metadata { definition ( author: "The Fabio", description: "Driver for Unbranded 8-Relay board with Ethernet - HHC-N-8180\n Requires the device 'child-relay-switch-with-index", importUrl: "", name: "8-Port Relay HHC-N-8180", namespace: "thefabio" ) { capability "Initialize" // adds initialize() callback which is called when hubitat restarts capability "Actuator" // does not add functions or variables, but the Actuator capability allows the custom commands to be called via Rule Machine command "allOn" command "allOff" attribute "connectionStatus", "enum", ['connected', 'disconnected'] attribute "input1", "number" attribute "input2", "number" attribute "input3", "number" attribute "input4", "number" attribute "input5", "number" attribute "input6", "number" attribute "input7", "number" attribute "input8", "number" } preferences { input title: "Unit Address", name: "ipAddress", type: "text", description: "The ip address configure at the unit or its dns name", required: true, defaultValue: "" input title: "Unit Address Port Number", name: "portNumber", type: "number", description: "The network port number configure at the unit. (note that 65535 is reserved)", required: true, defaultValue: 5000, range: "1..65534" input title: "Disable Device", name: "disabled", type: "bool", description: "Disable the refresh loop and sending commands", required: true, defaultValue: false input title: "Debug Mode", name: "debugMode", type: "bool", description: "Write debug mode log entries", required: true, defaultValue: false input title: "Relay delay settings explained", description: "Number of seconds for that relay to switch 'off' after it has switched 'on' (leave it as 0 when there is no need to switch back). only the 'on' action is affected by this configuration", name: "unused1", // this is not used, it is used to explain the remainder parameters type: "text" input title: "Relay 1 delay", name: "relay1Delay", type: "number", required: true, defaultValue: 0, range: "0..99" input title: "Relay 2 delay", name: "relay2Delay", type: "number", required: true, defaultValue: 0, range: "0..99" input title: "Relay 3 delay", name: "relay3Delay", type: "number", required: true, defaultValue: 0, range: "0..99" input title: "Relay 4 delay", name: "relay4Delay", type: "number", required: true, defaultValue: 0, range: "0..99" input title: "Relay 5 delay", name: "relay5Delay", type: "number", required: true, defaultValue: 0, range: "0..99" input title: "Relay 6 delay", name: "relay6Delay", type: "number", required: true, defaultValue: 0, range: "0..99" input title: "Relay 7 delay", name: "relay7Delay", type: "number", required: true, defaultValue: 0, range: "0..99" input title: "Relay 8 delay", name: "relay8Delay", type: "number", required: true, defaultValue: 0, range: "0..99" } } // default methods - begin // This method is called when the device is first created and can be used to initialize any device specific configuration and setup def installed() { "Device ${device.getName()} Created" setupDevice() } // This method is called when the device is removed to allow for any necessary cleanup. def uninstalled() { "Device ${device.getName()} Removed" } // This method is called when the preferences of a device are updated. def updated() { writeLog "Device ${device.getName()} Updated" // so we can redo scheduled tasks should the driver be updated setupScheduledTasks() } //This method is called in response to a message received by the device driver def parse(msg) { writeLog "Parse received: ${msg}" if (stateValue(device, 'connectionStatus') != 'connected'){ sendEvent(name: "connectionStatus", value: 'connected') writeLog "Connected" } processStatusUpdate(msg) } // default methods - end // capability initialize - start def initialize() { writeLog "Initializing..." sendEvent(name: "connectionStatus", value: 'disconnected') reconnect() } // capability initialize - End // interfaces.rawSocket requirements - start def socketStatus(socketStatusMsg){ writeLog "socketStatus: ${socketStatusMsg}" sendEvent(name: "connectionStatus", value: 'disconnected') } // interfaces.rawSocket requirements - End def writeLog(logLine){ if (!debugMode){ return } log.debug