EARTHBOUND BEGINNINGS MUSIC FORMAT ADDENDUM v0.2 By Justin Olbrantz (Quantam) The permanent home of this specification and others, with the latest updates, is This document is an addendum to the Mother Music Format specification. While that specification was based on the Japanese original, this addendum covers EarthBound Beginnings, the official English version on the Virtual Console which is identical to the older leaked English prototype commonly known as EarthBound Zero. For the most part the audio systems of the Japanese and English versions are identical (apart from things being at different addresses), though the English version has a couple noteworthy differences. EBB is a throwback to the bad old days of Metroid, where music code and data is duplicated in multiple ROM banks (not to be confused with track banks), though unlike Metroid in EBB the code and data do NOT have the same addresses across banks, nor are they entirely identical. EBB adds 3 new tracks to the game: 1 track resembling Giegue's Cry of unknown usage and 2 tracks that make up the new ending to the game, replacing the ending music of the original. Apparently this new ending required a new ROM bank, resulting in all the music code and global data being copied to it; however, the 2 ROM banks have completely unique music tracks and different note length and volume envelope tables. Confusingly, while 2 of the 3 new tracks are assigned the unique track numbers $32 and $33, the third is assigned to EVERY track number in the ending ROM bank from 1-$31 (the numbers of the original Mother tracks found in the other bank); for clarity let's call this "track X". In an attempt to cut down on confusion, this document is divided into 2 halves: Normal Music and Ending Music. My hope is that explicitly separating the 2 copies of all the structures will minimize the chance of confusing addresses between the 2 banks. NORMAL MUSIC The normal music bank holds all of the original Mother music plus 1 new track and 1 new envelope. All the other data is identical to Mother, but the locations in the ROM are different. Bank Configuration: $8000-$9fff: Bank $1c $a000-$bfff: Bank $1d File offsets = address + $30010. 1c:9074 byte[$68?]: Note length table in frames Code to load the current length for notes: 8D42 LDA $9074,Y Code to limit the triangle auto-release length to 15 frames ($3c quarter-frames) when in dynamic auto-release mode: 8E0B CMP #$3C 8E0D BCC $8E11 8E0F LDA #$3C 1c:8fea big-endian word[$43]: Key pitch table, in period register units. For square wave channels, period = 1789773 / frequency / 16 - 1 (triangle channel is 1 octave lower). Entry 1 must be 0 as it is rest. Code to load the period for a melodic key: 8D5E LDA $8FEB,Y ... 