethical company policy related to CSEC Plans to do activities with private sector recently had been postponed.; Waiting for the response of Google to create a safe platform to children, avoid harm from cyber bullying. Thaihotline and Google had drafted the MOU on this regard together since Quarter 1 of 2020 and is in the process of approval from Google.; NL-KVK-41149287-THCE0360 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TH 2020 Voice for Change: eliminating commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) in Thailand</narrative> A key challenge for Thai public social services and NGOs, especially state and government shelters working with children which have been separated from their families and communities, is the sustainable reintegration of these children into society, due to several factors including the various traumas suffered due to abuse and exploitation, the consequences of potential abuse of substances on their physical and mental health, as well as the risks of re-victimisation. &nbsp; This project aims to increase the knowledge of government institutions and NGOs towards developing effective and sustainable reintegration mechanisms of child victims of SEC, and turn this into practice. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Childline Thailand Foundation Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 <narrative>Child protection systems strengthened in 5 countries through lobby & advocacy and capacity building</narrative> Child protection systems strengthened in 5 countries through lobby & advocacy and capacity building <narrative>Signs of child protection system strengthening in the 5 countries through lobby and advocacy and capacity building.</narrative> Signs of child protection system strengthening in the 5 countries through lobby and advocacy and capacity building. <narrative>Capacity-building of Governments, LEA and CSO's for transformation of Child Protection Systems generates changes and secures avenues for advocacy</narrative> Capacity-building of Governments, LEA and CSO's for transformation of Child Protection Systems generates changes and secures avenues for advocacy <narrative>2. Number of (f/m) CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid)</narrative> 2. Number of (f/m) CSEC victims receiving specialised services (e.g. shelter, health services, educational services, legal aid) the funds for the project were received very late - only on the 31st of August, so implementation of some activities is slightly delayed; <narrative>Number of lobby and advocacy activities (specify) by youth and children to positively influence CPS.</narrative> Number of lobby and advocacy activities (specify) by youth and children to positively influence CPS. <narrative>Number of lobby and advocacy activities (specify) by youth and children to positively influence CPS</narrative> Number of lobby and advocacy activities (specify) by youth and children to positively influence CPS <narrative>Supportive lobby & advocacy by the Alliance and its partners to transform Child Protection Systems</narrative> Supportive lobby & advocacy by the Alliance and its partners to transform Child Protection Systems <narrative>Number of lobby and advocacy activities ( online advocacy campaign, documentary on SEC) done by Alliance members and their partners</narrative> Number of lobby and advocacy activities ( online advocacy campaign, documentary on SEC) done by Alliance members and their partners NL-KVK-41149287-THCL0030 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TH 2016 Reducing child labour among migrant workers in Thai seafood industry</narrative> AS CL // Eliminating Worst Forms of Child Labour - Asia Regional Programme Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Foundation for Child Development Friends Without Borders Foundation Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 265446.0 0 0 99130.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>cases reported by community members</narrative> cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative># of NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> # of NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>children & youth trained as agent of changes</narrative> children & youth trained as agent of changes <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities NL-KVK-41149287-THCT0003 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TH 2016: Protecting the Rights of Transnational Migrants Especially Children/FFW</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Foundation for Women Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 424656.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 181350.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-THCT0065 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TH 2016: Monitoring/Advocacy Work on Child Migration/Child Trafficking in Mekong</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands LPN GCT Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 693386.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2015 0.0 Expenditure 2016 320346.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-THCT0130 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TH 2017: Destination Unknown - Child Rights in the Global Compacts</narrative> AS CT // Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move including Survivors of Child Trafficking in Asia Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands GCT Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 29384.0 0 0 14241.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>children/youth trained as agent of change</narrative> children/youth trained as agent of change <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change NL-KVK-41149287-TZCA0041 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TZ 2016: Stop Child Marriages Project</narrative> EA CA // Child SRH Rights &amp; protection from abuse Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands AACP Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 265384.0 0 0 90630.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities NL-KVK-41149287-TZCA0043 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TZ 2016: Community Empowerment on SRHR and Elimination of CM/FGM in Mara Region</narrative> EA CA // Child SRH Rights &amp; protection from abuse Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ATFGM Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 148372.0 0 0 73106.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative># of NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> # of NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy NL-KVK-41149287-TZCA0049 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TZ 2016: Mtwara CPSS - handing over project</narrative> EA CA // Child SRH Rights &amp; protection from abuse Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Kiota Women Health & Development organisation - KIWOHEDE Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 45854.0 0 0 22941.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative># of NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> # of NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation NL-KVK-41149287-TZCA0186 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TZ 2018: Association for Termination of Female Genital Mutilation</narrative> EA CA // Child SRH Rights &amp; protection from abuse Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ATFGM Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 352426.0 0 214371.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-TZCA0253 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TZ 2019 Strengthening girls sexual/reproductive health/rights in Tarime Tanzania</narrative> EA CA // Child SRH Rights &amp; protection from abuse: PC0253 aims to safeguard girls from FGM/GBV in Tarime district, Mara Region-Tanzania. &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ATFGM Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 299236.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions A total amount of euro 17466 was for the activity of re-integration, the reintegration was done to girls and boys who were at the shelter during the time for cutting in December 2019.; <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating training</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating training <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities This output was finalized at 4th quarter of the project implementation.; <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services These activities were completed at the forth quarter of the project implementation.; <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services These activities were completed at the 4th quarter of the project implementation cycle; <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded A total number of 65 Boys went for safe circumcision during the time of cutting in December 2019, After the safe circumcision these boys were re-unified by their parents. but 3 boys were rejected by their parents.; <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded During the Rescue camp we had a total number of 557 girls who were rescued from FGM in 2019, in January 2020 the girls were to be re- integrated back to their families, ATFGM in collaboration with the government managed to make reintegration to 394 girls but 163 girls were rejected by their parents. Reconciliation continued up to much when the pandemic disease COVID 19 then the exercise of reconciliation stopped. FGM is going on up to date therefore even those girls who were reintegrated some of them have come back to the shelter because they were at risk of being cut during this time when there is eruption of the Pandemic Disease COVID-19. Therefoe currently at the center there are 168 girls who have been protected from being cut.; <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice All the girls who were at the shelter have been provided with legal aid, they have been taught, the law of the child therefore they are now aware of their basic rights, their obligations and their are now able to claim their basic rights.; <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice All of the boys who went for the safe circumcision received also legal aid so that at the end of the day can stand and claim for their rights.; <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services This output was finalized at 4th quarter of the project implementation.; <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services This output was finalized at 4th quarter of the project implementation.; <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused/vulnerable children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused/vulnerable children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities This output was finalized at 4th quarter of the project implementation.; <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees This output was finalized at 4th quarter of the project implementation.; <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings This output was finalized at 4th quarter of the project implementation.; <narrative>Community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA</narrative> Community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities This output was finalized at 4th quarter of the project implementation.; <narrative>Government officials trained</narrative> Government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained This output was finalized at 4th quarter of the project implementation.; <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners This output was finalized at 4th quarter of the project implementation.; <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff received capacity strengthening sessions on reporting and/ or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff received capacity strengthening sessions on reporting and/ or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation This output was finalized at 4th quarter of the project implementation.; <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, and roles of government, private sector and employers in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, and roles of government, private sector and employers in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights This output was finalized at 4th quarter of the project implementation.; NL-KVK-41149287-TZCA0341 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Transforming traditional norms and values to strengthen girls’ SRHR in Tarime, Tanzania.</narrative> This project will protect girls at risk of FGM/CM/GBV in Tarime district, Tanzania from abuse and exploitation, in partnership with ATFGM. Activities will&nbsp; include rescue of girls victim or at risk; alternative rite of passage; awareness, advocacy and capacity building. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ATFGM Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 515062.0 0 <narrative>Children act as agents of change on child rights</narrative> Children act as agents of change on child rights <narrative>% of boys and girls survivors of GBV reporting cases of Abuse/exploitation as change agents.</narrative> % of boys and girls survivors of GBV reporting cases of Abuse/exploitation as change agents. <narrative>Vulnerable and exploited children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Vulnerable and exploited children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions During the implementation of activities under this output a total number of 1990 people were reached with awareness sessions. Also they are now acting on all forms of child abuse. For example children are running away from FGM and child marriage because they have understood their rights.; During this reporting period, awareness sessions were conducted through public announcements and radio sessions as a way of reaching out to the wider community with awareness messages on the need to protect children from FGM, CM and unsafe male circumcision as well as on COVID-19. Staff conducted these awareness activities while observing the precautionary measures against COVID 19 for their own safety. On the other hand, 4 children participated in the awareness through radio sessions where they shared the challenges they faced at home including missing class lessons and the risk of FGM/CM.; The project coordinated with the schools management, community leaders, District Social Welfare Office and Police Gender and Children Desk in conducting awareness sessions with children in schools and community through bonanza, video sessions, community cinema and radio sessions. The sessions carried various messages on the protection of children from FGM, CM and unsafe male circumcision as well as COVID-19 and importance of girls education. Through these sessions, the project engaged 650 boys and 2106 girls in school bonanza and video sessions and managed to reach 2,010 boys and 2,650 girls; <narrative>Exploited and Vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> Exploited and Vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services In 2019 the project rescued 557 girls who were at risk to be cut, among these girls 163 girls were rejected by the parents during the re-integration, however in Tanzania the enrollment of children in schools is done on January, therefore as the girls were rejected the project had to enroll 80 children in different schools, And due to that we had to use also the money from other activities so that the girls were to be helped.; During this reporting period, a total of 169 girls who were safeguarded at the centre following the school closure because of the outbreak of COVID 19, were supported to continue with their education after the school resumption announced by the government in June 2020. Among them, 84 girls joined the boarding facilities of various institutions including 12 girls who joined Primary boarding schools, 51 children joined Secondary boarding schools 19 children joined Vocational Training Institutions and 2 girls (one is 18 years and the other is 19 years old) joined Teachers Training and Nursing Colleges in Bunda and Songea districts. Currently 87 girls remaining at Masanga centre were linked with the nearby schools including 51 girls in Primary Schools and 34 in Secondary schools.; During this reporting period, a project conducted follow ups to the 84 children who were enrolled by the project to various learning institutions following unsuccessful family reconciliations. Children were counseled on the importance of focusing on studies and staying motivated. Moreover, the project assured children that they will reunite with their families due to the continuous project efforts of engaging their families in reconciliation. The project also provided moral support to 13 children who were in preparation for the STD VII National Exams that took place on 7th and 8th October 2020.; <narrative>Exploited and abused boys received educational services</narrative> Exploited and abused boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services The boys were to be rescued in fourth quarter but in December 2019 65 boys attended the safe circumcision in hospital, 61 boys were accepted by their parents but 4 boys were rejected therefore the project had to enroll them in boarding schools but also during the eruption of Corona virus they came back back to the center therefore they were to be safeguarded at the center.; 3 boys were identified by ATFGM members who shared the information to ATFGM, after counseling and psychosocial support, they were supported to go back to the boarding secondary schools where they were studying before COVID-19 pandemic broke out. These boys were also counseled on their basic rights, the negative effects of unsafe traditional circumcision and were capacitated to be agents of change in their community.; The project conducted monitoring visits to 4 boys (3 in different boarding schools and 1 at the project center, studying at the nearby school) where the boys depicted good academic performance, as testified by the academic teachers in their respective schools.; <narrative>Boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> Boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded The boys were to be rescued in fourth quarter but in December 2019 65 boys attended the safe circumcision in hospital, 61 boys were accepted by their parents but 4 boys were rejected therefore the project had to enroll them in boarding schools but also during the eruption of Corona virus they came back back to the center therefore they were to be safeguarded at the center.; During this reporting period, a total of 2 boys were safeguarded at the project rescue centre and counselled on their basic rights, negative effects of unsafe traditional circumcision and capacitated to be agents of changes in their community. Moreover, the project conducted family reconciliation and successfully reunified 3 boys with their families and 2 boys remained at the centre because reconciliation with their respective families didn't turn out successful. The 2 boys were supported with material to continue with education in their respective boarding schools while the project continued with the family reconciliation initiatives.; This output intended to support boys who are vulnerable to GBV especially being circumcised for the second time, following their decision to undergo safe(medical) circumcision. During this reporting period, the project managed to safeguard one boy who was forced by his parents to be circumcised for the second time, the boy is currently at Masanga rescue center but he is attending the nearby school.; <narrative>Girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> Girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded This output was planned to be implemented on fourth quarter but it has been implemented this quarter because FGM is still being conducted this time, Kurya people did not stop cutting their girls from December but also after the outbreak corona virus all schools were closed therefore the community members have taken this as an opportunity to mutilate their girls simply because the government id busy with the problem of corona.; In this reporting period, a total of 169 girls sought protection at the project centre at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak in Tanzania following the school closure and threat of being forcefully mutilated at home. These girls were also provided with psycho social support services and sensitized on SRHR and were also capacitated to become agents of change.; In this reporting period, the project continued to provide protection to 76 girls who escaped the risk of forceful mutilation and early marriage that were prevailing in their community during the school closure in March 2020 after the outbreak of COVID 19 in Tanzania. These girls were also provided with psycho social support services and sensitized on SRHR and were also capacitated to become agents of change. The project has been in regular contact with their families for possible reintegration, however, families have been reluctant to cooperate and accept back their children.; <narrative>Provide exploited/ abused girls with legal advice</narrative> Provide exploited/ abused girls with legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice Under this out put girls were provided with legal aid, most of the girls didn`t know their rights, therefore through this output children and community members are aware on the basic child rights in general and they are able to stand and claim their rights even in the court.; A total of 76 girls safeguarded at the Masanga rescue centre were provided with legal advice and the project continued with follow up on cases that were at different levels of prosecution. On the other hand, the project conducted follow ups on 39 cases that are at various stages of prosecution i.e 19 cases that are under police investigation, 8 cases were completed through reconciliation with families and perpetrators and 12 cases are at the hearing stages at the Tarime Resident Magistrate court; <narrative>Exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> Exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice Those boys who went for safe circumcision they also received legal aid advice, therefore currently they know their basic rights and they can claim their rights. For example one boy who was caught to be circumcised for the second time went to the police to report while another one ran to the rescue center so that he can be protected from such abuse.; The project provided two boys survivors of GBV with legal advice on their basic rights according to the child law Act. 21 of 2009 The purpose of this service to children was to make them aware of their basic rights and be able to claim their basic rights at the end of the day.; The project continued to provide legal advice to 1 boy who is vulnerable to Gender Based Violence.The legal aid included making him aware of his basic rights according to the child law Act 21 of 2009.; <narrative>Families and communities report child abuse and child exploitation concerns (formal and informal systems)</narrative> Families and communities report child abuse and child exploitation concerns (formal and informal systems) <narrative>% of families in Mara Region aware of dangers of FGM/CM</narrative> % of families in Mara Region aware of dangers of FGM/CM The expected outcome of the output was to make community members and different stakeholders be aware on the effects of GVB especially FGM and child marriage and at the end of the day be able to protect their children and provide all of the basic needs. Also was to capacitate them to be able to report all of the GBV events to respective authorities, awareness on COVID 19 and the importance of protecting girls from FGM and boys from unsafe circumcision was conducted through radio sessions and public announcement to community members; During the reporting period, the project conducted various awareness sessions that engaged 25000 community members in raising awareness on the negative effects of FGM,CM and importance of gilrs to their fellow communities. These sessions includes 9 radio sessions where members participated in the discussion during the live radio session, other awareness activities were Community cinema, school Bonanza, meeting with NPA VAWC members, meeting with peer educators.; <narrative>Community members with exploited/abused/vulnerable children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> Community members with exploited/abused/vulnerable children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities The amount of funds utilized under this output was for the staff salaries only. But these activities will be implemented in the next quarter by the use of funds from other activities.; The expected outcome of the output was to make community members and different stakeholders be aware on the effects of GVB especially FGM and child marriage and at the end of the day be able to protect their children and provide all of the basic needs. Also was to capacitate them to be able to report all of the GBV events to respective authorities, awareness on COVID 19 and the importance of protecting girls from FGM and boys from unsafe circumcision was conducted through radio sessions and public announcement to community members; During the reporting period, the project conducted various awareness sessions that engaged 25000 community members in raising awareness on the negative effects of FGM,CM and importance of gilrs to their fellow communities. These sessions includes 9 radio sessions where members participated in the discussion during the live radio session, other awareness activities were Community cinema, school Bonanza, meeting with NPA VAWC members, meeting with peer educators; <narrative>Government enters into a dialogue with CSOs about child rights</narrative> Government enters into a dialogue with CSOs about child rights <narrative>Ratio of police gender and children desks in Mara Region using child friendly interview techniques</narrative> Ratio of police gender and children desks in Mara Region using child friendly interview techniques Not planned in this quarter.; The project conducted 3 meetings with the government officials including Police gender and children desk, Health and Social welfare, Community development departments, Law enforcement agent and the District commissioner office to discuss various areas of collaboration in ending child abuse and exploitation. During these meetings, it was agreed that stakeholders (Government and CSOs) have an important role to play in the development of communities and mutually agreed to collaborate in various interventions including reporting and participation in different stakeholders meetings and events; <narrative>Government officials trained</narrative> Government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained Government officials will be trained on the next quarter of the project implementation, however the members of the NPA-VAWC are government officials who have been trained on the law of the child and different methodologies to handle different cases of children.; Not planned for this quarter. see RFC; A quarterly meeting was conducted with different stakeholders including Police gender and children desk, Judiciary, social welfare officer, WEOs and VEOs, during the meeting we discussed on the real situation that is taking place in the community. But things agreed together was to strengthen referral system especially this time when a serious FGM is going to take place soon after the standard seven finishes their exams on 8th October. We agreed that if we are all going to collaborate well then it will be easy to arrest the perpetrators of FGM and child marriage together with all other forms of GBV.; <narrative>Court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> Court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners During the project implementation many cases were reported to different authorities, therefore ATFGM had to make follow up of the case as the result one case has been judged and the perpetrators have been jailed one year.; a total of 39 Cases were filed with the police among these 9 cases are at the court and 30 cases are under investigation. 