state("Oblivion") { // TES 4: Oblivion, unknown version } state("Oblivion", "1.0.228") { // Version 1.0.228, Size 7704576 int isLoadingScreen : "Oblivion.exe", 0x006E4F00, 0x58, 0x114, 0x114, 0x114, 0x04; bool quickLoad : "Oblivion.exe", 0x6BE428; bool isWaiting : "Oblivion.exe", 0x6BE410; } state("Oblivion", "1.1.425") { // See: int isLoadingScreen : "Oblivion.exe", 0x006EABB0, 0x188, 0x2C, 0x4; bool quickLoad : "Oblivion.exe", 0x6D3A18; bool isWaiting : "Oblivion.exe", 0x6D3A00; } state("Oblivion", "1.1.511") { // See: // This version uses the same pointers as 1.1.425 but I thought I should keep them as separate state descriptors int isLoadingScreen : "Oblivion.exe", 0x006EABB0, 0x188, 0x2C, 0x4; bool quickLoad : "Oblivion.exe", 0x6D3A18; bool isWaiting : "Oblivion.exe", 0x6D3A00; } state("Oblivion", "1.2.0416") { // TES 4: Oblivion, 1.2.0416 // Version 1.2.0416, Size 8409088 // See: int isLoadingScreen : "Oblivion.exe", 0x00738C9C, 0x28C; bool quickLoad : "Oblivion.exe", 0x712DF8; bool isWaiting : "Oblivion.exe", 0x712DE0; } state("Oblivion", "1.2.0416-FR") { // TES 4: Oblivion, 1.2.0416 // Version 1.2.0416, Size 8409088 // See: int isLoadingScreen : "Oblivion.exe", 0x00738A1C, 0x2D4; bool quickLoad : "Oblivion.exe", 0x712DF8; bool isWaiting : "Oblivion.exe", 0x712DE0; } state("Oblivion", "1.2.0416-GER") { // TES 4: Oblivion, 1.2.0416 // Version 1.2.0416, Size 8409088 // See: int isLoadingScreen : "Oblivion.exe", 0x007389A8, 0x2C0; bool quickLoad : "Oblivion.exe", 0x712DF8; bool isWaiting : "Oblivion.exe", 0x712DE0; } startup { vars.languageMap = new Dictionary { { "0", "EN"}, { "1", "GER"}, { "2", "FR"}, { "3", "ESP"}, { "4", "ITA"} }; } init { timer.IsGameTimePaused = false; // You need to do this in order to unpause the timer if the game closes mid-run // For some weird reason (memory allocation stuff), languages have slightly off pointers. // We need to do language detection (: vars.gameModule = modules.First(); var iniContent = File.ReadAllText(Path.GetDirectoryName(vars.gameModule.FileName) + "../Oblivion_default.ini"); var iLanguage = iniContent.Split(new string[] { "iLanguage=" }, StringSplitOptions.None )[1].Split('\n')[0].Trim(); // Get the language string var languageStr = vars.languageMap[iLanguage]; version = modules.First().FileVersionInfo.ProductVersion; // Set the state version to the product version of the exe // English is the "default" language because it's hard to get the other version's languages in the first place. if(languageStr != "EN") { version = version + "-" + languageStr; } vars.isLoading = false; } exit { timer.IsGameTimePaused = true; // Pause the timer if the game closes } isLoading { return (current.isLoadingScreen == 3 || current.isWaiting || current.quickLoad); }