8D79 LDA $8FEB,Y 8D7C STA $0780,X 8D7F LDA $8FEA,Y 8D82 ORA #$08 8D84 STA $0781,X 1c:89a7 byte[$1f?]: Noise presets table. Data actually starts at offset 1 ($89a8), and is NOT an array, as some entries overlap. The first byte should always be $10 as preset 1 is rest. Code to play a noise preset: 8E2B LDA $89A7,Y 8E2E STA NoiseVolume_400C 8E31 LDA $89A8,Y 8E34 STA NoisePeriod_400E 8E37 LDA $89A9,Y 8E3A STA NoiseLength_400F Code to play a DMC preset if any: 8E3E TYA 8E3F AND #$C0 8E41 CMP #$40 8E43 BEQ $8E4A 8E45 CMP #$80 8E47 BEQ $8E54 8E49 RTS 8E4A LDA #$0E 8E4C STA $B1 8E4E LDA #$07 8E50 LDY #$00 8E52 BEQ $8E5C 8E54 LDA #$0E 8E56 STA $B1 8E58 LDA #$0F 8E5A LDY #$02 8E5C STA DmcLength_4013 8E5F STY DmcAddress_4012 8E62 LDA $07F7 8E65 BNE $8E7B 8E67 LDA $B1 8E69 STA DmcFreq_4010 8E6C LDA #$0F 8E6E STA ApuStatus_4015 8E71 LDA #$00 8E73 STA DmcCounter_4011 8E76 LDA #$1F 8E78 STA ApuStatus_4015 8E7B RTS 1c:8e85 word[$1c]: Volume envelope table. Indices are 0-based, unlike in the set timbre commands and the following table. The first $1b envelopes are identical to those in Mother, but are repeated here for convenience; however, EBB has 1 additional envelope not found in Mother, used by the new track. Envelope 1 @8ee9: 233456776554 ff Envelope 2 @8ef0: 5a9888776666655555 ff Envelope 3 @8f14: 111122223333444444455555556666777888 ff Envelope 4 @8f27: f987777766655544 ff Envelope 5 @8f30: a876 ff Envelope 6 @8f36: 99 ff Envelope 7 @8ee2: 235678888887 ff Envelope 8 @8f38: dcba998887765544 ff Envelope 9 @8f41: 2344333333333332 ff Envelope a @8f33: 7432 ff Envelope b @8f4a: 7776655544433221 f0 Envelope c @8f53: 44433332221111 f0 Envelope d @8f5b: 33332222111111 f0 Envelope e @8f63: 222222111111 f0 Envelope f @8f6a: 1111111111110100 f0 Envelope 10 @8f73: 998877766655544433333332222222222111111111111111 f0 Envelope 11 @8fbe: 23455544333322 ff Envelope 12 @8fc6: 87654321443321113221111121111111111111 ff Envelope 13 @8f8c: 6555544433333333222222221111111111111111 f0 Envelope 14 @8fda: 666542213221111121111111111111 ff Envelope 15 @8fa1: fbbaaa99999998887777776666665554444443333322222222111111 f0 Envelope 16 @8ebd: 7611111431 ff Envelope 17 @8efa: 111122223333444444455555556666777888765432 ff Envelope 18 @8ed9: 9876632287765311 f0 Envelope 19 @8ed2: 233332222222 ff Envelope 1a @8ec7: 91919191919191919191 f0 Envelope 1b @8ec3: 334566 ff Envelope 1c @8f10: 111122 ff Code to load a volume envelope address: 8BC0 LDA $8E85,Y 8BC3 STA $B2 8BC5 LDA $8E86,Y 8BC8 STA $B3 EBB has the same set of pitch envelopes as Mother: 89F6 LDA $B2 89F8 CMP #$31 89FA BNE $89FE 89FC LDA #$27 89FE TAY 89FF LDA $8A85,Y 8A02 PHA 8A03 LDA $07C3,X 8A06 CMP #$46 8A08 BNE $8A0F 8A0A PLA 8A0B LDA #$00 8A0D BEQ $8A6D 8A0F PLA 8A10 JMP $8A6D 8A13 LDA $B2 8A15 TAY 8A16 CMP #$10 8A18 BCS $8A20 8A1A LDA $8ABC,Y 8A1D JMP $8A73 8A20 LDA #$F6 8A22 BNE $8A73 8A24 LDA $07C3,X 8A27 CMP #$4C 8A29 BCC $8A2F 8A2B LDA #$FE 8A2D BNE $8A73 8A2F LDA #$FE 8A31 BNE $8A73 ... 