29 cases are FGM cases while the rest are other GBV cases, all of these cases were reported during the pandemic of COVID 19. The community members used a period of movement cessation due to the COVID 19 outbreak as an opportunity for them to mutilate the girls. The problem with these cases is that there are some political influences where some politicians try to interfere with the prosecution process, bail out the suspected perpetrators and intimidate the people who are willing to provide the witness. There were also some of the community members especially women coming to seek legal advice but it was difficult to help them because of Corona. These women are those who were identified last year and were facilitated with IGA and currently they are engaging with small business but also they help us in giving information on GBV issues happening in the society.; During the implementation of this activity a total of 39 cases were reported to Police, Social welfare office and to ATFGM Office, among them 12 cases are in Court other in hearing stages, 19 cases are still under police investigation, while 8 cases have been closed through reconciliation with their parents. The project continued with follow ups to these cases to ensure that children get their rights according to the law.; <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, and roles of government, private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, and roles of government, private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights This out put has been planned for the second quarter; Meeting with the CSOs representatives was conducted at quarter one of the project implementation cycle, at this quarter two we continued collaboration with other CSOs working at Tarime in reporting of cases and making referral for the beneficiaries who they met who were victims of FGM, child marriage and other forms of GBV. During the reporting period there was no case which was referred from the CSOs to ATFGM Masanga, this is because of the COVID 19 that most of the institution closed all of their activities. Training for these CSOs members will be conducted at quarter three of the project implementation cycle.; The project in coordination with Tarime NGOs network, conducted 3 meetings that involved stakeholders from CSOs(ATFGM, Plan international, CDF, MFEC, WEI, SHEHABITA, Right to Play and Search for Common Ground) and government officials including Police gender and children desk, Social welfare department, Community development department, Law enforcement agent and the District commissioner office. The meetings discussed the challenges of FGM in the current situation of Political campaigns and agreed to work closely by sharing information and strengthen referral mechanisms that will ensure effective and efficient protection of children.; NL-KVK-41149287-TZCE0068 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TZ 2016: Protecting Children from CSEC in Mara Region</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Watoto Wapinge Ukimwi Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 128016.0 0 0 0 57570.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>presentations held at companies</narrative> presentations held at companies <narrative># of presentations held at companies</narrative> # of presentations held at companies <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies NL-KVK-41149287-TZCL0035 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TZ 2016: Ending Worst Forms of Child Labor in Artisanal Gold Mines</narrative> EA CL // Ending WFCL in EA mining and domestic work Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Rafiko SDO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 271512.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2016 127401.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>presentations held at companies</narrative> presentations held at companies <narrative># of presentations held at companies</narrative> # of presentations held at companies <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners NL-KVK-41149287-TZCL0037 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TZ 2016: End exploitation and trafficking of child domestic workers in Mwanza</narrative> EA CL // Ending WFCL in EA mining and domestic work Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Kiota Women Health & Development organisation - KIWOHEDE Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 189880.0 0 0.0 Expenditure 2016 91678.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative>presentations held at companies</narrative> presentations held at companies <narrative># of presentations held at companies</narrative> # of presentations held at companies <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners NL-KVK-41149287-TZCT0045 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TZ 2016: End exploitation and trafficking of child domestic workers</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Kiota Women Health & Development organisation - KIWOHEDE Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 101472.0 0 0 44664.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative># of monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> # of monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions NL-KVK-41149287-TZCT0088 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TZ: Countering Child trafficking for Domestic Labour in Mwanza</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Kiota Women Health & Development organisation - KIWOHEDE Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 210322.0 0 0 97853.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights</narrative> companies with whom we have interaction on Child rights <narrative># of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights</narrative> # of companies with whom we have interaction on child rights <narrative>presentations held at companies</narrative> presentations held at companies <narrative># of presentations held at companies</narrative> # of presentations held at companies <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-TZCT0171 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>TZ 2018: Countering Child Trafficking for Domestic Labour in Mwanza</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Kiota Women Health & Development organisation - KIWOHEDE Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 332200.0 0 158077.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative># of NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> # of NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>presentations held at companies</narrative> presentations held at companies <narrative># of presentations held at companies</narrative> # of presentations held at companies NL-KVK-41149287-TZCT0262 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>2019 Countering child trafficking for Domestic Labour in Mwanza, Tanzania</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Kiota Women Health & Development organisation - KIWOHEDE Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 443204.0 0 220066.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of presentations held at companies</narrative> # of presentations held at companies <narrative># of presentations held at companies</narrative> # of presentations held at companies <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation NL-KVK-41149287-TZCT0299 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Countering Child Trafficking for Domestic Labour in Ukerewe, Tanzania</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Kiota Women Health & Development organisation - KIWOHEDE Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 157932.0 206460.0 92103.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Child victims of trafficking and Migration for labour and those at risk in Ukerewe Islands are able to identify the reporting procedures and are able to report cases of abuse or risk</narrative> Child victims of trafficking and Migration for labour and those at risk in Ukerewe Islands are able to identify the reporting procedures and are able to report cases of abuse or risk <narrative>% of boys and girls vulnerable to CT reporting cases of Abuse/exploitation as change agents</narrative> % of boys and girls vulnerable to CT reporting cases of Abuse/exploitation as change agents <narrative>Vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions Participation of Children in mapping of households with children most at risk of trafficking/retrafficking and awareness sessions which resulted from children feedback that many out of school children were being trafficked in the various Wards.; Target for the 13 months was 5,000 children for 4 quarters @1200: in Previous quarters a total of 2,113 children participated in awareness raising activities including 400 club members, 120 out of school peer educators, 64 out of school champions and child campainers/voice powers, 1,001 through FGDs i the the 4 islands (Nansio, Bukanda, Ukerewe and Ukaru, 314 in radio programme.; During this reporting period, a total of 63 children (34 boys and 29 girls ) participated in awareness raising through dissemination of awareness messages on CTM and COVID-19 pandemic to their families’ members and fellow children. The activity was facilitated by the trained champions and voice powers in relevant Islands . During the follow up sessions, sensitized champions/ voice powers and peer educators depicted an increase in their ability of identifying and reporting CTM and other child protection cases.. Example 5 cases involving children migrating from their home following the family abandonment by their parents, were reported to Ilangala ward executive officer(WEO) who referred the victims to KIWOHEDE. The project in collaboration with the Social Welfare and Police Gender and Children desk, carried a needs assessment to the victims and provided them with various services identified in the assessment.; In this reporting period, a total of 332 children (127 boys, 205 girls) participated in awareness raising on issues related to CR and CTM through CR Tuseme club sessions and through various opportunities available at school including school morning speech, subject and environmental clubs and life skills sessions at the center through which,peer educators shared awareness messages on CRs and CTM to their fellow children. These sessions are estimated to have reached 15079 children (7741 boys and 7338 girls) in and out of school.; <narrative>Exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> Exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services Total achieved in Q1 2020 is 70. Many children in the islands of Ukerewe are dropouts, attend school irregularly while others have never attended. This is mostly due to poverty as well as many child headed families and others parents leave children behind for prolonged period as they go to look for greener pastures (fishing areas mostly) leaving children behind to take care of themselves. Family needs end up taking first priorities while education is seen as secondary need. These factors contribute to CTM. Schools open January-June then July to December. Deposit school fees paid in January together with those for exploited girls and the rest to be paid in Q2 and scholastic materials already purchased; <narrative>Exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions This activity was planned for 3rd and 4th weeks of March but due to schools closure to slow down the spread of COVID-19, the activity was not implemented. However, 175 exploited children (135 girls and 40 boys) participated in awareness raising sessions in 2019.; In this reporting time, the project managed to facilitate 27 exploited/abused children (18 girls, 9boys) to participate in awareness raising sessions through commemoration of World Day against Human Trafficking. Where Children got an opportunity to display their drafted CTM messages such as“ Wazai,jamii,viongozi mtulinde dhidi ya usafirishwaji haramu (parents, community, leaders protect us against child trafficking)” through singing song and drama with CR messages during event that was organized by KIWOHEDE on July 30, 2020 at community level in Ukerewe district. This was also conducted with no cost.; <narrative>Vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> Vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services Total achieved in Q1 2020 is 70. Many children in the islands of Ukerewe are dropouts, attend school irregularly while others have never attended. This is mostly due to poverty as well as many child headed families and others parents leave children behind for prolonged period as they go to look for greener pastures (fishing areas mostly) leaving children behind to take care of themselves. Family needs end up taking first priorities while education is seen as secondary need. These factors contribute to CTM.; This activity was implemented in quarter one 2020.75 vulnerable girls (25 primary, 30 secondary) were provided with scholastic materials such as school uniforms, exercise books, school bags, mathematical sets, pens, rulers and pencils. 15 girls were supported and engaged in vocational training and they were provided with school fees, school uniforms and stationeries. The support of scholastic materials to vulnerable children has contributed to the reduction of school dropout to them and developed academic performance in line with the reduced vulnerability to trafficking.; <narrative>Exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> Exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services Children fees to be paid in Q2. Deposit paid in q1 together with the vulnerable to CT students. and scholastic materials already purchased; In this quarter the project managed to provide education support to 5 exploited /abused boys and were enrolled in vocational training pursuing a course in domestic electricity installation. This makes a total of 35 children who have already enrolled in Vocational education training for the whole project period. The purpose is to empower the vulnerable and exploited/abused children with skills as an alternative way of generating income to sustain their needs rather than being involved in child domestic works and other forms of hazardous works. This intervention has resulted and equipped children with skills in accordance with the course a child pursuing. For example children are able to design and sew clothes, make products like liquid soaps for mopping, and install electrical home boards unlikely at the beginning.; <narrative>Boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> Boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded CTM across the islands is common and also reintegration across island and followups there after is relatively easier than the mainlands. Staff camp in one highland for a good period concentrating on various project activities to cut on costs incurred by frequent travels across islands; The project implementation in this reporting period has succeeded to identify and rescue a total of 21 boys who were victims of CTM and referred them to the Fit Person for shelter services. Children were identified through various mechanisms including reports from community members who reported 6 children, 3 from the social welfare department, 6 from WCPTs, 2 from peer educators, 1 from project beneficiary, and 3 from police. Also children were provided with several services such as food, medical checkup, counseling, remedial sessions on life skills, legal aid and family reintegration. Children are able to express the needs without shyness unlikely before the project intervention.; During this reporting time 16 boys victims of CTM were identified and referred them to the Fit Person for shelter services. In total, 15 boys who are victims of CTM were successfully reunited with their families in the districts of Bunda (2 children) and Musoma (1 child) as well as 7 children in Ukara Island, 5 children in Ukerewe Island such as 3 children at Muriti ward and 2 children at Ilangala ward and 48 (21 male, 27 female) Parents/caregivers were counseled on parenting roles and skills, negative effects of CTM, child rights and child responsibilities during the reunification. Where 1 boy is still sheltered to fit person, and the project continuing with reconciliation with his family, after that a child will be reintegrated with his family at Bukiko ward in Ukara Island.; <narrative>Girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> Girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded CTM across the islands is common and also reintegration across island and followups there after is relatively easier than the mainlands. Staff camp in one highland for a good period concentrating on various project activities to cut on costs incurred by frequent travels across islands; In this quarter KIWOHEDE in partnership with TdH-NL have successfully rescued and sheltered a total of 102 girls at the centre who are the victims of CTM. Children were provided with services such as education and protective equipment against COVID-19 infections (mask and sanitizer), psychosocial support, legal advice, dignity kits, medical care, life skills education and reunification with their families. The services provided to the victims resulted in positive behavioral change among the children for example children actively were able to speak out and express their needs and concerns freely unlike to the beginning. Making right decisions and asking questions about child issues. For example before intervention some of the children were not able to express the truth of their story background but after counseling at the DIC children became able to reveal the truth.; In this reporting period the project rescue and protect 53 girls victims of CTM,whereby 31 girls were safeguarded at the project center and 22 girls were referred and sheltered to fit persons. Where 36 girls victims of CTM with their families in different source areas including 25 children who were reunified in the Island of Ukara, Gana, Bulubi an Nansio in Ukerewe district as well as 6 children who were reunified in Bunda district, 1 child in Chalinze, 1 child in Morogoro, 2 children in Magu and 1 in Chato. During the reintegration, 97parents/caregivers (38 male, 59 female) were counseled on positive parenting skills, child rights, Effects of CTM and Importance of education to girls.; <narrative>Exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> Exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice Support of the SAUT Law school students made it possible to reach out for legal support to 40 girls with minimum expenditure; The project managed to provide legal advice to 35 girls related to child rights and CT in accordance with Laws of Tanzania including Child Act of 2009, Anti Trafficking in persons Act of 2008 enacted to protect children against CT and other forms of abuses.; <narrative>Exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> Exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice Note that by end of 2019 19 boys had been provided with legal aid. The target for Q1 2020 should have been at most 1. Support of the SAUT Law school students made it possible to reach out for legal support to 40 girls with minimum expenditure; The project managed to provide legal advice to 4 boys regarding issues of child rights and CT in accordance with Laws of Tanzania including Child Act of 2009, Anti Trafficking in persons Act of 2008.enacted to protect children against CT and other forms of abuses.; <narrative>Vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> Vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services Total achieved in Q1 2020 is 35. Many children in the islands of Ukerewe are dropouts, attend school irregularly while others have never attended. This is mostly due to poverty as well as many child headed families and others parents leave children behind for prolonged period as they go to look for greener pastures (fishing areas mostly) leaving children behind to take care of themselves. Family needs end up taking first priorities while education is seen as secondary need. These factors contribute to CTM.; <narrative>Families and communities in Mwanza are aware of the dangers of Child Trafficking(CT) for domestic labour and develop plans to change abusive and exploitative practices</narrative> Families and communities in Mwanza are aware of the dangers of Child Trafficking(CT) for domestic labour and develop plans to change abusive and exploitative practices <narrative>% of families and communities in Mwanza are aware of the dangers of Child Trafficking (CT) and are protecting their children frim CTM.</narrative> % of families and communities in Mwanza are aware of the dangers of Child Trafficking (CT) and are protecting their children frim CTM. <narrative>Community members with exploited/abused/vulnerable children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> Community members with exploited/abused/vulnerable children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities Made possible through community dialogues led by community leaders and champions from the 200 trained on positive parenting; legal officers and SAUT law school students led other community dialogue in the 4 islands. Camping per island enabled this to be achieved.; KIWOHEDE in this phase of reporting has managed to reach out a total of 527 community members (345 Female, 182 Male) who participated directly in several dialogues with appropriate messages on CTM and COVID-19 at the family and community level. The project intervention has contributed to positive responses among the community members to identify, rescue and report cases related to CTM. For example 54 cases of CTM were reported by community members to relevant authorities in this reporting period. Five (5) children withdrawn by their parents from child domestic works as witnessed by community leaders from Bukongo and Nansio wards in the project area.; <narrative>Cases reported by community members</narrative> Cases reported by community members <narrative># of cases reported by community members</narrative> # of cases reported by community members Increased awareness and collaboration with LGAs and police and SWOs Only Euro 83.61 remained as the balance by the end of Q4 2019.; A total of 40 cases related to CTM were reported by Community members who were engaged in the project implementation across the 4 islands in Ukerewe district. 29 cases were reported to KIWOHEDE through phone calling and 11 cases were reported to ward offices and they were referred to KIWOHEDE. All cases were referred to the social welfare office and police for further actions.; <narrative>Community members exploited /vulnerable children participate in income generating activities</narrative> Community members exploited /vulnerable children participate in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities Instead of training 25 pax per quarter this was combined. 75 people were trained and formed 8 groups from the 4 islands. Initial capital was provided to each group.; During this reporting period KIWOHEDE in partnership with TdH have managed to support cash transfer for food support to identified 80 families of the most vulnerable children -child headed families with a total of 245 children including 10 children with disabilities who benefited in the project. The implementation of the activities was conducted in collaboration with social welfare offices and wards offices in identification and distribution to families. Each family was provided with food (rice, flours, beans, sugar, cooking oil and salts)the package that cost 100 hundred thousand TShs per family. The intervention makes children feel happy and attend their studies. Both government authorities and children thanked KIWOHEDE and TdHNL for the support and they are proceeding well with their studies.; <narrative>Community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> Community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees "60 Community members under WCPT were trained on their roles and responsibilities in child protection including monitoring and reporting child trafficking and unsafe migration. Done in Q3- 2019 " Activity completed.; <narrative>Government (social welfare officers, District Child Protection Teams, provides access to child friendly services that respond to their needs</narrative> Government (social welfare officers, District Child Protection Teams, provides access to child friendly services that respond to their needs <narrative>% of police gender and children desks providing child friendly services.</narrative> % of police gender and children desks providing child friendly services. <narrative>Government officials trained</narrative> Government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained 50 government officials were trained in Q3-2019. That was the target for the project. Activity completed and by end of 2919 balance was -175.74; <narrative>Advocacy plans developed towards government</narrative> Advocacy plans developed towards government <narrative># of advocacy plans developed to influence government</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed to influence government 2 district and 1 regional meetings were facilitated in Q4-2019: Outcome-Ukerewe district council administration through councilors agreed to integrate anti CTM initiatives in their government programs through implementation of nation plan of action against human trafficking of 2018-2021 and to include CTM agenda in the District council meetings. Also Ward and village executive officers to identify all domestic workers within their area, Wards educational officers to identify absent children to schools, child protection teams within wards to be active. Done in Q4-2019 the balance to be used in monitoring the action points from the meetings.; KIWOHEDE in partnership with Terre des hommes Netherlands (TDH-NL) managed to facilitate and conduct stakeholders’ meetings with aims of sharing learning and successes with project stakeholders in Ukerewe after one year for implementation of CTM project. Actually the meeting was attended by 61 participants (41M, 20F) including government officials from regional level, district level, ward officers, religious leaders, media, representatives of CSOs, private sectors as well as children. Out of that 4 staff KIWOHEDE and 1 staff from TdH –NL participated in the event. The meeting was very successful due to strengthened networking and project ownership among stakeholders where the government expressed its commitment in assuming its role on protecting children; <narrative>Private sector engaged in ending CTM in their transport routes as they usually ferry children and communities from Island to Island using their fishing boats.</narrative> Private sector engaged in ending CTM in their transport routes as they usually ferry children and communities from Island to Island using their fishing boats. <narrative>% increase in no. of Private sector actors engaged in ending CTM in transport routes.</narrative> % increase in no. of Private sector actors engaged in ending CTM in transport routes. <narrative>Private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> Private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events After mapping and Conducting awareness for 25 private sector actors in Ukerewe on CT and CR in quarter 4, quarterly dialogues have been taking and will continue taking place with the same 25 identified decision makers. The Theme of dialogues were: Concept of child trafficking and unsafe migration, Reporting channels of CTM cases, Employment and labour relations Act of 2004, Child Act of 2009 and the anti-trafficking in persons Act of 2008 On track. Balance for quarterly follow up meetings.; <narrative>Law enforcement agencies actively respond to and investigate suspected cases of child trafficking for domestic work in a child friendly manner</narrative> Law enforcement agencies actively respond to and investigate suspected cases of child trafficking for domestic work in a child friendly manner <narrative>% of cases legally resolved/prosecuted.