#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import os import shutil import sys import subprocess import string import random import json import re import time import argparse import zipfile from io import BytesIO from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed from utils.decorators import MessageDecorator from utils.provider import APIProvider try: import requests from colorama import Fore, Style except ImportError: print("\tSome dependencies could not be imported (possibly not installed)") print( "Type `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` to " " install all required packages") sys.exit(1) def readisdc(): with open("isdcodes.json") as file: isdcodes = json.load(file) return isdcodes def get_version(): try: return open(".version", "r").read().strip() except Exception: return '1.0' def clr(): if os.name == "nt": os.system("cls") else: os.system("clear") def bann_text(): clr() logo = """ ████████ █████ ██ ▒▒▒██▒▒▒ ██▒▒██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ █████▒ ████ ███ ███ █████ ██ ██▒▒██ ██ ██ ██▒█▒██ ██▒▒██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ▒ ██ ██ ██ ██ █████▒ ▒████▒ ██ ██ █████▒ ▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒ ▒▒ ▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒ """ if ASCII_MODE: logo = "" version = "Version: "+__VERSION__ contributors = "Contributors: "+" ".join(__CONTRIBUTORS__) print(random.choice(ALL_COLORS) + logo + RESET_ALL) mesgdcrt.SuccessMessage(version) mesgdcrt.SectionMessage(contributors) print() def check_intr(): try: requests.get("https://motherfuckingwebsite.com") except Exception: bann_text() mesgdcrt.FailureMessage("Poor internet connection detected") sys.exit(2) def format_phone(num): num = [n for n in num if n in string.digits] return ''.join(num).strip() def do_zip_update(): success = False if DEBUG_MODE: zip_url = "https://github.com/TheSpeedX/TBomb/archive/dev.zip" dir_name = "TBomb-dev" else: zip_url = "https://github.com/TheSpeedX/TBomb/archive/master.zip" dir_name = "TBomb-master" print(ALL_COLORS[0]+"Downloading ZIP ... "+RESET_ALL) response = requests.get(zip_url) if response.status_code == 200: zip_content = response.content try: with zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(zip_content)) as zip_file: for member in zip_file.namelist(): filename = os.path.split(member) if not filename[1]: continue new_filename = os.path.join( filename[0].replace(dir_name, "."), filename[1]) source = zip_file.open(member) target = open(new_filename, "wb") with source, target: shutil.copyfileobj(source, target) success = True except Exception: mesgdcrt.FailureMessage("Error occured while extracting !!") if success: mesgdcrt.SuccessMessage("TBomb was updated to the latest version") mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage( "Please run the script again to load the latest version") else: mesgdcrt.FailureMessage("Unable to update TBomb.") mesgdcrt.WarningMessage( "Grab The Latest one From https://github.com/TheSpeedX/TBomb.git") sys.exit() def do_git_update(): success = False try: print(ALL_COLORS[0]+"UPDATING "+RESET_ALL, end='') process = subprocess.Popen("git checkout . && git pull ", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) while process: print(ALL_COLORS[0]+'.'+RESET_ALL, end='') time.sleep(1) returncode = process.poll() if returncode is not None: break success = not process.returncode except Exception: success = False print("\n") if success: mesgdcrt.SuccessMessage("TBomb was updated to the latest version") mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage( "Please run the script again to load the latest version") else: mesgdcrt.FailureMessage("Unable to update TBomb.") mesgdcrt.WarningMessage("Make Sure To Install 'git' ") mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage("Then run command:") print( "git checkout . && " "git pull https://github.com/TheSpeedX/TBomb.git HEAD") sys.exit() def update(): if shutil.which('git'): do_git_update() else: do_zip_update() def check_for_updates(): if DEBUG_MODE: mesgdcrt.WarningMessage( "DEBUG MODE Enabled! Auto-Update check is disabled.") return