{ "homepage": "https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/randompatches", "1.16.5": { "2.4.4-forge": "Added the vanilla default boat buoyancy to the configuration option tooltip.", "2.4.0-forge": "Fixed mobs not being able to cross rails.\nFixed boats and players in boats not taking fall damage.", "2.3.0-forge": "The secondary sprint key now works with Baritone.\nAdded options to disable the custom window title and icon.\nFixed the server list opening after leaving a singleplayer world.", "2.2.1-forge": "Fixed compatibility with Forge 36.0.2+.", "2.2.0-forge": "Removed the non-functional tick scheduler desync fix.\nDocumented that the MC-145311 fix works client-only." }, "1.16.4": { "2.4.4-forge": "Added the vanilla default boat buoyancy to the configuration option tooltip.", "2.4.0-forge": "Fixed mobs not being able to cross rails.\nFixed boats and players in boats not taking fall damage.", "2.3.0-forge": "The secondary sprint key now works with Baritone.\nAdded options to disable the custom window title and icon.\nFixed the server list opening after leaving a singleplayer world.", "2.2.1-forge": "Fixed compatibility with Forge 36.0.2+.", "2.2.0-forge": "Removed the non-functional tick scheduler desync fix.\nDocumented that the MC-145311 fix works client-only.", "2.1.5-forge": "Fixed configuration resetting.", "2.1.4-forge": "Mouse buttons can now be used for the narrator toggle, pause, GUI toggle and debug key bindings.", "2.1.3-forge": "The configuration file is no longer reset if it is encoded with UTF-8 with BOM and uses LF line endings.", "2.1.0": "Fixed the read timeout.\nDouble-tap sprinting is now possible when flying.", "2.0.1": "Fixed client.window.title never being used.\nThe configurable framerate limit slider step size is now disabled when OptiFine is installed.\nMinor improvements.", "2.0.0": "Rewrite from scratch using Mixin.", "1.16.4-": "Recompiled with JDK 8.", "1.16.4-": "The read timeout patch is now compatible with certain custom servers.", "1.16.4-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds)." }, "1.16.3": { "2.4.4-forge": "Added the vanilla default boat buoyancy to the configuration option tooltip.", "2.4.0-forge": "Fixed mobs not being able to cross rails.\nFixed boats and players in boats not taking fall damage.", "2.3.0-forge": "The secondary sprint key now works with Baritone.\nAdded options to disable the custom window title and icon.\nFixed the server list opening after leaving a singleplayer world.", "2.2.1-forge": "Fixed compatibility with Forge 36.0.2+.", "2.1.5-forge": "Fixed configuration resetting.", "2.1.4-forge": "Mouse buttons can now be used for the narrator toggle, pause, GUI toggle and debug key bindings.", "2.1.3-forge": "The configuration file is no longer reset if it is encoded with UTF-8 with BOM and uses LF line endings.", "2.1.0": "Fixed the read timeout.\nDouble-tap sprinting is now possible when flying.", "2.0.1": "Fixed client.window.title never being used.\nThe configurable framerate limit slider step size is now disabled when OptiFine is installed.\nMinor improvements.", "2.0.0": "Rewrite from scratch using Mixin.", "1.16.4-": "Recompiled with JDK 8.", "1.16.4-": "The read timeout patch is now compatible with certain custom servers.", "1.16.4-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.16.2-": "Added a license to mods.toml." }, "1.16.2": { "2.4.4-forge": "Added the vanilla default boat buoyancy to the configuration option tooltip.", "2.4.0-forge": "Fixed mobs not being able to cross rails.\nFixed boats and players in boats not taking fall damage.", "2.3.0-forge": "The secondary sprint key now works with Baritone.\nAdded options to disable the custom window title and icon.\nFixed the server list opening after leaving a singleplayer world.", "2.2.1-forge": "Fixed compatibility with Forge 36.0.2+.", "2.1.5-forge": "Fixed configuration resetting.", "2.1.4-forge": "Mouse buttons can now be used for the narrator toggle, pause, GUI toggle and debug key bindings.", "2.1.3-forge": "The configuration file is no longer reset if it is encoded with UTF-8 with BOM and uses LF line endings.", "2.1.0": "Fixed the read timeout.\nDouble-tap sprinting is now possible when flying.", "2.0.1": "Fixed client.window.title never being used.\nThe configurable framerate limit slider step size is now disabled when OptiFine is installed.\nMinor improvements.", "2.0.0": "Rewrite from scratch using Mixin.", "1.16.4-": "Recompiled with JDK 8.", "1.16.4-": "The read timeout patch is now compatible with certain custom servers.", "1.16.4-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.16.2-": "Added a license to mods.toml." }, "1.16.1": { "2.4.4-forge": "Added the vanilla default boat buoyancy to the configuration option tooltip.", "2.4.0-forge": "Fixed mobs not being able to cross rails.\nFixed boats and players in boats not taking fall damage.", "2.3.0-forge": "The secondary sprint key now works with Baritone.\nAdded options to disable the custom window title and icon.\nFixed the server list opening after leaving a singleplayer world.", "2.2.1-forge": "Fixed compatibility with Forge 36.0.2+.", "2.1.5-forge": "Fixed configuration resetting.", "2.1.4-forge": "Mouse buttons can now be used for the narrator toggle, pause, GUI toggle and debug key bindings.", "2.1.3-forge": "The configuration file is no longer reset if it is encoded with UTF-8 with BOM and uses LF line endings.", "2.1.0": "Fixed the read timeout.\nDouble-tap sprinting is now possible when flying.", "2.0.1": "Fixed client.window.title never being used.\nThe configurable framerate limit slider step size is now disabled when OptiFine is installed.\nMinor improvements.", "2.0.0": "Rewrite from scratch using Mixin.", "1.16.4-": "Recompiled with JDK 8.", "1.16.4-": "The read timeout patch is now compatible with certain custom servers.", "1.16.4-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.16.2-": "Added a license to mods.toml.", "1.16.1-": "Fixed the TickNextTick list out of synch fix.", "1.16.1-": "Reimplemented the TickNextTick list out of synch fix.", "1.16.1-": "Now compatible with and requires Forge 1.16.1-32.0.67 or higher.", "1.16.1-": "Fixed a crash caused by the use of a Java 14 compiler.", "1.16.1-": "Fixed some window icons not loading properly.", "1.16.1-": "Initial 1.16.1 port." }, "1.15.2": { "1.15.2-": "Fixed the TickNextTick list out of synch fix.", "1.15.2-": "Reimplemented the TickNextTick list out of synch fix.", "1.15.2-": "Implemented a fix for dismount positions.", "1.15.2-": "Fixed a crash caused by the use of a Java 14 compiler.", "1.15.2-": "Fixed some window icons not loading properly.", "1.15.2-": "Configuration errors are now logged.", "1.15.2-": "Attempted to fix an issue with the previous beta.", "1.15.2-": "Another read timeout fix attempt.", "1.15.2-": "Attempted to fix the read timeout patch.", "1.15.2-": "Fixed the Toggle Narrator keybind.", "1.15.2-": "Fixed the MC-2025 fix.", "1.15.2-": "Added support for 1.15's activity-specific window titles.", "1.15.2-": "Actually works now.", "1.15.2-": "Initial 1.15.2 port." }, "1.14.4": { "1.14.4-": "Fixed the TickNextTick list out of synch fix.", "1.14.4-": "Reimplemented the TickNextTick list out of synch fix.", "1.14.4-": "Implemented a fix for dismount positions.", "1.14.4-": "Fixed a crash caused by the use of a Java 14 compiler.", "1.14.4-": "Fixed some window icons not loading properly.", "1.14.4-": "Attempted a read timeout fix.", "1.14.4-": "Fixed the Toggle Narrator keybind.", "1.14.4-": "Added a configuration option to change the framerate limit step size.", "1.14.4-": "Fixed the configuration not loading on the server.", "1.14.4-": "The window icon is now correctly resized.\nFixed some issues regarding configuration reloading.", "1.14.4-": "Updated the configuration library.\nRandomPatches now sets the correct Forge read timeout system property.", "1.14.4-": "Fixed integers not converting to doubles in the configuration.", "1.14.4-": "Improved the Toggle Narrator keybind.\nThe Dismount keybind no longer displays as conflicting with the Sneak keybind.", "1.14.4-": "Invalid configurations are now regenerated automatically.", "1.14.4-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.14.4-": "Implemented a makeshift configuration.", "1.14.4-": "Disabled a testing option.", "1.14.4-": "Updated to 1.14.4." }, "1.14.3": { "1.14.3-": "Fixed a recipe book crash.", "1.14.3-": "Implemented an invisible player model fix." }, "1.14.2": { "1.14.2-": "Optimized bamboo block rendering.", "1.14.2-": "Initial port to Minecraft 1.14.2." }, "1.13.2": { "1.13.2-": "Implemented an invisible player model fix.", "1.13.2-": "The \"TickNextTick out of synch\" fix attempt is now disabled", "1.13.2-": "Attempted a fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.13.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nImplemented particle fixes.\nIncreased the packet size limit.\nImplemented a dismount keybind which is separate from the sneak keybind.", "1.13.2-": "Initial port to Minecraft 1.13.2." }, "1.12.2": { "1.12.2-": "Normal and elytra movement speed limits can now be configured when Ice and Fire is installed.", "1.12.2-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.12.2-": "No longer errors when Bigger Packets Please is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Magma compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the TileEntityPiston patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire and Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented a fix for dismount positions.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed observers not being triggered when moved by a piston.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted a read tiemout fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the login timeout patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed LiteLoader not working.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash that occurs on older versions of Minecraft when the potion glint patch is disabled.", "1.12.2-": "Observers no longer send a signal when they are placed by default.\nFixed EigenCraft Unofficial Patch and Replay Mod compatibility.\nThe particle fixes are now compatible with CleanView and Dynamic Surroundings.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Hotfix.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nAdded a configuration option to change the framerate limit step size.", "1.12.2-": "Temporary fix for SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "The Dismount keybind no longer displays as conflicting with the Sneak keybind.\nThe Dismount keybind is now enabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Added a fix for MC-5694, which causes fast mining to sometimes only destroy blocks client-side only.\nAdded a fix for MC-54026, which causes blocks attached to slime blocks in some circumstances to create ghost blocks if a piston pushes the slime block.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between the smooth eye level change animation and Valkyrien Skies.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the transformer exclusion.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between BetterPortals and the smooth eye level change animation.", "1.12.2-": "The window icon and title configuration options now work alongside It's the little things.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented an invisible player model fix.\nFixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when LittleTiles is installed.\nHopefully fixed the window icons not working on Mac OS X.", "1.12.2-": "Optimized the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException fix and made it enabled by default.\nBackported the smooth eye level change animation from Minecraft 1.13 and newer.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when SpongeForge is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted another fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the End portal tweaks.\nThe \"TickNextTick out of synch\" fix attempt is now disabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the window icon configuration options.\nAttempted a fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nRemoved the Teleporter replacement patch.\nImplemented particle fixes.\nAdded a configuration option to change the packet size limit.\nImplemented a dismount keybind which is separate from the sneak keybind. It is disabled by default.\nConfiguration options no longer exist on versions of Minecraft they have no effect on.", "1.12.2-": "The potion glowing effect is now toggleable in-game.\nCustom window icons are now loaded earlier.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the faster language switching patch.\nChanged the End portal and End gateway break particle textures to obsidian to match Minecraft 1.13+.