NEXT ==== Monster Changes: - Marauders will now appear in co-op mode. (Thanks DrPySpy!) - The flashy portals used for the Marauder's entrance are no longer wrongly targeted for monster effects when playing with the Corruption Cards mod. - Infernis will now only summon Demonic Troopers a limited number of times, allowing them to create a large group of distracting "popcorn" monsters without creating a full-on legion that's tedious to deal with. Optional Content Changes: - The various replacements for Commander Keen will no longer be targeted for monster effects when playing with the Corruption Cards mod (Thanks DrPySpy!) Weapon Changes: - The SSG can now be manually selected if you're out of ammo, to allow for using the meathook for navigation while out of ammo. - Minor under-the-hood adjustments to Shotgun aimpunch and animation (Thanks DrPySpy!) - Fixed an issue where you weren't able to switch away from the Lightning Gun under certain circumstances (Thanks DrPySpy!) Item Changes: - Inventory items now have an additional anti-spam mechanism which means you can only use one inventory item every second. (This also means that the "Use all inventory items at once" keybind no longer works, but that also means you can no longer evaporate every boss instantly...) Other Changes: - Updated Menu Close sound using the original source material (Thanks ColorSphere!) - Added a load screen graphic so it's not just a black screen. - Replaced an exit message I never really liked. v7.1 "Ghost" (16/05/21) ======================= Monster Changes: - Fixed an issue where handling of the Potential Map-Breakers CVar was reversed for the Z-Sec and their dodge roll. - Marauder spawners will now attempt to remove any other Marauder spawners in a 128-unit radius, accounting for cases where Deathmatch Spawns were all placed in a big clump by a disinterested level designer. - Marauders no longer drop health when punched, fixing an exploit where you could bully them into fully healing you on a whim. Indeed, most custom damagetype effects are now disabled on Marauders. UI Changes: - Fixed an oversight that caused most powerups to no longer unlock their appropriate Codex entries when collected. v7 "Ghost" (24/04/21) ===================== Monster Changes: - Added 2 new monsters! (Titantula, Infernis) - Added the dreaded Marauders! You can disable or change their spawning behavior with the new CVar in the MetaDoom options menu. - Recreated Cacodemon sounds from original source materials (Thanks Decino!) - Spectres now have a unique set of sprites and different visual effect. - The Wretched's tongue and Former Assassin's tentacle have both undergone an assortment of changes: - They are both now far more, for lack of a better term, grappling-hook-y. (Thanks Jekyll Grim Payne!) - They will no longer be used if Potential Map Breakers is disabled. - They will now only be used if the player is within grabbing-range. - The Beholder has been heavily revamped to be more fun and interesting. - Added cool new sprites and sounds from Doom Eternal. - Forgotten Ones are now spawned in a row of sorts, and all launch straight into their charge attack. - Forgotten Ones will now die instantly once the Beholder that spawned them is killed, and are no longer spawned as part of a Beholder's death. - Fixed Forgotten Ones occasionally flickering when on the floor. - The Spider Mastermind will no longer use its telekinetic attack if its target is too far away to be reasonably affected by it. - Demon Dogs and Cerberuses are more likely to spawn, and will be added to the spawn list earlier on in a campaign than in previous versions. - Fixed Arch-Viles causing a VM abort if the player they were performing their magic attack on was gibbed before the explosion effect happened. - Former Lieutenants and Former Commandoes now have seperate sets of sounds. - Monsters stunned by the Lightning Gun's stun bomb will now visibly shake while affected instead of being frozen in the first frame of their pain state. - Altered the Hell Knight's walk animation to be less exaggerated. - Arachnotrons and Spiborgs now have proper OpenGL light defs for their attacks. - Fixed the Phantom's fire trail not spawning, and improved its palette swap. - Assorted minor audio updates. Optional Content Changes: - Props will no longer be replaced by breakable MetaDoom versions if they've been replaced by DECORATE or ZScript actors using the "replaces" keyword. This fixes MAP02/MAP02B in Doom 64 in Doom 2, and possibly other Boom mapsets that include DECORATE alternatives for their DEHACKED actors. - Props will no longer be replaced if a DEHACKED lump changes frame names using DEHACKED's native string-changing method. This fixes Demonastery and possibly other Boom mapsets that do such things. Weapon Changes: - Added the Meathook alt-fire to the Super Shotgun! (Thanks Jekyll Grim Payne!) - Only available when Potential Map-Breakers are enabled. - Has a 15 second cooldown between successful uses. - The Plasma Rifle has been heavily modified under the hood to use more modern, ZScript-era ways of doing things, like Overlays and such. - The Plasma Rifle now emits sound cues as its heat meter fills, giving you an audible indicator of how close you are to that heat blast in intense battles. - The Machinegun's micro-rockets now briefly stick in enemies and players before exploding, ala their original appearances in Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal. - The Unmaker's pixel aspect ratio correction change from the previous release has been redone to use GZDoom 4.5.x's overlay scaling instead of TEXTURES. - The Soul Cube's animation has been completely redone using fancy overlay stuff as well as GZDoom 4.5.x's overlay rotation. - Weapons now play a quieter sound instead of replaying their select sound every time they re-raise after a melee attack. - Lots of other under-the-hood changes to simplify weapon code and provide minor aesthetic improvements, like movement interpolation and such. - Weapon spawners now pass on their TID to the weapon they spawn, just like the monster spawners started doing back in v1.2, waaay back in 2016. How did I forget to port this fix over!? Anyway, this fixes some secrets in Consolation Prize: Doom 64 and probably some other places too. - Assorted minor audio updates. Item Changes: - Added 1 new Inventory item! (Flame Belch) - Added 3 new Lore Items... - Dramatically increased inventory item cooldown: - Hologram: 11 secs > 20 secs - Siphon Grenade & Tesla Rocket: 5 secs > 30 secs - The Artifact: 6 secs > 25 secs - Shield Wall: 9 secs > 15 secs - All Other Items: 2 secs > 12 secs - Picking up an inventory item that you already have (other than the Artifact) now instantly removes any remaining cooldown on that item. - Inventory items no longer cool down when their owner is dead. - Fixed Siphon Grenades not rewarding any health to their user if the affected monster was targeting something else (ie. if they were infighting or distracted by a Hologram item.) - Tesla Rocket damage has been nerfed, and bosses are now resistant to them. - Powerups now play audio cues to warn you when they're about to run out. - Key pickup sounds no longer get cut off by other pickup sounds. - Assorted minor audio updates. Player Changes: - Fixed