8A33 LDA $07D1,X <- starts here 8A36 STA $B2 8A38 LDA $B0 8A3A CMP #$20 8A3C BEQ $8A52 8A3E CMP #$A0 8A40 BEQ $8A61 8A42 CMP #$60 8A44 BEQ $8A24 8A46 CMP #$40 8A48 BEQ $8A13 8A4A CMP #$80 8A4C BEQ $89F6 8A4E CMP #$C0 8A50 BEQ $89F6 8A52 LDA $B2 8A54 CMP #$0A 8A56 BNE $8A5A 8A58 LDA #$00 8A5A TAY 8A5B LDA $8AB2,Y 8A5E JMP $8A6D 8A61 LDA $B2 8A63 CMP #$2B 8A65 BNE $8A69 8A67 LDA #$21 8A69 TAY 8A6A LDA $8A91,Y 8A6D PHA 8A6E TYA 8A6F STA $07D1,X 8A72 PLA 8A73 PHA 8A74 LDA $07C8,X 8A77 BNE $8A83 8A79 PLA 8A7A CLC 8A7B ADC $B1 8A7D LDY $BE 8A7F STA Sq0Timer_4002,Y 8A82 RTS 8A83 PLA 8A84 RTS The code that determines whether a given envelope has the triangle "forever" flag set: 8DF4 LDA $079C 8DF7 AND #$C0 8DF9 BNE $8DFE 8DFB TYA 8DFC BNE $8E06 8DFE CMP #$C0 8E00 BEQ $8DFB 8E02 LDA #$FF 1c:90dc byte[$18]: Low track header offset table. Indices are actually 0-based, unlike the numbers given. 1c:90f4 byte[$19]: High track header offset table 1c:910e struct[$18]: Low track header block 1c:91fe struct[$19]: High track header block 1c:92f8 struct: Track $32 header Track bank 0: Header offset table 90dc, header block base 910e: 1 Eight Melodies @910e: +24 +18 ffff ffff 76c ffff Triangle @ 76c: 9353 935a 9365 9370 937c 9388 9391 939e 93aa 0000 2 Battle Theme 1 @9118: +0 +28 93b2 93ba 93c4 93d6 Square 1 @93b2: 963b | 93de Square 2 @93ba: 964d | 94b4 94f7 Triangle @93c4: 965f | 9590 95a2 9590 9590 95a2 95d3 Noise @93d6: 9671 | 95ec 3 Battle Theme 2 @9122: +0 +28 9617 9621 962b 9633 Square 1 @9617: 963b | 9674 96b6 Square 2 @9621: 964d | 9695 975a Triangle @962b: 965f | 97c8 Noise @9633: 9671 | 9823 4 Battle Theme 3 @912c: +0 +28 9847 9851 985b 9867 Square 1 @9847: 963b | 9871 98a9 Square 2 @9851: 964d | 98bd 993e Triangle @985b: 965f | 9988 99a7 999c Noise @9867: 9671 | 99d4 99d4 5 Victory @9136: +0 +0 9a03 9a07 9a09 ffff Square 1 @9a03: 9a0b 0000 Square 2 @9a07: 9a1a Triangle @9a09: 9a29 6 Pollyanna (I Believe in You) @914a: +0 +35 9bb7 9bc1 9bcb 9bd3 Square 1 @9bb7: 9bdb | 9c54 9c98 Square 2 @9bc1: 9bfc | 9d3f 9d76 Triangle @9bcb: 9c1d | 9dae Noise @9bd3: 9c35 | 9ce8 7 Bein' Friends @9140: +0 +28 9e2d 9e39 9e45 9e51 Square 1 @9e2d: | 9e5d 9ed2 9ed2 9f6b Square 2 @9e39: | 9e84 9ef7 9ef7 9fc0 Triangle @9e45: | 9eb0 9f1b 9f1b a003 Noise @9e51: | 9ebe 9f57 9f57 a054 8 Advent Desert @9154: -2 +c 9a38 9a40 9a48 9a50 Square 1 @9a38: 9a58 | 9a74 Square 2 @9a40: 9a61 | 9ae6 Triangle @9a48: 9a6a | 9b93 Noise @9a50: 9a70 | 9bac 9 Magicant @915e: +0 +4c a12c a134 a13a a148 Square 1 @a12c: a14e | a158 Square 2 @a134: | a155 Triangle @a13a: | a1c4 a1d0 a1e1 a1e1 a1f2 Noise @a148: | a20a a Snow Man @9168: +0 +35 a21a a230 a236 ffff Square 1 @a21a: a2a6 | a2b0 a2d5 a2b0 a2fd a31b a335 