logLine } def setupScheduledTasks() { unschedule() schedule("0/10 * * ? * *", "refreshLoop") // every 10 seconds } def refreshLoop() { if (disabled) { return } if (stateValue(device, 'connectionStatus') == 'connected') { sendCommand('read') //Request relay state sendCommand('input') //Request input state } else { connectSocket() } } def childRelayNetworkId(relayIndex) { return "${device.deviceNetworkId}-relay-${relayIndex}" } def stateValue(target, name) { target.currentState(name) ? target.currentState(name).value : '' } def connectSocket() { writeLog "Connecting socket ${ipAddress}:${portNumber}" try { interfaces.rawSocket.connect(ipAddress, (int) portNumber) } catch(Exception e) { sendEvent(name: "connectionStatus", value: 'disconnected') log.error "connectSocket (${ipAddress}:${portNumber}): ${e}" } } def updateRelayState(relayIndex, switchOn){ newStatus = switchOn ? 'on' : 'off' childRelay = getChildDevice(childRelayNetworkId(relayIndex)) if (stateValue(childRelay, 'switch') == newStatus) return; childRelay.sendEvent(name: "switch", value: newStatus) } def updateInputState(inputIndex, inputState){ inputName = "input" + inputIndex inputValue = inputState ? 1 : 0; writeLog "received InputState ${inputName} ${inputValue}" if (stateValue(device, inputName) == "${inputValue}") return; writeLog "updating InputState ${inputName} from ${stateValue(device, inputName)} to ${inputValue}" sendEvent(name: inputName, value: inputValue) } def setupInputs(){ for (i = 1; i <9; i++) { updateInputState(i, false) } } def setupDevice(){ // Creating 8 child devices (one per available relay) for (i = 1; i <9; i++) { switchDevice = addChildDevice("child-relay-switch-with-index", childRelayNetworkId(i), [ name: "${device.displayName} - Relay ${i}", isComponent: true ]) switchDevice.updateSetting("relayIndex", i) updateRelayState(i, false) } // Set disconnected state sendEvent(name: "connectionStatus", value: 'disconnected') setupScheduledTasks() setupInputs() } def processStatusUpdate(msg) { // a message can be // 72656C61793030303030303030696E7075743030303030303030 // 72656C61793030303030303030 // 696E7075743030303030303030 indexOfRelay = msg.indexOf("72656C6179") // word "relay" in ASCII indexOfInput = msg.indexOf("696E707574") // word "input" in ASCII if (indexOfRelay >= 0 ) { // +10 is an offset to remove the word "relay" rawStatus = msg.substring(indexOfRelay + 10, indexOfRelay + 26) (0..7).each { n -> updateRelayState(n +1 , rawStatus[15 - n*2] == "1") } } if (indexOfInput >= 0) { // +10 is an offset to remove the word "input" rawStatus = msg.substring(indexOfInput + 10, indexOfInput + 26) (0..7).each { n -> updateInputState(n +1 , rawStatus[15 - n*2] == "1") } } } def sendCommand(boardCommand) { if (disabled) { return } writeLog "sendCommand ${boardCommand}" if (stateValue(device, 'connectionStatus') != 'connected'){ writeLog "Could not perform command, socket is disconnected" return } try { interfaces.rawSocket.sendMessage(boardCommand) } catch(Exception e) { log.error "sendCommand Error: ${e}" sendEvent(name: "connectionStatus", value: 'disconnected') } } def relayDelay(relayIndex) { switch (relayIndex) { case 1: return relay1Delay case 2: return relay2Delay case 3: return relay3Delay case 4: return relay4Delay case 5: return relay5Delay case 5: return relay6Delay case 7: return relay7Delay case 8: return relay8Delay } } def buildSwitchRelayCommand(relayIndex, switchOn) { relayCmd = "" if (switchOn) { relayCmd = "on" } else { relayCmd = "off" } relayCmd = "${relayCmd}${relayIndex}" relayDelay = relayDelay(relayIndex) if (switchOn && relayDelay > 0){ relayCmd = "${relayCmd}:" if (relayDelay < 10) { relayCmd = "${relayCmd}0" } relayCmd = "${relayCmd}${relayDelay}" } return relayCmd } def switchRelay(relayIndex, switchOn) { relayCommand = buildSwitchRelayCommand(relayIndex, switchOn) sendCommand(relayCommand) } def allOn() { sendCommand('all11111111') } def allOff() { sendCommand('all00000000') } def reconnect() { //just disconnect, and the refreshLoop will connect sendEvent(name: "connectionStatus", value: 'disconnected') try { interfaces.rawSocket.close() } catch(Exception e) { // nothing to do, will reconnect } }