--- title: "Project 1 Solutions" output: pdf_document: default --- ```{r, include=F} # Run this code chunk first to activate the course Python environment. # Do not remove this. It will not show up in your compiled PDF. datamine_py() # Install packages if not already installed. list.of.packages <- c("knitr") new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages) # Remove ## from output. library(knitr) opts_chunk$set(comment = NA) ``` ## Kevin Amstutz ## Collaborators: Dr. Ward ## TA help: Yumin Zhang ## Online resources used: stackoverflow.com ### Question 1 I can export to these formats: .txt .fake .etc ### Question 2 The output from running the following code is: "Not telling" ```{python} from thedatamine import hello_datamine hello_datamine() ``` ### Question 3 The output from using the `help` function on `hello_datamine` is: "Note telling" ```{python} help(hello_datamine) ``` I can modify the code to get a customized message like this: ```{python} from thedatamine import hello_datamine hello_datamine() # This still needs to be customized... ``` This is where I would explain how I modified the code to get a customized message... ### Question 4 I would leave question (4) blank, or put a message like "done" here. ### Question 5 Then I can continue to answer the next questions...