</narrative> % of cases legally resolved/prosecuted. <narrative>Court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> Court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners Slow prosecution processes.; In this quarter KIWOHEDE in partnership with Terre des Hommes has conducted follow-ups of 7 cases CTM in various police stations (Ukara, Muriti, Nansio and Murutunguru) where 5 cases were closed due to the lack of element of CT and the remaining two cases are still in the investigation process. The project has also led to a positive attitude among the Police gender and children desk to use friendly child interview techniques in their working station and the CTM issues has become one of the agenda to be discussed in the WDC meeting unlikely before the project intervention.; During the implementation of the project activities in this reporting time, KIWOHEDE in partnership with Terre des Hommes conducted seven (7) follow ups visits to 43 (27 female, 16 male) members of WCPTs in the project wards. In total, 4 cases of children migrants who were involved in fishing activities (baking sardines) along the shores of Chibas were reported to the Ward Executive Office of Bukungu by WCPTs and 9 cases of unsafe migration were reported by children. Where 5 cases by Tuseme club members from Chifule primary to patron and those children reported were believed to have dropped out from school and employed as bartenders along the shores of Ukara islands. 4 cases were reported to Murutunguru ward office, with 3 cases of girls who unsafely migrated to ukara islands; <narrative>Judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> Judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff received capacity strengthening sessions on reporting and/ or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff received capacity strengthening sessions on reporting and/ or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation 35 Judiciary and police officers trained on child friendly interview techniques in Q4-2019. activity completed. by end of 2019 the activities had been completed and balance of (-100); <narrative>CBOs actively engage their constituency (private sector, government and law enforcement officers) to advocate for protection of children from trafficking and exploitative child domestic work</narrative> CBOs actively engage their constituency (private sector, government and law enforcement officers) to advocate for protection of children from trafficking and exploitative child domestic work <narrative>No. of advocacy meetings held by CSOs</narrative> No. of advocacy meetings held by CSOs <narrative>CBOs representatives trained on child rights, and roles of government, private sector and fisheries groups in promotion of child rights( Training is targeting represntatives from atleaset 10 CBO)</narrative> CBOs representatives trained on child rights, and roles of government, private sector and fisheries groups in promotion of child rights( Training is targeting represntatives from atleaset 10 CBO) <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights Representatives from 14 CBOs/CSOs trained in Q4-2019. CSOs reps trained in Q4 2019 over expenditure of -476 incurred due to high costs incurred across islands; During the implementation of the project activities in this reporting time, KIWOHEDE in partnership with Terre des Hommes conducted seven (7) follow ups visits to 43 (27 female, 16 male) members of WCPTs in the project wards. In total, 4 cases of children migrants who were involved in fishing activities (baking sardines) along the shores of Chibas were reported to the Ward Executive Office of Bukungu by WCPTs and 9 cases of unsafe migration were reported by children. Where 5 cases by Tuseme club members from Chifule primary to patron and those children reported were believed to have dropped out from school and employed as bartenders along the shores of Ukara islands. 4 cases were reported to Murutunguru ward office, with 3 cases of girls who unsafely migrated to ukara islands; NL-KVK-41149287-TZCT0342 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Combating child trafficking for labour exploitation In Mwanza</narrative> This project aims at reducing child trafficking (CT) for domestic labour in 12 wards across 5 districts of Mwanza region, Tanzania. Interventions will focus on the main drivers of CT: awareness creation, rescue &amp; rehabilitation, capacity building of police and lobbying government and private sector. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Kiota Women Health & Development organisation - KIWOHEDE Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 689770.0 <narrative>Child victims of trafficking and those at risk are identified and (re) claim their protection rights, have access to psycho social and educational services, and report cases related to trafficking as change agents.</narrative> Child victims of trafficking and those at risk are identified and (re) claim their protection rights, have access to psycho social and educational services, and report cases related to trafficking as change agents. <narrative>80% of boys and girls survivors of CT exploitation reporting cases of CT as change agents. # (80) of Children (victims and vulnerable) accessing Child Protection services in in Mwanza</narrative> 80% of boys and girls survivors of CT exploitation reporting cases of CT as change agents. # (80) of Children (victims and vulnerable) accessing Child Protection services in in Mwanza <narrative>Exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> Exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice The project legal officer during this implementation period provided Legal advice to twelve (12) abused/exploited boys who were rescued and referred to fit person(2) and Pamoja Organization(10) Children were taught their basic child and protection rights, their duties and responsibilities as well as how to demand their denied rights by reporting the incidences of child exploitation and abuse to the appropriate authorities like to Police stations; local government authorities (WEO/VEO offices) and to social welfare offices and to KIWOHEDE through office mobile number. Achievements As a result of legal aid children are aware of their rights and and protection thereupon,can defend their rights and other children’s rights.; A total of 29 suspected victims of child trafficking received legal aid during the reporting period. 2 of these cases they have already established as CT cases the follow up will continue in quarter; 21 boys victims of trafficking were supported with legal aid which included case legal counseling filing and follow up.; <narrative>Vulnerable and exploited children participated in awareness raising sessions (Approach change for all output activities due to the Limited Movement as one of precautionary measures to slow down the spread of corona virus )</narrative> Vulnerable and exploited children participated in awareness raising sessions (Approach change for all output activities due to the Limited Movement as one of precautionary measures to slow down the spread of corona virus ) <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions Project has identified a total of 60 (40 girls:20 boys) children who will be capacitated to be champions of child led radio sessions; the identification was held in collaboration with patrons/matrons and SWOs from all 12 wards whereby each ward is represented by 5 children. This activity has been affected by the closure of learning institutions following the outbreak of COVID-19 in Tanzania. The activity will be planned and implemented once the school activities resume.; 136 (104 girls: 32 boys) Victims of trafficking participated in preparing and airing messages on COVID- 19 and CTM messages via radio program sessions. Approximately 5000 children were reached with the Fm radio session; 1084 children participated in awareness raising activities with child trafficking, child protection, child rights and responsibilities messages through attending CR clubs sessions, Community learning sessions, peer educators meetings sessions and preparing and presenting a child rights-centered radio programs.; <narrative>Exploited and Vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> Exploited and Vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services A total of 58 girls victims of CTM were enrolled into formal curriculum/normal streams in Public schools (36 girls) while 22 girls were enrolled in MEMKWA (catch-up curriculum that enable children, previously out of school, to join the mainstream school system) due to age limit as prescribed in Tanzania education Policy(2014). Moreover a total of 142 girls (52 primary school: 90 in secondary schools) who are Vulnerable to CTM were supported with scholastic materials like: School uniforms; exercise books and pencils/pens. These girls were identified by KIWOHEDE in collaboration with local government Authorities specifically ward education and social welfare officers in all 12 project wards.The following benchmarks were used during the identification process: Girls from a single parents families; Children living with a disabled parents/caregivers; Orphaned children and girls from poor families; 16 girls vulnerable to child trafficking for hazardous work were provided with educational support under a vocational training program. During the reporting quarter primary and secondary school remained closed, education support for both victims and vulnerable will continue in quarter 3.; 84 girls received education support showed promising progress in terms of application of knowledge and skills in the respective classes/grades. e.g. increased attendance in classes of 55 vulnerable girls supported with scholastic materials resulted in the improved performance in their end of term examinations held in July 2020; 11 Girls enrolled into the tailoring program were able to make the fabric style cuts and sewing while 18 under Batik and soap making succeeded in producing high quality products as indicated by the subject teachers.; <narrative>Exploited and abused boys received educational services</narrative> Exploited and abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services KIWOHEDE/Terre des Hommes collaborated with Local government authorities from 7 wards namely: Busisi; Nyamatongo; Misungwi; Igoma; Kisesa; Buzuruga and Nyanguge has identified and provided education support to 70 boys (each ward 10) who are vulnerable to CTM. 30 primary school pupils were supported with a set of scholastic material i.e Pair of school uniforms, School Bag, exercise books and pens/pencils while 40 boys were enrolled in vocational training under various trades of their choices following a career guidance held before the selection which includes: 27 Welding and metal fabrication; 10 Motorcycle mechanics and 3 shoe making. Prior the to the identification process partners (i.e KIWOHEDE/TdH and local government authorities) agreed some criteria to be used during the identification process which include: He should be a vulnerable child; He should be a child , not above 17 years; He should be out of school; A child living with disability/ his is living with disability , an orphan etc. Progress 1 follow up visit was conducted to Children and Instructors to assess the progress of boys, During a routine follow up instructors attested that boys showed promising progress because they have started to gain confidence on using tools and were quickly gaining the skills in their trades.; 40 boys were supported in quarter one and it will continue in quarter 3 and 4; 75 Boys benefited from educational support showed a promising progress in terms application of knowledge and skills in the respective classes/grades e.g 10 boys enrolled into shoe making program were able to prepare shoe samples and assembled them while 3 boys in tailoring were able to prepare a fabric style cut and sewing and 2 boys in soap making showed a competence in preparing materials and producing soaps.; <narrative>Boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> Boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded In this implementation period, the project has identified and rescued a total of 14 boys victims of CTM from the following areas: 3 Nyegezi Bus stand; 3 Buzuruga Bus stand; 1 Ibisabageni ; 1 Kisesa; 1 Nyanguge; 2 Misungwi Bus stand; 1 Nyamanoro and 2 Usagara. 12 boys were referred to Pamoja Children & Youth Foundation and 2 to trained fit persons (identified by SWOs) in sengerema and 1. During their stay at Pamoja Children & Youth Foundation and fit persons rescued boys were supported with projects with various services like: Filing of cases & legal aid, life skills, Counselings and reunification. Progress Following the regular assessment conducted by Social workers it was observed that, 9 out of 14 boys showed an increase in self esteem and confidence due to counseling and life skills sessions conducted to them during their stay at Fit persons and Pamoja Children & Youth Foundation since boys became open and cooperative to narrate their stories than before. Table 1: Cases reported by Actors - Boys Identified through/referred by Boys 1 Door to door(KIWOHEDE) 1 2 Police Gender Desk (PGD) 1 3 Ward Executive Offices (WEO) 3 4 Community members 2 5 Bus terminal/ferry 2 05 Peer Educators 5 Total 14; The project in collaboration with the Social Welfare Officers, Police Force, Peer Educators, Ward and Village Executive Officers rescued 32 victims of trafficking and immediately safeguarded boys to fit person and Pamoja Tanzania Youth organization. Moreover, the project provided life and technical skills trainings to the rescued children. These training included conflict management, entrepreneurship skills, self hygiene, basic tailoring, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), child rights, child trafficking, importance of education, laws and Acts on child protection, literacy skills (reading, writing and numeracy) and communication skills. The project also provided remedial classes to the school dropouts with high likelihood of rejoining school once after family reintegration for easier catch up of the missed studies.; The project in collaboration with the Social Welfare Officers, Police Force, Peer Educators,Ward and Village Executive Officers rescued 75 boys victims of trafficking and immediately safeguarded girls at the project shelter.; <narrative>Girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> Girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded legal services, counseling and rehabilitation, health services, all basic needs, tracing and contacting their families and family reunification. During a family tracing it was observed that these girls were coming from the following areas: 2 Sengerema; 8 Bukoba; 9 Biharamulo; 9 Singida; 12 Kigoma; 8 Tarime; 15 Ngara and 2 Musoma ; 4 Burundians; Geita 7 and 9 from Shinyanga.; The project in collaboration with the Social Welfare Officers, Police Force, Peer Educators, Ward and Village Executive Officers rescued 104 girls victims of trafficking and immediately safeguarded girls at the project shelter. Moreover, the project provided COVID-19 protective gears, life and technical skills trainings to the rescued children.These training included conflict management, entrepreneurship skills, self hygiene, basic tailoring, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Child rights, child trafficking, importance of education , laws and Acts on child protection, literacy skills ( reading, writing and numeracy) and communication skills. The project also provided remedial classes to the school dropouts with high likelihood of rejoining school once after family reintegration for easier catch up of the missed studies. A matron was hired on temporal basis to support on safeguarding of children at the shelter. Hygiene and sanitation services were improved at the shelter through provision of additional water storage facility and construction of lavatory, Various hand washing corner equipped with water and soap were set up with the shelter and sheltered children at the shelter received regular message on COVID 19. Furthermore, step in visitors were not allowed to control the spread of COVID-19. An isolation room were set up and equipped for newly rescued children who were also screened for COVID19 symptoms upon the arrival. The girls were also received a dignity kit for SRH support. Children who arrived without additional clothes were provided with a set of clothes.; The project in collaboration with the Social Welfare Officers, Police Force, Peer Educators,Ward and Village Executive Officers rescued 270 girls victims of trafficking and immediately safeguarded 110 girls at the project shelter and 160 refereed to other child protection actors. Moreover, the project provided, COVID-19 protective gears, Life and technical skills trainings to the rescued children based on the needs assessment and child's preference.; <narrative>Exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> Exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice During this implementation period, KIWOHEDE provided legal advice to fifty one(51) girls victims of CTM (45) sheltered at the DIC and four (4) victims who were referred to other organizations i.e 2 girls were referred to Amani Girls Centre; 3 girls at Foundation Karibu Tanzania and 1 girl at Wote Sawa Centre. Legal advice was given to victims based on their age and nature of exploitation and to those whom their cases are in court on how to testify and taught the legal terminologies used in courts so that they become familiar with them and they become comfortable to appear in juvenile court and stand as a key witness without any fear.; 53 girls suspected victims of child trafficking received legal aid during the reporting period. 10 of these cases they have already established as CT cases the follow up will continue in quarter three.; 52 girls victims of trafficking were supported with legal aid which included case legal counseling, filing and follow up.; <narrative>Families and communities in Mwanza showed increased awareness of the dangers of CTM</narrative> Families and communities in Mwanza showed increased awareness of the dangers of CTM <narrative>% of families in Mwanza aware of dangers of child trafficking</narrative> % of families in Mwanza aware of dangers of child trafficking <narrative>Community members with exploited/abused/vulnerable children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> Community members with exploited/abused/vulnerable children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities During this reporting period local Project partner in collaboration with local government authorities within 12 project wards; Police children and gender desk and SAUT law school organised a total of 3 sensitization meeting in three project wards which includes: 144 Mkolani; 800 Kisesa and 700 Nyanguge. Approaches/Methodologies used: Various methodologies/approaches were used to attract community appearances in these meetings which includes: traditional dances and use of quarterly local government meetings at village/street level then presentations were made by project legal officers who collaborated with volunteers from SAUT law School. Agenda discussed includes: Meaning of Human/child trafficking (Meaning, Elements; Indicators, types); Law and Punishment against Child trafficking (The Ant Trafficking in Persons Act No 6 of 2008); CTM reporting channels and Child labour. Achievements Community members directly reported 5 cases during sensitization meetings, 2 CTM related cases (1 Kisesa ,1 Mkolani) and 3 child violence cases (Nyanguge ward) both for girls. Challenges The outbreak of coronavirus Pandemic hindered some of the meetings to take place( Ibisabageni ,Buzuruga and Igoma), out of 6 sensitization meetings which were scheduled only 3 were successful. Recommendations Continue engaging local government leaders and using traditional dances and drums in mobilizing community members to attend the sensitization meetings.; Euro 17,355 was re-allocated to support this output. A total of 2,069 (1348F:721M), community members with exploited/vulnerable children benefited from awareness raising on COVID-19 and CTM. 50 families received start up capital for their IGA (which will be reported on quarter three), 20 families received a water storage tanks (each with capacity of 1000 liters) while 130 families received food assistance to alleviate hunger during COVID-19 lock-down. During the report Q2 awareness raising on COVID-19 and CTM continued through radio sessions which reached 12000 community members.; 2,300 community members participated in the awareness raising sessions through attending the prepared dialogues, sensitization meetings, radio programs with child trafficking, child rights, positive parenting and child protection messages; <narrative>Presentations on role of private actors in preventing child trafficking held at companies</narrative> Presentations on role of private actors in preventing child trafficking held at companies <narrative># of presentations held at companies</narrative> # of presentations held at companies The project conducted follow up to the 2 private sector whereby 11 (7M: 4 F) people participarted.This follow ups aimed at getting feedback on issues of child trafficking and child labour was done by KIWOHEDE and feedbacks received includes Private sector adhered on laws/regulations on child protection against CTM and Child labour because there were no child below 18 years were working in hteir firms;1 Private sector offered an employment to 1 vulnerable child at Usagara. Action point: Increase awareness, sensitization to the community and advocacy to the government to eliminate child trafficking for child labor; The private sectors identification started in quarter two and implementation will continue in quarter 3.; 60 (39M:21F) representatives of private sector participated on 4 dialogues sessions carried out on this quarter.; <narrative>The Government of Tanzania provides access to child friendly services</narrative> The Government of Tanzania provides access to child friendly services <narrative>Number of children survivors of CTM that have access to government CF services</narrative> Number of children survivors of CTM that have access to government CF services <narrative>Train government officials</narrative> Train government officials <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained KIWOHEDE in partnership with Terre des Hommes Nl conducted training for the NPA-VAWC committee from all 12 wards where 144 (81 F and 63 F) members participated in the training. The training was facilitated by the Regional NPA VAWC Coordinator, representative from the Ministry of Home Affairs -Ant trafficking secretariat (ATS) and representative from the Regional Labour office. i.Topics presented by the Regional NPA VAWC Coordinator included Understanding the NPA-VAWC(meaning, objectives) NPA-VAWC coordination system Roles and responsibilities of the committee (ward level) Position of the stakeholders in supporting the structure to reach the planned goal ii. Topics covered by ATS Concept of human trafficking(meaning of CT, Elements of trafficking, indicators of victims of trafficking, identification and reporting of victims of trafficking) Efforts by the government in combating human/child trafficking. Ant trafficking in Persons Act no. 6 of 2004(Provisions related to human/child trafficking and its punishments to perpetrators and the Lacunae in Ant trafficking in Persons Act, reporting structures for cases of human/child trafficking) iii. Topics covered by Labour officer Children and employment Employment and labour relations Act No. 4, 2004 section 5 (child work vs child labour) Hazardous works by children Commitment to elimination of child labour and its worst forms (International, National, stakeholders including estabilished government structures i.e. NAP-VAWC Planned action during the training. Producing and distributing the training materials in each ward inorder to give participants reference points. Each NPA-VAWC committee at ward level should carry out the meeting with the village NPA-VAWC committee to share out the training knowledge for child protection. The NPA-VAWC-ward level of each ward should develop a work plan and share the plan with KIWOHEDE. The committee should use/involve teachers to create awareness on CTM in schools Religious leaders members of the committee will plan to provide awareness to their followers in church/mosque.; Euro 2,596 was re-allocated to support this output. A project has supported a total of 2,900 pieces of disposable face mask and a total of 85 liters of hand sanitizers to 17 local government offices .; 4 follow visits were conducted to NPA-VAWC committees within the project wards where (15 F: 24M) members participated.; <narrative>Court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> Court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners KIWOHEDE in collaboration with SAUT law school organised and conducted legal aid sessions to the children sheltered at DIC and those out of the center. Up to this reporting period a total of six (6) legal mobile sessions were conducted to the established centers i.e 1 at Nyamanoro ward , 1 at Kisesa ward, 2 at Nyanguge ward , and 2 other sessions were conducted during the sensitization meetings in Mkolani and Kisesa wards reaching 63 (51Girls,12Boys) children victims of CTM and 22 parents (17F,5M). KIWOHEDE/TdH in collaboration with 18 Police Officers made follow ups to the 8 filed cases at various Police stations within the 12 Project wards as follows: (6 cases at Igogo Police Station, 1 case at Nyakato Police station and 1 case at Kisesa Police Station). Achievements Among the eight (8) filed cases ,1 case filed at Nyakato Police Station with RB number NY/RB/1457/2020 its initial investigation at destination has been completed while the investigation to children origin/parents is underway. No case is closed, all other seven cases are still at the initial investigation stage. Challenges Lack of fund for the investigation of CTM cases The lacunae in law against trafficking in person (The Ant Trafficking in Person Act no 6 of 2008),an Attempt to trafficking is not criminalized. In some police stations(Misungwi and Kisesa) the trained Police officers on CTM issues have been transferred to other Police stations and replaced by new one who are yet to be trained. Recommendations To continue lobbying the government through the Anti Trafficking Secretariat for the review of the Anti Trafficking in Person Act no 6 of 2008 in order to accomodate the offense of an attempt to human trafficking. To continue training law enforcers and keep on the regular follow up on the filed cases in order to push the investigation.; legal officer continued with follow ups to the previously filed cases at different police stations,(1 case at Kirumba,1 Kisesa, 2 Misungwi, 7 Igogo and 1 Nyakato police station), also follow up was KIWOHEDE conducted to 1 case which is at the witness hearing stage of prosecution at Mwanza Resident Magistrate Court.; project conducted a case follow up of 32 filed cases to Police stations and courts within the project wards/districts; <narrative>Judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases</narrative> Judiciary and police staff trained/ supported in reporting and releasing press statements on convicted cases <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation Project conducted follow up visits to law enforcers to discuss child trafficking and prosecution of perpetrators of child trafficking with twelve (12) Police Officers(7F: 5M) in the following Police stations: 2 in Igogo; 2 in Nyakato; 3 in Central Police station; 3 in Kisesa; and 2 in Misungwi police stations. The main objective was to discuss issues of child trafficking like friendly interview techniques ,investigation and prosecution rate of perpetrators of child trafficking in reported cases, and what are the challenges on dealing with child trafficking cases. Challenges: Lack of investigation fund for the filed cases Lacunae in Ant Human Trafficking in person Act no 6 of 2008 Children victims failure to identify the physical address of the perpetrators Action point: KIWOHEDE in collaboration with Police Gender and Children Desk should have a regular meeting to discuss the filed cases and collaborate in conducting initial investigation to the place of exploitation( crime scene) and to the victims place of origin as well.; 8 Police stations within the twelve project wards were supported with 8 water tanks (1per station) with a capacity of 1000 liters of water.; Improved investigation and prosecution process at various police stations; <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, and roles of government, private sector and employers in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, and roles of government, private sector and employers in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights The Identification process of CSOs to be involved in a coalition started but due to outbreak of Coronavirus Pandemic the activity was suspended up to the time the government removed the burn over the gatherings. Up to to this reporting 15 CSOs were identified which includes includes: Wote sawa; Wadada center; Nuru organisation; Pamoja Children & Youth organisation; FACODRO; FKT; BAGODE; Cheka sana; Mwanza Youth & Children Network; Tanzania Coalition for Domestic workers; Nitetee Foundation; Cheka sana, Upendo Daima; Foundation Karibu Tanzania (FKT) and Fadhili teen imposed by government due to outbreak of corona pandemic; CSOs which will participate on this activity have been identified and training will be done in quarter 3.; 25 CSOs involved in referral pathways attended a mobilization meeting for forming anti- human trafficking coalition in Mwanza.; <narrative>Develop advocacy plan</narrative> Develop advocacy plan <narrative># of advocacy plans developed to influence government</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed to influence government Six meetings with the Village council at Nganguge ward ( 4 village council meetings) and Busisi ward (2 village council meetings) were conducted by KIWOHEDE staff to lobby the local government to develop a bylaw which will protect CDWs in Mwanza. The meetings involved 25 members from each village which made the total of 150 (69F: 81M) members including; village executive officers, village chairmen and other delegates from different departments in the respective village.The session covered the following agenda; Introduction of the project ( Elimination of child trafficking for child labour) Why by law to protect CDWs what the law say about bylaw Group discussion Proposed provisions Proposed provisions in by law from village/street councils were: There should be Contract between employer and employee ( A child) with their pictures which clearly shows roles and responsibility, salary and should be signed by the ward executive officer/ village/street chairman. The employer should report to the village/mtaa chairman whenever receive a child as employee Every parent who want to let a child to be employed should report to village/mtaa chairman to get permission A child should come with identity letter from village chairman where she/he came from; It will be conducted in quarter four; 1 draft of by law on protection of children against CT was formulated at Busisi ward in Sengerema.; NL-KVK-41149287-TZCT0369 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Countering CT for DL in Ukerewe district- Mwanza, Tanzania</narrative> &nbsp; The project aims to reduce child trafficking for domestic labour in Ukerewe district, Mwanza region, which is both a source and destination area.