a31b a349 Square 2 @a230: a2ac ffff a21c Square 2 @a21c: | a2b0 a2d5 a2b0 a2fd a31b a335 a31b a349 Triangle @a236: | a240 a240 a279 b Mount Itoi @9172: +0 +4c a36d a373 a379 a37f Square 1 @a36d: | a385 Square 2 @a373: | a39f Triangle @a379: | a3e8 Noise @a37f: | a416 c Factory @917c: +0 +35 a737 a72f a741 a749 Square 1 @a737: a7b0 | a75a a79d Square 2 @a72f: | a757 a79a Triangle @a741: | a7b6 a7bf Noise @a749: | a7d3 a7e6 a7f8 a7e6 a7fe d South Cemetery @9186: +0 +35 a425 a42d a435 a43d Square 1 @a425: a445 | a4a6 Square 2 @a42d: a45d | a4a3 Triangle @a435: a478 | a4ec Noise @a43d: a48b | a516 e Twinkle Elementary School @9190: +0 +18 a529 a52f a535 a53b Square 1 @a529: | a541 Square 2 @a52f: | a585 Triangle @a535: | a5b1 Noise @a53b: | a5d7 f Humoresque of a Little Dog @919a: +0 +18 a60e a616 a61c a622 Square 1 @a60e: a6ca | a62b Square 2 @a616: | a628 Triangle @a61c: | a6d0 Noise @a622: | a708 10 Poltergeist @91a4: -8 +18 a083 a08d a097 a0a1 Square 1 @a083: a0a9 | a0ae a0c4 Square 2 @a08d: a0cc | a0cc a0e7 Triangle @a097: a0ef | a0fa a108 Noise @a0a1: a111 | ae06 11 Basement @91ae: +0 +28 a811 a819 a825 a82d Square 1 @a811: a835 | a85a Square 2 @a819: a840 | a867 a85d a88a Triangle @a825: a84b | a895 Noise @a82d: a855 | a8ac 12 My Home @91b8: +2 +43 a995 a98f a99b a9a1 Square 1 @a995: | a9e2 Square 2 @a98f: | a9ac Triangle @a99b: | aa02 Noise @a9a1: | a9a7 13 Cave 2 @91c2: +0 +35 aa1c aa26 aa2e aa36 Square 1 @aa1c: aa5a aab3 | aabb Square 2 @aa26: aa3e | aa98 Triangle @aa2e: aa73 | aad3 Noise @aa36: aa8b | aaf5 14 The Paradise Line @91cc: +0 +18 bc45 bc59 bc65 bc79 Square 1 @bc45: bc81 | bd2a bd2a bd3e bd2a bd2a bd3e bd51 Square 2 @bc59: bcae | bd9b bd9b bdf9 Triangle @bc65: bccf | be43 be43 be51 be43 be43 be51 be5b Noise @bc79: bcfc | be7c 15 Fallin' Love @91d6: +0 +43 ab1e ab2c ab36 ab3c Square 1 @ab1e: | ab66 ab6e ab6a ab6e ab50 Square 2 @ab2c: ab42 | ab46 ab7d Triangle @ab36: | abb5 Noise @ab3c: | abc4 16 Mother Earth @91e0: +0 +28 bb29 bb23 bb2f bb35 Square 1 @bb29: | bb92 Square 2 @bb23: | bb3b Triangle @bb2f: | bc0d Noise @bb35: | bc3f 17 Tank @91ea: +0 +18 abe0 abf0 abfe ac06 Square 1 @abe0: | ac77 ac7f ac7f ac91 acec ac23 Square 2 @abf0: | acb3 acbb acbb accd ac0e Triangle @abfe: | ad9c ac3e Noise @ac06: | ade6 ac5b 18 Ruins of Desert @91f4: +0 +c a8b5 a8bd a8c3 ffff Square 1 @a8b5: | a8c9 a8d0 Square 2 @a8bd: | a8cd Triangle @a8c3: | a93b Track bank 1: Header offset table 90f4, header block base 91fe: 19 Queen Mary's Song @91fe: +0 +28 ae84 ae6c ffff ffff Square 1 @ae84: ae8e ffff ae6e Square 1 @ae6e: | 935a 9365 9370 937c 9388 9391 939e 93aa ae8a Square 2 @ae6c: ae94 | 935a 9365 9370 937c 9388 9391 939e 93aa ae8a 1a Wisdom of the World @9208: +0 +5a aefb af01 af07 ffff Square 1 @aefb: | af0d Square 2 @af01: | af69 Triangle @af07: | afca 1b