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ClassCastException related to the skull stacking fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed ReBind compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Switched to RandomLib for configuration handling, which means the configuration GUI now works on all supported versions of Minecraft.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility.\nFixed localizations on older versions of Minecraft.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the implementation of the skull stacking fix, potentially fixing a ConcurrentModificationException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException related to the skull stacking fix.\nFilled buckets can now replace Nether portals by default.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed issues related to the skull stacking fix.\nThe boat buoyancy patch now only affects boats that are under flowing water.\nImplemented a fix for MC-11944.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash introduced in 1.12.2-", "1.12.2-": "Implemented the skull stacking fix.\nFixed 1.11 compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Removed the portal renderer replacement.", "1.12.2-": "RandomPatches now also fixes End Gateway break particle textures.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Cubic Chunks compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Moved the Teleporter and portal renderer replacements back from RandomPatches Integration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility with the Golden Lasso from Extra Utilities 2 and similar items by storing entities' bounding boxes as relative instead of absolute.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Removed RandomPortals support.\nFixed a typo in the configuration.\nCode cleanup and refactor.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed End portal teleportation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Vertical End Portals compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nImplemented a fix for MC-2025.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed 1.8+ compatibility.\nImplemented a fix for MC-129057.\nAdded boat tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Added End portal tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Minor tweaks to configuration property comments.\nImproved an error message.", "1.12.2-": "An error message is now logged if an invalid fingerprint is detected.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Possible JustEnoughIDs compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nAdded an option to disable potion glints.", "1.12.2-": "Potential compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a NullPointerException related to the Toggle Narrator keybind.", "1.12.2-": "Potentially fixed a crash with AppleCore.", "1.12.2-": "Bug fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an issue regarding configuration reloading.\nAdded configuration options to force disable the transformation of specific classes.\nAdded options to configure the window title and icon.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash with Rebind Narrator.", "1.12.2-": "Readded 1.8+ compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge incompatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Readded /rpreloadclient.\nSeveral bug fixes and improvements.\nAdded the Toggle Narrator keybind.\nAdded the Minecart AI fix.", "1.12.2-": "Code refactor.\nImproved and reorganized the configuration.\nAdded a configuration GUI.\nRemoved /rpreloadclient.\nAdded configurable player speed limits.\nAdded faster language switching.\nThe logo now shows up in the mod list.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the fix of the read timeout implementation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the read timeout implementation and added an option to set the KeepAlive packet interval.\nRemoved the FMLNetworkHandler patch as it was completely unnecessary.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and code cleanup.\nAdded the option to force returning to the title screen on disconnect.\nAdded /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an error.", "1.12.2-": "Initial release." }, "1.12.1": { "1.12.2-": "Normal and elytra movement speed limits can now be configured when Ice and Fire is installed.", "1.12.2-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.12.2-": "No longer errors when Bigger Packets Please is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Magma compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the TileEntityPiston patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire and Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented a fix for dismount positions.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed observers not being triggered when moved by a piston.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted a read tiemout fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the login timeout patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed LiteLoader not working.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash that occurs on older versions of Minecraft when the potion glint patch is disabled.", "1.12.2-": "Observers no longer send a signal when they are placed by default.\nFixed EigenCraft Unofficial Patch and Replay Mod compatibility.\nThe particle fixes are now compatible with CleanView and Dynamic Surroundings.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Hotfix.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nAdded a configuration option to change the framerate limit step size.", "1.12.2-": "Temporary fix for SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "The Dismount keybind no longer displays as conflicting with the Sneak keybind.\nThe Dismount keybind is now enabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Added a fix for MC-5694, which causes fast mining to sometimes only destroy blocks client-side only.\nAdded a fix for MC-54026, which causes blocks attached to slime blocks in some circumstances to create ghost blocks if a piston pushes the slime block.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between the smooth eye level change animation and Valkyrien Skies.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the transformer exclusion.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between BetterPortals and the smooth eye level change animation.", "1.12.2-": "The window icon and title configuration options now work alongside It's the little things.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented an invisible player model fix.\nFixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when LittleTiles is installed.\nHopefully fixed the window icons not working on Mac OS X.", "1.12.2-": "Optimized the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException fix and made it enabled by default.\nBackported the smooth eye level change animation from Minecraft 1.13 and newer.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when SpongeForge is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted another fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the End portal tweaks.\nThe \"TickNextTick out of synch\" fix attempt is now disabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the window icon configuration options.\nAttempted a fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nRemoved the Teleporter replacement patch.\nImplemented particle fixes.\nAdded a configuration option to change the packet size limit.\nImplemented a dismount keybind which is separate from the sneak keybind. It is disabled by default.\nConfiguration options no longer exist on versions of Minecraft they have no effect on.", "1.12.2-": "The potion glowing effect is now toggleable in-game.\nCustom window icons are now loaded earlier.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the faster language switching patch.\nChanged the End portal and End gateway break particle textures to obsidian to match Minecraft 1.13+.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ClassCastException related to the skull stacking fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed ReBind compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Switched to RandomLib for configuration handling, which means the configuration GUI now works on all supported versions of Minecraft.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility.\nFixed localizations on older versions of Minecraft.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the implementation of the skull stacking fix, potentially fixing a ConcurrentModificationException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException related to the skull stacking fix.\nFilled buckets can now replace Nether portals by default.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed issues related to the skull stacking fix.\nThe boat buoyancy patch now only affects boats that are under flowing water.\nImplemented a fix for MC-11944.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash introduced in 1.12.2-", "1.12.2-": "Implemented the skull stacking fix.\nFixed 1.11 compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Removed the portal renderer replacement.", "1.12.2-": "RandomPatches now also fixes End Gateway break particle textures.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Cubic Chunks compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Moved the Teleporter and portal renderer replacements back from RandomPatches Integration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility with the Golden Lasso from Extra Utilities 2 and similar items by storing entities' bounding boxes as relative instead of absolute.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Removed RandomPortals support.\nFixed a typo in the configuration.\nCode cleanup and refactor.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed End portal teleportation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Vertical End Portals compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nImplemented a fix for MC-2025.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed 1.8+ compatibility.\nImplemented a fix for MC-129057.\nAdded boat tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Added End portal tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Minor tweaks to configuration property comments.\nImproved an error message.", "1.12.2-": "An error message is now logged if an invalid fingerprint is detected.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Possible JustEnoughIDs compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nAdded an option to disable potion glints.", "1.12.2-": "Potential compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a NullPointerException related to the Toggle Narrator keybind.", "1.12.2-": "Potentially fixed a crash with AppleCore.", "1.12.2-": "Bug fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an issue regarding configuration reloading.\nAdded configuration options to force disable the transformation of specific classes.\nAdded options to configure the window title and icon.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash with Rebind Narrator.", "1.12.2-": "Readded 1.8+ compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge incompatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Readded /rpreloadclient.\nSeveral bug fixes and improvements.\nAdded the Toggle Narrator keybind.\nAdded the Minecart AI fix.", "1.12.2-": "Code refactor.\nImproved and reorganized the configuration.\nAdded a configuration GUI.\nRemoved /rpreloadclient.\nAdded configurable player speed limits.\nAdded faster language switching.\nThe logo now shows up in the mod list.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the fix of the read timeout implementation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the read timeout implementation and added an option to set the KeepAlive packet interval.\nRemoved the FMLNetworkHandler patch as it was completely unnecessary.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and code cleanup.\nAdded the option to force returning to the title screen on disconnect.\nAdded /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an error.", "1.12.2-": "Initial release." }, "1.12": { "1.12.2-": "Normal and elytra movement speed limits can now be configured when Ice and Fire is installed.", "1.12.2-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.12.2-": "No longer errors when Bigger Packets Please is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Magma compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the TileEntityPiston patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire and Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented a fix for dismount positions.