using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using System; namespace Terraria { public class NPC { public const int maxBuffs = 5; public float teleportTime; public static int immuneTime = 20; public static int maxAI = 4; public int netSpam; public static bool noStream = false; private static int spawnSpaceX = 3; private static int spawnSpaceY = 3; public float gfxOffY; public float stepSpeed; private static float gravity = 0.3f; public bool teleporting; private static int maxAttack = 20; private static int[] attackNPC = new int[NPC.maxAttack]; private byte netStream; private byte[] streamPlayer = new byte[255]; public Vector2[] oldPos = new Vector2[10]; public bool setFrameSize; public static int golemBoss = -1; public static int plantBoss = -1; public static int crimsonBoss = -1; public int netSkip; public bool netAlways; public int realLife = -1; public static int sWidth = 1920; public static int sHeight = 1080; private static int spawnRangeX = (int)((double)(NPC.sWidth / 16) * 0.7); private static int spawnRangeY = (int)((double)(NPC.sHeight / 16) * 0.7); public static int safeRangeX = (int)((double)(NPC.sWidth / 16) * 0.52); public static int safeRangeY = (int)((double)(NPC.sHeight / 16) * 0.52); private static int activeRangeX = (int)((double)NPC.sWidth * 2.1); private static int activeRangeY = (int)((double)NPC.sHeight * 2.1); private static int townRangeX = NPC.sWidth; private static int townRangeY = NPC.sHeight; public float npcSlots = 1f; private static bool noSpawnCycle = false; private static int activeTime = 750; private static int defaultSpawnRate = 600; private static int defaultMaxSpawns = 5; public bool wet; public bool honeyWet; public byte wetCount; public bool lavaWet; public int[] buffType = new int[5]; public int[] buffTime = new int[5]; public bool[] buffImmune = new bool[81]; public bool midas; public bool ichor; public bool onFire; public bool onFire2; public bool onFrostBurn; public bool poisoned; public bool venom; public int lifeRegen; public int lifeRegenCount; public bool confused; public static bool downedBoss1 = false; public static bool downedBoss2 = false; public static bool downedBoss3 = false; public static bool downedQueenBee = false; public static bool savedGoblin = false; public static bool savedWizard = false; public static bool savedMech = false; public static bool downedGoblins = false; public static bool downedFrost = false; public static bool downedPirates = false; public static bool downedClown = false; public static bool downedPlantBoss = false; public static bool downedGolemBoss = false; public static bool downedMechBossAny = false; public static bool downedMechBoss1 = false; public static bool downedMechBoss2 = false; public static bool downedMechBoss3 = false; private static int spawnRate = NPC.defaultSpawnRate; private static int maxSpawns = NPC.defaultMaxSpawns; public int soundDelay; public Vector2 position; public Vector2 velocity; public Vector2 oldPosition; public Vector2 oldVelocity; public int width; public int height; public bool active; public int[] immune = new int[256]; public int direction = 1; public int directionY = 1; public int type; public float[] ai = new float[NPC.maxAI]; public float[] localAI = new float[NPC.maxAI]; public int aiAction; public int aiStyle; public bool justHit; public int timeLeft; public int target = -1; public int damage; public int defense; public int defDamage; public int defDefense; public int soundHit; public int soundKilled; public int life; public int lifeMax; public Rectangle targetRect; public double frameCounter; public Rectangle frame; public string name; public string displayName; public Color color; public int alpha; public float scale = 1f; public float knockBackResist = 1f; public int oldDirection; public int oldDirectionY; public int oldTarget; public int whoAmI; public float rotation; public bool noGravity; public bool noTileCollide; public bool netUpdate; public bool netUpdate2; public bool collideX; public bool collideY; public bool boss; public int spriteDirection = -1; public bool behindTiles; public bool lavaImmune; public float value; public bool dontTakeDamage; public int netID; public bool townNPC; public bool homeless; public int homeTileX = -1; public int homeTileY = -1; public bool oldHomeless; public int oldHomeTileX = -1; public int oldHomeTileY = -1; public bool friendly; public bool closeDoor; public int doorX; public int doorY; public int friendlyRegen; public static void clrNames() { for (int i = 0; i < 301; i++) { Main.chrName[i] = ""; } } public static void setNames() { if (WorldGen.genRand == null) { WorldGen.genRand = new Random(); } int num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(24); string text; if (num == 0) { text = "Molly"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Amy"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Claire"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Emily"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Katie"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Madeline"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Katelyn"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Emma"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Abigail"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Carly"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Jenna"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Heather"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Katherine"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Caitlin"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Kaitlin"; } else { if (num == 15) { text = "Holly"; } else { if (num == 16) { text = "Kaitlyn"; } else { if (num == 17) { text = "Hannah"; } else { if (num == 18) { text = "Kathryn"; } else { if (num == 19) { text = "Lorraine"; } else { if (num == 20) { text = "Helen"; } else { if (num == 21) { text = "Kayla"; } else { if (num == 22) { text = "Lisa"; } else { text = "Allison"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[18] == "") { Main.chrName[18] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(24); if (num == 0) { text = "Shayna"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Korrie"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Ginger"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Brooke"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Jenny"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Autumn"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Nancy"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Ella"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Kayla"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Selah"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Sophia"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Marshanna"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Lauren"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Trisha"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Shirlena"; } else { if (num == 15) { text = "Sheena"; } else { if (num == 16) { text = "Ellen"; } else { if (num == 17) { text = "Amy"; } else { if (num == 18) { text = "Dawn"; } else { if (num == 19) { text = "Susana"; } else { if (num == 20) { text = "Meredith"; } else { if (num == 21) { text = "Selene"; } else { if (num == 22) { text = "Terra"; } else { text = "Sally"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[124] == "") { Main.chrName[124] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(24); if (num == 0) { text = "DeShawn"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "DeAndre"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Marquis"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Darnell"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Terrell"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Malik"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Trevon"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Tyrone"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Willie"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Dominique"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Demetrius"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Reginald"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Jamal"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Maurice"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Jalen"; } else { if (num == 15) { text = "Darius"; } else { if (num == 16) { text = "Xavier"; } else { if (num == 17) { text = "Terrance"; } else { if (num == 18) { text = "Andre"; } else { if (num == 19) { text = "Dante"; } else { if (num == 20) { text = "Brimst"; } else { if (num == 21) { text = "Bronson"; } else { if (num == 22) { text = "Tony"; } else { text = "Darryl"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[19] == "") { Main.chrName[19] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(35); if (num == 0) { text = "Joe"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Connor"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Tanner"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Wyatt"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Cody"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Levi"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Luke"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Jack"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Scott"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Logan"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Cole"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Asher"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Bradley"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Jacob"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Garrett"; } else { if (num == 15) { text = "Dylan"; } else { if (num == 16) { text = "Maxwell"; } else { if (num == 17) { text = "Steve"; } else { if (num == 18) { text = "Brett"; } else { if (num == 19) { text = "Andrew"; } else { if (num == 20) { text = "Harley"; } else { if (num == 21) { text = "Kyle"; } else { if (num == 22) { text = "Jake"; } else { if (num == 23) { text = "Ryan"; } else { if (num == 24) { text = "Jeffrey"; } else { if (num == 25) { text = "Seth"; } else { if (num == 26) { text = "Marty"; } else { if (num == 27) { text = "Brandon"; } else { if (num == 28) { text = "Zach"; } else { if (num == 29) { text = "Jeff"; } else { if (num == 30) { text = "Daniel"; } else { if (num == 31) { text = "Trent"; } else { if (num == 32) { text = "Kevin"; } else { if (num == 33) { text = "Brian"; } else { text = "Colin"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[22] == "") { Main.chrName[22] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(22); if (num == 0) { text = "Alalia"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Alalia"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Alura"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Ariella"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Caelia"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Calista"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Chryseis"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Emerenta"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Elysia"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Evvie"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Faye"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Felicitae"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Lunette"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Nata"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Nissa"; } else { if (num == 15) { text = "Tatiana"; } else { if (num == 16) { text = "Rosalva"; } else { if (num == 17) { text = "Shea"; } else { if (num == 18) { text = "Tania"; } else { if (num == 19) { text = "Isis"; } else { if (num == 20) { text = "Celestia"; } else { text = "Xylia"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[20] == "") { Main.chrName[20] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(22); if (num == 0) { text = "Dolbere"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Bazdin"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Durim"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Tordak"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Garval"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Morthal"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Oten"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Dolgen"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Gimli"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Gimut"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Duerthen"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Beldin"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Jarut"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Ovbere"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Norkas"; } else { if (num == 15) { text = "Dolgrim"; } else { if (num == 16) { text = "Boften"; } else { if (num == 17) { text = "Norsun"; } else { if (num == 18) { text = "Dias"; } else { if (num == 19) { text = "Fikod"; } else { if (num == 20) { text = "Urist"; } else { text = "Darur"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[38] == "") { Main.chrName[38] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(21); if (num == 0) { text = "Dalamar"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Dulais"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Elric"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Arddun"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Maelor"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Leomund"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Hirael"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Gwentor"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Greum"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Gearroid"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Fizban"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Ningauble"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Seonag"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Sargon"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Merlyn"; } else { if (num == 15) { text = "Magius"; } else { if (num == 16) { text = "Berwyn"; } else { if (num == 17) { text = "Arwyn"; } else { if (num == 18) { text = "Alasdair"; } else { if (num == 19) { text = "Tagar"; } else { text = "Xanadu"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[108] == "") { Main.chrName[108] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(23); if (num == 0) { text = "Alfred"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Barney"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Calvin"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Edmund"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Edwin"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Eugene"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Frank"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Frederick"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Gilbert"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Gus"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Wilbur"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Seymour"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Louis"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Humphrey"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Harold"; } else { if (num == 15) { text = "Milton"; } else { if (num == 16) { text = "Mortimer"; } else { if (num == 17) { text = "Howard"; } else { if (num == 18) { text = "Walter"; } else { if (num == 19) { text = "Finn"; } else { if (num == 20) { text = "Isacc"; } else { if (num == 21) { text = "Joseph"; } else { text = "Ralph"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[17] == "") { Main.chrName[17] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(24); if (num == 0) { text = "Sebastian"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Rupert"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Clive"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Nigel"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Mervyn"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Cedric"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Pip"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Cyril"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Fitz"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Lloyd"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Arthur"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Rodney"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Graham"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Edward"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Alfred"; } else { if (num == 15) { text = "Edmund"; } else { if (num == 16) { text = "Henry"; } else { if (num == 17) { text = "Herald"; } else { if (num == 18) { text = "Roland"; } else { if (num == 19) { text = "Lincoln"; } else { if (num == 20) { text = "Lloyd"; } else { if (num == 21) { text = "Edgar"; } else { if (num == 22) { text = "Eustace"; } else { text = "Rodrick"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[54] == "") { Main.chrName[54] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(25); if (num == 0) { text = "Grodax"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Sarx"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Xon"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Mrunok"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Nuxatk"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Tgerd"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Darz"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Smador"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Stazen"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Mobart"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Knogs"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Tkanus"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Negurk"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Nort"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Durnok"; } else { if (num == 15) { text = "Trogem"; } else { if (num == 16) { text = "Stezom"; } else { if (num == 17) { text = "Gnudar"; } else { if (num == 18) { text = "Ragz"; } else { if (num == 19) { text = "Fahd"; } else { if (num == 20) { text = "Xanos"; } else { if (num == 21) { text = "Arback"; } else { if (num == 22) { text = "Fjell"; } else { if (num == 23) { text = "Dalek"; } else { text = "Knub"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[107] == "") { Main.chrName[107] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(12); if (num == 0) { text = "Reishi"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Maitake"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Chanterelle"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Porcini"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Shimeji"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Amanita"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Muscaria"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Agaric"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Cremini"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Morel"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Enoki"; } else { text = "Shiitake"; } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[160] == "") { Main.chrName[160] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(20); if (num == 0) { text = "Whitney"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Verity"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Ada"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Cornelia"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Lydia"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Leila"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Minerva"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Emeline"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Cynthia"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Fidelia"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Lilly"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Phoebe"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Zylphia"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Zelda"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Selina"; } else { if (num == 15) { text = "Hope"; } else { if (num == 16) { text = "Isabella"; } else { if (num == 17) { text = "Judith"; } else { if (num == 18) { text = "Savannah"; } else { text = "Vivian"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[178] == "") { Main.chrName[178] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(16); if (num == 0) { text = "Abdosir"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Akbar"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Bodashtart"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Danel"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Hanno"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Hiram"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Kanmi"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Philosir"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Tabnit"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Yutpan"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Ahirom"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Batnoam"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Sikarbaal"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Hannibal"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Yehomilk"; } else { text = "Ahinadab"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[207] == "") { Main.chrName[207] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(18); if (num == 0) { text = "Candy"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Roxanne"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Trixy"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Destiny"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Lexus"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Bambi"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Bailey"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Glitter"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Sparkle"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Paris"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Dazzle"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Fantasy"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Bunny"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Sugar"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Fantasia"; } else { if (num == 15) { text = "Star"; } else { if (num == 16) { text = "Isis"; } else { text = "Cherry"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[208] == "") { Main.chrName[208] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(23); if (num == 0) { text = "Alpha"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Beta"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Delta"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Omega"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Gamma"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Theta"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Kappa"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Omicron"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Sigma"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Upsilon"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Phi"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Zeta"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Lambda"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Nu"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Ci"; } else { if (num == 15) { text = "Rho"; } else { if (num == 16) { text = "Phi"; } else { if (num == 17) { text = "Fender"; } else { if (num == 18) { text = "T-3E0"; } else { if (num == 19) { text = "Niner-7"; } else { if (num == 20) { text = "A.N.D.Y"; } else { if (num == 21) { text = "Syn-X"; } else { text = "Mu"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[209] == "") { Main.chrName[209] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(17); if (num == 0) { text = "Marco"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Guido"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Enzo"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Martino"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Mauro"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Lorenzo"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Ludo"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Luciano"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Carlo"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Bruno"; } else { if (num == 10) { text = "Mario"; } else { if (num == 11) { text = "Leonardo"; } else { if (num == 12) { text = "Raphael"; } else { if (num == 13) { text = "Luigi"; } else { if (num == 14) { text = "Luca"; } else { if (num == 15) { text = "Darren"; } else { text = "Stefano"; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[227] == "") { Main.chrName[227] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(10); if (num == 0) { text = "Abibe"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Jamundi"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "U'wa"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Tairona"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Xirigua"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Zop'a"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "Opuni"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Kogi-ghi"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Konah"; } else { text = "Gboto"; } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[228] == "") { Main.chrName[228] = text; } num = WorldGen.genRand.Next(11); if (num == 0) { text = "David"; } else { if (num == 1) { text = "Red Beard"; } else { if (num == 2) { text = "Jack"; } else { if (num == 3) { text = "Black Beard"; } else { if (num == 4) { text = "Captain Morgan"; } else { if (num == 5) { text = "Wet Beard"; } else { if (num == 6) { text = "James T. Beard"; } else { if (num == 7) { text = "Gunpowder Garry"; } else { if (num == 8) { text = "Captain Stoney Dirt"; } else { if (num == 9) { text = "Jake"; } else { text = "Captain Bullywort"; } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.chrName[229] == "") { Main.chrName[229] = text; } } public void netDefaults(int type) { if (type < 0) { if (type == -1) { this.SetDefaults("Slimeling"); return; } if (type == -2) { this.SetDefaults("Slimer2"); return; } if (type == -3) { this.SetDefaults("Green Slime"); return; } if (type == -4) { this.SetDefaults("Pinky"); return; } if (type == -5) { this.SetDefaults("Baby Slime"); return; } if (type == -6) { this.SetDefaults("Black Slime"); return; } if (type == -7) { this.SetDefaults("Purple Slime"); return; } if (type == -8) { this.SetDefaults("Red Slime"); return; } if (type == -9) { this.SetDefaults("Yellow Slime"); return; } if (type == -10) { this.SetDefaults("Jungle Slime"); return; } if (type == -11) { this.SetDefaults("Little Eater"); return; } if (type == -12) { this.SetDefaults("Big Eater"); return; } if (type == -13) { this.SetDefaults("Short Bones"); return; } if (type == -14) { this.SetDefaults("Big Boned"); return; } if (type == -15) { this.SetDefaults("Heavy Skeleton"); return; } if (type == -16) { this.SetDefaults("Little Stinger"); return; } if (type == -17) { this.SetDefaults("Big Stinger"); return; } if (type == -18) { this.SetDefaults("Tiny Moss Hornet"); return; } if (type == -19) { this.SetDefaults("Little Moss Hornet"); return; } if (type == -20) { this.SetDefaults("Big Moss Hornet"); return; } if (type == -21) { this.SetDefaults("Giant Moss Hornet"); return; } if (type == -22) { this.SetDefaults("Little Crimera"); return; } if (type == -23) { this.SetDefaults("Big Crimera"); return; } if (type == -24) { this.SetDefaults("Little Crimslime"); return; } if (type == -25) { this.SetDefaults("Big Crimslime"); return; } if (type == -26) { this.SetDefaults("Small Zombie"); return; } if (type == -27) { this.SetDefaults("Big Zombie"); return; } if (type == -28) { this.SetDefaults("Small Bald Zombie"); return; } if (type == -29) { this.SetDefaults("Big Bald Zombie"); return; } if (type == -30) { this.SetDefaults("Small Pincushion Zombie"); return; } if (type == -31) { this.SetDefaults("Big Pincushion Zombie"); return; } if (type == -32) { this.SetDefaults("Small Slimed Zombie"); return; } if (type == -33) { this.SetDefaults("Big Slimed Zombie"); return; } if (type == -34) { this.SetDefaults("Small Swamp Zombie"); return; } if (type == -35) { this.SetDefaults("Big Swamp Zombie"); return; } if (type == -36) { this.SetDefaults("Small Twiggy Zombie"); return; } if (type == -37) { this.SetDefaults("Big Twiggy Zombie"); return; } if (type == -38) { this.SetDefaults("Cataract Eye 2"); return; } if (type == -39) { this.SetDefaults("Sleepy Eye 2"); return; } if (type == -40) { this.SetDefaults("Dialated Eye 2"); return; } if (type == -41) { this.SetDefaults("Green Eye 2"); return; } if (type == -42) { this.SetDefaults("Purple Eye 2"); return; } if (type == -43) { this.SetDefaults("Demon Eye 2"); return; } if (type == -44) { this.SetDefaults("Small Female Zombie"); return; } if (type == -45) { this.SetDefaults("Big Female Zombie"); return; } if (type == -46) { this.SetDefaults("Small Skeleton"); return; } if (type == -47) { this.SetDefaults("Big Skeleton"); return; } if (type == -48) { this.SetDefaults("Small Headache Skeleton"); return; } if (type == -49) { this.SetDefaults("Big Headache Skeleton"); return; } if (type == -50) { this.SetDefaults("Small Misassembled Skeleton"); return; } if (type == -51) { this.SetDefaults("Big Misassembled Skeleton"); return; } if (type == -52) { this.SetDefaults("Small Pantless