&nbsp;The project implementation will employ five&nbsp;strategies&nbsp;including prevention, provision, promotion, prosecution,&nbsp;participation and partnership&nbsp;while targeting five actors: The children, families and communities, the government,&nbsp;Law enforcement agencies, and the private sector.&nbsp;The project life is one year and will be implemented in partnership with KIWOHEDE. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Kiota Women Health & Development organisation - KIWOHEDE Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 0 <narrative>Child victims of trafficking and those at risk (re) claim their protection rights, have access to psychosocial and educational services, and report cases related to trafficking</narrative> Child victims of trafficking and those at risk (re) claim their protection rights, have access to psychosocial and educational services, and report cases related to trafficking <narrative># of Children (victims and vulnerable) accessing Child Protection services in Mwanza</narrative> # of Children (victims and vulnerable) accessing Child Protection services in Mwanza <narrative># and/or % of targeted exploited and vulnerable children who know when, where and how to formally report trafficking risks</narrative> # and/or % of targeted exploited and vulnerable children who know when, where and how to formally report trafficking risks <narrative>Vulnerable children participate in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Vulnerable children participate in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participate in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participate in awareness raising sessions <narrative>125 Girls receive educational services [100 exploited, 25 vulnerable to trafficking for DL]</narrative> 125 Girls receive educational services [100 exploited, 25 vulnerable to trafficking for DL] <narrative># Girls exploited and vulnerable to trafficking received educational services (100 exploited, 25 vulnerable)</narrative> # Girls exploited and vulnerable to trafficking received educational services (100 exploited, 25 vulnerable) <narrative>50 Boys exploited/vulnerable to trafficking for DL received educational services (35 exploited, 15 Vulnerable) [35 exploited, 15 Vulnerable]</narrative> 50 Boys exploited/vulnerable to trafficking for DL received educational services (35 exploited, 15 Vulnerable) [35 exploited, 15 Vulnerable] <narrative># of vulnerable/exploited boys received educational services (35 exploited, 15 Vulnerable)</narrative> # of vulnerable/exploited boys received educational services (35 exploited, 15 Vulnerable) <narrative>Boys victims of CT for DL immediately safeguarded-50</narrative> Boys victims of CT for DL immediately safeguarded-50 <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>Girls victims of CT for DL immediately safeguarded-250</narrative> Girls victims of CT for DL immediately safeguarded-250 <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>Exploited/abused girls received legal advice-180</narrative> Exploited/abused girls received legal advice-180 <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>Exploited/abused boys received legal advice-120</narrative> Exploited/abused boys received legal advice-120 <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>Families, community members and private sector actors in Ukerewe are aware of the dangers and report cases of child trafficking and unsafe migration for domestic labour to the established reporting structures.</narrative> Families, community members and private sector actors in Ukerewe are aware of the dangers and report cases of child trafficking and unsafe migration for domestic labour to the established reporting structures. <narrative>% of targeted households, Community mebers and private sector actors in Ukerewe that are aware of dangers of child trafficking & associated reporting mechanisms</narrative> % of targeted households, Community mebers and private sector actors in Ukerewe that are aware of dangers of child trafficking & associated reporting mechanisms <narrative>Community members with exploited/abused/vulnerable children reached with awareness raising activities -10,000</narrative> Community members with exploited/abused/vulnerable children reached with awareness raising activities -10,000 <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused/vulnerable children reached with awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused/vulnerable children reached with awareness raising activities <narrative>Families with children at risk of trafficking or re-trafficking supported to initiate Income Generating Activities (IGA)-80</narrative> Families with children at risk of trafficking or re-trafficking supported to initiate Income Generating Activities (IGA)-80 <narrative>#of families with children at risk of trafficking or re-trafficking benefitting from IGAs</narrative> #of families with children at risk of trafficking or re-trafficking benefitting from IGAs <narrative>Private sector actors create action plans to prevent and respond to CTM in their operations and supply chains- 25</narrative> Private sector actors create action plans to prevent and respond to CTM in their operations and supply chains- 25 <narrative>#of private sector actors who have created action plans</narrative> #of private sector actors who have created action plans <narrative>Religious leaders are aware of dangers of CT and unsafe migration and share this information in their communities - 20</narrative> Religious leaders are aware of dangers of CT and unsafe migration and share this information in their communities - 20 <narrative># of religious leaders who are educated/sensitized on CT (and mention it/hold sessions in their community)</narrative> # of religious leaders who are educated/sensitized on CT (and mention it/hold sessions in their community) <narrative>Government actors (service providers) and CSO in Ukerewe adopt and implement child friendly case management practices by December 2021</narrative> Government actors (service providers) and CSO in Ukerewe adopt and implement child friendly case management practices by December 2021 <narrative># and % of cases handled in a child friendly manner by the targeted service providers (CSOs, Police, judicially, Social Welfare officers)</narrative> # and % of cases handled in a child friendly manner by the targeted service providers (CSOs, Police, judicially, Social Welfare officers) <narrative># and % of targeted government officials [police/social workers] in Ukerewe Islands using child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # and % of targeted government officials [police/social workers] in Ukerewe Islands using child friendly interview techniques <narrative>Social worker and police officials (75) capacities built in case management and child-friendly interviewing techniques</narrative> Social worker and police officials (75) capacities built in case management and child-friendly interviewing techniques <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>50 cases of trafficking for child labor are filed in the judicial system and followed-up on by partners</narrative> 50 cases of trafficking for child labor are filed in the judicial system and followed-up on by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>Government and CSOs implement improved referral pathways</narrative> Government and CSOs implement improved referral pathways <narrative># of cases referred to using referral pathways</narrative> # of cases referred to using referral pathways NL-KVK-41149287-UAHA0126 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UA 2017: Ukraine Joint Response 3 (UKJR3)</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 704524.0 0 352261.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 <narrative>children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of children supported with protection activities, psycho social support and child friendly spaces (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>children provided education and/or supported to attend school (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> children provided education and/or supported to attend school (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative># of children provided education and/or supported to attend school (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of children provided education and/or supported to attend school (Humanitarian Assistance) NL-KVK-41149287-UAHA0221 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UK 2018: Ukraine Joint Response 4</narrative> Led by Dorcas and funded by MFA, Tdh NL participated in the Ukraine Joint Response in 2018, as Ukraine's conflict enters its fifth year in 2018. Thousands of people are stuck in areas where not a single day passes without shots being fired, including from heavy weapons. People in need are severely in distress and stretched to their limits. 70% are women, children and elderly. Locations: Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. Provision of MPC and PSS trainings for the education specialists. A guide for positive parenting sessions was elaborated by the Tdh&nbsp;CP specialist and the partners provided input. The platform for professionals in CP, was launched in Ukrainian and Russian. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 1337692.0 267996.0 668844.0 Expenditure 2018 129098.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Number of girls provided with specialised protection services</narrative> Number of girls provided with specialised protection services <narrative># of girls provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of girls provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of boys provided with specialised protection services</narrative> Number of boys provided with specialised protection services <narrative># of boys provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of boys provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of women provided with specialised protection services</narrative> Number of women provided with specialised protection services <narrative># of women provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of women provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of men provided with specialised protection services</narrative> Number of men provided with specialised protection services <narrative># of men provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of men provided with specialised protection services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of women trained on protection topics to provide protection services</narrative> Number of women trained on protection topics to provide protection services <narrative># of women trained on protection topics to provide protection services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of women trained on protection topics to provide protection services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of men trained on protection topics to provide protection services</narrative> Number of men trained on protection topics to provide protection services <narrative># of men trained on protection topics to provide protection services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of men trained on protection topics to provide protection services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of people enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of people enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative># of people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance)</narrative> # of people received health services (Humanitarian Assistance) <narrative>Number of crisis-affected people who are involved in the design, implementation, montoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected people who are involved in the design, implementation, montoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected people who are involved in the design, implementation, montoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected people who are involved in the design, implementation, montoring and/or evaluation of the programme NL-KVK-41149287-UGCA0044 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2016: My Right, My Future!</narrative> EA CA // Child SRH Rights &amp; protection from abuse Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands CEDOVIP TMF Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 138002.0 0 60792.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative># of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted</narrative> # of media campaigns addressing child right policies conducted <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners NL-KVK-41149287-UGCA0054 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2016: Alternative Care Consortium on Systems Strengthening (ACCoSS)</narrative> EA CA // Child SRH Rights &amp; protection from abuse Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ACI CHDC Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 0 240872.0 0.0 Expenditure 2016 110405.0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative># of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government</narrative> # of inputs on child right policies and laws given to decision makers of government <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government NL-KVK-41149287-UGCA0187 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Uganda 2018: Memprow</narrative> EA CA // Child SRH Rights &amp; protection from abuse Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands MEMPROW Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 149998.0 0 67146.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions NL-KVK-41149287-UGCA0269 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2019 My right my future ending teenage pregnancies/CM in Pakwach district HO</narrative> EA CA // Child SRH Rights &amp; protection from abuse &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands MEMPROW Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 206232.0 104964.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> Community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings <narrative>Community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> Community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> Families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>Advocacy plans developed towards government</narrative> Advocacy plans developed towards government <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>Advocacy plans developed regarding law enforcement</narrative> Advocacy plans developed regarding law enforcement <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation NL-KVK-41149287-UGCA0346 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Joining Forces for Africa (JOFA)- protecting children during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond</narrative> This action has been designed to respond rapidly to the global COVID-19 pandemic emergency. It seeks to address the most marginalised vulnerable population in Bugiri and Busia in Uganda Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SOMERO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 162488.0 273354.0 184004.0 110142.0 <narrative>Strengthened national and local protection and response systems</narrative> Strengthened national and local protection and response systems <narrative>% of child protection actors (formal and non-formal) who report feeling increased self-confidence that they have the skills and knowledge to respond to child protection risks during COVID-19</narrative> % of child protection actors (formal and non-formal) who report feeling increased self-confidence that they have the skills and knowledge to respond to child protection risks during COVID-19 <narrative>R1.1 Identification, reporting and referral mechanisms strengthened to cope with COVID-19 related child protection issues</narrative> R1.1 Identification, reporting and referral mechanisms strengthened to cope with COVID-19 related child protection issues <narrative># of child protection referral pathways reviewed and adapted for COVID-19</narrative> # of child protection referral pathways reviewed and adapted for COVID-19 This is not achieved since we have not yet started implementation , this is Planned for next quarters; <narrative>R1.2 Child Protection services are strengthened to cope with COVID-19 related child protection issues</narrative> R1.2 Child Protection services are strengthened to cope with COVID-19 related child protection issues <narrative># of children who receive individualized child protection support through case management or psycho social support services</narrative> # of children who receive individualized child protection support through case management or psycho social support services This is planned for next quarter; <narrative>R1.4 National and Local Government takes measures to protect the social service workforce and includes child protection services as part of COVID-19 response plans (including budget allocation)</narrative> R1.4 National and Local Government takes measures to protect the social service workforce and includes child protection services as part of COVID-19 response plans (including budget allocation) <narrative># of advocacy activities conducted aimed at influencing the increase of government budget allocation for children needs</narrative> # of advocacy activities conducted aimed at influencing the increase of government budget allocation for children needs This is planned for next quarter; <narrative>Improved protection in resilient families, communities and institutions in the context of COVID-19 and during recovery phase</narrative> Improved protection in resilient families, communities and institutions in the context of COVID-19 and during recovery phase <narrative>% of children aged 10-17 who report their parents and caregivers understood their problems and worries most of the time or always during the past month</narrative> % of children aged 10-17 who report their parents and caregivers understood their problems and worries most of the time or always during the past month <narrative>Increased public awareness of the child protection risks associated with COVID-19 and its secondary impacts, and how to mitigate those risks.</narrative> Increased public awareness of the child protection risks associated with COVID-19 and its secondary impacts, and how to mitigate those risks. <narrative># of child protection key messages included in other sectoral interventions (e.g. health)</narrative> # of child protection key messages included in other sectoral interventions (e.g. health) This was not achieved since activities have not yet started Planned for next Quarter; <narrative>R2.2 Parents and caregivers have increased capacity, skills and support to mitigate the child protection risks associated with COVID-19 and its secondary impacts</narrative> R2.2 Parents and caregivers have increased capacity, skills and support to mitigate the child protection risks associated with COVID-19 and its secondary impacts <narrative># of parents and caregivers who participate in parenting skills sessions</narrative> # of parents and caregivers who participate in parenting skills sessions This was not achieved since activities have not yet started Planned for next Quarter .; <narrative>R2.3 Community based child protection mechanisms are functional and actively identifying, reporting, referring and following up on child protection cases</narrative> R2.3 Community based child protection mechanisms are functional and actively identifying, reporting, referring and following up on child protection cases <narrative>% of trained members of community-based child protection mechanisms who understand the impact of COVID-19 on child protection and how to appropriately respond to CP incidents</narrative> % of trained members of community-based child protection mechanisms who understand the impact of COVID-19 on child protection and how to appropriately respond to CP incidents This was not achieved since activities have not yet started Planned for next Quarter; <narrative>R2.4 Schools and learning spaces integrate child protection messaging and support measures into distance/ online learning and when schools re-open</narrative> R2.4 Schools and learning spaces integrate child protection messaging and support measures into distance/ online learning and when schools re-open <narrative># of education actors who receive training on child protection, providing psychological first aid for children, and reporting violence against children</narrative> # of education actors who receive training on child protection, providing psychological first aid for children, and reporting violence against children This was not achieved since activities have not yet started Planned for next Quarter; <narrative>Increased capacity and agency of children to prevent and respond to violence against them during COVID-19 crisis and recovery phase</narrative> Increased capacity and agency of children to prevent and respond to violence against them during COVID-19 crisis and recovery phase <narrative>% of children who state that they are confident to report a protection violation to a reporting structure</narrative> % of children who state that they are confident to report a protection violation to a reporting structure <narrative>R3.1 Children benefit from participation in life skills and psychosocial support activities, as well as peer support through child clubs/ groups and structured support programs</narrative> R3.1 Children benefit from participation in life skills and psychosocial support activities, as well as peer support through child clubs/ groups and structured support programs <narrative># of children who participate in lifeskills, peer support, and other structured support programs</narrative> # of children who participate in lifeskills, peer support, and other structured support programs This was not achieved since activities have not yet started Planned for next Quarters; <narrative>R3.3 Regional and national child participation mechanisms are strengthened to enable children to conduct advocacy with decision makers on issues relating to violence and impact of COVID-19</narrative> R3.3 Regional and national child participation mechanisms are strengthened to enable children to conduct advocacy with decision makers on issues relating to violence and impact of COVID-19 <narrative># of children engaged in a social accountability mechanism on child protection issues</narrative> # of children engaged in a social accountability mechanism on child protection issues This was not achieved since activities have not yet started Planned for next Quarter; <narrative>Increased learning and sharing of knowledge and best practice related to child protection approaches</narrative> Increased learning and sharing of knowledge and best practice related to child protection approaches <narrative>% of child protection actors who report being satisfied with their participation in the learning activities of the project</narrative> % of child protection actors who report being satisfied with their participation in the learning activities of the project <narrative>R4.1 Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms that emphasize child participation are established for the project and embedded in wider organizational processes</narrative> R4.1 Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms that emphasize child participation are established for the project and embedded in wider organizational processes <narrative># of monitoring mechanisms established</narrative> # of monitoring mechanisms established This was not achieved since activities have not yet started Planned for next Quarter; NL-KVK-41149287-UGCE0053 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2016: Engaging Authorities to prevent CSEC in Kampala /Wakiso district</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands UYDEL St. Elizabeth Girls Home Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 150504.0 0 67370.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities NL-KVK-41149287-UGCE0071 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2016: Engaging Authorities to prevent CSEC in Kampala /Wakiso districts.(GAA)</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands UYDEL St. Elizabeth Girls Home Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 103704.0 0 31988.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative># of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> # of community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative># of monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> # of monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative># of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted</narrative> # of trainings of private sector staff on CRC and CoC conducted <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative># of government officials trained</narrative> # of government officials trained <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice NL-KVK-41149287-UGCE0084 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG: Engaging Authorities to prevent CSEC in Kampala and Wakiso districts (GAA)</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands PREFA UYDEL Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 134370.0 0 0 64309.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs NL-KVK-41149287-UGCE0160 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2018 Enhancing sustainable response to commercially exploited children Uganda</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands PREFA Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 150000.0 0 72166.