Tombstone @9212: +24 +4c afff aff7 ffff ffff Square 1 @afff: b00b | 9d42 Square 2 @aff7: | b007 9d42 1c Game Over @921c: +0 +4c b012 b01a b022 ffff Square 1 @b012: b026 b02f ffff b01c Square 1 @b01c: | b039 Square 2 @b01a: b02c | b039 Triangle @b022: b049 0000 1d Big Victory @9226: +0 +18 b061 b065 b067 ffff Square 1 @b061: b069 0000 Square 2 @b065: b07b Triangle @b067: b08f 1e Airplane @9230: +0 +18 b992 b998 b99e b9b0 Square 1 @b992: | b9b8 Square 2 @b998: | b9f8 Triangle @b99e: | ba43 ba73 ba73 bae3 bb00 bae3 bb0a Noise @b9b0: | ba82 baa6 1f Level Up @923a: +6 +0 aec7 aed1 aed9 ffff Square 1 @aec7: b069 aee1 | aeec Square 2 @aed1: b07b | aee9 Triangle @aed9: b08f | aef8 20 Recovery @9244: -4 +18 ae98 ae9c ae9e ffff Square 1 @ae98: aea0 0000 Square 2 @ae9c: aead Triangle @ae9e: aeb9 21 Fanfare @924e: -4 +43 b438 b43c b43e ffff Square 1 @b438: b44c 0000 Square 2 @b43c: b440 Triangle @b43e: b459 22 Live House @9258: -8 +18 b09e b0a4 b0b0 b0bc Square 1 @b09e: | b0c2 Square 2 @b0a4: | b0de b0de b0f4 b0de Triangle @b0b0: | b107 b107 b11b b107 Noise @b0bc: | b12c 23 All That I Needed (Was You) @9262: +0 +18 b13c b152 b162 b174 Square 1 @b13c: b1df b1f3 b1f3 b238 b243 b243 b243 b268 b1f3 b238 b178 b1c8 Square 2 @b152: b1c8 b295 b2cf b295 b2d2 b295 b18c 0000 Triangle @b162: b1eb b340 b340 b35d b360 b360 b36d b340 b1b5 Noise @b174: b384 b3ab 24 Melody 1 - Doll @926c: +48 +28 9302 9306 ffff ffff Square 1 @9302: 9347 935a Square 2 @9306: 9357 0000 25 Melody 2 - Canary @9276: +24 +28 930a 930e ffff ffff Square 1 @930a: 934d 9365 Square 2 @930e: 9362 0000 26 Melody 3 - Monkey @9280: +0 +28 9312 9316 ffff ffff Square 1 @9312: 934d 9370 Square 2 @9316: 936d 0000 27 Melody 4 - Piano @928a: +0 +28 931a 931e ffff ffff Square 1 @931a: 9347 937c Square 2 @931e: 9379 0000 28 Melody 5 - Cactus @9294: +48 +28 9322 9326 ffff ffff Square 1 @9322: 934d 9388 Square 2 @9326: 9385 0000 29 Melody 6 - Dragon @929e: +24 +28 932a 932e ffff ffff Square 1 @932a: 934d 9391 Square 2 @932e: 938e 0000 2a Melody 7 - EVE @92a8: +48 +28 9332 9336 ffff ffff Square 1 @9332: 9347 939e Square 2 @9336: 939b 0000 2b Melody 8 - Tombstone @92b2: +24 +28 933a 933e ffff ffff Square 1 @933a: 934d 93aa Square 2 @933e: 93a7 0000 2c Giegue @92bc: +0 +43 b461 b467 ffff ffff Square 1 @b461: | b46d Square 2 @b467: | b473 2d Mother Ending @92c6: +0 +28 b825 b817 b839 b847 Square 1 @b825: b644 b896 b5e1 b6e6 b72c b78a b602 | b644 Square 2 @b817: b605 b855 b5cb b693 | b605 Triangle @b839: b689 b964 b5f8 b7a0 | b689 Noise @b847: b68e b988 b5fd b7e7 | b68e 2e Choucream Zoo @92d0: +0 +28 b479 b47f a827 a82f Square 1 @b479: | b485 Square 2 @b47f: | b48d Triangle @a827: | a895 Noise @a82f: | a8ac 2f Phone @92da: +0 +18 ffff b495 ffff ffff Square 2 @b495: | b49b 30 Youngtown @92e4: +0 +28 b4a3 b4a9 b4af ffff Square 