Horizontal Scroll ========================= for [Sublime Text 2][0] or [3][3] ------------- Ever wanted to scroll horizontally in Sublime Text with your keyboard? Well. Now you can. ## Installation **Step 1** -- Go get wbond's beautifully simple [Sublime Package-Control][2]. **Step 2** -- Hit `ctrl+shift+p` (Windows, Linux) or `cmd+shift+p` (OSX), run the `install package` command. **Step 3** -- Search for and install _Horizontal Scroll_. **Step 4** -- Win and/or Profit. ----- ## Usage #### The Short Is there text running off the edge of your editor? Is this plug-in installed? Press `alt+down`. Or `ctrl+alt+shift+down` if you're on a Mac. There weren't any good hotkeys left! I'm sorry! #### The Long This plug-in adds one command to Sublime Text which exposes easy-to-hotkey horizontal scrolling, and makes a guess as to how to incorporate it for you. By default, the hotkeys to scroll right and left are, respectively, `alt+down` and `alt+up` for Windows/Linux, or `ctrl+alt+shift+down` and `ctrl+alt+shift+up` if you're on a Mac -- chosen to reflect Sublime's default `scroll_lines` behavior (`ctrl+up/down` and `ctrl+alt+up/down`). This, of course, can be mapped to any hotkey combination you might by want by modifying your personal `Preferences -> Key Bindings - User`. (And seriously, if you're on a Mac, please do.) The command that this plug-in adds is (at most): "command": "scroll_width", "args": {"amount": [+/-]30, "by_character": True} If `by_character` is left `True` motion is based on the width of an em-dash, which allows this command to scale motion with your current font size. If `by_character` is `False`, `scroll_width` will move the screen by `amount` of raw pixels. I'd recommend pumping `amount` up to at least 150 if you're not scrolling `by_character`. `by_character` defaults to `True`, by the way, so if you ever set this command up -- when, say, rebinding the Mac keys -- you can skip that argument. `amount` is simply a relative indicator of how far every call to `scroll_width` will move the screen, with negative scrolling the screen left. ----- **This project is open under the [MIT License][1]** [0]: http://www.sublimetext.com/2 [1]: http://revolunet.mit-license.org [2]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/installation [3]: http://www.sublimetext.com/3