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled NL-KVK-41149287-UGCE0161 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2018 GAA: Engaging Urban Authorities/Government to prevent/respond to CSEC</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands UYDEL Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 142232.0 0 61821.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners</narrative> coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives NL-KVK-41149287-UGCE0238 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2019 Response to commercially exploited children in Kampala/Wakiso Districts</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands PREFA Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 206226.0 110409.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Children trained as agents of change</narrative> Children trained as agents of change <narrative># of children trained as agents of change</narrative> # of children trained as agents of change <narrative>Girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> Girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>Exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> Exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>Exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> Exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-UGCE0246 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Engaging Authorities to Prevent/Respond to CSEC in Kampala and Wakiso districts</narrative> EA CE // Integrated prevention and response to CSEC in East Africa &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands UYDEL Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 308170.0 156210.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Community key stakeholders (boys, girls, men, women, cultural and religious leaders, local councils, and community groups) in the 3 districts of Kampala, Wakiso, Napak, report, penalise, and influence perpetrators, community platforms for positive change for protection of girls and young women from Child Trafficking and unsafe migration by end of 2019.</narrative> Community key stakeholders (boys, girls, men, women, cultural and religious leaders, local councils, and community groups) in the 3 districts of Kampala, Wakiso, Napak, report, penalise, and influence perpetrators, community platforms for positive change for protection of girls and young women from Child Trafficking and unsafe migration by end of 2019. <narrative>Outcomes descriptions(Signs)</narrative> Outcomes descriptions(Signs) <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Inputs given to government</narrative> Inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners NL-KVK-41149287-UGCE0318 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Engaging Urban Authorities And Local Governments to Prevent And Respond to CSEC</narrative> The&nbsp;project seeks to strengthen a sustainable system for elimination of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of children. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands UYDEL Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 168988.0 <narrative>5 Inputs will be given to government to eliminate GBV and support EE.This will be done through budget alocation for the NAP on CSEC, popularising the KCCA Child protection ordinance among stakeholders, support to the child protection working group and dialogues with legal committee of Parliament</narrative> 5 Inputs will be given to government to eliminate GBV and support EE.This will be done through budget alocation for the NAP on CSEC, popularising the KCCA Child protection ordinance among stakeholders, support to the child protection working group and dialogues with legal committee of Parliament <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government Three (3) out of the planned five activities were conducted in quarter 1. The Two activities not conducted had been scheduled in March but these were affected by the COVID 19 pandemic and government lock down.; The activities were implemented as scheduled.; The engagement meetings to finalize the NAP on CSAE were not conducted in this quarter because of the delays brought about by the internal processes of the MoGLSD). The NAP CSAE has already been submitted to the senior management of the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development for final review and editing which process is expected to be completed by 31st October 2020.; <narrative>The output involves 75 community members that will directly be involved in creating awareness about CSEC in the different communties</narrative> The output involves 75 community members that will directly be involved in creating awareness about CSEC in the different communties <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions Activities 2.1.1 and 2.2.2 were conducted in quarter 1 as planned.; The activity contributing to the achievement of the outputs is planned for quarter 3; This output was achieved this quarter. In Makindye Division, a committee consisting of youth was formed to champion advocacy issues of the girl child in the community. A clear reporting and referral pathway was created by the participants. The community volunteers promised to continue reporting and referring cases of CSEC in the communities to UYDEL and other partner organizations In Lubaga, Division, the local leaders agreed to form a community police where cases of CSEC could be easily reported and traced easily; <narrative>This output involves 250 people who will participate in the dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders. These will be achieved through dialogues on negative social norms and practices promoting CSEC and engagement meetins to popularise the formed bylaws.</narrative> This output involves 250 people who will participate in the dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders. These will be achieved through dialogues on negative social norms and practices promoting CSEC and engagement meetins to popularise the formed bylaws. <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders Activity 2.2.1 was implemented as planned in quarter 1 while Activity 2.2.2 is planned for implementation in quarter 2. Hence output 2.2 is on track.; It should be noted that Activity 2.2.3 was more expensive and utilised the budgetline for this output. However, remaining balance of funds under this output 2.2 are sufficient to implement the three dialogues in quarter 3 to contribute to the output targets.; The activities under this output were conducted as planned during the quarter. Hence three dialogues were conducted in Makindye and Lubaga divisions; <narrative>2 coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns shall be conducted by UYDEL. This shall be achieved through children participation in the International days for children and dissemination og advocacy materials.</narrative> 2 coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns shall be conducted by UYDEL. This shall be achieved through children participation in the International days for children and dissemination og advocacy materials. <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level Activity 2.3.1 was not conducted in quarter 1 because its planned for quarter 2. Activity 2.3.2 was planned for implementation in quarter 1 but was not not conducted because of the COVID 19 crisis and lock down as directed by Government in mid March 2020.; All the planned targets were achieved in this reporting period. The over expenditure under this output arises from the fact that the service provider who printed the child friendly materials under Activity 2.3.2 was paid in quarter 2 and not quarter one as planned. The funds used for this payment were already budgeted for in quarter 1.; This activity was conducted in quarter 2 but was not recorded.; <narrative>30 CSOs will be trained in gender policy and practices through UCATIP network to lobby government and police towards prevention of CSEC. This will be achieved through joint plannng meetings, dissemination of CSO compedium, follow up meetings</narrative> 30 CSOs will be trained in gender policy and practices through UCATIP network to lobby government and police towards prevention of CSEC. This will be achieved through joint plannng meetings, dissemination of CSO compedium, follow up meetings <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs Activities 3.1.1, 3.1.3 and 3.1.4 were conducted in quarter 1. Activity 3.1.2 shall be conducted in quarter 2 while Activity 3.1.5 was not conducted because of the COVID 19 crisis which led to Government directives of a lock down.; All the planned targets were achieved in this reporting period; The major activities related to this output were achieved in quarter 2. The balance funds were re-allocated towards conducting gender analysis report in quarter 3.; <narrative>3 dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives shall be achieved through follow ups with entertainment places and engagement meetings with Lubaga Division mayor to share best practices related to protection of girls from sexual exploitation</narrative> 3 dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives shall be achieved through follow ups with entertainment places and engagement meetings with Lubaga Division mayor to share best practices related to protection of girls from sexual exploitation <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives Activity 4.1.1 was not conducted in quarter 1 because its planned for quarter 2 in accordance with the Annual Plan. Activity 4.1.2 was conducted in Lubaga division in quarter 1.; This output was achieved partially based on the activities conducted this quarter. It will be wholly achieved in quarter 3 after documenting success stories from private sector players; The planned activities under this output were conducted in quarter 3.; <narrative>3 meetings on GBV and decent work will be held with private sector representatives to prevent sexual abuse and explotiation at work places.</narrative> 3 meetings on GBV and decent work will be held with private sector representatives to prevent sexual abuse and explotiation at work places. <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives Activities 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 were all conducted in quarter 1 in accordance with the Annual Plan; The targeted outputs were achieved.; Activities under this output were conducted in quarter 2; NL-KVK-41149287-UGCE0345 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Protection of children from Commercial sexual exploitation in Kampala and Wakiso districts</narrative> Project seeks to reduce Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children&nbsp; through raising awareness in schools and Provision of vocational skilling&nbsp; to 80&nbsp; victims of CSEC. The partner UYDEL is implementing a GAA project which will link with this project to ensure appropriate support and options for survivors of CSEC. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands UYDEL Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 307092.0 <narrative>Increased awareness and knowledge about CSEC in six schools in Kampala and Wakiso by December 2020.</narrative> Increased awareness and knowledge about CSEC in six schools in Kampala and Wakiso by December 2020. <narrative>% of children (f/m) in school Child Rights Clubs(CRC) knowledgable about CSEC Unit of Measure(%) target by December is 70%</narrative> % of children (f/m) in school Child Rights Clubs(CRC) knowledgable about CSEC Unit of Measure(%) target by December is 70% Total management costs are 3,020.11 The target will not be achieved due to closure of schools. This output is largely focused on creating awareness in schools through formation of school clubs. Considering the current situation that schools are partially closed due to the COVID 19 lockdown, these activities shall not be conducted as earlier planned. UYDEL therefore requested for a budget reallocation of funds approved under this output for activities worth Euros 1,161 be re-directed towards (Activity 1.1.5) Producing more child friendly IEC materials to contribute towards creating awareness on children’s rights and dangers of CSEC especially during this COVID 19 crisis.; <narrative>Children vulnerable to exploitation in (Kampala and Wakiso) will be reached through targted awareneness raising sessions on matters relatings to child's rights</narrative> Children vulnerable to exploitation in (Kampala and Wakiso) will be reached through targted awareneness raising sessions on matters relatings to child's rights <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions The target will not be achieved due to closure of schools. This output is largely focused on creating awareness in schools through formation of school clubs. Considering the current situation that schools are partially closed due to the COVID 19 lockdown, these activities shall not be conducted as earlier planned. UYDEL therefore requested for a budget reallocation of funds approved under this output for activities worth Euros 1,161. UYDEL requested that these funds (Euros 1,161) be used towards (Activity 1.1.5) producing more child friendly IEC materials to contribute towards creating awareness on children’s rights and dangers of CSEC especially during this COVID 19 crisis.; <narrative>The duty bearers (Local leaders, members of the Parent Teachers Assoc Leaders) shall be trained on child rights and protection of children from CSEC to support the project in terms of awareness raising, identification and refferal of CSEC survivors for appropriate services</narrative> The duty bearers (Local leaders, members of the Parent Teachers Assoc Leaders) shall be trained on child rights and protection of children from CSEC to support the project in terms of awareness raising, identification and refferal of CSEC survivors for appropriate services <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques Activity 1.2.1: 5 categories of duty bearers were trained; 20 Law Enforcement Officer (10M,10F), 20 representatives from the private sector (17M,3F), 20 from the category of families and children (10M, 10F), 19 representatives under Civil Society Organizations (8M, 11F) and 18 government officials (14M, 4F) The balances on this activity shall be used to conduct activity 1.2.2; <narrative>Increased access to gainful and meaningful employment opportunities by graduate survivors of CSEC by end of July 2020.</narrative> Increased access to gainful and meaningful employment opportunities by graduate survivors of CSEC by end of July 2020. <narrative>80% of children who successfully complete the vocational skills training and awarded certification on the skills.</narrative> 80% of children who successfully complete the vocational skills training and awarded certification on the skills. Outcome 2: We have identified 4 instructors who are training the identified 80 child victims at risk and those engaged in CSEC; 1 tailoring trainer, 1 hairdressing trainer, 1 bakery trainer and 1 liquid soap making trainer. These instructors are currently conducting trainings for the 80 identified child survivors and victims of CSEC and the beneficiaries will be awarded certification on the learned skills upon graduation.; <narrative>UYDEL shall Identify, assess and enrol 20 boys to receive educational support(vocational skills training) for economic empowerment and livelihood survival as well as psychosocial support, life skills and business skills training.</narrative> UYDEL shall Identify, assess and enrol 20 boys to receive educational support(vocational skills training) for economic empowerment and livelihood survival as well as psychosocial support, life skills and business skills training. <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services Output 2.1: We identified 20 boys instead of the planned 10 boys for this quarter because the period of implementation was shortened from 12 months to 6 months and hence we needed to identify the boys quickly and receive training.; <narrative>UYDEL shall Identify, assess and enrol 60 girls to receive educational support(vocational skills training) for economic empowerment and livelihood survival as well as psychosocial support, life skills and business skills training.</narrative> UYDEL shall Identify, assess and enrol 60 girls to receive educational support(vocational skills training) for economic empowerment and livelihood survival as well as psychosocial support, life skills and business skills training. <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services Output 2.2: 60 girls have been identified; 30 in Makindye and 30 in Rubaga. These have been identified with support from social workers, Local Leaders, Women Chairpersons, and Child protection committee members. Also, beneficiaries have supported the identification process by referring their colleagues under this category for services.; <narrative>Upon completion of the rehabilitation programme, the boys will be provided with start up tool kits as social protection to support them start their own business ventures. After reintragration they will be monitored by the social workers through follow up visits to assess the capacity gaps if any and provide support.</narrative> Upon completion of the rehabilitation programme, the boys will be provided with start up tool kits as social protection to support them start their own business ventures. After reintragration they will be monitored by the social workers through follow up visits to assess the capacity gaps if any and provide support. <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded Activity 2.3: The toolkits will be procured in November when the children are about to graduate from the project.; <narrative>Upon completion of the rehabilitation programme, the girls will be provided with start up tool kits as social protection to support them start their own business ventures. After reintragration they will be monitored by the social workers through follow up visits to assess the capacity gaps if any and provide support.</narrative> Upon completion of the rehabilitation programme, the girls will be provided with start up tool kits as social protection to support them start their own business ventures. After reintragration they will be monitored by the social workers through follow up visits to assess the capacity gaps if any and provide support. <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded Output 2.4: The toolkits will be procured in November when the children are about to graduate from the project.; NL-KVK-41149287-UGCL0038 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2016: Stopping Child Exploitation through Education and Livelihood.(SCEEL)</narrative> EA CL // Ending WFCL in EA mining and domestic work Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SOMERO ECO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 58584.0 0 26604.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities NL-KVK-41149287-UGCL0073 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2016 GAA Stopping Child Exploitation through Education and Livelihood.(SCEEL)</narrative> EA CL // Ending WFCL in EA mining and domestic work Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SOMERO ECO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 91244.0 0 43448.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>child protection committees supported</narrative> child protection committees supported <narrative># of child protection committees supported</narrative> # of child protection committees supported <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions NL-KVK-41149287-UGCL0083 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2017 GAA: Stopping Child Exploitation through Education and Livelihood/SCEEL</narrative> EA CL // Ending WFCL in EA mining and domestic work Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SOMERO ECO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 212708.0 0 0 79303.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>research and campaign reports published by partners on GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research and campaign reports published by partners on GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>dialogues between partners and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between partners and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives NL-KVK-41149287-UGCL0117 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2017: Stopping Child Exploitation through Education and Livelihood (SCEEL)</narrative> EA CL // Ending WFCL in EA mining and domestic work Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SOMERO ECO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 323700.0 0 0 121063.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities NL-KVK-41149287-UGCL0169 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2018: Stopping Child Exploitation through Education and Livelihood (SCEEL)</narrative> EA CL // Ending WFCL in EA mining and domestic work Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Platform for Labour Action Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 129000.0 0 57355.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-UGCL0182 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2018 GAA Stopping Child Exploitation through Education and Livelihood (SCEEL)</narrative> EA CL // Ending WFCL in EA mining and domestic work Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 164580.0 0 52273.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners</narrative> coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative</narrative> trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector NL-KVK-41149287-UGCL0273 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2019 GAA-Stopping Child Exploitation through Advocacy in Busia/Kampala SOMERO</narrative> EA CL // Ending WFCL in EA mining and domestic work &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SOMERO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 212688.0 73500.0 2019 Total Disbursement for SOMERO Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 109152.0 Expenditure 2019 NL-KVK-41149287-UGCL0274 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2019 - Elimination of Child Labour in Mining in Moroto and Bugiri Districts</narrative> EA CL // Ending WFCL in EA mining and domestic work &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 231496.0 80000.0 2019 Total Disbursement for ECO Uganda Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 119471.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Dialogues with community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Dialogues with community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Number of government officals sensitised</narrative> Number of government officals sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices"</narrative> Targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices" <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Dialogues with targetted CSO "</narrative> Dialogues with targetted CSO " <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs NL-KVK-41149287-UGCL0275 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2019 Elimination of CL through skilling in Moroto and Bugiri Districts. HO</narrative> EA CL // Ending WFCL in EA mining and domestic work &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 59128.0 22937.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> # of monitoring visits made by partners <narrative># of monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> # of monitoring visits made by partners NL-KVK-41149287-UGCL0317 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2020 Stopping Child Exploitation through Advocacy in Busia and Kampala districts</narrative> Increased protection of children from exploitation in the worst forms of child labour in Busia and Kampala . Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands SOMERO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 158038.0 <narrative>152 community members ( SCREAM AGENTS, youths, taskforce members ) will sensistize communities on issues of child Labour .</narrative> 152 community members ( SCREAM AGENTS, youths, taskforce members ) will sensistize communities on issues of child Labour . <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions NOT YET DONE; This output was achieved through engagements of taskforce members who have continued to conduct community awareness raising and engagement of SCREAM Agents through Art, media campaigns and community engagement.; <narrative>1 public dialogue will be conducted to disseminate a documentary on elimination of child labour best practices</narrative> 1 public dialogue will be conducted to disseminate a documentary on elimination of child labour best practices <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level For this Quarter This was achieved through engagement of the different stakeholders who have shared best practices and lessons learnt during the implementation of the project and their success stories where documented into a vise which is to be shared among different stakeholders for learning purposes; <narrative>6 inputs will be provided to government to take actions towards protection of children from worst forms of child labour.This will be done through provision of findings from labour inspections, budget allocation engagements and feed back meetings on how to protect children from worst forms of child labour.</narrative> 6 inputs will be provided to government to take actions towards protection of children from worst forms of child labour.This will be done through provision of findings from labour inspections, budget allocation engagements and feed back meetings on how to protect children from worst forms of child labour. <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government The three targets where met in the first quarter however the 1 remaining target will be achieved in quarter 3.; This output was achieved however in the previous reporting 1 activity was not recorded that is Participate with the National steering committee on elimination of child labour to hold 2 Engagement meetings with MoGLSD finance planning committee to ensure budget allocation for realization of girls’ and young women’s rights against child labor in Kampala; <narrative>Participate with the National Steering committee on elimination of child labour to conduct a 1 days districts multi stakeholders workshops to popularize the National Action plan on elimination of child labour, the employment act and the mining act in Kampala and Busia.</narrative> Participate with the National Steering committee on elimination of child labour to conduct a 1 days districts multi stakeholders workshops to popularize the National Action plan on elimination of child labour, the employment act and the mining act in Kampala and Busia. <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised For this quarter two multi-stakeholders workshops were conducted 1 in Busia 17/03/2020 at La Palm Hotel with 20 people and 1 in Kampala on 19th/03/2020 at Grand Global hotel with 20 people. These were conducted with the help of the National steering committee on elimination of child Labour and these were facilitated by the principal Labour officer from the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development; This output was achieved by engaging District Local Government of Busia and Kampala into t 2(1 Kampala,1 Busia ) into multi-stakeholders meetings on the close out of the project. 10 new District officials were reached and the remaining number engaged were stakeholders that were already in the previous project activities .; <narrative>2 dialogue will be conducted for CSOs so that they are in position to mobilize resources for elimination of child labour in Kampala and Busia</narrative> 2 dialogue will be conducted for CSOs so that they are in position to mobilize resources for elimination of child labour in Kampala and Busia <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>6 Dialogues will be conducted with Bars,Entertaimnet places, Hotel, mining companies to develop codes of conduct to protect children from child Labour .