1 @b4a3: | b4bb Square 2 @b4a9: | b4e7 Triangle @b4af: | b51c 31 Cave 1 @92ee: +0 +28 b556 b55e ffff ffff Square 1 @b556: b564 | b56d Square 2 @b55e: | b56a Track 1 (Eight Melodies) functions the same as it did in Mother: 1c:80e6 word[$a]: Base (0 melodies) track 1 triangle playlist 1c:8238 word[8]: Full (8 melodies) track 1 triangle playlist entries 1-8 The code to update the playlist based on the currently acquired melodies: 8248 LDA $761E 824B STA $B0 824D LDY #$00 824F BEQ $825D 8251 LDA #$42 8253 STA $076E,Y 8256 INY 8257 LDA #$93 8259 STA $076E,Y 825C INY 825D TYA 825E CMP #$10 8260 BEQ $8276 8262 LSR $B0 8264 BCC $8251 8266 LDA $8238,Y 8269 STA $076E,Y 826C INY 826D LDA $8238,Y 8270 STA $076E,Y 8273 INY 8274 BNE $825D 8276 RTS The code to never use pitch envelopes on track 1: 89CC LDA $07FD 89CF CMP #$01 89D1 BEQ $89F5 There is a very slight difference in block $ba43 of track $1e (Airplane): 2 E2 half notes were fused into a single whole note. As this is on the triangle channel and auto-release is disabled, this is probably inaudible. 32 Unknown @92f8: +0 +43 b580 b588 b590 b596 Square 1 @b580: b59c | b59f Square 2 @b588: b5a3 | b5a6 Triangle @b590: | b5aa Noise @b596: | b5bc Track $32 is unique to EBB. Although this track's header comes immediately after track $31's and could barely have fit in bank 1, it is not present in the header offset table and is hard-coded in the BeginTrack function: 8AF4 CMP #$32 8AF6 BEQ $8B06 ... 8B06 LDX #$00 8B08 LDY #$00 8B0A LDA $92F8,Y 8B0D STA $0790,X 8B10 INY 8B11 INX 8B12 TXA 8B13 CMP #$0A 8B15 BNE $8B0A Code to load a bank 0 track header: 8B1E LDA $90DC,Y 8B21 TAY 8B22 LDX #$00 8B24 LDA $910E,Y 8B27 STA $0790,X 8B2A INY 8B2B INX 8B2C TXA 8B2D CMP #$0A 8B2F BNE $8B24 Code to load a bank 1 track header: 8AD0 LDA $90F4,Y 8AD3 TAY 8AD4 LDX #$00 8AD6 LDA $91FE,Y 8AD9 STA $0790,X 8ADC INY 8ADD INX 8ADE TXA 8ADF CMP #$0A 8AE1 BNE $8AD6 ENDING MUSIC The ending music ROM bank holds only the 2 tracks used in the ending, and does not duplicate the tracks of the normal bank. Although the ending music bank also has low and high music banks, all entries in these banks (1-$31) point to track X. Bank Configuration: $8000-$9fff: Bank $1b. File offsets = address + $2e010. $a000-$bfff: Bank $1d. File offsets = address + $30010. 1b:891a byte[$75?]: Note length table in frames. Adds in 120 BPM, causing the base offsets of subsequent tempos to shift. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f BPM 16 8 4 2 1 4D 2D 8D 4T 8T 32 0 (225): 4 8 16 32 64 24 48 12 10* 5* 2 1 c (180): 5 10 20 40 80 30 60 15 12* 6* 3* 2 18 (150): 6 12 24 48 96 36 72 18 16 8 3 1 4 2 0 144 28 (129): 7 14 28 56 112 42 84 21 18* 9* 3* 1 2 35 (120): 7* 15 30 60 120 45 90 22* 20 10 3* 1 8 42 (113): 8 16 32 64 128 48 96 24 21* 10* 4 1 2 192 50 (100): 9 18 36 72 144 54 108 27 24 * * 59 (90): 10 20 40 80 160 60 120 30 26* 13* 5 1 2 23 67 (82): 11 22 44 88 176 66 132 33 29* 14* 5* 1 2 23 Code to load the current length for notes: 8597 LDA $891A,Y Code to limit the triangle auto-release length to 15 frames ($3c quarter-frames) when in dynamic auto-release mode: 8660 CMP #$3C 8662 BCC $8666 8664 LDA #$3C 1b:8890 big-endian word[$43]: Key pitch table, in period register units. Identical to the normal tracks table. Code to load the period for a melodic key: 85B8 LDA $0790 ... 85D1 STA $0780,X 85D4 LDA $8890,Y 85D7 ORA #$08 85D9 STA $0781,X 1b:81f0 byte[$1f?]: Noise presets table. Identical to the normal tracks table. Code to play a noise preset: 8680 LDA $81F0,Y 8683 STA NoiseVolume_400C 8686 LDA $81F1,Y 8689 STA NoisePeriod_400E 868C LDA $81F2,Y 868F STA NoiseLength_400F Code to play a DMC preset if any: 8693 TYA 8694 AND #$C0 8696 CMP #$40 8698 BEQ $869F 869A CMP #$80 869C BEQ $86A9 869E RTS 869F LDA #$0E 86A1 STA $B1 86A3 LDA #$07 86A5 LDY #$00 86A7 BEQ $86B1 86A9 LDA #$0E 86AB STA $B1 86AD LDA #$0F 86AF LDY #$02 86B1 STA DmcLength_4013 86B4 STY DmcAddress_4012 86B7 LDA $07F7 86BA BNE $86D0 86BC LDA $B1 86BE STA DmcFreq_4010 86C1 LDA #$0F 86C3 STA ApuStatus_4015 86C6 LDA #$00 86C8 STA DmcCounter_4011 86CB LDA #$1F 86CD STA ApuStatus_4015 86D0 RTS 1b:86da word[$1e]: Volume envelope table. Envelopes $b-$f and $1a are different than for normal tracks, and $1d-$1e are new. Envelope 1 @874c: 233456776554 ff Envelope 2 @8753: 5a9888776666655555 ff Envelope 3 @8777: 111122223333444444455555556666777888 ff Envelope 4 @878a: f987777766655544 ff Envelope 5 @879c: a876 ff Envelope 6 @87a2: 99 ff Envelope 7 @8745: 235678888887 ff Envelope 8 @87a4: dcba998887765544 ff Envelope 9 @87ad: 2344333333333332 ff Envelope a @879f: 7432 ff Envelope b @87b6: 777665554443322211111111 f0 Envelope c @87c3: 54433333322222111111111111 f0 Envelope d @87d1: 433322222221111111111111 f0 Envelope e @87de: 3222222111111111111111 f0 Envelope f @87ea: 211111111111111111 f0 Envelope 10 @87f4: 998877766655544433333332222222222111111111111111 f0 Envelope 11 @883f: 23455544333322 ff Envelope 12 @8847: 87654321443321113221111121111111111111 ff Envelope 13 @880d: 6555544433333333222222221111111111111111 f0 Envelope 14 @885b: 666542213221111121111111111111 ff Envelope 15 @8822: fbbaaa99999998887777776666665554444443333322222222111111 f0 Envelope 16 @8718: 7611111431 ff Envelope 17 @875d: 111122223333444444455555556666777888765432 ff Envelope 18 @873c: 9876632287765311 f0 Envelope 19 @8735: 233332222222 ff Envelope 1a @8722: 433322222222222111111111111111111111 f0 Envelope 1b @871e: 334566 ff Envelope 1c @8773: 111122 ff Envelope 1d @8793: c876666655555544 ff Envelope 1e @886b: a8754321433321113221111121111111111111 ff Code to load a volume envelope