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed observers not being triggered when moved by a piston.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted a read tiemout fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the login timeout patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed LiteLoader not working.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash that occurs on older versions of Minecraft when the potion glint patch is disabled.", "1.12.2-": "Observers no longer send a signal when they are placed by default.\nFixed EigenCraft Unofficial Patch and Replay Mod compatibility.\nThe particle fixes are now compatible with CleanView and Dynamic Surroundings.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Hotfix.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nAdded a configuration option to change the framerate limit step size.", "1.12.2-": "Temporary fix for SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "The Dismount keybind no longer displays as conflicting with the Sneak keybind.\nThe Dismount keybind is now enabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Added a fix for MC-5694, which causes fast mining to sometimes only destroy blocks client-side only.\nAdded a fix for MC-54026, which causes blocks attached to slime blocks in some circumstances to create ghost blocks if a piston pushes the slime block.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between the smooth eye level change animation and Valkyrien Skies.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the transformer exclusion.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between BetterPortals and the smooth eye level change animation.", "1.12.2-": "The window icon and title configuration options now work alongside It's the little things.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented an invisible player model fix.\nFixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when LittleTiles is installed.\nHopefully fixed the window icons not working on Mac OS X.", "1.12.2-": "Optimized the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException fix and made it enabled by default.\nBackported the smooth eye level change animation from Minecraft 1.13 and newer.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when SpongeForge is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted another fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the End portal tweaks.\nThe \"TickNextTick out of synch\" fix attempt is now disabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the window icon configuration options.\nAttempted a fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nRemoved the Teleporter replacement patch.\nImplemented particle fixes.\nAdded a configuration option to change the packet size limit.\nImplemented a dismount keybind which is separate from the sneak keybind. It is disabled by default.\nConfiguration options no longer exist on versions of Minecraft they have no effect on.", "1.12.2-": "The potion glowing effect is now toggleable in-game.\nCustom window icons are now loaded earlier.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the faster language switching patch.\nChanged the End portal and End gateway break particle textures to obsidian to match Minecraft 1.13+.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ClassCastException related to the skull stacking fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed ReBind compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Switched to RandomLib for configuration handling, which means the configuration GUI now works on all supported versions of Minecraft.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility.\nFixed localizations on older versions of Minecraft.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the implementation of the skull stacking fix, potentially fixing a ConcurrentModificationException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException related to the skull stacking fix.\nFilled buckets can now replace Nether portals by default.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed issues related to the skull stacking fix.\nThe boat buoyancy patch now only affects boats that are under flowing water.\nImplemented a fix for MC-11944.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash introduced in 1.12.2-", "1.12.2-": "Implemented the skull stacking fix.\nFixed 1.11 compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Removed the portal renderer replacement.", "1.12.2-": "RandomPatches now also fixes End Gateway break particle textures.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Cubic Chunks compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Moved the Teleporter and portal renderer replacements back from RandomPatches Integration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility with the Golden Lasso from Extra Utilities 2 and similar items by storing entities' bounding boxes as relative instead of absolute.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Removed RandomPortals support.\nFixed a typo in the configuration.\nCode cleanup and refactor.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed End portal teleportation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Vertical End Portals compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nImplemented a fix for MC-2025.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed 1.8+ compatibility.\nImplemented a fix for MC-129057.\nAdded boat tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Added End portal tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Minor tweaks to configuration property comments.\nImproved an error message.", "1.12.2-": "An error message is now logged if an invalid fingerprint is detected.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Possible JustEnoughIDs compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nAdded an option to disable potion glints.", "1.12.2-": "Potential compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a NullPointerException related to the Toggle Narrator keybind.", "1.12.2-": "Potentially fixed a crash with AppleCore.", "1.12.2-": "Bug fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an issue regarding configuration reloading.\nAdded configuration options to force disable the transformation of specific classes.\nAdded options to configure the window title and icon.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash with Rebind Narrator.", "1.12.2-": "Readded 1.8+ compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge incompatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Readded /rpreloadclient.\nSeveral bug fixes and improvements.\nAdded the Toggle Narrator keybind.\nAdded the Minecart AI fix.", "1.12.2-": "Code refactor.\nImproved and reorganized the configuration.\nAdded a configuration GUI.\nRemoved /rpreloadclient.\nAdded configurable player speed limits.\nAdded faster language switching.\nThe logo now shows up in the mod list.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the fix of the read timeout implementation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the read timeout implementation and added an option to set the KeepAlive packet interval.\nRemoved the FMLNetworkHandler patch as it was completely unnecessary.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and code cleanup.\nAdded the option to force returning to the title screen on disconnect.\nAdded /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an error.", "1.12.2-": "Initial release." }, "1.11.2": { "1.12.2-": "Normal and elytra movement speed limits can now be configured when Ice and Fire is installed.", "1.12.2-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.12.2-": "No longer errors when Bigger Packets Please is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Magma compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the TileEntityPiston patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire and Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented a fix for dismount positions.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed observers not being triggered when moved by a piston.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted a read tiemout fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the login timeout patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed LiteLoader not working.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash that occurs on older versions of Minecraft when the potion glint patch is disabled.", "1.12.2-": "Observers no longer send a signal when they are placed by default.\nFixed EigenCraft Unofficial Patch and Replay Mod compatibility.\nThe particle fixes are now compatible with CleanView and Dynamic Surroundings.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Hotfix.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nAdded a configuration option to change the framerate limit step size.", "1.12.2-": "Temporary fix for SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "The Dismount keybind no longer displays as conflicting with the Sneak keybind.\nThe Dismount keybind is now enabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Added a fix for MC-5694, which causes fast mining to sometimes only destroy blocks client-side only.\nAdded a fix for MC-54026, which causes blocks attached to slime blocks in some circumstances to create ghost blocks if a piston pushes the slime block.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between the smooth eye level change animation and Valkyrien Skies.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the transformer exclusion.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between BetterPortals and the smooth eye level change animation.", "1.12.2-": "The window icon and title configuration options now work alongside It's the little things.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented an invisible player model fix.\nFixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when LittleTiles is installed.\nHopefully fixed the window icons not working on Mac OS X.", "1.12.2-": "Optimized the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException fix and made it enabled by default.\nBackported the smooth eye level change animation from Minecraft 1.13 and newer.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when SpongeForge is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted another fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the End portal tweaks.\nThe \"TickNextTick out of synch\" fix attempt is now disabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the window icon configuration options.\nAttempted a fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nRemoved the Teleporter replacement patch.\nImplemented particle fixes.\nAdded a configuration option to change the packet size limit.\nImplemented a dismount keybind which is separate from the sneak keybind. It is disabled by default.\nConfiguration options no longer exist on versions of Minecraft they have no effect on.", "1.12.2-": "The potion glowing effect is now toggleable in-game.\nCustom window icons are now loaded earlier.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the faster language switching patch.\nChanged the End portal and End gateway break particle textures to obsidian to match Minecraft 1.13+.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ClassCastException related to the skull stacking fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed ReBind compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Switched to RandomLib for configuration handling, which means the configuration GUI now works on all supported versions of Minecraft.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility.\nFixed localizations on older versions of Minecraft.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the implementation of the skull stacking fix, potentially fixing a ConcurrentModificationException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException related to the skull stacking fix.\nFilled buckets can now replace Nether portals by default.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed issues related to the skull stacking fix.\nThe boat buoyancy patch now only affects boats that are under flowing water.\nImplemented a fix for MC-11944.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash introduced in 1.12.2-", "1.12.2-": "Implemented the skull stacking fix.\nFixed 1.11 compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Removed the portal renderer replacement.", "1.12.2-": "RandomPatches now also fixes End Gateway break particle textures.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Cubic Chunks compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Moved the Teleporter and portal renderer replacements back from RandomPatches Integration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility with the Golden Lasso from Extra Utilities 2 and similar items by storing entities' bounding boxes as relative instead of absolute.