</narrative> 6 Dialogues will be conducted with Bars,Entertaimnet places, Hotel, mining companies to develop codes of conduct to protect children from child Labour . <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives This does not belong to us; ALl the dialogues were conducted however they were under recorded since an activity was conducted online yet they were done into 2 districts ( Busia and Kampala); NL-KVK-41149287-UGCL0321 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Elimination of child labour in mining in Bugiri and Moroto districts</narrative> &nbsp;Contributing to the progressive elimination of child labour in Gold mining in Uganda through Advocacy. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECO Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 158038.0 <narrative>65 Government officials will be oriented on the need and importance of 14 Inclusion of child protection closes in the mining act.</narrative> 65 Government officials will be oriented on the need and importance of 14 Inclusion of child protection closes in the mining act. <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised This was not achieved to 100% because the officials from Ministry of Energy were not met as planned and the 47% that was achieved is from the engagement on the approval of the ordinance of Bugiri that was submitted to the ministry of Local Government.; some of the activities reaching out to this output were not conducted in the quarter but will be in the next quarter. only one activity of media engagement was conducted under this output; In the Quarter we reached out to 15 District Officials under this out put and this is attributed to the interest of member of the mineral police to get involved in the activity of joint monitoring which had not been considered at the time of planning.; <narrative>Engagement dialogues will be conducted to introduce the compliant private sector to the commercial officers of the districts, to discuss with artisanl miners the importance of formalization of groups and working together and support private sector to devolp and implement policies aimed at child protection</narrative> Engagement dialogues will be conducted to introduce the compliant private sector to the commercial officers of the districts, to discuss with artisanl miners the importance of formalization of groups and working together and support private sector to devolp and implement policies aimed at child protection <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives Two quarterly dialogue meetings were conducted with one in Moroto and another in Bugiri to support Private sector to develop and implement child protection policies.; An activity was conducted to support the formalization of the association of Artisan miners in Bugiri where the miners worked with the sub-county of Budhaya to review their constitution and secure a recommendation that will be presented to the District for the registration.; Activity 1.2.2 was not planned for this quarter; <narrative>Community members including task force members, girls and young women will be coached on their role in advocacy and they will utilize platforms such as international day of the africa child, WDACL and public dialogues to play an active role in expressing them selves and creating awareness against child labour</narrative> Community members including task force members, girls and young women will be coached on their role in advocacy and they will utilize platforms such as international day of the africa child, WDACL and public dialogues to play an active role in expressing them selves and creating awareness against child labour <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions 6 Community members (Local council leaders and parish chiefs) participated in the awareness raising in the dialogue but also 2 task force members participated in the mentoring of the girls and young women sharing their involvement in elimination of child labour and this justifies the over achievement; Three activities were conducted under this output including recording radio jingles, supporting children to come up with a magazine in commemoration of the World Day Against Child Labour. and the development of Art murals. in all these 34 community members participated including 24 female and 10 male.; The over achievement by 4 people is because of the need to include children because this was also doubling as the exit meeting for the stakeholders at community level. The budget for this output was overstated, The projected expense was 497 EUR Activity 2.1.4. was dropped and thus was not implemented; <narrative>Two public awareness campaigns will be conducted with on radio and the other on television and a video documentary recorded for firther awareness raising</narrative> Two public awareness campaigns will be conducted with on radio and the other on television and a video documentary recorded for firther awareness raising <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level No activity was planned for this quarter towards this achievement.; One Radio talk show was conducted on 13th/06/2020 at Capital radio between 9:00am and 10: am. It was attended by three panellists, from the MoGLSD, ILO on behalf of the Organizing committee for WDACL and ECO.; Both the planned activities were successfully implemented; <narrative>A dialogue meeting will be held with the task force members and the local leaders to help them understand the case management module of the ministry of gender so that they can handle cases of child labour in the community</narrative> A dialogue meeting will be held with the task force members and the local leaders to help them understand the case management module of the ministry of gender so that they can handle cases of child labour in the community <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders Only one meeting was possible due to the Outbreak of COVID-19; No activity was conducted under this output, the funds spent were to pay a service provider who provided meals and refreshment in activity implementation last quarter.; only one activity 2.3.2 of Priniting IEC materails had been planned and was implemented; <narrative>Dialogue meetings will be conviened for the likeminded CSOs to plan together, share experiences and engage Government on matters of elimination of child labour</narrative> Dialogue meetings will be conviened for the likeminded CSOs to plan together, share experiences and engage Government on matters of elimination of child labour <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs one L&A dialogue was conducted between ECO, labour and probation officers and the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development.; All the activities under this output were conducted; <narrative>Representatives of CSOs will attend organized Coordination meetings of like minded CSOs to develop joint workplan aimed at elimination of child labour</narrative> Representatives of CSOs will attend organized Coordination meetings of like minded CSOs to develop joint workplan aimed at elimination of child labour <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners The activities under this out put are planned for the next quarter.; End of project engagements were done and these also served as exit meetings for the project where all stake holders including private sector, CSOs and Government met to plan on how to sustain the gains of the project.; NL-KVK-41149287-UGCT0046 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2016: Integrated response against child trafficking II (IRACT 2)</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Dwelling Places Rahab Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 104438.0 0 40988.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children counselled</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children counselled <narrative>schools that have code of conduct to safeguard children</narrative> schools that have code of conduct to safeguard children <narrative>schools that have code of conduct to safeguard children</narrative> schools that have code of conduct to safeguard children <narrative>boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services NL-KVK-41149287-UGCT0070 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2016 GAA: INTEGRATED RESPONSE AGAINST CHILD TRAFFICKING II (IRACT 2)</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Dwelling Places Rahab Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 62698.0 0 27087.0 Expenditure 2016 0 Expenditure 2017 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative># of monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> # of monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative># of meetings held with police and judiciary</narrative> # of meetings held with police and judiciary <narrative>trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted</narrative> trainings of private sector staff on CRC, CoC & UN Global Compact conducted <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received legal advice <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>documents presented to government</narrative> documents presented to government <narrative># of documents presented to government</narrative> # of documents presented to government <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice NL-KVK-41149287-UGCT0086 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2017 GAA: IRACT2 and unsafe migration in Uganda</narrative> Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Regio Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Dwelling Places Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 111380.0 0 0 48917.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>government officials trained</narrative> government officials trained <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government NL-KVK-41149287-UGCT0089 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>RE: Development and integration of efforts against CT and CSEC (GAA)</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands FIDA Uganda The Uganda Association of Women Lawyers Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 265588.0 0 0 102945.0 Expenditure 2017 0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research and campaign reports published by CSOs on benefits of GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted</narrative> media campaigns addressing CR policies conducted <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights</narrative> community awareness raising campaigns conducted to promote child rights <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>inputs given on CR policies and laws</narrative> inputs given on CR policies and laws <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government NL-KVK-41149287-UGCT0183 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2018 GAA: Integrated Response Against CT / unsafe migration in Uganda project</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Dwelling Places Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 174534.0 0 87267.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative># of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs representatives trained on child rights, promoting CRs, roles of government and private sector in promotion of child rights <narrative>CSOs have updated policies</narrative> CSOs have updated policies <narrative># of CSOs have updated policies</narrative> # of CSOs have updated policies <narrative>community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative># of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities</narrative> # of community members with exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising activities <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>monitoring visits made by partners</narrative> monitoring visits made by partners <narrative>court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative># of court cases followed up/attended by partners</narrative> # of court cases followed up/attended by partners <narrative>NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy</narrative> NGOs involved in networks promoting children's rights with policy and judicairy <narrative># of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights</narrative> # of CSOs participated in networks for promotion of child rights <narrative>judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation</narrative> # of judiciary and police staff trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques/child friendly justice/reporting or releasing press statements on convicted cases of child exploitation <narrative>private sector decision makers participated events</narrative> private sector decision makers participated events <narrative># of private sector decision makers participated in events</narrative> # of private sector decision makers participated in events <narrative>presentations held at companies</narrative> presentations held at companies <narrative># of presentations held at companies</narrative> # of presentations held at companies <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners</narrative> community members (incl community, religious and traditional leaders) participating in awareness raising sessions organized by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners</narrative> coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs</narrative> campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative</narrative> trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received legal advice</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received legal advice <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed NL-KVK-41149287-UGCT0184 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2018 GAA: Development and Integration of Regional Efforts Against CT and CSEC</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands FIDA Uganda The Uganda Association of Women Lawyers Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 321374.0 0 129413.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs</narrative> dialogues between alliance local partners and targeted CSOs <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs <narrative>dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives</narrative> dialogues between CSOs and private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs</narrative> campaigns on GBV and EE conducted by CSOs <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners</narrative> coordinated, evidence based public awareness campaigns conducted by alliance local partners <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE</narrative> inputs given to government on the eliminate GBV and support EE <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector</narrative> research reports published by CSOs on benefits of eliminating GBV and decent work for private sector <narrative>Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector</narrative> Number of research reports published on the benefits of GBV elimination and decent work for the private sector <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs attend network meeting organized by the alliance <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> targeted national and regional CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative</narrative> trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives NL-KVK-41149287-UGCT0188 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Uganda 2018: Dwelling places</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Dwelling Places Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 149938.0 0 70267.0 Expenditure 2018 0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of vulnerable children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services <narrative>vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>advocacy plans developed</narrative> advocacy plans developed <narrative># of advocacy plans developed</narrative> # of advocacy plans developed <narrative>exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services <narrative>exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative># of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions</narrative> # of exploited/abused children participated in awareness raising sessions <narrative>exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative># of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques</narrative> # of community members trained in child protection and child friendly interview techniques <narrative>community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings</narrative> community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in IGA trainings <narrative># of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings</narrative> # of community members with children vulnerable to exploitation participated in income generation activity trainings NL-KVK-41149287-UGCT0268 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2019 Integrated Response Against Child Trafficking in Kampala/Wakiso district</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Rahab Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 202552.0 70000.0 2019 Total Disbursement for RAHAB Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 103867.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Government officials sensitised</narrative> Government officials sensitised <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Inputs given to government</narrative> Inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives <narrative>Targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners NL-KVK-41149287-UGCT0270 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2019 Response Against CT/Unsafe Migration along Kampala-Napak Dwell Place GAA</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Dwelling Places Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 249846.0 86331.0 2019 Total Disbursement for Dwelling Places Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 128201.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>public awareness conducted at community level</narrative> public awareness conducted at community level <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level <narrative>Community members participate in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Community members participate in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions <narrative>Dialogues with community, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Dialogues with community, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders <narrative>Government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues</narrative> Government officials sensitized on GBV and EE related issues <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised <narrative>Campaigns on GBV and EE conducted towards policy makers</narrative> Campaigns on GBV and EE conducted towards policy makers <narrative>Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers</narrative> Number of campaigns on GBV and EE towards policy makers <narrative>Inputs given to government</narrative> Inputs given to government <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government <narrative>Trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative</narrative> Trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representative <narrative>Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives</narrative> Number of trainings on GBV and decent work attended by private sector representatives <narrative>Targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs trained in gender policy and practices NL-KVK-41149287-UGCT0272 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2019 Ending Trafficking/unsafe Migration in Napak district Dwelling Places HO</narrative> EA CT // Combating Child Trafficking in the Eastern Africa Region &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Dwelling Places Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 206220.0 108094.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>Girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> Girls immediately safeguarded <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded <narrative>Boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> Boys immediately safeguarded <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded <narrative>Exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> Exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services <narrative>Exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> Exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services <narrative>families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities <narrative>community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> community members participated in child protection committees <narrative># of community members participated in child protection committees</narrative> # of community members participated in child protection committees Target met in Q2 but was not captured in the update; NL-KVK-41149287-UGCT0319 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2020 Sustainable Responses Against Child Trafficking.</narrative> Preventing trafficking and Unsafe migration of children in Kampala and Wakiso districts&nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Rahab Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 158038.0 <narrative>Two inputs will be provided through 5 meetings that will support to offer input to government decisions and intended sustainable responses towards PTIP, such as pushing for incorporation of the modules of anti-trafficking in the police training curriculum, push for the extensive popularization and implementation of the PTIP Act 2009 and its regulations by the National Taskforce and the Coordination Office on anti- trafficking. "</narrative> Two inputs will be provided through 5 meetings that will support to offer input to government decisions and intended sustainable responses towards PTIP, such as pushing for incorporation of the modules of anti-trafficking in the police training curriculum, push for the extensive popularization and implementation of the PTIP Act 2009 and its regulations by the National Taskforce and the Coordination Office on anti- trafficking. " <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government These were not conducted in first quarter. However, this was affected by the COVID situation which did not allow the activity to happen.; A series of activities were conducted in the participation and commemoration of the international Day of the African Child. A whole week was set aside to commemorate the day, a series of youth engagements were conducted on live twitter, facebook and WhatsApp to explore their responses as regards their safety and protection amidst the pandemic. a Live E-conference was conducted jointly with GAA and this elevated youth and children voices in advocating for access to child friendly materials in the face of COVID-9; The Quarterly engagements with the national task force to follow up on their intervention in implementing and monitoring of the PTIP Act and its regulations which where meant to be done quarterly where dropped due to the adjustments following the new normal therefore the modified activities where all modified & carried out in the third quarter.; <narrative>80 government officials will be strengthened in their capacity to respond to issues of TIP. Judges and Magistrates will be made aware of how to prioritize reference to the PTIP Act while responding to TIP cases, police will be sensitized on effective reporting and investigations while other key district leaders such as Probation officers, CDOs and Para social workers will be sensitized on how to handle and report TIP cases within their work dockets.</narrative> 80 government officials will be strengthened in their capacity to respond to issues of TIP. Judges and Magistrates will be made aware of how to prioritize reference to the PTIP Act while responding to TIP cases, police will be sensitized on effective reporting and investigations while other key district leaders such as Probation officers, CDOs and Para social workers will be sensitized on how to handle and report TIP cases within their work dockets. <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised Two dialogues were conducted to contribute the quarterly output. However, 2 activities were not conducted and pushed for implementation in the second quarter 2020 due to the CoVID-19 thus affecting expected expenditure.; 2 meetings were held;- 10 representatives from the Uganda Police training department to follow up on the incorporation of anti-trafficking module in their training curriculum. Another meeting was held with 10 local leaders to explore their responses towards prevention of child trafficking and promotion of child protection during the Pandemic. One activity that was supposed to be spent on this quarter was not conducted as we looked acquisition of full support and permission to engage the judiciary during this pandemic. with the judiciary as all its members were banned from any engagements till; 2 Activities where from the 2nd Quarter i.e Follow up on the incorporation of the modules of anti-trafficking in the police training curriculum and Comprehensive awareness building of Judges and Magistrates of the high court to popularize the PTIP Act 2009 and its regulations where done in the 3rd quarter: for which Comprehensive awareness building of Judges and Magistrates of the high court to popularize the PTIP Act 2009 and its regulations & Follow up meetings with sensitized Judges, Magistrates, Police and forefront law enforcement officials on their progress in implementing the PTIP Act 2009 where modified and done as one activity under the new normal.; <narrative>6 dialogues will be conducted with Local council leaders structures, key district officials (CDOs, Probation Officers, CAOs, Town Clerks and Cultural and traditional leaders) to collectively develop and implement joint work plans to respond and address issues of child trafficking and violence.</narrative> 6 dialogues will be conducted with Local council leaders structures, key district officials (CDOs, Probation Officers, CAOs, Town Clerks and Cultural and traditional leaders) to collectively develop and implement joint work plans to respond and address issues of child trafficking and violence. <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders Two dialogues were conducted to contribute to the total expected output for quarter one. The 39% over expenditure for the quarter was caused by the shift in activities planned for the quarter implementation. It so happens that activity 1 under output 2 was planned to be conducted in quarter 2 but rather shifted and conducted in quarter one. This led to a rise by 39% of the planned expenditure for the quarter. However, the funds that were overspent will be deducted during implementation of activity 2 to cover up the over-expenditure and to meet the target.; 2 on line webinars and 1 one-on-one engagement was held with Key district leaders of Wakiso district and Kampala. the major objectives were to follow up on their objectives towards child protection, ensuring child access to friendly materials and their responses towards prevention of child trafficking.; <narrative>270 children and youths within 3 schools' anti- child trafficking clubs and communities of Kampala and Wakiso will be supported to fully participate in child/youth-led prevention campaigns to raise awareness against negative social norms that victimise them to situations of TIP and unsafe migration.</narrative> 270 children and youths within 3 schools' anti- child trafficking clubs and communities of Kampala and Wakiso will be supported to fully participate in child/youth-led prevention campaigns to raise awareness against negative social norms that victimise them to situations of TIP and unsafe migration. <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions 2 round visits were made to 2 schools:-Peace Nursery School and Ever light College to collect feedback from the ACT clubs and also to refine their actions for further implementation in the fight against child trafficking. The 33% under expenditure for the quarter was supported by the children’s’ round visits that we conducted in 2 schools that shoot up the target numbers with less expenditure. Therefore, the remaining funds shall support us to reach our CCI minimum expectations under child participation and as well support the continuous awareness engagements with ACT clubs in schools.; 50 youth were reached to this second quarter. 