Skeleton"); return; } if (type == -53) { this.SetDefaults("Big Pantless Skeleton"); return; } if (type == -54) { this.SetDefaults("Small Rain Zombie"); return; } if (type == -55) { this.SetDefaults("Big Rain Zombie"); return; } if (type == -56) { this.SetDefaults("Little Hornet Fatty"); return; } if (type == -57) { this.SetDefaults("Big Hornet Fatty"); return; } if (type == -58) { this.SetDefaults("Little Hornet Honey"); return; } if (type == -59) { this.SetDefaults("Big Hornet Honey"); return; } if (type == -60) { this.SetDefaults("Little Hornet Leafy"); return; } if (type == -61) { this.SetDefaults("Big Hornet Leafy"); return; } if (type == -62) { this.SetDefaults("Little Hornet Spikey"); return; } if (type == -63) { this.SetDefaults("Big Hornet Spikey"); return; } if (type == -64) { this.SetDefaults("Little Hornet Stingy"); return; } if (type == -65) { this.SetDefaults("Big Hornet Stingy"); return; } } else { this.SetDefaults(type, -1f); } } public void SetDefaults(string Name) { this.SetDefaults(0, -1f); if (Name == "Slimeling") { this.SetDefaults(81, 0.6f); = Name; this.damage = 45; this.defense = 10; = 90; this.knockBackResist = 1.2f; this.value = 100f; this.netID = -1; } else { if (Name == "Slimer2") { this.SetDefaults(81, 0.9f); this.displayName = "Slimer"; = Name; this.damage = 45; this.defense = 20; = 90; this.knockBackResist = 1.2f; this.value = 100f; this.netID = -2; } else { if (Name == "Green Slime") { this.SetDefaults(1, 0.9f); = Name; this.damage = 6; this.defense = 0; = 14; this.knockBackResist = 1.2f; this.color = new Color(0, 220, 40, 100); this.value = 3f; this.netID = -3; } else { if (Name == "Pinky") { this.SetDefaults(1, 0.6f); = Name; this.damage = 5; this.defense = 5; = 150; this.knockBackResist = 1.4f; this.color = new Color(250, 30, 90, 90); this.value = 10000f; this.netID = -4; } else { if (Name == "Baby Slime") { this.SetDefaults(1, 0.9f); = Name; this.damage = 13; this.defense = 4; = 30; this.knockBackResist = 0.95f; this.alpha = 120; this.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 50); this.value = 10f; this.netID = -5; } else { if (Name == "Black Slime") { this.SetDefaults(1, -1f); = Name; this.damage = 15; this.defense = 4; = 45; this.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 50); this.value = 20f; this.netID = -6; } else { if (Name == "Purple Slime") { this.SetDefaults(1, 1.2f); = Name; this.damage = 12; this.defense = 6; = 40; this.knockBackResist = 0.9f; this.color = new Color(200, 0, 255, 150); this.value = 10f; this.netID = -7; } else { if (Name == "Red Slime") { this.SetDefaults(1, -1f); = Name; this.damage = 12; this.defense = 4; = 35; this.color = new Color(255, 30, 0, 100); this.value = 8f; this.netID = -8; } else { if (Name == "Yellow Slime") { this.SetDefaults(1, 1.2f); = Name; this.damage = 15; this.defense = 7; = 45; this.color = new Color(255, 255, 0, 100); this.value = 10f; this.netID = -9; } else { if (Name == "Jungle Slime") { this.SetDefaults(1, 1.1f); = Name; this.damage = 18; this.defense = 6; = 60; this.color = new Color(143, 215, 93, 100); this.value = 500f; this.netID = -10; } else { if (Name == "Little Eater") { this.SetDefaults(6, 0.85f); = Name; this.displayName = "Eater of Souls"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -11; } else { if (Name == "Big Eater") { this.SetDefaults(6, 1.15f); = Name; this.displayName = "Eater of Souls"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -12; } else { if (Name == "Short Bones") { this.SetDefaults(31, 0.9f); = Name; this.displayName = "Angry Bones"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.netID = -13; } else { if (Name == "Big Boned") { this.SetDefaults(31, 1.15f); = Name; this.displayName = "Angry Bones"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((double)((float)this.damage * this.scale) * 1.1); = (int)((double)((float) * this.scale) * 1.1); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots = 2f; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -14; } else { if (Name == "Heavy Skeleton") { this.SetDefaults(77, 1.15f); = Name; this.displayName = "Armored Skeleton"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((double)((float)this.damage * this.scale) * 1.1); = 400; this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots = 2f; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.height = 44; this.netID = -15; } else { if (Name == "Little Stinger") { this.SetDefaults(42, 0.85f); this.displayName = "Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -16; } else { if (Name == "Big Stinger") { this.SetDefaults(42, 1.2f); this.displayName = "Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -17; } else { if (Name == "Tiny Moss Hornet") { this.SetDefaults(176, 0.8f); this.displayName = "Moss Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -18; } else { if (Name == "Little Moss Hornet") { this.SetDefaults(176, 0.9f); this.displayName = "Moss Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -19; } else { if (Name == "Big Moss Hornet") { this.SetDefaults(176, 1.1f); this.displayName = "Moss Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -20; } else { if (Name == "Giant Moss Hornet") { this.SetDefaults(176, 1.2f); this.displayName = "Moss Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -21; } else { if (Name == "Little Crimera") { this.SetDefaults(173, 0.85f); this.displayName = "Crimera"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -22; } else { if (Name == "Big Crimera") { this.SetDefaults(173, 1.15f); this.displayName = "Crimera"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -23; } else { if (Name == "Little Crimslime") { this.SetDefaults(183, 0.85f); this.displayName = "Crimslime"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -24; } else { if (Name == "Big Crimslime") { this.SetDefaults(183, 1.15f); this.displayName = "Crimslime"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -25; } else { if (Name == "Small Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(3, 0.9f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -26; } else { if (Name == "Big Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(3, 1.1f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -27; } else { if (Name == "Small Bald Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(132, 0.85f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -28; } else { if (Name == "Big Bald Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(132, 1.15f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -29; } else { if (Name == "Small Pincushion Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(186, 0.93f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -30; } else { if (Name == "Big Pincushion Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(186, 1.13f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -31; } else { if (Name == "Small Slimed Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(187, 0.89f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -32; } else { if (Name == "Big Slimed Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(187, 1.11f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -33; } else { if (Name == "Small Swamp Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(188, 0.87f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -34; } else { if (Name == "Big Swamp Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(188, 1.13f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -35; } else { if (Name == "Small Twiggy Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(189, 0.92f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -36; } else { if (Name == "Big Twiggy Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(189, 1.08f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -37; } else { if (Name == "Cataract Eye 2") { this.SetDefaults(190, 1.15f); = Name; this.displayName = "Demon Eye"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -38; } else { if (Name == "Sleepy Eye 2") { this.SetDefaults(191, 1.1f); = Name; this.displayName = "Demon Eye"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -39; } else { if (Name == "Dialated Eye 2") { this.SetDefaults(192, 0.9f); = Name; this.displayName = "Demon Eye"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -40; } else { if (Name == "Green Eye 2") { this.SetDefaults(193, 0.85f); = Name; this.displayName = "Demon Eye"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -41; } else { if (Name == "Purple Eye 2") { this.SetDefaults(194, 1.1f); = Name; this.displayName = "Demon Eye"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -42; } else { if (Name == "Demon Eye 2") { this.SetDefaults(2, 1.15f); = Name; this.displayName = "Demon Eye"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -43; } else { if (Name == "Small Female Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(200, 0.87f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -44; } else { if (Name == "Big Female Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(200, 1.05f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -45; } else { if (Name == "Small Skeleton") { this.SetDefaults(21, 0.9f); = Name; this.displayName = "Skeleton"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -46; } else { if (Name == "Big Skeleton") { this.SetDefaults(21, 1.1f); = Name; this.displayName = "Skeleton"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -47; } else { if (Name == "Small Headache Skeleton") { this.SetDefaults(201, 0.93f); = Name; this.displayName = "Skeleton"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -48; } else { if (Name == "Big Headache Skeleton") { this.SetDefaults(201, 1.07f); = Name; this.displayName = "Skeleton"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -49; } else { if (Name == "Small Misassembled Skeleton") { this.SetDefaults(202, 0.87f); = Name; this.displayName = "Skeleton"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -50; } else { if (Name == "Big Misassembled Skeleton") { this.SetDefaults(202, 