first-person death animations not functioning properly. - Fixed a VM abort when killed by Sector_SetDamage under certain circumstances, like the lava in TNT02 of The Ultimate Torment and Torture: Supportive Edition. - Fixed a bug where you would occasionally spawn splashes on liquid surfaces well underneigh you when in midair or flying while footsteps were enabled. - Players can no longer pick up the Health melee'd out of them in Deathmatch. UI Changes: - Added CVar filtering to the Codex. In English, that means that Trites and Unique Bosses won't appear in the Codex if they've been disabled via CVar. - Fixed a multiplayer desync relating to filling out Codex pages. - Fixed various issues with the Intermission spawned by GZDoom updates. - The intermission's widescreen borders no longer appear when an actual widescreen intermission image (like in the 2020 Re-Release IWAD) is in use. - Fixed the "Demon Key Cheat" inventory item not displaying on the HUD. - Added per-ammotype icons to the ammo counter on the HUD. - Updated the descriptive text on the Skill Select menu to use the Tiny Font instead of a scaling-distorted Small Font. - Disabled the 100% Monster Kills toast triggering if the map had 0 monsters in it when it loaded. Mostly for my sanity when testing stuff. - Modified the Ironman game over sequence to no longer need to transition to a different map in order to highlight your painful and hilarious demise. - Fixed a minor mistake in the Ironman game over screen where dying to a Beholder would wrongly attribute your gristly, skull-centric demise to a Rahovart. - Updated the screenshot scroller on the title screen to have more uniformly-sized (and in some cases, better) shots and a random starting point so you're more likely to see different images. - The MetaDoom Options menu now appears in GZDoom 4.5.x's Simple Options Menu, not just the Full Options Menu. - Updated the Credits and Help screen artwork to be widescreen-friendly. - Updated the logo artwork to incorporate Doom 64 and reduce messiness. Mapping Changes: - Added Meathook Grapple Targets! Other Changes: - Explosive Barrels now handle being crushed differently, using the same oldschool timing as being detonated by another barrel, as well as not spawning debris if nobody's looking. This fixes Sunlust MAP30's engine-killing lag at startup as it prepares the revival trick for later in the map. - Ultra-Nightmare mode is now supported in Co-Op mode! If a player dies, they'll have to wait for a teammate to finish the level before they respawn. If there's a total party wipe, it's Game Over! - Added the "fake" stand-in items for Consolation Prize: Doom 64. - HUD Mugshot and Player Sounds now correctly handle the "Object" gender option. - Fixed ANIMDEFS/TERRAIN warnings in console on startup when playing Doom 1. - Fixed various rendering issues with blood splat effects. - Fixed blood splats checking for Juvenile Power Fantasy's performance CVars instead of MetaDoom's, because copy-pasting is hard. - Set Clean scaling for main and episode select menus, for consistency with the difficulty select menu in GZDoom 4.5.x. - Absolutely did not add any secret skill settings. - Updated the Title music to a higher bitrate version. - Removed the IDKFA Intermission music. Intermission themes are a mapset's job! KNOWN ISSUES: - Grappling Hooks do not currently behave properly around interactive line portals. Static Eternity-style line portals and Floor/Ceiling sector portals work fine. v666 "Titan" (10/03/20) ======================= Monster Changes: - Added the "Unique Bosses" Cvar! This replaces boss monsters on certain map slots (like E4M8) with new bosses from throughout Doom history! - Added 3 unique boss monsters! - The "bleeding" and "scared" status effects have been completely rewritten to be much more uniform (and much less copy-paste-y) across all monsters. - More monsters are now scared by Holy Water. As they well should be! - Hell Knights, Barons of Hell, Imp Lords and Fiends now try and avoid flinging themselves into damaging sectors. Not that it'd hurt them, but it stops them from falling out of the map or into places where the player can't reach them. - Cyberdemons now try and avoid charging if there isn't a flat path for them to charge on, to avoid them slamming into walls, having to pump the breaks to avoid falling off a ledge, or charging while in a small "turret" area... - Cyberdemon charging attacks are no longer blocked by items and other random junk, and now smoosh anybody stupid enough to be in the way. - Cyberdemon charging attacks now have a different "tell" from the "walking while shooting" attack, in that he stomps twice on the ground first. - Speaking of... Cyberdemon melee has been revamped into a new stomp attack. - Cyberdemons now announce their entrance with the same gusto as other bosses. - Removed code for Z-Sec to try and actively dodge if projectiles were coming their way, because, well, it was always broken and had never worked. - Summoners no longer, well, SUMMON if they haven't seen the player recently, and they won't summon if they don't think there's enough room to do so. There are also new precautions in place to prevent Unwilling from spawning inside of each other (fnarr!) - Hell Razer's beams are made up of less actors, hopefully making them less intense on your 32-bit Acer laptop you got for schoolwork in 2003. - Revenant rockets will now fire from the shoulder launchers on the sprite IF the ceiling is sufficiently high up enough to allow it. If not, the original behavior of firing from the Revenant's midsection will be used. - Bull Demons are now marginally (marginally) smarter about charging straight into a wall they're right next to. Marginally. - Trites no longer spawn in damaging sectors. Optional Content Changes: - Toggling of Optional Content is now handled automagically on a per-actor basis, as opposed to being toggled by a CVar, allowing for pain-free mixing of MetaDoom with DEHACKED-addled mapsets such as Ancient Aliens and Going Down! Massive thanks to Boondorl for figuring out how this could be done! - Also! All the Doom monsters are technically "Optional" now, deferring their seat to DEHACKED monsters like those in Eviternity and Sunlust, allowing for wider and greater mod/mapset compatibility! Hell yes. - The "Optional Props" CVar is still present, though, listed in the menu as "Allow Breakable Props", for mapsets that reskin these objects without changing their actors' behavior, making them undetectable. - Updated the sounds for a certain WolfSS variant. Weapon Changes: - Collar-bound Zombie Dogs now absorb all damage taken by the player while you have them equipped! Be warned, though, they tend not to last too long. - The Pistol now triggers "gunfire activated" linedefs like hitscan weapons do, allowing it to trigger the Evil Eyes in SIGIL. - Corrected the pixel aspect ratio on the Unmaker's HUD sprites and hated every second of it. Please add psprite scaling, Mr. Chicken... - Added new bindable keys to quickly switch directly to the Holy Water Pistol, Fire Extinguisher and SoulCube without fumbling through the rest of the arsenal. - Shells now spawn near Holy Water Pistols and Fire Extinguishers, to try and preserve ammo balance. Ditto Cells and the BFG. - Made the