37 Female and 13 Male. online meetings were held to explore youth perspectives on how they are affected by COVID-19 and the different responses that can be done by them ad other community leaders and stakeholders in ensuring safety and protection of children and youths.; According to the budget part these activities where meant to be carried out in the 2nd quarter yet due to the new normal adjustments they where all implemented in the 3rd Quarter.; <narrative>15 non-GAA CSOs and CBOs will be influenced to build strong networks and collaborations with GAA partners to have effective lobby and advocacy partnerships such as drawing jointly action on how to collaboratively influence government to protect girls and young women and their further actions to push the agenda anti- child trafficking in their annual budgets and work plans thus sustainable interventions on anti-trafficking.</narrative> 15 non-GAA CSOs and CBOs will be influenced to build strong networks and collaborations with GAA partners to have effective lobby and advocacy partnerships such as drawing jointly action on how to collaboratively influence government to protect girls and young women and their further actions to push the agenda anti- child trafficking in their annual budgets and work plans thus sustainable interventions on anti-trafficking. <narrative>Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners</narrative> Number of targeted CSOs attend network meetings organised by GAA and/or GAA partners 10 CSOs AND CBOs attended a 2-days dialogue meeting that was held on 25th and 26th February 2020. . Targeted expected expenditure for the quarter fairly met.; An online webinar was organised inviting CBO and CSO representatives working in Kampala and Wakiso. the purpose to explore their view on how to jointly influence access of child friendly services even during the COVID 19 crisis. A radio talk show was then taken on where representatives from CBOs and key district leaders called upon all stakeholders to embark on child protection as they access equal distribution and access to friendly services. Activities/ Engagements with UCATIP were not conducted or spent on during the quarter as most organizations' operations were hit by the pandemic, thus rekindled after organizations re directed their work to the "new normal". therefore, engagements were planned for third quarter,; The Quarterly support to UCATIP meetings to implement the agenda of collaborations to influence government, private sector and communities towards realization of women and girls rights against child trafficking Activities which where meant to be done quarterly where done in the 3rd quarter under the new Normal adjustments.; <narrative>4 dialogue meetings will be held with each of the 3 Private Sector actors (Bar and Hotel owners, law practicing firms, Uganda Tourism Board) in Kampala and Wakiso districts to explore their roles in influencing sustainable responses against child trafficking and exploitation, acquire position on the acquisition of memorandum of understanding between Rahab Uganda and the Uganda law society to provide Legal Aid to survivors of child trafficking and of possibilities towards the inclusion and implementation of the positive practices that protect girls and young women respectively.</narrative> 4 dialogue meetings will be held with each of the 3 Private Sector actors (Bar and Hotel owners, law practicing firms, Uganda Tourism Board) in Kampala and Wakiso districts to explore their roles in influencing sustainable responses against child trafficking and exploitation, acquire position on the acquisition of memorandum of understanding between Rahab Uganda and the Uganda law society to provide Legal Aid to survivors of child trafficking and of possibilities towards the inclusion and implementation of the positive practices that protect girls and young women respectively. <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives One activity was done for the quarter, The 89% over expenditure in quarter one was after, the merging of earlier planned to be 2 dialogues into one comprehensive dialogue. The dialogue was joined by key decision makers from government who needed to support the activity output at national level. Therefore, in other pursue their input and efforts, both dialogues were merged into one to achieve a desired goal.; Meetings under this output were pushed for and planned to be conducted in the third quarter. members and stakeholders(target group) are still getting back o their feet from the COVID crisis, so they advised more time for a successful engagement.; The dialogue with private law practicing firms to explore partnership in provision of legal aid services to victims of trafficking and strengthen sustainable partnerships was carried out in the 2nd Quarter that's way there is an indicator of an underspent in the 3rd Quarter.; NL-KVK-41149287-UGCT0320 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>UG 2020 Sustainable Response Against Child Trafficking and unsafe Migration in Uganda</narrative> This project is to facilitate rescue, rehabilitation, reconciliation and sustainable resettlement for child victims of trafficking and unsafe migration from the streets and slum areas of kampala. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Dwelling Places Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 158038.0 <narrative>70 Government officials sensitized on CTM issues including the Police, LDUs, Magistrates, representatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA), and Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development (MGLSD), among others.</narrative> 70 Government officials sensitized on CTM issues including the Police, LDUs, Magistrates, representatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA), and Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development (MGLSD), among others. <narrative>Number of government officials sensitised</narrative> Number of government officials sensitised When mobilising for the orientation meeting for police, we realised that the police, magistrates and judges who were our target audience were of different caliber, and could not be met together, hence the recommendation from our contact in the judiciary to divide the group and meet the police and state attorneys separately from the magistrates and judges. Please note that this activity was done in partnership with Rahab Uganda who had targeted State Attorneys and Judges while DP targeted Police and Magistrates. The police and state attorneys meeting has been completed, while the Judges and Magistrates meeting, which was scheduled for 16th April has had to be postponed to a later date due to the COVID-19 pandemic.; This output was not achieved following feedback from small preparatory lobby meetings that confirmed that the targeted audiences would not be available at the set dates but at later dates (in Quarter 3). During the lobby meetings, it was also discovered that our suggested mode of doing online meetings would not have enabled us achieve our set goals. As such, our contacts in the respective offices advised us to conduct actual (scientific) meetings on the suggested dates, observing all set ministry of health guidelines.; A total of 35 Government officials were engaged within this quarter including 20 engaged during the follow up meeting with judges and magistrates (10 magistrates, 10 technical staff from JTI), as well as 15 high ranking officials engaged during the lobby meeting with the MoIA, MoGLSD and the Uganda Police. Finance: This activity was planned in Quarter 2 but due to COVID-19 it was not done but was conducted in Quarter 3.; <narrative>Offer both technical and financial support to 5 District Local Governments to enable them complete the development of their Child protection ordinances that ensure that girls and young women, among others are duly protected from GBV and EE.</narrative> Offer both technical and financial support to 5 District Local Governments to enable them complete the development of their Child protection ordinances that ensure that girls and young women, among others are duly protected from GBV and EE. <narrative>Number of inputs given to government</narrative> Number of inputs given to government Iganga district was supported to complete popularization. Napak support, which had been planned for 22nd-27th March 2020 was interrupted by COVID-19. Financially, we exceeded target here because of the UPFC engagement that had been planned for Q2. During our pre-engagement with the UPFC Chairman and UPFC Coordinator to share our 2020 plans with them, we were advised to ensure all engagements targeting MPs were completed by April as election preparations were to start in May 2020, which would have taken away most of the targeted MPs. They went ahead to give a date for the first engagement which was only 2 weeks away; very short notice, yet with so much preparations, hence the sad oversight in seeking for authorization from TdH Nl before hand. (We sincerely apologize for this oversight); 3 activities were planned under this output, but only 2 were partially completed. On 1.2.1, ordinance popularisation was completed in Napak, while in Kampala, the KCCA is still hesitant about popularising only parts of the ordinance pending approval from the Solicitor General. As such, we will develop jingles with anti trafficking messages in line with the PTIP Act and air these out on local radio stations within Kampala to create awareness on CTM. on 1.2.2, we completed follow up of signs and outcomes in Kampala, while in Napak, this would be done in quarter 3. 1.2.3 has been challenging to coordinate as most of the Members of Parliament who are the targeted audience are busy with their policial campaigns. However, we have now planned to conduct a much small meeting with a small representation from the UPFC and the MoGLSD to enable the UPFC provide technical guidance to the Ministry on how best to present their budgets in a way that will enable it to be prioritized on the floor of Parliament. This was a recommendation from the last UPFC dialogue that was conducted in Quarter 1; 2 districts were suported to popularize their ordinances within this quarter through use of pre-recorded jingles that were aired in both Kampala and Napak to create awareness on CTM as well as the passed ordinances.; <narrative>850 community members including men, women, boys, girls, leaders, etc participate in planned awareness raising sessions/ activities under this project.</narrative> 850 community members including men, women, boys, girls, leaders, etc participate in planned awareness raising sessions/ activities under this project. <narrative>Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions</narrative> Number of community members participating in awareness raising sessions Our overall target was to reach out to 550 leaders of Child Rights Clubs in 11 Primary and Secondary Schools within Napak. We had planned to follow all the 11 clubs every quarter. This number had not been divided up, but considered as a whole, visited each quarter (hence the target overshoot to 212%). 1st term follow up was conducted to all the schools, however, we only met with 388 leaders out of the targeted 550 leaders. We distributed IEC materials, received feedback and discussed 1st term's planned activities, among other things.; 5 activities had been planned under this output, however, only one was actually conducted following Government directives to push some of them to July, while other activities fed into others, e.g. the youth camp which was intended to enable the Youth generate their asks, recommendations and issues to be presented at the children's parliament - now press conference scheduled for 28th July. Only 2.1.2 and 2.1.7 were started and currently on going; A total of 200 community members participated in our awareness raising sessions within this reporting period including 91 Local council leaders, 10 children whose views were collected in Napak and aired on radio, 48 children and youth who participated in youth camps, and 51 children from the EAC who participated in the children's webinar. Financially, our expenses over shot as many of these activities, especially on child participation had been planned for quarters 1 and 2, but got implemented in quarter 3 due to uncertainties experienced in the first 2 quarters as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic. Finance: This activity was planned in Quarter 2 but due to COVID-19 it was not done but was conducted in Quarter 3.; <narrative>Conduct 2 dialogue meetings with 100 cultural/ religious leaders in both Kampala (50) and Napak (50) on the PTIP Act, its regulations and the CP ordinances and their roles in influencing positive social norms, values, beliefs and practices in line with these legal instruments, that protect girls and young women from CTM New Approach will: we will focus on the number of dialogues/ engagements we have conducted with communities, religious and traditional leaders in Both Kampala and Napak. In this project, we have planned to ,</narrative> Conduct 2 dialogue meetings with 100 cultural/ religious leaders in both Kampala (50) and Napak (50) on the PTIP Act, its regulations and the CP ordinances and their roles in influencing positive social norms, values, beliefs and practices in line with these legal instruments, that protect girls and young women from CTM New Approach will: we will focus on the number of dialogues/ engagements we have conducted with communities, religious and traditional leaders in Both Kampala and Napak. In this project, we have planned to , <narrative>Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders</narrative> Number of dialogues with communities, religious and traditional leaders This output was not achieved within the quarter. Both the Inter religious council and Buganda Kingdom who were expected to support in mobilization of their respective stakeholders to create ownership agreed to push the activities to the first week of July. In Napak, the engagements have been planned for first week of August.; A total of 4 dialogues were conducted with 69 cultural and religious leaders in both Kampala and Napak within this quarter, with 31 leaders including 19 religious and 12 cultural leaders met in Kampala on 1st and 2nd July 2020; and 38 leaders including 21 religious and 16 cultural leaders met in Napak on 5th and 6th August 2020. Finance Finance: We had some dialogues in Quarter 2 that were not carried out but were implemented in Quarter 3 due to COVID-19.; <narrative>focus will be on monitoring five public awareness campaigns conducted at community level under this project, including commemoration of 3 recognized Children’s days that we will utilize to advocate for the rights of girls and young women and the need for them to be protected from CTM. We will also develop and disseminate IEC and advocacy materials to community members in both Kampala and Napak to create awareness on CTM and challenge people to commit to ending the vice.</narrative> focus will be on monitoring five public awareness campaigns conducted at community level under this project, including commemoration of 3 recognized Children’s days that we will utilize to advocate for the rights of girls and young women and the need for them to be protected from CTM. We will also develop and disseminate IEC and advocacy materials to community members in both Kampala and Napak to create awareness on CTM and challenge people to commit to ending the vice. <narrative>Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level</narrative> Number of public awareness campaigns conducted at community level Preparations had already started for International Day for Street children that was to take place on 17th April (as the official date of 12th April fell on Easter). These are still on going, but with great risks as Uganda is on total lock down due to COVID-19.; 2 children's days were commemorated within the quarter including the International Day for Street children on 12th April, and the Day of the African Child on 16th June.; 4 public awareness campaigns were conducted within this reporting period (1): 3 awareness events to commemorate the World Day against Trafficking in persons; and (2): a stakeholders' sensitization dialogue conducted on 8th July as part of Napak district's extended commemoration of the Day of the African Child. 16 district leaders, CSOs and technical staff dialogued over the children's views (from activity 2.1.2) of how the COVID 19 pandemic had affected them, and their recommendations to the district leadership. We also completed the development and approval of all our IEC and advocacy materials within this reporting period to be used for continued public awareness campaigns beyond the project timeline (The distribution timelines have been affected by the COVID 19 pandemic); <narrative>20 CSOs engaged through quarterly coordination meetings on their roles in effective monitoring and influencing of government, private sector and communities towards realization of women and girls’ rights against CTM.</narrative> 20 CSOs engaged through quarterly coordination meetings on their roles in effective monitoring and influencing of government, private sector and communities towards realization of women and girls’ rights against CTM. <narrative>Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs</narrative> Number of dialogues with targeted CSOs 1 meeting took place on 13th February 2020 at Dwelling Places with 23 CSOs from the Coalition Against Trafficking in Persons (CATIP) Uganda; DP has partnered with over 43 CSOs within this quarter to promote child protection issues at various levels, including working with at least 22 organisations under the Children At Risk Action Network (CRANE) to commemorate the international Day for the Street children and the Day of the African Child, and also to lobby KCCA and MoGLSD to approve and support the provision of basic protection services to 202 street connected children who had been "abandoned" on the streets of Kampala during the total lock down from March 2020. CSOs under the Girls Advocacy Alliance were collaborated with in the commemoration of the Day of the African Child. We have worked with 3 CSOs in Napak (NACRAN) to commemorate the Day of the African child, and 13 CSOs under CATIP Uganda (already reported in Quarter 1) and 5 CSOs under the East African Child Rights Network (EACRN) were engaged during quarterly coordination meetings to discuss various child protection issues in light of the COVID 19 pandemic, as well as plan for the forth coming world day Against Child trafficking scheduled for 30th July 2020.; 21 CSOs were engaged within this quarter. However, all these have already been engaged in the previous quarters. Finance Some meetings were planned for in Qtr 2 but were implemented in Qrt 3 due to COVID-19; <narrative>2 trainings/ engagements conducted with Private Sector Actors, including (in our context) media practitioners and the transport licensing Board (TLB) and the Management of Transport Companies operating along the Kampala – Moroto High way.</narrative> 2 trainings/ engagements conducted with Private Sector Actors, including (in our context) media practitioners and the transport licensing Board (TLB) and the Management of Transport Companies operating along the Kampala – Moroto High way. <narrative>Number of dialogues with private sector representatives</narrative> Number of dialogues with private sector representatives 1 meeting took place on 7th March with a total of 26 Editors/ News Managers, Reporters and CSOs working with CTM in attendance.; 1 meeting was conducted within the quarter with the Transport Licensing Board on 30th June 2020. Payments were however made in quarter 3; 1 follow up meeting was conducted with 8 media representatives within this reporting period to monitor their commitments in using their platforms to create awareness on CTM and other forms of abuse and exploitation, to ensure children are protected. This activity had been planned for quarter 2, but could not be conducted due to uncertainties faced within that quarter; hence pushing to quarter 3. Finance This activity was planned for in Qtr 2 but was implemented in Qrt 3 due to COVID-19.; NL-KVK-41149287-UGCT0335 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Sustainable Response Against Child Trafficking and unsafe Migration in Uganda - HO</narrative> Dwelling places shall in 2020 continue working to combat CTM along the North-Eastern corridor of uganda.&nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Dwelling Places Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 305292.0 205000.0 224708.0 <narrative>Children develop and academically perform in line with expectations for their age.</narrative> Children develop and academically perform in line with expectations for their age. <narrative>% of enrolled children that successfully transition to next year</narrative> % of enrolled children that successfully transition to next year <narrative>110 girl victims of exploitation are identified, rescued and placed in (alternative) care, recieved psycho social counselling and support</narrative> 110 girl victims of exploitation are identified, rescued and placed in (alternative) care, recieved psycho social counselling and support <narrative># of girls immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of girls immediately safeguarded Most of the rehabilitation purchases are made in bulk to reduce on the unit cost. such expenses include medical supplies, scholastic materials, non perishable home essentials. We also have prepaid agreements with some of our service providers like hospitals where we made payments for the full quarter. As we conduct rescues and take the children for medical assessments, each child is billed per visit and a statement is shared monthly. Lastly 16 girls were rescued however 3 run away although we had spent on them during the time they were in our care.; while no girl was rescued into the TRH due to DP's restrictions of new admissions to minimise C-19 exposure for those children who were already in the TRH, however, DP partnered with the Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development, Kampala Capital City Authority, and other CSOs under the CRANE network to rescue and provide basic services and protection to 202 street connected children (196 boys, 6 girls) who had been abandoned on the streets during the lock down with no alternative source of survival. The rescue and the health teams, plus psychosocial support social workers were resident at Nakivubo Blue Primary School where the children were being kept, providing psychosocial support and basic health and referral services for over 7 weeks within the quarter. Many of the street connected girls are not full time on the streets. In other words, they spend most of their time on the streets, but return to the slums for the night. While more boys sleep on the streets. We have equally engaged with the leaders of the slums to mobilise children and families willing to return to Karamoja, and arrangements are being made to have these repatriated as soon as possible. Overall, we had 18 girls undergoing rehabilitation during the lock down, including 1 vulnerable girl in boarding school under educational support services who had failed to reach home in time when schools and the country were totally locked down in March. Of these, 7 girls were successfully reintegrated with their families, leaving 5 girls in the home by close of the quarter, while the 6 girls from Nakivubo Blue were referred to partners under CRANE for further support as they were older than our age eligibility yet in need of protection and support. 3 girls reintegrated in quarter 1 were regularly followed up on phone to monitor their well being in light of the COVID 19 situation and to ensure sustainable reintegration; No new girls were rescued within this reporting period as we already exceeded expected 2020 targets by the end of the second quarter. Finance: The under expenditure is as a result of fewer girls in the home compared to what we had planned for.; <narrative>100 boy victims of exploitation are identified, rescued and placed in (alternative) care, recieved psycho social counselling and support</narrative> 100 boy victims of exploitation are identified, rescued and placed in (alternative) care, recieved psycho social counselling and support <narrative># of boys immediately safeguarded</narrative> # of boys immediately safeguarded 44 boys rescued within this reporting period, exceeding set target as we generally found more boys on the streets during outreaches compared to girls. Although some boys run away from the home, we spent on them for the period they were in our care thus the higher expense than the target. We also made bulk purchases for the medical supplies, scholastic materials as well as hospital prepaid account.; A total of 162 boys were rescued for care and protection within the quarter including 1 boy who was referred to DP by Police and 161 boys who were rescued and rehabilitated at Nakivubo blue Primary School as opposed to bringing them into the TRH due to DP's restrictions of new admissions to minimise C-19 exposure for those children who were already in the TRH. As such, DP partnered with the Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development, Kampala Capital City Authority, and other CSOs under the CRANE network to rescue and provide basic services and protection to 202 street connected children (196 boys, 6 girls) who had been abandoned on the streets during the lock down with no alternative source of survival. Of the 196 boys rescued, 35 ran away, leaving only 161 rehabilitated for 7 weeks and then referred to partners for further support in resettlement and additional rehabilitation as they were older than our admission age limit. 10 of these boys eventually came into the DP TRH for further support when the lock down was lifted. The rescue and the health teams, plus psychosocial support social workers were resident at Nakivubo Blue Primary School where the children were being kept, providing psychosocial support and basic health and referral services for over 7 weeks within the quarter. Many of the street connected girls are not full time on the streets. In other words, they spend most of their time on the streets, but return to the slums for the night. While more boys sleep on the streets. We have equally engaged with the leaders of the slums to mobilise children and families willing to return to Karamoja, and arrangements are being made to have these repatriated as soon as possible. Overall, 175 boys received rehabilitation services within the quarter including 161 at Nakivubo Blue Primary school, and 24 at the TRH, plus the 10 out of the 161 who later also joined the TRH. 18 of these were successfully reintegrated with their families in June, with the partial lifting of the lock down to allow private vehicles to operate, while 151 boys were referred to partners under CRANE for further support as they were older than our eligibility age limit 2 boys reintegrated in quarter 1 were regularly followed up on phone to monitor their well being in light of the COVID 19 situation and to ensure sustainable reintegration; 2 new boys rescued for immediate care and support bringing total number of boys rehabilitated within this quarter to 20 boys. Of these, 12 were successfully reintegrated in safe families and communities, leaving 8 boys in the home by close of the quarter. Finance The over Expenditure was as a result of more boys in the home compared to what was planned for.; <narrative>Girl victims of exploitation supported to access education services</narrative> Girl victims of exploitation supported to access education services <narrative># of exploited/abused girls received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused girls received educational services This will commence after the rescued girls have been reintegrated and enrolled into mainstream education; This output was not achieved as schools still remain closed due to the C-19 pandemic; No new girls enrolled in school within this reporting period as schools remained closed due to the COVID 19 pandemic. All reintegrated children are supposed to be immediately enrolled in school to prevent re-migration. However, this was not possible due to the lock down. As such, we have developed a new initiative that involves provision of community based tutoring in a clustered-manner kind of teaching in both Kampala and Napak where we will produce study materials, and have community based tutors support small clusters of children on a weekly basis in revision of these materials to ensure reduced risks to idleness and CTM; while ensuring compliance with the MOH COVID 19 SOPs. Finance: The under expenditure is as a result of the closure of schools.; <narrative>218 vulnerable girls received educational support including School fees, scholastic materials or psychosocial support during follow up visits to stay in school and out of risk of CTM by Sept 2022.