1.13f); = Name; this.displayName = "Skeleton"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -51; } else { if (Name == "Small Pantless Skeleton") { this.SetDefaults(203, 0.85f); = Name; this.displayName = "Skeleton"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -52; } else { if (Name == "Big Pantless Skeleton") { this.SetDefaults(203, 1.15f); = Name; this.displayName = "Skeleton"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -53; } else { if (Name == "Small Rain Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(223, 0.9f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -54; } else { if (Name == "Big Rain Zombie") { this.SetDefaults(223, 1.1f); = Name; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -55; } else { if (Name == "Little Hornet Fatty") { this.SetDefaults(231, 0.85f); this.displayName = "Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -56; } else { if (Name == "Big Hornet Fatty") { this.SetDefaults(231, 1.25f); this.displayName = "Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -57; } else { if (Name == "Little Hornet Honey") { this.SetDefaults(232, 0.8f); this.displayName = "Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -58; } else { if (Name == "Big Hornet Honey") { this.SetDefaults(232, 1.15f); this.displayName = "Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -59; } else { if (Name == "Little Hornet Leafy") { this.SetDefaults(233, 0.92f); this.displayName = "Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -60; } else { if (Name == "Big Hornet Leafy") { this.SetDefaults(233, 1.1f); this.displayName = "Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -61; } else { if (Name == "Little Hornet Spikey") { this.SetDefaults(234, 0.78f); this.displayName = "Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -62; } else { if (Name == "Big Hornet Spikey") { this.SetDefaults(234, 1.16f); this.displayName = "Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -63; } else { if (Name == "Little Hornet Stingy") { this.SetDefaults(235, 0.87f); this.displayName = "Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -64; } else { if (Name == "Big Hornet Stingy") { this.SetDefaults(235, 1.21f); this.displayName = "Hornet"; = Name; this.defense = (int)((float)this.defense * this.scale); this.damage = (int)((float)this.damage * this.scale); = (int)((float) * this.scale); this.value = (float)((int)(this.value * this.scale)); this.npcSlots *= this.scale; this.knockBackResist *= 2f - this.scale; this.netID = -65; } else { if (Name != "") { for (int i = 1; i < 301; i++) { if (Main.npcName[i] == Name) { this.SetDefaults(i, -1f); return; } } this.SetDefaults(0, -1f); = false; } else { = false; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } this.displayName = Lang.npcName(this.netID, false); this.lifeMax =; this.defDamage = this.damage; this.defDefense = this.defense; } public static bool MechSpawn(float x, float y, int type) { int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (Main.npc[i].active && Main.npc[i].type == type) { num++; Vector2 vector = new Vector2(x, y); float num4 = Main.npc[i].position.X - vector.X; float num5 = Main.npc[i].position.Y - vector.Y; float num6 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num4 * num4 + num5 * num5)); if (num6 < 200f) { num2++; } if (num6 < 600f) { num3++; } } } return num2 < 3 && num3 < 6 && num < 10; } public static int TypeToNum(int type) { if (type == 17) { return 2; } if (type == 18) { return 3; } if (type == 19) { return 6; } if (type == 20) { return 5; } if (type == 22) { return 1; } if (type == 38) { return 4; } if (type == 54) { return 7; } if (type == 107) { return 9; } if (type == 108) { return 10; } if (type == 124) { return 8; } if (type == 142) { return 11; } if (type == 160) { return 12; } if (type == 178) { return 13; } if (type == 207) { return 14; } if (type == 208) { return 15; } if (type == 209) { return 16; } if (type == 227) { return 17; } if (type == 228) { return 18; } if (type == 229) { return 19; } return -1; } public static int NumToType(int type) { if (type == 2) { return 17; } if (type == 3) { return 18; } if (type == 6) { return 19; } if (type == 5) { return 20; } if (type == 1) { return 22; } if (type == 4) { return 38; } if (type == 7) { return 54; } if (type == 9) { return 107; } if (type == 10) { return 108; } if (type == 8) { return 124; } if (type == 11) { return 142; } if (type == 12) { return 160; } if (type == 13) { return 178; } if (type == 14) { return 207; } if (type == 15) { return 208; } if (type == 16) { return 209; } if (type == 17) { return 227; } if (type == 18) { return 228; } if (type == 19) { return 229; } return -1; } public void SetDefaults(int Type, float scaleOverride = -1f) { NPC.noStream = false; this.netStream = 32; bool flag = false; this.netID = 0; this.netAlways = false; this.netSpam = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.oldPos.Length; i++) { this.oldPos[i].X = 0f; this.oldPos[i].Y = 0f; } for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { this.buffTime[j] = 0; this.buffType[j] = 0; } for (int k = 0; k < 81; k++) { this.buffImmune[k] = false; } this.setFrameSize = false; this.buffImmune[31] = true; this.netSkip = -2; this.realLife = -1; this.lifeRegen = 0; this.lifeRegenCount = 0; this.poisoned = false; this.venom = false; this.onFire = false; this.midas = false; this.ichor = false; this.onFrostBurn = false; this.confused = false; this.onFire2 = false; this.justHit = false; this.dontTakeDamage = false; this.npcSlots = 1f; this.lavaImmune = false; this.lavaWet = false; this.wetCount = 0; this.wet = false; this.townNPC = false; this.homeless = false; this.homeTileX = -1; this.homeTileY = -1; this.friendly = false; this.behindTiles = false; this.boss = false; this.noTileCollide = false; this.rotation = 0f; = true; this.alpha = 0; this.color = default(Color); this.collideX = false; this.collideY = false; this.direction = 0; this.oldDirection = this.direction; this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.netUpdate = true; this.netUpdate2 = false; this.knockBackResist = 1f; = ""; this.displayName = ""; this.noGravity = false; this.scale = 1f; this.soundHit = 0; this.soundKilled = 0; this.spriteDirection = -1; = 255; this.oldTarget =; this.targetRect = default(Rectangle); this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime; this.type = Type; this.value = 0f; for (int l = 0; l < NPC.maxAI; l++) {[l] = 0f; } for (int m = 0; m < NPC.maxAI; m++) { this.localAI[m] = 0f; } if (this.type == 1) { = "Blue Slime"; this.width = 24; this.height = 18; this.aiStyle = 1; this.damage = 7; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 25; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.alpha = 175; this.color = new Color(0, 80, 255, 100); this.value = 25f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 2) { = "Demon Eye"; this.width = 30; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 2; this.damage = 18; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 60; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 75f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 3) { = "Zombie"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 14; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 45; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 60f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 4) { = "Eye of Cthulhu"; this.width = 100; this.height = 110; this.aiStyle = 4; this.damage = 15; this.defense = 12; this.lifeMax = 2800; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime * 30; this.boss = true; this.value = 30000f; this.npcSlots = 5f; } else { if (this.type == 5) { = "Servant of Cthulhu"; this.width = 20; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 12; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 8; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; } else { if (this.type == 6) { this.npcSlots = 1f; = "Eater of Souls"; this.width = 30; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 22; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 40; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 90f; } else { if (this.type == 7) { this.displayName = "Devourer"; this.npcSlots = 3.5f; = "Devourer Head"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 6; this.damage = 31; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 100; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 140f; this.netAlways = true; } else { if (this.type == 8) { this.displayName = "Devourer"; = "Devourer Body"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 16; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 100; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 140f; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 9) { this.displayName = "Devourer"; = "Devourer Tail"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 13; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 100; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 140f; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 10) { this.displayName = "Giant Worm"; = "Giant Worm Head"; this.width = 14; this.height = 14; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 8; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 30; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 40f; } else { if (this.type == 11) { this.displayName = "Giant Worm"; = "Giant Worm Body"; this.width = 14; this.height = 14; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 4; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 30; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 40f; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 12) { this.displayName = "Giant Worm"; = "Giant Worm Tail"; this.width = 14; this.height = 14; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 4; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 30; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 40f; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 13) { this.displayName = "Eater of Worlds"; this.npcSlots = 5f; = "Eater of Worlds Head"; this.width = 38; this.height = 38; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 22; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 65; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 300f; this.scale = 1f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 14) { this.displayName = "Eater of Worlds"; = "Eater of Worlds Body"; this.width = 38; this.height = 38; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 13; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 150; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 300f; this.scale = 1f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 15) { this.displayName = "Eater of Worlds"; = "Eater of Worlds Tail"; this.width = 38; this.height = 38; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 11; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 220; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 300f; this.scale = 1f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 16) { this.npcSlots = 2f; = "Mother Slime"; this.width = 36; this.height = 24; this.aiStyle = 1; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 7; this.lifeMax = 90; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.alpha = 120; this.