# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project does not adhere to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). This project uses MCVERSION-MAJORMOD.MAJORAPI.MINOR.PATCH. ## [1.18.2-] - 2023.01.04 ### Fixed - Fixed Champion summoning through NBT tags not working with certain spawner configurations ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.12.25 ### Fixed - Fixed Champions health bars rendering multiple times per frame [#146](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/146) ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.11.02 ### Added - Added Champion summoning through NBT tags [#138](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/138) ### Fixed - Fixed performance issues with beacon checks [#140](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/140) - Fixed crash related to beacon checks [#142](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/142) ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.10.08 ### Added - Added Game Stages integration through the new `champions-gamestages.toml` configuration file [#135](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/135) ### Changed - Updated Russian `ru_ru` localization (thanks MiniRaptor!) [#127](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/pull/127) - Changed Reflective affix's reflected damage to list the champion as the source rather than the player to avoid recursive [#133](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/133) player effects ### Fixed - Fixed experience drop growth from champions stacking incorrectly with other mods [#134](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/134) - Fixed crash with Scaling Health 6.3.0 or above [#131](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/131) - Fixed champions ignoring configured beacon protection range [#130](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/130) - Fixed champions HUD disappearing or desyncing after player death [#129](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/129) - Fixed potential race condition crash with configuration files [#126](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/126) ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.06.20 ### Fixed - Fixed Global Loot Modifiers running twice when generating champion loot [#125](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/125) ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.06.13 ### Fixed - Fixed NPE crash with rank configuration [#122](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/122) - Fixed deadlock with Scaling Health integration [#121](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/121) [#124](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/124) ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.05.08 ### Changed - "Champion Mobs Killed" stat has been reset to address a potential crash ### Fixed - Fixed crash when using "Champion Mobs Killed" stat with FTBQuests [#120](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/120) ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.04.25 ### Fixed - Fixed dedicated server crash with Jade [#119](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/119) ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.04.24 ### Changed - Updated `zh_cn` translation (thanks WakelessSloth56!) [#118](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/pull/118) ### Fixed - Fixed blacklist/whitelist configuration option using incorrect entity keys for entries ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.04.20 ### Fixed - Fixed `ko_kr` localization ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.04.19 ### Added - Added "Champion Mobs Killed" to stats screen - Added `champions` entity selector option when using commands ### Changed - Updated `ko_kr` localization (thanks PixVoxel!) [#116](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/pull/116) ### Fixed - Fixed `champions:champion_properties` loot condition potentially applying to non-champion entities - Fixed Shielding affix preventing Creative damage ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.04.17 ### Added - Added integration with WAILA-based mods: Jade and WTHIT ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.04.16 ### Added - Added "Champion Hunter" advancement for killing any champion mob - Added revamped loot condition, `champions:champion_properties`, that can be used with advancement triggers [#114](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/pull/114) - Added integration with TheOneProbe [#115](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/pull/115) ### Fixed - Fixed converted entities losing their champion abilities [#113](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/113) ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.04.09 ### Changed - `chance` fields in `champions-ranks.toml` now accepts `0.0` as a valid value ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.03.29 ### Fixed - Fixed `death.attack.cinderBullet` death messages lacking localization [#112](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/112) ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.03.19 ### Fixed - Fixed backwards compatibility with mods that have Champions integration for 1.18.2- and below ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.03.19 ### Changed - Champion abilities now update server-side once every 10 ticks instead of every tick, increasing performance on servers ### Fixed - Fixed Minecraft 1.18.1 backwards compatibility, again - Fixed boss bars overlapping with Champions bars [#110](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/issues/110) - Fixed Hasty affix not being applied correctly ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.03.15 ### Added - Added syncing to client-side behavior for affixes ### Changed - Small tweaks to increase performance ### Fixed - Fixed shadows missing from text on the Champions entity HUD - Fixed bullet rendering for Enkindling and Arctic affixes ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.03.13 ### Fixed - Fixed Minecraft 1.18.1 backwards compatibility ## [1.18.2-] - 2022.03.13 ### Added - Added `ko_kr.json` localization (thanks PixVoxel!) [#100](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/pull/100) - Added `ru_ru.json` localization (thanks MiniRaptor!) [#107](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/pull/107) ### Changed - Updated to Minecraft 1.18.2 (thanks Raycoms!) [#109](https://github.com/TheIllusiveC4/Champions/pull/109) - `/champions` commands now include affix suggestions ### Fixed - Fixed Hasty affix not persisting