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Removed RandomPortals support.\nFixed a typo in the configuration.\nCode cleanup and refactor.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed End portal teleportation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Vertical End Portals compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nImplemented a fix for MC-2025.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed 1.8+ compatibility.\nImplemented a fix for MC-129057.\nAdded boat tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Added End portal tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Minor tweaks to configuration property comments.\nImproved an error message.", "1.12.2-": "An error message is now logged if an invalid fingerprint is detected.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Possible JustEnoughIDs compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nAdded an option to disable potion glints.", "1.12.2-": "Potential compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a NullPointerException related to the Toggle Narrator keybind.", "1.12.2-": "Potentially fixed a crash with AppleCore.", "1.12.2-": "Bug fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an issue regarding configuration reloading.\nAdded configuration options to force disable the transformation of specific classes.\nAdded options to configure the window title and icon.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash with Rebind Narrator.", "1.12.2-": "Readded 1.8+ compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge incompatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Readded /rpreloadclient.\nSeveral bug fixes and improvements.\nAdded the Toggle Narrator keybind.\nAdded the Minecart AI fix.", "1.12.2-": "Code refactor.\nImproved and reorganized the configuration.\nAdded a configuration GUI.\nRemoved /rpreloadclient.\nAdded configurable player speed limits.\nAdded faster language switching.\nThe logo now shows up in the mod list.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the fix of the read timeout implementation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the read timeout implementation and added an option to set the KeepAlive packet interval.\nRemoved the FMLNetworkHandler patch as it was completely unnecessary.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and code cleanup.\nAdded the option to force returning to the title screen on disconnect.\nAdded /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an error.", "1.12.2-": "Initial release." }, "1.11": { "1.12.2-": "Normal and elytra movement speed limits can now be configured when Ice and Fire is installed.", "1.12.2-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.12.2-": "No longer errors when Bigger Packets Please is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Magma compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the TileEntityPiston patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire and Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented a fix for dismount positions.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed observers not being triggered when moved by a piston.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted a read tiemout fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the login timeout patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed LiteLoader not working.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash that occurs on older versions of Minecraft when the potion glint patch is disabled.", "1.12.2-": "Observers no longer send a signal when they are placed by default.\nFixed EigenCraft Unofficial Patch and Replay Mod compatibility.\nThe particle fixes are now compatible with CleanView and Dynamic Surroundings.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Hotfix.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nAdded a configuration option to change the framerate limit step size.", "1.12.2-": "Temporary fix for SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "The Dismount keybind no longer displays as conflicting with the Sneak keybind.\nThe Dismount keybind is now enabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Added a fix for MC-5694, which causes fast mining to sometimes only destroy blocks client-side only.\nAdded a fix for MC-54026, which causes blocks attached to slime blocks in some circumstances to create ghost blocks if a piston pushes the slime block.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between the smooth eye level change animation and Valkyrien Skies.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the transformer exclusion.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between BetterPortals and the smooth eye level change animation.", "1.12.2-": "The window icon and title configuration options now work alongside It's the little things.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented an invisible player model fix.\nFixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when LittleTiles is installed.\nHopefully fixed the window icons not working on Mac OS X.", "1.12.2-": "Optimized the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException fix and made it enabled by default.\nBackported the smooth eye level change animation from Minecraft 1.13 and newer.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when SpongeForge is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted another fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the End portal tweaks.\nThe \"TickNextTick out of synch\" fix attempt is now disabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the window icon configuration options.\nAttempted a fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nRemoved the Teleporter replacement patch.\nImplemented particle fixes.\nAdded a configuration option to change the packet size limit.\nImplemented a dismount keybind which is separate from the sneak keybind. It is disabled by default.\nConfiguration options no longer exist on versions of Minecraft they have no effect on.", "1.12.2-": "The potion glowing effect is now toggleable in-game.\nCustom window icons are now loaded earlier.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the faster language switching patch.\nChanged the End portal and End gateway break particle textures to obsidian to match Minecraft 1.13+.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ClassCastException related to the skull stacking fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed ReBind compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Switched to RandomLib for configuration handling, which means the configuration GUI now works on all supported versions of Minecraft.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility.\nFixed localizations on older versions of Minecraft.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the implementation of the skull stacking fix, potentially fixing a ConcurrentModificationException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException related to the skull stacking fix.\nFilled buckets can now replace Nether portals by default.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed issues related to the skull stacking fix.\nThe boat buoyancy patch now only affects boats that are under flowing water.\nImplemented a fix for MC-11944.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash introduced in 1.12.2-", "1.12.2-": "Implemented the skull stacking fix.\nFixed 1.11 compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Removed the portal renderer replacement.", "1.12.2-": "RandomPatches now also fixes End Gateway break particle textures.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Cubic Chunks compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Moved the Teleporter and portal renderer replacements back from RandomPatches Integration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility with the Golden Lasso from Extra Utilities 2 and similar items by storing entities' bounding boxes as relative instead of absolute.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Removed RandomPortals support.\nFixed a typo in the configuration.\nCode cleanup and refactor.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed End portal teleportation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Vertical End Portals compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nImplemented a fix for MC-2025.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed 1.8+ compatibility.\nImplemented a fix for MC-129057.\nAdded boat tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Added End portal tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Minor tweaks to configuration property comments.\nImproved an error message.", "1.12.2-": "An error message is now logged if an invalid fingerprint is detected.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Possible JustEnoughIDs compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nAdded an option to disable potion glints.", "1.12.2-": "Potential compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a NullPointerException related to the Toggle Narrator keybind.", "1.12.2-": "Potentially fixed a crash with AppleCore.", "1.12.2-": "Bug fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an issue regarding configuration reloading.\nAdded configuration options to force disable the transformation of specific classes.\nAdded options to configure the window title and icon.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash with Rebind Narrator.", "1.12.2-": "Readded 1.8+ compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge incompatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Readded /rpreloadclient.\nSeveral bug fixes and improvements.\nAdded the Toggle Narrator keybind.\nAdded the Minecart AI fix.", "1.12.2-": "Code refactor.\nImproved and reorganized the configuration.\nAdded a configuration GUI.\nRemoved /rpreloadclient.\nAdded configurable player speed limits.\nAdded faster language switching.\nThe logo now shows up in the mod list.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the fix of the read timeout implementation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the read timeout implementation and added an option to set the KeepAlive packet interval.\nRemoved the FMLNetworkHandler patch as it was completely unnecessary.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and code cleanup.\nAdded the option to force returning to the title screen on disconnect.\nAdded /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an error.", "1.12.2-": "Initial release." }, "1.10.2": { "1.12.2-": "Normal and elytra movement speed limits can now be configured when Ice and Fire is installed.", "1.12.2-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.12.2-": "No longer errors when Bigger Packets Please is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Magma compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the TileEntityPiston patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire and Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented a fix for dismount positions.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed observers not being triggered when moved by a piston.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted a read tiemout fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the login timeout patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed LiteLoader not working.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash that occurs on older versions of Minecraft when the potion glint patch is disabled.", "1.12.2-": "Observers no longer send a signal when they are placed by default.\nFixed EigenCraft Unofficial Patch and Replay Mod compatibility.\nThe particle fixes are now compatible with CleanView and Dynamic Surroundings.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Hotfix.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nAdded a configuration option to change the framerate limit step size.", "1.12.2-": "Temporary fix for SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "The Dismount keybind no longer displays as conflicting with the Sneak keybind.\nThe Dismount keybind is now enabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Added a fix for MC-5694, which causes fast mining to sometimes only destroy blocks client-side only.\nAdded a fix for MC-54026, which causes blocks attached to slime blocks in some circumstances to create ghost blocks if a piston pushes the slime block.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between the smooth eye level change animation and Valkyrien Skies.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the transformer exclusion.