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 50); this.value = 75f; this.scale = 1.25f; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 17) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Merchant"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 18) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Nurse"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 19) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Arms Dealer"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 20) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Dryad"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 21) { = "Skeleton"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 60; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 100f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 22) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Guide"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 23) { = "Meteor Head"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 26; this.soundHit = 3; this.soundKilled = 3; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.value = 80f; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 24) { this.npcSlots = 3f; = "Fire Imp"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 8; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 16; this.lifeMax = 70; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.lavaImmune = true; this.value = 350f; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 25) { = "Burning Sphere"; this.width = 16; this.height = 16; this.aiStyle = 9; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 1; this.soundHit = 3; this.soundKilled = 3; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.alpha = 100; } else { if (this.type == 26) { = "Goblin Peon"; this.scale = 0.9f; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 12; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 60; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.value = 100f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 27) { = "Goblin Thief"; this.scale = 0.95f; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 80; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.7f; this.value = 200f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 28) { = "Goblin Warrior"; this.scale = 1.1f; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 25; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 110; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 150f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 29) { = "Goblin Sorcerer"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 8; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 40; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.value = 200f; } else { if (this.type == 30) { = "Chaos Ball"; this.width = 16; this.height = 16; this.aiStyle = 9; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 1; this.soundHit = 3; this.soundKilled = 3; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.alpha = 100; this.knockBackResist = 0f; } else { if (this.type == 31) { = "Angry Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 26; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 80; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.value = 130f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 32) { = "Dark Caster"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 8; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 50; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.value = 140f; this.npcSlots = 2f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 33) { = "Water Sphere"; this.width = 16; this.height = 16; this.aiStyle = 9; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 1; this.soundHit = 3; this.soundKilled = 3; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.alpha = 255; this.knockBackResist = 0f; } else { if (this.type == 34) { = "Cursed Skull"; this.width = 26; this.height = 28; this.aiStyle = 10; this.damage = 35; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 40; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.value = 150f; this.knockBackResist = 0.2f; this.npcSlots = 0.75f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 35) { this.displayName = "Skeletron"; = "Skeletron Head"; this.width = 80; this.height = 102; this.aiStyle = 11; this.damage = 32; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 4400; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.value = 50000f; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.boss = true; this.npcSlots = 6f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 36) { this.displayName = "Skeletron"; = "Skeletron Hand"; this.width = 52; this.height = 52; this.aiStyle = 12; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 14; this.lifeMax = 600; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 37) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Old Man"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 38) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Demolitionist"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 39) { this.npcSlots = 6f; = "Bone Serpent Head"; this.displayName = "Bone Serpent"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 5; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 1200f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 40) { = "Bone Serpent Body"; this.displayName = "Bone Serpent"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 15; this.defense = 12; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 5; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 1200f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 41) { = "Bone Serpent Tail"; this.displayName = "Bone Serpent"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 18; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 5; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 1200f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 42) { = "Hornet"; this.width = 34; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 26; this.defense = 12; this.lifeMax = 48; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 200f; this.noGravity = true; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 43) { this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; = "Man Eater"; this.width = 30; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 13; this.damage = 34; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 110; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 350f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 44) { = "Undead Miner"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 22; this.defense = 9; this.lifeMax = 70; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 250f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 45) { = "Tim"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 8; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.value = 5000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 46) { = "Bunny"; this.width = 18; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 0; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 5; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; } else { if (this.type == 47) { = "Corrupt Bunny"; this.width = 18; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 70; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 500f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 48) { = "Harpy"; this.width = 24; this.height = 34; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 25; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 100; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 300f; } else { if (this.type == 49) { this.npcSlots = 0.5f; = "Cave Bat"; this.width = 22; this.height = 18; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 13; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 16; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 4; this.value = 90f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 50) { this.boss = true; = "King Slime"; this.width = 98; this.height = 92; this.aiStyle = 15; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 2000; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.alpha = 30; this.value = 10000f; this.scale = 1.25f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 51) { this.npcSlots = 0.5f; = "Jungle Bat"; this.width = 22; this.height = 18; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 34; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 4; this.value = 80f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 52) { = "Doctor Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 500; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 53) { = "The