address: 8415 LDA $86DA,Y 8418 STA $B2 841A LDA $86DB,Y 841D STA $B3 Same set of pitch envelopes: 824B LDA $B2 824D CMP #$31 824F BNE $8253 8251 LDA #$27 8253 TAY 8254 LDA $82DA,Y 8257 PHA 8258 LDA $07C3,X 825B CMP #$46 825D BNE $8264 825F PLA 8260 LDA #$00 8262 BEQ $82C2 8264 PLA 8265 JMP $82C2 8268 LDA $B2 826A TAY 826B CMP #$10 826D BCS $8275 826F LDA $8311,Y 8272 JMP $82C8 8275 LDA #$F6 8277 BNE $82C8 8279 LDA $07C3,X 827C CMP #$4C 827E BCC $8284 8280 LDA #$FE 8282 BNE $82C8 8284 LDA #$FE 8286 BNE $82C8 ... 8288 LDA $07D1,X <- starts here 828B STA $B2 828D LDA $B0 828F CMP #$20 8291 BEQ $82A7 8293 CMP #$A0 8295 BEQ $82B6 8297 CMP #$60 8299 BEQ $8279 829B CMP #$40 829D BEQ $8268 829F CMP #$80 82A1 BEQ $824B 82A3 CMP #$C0 82A5 BEQ $824B 82A7 LDA $B2 82A9 CMP #$0A 82AB BNE $82AF 82AD LDA #$00 82AF TAY 82B0 LDA $8307,Y 82B3 JMP $82C2 82B6 LDA $B2 82B8 CMP #$2B 82BA BNE $82BE 82BC LDA #$21 82BE TAY 82BF LDA $82E6,Y 82C2 PHA 82C3 TYA 82C4 STA $07D1,X 82C7 PLA 82C8 PHA 82C9 LDA $07C8,X 82CC BNE $82D8 82CE PLA 82CF CLC 82D0 ADC $B1 82D2 LDY $BE 82D4 STA Sq0Timer_4002,Y 82D7 RTS 82D8 PLA 82D9 RTS The code that determines whether a given envelope has the triangle "forever" flag set: 8649 LDA $079C 864C AND #$C0 864E BNE $8653 8650 TYA 8651 BNE $865B 8653 CMP #$C0 8655 BEQ $8650 8657 LDA #$FF 1b:898f byte[$18]: Low track header offsets. All 0s. 1b:89a7 byte[$19]: High track header offsets. All 0s. 1b:89c3 struct: Single track header block for both offset tables 1b:89cd struct: Track $33 header Track bank 0: Header offset table 898f, header block base 89c3: Track bank 1: Header offset table 89a7, header block base 89c3: X Beginnings Ending @89c3: +0 +28 8cbf 8cb1 8cd1 8cdd Square 1 @8cbf: 8ae3 8d2c 89ed 8b80 8bc6 8c24 8a0e 8ae3 8a9b 8dfa Square 2 @8cb1: 8a5c 8ceb 89d7 8b2d 8a5c 8a11 0000 Triangle @8cd1: 8dfa 8e24 8a04 8c3a 8b28 8b28 8e48 Noise @8cdd: 8e48 8e4d 8a09 8c81 8e48 8e48 8e48 33 Beginnings Staff Roll @89cd: +0 +18 8e6b 8e79 8e87 8e9f Square 1 @8e6b: 8ebb 9028 937e 93b8 | 9403 Square 2 @8e79: 8efb 90aa 913d 916b | 9445 Triangle @8e87: 8f46 8f76 8f76 8fe8 9005 8fe8 900f 91e4 9229 | 8eaf Noise @8e9f: 8f86 8faa 9279 929f 9333 | 8eb5 As with normal track $32, ending track $33 is not present in the header offset tables and is hard-coded in the BeginTrack function: 8349 CMP #$33 834B BEQ $835B ... 835B LDX #$00 835D LDY #$00 835F LDA $89CD,Y 8362 STA $0790,X 8365 INY 8366 INX 8367 TXA 8368 CMP #$0A 836A BNE $835F 836C JMP $8386 Code to load a bank 0 track header: 8373 LDA $898F,Y 8376 TAY 8377 LDX #$00 8379 LDA $89C3,Y 837C STA $0790,X 837F INY 8380 INX 8381 TXA 8382 CMP #$0A 8384 BNE $8379 Code to load a bank 1 track header: 8325 LDA $89A7,Y 8328 TAY 8329 LDX #$00 832B LDA $89C3,Y 832E STA $0790,X 8331 INY 8332 INX 8333 TXA 8334 CMP #$0A 8336 BNE $832B