Lightning Gun pickup sprite less of an affront to God. UI Changes: - Converted the fonts to the modern, Unicode-friendly standard, for localization support and better compatibility with custom mapsets that replace the original font graphics like Ancient Aliens and Hell Revealed 2. - The Game Over screen in Ultra-Nightmare mode will now provide a more accurate description of your demise beyond just dying to "something really mean". - The Game Over screen in Ultra-Nightmare mode now uses the "Nightmare!" menu font. - Fixed the Spider Mastermind's animation in the Codex (Thanks DrPySpy!) - Updated various Codex entries for consistency and to accurately reflect the current state of the mod. - Added proper support for GZDoom's hilariously inflexible Alternate HUD. - Added a unique background for the Quit confirmation menu. - Fixed a number of visual issues with the options menu, like Tooltips being cut off by the bottom of the screen and the background just not drawing sometimes. - Reorganized the MetaDoom Options menu, with rewritten option descriptions and tooltips to make everything clearer and easier to understand. - Reskinned the sliders in the Options Menus. Item Changes: - Inventory items have been completely redesigned! Instead of using the old "shared ammo pool" system, they now have individual cooldown timers (typically two seconds, although some items have a longer cooldown). This will allow for more varied inventory items in the future! - Inventory pickups and treasure items now use a new spawning method that tries to avoid placing items in damaging sectors, to avoid situations where those much-needed Siphon Grenades are stuck in lava. - The Hand Grenade's pickup and projectile sprites have been given a scrub-up, and the projectile now has more frames, so as to animate more naturally. - The Shield Wall is now the colour of the player who threw it, and lets them walk through it freely. (In co-op all players can walk through.) - The Shield Wall now physically blocks other players in Deathmatch, as well as their projectile attacks. (Hitscans still sneak through, alas. I tried to work around this, but every fix caused its own problems...) - The Siphon Grenade now has a unique pickup sound instead of reusing the Grenade's. - The Siphon Grenade's explosion effect has been shifted from a cheesy-looking sprite to a cheesy-looking 3D model, to provide a better visual indicator of its radius. - The Medikit has a new sprite that looks less out of place, edited from a sprite originally made by Captain J. Much better! - The rare figurine treasure items have been expanded into a new set of "Lore Items" that have a rare chance of appearing in secret areas. Collect 'em all, and check 'em all out in your Codex when you have a spare moment! Player Changes: - Replaced Zombie's ACS footsteps script with vsonnier's ZScript port, with some minor tweaks to fix various issues like footstep sounds playing globally under some non-ideal circumstances. Like multiplayer. Or voodoo dolls on conveyor belts. - Added a CVar to toggle footstep sounds. - Fixed electrical shock effects when killed by a Cacodemon not being fullbright. Mapping Changes: - Added appropriate metadata etc. to allow level designers to build maps for MetaDoom without having their intended gameplay experience sabotaged by random spawns or item drops. Sure, nobody really makes maps for gameplay mods, but there's always a first time for everything... right? - Added Extinguishable Flames and Item Boxes! - See MAPMAKING.TXT inside the PK3 for important notes and info! Other Changes: - Fixed a minor bug where not all Doom 64 TC monsters would be replaced. - Disabled collisions between certain effects actors (gibs, casings etc.) and all other actors, preventing awkward-looking cases of, say, casings getting stuck inside a monster's head when shooting at them point-blank. - Various sprites and some actors have been renamed to avoid conflicts with other mods causing possible bugs, both visual and otherwise. - All monsters and other shootable actors now have name tags, for use by other mods such as Target Spy. - Episodic Spawn Rules will now detect Doom 1 episodes using the "E#M#" naming scheme up to Episode 9. Previously it only went up to Episode 5. - Blood splats no longer hang over ledges and look weird. - Debug messages are far less spammy and much more informative. (Not that you're supposed to notice, mind you...) - Added a formal code license (3-Clause BSD) for the people who care about such things. I doubt it'll be much of a problem since there's very little in the way of compile-able code in MetaDoom, but whatever. It is what it is. - Various invisible bits of housekeeping and cleaning to keep MetaDoom maintainable and running smoothly well into an Eternal future...! v5.666 "Klave EX" (10/06/19) ============================ This update moves every last remaining piece of DECORATE script in the mod (and there was a lot) to ZScript! As such, there's no NEW monsters or weapons, but in the process I was able to review and polish all the existing stuff, bringing the mod closer to where - at least in my eyes - it should be... Player Changes: - Added unique "MetaDoomGuy" player sprites! - Ported the player code to ZScript. - Fixed the various visual issues (endless viewbobbing, angle resetting on bounce) that have plagued the decapitated player skull since it was first added. - Redid the footstep sounds for slime/blood/etc. - Added more first-person death sequences! Monster Changes: - ZScript porting, various bugfixes and improvements far and wide. - Fixed an issue where under certain circumstances, melee'd enemies would be hurled the wrong direction, TOWARDS the player instead of AWAY. - Fixed a visual issue where gibs could be left floating in the air when the floor beneath them lowered. - Fixed visual issues with the Spider Mastermind's telekinesis attack and death. - Fixed visual issues with the Cyberdemon's death. - Fixed a mistake where a bugfix intended for the Imp Lord was actually applied to the Nightmare Imp instead, presumably in a bout of insomnia-induced idiocy. - Converted Nightmare Imp sounds from FLAC to OGG, for consistency's sake. - Added higher-definition sounds for Pinkies and Spectres. - Bull Demons and Hellhound-family monsters now move "smoothly", fixing an issue where they'd walk through line triggers in certain situations (DOOM2 MAP13). - Bull Demons now have a slightly smaller collision box. - Fixed a bug where after charging, Bull Demons wouldn't charge again unless they left their roaming state by way of attacking or being attacked. - The Baron of Hell's jump attack no longer reuses the Hell Knight's grunt sound. - Cacodemon and Bruiser-family monsters now have appropriate "crushed" sprites. - Malwraiths now use recoloured Cacodemon gibs instead of generic ones. - Fixed the "bobbing up and down" effect on Cacodemon-family monsters not being restored when they're resurrected by Archviles. - Cacodemons now have modified sounds. - Fixed a bug where 50% of the time, Spiborgs didn't award points upon death. - Added a small chance for Cyber-Mancubi to stop attacking instead of launching its bombs forever as long as the player is in sight. - Beholders are now less likely to spawn Forgotten Ones, and spawn them in