</narrative> 218 vulnerable girls received educational support including School fees, scholastic materials or psychosocial support during follow up visits to stay in school and out of risk of CTM by Sept 2022. <narrative># of vulnerable girls received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable girls received educational services 90 out of the targeted 135 vulnerable girls received school fees, scholastic materials and/ or psychosocial during follow up within term 1. This was however interrupted by the closure of all educational institutions due to the COVID pandemic. The overall number of 170 girls was inclusive of the 35 girls who were expected to be rescued within this year who would receive psychosocial support during follow up visits both at home and in schools to monitor their well being. Although some of the children were not followed up as explained above, their scholastic materials were purchased and the school fees were paid. Most of the schools raised their termly school fees this year which affected our budget and our plan was to mobilize more resources in the course of the year to cover the gap as well as work with the parents to make contributions as their income increases.; No school fees or scholastic materials were provided to the girls within this quarter as schools still remain closed due to the COVID 19 pandemic. We however requested for a reallocation of part of this budget line to enable us respond to the effects of COVID 19 in the families in our care. We will buy food and deliver food packages to the vulnerable children to reduce their vulnerability to CTM, CM and other forms of abuse and exploitation. Also, 89 girls received psychosocial support during phone and physical follow up visits to monitor their well being in light of the COVID 19 situation and offer support in coping. Further still, at the time of the lock down in March, 57 girls had not yet been reached to confirm presence in school and collect school fees slips to enable fees payments. Within the quarter, with the partial lifting of the quarantine, the schools were contacted, and fees slips were collected. These will be prioritized for payment in quarter 3.; A total of 189 girls were followed up within this reporting period and received psychosocial support services, including food packages and educational materials to reduce their vulnerability to CTM during this COVID 19 pandemic as the schools remain closed. Of this total, 39 were being followed up for the very first time, while the remaining 150 were receiving either 2nd of 3rd visits since January. Finance The over expenditure was as a result of more follow ups for girls carried out in quarter 3 which were planned for in quarter 2.; <narrative>100 exploited/abuse boys received educational support including School fees, scholastic materials or psychosocial support during follow up visits to stay in school and out of risk of CTM by Sept 2022.</narrative> 100 exploited/abuse boys received educational support including School fees, scholastic materials or psychosocial support during follow up visits to stay in school and out of risk of CTM by Sept 2022. <narrative># of exploited/abused boys received educational services</narrative> # of exploited/abused boys received educational services 3 boys who are still in the TRH due to failed 2019 family tracing and reintegration were enrolled in boarding school within term 1 where they will stay during the term, and return to the TRH during school holidays until a more permanent reintegration plan has been confirmed. Usually most of the children we resettle are enrolled in day schools apart from Karamoja region were some schools are very far away from the communities the children stay and it necessitates boarding school for the safety of the children. However, the 3 boys had to be enrolled in a boarding school in Wakiso with a relatively good standard of care since they do not have a home thus the high expense. Although we budget for education support some families upon resettlement and family assessment they are able to support their children in school and therefore not all the 35 boys might need education support.; This output was not achieved as schools still remain closed due to the C-19 pandemic; No educational support services were provided within this reporting period as schools remained closed due to the COVID 19. All reintegrated children are supposed to be immediately enrolled in school to prevent re-migration. However, this was not possible due to the lock down. As such, we have developed a new initiative that involves provision of community based tutoring in a clustered-manner kind of teaching in both Kampala and Napak where we will produce study materials, and have community based tutors support small clusters of children on a weekly basis in revision of these materials to ensure reduced risks to idleness and CTM; while ensuring compliance with the MOH COVID 19 SOPs. Finance: The under expenditure is as a result of the closure of schools.; <narrative>222 vulnerable boys received educational support including School fees, scholastic materials or psychosocial support during follow up visits to stay in school.</narrative> 222 vulnerable boys received educational support including School fees, scholastic materials or psychosocial support during follow up visits to stay in school. <narrative># of vulnerable boys received educational services</narrative> # of vulnerable boys received educational services 83 out of 119 targeted boys (siblings) received school fees, scholastic materials and/ or psychosocial during follow up within term 1. This was however interrupted by the closure of all educational institutions due to the COVID pandemic. Although some of the children were not followed up as explained above, their scholastic materials were purchased and the school fees were paid. Most of the schools raised their termly school fees this year which affected our budget and our plan was to mobilize more resources in the course of the year to cover the gap as well as work with the parents to make contributions as their income increases.; No school fees or scholastic materials were provided to the boys within this quarter as schools still remain closed due to the COVID 19 pandemic. However, 62 boys received psychosocial support during phone and physical follow up visits to monitor their well being in light of the COVID 19 situation and offer support in coping. We also requested for a reallocation of part of this budget line to enable us respond to the effects of COVID 19 in the families in our care. We will buy food and deliver food packages to the vulnerable children to reduce their vulnerability to CTM, CM and other forms of abuse and exploitation. Also, at the time of the lock down in March, 51 boys had not yet been reached to confirm presence in school and collect school fees slips to enable fees payments. Within the quarter, with the partial lifting of the quarantine, the schools were contacted, and fees slips were collected. These will be prioritized for payment in quarter 3; A total of 183 boys received psychosocial support during follow up visits within this reporting period to monitor their well being and sustainability of the reintegration as well as to ensure they do not drop out of school. Of these, 47 boys were being followed up for the very first time since January. Finance The over expenditure was as a result of more follow ups for boys carried out in quarter 3 which were planned for in quarter 2.; <narrative>Families generate sufficient livelihood to support their children’s wellbeing.</narrative> Families generate sufficient livelihood to support their children’s wellbeing. <narrative>% of supported households with increased income compared to baseline</narrative> % of supported households with increased income compared to baseline Will start after reintegration of the 70 rescued children in 2020; <narrative>Families of exploited/abused children participate in income generating activities by Sept 2022</narrative> Families of exploited/abused children participate in income generating activities by Sept 2022 <narrative># of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities</narrative> # of families of exploited/abused children participated in income generating activities Will start after reintegration of the 70 rescued children in 2020; 25 families were assessed this month. 9 were recommended for economic empowerment support because of their level of vulnerability while others were not. Their support plans are being developed. In Napak, 14 VSLAs were followed up to monitor their well being and that of their families. Their weekly saving meetings had been closed down due to the nation wide lockdown. Also, the interruptions in business, coupled with the foot and mouth disease outbreak in Napak greatly affected the individual IGA businesses, and consequently, the amount saved by the members within the quarter. The members also had some misconceptions about the Corona virus (e.g. it killed only white people) that needed to be cleared out by the social workers.; An overall total of 114 families have been assessed for economic empowerment since January 2020 to date. Of these, 70 have been identified as vulnerable and are currently being supported by the social workers to identify potential business ideas of interest and develop business plans. Within the quarter, 8 families who had completed the development and approval of their business plans received resources for economic empowerment to enable them generate sufficient livelihood to support their children's well being and sustainably reduce their vulnerability to CTM. Finance The under expenditure was as a result of delays in the reintegration of children due to the movement restriction that that led to delay in family assessments thus delay in implementations which was as a result of COVID-19.; NL-KVK-41149287-VTCA0363 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Vocational Training and Job Placement for Youth in Vietnam</narrative> Vocational Training and Job Placement for Youth in difficult circumstances in Vietnam, implemented by TdH Germany with local partner TASHO Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Germany, Nepal Office Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 378000.0 0 0 NL-KVK-41149287-VZHA0284 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>VZ 2019 Venezuela Joint Response TdH Lausanne</narrative> Norte de Santander is one of the most affected departments by the Mixed Migration Crisis, as it is one of the main entry points for people coming from Venezuela. Thus Tdh is responding to the most affected through food voucher and protection services (PSS, awareness sessions, safe spaces providing comprehensive CM, support through protection kits and restricted cash, referrals and individualized legal assistance. Tranings in CP min standards). &nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands SOS Kinderdorpen TdH Lausanne Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 1164288.0 466496.0 Funds from SOS to TdH NL. 1st instalment SOS Kinderdorpen Terre des Hommes Netherlands 143640.0 Contigency budget SOS Kinderdorpen Terre des Hommes Netherlands 224607.0 1st instalment SOS Kinderdorpen Terre des Hommes Netherlands 245522.0 SOS Kinderdorpen Terre des Hommes Netherlands 69160.0 Contigency budget SOS Kinderdorpen Terre des Hommes Netherlands 582144.0 Expenditure 2019 <narrative>People enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> People enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of females (below 18 years) are enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of females (below 18 years) are enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of males (below 18 years) are enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of males (below 18 years) are enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) are enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) are enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) are enabled to meet their basic food needs</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) are enabled to meet their basic food needs <narrative>People reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures.</narrative> People reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures. <narrative>Number of females (below 18 years) reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures.</narrative> Number of females (below 18 years) reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures. <narrative>Number of males (below 18 years) reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures.</narrative> Number of males (below 18 years) reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures. <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures.</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures. <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures.</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) reached by the implementation of specific prevention measures. <narrative>Persons who receive an appropriate response</narrative> Persons who receive an appropriate response <narrative>Number of females (below 18 years) who receive an appropriate response</narrative> Number of females (below 18 years) who receive an appropriate response <narrative>Number of males (below 18 years) who receive an appropriate response</narrative> Number of males (below 18 years) who receive an appropriate response <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) who receive an appropriate response</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) who receive an appropriate response <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) who receive an appropriate response</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) who receive an appropriate response <narrative>Number of persons with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> Number of persons with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative>Number of females (below 18 years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> Number of females (below 18 years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative>Number of males (below 18 years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> Number of males (below 18 years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) with increased/appropriate information on relevant rights and/or entitlements <narrative>Participants show an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus</narrative> Participants show an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus <narrative>Number of females (18+ years) showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus</narrative> Number of females (18+ years) showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus <narrative>Number of males (18+ years) showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus</narrative> Number of males (18+ years) showing an increased knowledge on the protection subject in focus <narrative>Crisis-affected people are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Crisis-affected people are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected females (below 18 years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected females (below 18 years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected males (below 18 years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected males (below 18 years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected females (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected females (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme <narrative>Number of crisis-affected males (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme</narrative> Number of crisis-affected males (18+ years) who are also involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and/or evaluation of the programme NL-KVK-41149287-ZWHA0176 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ZW 2017 Zimbabwe Joint Response 2</narrative> Child Protection in Emergencies Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands TdH Italy Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 770642.0 385322.0 Expenditure 2017 NL-KVK-41149287-5000 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Girls Advocacy Alliance</narrative> Programme addressing Gender Based Violence against and economic exclusion of girls and young women. Terre des Hommes Netherlands Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 5084567.0 2016 + 2017 Installments from PLAN for GAA Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 2616591.0 2018 Installment from PLAN for GAA Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 3250000.0 2019 Installment from PLAN for GAA Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 2331911.0 2020 Installment from PLAN for GAA Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 59168.0 2016 Total Disbursement for ASK Bangladesh Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 120324.0 2017 Total Disbursement for ASK Bangladesh Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 84000.0 2018 Total Disbursement for ASK Bangladesh Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 129694.0 2016 Total Disbursement for INCIDIN Bangladesh Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 159528.0 2017 Total Disbursement for INCIDIN Bangladesh Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 108800.0 2018 Total Disbursement for INCIDIN Bangladesh Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 51619.0 2016 Total Disbursement for HELP India Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 140826.0 2017 Total Disbursement for HELP India Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 117325.0 2018 Total Disbursement for HELP India Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 120856.0 2017 Total Disbursement for THARUNI India Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 92177.0 2018 Total Disbursement for THARUNI India Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 109366.0 2016 Total Disbursement for ASDS Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 78516.0 2016 Total Disbursement for ECPAT Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 96321.0 2017 Total Disbursement for ECPAT Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 180644.0 2018 Total Disbursement for ECPAT Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 145407.0 2016 Total Disbursement for PACT Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 40900.0 2017 Total Disbursement for PACT Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 47993.0 2018 Total Disbursement for PACT Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 77400.0 2016 Total Disbursement for SAMAR Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 150000.0 2017 Total Disbursement for SAMAR Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 130000.0 2018 Total Disbursement for SAMAR Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 23999.0 2018 Total Disbursement for CLB Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 180022.0 2016 Total Disbursement for FORGE Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 83831.0 2017 Total Disbursement for FORGE Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 125000.0 2017 Total Disbursement for Global March NL Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 42283.0 2018 Total Disbursement for Global March NL Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 87000.0 2018 Total Disbursement for Global March Int Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 92897.0 2018 Total Disbursement for Global March Int -> India Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 36000.0 2017 Total Disbursement for TdH IF Secr Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 33287.0 2018 Total Disbursement for TdH IF Secr Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 37789.0 2016 Total Disbursement for ANPPCAN-ET Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 139072.0 2017 Total Disbursement for ANPPCAN-ET Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 110771.0 2018 Total Disbursement for ANPPCAN-ET Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 21607.0 2016 Total Disbursement for JECCDO Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 86336.0 2017 Total Disbursement for JECCDO Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 89045.0 2018 Total Disbursement for JECCDO Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 120658.0 2016 Total Disbursement for COWAV Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 203834.0 2017 Total Disbursement for COWAV Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 238626.0 2018 Total Disbursement for COWAV Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 29781.0 2016 Total Disbursement for FIDA Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 52906.0 2017 Total Disbursement for FIDA Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 82904.0 2018 Total Disbursement for FIDA Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 67560.0 2018 Total Disbursement for UYDEL Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 43341.0 2016 Total Disbursement for PLA Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 90084.0 2017 Total Disbursement for PLA Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 45260.0 2018 Total Disbursement for PLA Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 67500.0 2016 Total Disbursement for FIDA Regional Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 98956.0 2017 Total Disbursement for FIDA Regional Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 112481.0 2018 Total Disbursement for FIDA Regional Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 49260.0 2016 Total Disbursement for PREFA Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 63826.0 2017 Total Disbursement for PREFA Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 158920.0 2019 Total Disbursement for TDH-Kenya Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands 105138.0 2019 Total Disbursement for UYDEL Plan Nederland Terre des Hommes Netherlands NL-KVK-41149287-5001 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Down To Zero</narrative> Tackling CSEC in 11 countries&nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 3312858.0 2016 Installment from BUZA for DTZ Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 431125.0 Free A Girl DTZ Disbursement 2016 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 3192217.0 2017 Installment from BUZA for DTZ Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 3257338.0 2018 installment from BUZA for DTZ Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 2810677.0 2019 Installment BUZA DTZ Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 2276910.0 2020 Installment BUZA DTZ Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 609565.0 DCI Ecpat DTZ Disbursement 2016 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 587368.0 DCI Ecpat DTZ Disbursement 2017 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 599350.0 DCI Ecpat DTZ Disbursement 2018 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 517165.0 DCI Ecpat DTZ Disbursement 2019 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 418951.0 DCI Ecpat DTZ Disbursement 2020 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 609565.0 Plan DTZ Disbursement 2016 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 587368.0 Plan DTZ Disbursement 2017 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 599350.0 Plan Disbursement 2018 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 517165.0 Plan DTZ Disbursement 2019 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 418951.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 431126.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 411157.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 419544.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 362014.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 293265.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 609565.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 592856.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 599350.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 517165.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands 418951.0 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative xml:lang="en">Mid Term Review</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="en">Baseline</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="en">Annual Report 2017</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="en">Annual Report 2016</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="en">Annual Report 2018</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="en">Annual Plan 2018</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="en">Annual Plan 2019</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="en">Annual Plan 2020</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="en">Financial Report 2018</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="en">Annual Report 2019</narrative> NL-KVK-41149287-5002 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Mica</narrative> The Mica programme aims to eradicate child labour in the Mica industry and prevent vulnerable children becoming victims of child labour through holistic intervention strategies in India and Europe.&nbsp; Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 NL-KVK-41149287-5003 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>WATCH 24/7</narrative> TBC Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 NL-KVK-41149287-5004 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Dutch Relief Alliance</narrative> All HA projects funded through DRA Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 NL-KVK-41149287-5005 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Voice for change</narrative> This&nbsp; is a 15 month project in 5 countries namely Thailand, India/Nepal, Colombia, Indonesia,&nbsp;Dominican Republic and a cross country part Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 NL-KVK-41149287-5006 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Image Plus</narrative> IMAGE Plus is focused on Early Married Girls (EMG), to realize their rights and potentials towards a dignified life, in the areas of&nbsp; SRHR; GBV; Education and IGA. Implemented in 3 Northern districts - Gaibandha, Kurigram and Nilphamari ( 6 union in 6 sub-districts), targeting 9000 EMGs, their families, communities, related CSOs and Government with community based interventions for awareness raising and advocacy initiatives at local and national level. Terre des Hommes Netherlands The Dutch Embassy in Bangladesh Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 886283.0 The Dutch Embassy in Bangladesh Terre des Hommes Netherlands 965461.0 The Dutch Embassy in Bangladesh Terre des Hommes Netherlands 747405.0 The Dutch Embassy in Bangladesh Terre des Hommes Netherlands 499975.0 The Dutch Embassy in Bangladesh Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative xml:lang="en">Image Plus Activities Progress Report 2019</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="en">Image Plus Narrative Report 2018</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="en">IMAGE Plus [Act 29494]_ Narrative Progress Report [Jan-Dec 2019] _8 Pager.pdf</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="en">IMAGE Plus Financial Report 2019 .pdf</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="en">IMAGE Plus Financial Report 2019.xlsx</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="en">IMAGE Plus_Activities Progress Report 2019.pdf</narrative> NL-KVK-41149287-5007 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>ECHO</narrative> Projects funded by ECHO, starting from 2019 Terre des Hommes Netherlands ECHO Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000 NL-KVK-41149287-5008 Terre des Hommes Netherlands <narrative>Terre Des Hommes</narrative> All TdH related projects Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands Terre des Hommes Netherlands +31 (0)70-310 5000