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between BetterPortals and the smooth eye level change animation.", "1.12.2-": "The window icon and title configuration options now work alongside It's the little things.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented an invisible player model fix.\nFixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when LittleTiles is installed.\nHopefully fixed the window icons not working on Mac OS X.", "1.12.2-": "Optimized the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException fix and made it enabled by default.\nBackported the smooth eye level change animation from Minecraft 1.13 and newer.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when SpongeForge is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted another fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the End portal tweaks.\nThe \"TickNextTick out of synch\" fix attempt is now disabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the window icon configuration options.\nAttempted a fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nRemoved the Teleporter replacement patch.\nImplemented particle fixes.\nAdded a configuration option to change the packet size limit.\nImplemented a dismount keybind which is separate from the sneak keybind. It is disabled by default.\nConfiguration options no longer exist on versions of Minecraft they have no effect on.", "1.12.2-": "The potion glowing effect is now toggleable in-game.\nCustom window icons are now loaded earlier.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the faster language switching patch.\nChanged the End portal and End gateway break particle textures to obsidian to match Minecraft 1.13+.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ClassCastException related to the skull stacking fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed ReBind compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Switched to RandomLib for configuration handling, which means the configuration GUI now works on all supported versions of Minecraft.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility.\nFixed localizations on older versions of Minecraft.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the implementation of the skull stacking fix, potentially fixing a ConcurrentModificationException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException related to the skull stacking fix.\nFilled buckets can now replace Nether portals by default.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed issues related to the skull stacking fix.\nThe boat buoyancy patch now only affects boats that are under flowing water.\nImplemented a fix for MC-11944.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash introduced in 1.12.2-", "1.12.2-": "Implemented the skull stacking fix.\nFixed 1.11 compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Removed the portal renderer replacement.", "1.12.2-": "RandomPatches now also fixes End Gateway break particle textures.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Cubic Chunks compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Moved the Teleporter and portal renderer replacements back from RandomPatches Integration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility with the Golden Lasso from Extra Utilities 2 and similar items by storing entities' bounding boxes as relative instead of absolute.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Removed RandomPortals support.\nFixed a typo in the configuration.\nCode cleanup and refactor.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed End portal teleportation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Vertical End Portals compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nImplemented a fix for MC-2025.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed 1.8+ compatibility.\nImplemented a fix for MC-129057.\nAdded boat tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Added End portal tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Minor tweaks to configuration property comments.\nImproved an error message.", "1.12.2-": "An error message is now logged if an invalid fingerprint is detected.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Possible JustEnoughIDs compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nAdded an option to disable potion glints.", "1.12.2-": "Potential compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a NullPointerException related to the Toggle Narrator keybind.", "1.12.2-": "Potentially fixed a crash with AppleCore.", "1.12.2-": "Bug fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an issue regarding configuration reloading.\nAdded configuration options to force disable the transformation of specific classes.\nAdded options to configure the window title and icon.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash with Rebind Narrator.", "1.12.2-": "Readded 1.8+ compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge incompatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Readded /rpreloadclient.\nSeveral bug fixes and improvements.\nAdded the Toggle Narrator keybind.\nAdded the Minecart AI fix.", "1.12.2-": "Code refactor.\nImproved and reorganized the configuration.\nAdded a configuration GUI.\nRemoved /rpreloadclient.\nAdded configurable player speed limits.\nAdded faster language switching.\nThe logo now shows up in the mod list.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the fix of the read timeout implementation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the read timeout implementation and added an option to set the KeepAlive packet interval.\nRemoved the FMLNetworkHandler patch as it was completely unnecessary.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and code cleanup.\nAdded the option to force returning to the title screen on disconnect.\nAdded /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an error.", "1.12.2-": "Initial release." }, "1.10": { "1.12.2-": "Normal and elytra movement speed limits can now be configured when Ice and Fire is installed.", "1.12.2-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.12.2-": "No longer errors when Bigger Packets Please is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Magma compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the TileEntityPiston patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire and Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented a fix for dismount positions.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed observers not being triggered when moved by a piston.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted a read tiemout fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the login timeout patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed LiteLoader not working.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash that occurs on older versions of Minecraft when the potion glint patch is disabled.", "1.12.2-": "Observers no longer send a signal when they are placed by default.\nFixed EigenCraft Unofficial Patch and Replay Mod compatibility.\nThe particle fixes are now compatible with CleanView and Dynamic Surroundings.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Hotfix.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nAdded a configuration option to change the framerate limit step size.", "1.12.2-": "Temporary fix for SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "The Dismount keybind no longer displays as conflicting with the Sneak keybind.\nThe Dismount keybind is now enabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Added a fix for MC-5694, which causes fast mining to sometimes only destroy blocks client-side only.\nAdded a fix for MC-54026, which causes blocks attached to slime blocks in some circumstances to create ghost blocks if a piston pushes the slime block.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between the smooth eye level change animation and Valkyrien Skies.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the transformer exclusion.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between BetterPortals and the smooth eye level change animation.", "1.12.2-": "The window icon and title configuration options now work alongside It's the little things.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented an invisible player model fix.\nFixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when LittleTiles is installed.\nHopefully fixed the window icons not working on Mac OS X.", "1.12.2-": "Optimized the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException fix and made it enabled by default.\nBackported the smooth eye level change animation from Minecraft 1.13 and newer.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when SpongeForge is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted another fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the End portal tweaks.\nThe \"TickNextTick out of synch\" fix attempt is now disabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the window icon configuration options.\nAttempted a fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nRemoved the Teleporter replacement patch.\nImplemented particle fixes.\nAdded a configuration option to change the packet size limit.\nImplemented a dismount keybind which is separate from the sneak keybind. It is disabled by default.\nConfiguration options no longer exist on versions of Minecraft they have no effect on.", "1.12.2-": "The potion glowing effect is now toggleable in-game.\nCustom window icons are now loaded earlier.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the faster language switching patch.\nChanged the End portal and End gateway break particle textures to obsidian to match Minecraft 1.13+.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ClassCastException related to the skull stacking fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed ReBind compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Switched to RandomLib for configuration handling, which means the configuration GUI now works on all supported versions of Minecraft.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility.\nFixed localizations on older versions of Minecraft.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the implementation of the skull stacking fix, potentially fixing a ConcurrentModificationException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException related to the skull stacking fix.\nFilled buckets can now replace Nether portals by default.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed issues related to the skull stacking fix.\nThe boat buoyancy patch now only affects boats that are under flowing water.\nImplemented a fix for MC-11944.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash introduced in 1.12.2-", "1.12.2-": "Implemented the skull stacking fix.\nFixed 1.11 compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Removed the portal renderer replacement.", "1.12.2-": "RandomPatches now also fixes End Gateway break particle textures.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Cubic Chunks compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Moved the Teleporter and portal renderer replacements back from RandomPatches Integration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility with the Golden Lasso from Extra Utilities 2 and similar items by storing entities' bounding boxes as relative instead of absolute.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Removed RandomPortals support.\nFixed a typo in the configuration.\nCode cleanup and refactor.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed End portal teleportation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Vertical End Portals compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nImplemented a fix for MC-2025.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed 1.8+ compatibility.\nImplemented a fix for MC-129057.\nAdded boat tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Added End portal tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Minor tweaks to configuration property comments.\nImproved an error message.", "1.12.2-": "An error message is now logged if an invalid fingerprint is detected.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Possible JustEnoughIDs compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nAdded an option to disable potion glints.", "1.12.2-": "Potential compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a NullPointerException related to the Toggle Narrator keybind.", "1.12.2-": "Potentially fixed a crash with AppleCore.", "1.12.2-": "Bug fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an issue regarding configuration reloading.\nAdded configuration options to force disable the transformation of specific classes.