a different manner which doesn't immediately set them into an attacking state. - Fixed the sound definitions for Rahovarts not existing, embarassingly. - Arch-Viles now have new sounds (with thanks to Captain J for some of them!) - A certain WolfSS variant's sounds are now less ear-splitting. Weapon Changes: - ZScript porting, various bugfixes and improvements far and wide. - Greatly improved dynamic light definitions for various explosion effects. - The Pistol flashlight now uses an actual spotlight as opposed to a constant spray of invisible pointlight projectiles. - Improvements and updates to the Fire Extinguisher: - The period of time that extinguishing yourself lasts has been increased from 3.5 seconds to 5 seconds. - The particle effects while the player is under the effects of having sprayed themselves now look a little less buggy. - Fixed bug where exiting a map while having sprayed themselves would result in them having the self-extinguished buff forever. - Improvements and updates to the Gauss Cannon: - Fixed a one-frame visual bug when deselecting the Gauss Cannon while zoomed. - Reduced the amount of time between firing and being able to scope/unscope. - Updated scope artwork. - The Rocket Launcher alt-fire has been updated to be actually useful - manually detonating your rocket now sprays ripping fragments for additional damage. - Added a new sound to when you try and use the Unmaker's altfire without any Demon Keys, instead of reusing the Rocket Launcher's altfire sound. - The blades of the Soulcube have been given some much needed shading. Item Changes: - ZScript porting, various bugfixes and improvements far and wide. - Adjusted Hologram projectile trajectory so it lands further away. - Changed how Medikits are spawned by the Quad Damage pickup. - Improved Light-Amp pickup sound. UI Changes: - Overhauled ListMenus and MessageBoxMenus with a nice new look! - Re-enabled the Difficulty Menu description stuff with the reassurance that AFADoomer probably won't gut me for it. In the future this will be redone using the code from the Wolfenstein 3D TC just to be safe, but there's a lot of twiddling that needs to be done. - Replaced the main menu's hi-res logo with a more consistent pixel-art version. - Updated Nash's tooltips system to be better placed and more easily readable. - Added a new CVar to change how the 100% kills/items/secrets message is displayed. You can now choose between MetaDoom's traditional loud pop-up "toast" or a simple log message accompanied by unobtrusive beeping sounds. - Stopped the "100% Monsters/Items/Secrets" message from popping up during TITLEMAP sequences, like Doom 64's. Prop Changes: - ZScript porting, various bugfixes and improvements far and wide. - Fixed a typo that would result in glow effects on light-source props being displaced on the very first tic that they're spawned. - Fixed a visual oddity where the "permanent" blood stains spawned by certain props would spawn on top of liquid textures. - Fixed a visual issue where gibs could be left floating in the air when the floor beneath them lowered. - Fixed blood splashes from gibbed props launching straight downwards. - Added a unique replacement for the EvilEye for SIGIL, fixing a number of issues while adding a tiny bit of unique polish. Other Changes: - ZScript porting, various bugfixes and minor tweaks far and wide. - General re-sorting and spring cleaning of code and assets all around. - Replaced the end-game cast call sequence with something less buggy. - Updated the Episodic Spawn Rules CVar to support SIGIL. - Added a new cheat-code, just for funsies... - Resorted the credits by alphabetical order, and updated the credits image. - Updated the ENDOOM, because at this point in the changelog, why not? v5.3 "Klave" (08/04/19) ======================= Tweaks, bug-fixes and improvements in preparations for the next build of GZDoom. And some un-improvements, but hey, it can't be helped. Monster Changes: - Switched most monster A_CustomMissile calls to A_SpawnProjectile, for general future-proofing purposes. UI Changes: - Temporarily disabled the mugshot and description on the Skill Level select screen - It looked buggy GZDoom 4.0.0, and the BoA usage permissions seem to have changed since I last checked from "don't use stuff that isn't in an official release yet" to "not until episode 3 is out". Alas. - Added Nash's tooltips system to the MetaDoom Options menu! Other Changes: - Replaced the impressive (yet gross) optional-replacement hack with GZDoom's CheckReplacement event handler to offload all the hard stuff to proper engine handling, hopefully reducing bugs. - Removed some half-working intermission functions that prevented the mod from starting in GZDoom 4.0.0. - Reworded options in MetaDoom Options to make more sense and to allow for expansion in some vague undefined future. v5.2 "Klave" (10/12/18) =================== Some minor tweaks, fixes and optimisations to celebrate a less-than-minor milestone - Happy quarter-century, Doom! Performance Improvements: - The Unwilling now have a toned-down gib effect, reducing the amount of debris generated in Arch-Vile heavy maps. - Gibs now respect the Blood fade times CVar, mopping up your carnage and reducing your gratification severely. Blame the slaughtermap fans. - Fixed certain weapons (Pistol, Unmaker, Lightning Gun, Rocket and Grenade Launchers) spawmming water splashes when fired in a certain partially-submerged position. Very specific, I know. Visibility Improvements: - The death animations of the Wretched, Malwraith, Cyber-Mancubus and Spiderdemon have been tweaked to improve visibility, with varying degrees of skill. - The Spiderdemon has been scaled down a little bit to hopefully further improve visibility around its corpse while still looking imposing. - Spiderdemon corpses now also turn slightly transparent when a player is near, to further reduce visibility issues. Weapon Changes: - Sped up Machinegun primary fire by exactly one tic. v5.1 "Klave" (19/08/18) =================== This update addresses some issues that popped up in the wake of v5's release. Thanks to everyone who submitted bug reports and feedback! Monster Changes: - The custom monsters in "Doom 64 for Doom 2" are now properly replaced with their MetaDoom equivalents. Except for the Motherdemon... for now. - Forgotten Ones are now more interesting: They don't collide with each other and have even less health than before, so they're swarm-ier. - The Behemoth's flamethrower now creates half the GL lights, hopefully boosting performance on computers made out of cardboard. - Beholder no longer visually flickers when scared by Holy Water. - Disabled infighting between Cacodemon variants. Weapon Changes: - The Grenade Launcher grenades now do the same damage on impact as Rockets. - Subtly increased radius of Grenade Launcher's gas bomb. - Fixed Kinetic Mines getting pushed around by Rocket explosions. Other Changes: - Fixed an issue where Z-Sec wouldn't reward their Codex page when Potential Map-Breakers was disabled. - The score in the HUD interpolates much faster. - Minor Codex text tweaks and fixes. v5 "Klave" (09/08/18) ===================== It's been a while, hasn't it? Not a vast amount of NEW things in this update, but what's there has a big impact, and