mesgdcrt.SectionMessage("Checking for updates") fver = requests.get( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheSpeedX/TBomb/master/.version" ).text.strip() if fver != __VERSION__: mesgdcrt.WarningMessage("An update is available") mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage("Starting update...") update() else: mesgdcrt.SuccessMessage("TBomb is up-to-date") mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage("Starting TBomb") def notifyen(): try: if DEBUG_MODE: url = "https://github.com/TheSpeedX/TBomb/raw/dev/.notify" else: url = "https://github.com/TheSpeedX/TBomb/raw/master/.notify" noti = requests.get(url).text.upper() if len(noti) > 10: mesgdcrt.SectionMessage("NOTIFICATION: " + noti) print() except Exception: pass def get_phone_info(): while True: target = "" cc = input(mesgdcrt.CommandMessage( "Enter your country code (Without +): ")) cc = format_phone(cc) if not country_codes.get(cc, False): mesgdcrt.WarningMessage( "The country code ({cc}) that you have entered" " is invalid or unsupported".format(cc=cc)) continue target = input(mesgdcrt.CommandMessage( "Enter the target number: +" + cc + " ")) target = format_phone(target) if ((len(target) <= 6) or (len(target) >= 12)): mesgdcrt.WarningMessage( "The phone number ({target})".format(target=target) + "that you have entered is invalid") continue return (cc, target) def get_mail_info(): mail_regex = r'^[a-z0-9]+[\._]?[a-z0-9]+[@]\w+[.]\w{2,3}$' while True: target = input(mesgdcrt.CommandMessage("Enter target mail: ")) if not re.search(mail_regex, target, re.IGNORECASE): mesgdcrt.WarningMessage( "The mail ({target})".format(target=target) + " that you have entered is invalid") continue return target def pretty_print(cc, target, success, failed): requested = success+failed mesgdcrt.SectionMessage("Bombing is in progress - Please be patient") mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage( "Please stay connected to the internet during bombing") mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage("Target : " + cc + " " + target) mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage("Sent : " + str(requested)) mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage("Successful : " + str(success)) mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage("Failed : " + str(failed)) mesgdcrt.WarningMessage( "This tool was made for fun and research purposes only") mesgdcrt.SuccessMessage("TBomb was created by SpeedX") def workernode(mode, cc, target, count, delay, max_threads): api = APIProvider(cc, target, mode, delay=delay) clr() mesgdcrt.SectionMessage("Gearing up the Bomber - Please be patient") mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage( "Please stay connected to the internet during bombing") mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage("API Version : " + api.api_version) mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage("Target : " + cc + target) mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage("Amount : " + str(count)) mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage("Threads : " + str(max_threads) + " threads") mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage("Delay : " + str(delay) + " seconds") mesgdcrt.WarningMessage( "This tool was made for fun and research purposes only") print() input(mesgdcrt.CommandMessage( "Press [CTRL+Z] to suspend the bomber or [ENTER] to resume it")) if len(APIProvider.api_providers) == 0: mesgdcrt.FailureMessage("Your country/target is not supported yet") mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage("Feel free to reach out to us") input(mesgdcrt.CommandMessage("Press [ENTER] to exit")) bann_text() sys.exit() success, failed = 0, 0 while success < count: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_threads) as executor: jobs = [] for i in range(count-success): jobs.append(executor.submit(api.hit)) for job in as_completed(jobs): result = job.result() if result is None: mesgdcrt.FailureMessage( "Bombing limit for your target has been reached") mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage("Try Again Later !!") input(mesgdcrt.CommandMessage("Press [ENTER] to