\nAdded options to configure the window title and icon.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash with Rebind Narrator.", "1.12.2-": "Readded 1.8+ compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge incompatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Readded /rpreloadclient.\nSeveral bug fixes and improvements.\nAdded the Toggle Narrator keybind.\nAdded the Minecart AI fix.", "1.12.2-": "Code refactor.\nImproved and reorganized the configuration.\nAdded a configuration GUI.\nRemoved /rpreloadclient.\nAdded configurable player speed limits.\nAdded faster language switching.\nThe logo now shows up in the mod list.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the fix of the read timeout implementation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the read timeout implementation and added an option to set the KeepAlive packet interval.\nRemoved the FMLNetworkHandler patch as it was completely unnecessary.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and code cleanup.\nAdded the option to force returning to the title screen on disconnect.\nAdded /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an error.", "1.12.2-": "Initial release." }, "1.9.4": { "1.12.2-": "Normal and elytra movement speed limits can now be configured when Ice and Fire is installed.", "1.12.2-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.12.2-": "No longer errors when Bigger Packets Please is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Magma compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the TileEntityPiston patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire and Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented a fix for dismount positions.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed observers not being triggered when moved by a piston.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted a read tiemout fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the login timeout patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed LiteLoader not working.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash that occurs on older versions of Minecraft when the potion glint patch is disabled.", "1.12.2-": "Observers no longer send a signal when they are placed by default.\nFixed EigenCraft Unofficial Patch and Replay Mod compatibility.\nThe particle fixes are now compatible with CleanView and Dynamic Surroundings.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Hotfix.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nAdded a configuration option to change the framerate limit step size.", "1.12.2-": "Temporary fix for SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "The Dismount keybind no longer displays as conflicting with the Sneak keybind.\nThe Dismount keybind is now enabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Added a fix for MC-5694, which causes fast mining to sometimes only destroy blocks client-side only.\nAdded a fix for MC-54026, which causes blocks attached to slime blocks in some circumstances to create ghost blocks if a piston pushes the slime block.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between the smooth eye level change animation and Valkyrien Skies.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the transformer exclusion.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between BetterPortals and the smooth eye level change animation.", "1.12.2-": "The window icon and title configuration options now work alongside It's the little things.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented an invisible player model fix.\nFixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when LittleTiles is installed.\nHopefully fixed the window icons not working on Mac OS X.", "1.12.2-": "Optimized the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException fix and made it enabled by default.\nBackported the smooth eye level change animation from Minecraft 1.13 and newer.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when SpongeForge is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted another fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the End portal tweaks.\nThe \"TickNextTick out of synch\" fix attempt is now disabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the window icon configuration options.\nAttempted a fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nRemoved the Teleporter replacement patch.\nImplemented particle fixes.\nAdded a configuration option to change the packet size limit.\nImplemented a dismount keybind which is separate from the sneak keybind. It is disabled by default.\nConfiguration options no longer exist on versions of Minecraft they have no effect on.", "1.12.2-": "The potion glowing effect is now toggleable in-game.\nCustom window icons are now loaded earlier.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the faster language switching patch.\nChanged the End portal and End gateway break particle textures to obsidian to match Minecraft 1.13+.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ClassCastException related to the skull stacking fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed ReBind compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Switched to RandomLib for configuration handling, which means the configuration GUI now works on all supported versions of Minecraft.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility.\nFixed localizations on older versions of Minecraft.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the implementation of the skull stacking fix, potentially fixing a ConcurrentModificationException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException related to the skull stacking fix.\nFilled buckets can now replace Nether portals by default.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed issues related to the skull stacking fix.\nThe boat buoyancy patch now only affects boats that are under flowing water.\nImplemented a fix for MC-11944.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash introduced in 1.12.2-", "1.12.2-": "Implemented the skull stacking fix.\nFixed 1.11 compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Removed the portal renderer replacement.", "1.12.2-": "RandomPatches now also fixes End Gateway break particle textures.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Cubic Chunks compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Moved the Teleporter and portal renderer replacements back from RandomPatches Integration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility with the Golden Lasso from Extra Utilities 2 and similar items by storing entities' bounding boxes as relative instead of absolute.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Removed RandomPortals support.\nFixed a typo in the configuration.\nCode cleanup and refactor.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed End portal teleportation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Vertical End Portals compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nImplemented a fix for MC-2025.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed 1.8+ compatibility.\nImplemented a fix for MC-129057.\nAdded boat tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Added End portal tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Minor tweaks to configuration property comments.\nImproved an error message.", "1.12.2-": "An error message is now logged if an invalid fingerprint is detected.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Possible JustEnoughIDs compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nAdded an option to disable potion glints.", "1.12.2-": "Potential compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a NullPointerException related to the Toggle Narrator keybind.", "1.12.2-": "Potentially fixed a crash with AppleCore.", "1.12.2-": "Bug fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an issue regarding configuration reloading.\nAdded configuration options to force disable the transformation of specific classes.\nAdded options to configure the window title and icon.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash with Rebind Narrator.", "1.12.2-": "Readded 1.8+ compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an error.", "1.12.2-": "Initial release." }, "1.9": { "1.12.2-": "Normal and elytra movement speed limits can now be configured when Ice and Fire is installed.", "1.12.2-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.12.2-": "No longer errors when Bigger Packets Please is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Magma compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the TileEntityPiston patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire and Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented a fix for dismount positions.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed observers not being triggered when moved by a piston.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted a read tiemout fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the login timeout patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed LiteLoader not working.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash that occurs on older versions of Minecraft when the potion glint patch is disabled.", "1.12.2-": "Observers no longer send a signal when they are placed by default.\nFixed EigenCraft Unofficial Patch and Replay Mod compatibility.\nThe particle fixes are now compatible with CleanView and Dynamic Surroundings.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Hotfix.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nAdded a configuration option to change the framerate limit step size.", "1.12.2-": "Temporary fix for SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "The Dismount keybind no longer displays as conflicting with the Sneak keybind.\nThe Dismount keybind is now enabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Added a fix for MC-5694, which causes fast mining to sometimes only destroy blocks client-side only.\nAdded a fix for MC-54026, which causes blocks attached to slime blocks in some circumstances to create ghost blocks if a piston pushes the slime block.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between the smooth eye level change animation and Valkyrien Skies.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the transformer exclusion.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between BetterPortals and the smooth eye level change animation.", "1.12.2-": "The window icon and title configuration options now work alongside It's the little things.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented an invisible player model fix.\nFixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when LittleTiles is installed.\nHopefully fixed the window icons not working on Mac OS X.", "1.12.2-": "Optimized the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException fix and made it enabled by default.\nBackported the smooth eye level change animation from Minecraft 1.13 and newer.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when SpongeForge is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted another fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the End portal tweaks.\nThe \"TickNextTick out of synch\" fix attempt is now disabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the window icon configuration options.\nAttempted a fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nRemoved the Teleporter replacement patch.\nImplemented particle fixes.\nAdded a configuration option to change the packet size limit.\nImplemented a dismount keybind which is separate from the sneak keybind. It is disabled by default.\nConfiguration options no longer exist on versions of Minecraft they have no effect on.", "1.12.2-": "The potion glowing effect is now toggleable in-game.\nCustom window icons are now loaded earlier.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the faster language switching patch.\nChanged the End portal and End gateway break particle textures to obsidian to match Minecraft 1.13+.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ClassCastException related to the skull stacking fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed ReBind compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Switched to RandomLib for configuration handling, which means the configuration GUI now works on all supported versions of Minecraft.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility.\nFixed localizations on older versions of Minecraft.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the implementation of the skull stacking fix, potentially fixing a ConcurrentModificationException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException related to the skull stacking fix.