there are a lot of changes and improvements to existing content, rounding off the sharp edges and generally making the entire mod way better. New Stuff: - Added 2 new inventory items! (Kinetic Mine, The... Artifact?!) Optional Content: - Optional Content is now built into the main mod and togglable via CVar, as opposed to being a seperate PK3 to load! (Thanks Matt and DrPySpy!) - WolfSS and Commander Keen now respect the "More Actors" CVar. - Added additional visual variety to some props... UI Changes: - Added DrPySpy's Codex! Hit the new keybind in the controls menu to bring up a high-quality new menu providing all the details on everything you've picked up or killed. - Converted the HUD from SBARINFO to ZScript, allowing for greater flexibility and some of the new featues listed below.... - Player sounds and HUD mugshot now take the player's gender, as specified in the "Player Options" menu, into account! (Thanks DrPySpy!) - Powerup timers on the HUD are now properly centered, adjusting as powerups are gained and lost. (Thanks DrPySpy and TheZombieKiller!) - Difficulty select screen now has skill descriptions and mugshot. (Thanks BoA Team!) - The 100% kills/items/secrets messages will now try not to overlap each other. when triggered in rapid succession (ie. MAP07). They'll now try and wait their turn and trigger one after the other. - Updated HELP page to explain the Shared Grenade Ammo Pool and note the default keybind for the Codex. - Updated ENDOOM to credit DrPySpy and mention Saber Interactive. Generalized Bug Fixes: - Fixed inventory cooldown getting stuck forever when transitioning between maps - Fixed potential error when dying in Ultra-Nightmare in Doom Complete (WadSmoosh) - Fixed all the harmless-but-agitating warnings in the console during startup. - Various under-the-hood cleanups and tweaks that no sane human will notice. - Players should no longer have their view snapped to their attacker when punched by other players in multiplayer. - "You don't have any grenades!" text should no longer log globally. Weapon Changes: - The BFG's tendrils now properly reward kills and points to the appropriate player, rather than just Player 1. (Thanks DrPySpy!) - The Lightning Gun's standard attack now has a very slight chance of causing enemies to flinch, as opposed to the previous zero chance. - The Lightning Gun's stun bomb has been been given an aesthetic overhaul. - If a script takes away the player's Pistol, they'll be given a Fist weapon so they can keep fighting until they get a Pistol again. - Added a CVar to toggle spent brass and casings, for the truly performance-starved. - Disabled spawning of Fire Axe in Deathmatch mode, since it still doesn't have its proper effect on other players yet. - Holy Water Pistol's ammo acquisition FX ported from ACS to ZScript. - Fixed a single-frame animation glitch when switching away from the Machinegun or Chaingun while their alternate modes were enabled. - Fixed punching walls creating bad decals when armed with Gauss Cannon or Unmaker. - Weapons now have brightmaps. Item Changes: - The Tesla Rocket will no longer fry the player who fired it if they're in the way. It also rewards kills and points properly, ala the BFG fix above. - The Shield Wall's sprites have been redrawn to be less screenshot-rippy. - The Shield Wall no longer blocks its user's own shots, elevating it to the dizzying new status of "actually useful"! - Dramatically reduced effectiveness of Siphon Grenades on Cyberdemons and Spiderdemons, making it harder to "cheese out" those bosses. - Hand Grenades are more enjoyable to actually use! - Added additional skins for keycards and skull keys. - Treasure items can now be disabled via CVar (meta_lootspawns). - Additional polish and variety for treasure items... - Items "thrown" out by other items (treasures, Agent Cores, etc.) now respect player-blocking lines, making it less likely that cool stuff will out of reach. - Cell and Argent Core ammo pickups now have brightmaps. - Light-Amp Visors now have new sprites. Monster Changes: - Spiderdemon artwork has been updated and re-rendered (Thanks DrPySpy!) - Wretched now have new sprites rendered from the Doom 2016 model (Thanks Zaneion!) - The Former Lieutenant now wears blue armor, to make him look less like his chaingun wielding siblings (DrPySpy did a lot on this update just FYI) - Spiborgs and Bull Demons are now harder to make flinch when they're charging (in multiple meanings of the word), making them harder to cheese-out. - Fixes and improvements to the logic behind Summoners spawning Unwilling. (Thanks Major Cooke!) - Fiend's sprite offsets are considerably less whacky. - Additional gibbing sound variety added. - A_SetScale hack used for random sprite mirroring on death replaced with the recently-added SPRITEFLIP flag, since it's a better way of doing it. - Imported Doom 2 Minor Sprite Fixing Project assets for the following monsters: Arachnotron, Arch-Vile, Mancubus, Pain Elemental and Revenant. - Phantoms now have unique sounds. - Pistol Scripted Marines now only do the original Doom Pistol's amount of damage, instead of the increased damage of the player's EKG Sidearm. - Z-Sec now use the proper firing sound instead of the vanilla shotgun. - Nightmare Imps now have red blood on their death animations. - Arachnotrons and Spiborgs now properly bleed when Axe'd. - Melee now instakills Trites. Squish! - Additional polish and variety in WolfSS and Commander Keen replacmements... v4.1 "Fred" (06/06/17) ====================== A number of small fixes based on feedback from the previous release. Thanks, folks! - Fixed Zombieman spawners only spawning Hell Razers when "More Actors" is off. - Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys and Z-Secs are now slightly less perfectly accurate. - Sawcubi now have a 50/50 chance of dropping a chainsaw when gibbed, by popular demand. - Summoners now have a limit on the number of times they can, well, summon, without any players looking, preventing cases of wayward Summoners flooding the map. - Summoners now appear after 20 maps instead of 10. v4 "Fred" (30/05/17) ==================== Violence has arrived! Lots of new monsters, a revamped boss, and more polish than you can handle, including a couple of things that haven't been in any mods before this one! I'm absurdly happy with this one, as it finally meets my original vision for this mod when I started it a little over a year ago. - Revamped 1 enemy (Spider Mastermind!) - Added 7 new enemies (Behemoth, Cyber-Mancubus, Spiborg, Trite, Summoner, Unwilling and the Sawcubus!) - Added 1 powerup (Quad Damage!) Inventory Changes: - All inventory items now have a brief (less than a second) cooldown on usage, preventing "inventory spamming" strategies that blew out balance. - Dramatically reduced AOE radius of Siphon Grenades so as to better match the explosion graphic. Weapon Changes: - Fixed Unmaker firing sound cutting off the altfire sound. (Thanks TerminusEst13!) - Lightning Gun now consumes ammo at a much faster rate. - Lightning Gun now does sliiiiightly more damage. - Fixed several minor bugs with Lightning Gun alt-fire mechanics. - BFG explosion sound now plays properly. - BFG explosion now has an actual explosion involved... if that makes sense. Monster