exit")) bann_text() sys.exit() if result: success += 1 else: failed += 1 clr() pretty_print(cc, target, success, failed) print("\n") mesgdcrt.SuccessMessage("Bombing completed!") time.sleep(1.5) bann_text() sys.exit() def selectnode(mode="sms"): mode = mode.lower().strip() try: clr() bann_text() check_intr() check_for_updates() notifyen() max_limit = {"sms": 500, "call": 15, "mail": 200} cc, target = "", "" if mode in ["sms", "call"]: cc, target = get_phone_info() if cc != "91": max_limit.update({"sms": 100}) elif mode == "mail": target = get_mail_info() else: raise KeyboardInterrupt limit = max_limit[mode] while True: try: message = ("Enter number of {type}".format(type=mode.upper()) + " to send (Max {limit}): ".format(limit=limit)) count = int(input(mesgdcrt.CommandMessage(message)).strip()) if count > limit or count == 0: mesgdcrt.WarningMessage("You have requested " + str(count) + " {type}".format( type=mode.upper())) mesgdcrt.GeneralMessage( "Automatically capping the value" " to {limit}".format(limit=limit)) count = limit delay = float(input( mesgdcrt.CommandMessage("Enter delay time (in seconds): ")) .strip()) # delay = 0 max_thread_limit = (count//10) if (count//10) > 0 else 1 max_threads = int(input( mesgdcrt.CommandMessage( "Enter Number of Thread (Recommended: {max_limit}): " .format(max_limit=max_thread_limit))) .strip()) max_threads = max_threads if ( max_threads > 0) else max_thread_limit if (count < 0 or delay < 0): raise Exception break except KeyboardInterrupt as ki: raise ki except Exception: mesgdcrt.FailureMessage("Read Instructions Carefully !!!") print() workernode(mode, cc, target, count, delay, max_threads) except KeyboardInterrupt: mesgdcrt.WarningMessage("Received INTR call - Exiting...") sys.exit() mesgdcrt = MessageDecorator("icon") if sys.version_info[0] != 3: mesgdcrt.FailureMessage("TBomb will work only in Python v3") sys.exit() try: country_codes = readisdc()["isdcodes"] except FileNotFoundError: update() __VERSION__ = get_version() __CONTRIBUTORS__ = ['SpeedX', 't0xic0der', 'scpketer', 'Stefan'] ALL_COLORS = [Fore.GREEN, Fore.RED, Fore.YELLOW, Fore.BLUE, Fore.MAGENTA, Fore.CYAN, Fore.WHITE] RESET_ALL = Style.RESET_ALL ASCII_MODE = False DEBUG_MODE = False description = """TBomb - Your Friendly Spammer Application TBomb can be used for many purposes which incudes - \t Exposing the vulnerable APIs over Internet \t Friendly Spamming \t Testing Your Spam Detector and more .... TBomb is not intented for malicious uses. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog='Coded by SpeedX !!!') parser.add_argument("-sms", "--sms", action="store_true", help="start TBomb with SMS Bomb mode") parser.add_argument("-call", "--call", action="store_true", help="start TBomb with CALL Bomb mode") parser.add_argument("-mail", "--mail", action="store_true", help="start TBomb with MAIL Bomb mode") parser.add_argument("-ascii", "--ascii", action="store_true", help="show only characters of standard ASCII set") parser.add_argument("-u", "--update", action="store_true", help="update TBomb") parser.add_argument("-c", "--contributors", action="store_true", help="show current TBomb contributors") parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="store_true", help="show current TBomb version") if __name__ == "__main__": args = parser.parse_args() if args.ascii: ASCII_MODE = True mesgdcrt = MessageDecorator("stat") if args.version: print("Version: ", __VERSION__) elif args.contributors: print("Contributors: ", " ".join(__CONTRIBUTORS__)) elif args.update: update() elif args.mail: selectnode(mode="mail") elif args.call: selectnode(mode="call") elif args.sms: selectnode(mode="sms") else: choice = "" avail_choice = { "1": "SMS", "2": "CALL", "3": "MAIL" } try: while (choice not in avail_choice): clr() bann_text() print("Available Options:\n") for key, value in avail_choice.items(): print("[ {key} ] {value} BOMB".format(key=key, value=value)) print() choice = input(mesgdcrt.CommandMessage("Enter Choice : ")) selectnode(mode=avail_choice[choice].lower()) except KeyboardInterrupt: mesgdcrt.WarningMessage("Received INTR call - Exiting...") sys.exit() sys.exit()