# CHANGELOG ## [5.0.1] 2023-08-27 * Fix bug: default timer not advancing > Takes care of #23 ## [5.0.0] 2023-08-26 * Refactoring of code * Updated compatibility to FoundryVTT v11 * Adding sound settings as a separate menu ## [4.2.0] 2022-07-08 * Refactoring of code * Improving user detection & combatants update to avoid multiple animations launching when there are not needed * Prioritization of Selected Owned Character when there is multiple owners * Updated compatibility to FoundryVTT v10 * It may throw warnings because is using both v10 & v9 module.json ## [4.1.1] 2022-07-04 * Added support for unlinked scenes auto-panning > Feature suggested by [Alpacacin0](https://www.reddit.com/user/Alpacacin0/) ## [4.1.0] 2022-06-22 * [BREAKING CHANGES] If anyone was working using the api, its now refactored. * Improved Readme * Expand in-code documentation * Improved code to allow better modularity * Added function to auto-pan to a token ## [4.0.0] 2022-02-15 * Updated module.json for v9 * API changes [BREAKING] * Added function to disable timer for hidden npc's ## [3.2.0] 2021-11-02 * Added option to automatic end the animations after N seconds > Feature suggested by [phanoko](https://www.reddit.com/user/phanoko/) ## [3.1.0] 2021-10-31 * Some bug fixing * Added compatibility with Simple-Mobile * Some corrections in the native Themes and Timers * New Package Related: [Combat Ready! Themes Pack](https://github.com/Teshynil/combatreadythemes) in which i will be adding some themes and timers for the module ## [3.0.0] 2021-10-28 * [BREAKING CHANGES] If anyone was working using the api, now its changed to allow timer modules *Tutorial coming soon* * Add option to get the name for the animations from different sources and bug fixing > Takes care of #12 * Add option to change color for the chevrons and the text for the animations * Now in "Just Text" mode the text appears sooner * Now the timer config are in a submenu * Added support for custom timers * Added dependency to socketlib * Reworked all the socket calls * Change how the timer renders > Takes care of #13 ## [2.0.0] 2021-10-07 * Change all sounds included in the module in order to avoid any copyright problems * Added option to customize all the sounds used in the module * Reestructure all the localization files to use json properly * Implement an API for future use * Added support to custom animations themes * Added option to test the animations * Added option in the native theme to use the combatant name in the alert * Added option in the native theme to use custom HTML for the alerts ## [1.4.1] 2021-09-18 * Fix of unpause sometimes does not continue timer ## [1.4.0] 2021-09-18 * Added option to autoend the current turn if the timer runs out > Feature suggested by [remiverdel](https://github.com/remiverdel) * Added option to change the color of the timer * Added option to change the location of the timer * Some changes and cleaning in the code * Removing the stopwatch icon and styles ## [1.3.0] 2021-09-17 ### The after adoption update * Added some fields from Manifest+ to module.json * Added option to remove the 'Next up' Notification after its clicked > Takes care of #8 Original [#6](https://github.com/smilligan93/combatready/issues/14) * Added option to control the animations of the module > Takes care of #7 Original [#14](https://github.com/smilligan93/combatready/issues/14) * Added option to manual activate the timer on a player turn > Takes care of #6 Original [#18](https://github.com/smilligan93/combatready/issues/18) * Added multiple options to control who can listen the sounds notifications > Takes care of #3 Original [#23](https://github.com/smilligan93/combatready/issues/23) * Added option to disable the timer on non owned characters > Takes care of #2 Original [#25](https://github.com/smilligan93/combatready/issues/25) * Added option to disable 'Next up' Notification on round change > Takes care of #1 Original [#26](https://github.com/smilligan93/combatready/issues/26) ## [1.2.2] 2021-09-12 * Update, cleaning and changing to TypeScript * Added function to set at wich time to start the ticking sound ## [1.2.1] 2021-06-16 * Updated module.json for 0.8.7 (Compatible 0.8.x & 0.7.x) ## [1.2.0] 2021-05-18 * Updated module.json for 0.7.9 * Removed unnecessary images * Added option to avoid the timer on non-owned NPC (GM NPC) * Reduced size in half to avoid cluttering the window * Changed animation to a fluid one instead of a step-like * Added verification to avoid negative values in timer