Changes: - Spawners now detect when you're playing Doom 1 episodes or No Rest For The Living, and adjust the number of maps required for variant monsters to start spawning, so that you can still see a good bunch of them with the lower level count. - Fixed an obscure bug with Imp Lords that occured when they teleported away just after killing the player, where they would forget that gravity exists. - Revenants and Fiends no longer infight. They are now Skelefriends. Pallingtons? - The Bruiser Bros' jump attack's landing sound now plays properly. - The Bruiser Bros no longer perform their jump attack when Potential Map Breakers are turned off. - The Former Human family now have new sound effects. - Adjusted Nightmare Imp sprite scaling to better match original game. - Nightmare Spectre now uses Doom 64 sprites. HUD Changes: - Health gem now indicates when you're invulnerable. - Armor gem now indicates when you have Blue Armor. - Ammo bar is now effected by meta_pistolammo, as it should be. Miscellaneous: - IWAD map names have been given proper capitalization, because sure, okay. - Exploding Barrel now has more more visible splash effects. - Scoring 100% kills/items/secrets on a level will pop up a little message on the screen and award you a bunch of points. (Note: This can only be triggered once per category per level.) - SP Intermission screen has been changed and now displays your current score, along with highlighting 100%-ed categories. - Fixed the brief "pause" between the start and loop sounds on platforms. - Explosive Barrels have the nice Smooth Doom idle animation now. New CVars (also in MetaDoom Options menu): - The "Spooky Spoders" CVar (meta_nospoders) controls whether or not Trites spawn, for the violently arachnophobic among you. - The "Separate Episodic Spawn Rules" CVar (meta_episodicspawns) toggles whether monster spawns will use episodic progression rules (as noted above) in episodic maps. Turn off to force Doom 2 progression, like in previous versions of MetaDoom. - The "100% Message Size" CVar (meta_toastsize) scales the 100% message (as noted above). This isn't perfect, and the message will still look best at 1x scale, but some people just hate big pixelly text, you know? Optional Content: - Props have now been meta-fied! The random set-dressing throughout the Doom world has been given a lick of paint, and now blend in better with the enhancements the mod makes to the monsters. Some of them are destructible! Some of them are even extinguishable! - Commander Keens now have more variants, further covering Id's pre-Wolf history. v3.666 "Samuel" (08/04/17) ========================== Some final changes and additions before I set off to work on v4... New Features: - Added a "Pistol Uses Ammo" CVAR! (meta_pistolammo) This makes the Pistol use Clip bullets like in vanilla Doom, and will give you 50 bullets at the start of the first map. Weapon Changes: - Soulcube now requires 10 souls instead of 5 - Adjusted Chaingun turret ammo usage - Buffed the BFG's altfire by an impressive amount Miscellaneous: - Menu sub-headers in MetaDoom Options menu are now gold instead of red - Moved new keybinding strings to LANGUAGE to sate my lust for localization - Lost Soul-family monsters no longer spawn fire when time is frozen v3.64 "Samuel" (05/04/17) ========================= This update adds special compatibility for my "Consolation Prize" version of Nevander's awesome Doom 64 Retribution TC. You can now rip and tear through Midway's corridors with 20 years of additional progress in your pocket. All that's missing is the Mother Demon... but maybe in the future... - The Unmaker and Demon Keys now all spawn where they did in Doom 64. - Nightmare Imps now spawn where they did in Doom 64. - Unmakers no longer spawn from BFG spawn points in Doom 64. - Demon Keys now lock the portals in MAP28 of Doom 64 as intended. - Doom 64 liquid flats now have proper terrain fx and wash out blood splats - Doom 64 liquid flats now refill the Holy Water Pistol as intended. v3.2 "Samuel" (01/04/17) ======================== This version primarily makes under-the-hood changes to the mod's programming that will reduce instances of doing things "bad ways" and as a result hopefully result in better performance in certain situations. Special thanks to Doomed_SpaceMarine on Twitch for finding some of these issues! Live on stream, just to multiply the embarassment of screwing up. :V Weapon Changes: - Reduced Chaingun turret ammo consumption... for real this time! - Made the Lightning Gun stream look a little better from the first person - Minor tweak to the Lightning Gun stun bomb effect Minor Bugfixes (or as Chronoteeth would call it, Fun-Ruining): - Fixed Nightmare Imps getting huge 'n' swole when resurrected - Fixed Bruisers sometimes moonwalking when resurrected - Fixed some potential issues with certain monster spawners (Mancubus, Arachnotron, Boss Monsters) that could cause certain scripts (for example, Doom64 MAP28) to not function correctly. Monster Changes: - Converted MonsterCore (the code all monsters inherit from & share) to ZScript - Converted Lost Souls, Phantoms and Forgotten Ones to ZScript - Changed how Lost Souls and co. spawn their fire to be less messily coded. - Lost Souls and their ilk no longer trail fire if nobody's looking at them, potentially reducing lag in maps with scores of Lost Souls present. - Flying monsters (Cacodemons, Lost Souls etc.) are no longer thrust upwards (and out of the player's reach) when punched. This should make it less frustrating for players with Berserk to fistfight Cacodemons etc. Miscellaneous: - Options menu now has the "MetaDoom Options" button appended to the bottom of it by the engine, as opposed to overwriting the entire Options Menu to add it to the list. - Deathmatch now replaces the score counter on the HUD with a frag counter - Moved the Map Stats portion of the HUD a whopping TWO pixels to the left, WOW - Minor LANGUAGE tweaks v3.1 "Samuel" (02/03/17) ======================== Various tweaks and improvements based on player feedback. Thanks to everyone for their feedback! I greatly appreciate it! - Explosive Barrels now use the old explosion animation speed when killed by another explosive barrel. This should make, say, DOOM2 MAP23 more forgiving. - The "6" key now defaults to the Plasma Rifle at first if you have it. - Added Zrrion's modified radsuit sprite! Monster Tweaks: - Hellhounds: Will now get instagibbed by the Axe, like Zombies. Weapon Tweaks: - Super Shotgun: Added FOV punch and tweaked animation on firing. - Chaingun: Ammo consumption reduced in both firing modes. - Lightning Gun: Primary fire damage and range increased. - Lightning Gun: Altfire no longer causes bleeding. - Plasma Rifle: Altfire projectile speed and damage increased - Plasma Rifle: Altfire projectile causes splash damage on impact. v3.0 "Samuel" (14/02/17) ======================== Time for another big helping of new content, vital bug fixes and unnecessary polish. There's even some ZScript, to bring this mod kicking and screaming into the 21st Century. I'm pretty proud of this one, all things considered. - Added 2 new weapons (Grenade Launcher, Lightning Gun) - Added 4 new enemies (Fiend, Former Assassin, Imp Lord, Bull Demon) - Added 1 inventory item (Hologram) - Redid a whole heap of sounds! - Added new sounds and FX for corpses crushed by movers - Added some of Capn J's sounds for Revenant - Added a sound for when enemies are damaged by Siphon Grenades - Fixed sprite scaling on Rocket Launcher spawns - Fixed a bug with Cacodemon spawning logic causing Malwraths to appear early, and Wretcheds to probably not really show up at all. I'm good at this. - Fixed Barons and Hell Knights damaging each other and infighting - Fixed a bug where, when firing a Machinegun mini-rocket with exactly five bullets left, you'd spend the bullets and play the sound but not actually fire the projectile. - Fixed a bug where trying to deselect weaponized Demon Dogs or Cerberuses would lock the player into an unarmed state. - Fixed Unmaker altfire particle density being lower than intended - Many bug-fixes and cosmetic improvements to the Axe's bleeding effect - Keycards now have randomized, matching skins - Chainsaw upthrust now does more damage and pushes enemies upwards - Chainsaw altfire now does less damage - no more one-shotting Arachnotrons! - Pistol firing animation can now be interrupted by meleeing - Improved Cacodemon, Malwrath and Wretched death sequences - Slightly increased points awarded for killing a Wretched - Added a new sprite for the Radiation Suit - Various under the hood improvements to the code, including the introduction of ZScript, better commenting and general tabbing clean-ups. - Added an ENDOOM! This is important. Optional Content: - Scripted Marines now bleed when whacked with an Axe. v2.11 "Olivia" (02/01/17) ========================= A quick bugfix for a startup issue with the very latest version of GZDoom. Sorry for the inconvenience. - Fixed a GetDistance issue that prevented startup on GZDoom 2.3.0 v2.1 "Olivia" (01/12/16) ======================== Just a quick bug-fix update before both Cacowards season and DECORATE-based mods become an antiquated relic that will score you the derisive scorn of all for playing. What do you MEAN you haven't shoehorned an entirely undocumented new scripting system into the engine purely to serve your own mod and no other? I thought you were one of the cool kids... - Firing off the SoulCube now tries to switch to the Unmaker if you have it. - Fixed Gauss Cannon doing less damage than intended when zoomed in. - Fixed Fire Extinguisher generating blood decals when hitting something it can't damage. - Defined a physical height and radius for Lost Soul fire particles, potentially improving performance. - Lowered Malwrath sprite offsets, fixing its hitbox mostly being "under" it Optional Content: - Fixed the Optional Content crashing at startup when playing Doom 1... even though the Optional Content has no effect on Doom 1. Why would you do this? Whatever, it's fixed now. - Moved Scripted Marines to the Optional PK3 for that one guy who was playing a mod that replaced Scripted Marines with scenery, causing everything to go all pair-shaped. v2.0 "Olivia" (20/11/16) ======================== And we are back! Lots of fixes, tweaks, improvements and new content this time around! Sorry that it took so long - it's not like I have any game publishers and/or engine developers helping me out like SOME mod projects out there... - Added 2 new weapons! (Unmaker, SoulCube) - Added 6 new enemies! (Demon Dog, Cerberus, Malwrath, Wretched, Beholder, Rahovart) - Revamped the Cyberdemon with new sprites, sounds and attacks! - Updated Hellknight sprites to Zaneion's latest version, featuring more detail! - Pain Elementals will now bite your shit if you try to bait their hungry mouth! - Added awesome new art for the Dog Collar, Shield Wall and Tesla Rocket! Thanks Capn J! - Adjusted alignment on inventory icons to look a little more centered. - Replaced stealth monsters with normal MetaDoom spawners, because stealth monsters suck no matter how much DUMP maps try to redeem them. - MBF Helper Dogs are replaced with MetaDoom Hellhounds. - Fixed Hellhounds shrinking a little sometimes when killed. - Fixed some cut-off on one sprite of the first person death animation. - Fixed Siphon Grenade not affecting bosses, and reduced both damage and effect. - Changed the cheat command from "pukename umpulse #" to "impulse #". - Re-enabled font monospacing in SBARINFO. - Lots of tweaks and edits for pre-existing sounds. - Fixed weapon stay/respawn in multiplayer. Optional Content: - Added DONTFALL flag to Keens to fix a visual bug. v1.2 "Slayer" (06/10/16) ======================== Development has been fairly slow recently, but there have been some important and not so important changes that necessitate a proper release. - Fixed missing change from Bloodsplat rewrite implementation, oops - Pinky spawners are now less likely to spawn dogs unless within 512 units of a Possessed spawner - Cleaned up and removed old TEXTURES-based SSG assets from before Shivers made it less painful to witness - Monster spawners now pass on TID (thx Yholl!) - Added support for Back to Saturn X to the Water Pistol - Fixed an obit for Berserk ZDoom Marines (Thanks Techokami!) - ZDoom Marines now drop stuff when killed (Thanks Techokami!) - Fixed gibs and debris telefragging Voodoo Dolls, rendering TNT MAP30 extremely difficult to complete v.1.1 "Slayer" (22/09/16) ========================= Some quick, but vital bug-fixes for issues raised after 1.0 was launched. - Blood Splats are completely reprogrammed to be far less resource-intense (Thanks Major Cooke!) - Dog Collar now ignores Switch on Pickup setting and makes you switch to the Hellhound as intended. - Fixed Mancubus shots not generating decals. - Fixed Cyberdemon not spawning in Doom 1. (Thanks Techokami!) Optional Content: - Keens no longer block the player after death. v.1.0 "Slayer" (19/09/16) ======================== There's enough changes in this release that I feel very comfortable calling it a first proper release instead of another tech demo! That being said: I'm still far, FAR from done. Please keep providing feedback and if you feel you have something to offer, you're more than welcome to let me know! Thanks for playing my mod! - Added 1 new weapon! (Fire Extinguisher) - Added 2 new enemies! (Hell Razer, Phantom) - Revamped 2 old enemies! (Hell Knight, Baron of Hell) - Revamped the Scripted Marines that nobody uses in their maps anymore! (Because nobody makes ZDoom maps anymore! Sadly!) - Added 2 new inventory items! (Siphon Grenade, Dog Collar) - Added treasure items from the Press Release beta! - Added low health warning! - Added an optional addon to Meta-fy the extra MAP31/32 enemies! - Revamped the powerup sphere sprites! Changes to Weapons: - Buffed the Shotgun Grenade explosion to be identical to a standard rocket. - Re-added a cooldown to the Rocket Launcher primary fire, and made this period interruptable by the altfire. - Holy Water takes twice as long to acquire (1 ammo per second) - Holy Water now also rewarded if you're underwater - Made the Chaingun turret firing louder - Fixed bug where dying while using the Chaingun turret would result in the firing sound looping forever, mortally wounding your ears - Fixed being unable to melee in netplay - Buffed the Gauss Cannon's damage, but lowered its firing rate to compensate - Added Shivers' revamped SSG sprites! - Machinegun