import DX # # Open channel to DX # wallet = DX.wallet.load("wallet_file.json", "password") channel =, node="", deposit=50) channel.print_state() # # Tech Industry search ( # result = channel.query("techindustry/organizations", { "city": "London", "market": "", "teamsize": "100", "has_revenue": "true" }, metadata=False) print(result) channel.print_balance() # # Tech Industry fetch ( # result = channel.query("techindustry/organizations/c2eb0645-1d77-4bbb-9f29-033f582ed730", metadata=True) print(result) channel.print_balance() # # Semantic search ( # result = channel.query("semantic/search", {"query": """ SELECT $org $name WHERE { $org a dx:Organization ; dx:hasMarket ; dx:hasHeadquarter $addr ; dx:hasUserType $user_type ; dx:entityName $name . $addr dx:addressCity "London" ; dx:hasCountry . FILTER ( $user_type IN ( , ) ) } PAGE 1 SIZE 3 """}) print(result) channel.print_balance() # # Close channel to DX # channel.settle() channel.print_state()