\nFilled buckets can now replace Nether portals by default.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed issues related to the skull stacking fix.\nThe boat buoyancy patch now only affects boats that are under flowing water.\nImplemented a fix for MC-11944.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash introduced in 1.12.2-", "1.12.2-": "Implemented the skull stacking fix.\nFixed 1.11 compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Removed the portal renderer replacement.", "1.12.2-": "RandomPatches now also fixes End Gateway break particle textures.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Cubic Chunks compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Moved the Teleporter and portal renderer replacements back from RandomPatches Integration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility with the Golden Lasso from Extra Utilities 2 and similar items by storing entities' bounding boxes as relative instead of absolute.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Removed RandomPortals support.\nFixed a typo in the configuration.\nCode cleanup and refactor.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed End portal teleportation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Vertical End Portals compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nImplemented a fix for MC-2025.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed 1.8+ compatibility.\nImplemented a fix for MC-129057.\nAdded boat tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Added End portal tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Minor tweaks to configuration property comments.\nImproved an error message.", "1.12.2-": "An error message is now logged if an invalid fingerprint is detected.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Possible JustEnoughIDs compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nAdded an option to disable potion glints.", "1.12.2-": "Potential compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a NullPointerException related to the Toggle Narrator keybind.", "1.12.2-": "Potentially fixed a crash with AppleCore.", "1.12.2-": "Bug fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an issue regarding configuration reloading.\nAdded configuration options to force disable the transformation of specific classes.\nAdded options to configure the window title and icon.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash with Rebind Narrator.", "1.12.2-": "Readded 1.8+ compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an error.", "1.12.2-": "Initial release." }, "1.8.9": { "1.12.2-": "Normal and elytra movement speed limits can now be configured when Ice and Fire is installed.", "1.12.2-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.12.2-": "No longer errors when Bigger Packets Please is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Magma compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the TileEntityPiston patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire and Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented a fix for dismount positions.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed observers not being triggered when moved by a piston.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted a read tiemout fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the login timeout patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed LiteLoader not working.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash that occurs on older versions of Minecraft when the potion glint patch is disabled.", "1.12.2-": "Observers no longer send a signal when they are placed by default.\nFixed EigenCraft Unofficial Patch and Replay Mod compatibility.\nThe particle fixes are now compatible with CleanView and Dynamic Surroundings.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Hotfix.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nAdded a configuration option to change the framerate limit step size.", "1.12.2-": "Temporary fix for SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "The Dismount keybind no longer displays as conflicting with the Sneak keybind.\nThe Dismount keybind is now enabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Added a fix for MC-5694, which causes fast mining to sometimes only destroy blocks client-side only.\nAdded a fix for MC-54026, which causes blocks attached to slime blocks in some circumstances to create ghost blocks if a piston pushes the slime block.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between the smooth eye level change animation and Valkyrien Skies.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the transformer exclusion.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between BetterPortals and the smooth eye level change animation.", "1.12.2-": "The window icon and title configuration options now work alongside It's the little things.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented an invisible player model fix.\nFixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when LittleTiles is installed.\nHopefully fixed the window icons not working on Mac OS X.", "1.12.2-": "Optimized the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException fix and made it enabled by default.\nBackported the smooth eye level change animation from Minecraft 1.13 and newer.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when SpongeForge is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted another fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the End portal tweaks.\nThe \"TickNextTick out of synch\" fix attempt is now disabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the window icon configuration options.\nAttempted a fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nRemoved the Teleporter replacement patch.\nImplemented particle fixes.\nAdded a configuration option to change the packet size limit.\nImplemented a dismount keybind which is separate from the sneak keybind. It is disabled by default.\nConfiguration options no longer exist on versions of Minecraft they have no effect on.", "1.12.2-": "The potion glowing effect is now toggleable in-game.\nCustom window icons are now loaded earlier.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the faster language switching patch.\nChanged the End portal and End gateway break particle textures to obsidian to match Minecraft 1.13+.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ClassCastException related to the skull stacking fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed ReBind compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Switched to RandomLib for configuration handling, which means the configuration GUI now works on all supported versions of Minecraft.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility.\nFixed localizations on older versions of Minecraft.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the implementation of the skull stacking fix, potentially fixing a ConcurrentModificationException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException related to the skull stacking fix.\nFilled buckets can now replace Nether portals by default.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed issues related to the skull stacking fix.\nThe boat buoyancy patch now only affects boats that are under flowing water.\nImplemented a fix for MC-11944.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash introduced in 1.12.2-", "1.12.2-": "Implemented the skull stacking fix.\nFixed 1.11 compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Removed the portal renderer replacement.", "1.12.2-": "RandomPatches now also fixes End Gateway break particle textures.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Cubic Chunks compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Moved the Teleporter and portal renderer replacements back from RandomPatches Integration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility with the Golden Lasso from Extra Utilities 2 and similar items by storing entities' bounding boxes as relative instead of absolute.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Removed RandomPortals support.\nFixed a typo in the configuration.\nCode cleanup and refactor.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed End portal teleportation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Vertical End Portals compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nImplemented a fix for MC-2025.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed 1.8+ compatibility.\nImplemented a fix for MC-129057.\nAdded boat tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Added End portal tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Minor tweaks to configuration property comments.\nImproved an error message.", "1.12.2-": "An error message is now logged if an invalid fingerprint is detected.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Possible JustEnoughIDs compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nAdded an option to disable potion glints.", "1.12.2-": "Potential compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a NullPointerException related to the Toggle Narrator keybind.", "1.12.2-": "Potentially fixed a crash with AppleCore.", "1.12.2-": "Bug fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an issue regarding configuration reloading.\nAdded configuration options to force disable the transformation of specific classes.\nAdded options to configure the window title and icon.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash with Rebind Narrator.", "1.12.2-": "Readded 1.8+ compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an error.", "1.12.2-": "Initial release." }, "1.8.8": { "1.12.2-": "Normal and elytra movement speed limits can now be configured when Ice and Fire is installed.", "1.12.2-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.12.2-": "No longer errors when Bigger Packets Please is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Magma compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the TileEntityPiston patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire and Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented a fix for dismount positions.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed observers not being triggered when moved by a piston.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted a read tiemout fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the login timeout patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed LiteLoader not working.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash that occurs on older versions of Minecraft when the potion glint patch is disabled.", "1.12.2-": "Observers no longer send a signal when they are placed by default.\nFixed EigenCraft Unofficial Patch and Replay Mod compatibility.\nThe particle fixes are now compatible with CleanView and Dynamic Surroundings.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Hotfix.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nAdded a configuration option to change the framerate limit step size.", "1.12.2-": "Temporary fix for SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "The Dismount keybind no longer displays as conflicting with the Sneak keybind.\nThe Dismount keybind is now enabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Added a fix for MC-5694, which causes fast mining to sometimes only destroy blocks client-side only.\nAdded a fix for MC-54026, which causes blocks attached to slime blocks in some circumstances to create ghost blocks if a piston pushes the slime block.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between the smooth eye level change animation and Valkyrien Skies.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the transformer exclusion.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between BetterPortals and the smooth eye level change animation.", "1.12.2-": "The window icon and title configuration options now work alongside It's the little things.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented an invisible player model fix.\nFixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when LittleTiles is installed.\nHopefully fixed the window icons not working on Mac OS X.", "1.12.2-": "Optimized the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException fix and made it enabled by default.\nBackported the smooth eye level change animation from Minecraft 1.13 and newer.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when SpongeForge is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted another fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the End portal tweaks.\nThe \"TickNextTick out of synch\" fix attempt is now disabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the window icon configuration options.