now takes selection precedence over chaingun Changes to Spawners: - Changed New Item spawning method to something lamer, so as to prevent items being spawned inside of walls - Dramatically reduced spawn rate of the Shield Wall - Doom 1 SSG spawning altered to now allow SSG alts to spawn in Doom 1 - Minor monster spawner tweak so that they look right on their first frame (for summon cheat, dormant actors in old maps etc.) - Fixed a bug in the Chaingun Guy spawner code that'd cause Minigunners to spawn way more frequently than they should. - Added proper spawners for Cyberdemon and Spiderdemon, allowing for future extensions Changes to Performance: - Added Blood fadeout timer option (meta_perf_bloodtime) for how long you want blood to last before fading. Default is a little over 190 seconds (or 6666 tics) - Old Blood Fadeout option has been renamed and repurposed to force nigh-instant blood fadeout, as a sort of a "panic button" for low-perf situations - Made floor blood way less framerate intense by making it cull splats that are within a user-defined radius of where it spawned. MAP06 no longer tanks the FPS on UV! Changes to Monsters: - Added new sounds to the Revenant and Archvile - Fixed bug where Revenant was rewarding points twice - Archvile spawns some blood and guts upon death because, you know... Other Changes: - Added proper credits for the Former Commando - Tweaks and improvements to the HUD and associated graphics - Some minor sound tweaks - Minor text adjustments - All FLATSPRITE usage adjusted for the new implementation v.TD2.1 "Kane" (26/08/16) ======================== A little less buggy, a little prettier. - Fixed the Chaingun tag being missing - Tweaked Chaingun firing sound - Halved Chaingun primary ammo consumption - Reduced cooldown on melee attacks - Many monsters now react to melee attacks in a "fairer" way - Made the Shield Wall actually spawn. Oops. - Tesla Rocket and BFG zappers now properly award points for killing monsters (only awards them to player 1 right now, sorry co-op fans. debugging pointer bugs is hard af) - Fixed Z-Sec roll not resetting when damaged by Holy Water (thanks murb) - Made the Revenant missile both prettier and more accurate to its original behavior - Slashed 30hp off the Hellhound - Cacodemons and Pain Elementals can now be scared by Holy Water - Made the Lost Soul all pretty-like, including a custom death sequence for Holy Water - Stopped the "kill monsters" cheat from killing the framerate on maps with hundreds of monsters - Removed randomization from Gauss Cannon puffsplosion - Added system for negating Archvile attacks in preparation for a future weapon - Added a new cheat... v.TD2 "Kane" (22/08/16) ======================= Development continues! Lots of new toys and even some new friends to try them on. - Added 2 new weapons! (Chaingun, Gauss Cannon) - Added 2 new inventory items! (Tesla Rocket, Shield Wall) - Added 2 new monsters! (Nightmare Imp, Former Commando) - Original Chaingun Guy is now the Former Lieutenant. - New sprites for the Z-Sec! - Lowered the Nightmare Spectre's health a bunch, subtly increased his overall speed - Cacodemons now have a fancy gib effect - Reduced the -fast speed of Hellhounds to be more managable - Fixed some BFG obituary stuff - Added GLDEFs for the player - Sped up the Plasma Rifle by a single tic. WOW. - LANGUAGE tweaks, including proper capitalization of Doom 2 intermission texts - Fixed a bug where collecting a Berserk while under the effects of a Berserk would break the entire Berserk system. Thanks to Techokami for helping diagnose! - Re-ordered some weapons to ensure you select better weapons when using number keys. - Added a "Potential Map-Breakers" cvar, to toggle or alter things that might let players or monsters go places they aren't supposed to go. You know, like jumping in BOOM maps. Not very useful right NOW, but in the future... v.TD1.3 "Flynn" (18/08/16) ========================== This should hopefully be the last hotfix for TD1 before I start cracking down on new content. - Completely redrew Machine Gun pickup sprite from scratch - Added a replacement HELP screen which addresses common questions - Fixed Lost Souls and Hellhounds generating state errors when punched hard enough - Invulnerability Sphere now has a pickup sound and uses a blue screen tint (ala GBA Doom 1) - Disabled alwayspickup on weapons by request, to see if something bad happens again - Added Shivers' Shotgun cocking animation and OSJClatchford's updated Shotgun alt-fire cocking sprites for consistency's sake - Added a little extra zing to the green armor pickup sound - Added Captain J's new barrel gibs, ammo sprites and improved player head gib (the latter being with OSJClatchford's help). Thanks! - Berserk Fists, the Axe and terrain splashes no longer alert enemies - Externalized Titlemap and Ironman Death subtitles to LANGUAGE v.TD1.2 "Flynn" (15/08/16) ========================= More clean-up duty and other balance tweaks. This doesn't cover ALL feedback, but it should improve things a bunch. Also: New Hellhound sprite! - Bleeding now plays a sound effect - Fixed the Nightmare Spectre never bleeding when hit with an Axe - Axe kills and bleeding deaths now spawn health pinata items - Health pinata items now stick around longer - Scaled down gib sprites by 25% - Fixed enemies not dropping their item drops when gibbed - The IDKFA cheat now gives out inventory items like it should - Tweaked some sounds for the Axe and Holy Water Pistol - Moved the Chainsaw and Axe to slot 8 - Made the Hellhound larger, slower-attacking and easier to hit - Added new Hellhound sprites by Captain J - Axe damage buffed a little bit - Blood decals now wait a little bit before fading out - Fixed the Arachnotron being all stoppy-starty - SSG now has altfire (identical to primary fire) - BFG now uses old Doom splash/spray behavior on impact - Axe now destroys barrels in one shot - Non-berserk fist can no longer damage barrels v.TD1.1 "Flynn" (14/08/16) ========================== A hotfix for some last minute issues that people found in the first release. Always happens, eh? - Fixed the Hellhound refusing to stop being scared. Thanks Rapid Marine! - Added a performance mode to fade floor blood out, which should hopefully help out people with 486s - Added the missing random damage variance to Berserk punches, buffing them greatly - Fixed Shotgun Grenades, Assault Rifle Micro Missiles, BFG and many monsters generating no or incorrect decals. Thanks Captain J! - Added a trail to the Shotgun Grenades, and slightly bumped up their damage - Fixed barrels still being partially solid after being destroyed - Fixed all weapons being considered "dropped", making them crushable v.TD1 "Flynn" (13/08/16) ======================== The first public release. A "proof of concept" of sorts after the first two months of development. Some stuff is still pretty rough, but all in all it's still a fun gameplay experience. - All "base" weapons are replaced - Three "alternate" weapons - Offhand melee systems - Berserk altered, BlurSphere replaced with haste - Monsters have appropriate new behaviors for new things - Three new "alternate" monsters - One new inventory item - Fancy fake floor decals - First person death animations - Probably tons of bugs!