\nAttempted a fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nRemoved the Teleporter replacement patch.\nImplemented particle fixes.\nAdded a configuration option to change the packet size limit.\nImplemented a dismount keybind which is separate from the sneak keybind. It is disabled by default.\nConfiguration options no longer exist on versions of Minecraft they have no effect on.", "1.12.2-": "The potion glowing effect is now toggleable in-game.\nCustom window icons are now loaded earlier.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the faster language switching patch.\nChanged the End portal and End gateway break particle textures to obsidian to match Minecraft 1.13+.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ClassCastException related to the skull stacking fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed ReBind compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Switched to RandomLib for configuration handling, which means the configuration GUI now works on all supported versions of Minecraft.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility.\nFixed localizations on older versions of Minecraft.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the implementation of the skull stacking fix, potentially fixing a ConcurrentModificationException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException related to the skull stacking fix.\nFilled buckets can now replace Nether portals by default.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed issues related to the skull stacking fix.\nThe boat buoyancy patch now only affects boats that are under flowing water.\nImplemented a fix for MC-11944.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash introduced in 1.12.2-", "1.12.2-": "Implemented the skull stacking fix.\nFixed 1.11 compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Removed the portal renderer replacement.", "1.12.2-": "RandomPatches now also fixes End Gateway break particle textures.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Cubic Chunks compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Moved the Teleporter and portal renderer replacements back from RandomPatches Integration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility with the Golden Lasso from Extra Utilities 2 and similar items by storing entities' bounding boxes as relative instead of absolute.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Removed RandomPortals support.\nFixed a typo in the configuration.\nCode cleanup and refactor.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed End portal teleportation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Vertical End Portals compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nImplemented a fix for MC-2025.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed 1.8+ compatibility.\nImplemented a fix for MC-129057.\nAdded boat tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Added End portal tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Minor tweaks to configuration property comments.\nImproved an error message.", "1.12.2-": "An error message is now logged if an invalid fingerprint is detected.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Possible JustEnoughIDs compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nAdded an option to disable potion glints.", "1.12.2-": "Potential compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a NullPointerException related to the Toggle Narrator keybind.", "1.12.2-": "Potentially fixed a crash with AppleCore.", "1.12.2-": "Bug fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an issue regarding configuration reloading.\nAdded configuration options to force disable the transformation of specific classes.\nAdded options to configure the window title and icon.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash with Rebind Narrator.", "1.12.2-": "Readded 1.8+ compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an error.", "1.12.2-": "Initial release." }, "1.8": { "1.12.2-": "Normal and elytra movement speed limits can now be configured when Ice and Fire is installed.", "1.12.2-": "The default login timeout is now 1800 ticks (90 seconds).", "1.12.2-": "No longer errors when Bigger Packets Please is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed CatServer compatibility with the ItemBucket patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Magma compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the TileEntityPiston patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire and Quark compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented a fix for dismount positions.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed observers not being triggered when moved by a piston.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted a read tiemout fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the login timeout patch.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed LiteLoader not working.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash that occurs on older versions of Minecraft when the potion glint patch is disabled.", "1.12.2-": "Observers no longer send a signal when they are placed by default.\nFixed EigenCraft Unofficial Patch and Replay Mod compatibility.\nThe particle fixes are now compatible with CleanView and Dynamic Surroundings.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Hotfix.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nAdded a configuration option to change the framerate limit step size.", "1.12.2-": "Temporary fix for SpongeForge compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "The Dismount keybind no longer displays as conflicting with the Sneak keybind.\nThe Dismount keybind is now enabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Added a fix for MC-5694, which causes fast mining to sometimes only destroy blocks client-side only.\nAdded a fix for MC-54026, which causes blocks attached to slime blocks in some circumstances to create ghost blocks if a piston pushes the slime block.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Ice and Fire compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between the smooth eye level change animation and Valkyrien Skies.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the transformer exclusion.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility between BetterPortals and the smooth eye level change animation.", "1.12.2-": "The window icon and title configuration options now work alongside It's the little things.", "1.12.2-": "Implemented an invisible player model fix.\nFixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when LittleTiles is installed.\nHopefully fixed the window icons not working on Mac OS X.", "1.12.2-": "Optimized the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException fix and made it enabled by default.\nBackported the smooth eye level change animation from Minecraft 1.13 and newer.", "1.12.2-": "The packet size limit patch no longer loads when SpongeForge is installed.", "1.12.2-": "Attempted another fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the End portal tweaks.\nThe \"TickNextTick out of synch\" fix attempt is now disabled by default.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the window icon configuration options.\nAttempted a fix for the \"TickNextTick out of synch\" IllegalStateException.", "1.12.2-": "Minor fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nRemoved the Teleporter replacement patch.\nImplemented particle fixes.\nAdded a configuration option to change the packet size limit.\nImplemented a dismount keybind which is separate from the sneak keybind. It is disabled by default.\nConfiguration options no longer exist on versions of Minecraft they have no effect on.", "1.12.2-": "The potion glowing effect is now toggleable in-game.\nCustom window icons are now loaded earlier.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility again.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed the faster language switching patch.\nChanged the End portal and End gateway break particle textures to obsidian to match Minecraft 1.13+.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ClassCastException related to the skull stacking fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed ReBind compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Switched to RandomLib for configuration handling, which means the configuration GUI now works on all supported versions of Minecraft.\nFixed 1.8 compatibility.\nFixed localizations on older versions of Minecraft.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the implementation of the skull stacking fix, potentially fixing a ConcurrentModificationException.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException related to the skull stacking fix.\nFilled buckets can now replace Nether portals by default.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed issues related to the skull stacking fix.\nThe boat buoyancy patch now only affects boats that are under flowing water.\nImplemented a fix for MC-11944.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash introduced in 1.12.2-", "1.12.2-": "Implemented the skull stacking fix.\nFixed 1.11 compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Removed the portal renderer replacement.", "1.12.2-": "RandomPatches now also fixes End Gateway break particle textures.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Cubic Chunks compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Moved the Teleporter and portal renderer replacements back from RandomPatches Integration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed compatibility with the Golden Lasso from Extra Utilities 2 and similar items by storing entities' bounding boxes as relative instead of absolute.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Improved the configuration.", "1.12.2-": "Removed RandomPortals support.\nFixed a typo in the configuration.\nCode cleanup and refactor.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed End portal teleportation.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed Vertical End Portals compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Refactor.\nImplemented a fix for MC-2025.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed 1.8+ compatibility.\nImplemented a fix for MC-129057.\nAdded boat tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Added End portal tweaks.", "1.12.2-": "Minor tweaks to configuration property comments.\nImproved an error message.", "1.12.2-": "An error message is now logged if an invalid fingerprint is detected.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed /rpreload and /rpreloadclient.", "1.12.2-": "Possible JustEnoughIDs compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a server crash.", "1.12.2-": "Cleaned up the code.\nAdded an option to disable potion glints.", "1.12.2-": "Potential compatibility fix.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a NullPointerException related to the Toggle Narrator keybind.", "1.12.2-": "Potentially fixed a crash with AppleCore.", "1.12.2-": "Bug fixes and improvements.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an issue regarding configuration reloading.\nAdded configuration options to force disable the transformation of specific classes.\nAdded options to configure the window title and icon.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed a crash with Rebind Narrator.", "1.12.2-": "Readded 1.8+ compatibility.", "1.12.2-": "Fixed an error.", "1.12.2-": "Initial release." }, "promos": { "1.16.5-latest": "2.4.4-forge", "1.16.5-recommended": "2.4.4-forge", "1.16.4-latest": "2.4.4-forge", "1.16.4-recommended": "2.4.4-forge", "1.16.3-latest": "2.4.4-forge", "1.16.3-recommended": "2.4.4-forge", "1.16.2-latest": "2.4.4-forge", "1.16.2-recommended": "2.4.4-forge", "1.16.1-latest": "2.4.4-forge", "1.16.1-recommended": "2.4.4-forge", "1.15.2-latest": "1.15.2-", "1.15.2-recommended": "1.15.2-", "1.14.4-latest": "1.14.4-", "1.14.4-recommended": "1.14.4-", "1.14.3-latest": "1.14.3-", "1.14.3-recommended": "1.14.3-", "1.14.2-latest": "1.14.2-", "1.14.2-recommended": "1.14.2-", "1.13.2-latest": "1.13.2-", "1.13.2-recommended": "1.13.2-", "1.12.2-latest": "1.12.2-", "1.12.2-recommended": "1.12.2-", "1.12-latest": "1.12.2-", "1.12-recommended": "1.12.2-", "1.11.2-latest": "1.12.2-", "1.11.2-recommended": "1.12.2-", "1.11-latest": "1.12.2-", "1.11-recommended": "1.12.2-", "1.10.2-latest": "1.12.2-", "1.10.2-recommended": "1.12.2-", "1.10-latest": "1.12.2-", "1.10-recommended": "1.12.2-", "1.9.4-latest": "1.12.2-", "1.9.4-recommended": "1.12.2-", "1.9-latest": "1.12.2-", "1.9-recommended": "1.12.2-", "1.8.9-latest": "1.12.2-", "1.8.9-recommended": "1.12.2-", "1.8.8-latest": "1.12.2-", "1.8.8-recommended": "1.12.2-", "1.8-latest": "1.12.2-", "1.8-recommended": "1.12.2-" } }