Groom"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 14; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 54) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Clothier"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 55) { this.noGravity = true; = "Goldfish"; this.width = 20; this.height = 18; this.aiStyle = 16; this.damage = 0; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 5; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 56) { this.noTileCollide = true; this.noGravity = true; = "Snatcher"; this.width = 30; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 13; this.damage = 25; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 60; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 90f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 57) { this.noGravity = true; = "Corrupt Goldfish"; this.width = 18; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 16; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 100; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 500f; } else { if (this.type == 58) { this.npcSlots = 0.5f; this.noGravity = true; = "Piranha"; this.width = 18; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 16; this.damage = 25; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 30; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 50f; } else { if (this.type == 59) { = "Lava Slime"; this.width = 24; this.height = 18; this.aiStyle = 1; this.damage = 15; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 50; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.scale = 1.1f; this.alpha = 50; this.lavaImmune = true; this.value = 120f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 60) { this.npcSlots = 0.5f; = "Hellbat"; this.width = 22; this.height = 18; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 35; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 46; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 4; this.value = 120f; this.scale = 1.1f; this.lavaImmune = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 61) { = "Vulture"; this.width = 36; this.height = 36; this.aiStyle = 17; this.damage = 15; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 40; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 60f; } else { if (this.type == 62) { this.npcSlots = 2f; = "Demon"; this.width = 28; this.height = 48; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 32; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 120; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 300f; this.lavaImmune = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 63) { this.noGravity = true; = "Blue Jellyfish"; this.width = 26; this.height = 26; this.aiStyle = 18; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 30; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 100f; this.alpha = 20; } else { if (this.type == 64) { this.noGravity = true; = "Pink Jellyfish"; this.width = 26; this.height = 26; this.aiStyle = 18; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 70; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 100f; this.alpha = 20; } else { if (this.type == 65) { this.noGravity = true; = "Shark"; this.width = 100; this.height = 24; this.aiStyle = 16; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 300; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 400f; this.knockBackResist = 0.7f; } else { if (this.type == 66) { this.npcSlots = 2f; = "Voodoo Demon"; this.width = 28; this.height = 48; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 32; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 140; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 1000f; this.lavaImmune = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 67) { = "Crab"; this.width = 28; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 40; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 60f; } else { if (this.type == 68) { = "Dungeon Guardian"; this.width = 80; this.height = 102; this.aiStyle = 11; this.damage = 1000; this.defense = 9000; this.lifeMax = 9999; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 69) { = "Antlion"; this.width = 24; this.height = 24; this.aiStyle = 19; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 45; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.value = 60f; this.behindTiles = true; } else { if (this.type == 70) { this.npcSlots = 0.3f; = "Spike Ball"; this.width = 34; this.height = 34; this.aiStyle = 20; this.damage = 32; this.defense = 100; this.lifeMax = 100; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.dontTakeDamage = true; this.scale = 1.5f; } else { if (this.type == 71) { this.npcSlots = 2f; = "Dungeon Slime"; this.width = 36; this.height = 24; this.aiStyle = 1; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 7; this.lifeMax = 150; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.alpha = 60; this.value = 150f; this.scale = 1.25f; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 72) { this.npcSlots = 0.3f; = "Blazing Wheel"; this.width = 34; this.height = 34; this.aiStyle = 21; this.damage = 24; this.defense = 100; this.lifeMax = 100; this.alpha = 100; this.behindTiles = true; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.noGravity = true; this.dontTakeDamage = true; this.scale = 1.2f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 73) { = "Goblin Scout"; this.scale = 0.95f; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 80; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.7f; this.value = 200f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 74 || this.type == 297 || this.type == 298) { = "Bird"; this.width = 14; this.height = 14; this.aiStyle = 24; this.damage = 0; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 5; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 1; } else { if (this.type == 75) { this.noGravity = true; = "Pixie"; this.width = 20; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 22; this.damage = 55; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 150; this.soundHit = 5; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.soundKilled = 7; this.value = 350f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 77) { = "Armored Skeleton"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 28; this.lifeMax = 260; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 400f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 78) { = "Mummy"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 16; this.lifeMax = 130; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.value = 600f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 79) { = "Dark Mummy"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 18; this.lifeMax = 180; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 700f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 80) { = "Light Mummy"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 55; this.defense = 18; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.knockBackResist = 0.55f; this.value = 700f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 81) { = "Corrupt Slime"; this.width = 40; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 1; this.damage = 55; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 170; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.alpha = 55; this.value = 400f; this.scale = 1.1f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 82) { this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; = "Wraith"; this.width = 24; this.height = 44; this.aiStyle = 22; this.damage = 65; this.defense = 16; this.lifeMax = 160; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.alpha = 100; this.value = 500f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.knockBackResist = 0.7f; } else { if (this.type == 83) { = "Cursed Hammer"; this.width = 40; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 23; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 18; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 6; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; } else { if (this.type == 84) { = "Enchanted Sword"; this.width = 40; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 23; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 18; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 6; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; } else { if (this.type == 85) { = "Mimic"; this.width = 24; this.height = 24; this.aiStyle = 25; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 500; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 6; this.value = 100000f; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 86) { = "Unicorn"; this.width = 46; this.height = 42; this.aiStyle = 26; this.damage = 65; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 12; this.soundKilled = 18; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 87) { this.displayName = "Wyvern"; this.noTileCollide = true; this.npcSlots = 5f; = "Wyvern Head"; this.width = 32; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 4000; this.soundHit = 7; this.soundKilled = 8; this.noGravity = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.value = 10000f; this.scale = 1f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 88) { this.displayName = "Wyvern"; this.noTileCollide = true; = "Wyvern Legs"; this.width = 32; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 4000; this.soundHit = 7; this.soundKilled = 8; this.noGravity = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.value = 10000f; this.scale = 1f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 89) { this.displayName = "Wyvern"; this.noTileCollide = true; = "Wyvern Body"; this.width = 32; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 4000; this.soundHit = 7; this.soundKilled = 8; this.noGravity = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.value = 2000f; this.scale = 1f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 90) { this.displayName = "Wyvern"; this.noTileCollide = true; = "Wyvern Body 2"; this.width = 32; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 4000; this.soundHit = 7; this.soundKilled = 8; this.noGravity = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.value = 10000f; this.scale = 1f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 91) { this.displayName = "Wyvern"; this.noTileCollide = true; = "Wyvern Body 3"; this.width = 32; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 4000; this.soundHit = 7; this.soundKilled = 8; this.noGravity = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.value = 10000f; this.scale = 1f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 92) { this.displayName = "Wyvern"; this.noTileCollide = true; = "Wyvern Tail"; this.width = 32; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 4000; this.soundHit = 7; this.soundKilled = 8; this.noGravity = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.value = 10000f; this.scale = 1f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 93) { this.npcSlots = 0.5f; = "Giant Bat"; this.width = 26; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 45; this.defense = 16; this.lifeMax = 100; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.75f; this.soundKilled = 4; this.value = 400f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 94) { this.npcSlots = 1f; = "Corruptor"; this.width = 44; this.height = 44; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 32; this.lifeMax = 230; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.knockBackResist = 0.55f; this.value = 500f; } else { if (this.type == 95) { this.displayName = "Digger"; = "Digger Head"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 45; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.scale = 0.9f; this.value = 300f; } else { if (this.type == 96) { this.displayName = "Digger"; = "Digger Body"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 28; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.scale = 0.9f; this.value = 300f; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 97) { this.displayName = "Digger"; = "Digger Tail"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 26; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.scale = 0.9f; this.value = 300f; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 98) { this.displayName = "World Feeder"; this.npcSlots = 3.5f; = "Seeker Head"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 36; this.lifeMax = 500; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 700f; } else { if (this.type == 99) { this.displayName = "World Feeder"; = "Seeker Body"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 55; this.defense = 40; this.lifeMax = 500; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 700f; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 100) { this.displayName = "World Feeder"; = "Seeker Tail"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 44; this.lifeMax = 500; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 700f; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 101) { this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.behindTiles = true; = "Clinger"; this.width = 30; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 13; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 320; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.2f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 600f; } else { if (this.type == 102) { this.npcSlots = 0.5f; this.noGravity = true; = "Angler Fish"; this.width = 18; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 16; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 22; this.lifeMax = 90; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 500f; } else { if (this.type == 103) { this.noGravity = true; = "Green Jellyfish"; this.width = 26; this.height = 26; this.aiStyle = 18; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 120; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 800f; this.alpha = 20; } else { if (this.type == 104) { = "Werewolf"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 40; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 6; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 105) { this.friendly = true; = "Bound Goblin"; this.width = 18; this.height = 34; this.aiStyle = 0; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.scale = 0.9f; } else { if (this.type == 106) { this.friendly = true; = "Bound Wizard"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 0; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 107) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Goblin Tinkerer"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.scale = 0.9f; } else { if (this.type == 108) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Wizard"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 109) { = "Clown"; this.width = 34; this.height = 78; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 8000f; } else { if (this.type == 110) { = "Skeleton Archer"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 45; this.defense = 14; this.lifeMax = 210; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.55f; this.value = 400f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 111) { = "Goblin Archer"; this.scale = 0.95f; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 80; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.7f; this.value = 200f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 112) { = "Vile Spit"; this.width = 16; this.height = 16; this.aiStyle = 9; this.damage = 65; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 1; this.soundHit = 0; this.soundKilled = 9; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.scale = 0.9f; this.alpha = 80; } else { if (this.type == 113) { this.npcSlots = 10f; = "Wall of Flesh"; this.width = 100; this.height = 100; this.aiStyle = 27; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 12; this.lifeMax = 8000; this.soundHit = 8; this.soundKilled = 10; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.behindTiles = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.scale = 1.2f; this.boss = true; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.value = 80000f; } else { if (this.type == 114) { = "Wall of Flesh Eye"; this.displayName = "Wall of Flesh"; this.width = 100; this.height = 100; this.aiStyle = 28; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 8000; this.soundHit = 8; this.soundKilled = 10; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.behindTiles = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.scale = 1.2f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.value = 80000f; } else { if (this.type == 115) { = "The Hungry"; this.width = 30; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 29; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 240; this.soundHit = 9; this.soundKilled = 11; this.noGravity = true; this.behindTiles = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 1.1f; } else { if (this.type == 116) { = "The Hungry II"; this.displayName = "The Hungry"; this.width = 30; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 2; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 80; this.soundHit = 9; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 12; } else { if (this.type == 117) { this.displayName = "Leech"; = "Leech Head"; this.width = 14; this.height = 14; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 26; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 60; this.soundHit = 9; this.soundKilled = 12; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; } else { if (this.type == 118) { this.displayName = "Leech"; = "Leech Body"; this.width = 14; this.height = 14; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 22; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 60; this.soundHit = 9; this.soundKilled = 12; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; } else { if (this.type == 119) { this.displayName = "Leech"; = "Leech Tail"; this.width = 14; this.height = 14; this.aiStyle = 6; this.netAlways = true; this.damage = 18; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 60; this.soundHit = 9; this.soundKilled = 12; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; } else { if (this.type == 120) { = "Chaos Elemental"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 370; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 600f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 121) { = "Slimer"; this.width = 40; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 45; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 60; this.soundHit = 1; this.alpha = 55; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.scale = 1.1f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 122) { this.noGravity = true; = "Gastropod"; this.width = 20; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 22; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 22; this.lifeMax = 220; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 600f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 123) { this.friendly = true; = "Bound Mechanic"; this.width = 18; this.height = 34; this.aiStyle = 0; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.scale = 0.9f; } else { if (this.type == 124) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Mechanic"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 125) { = "Retinazer"; this.width = 100; this.height = 110; this.aiStyle = 30; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 20000; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 14; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime * 30; this.boss = true; this.value = 120000f; this.npcSlots = 5f; this.boss = true; } else { if (this.type == 126) { = "Spazmatism"; this.width = 100; this.height = 110; this.aiStyle = 31; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 20000; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 14; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime * 30; this.boss = true; this.value = 120000f; this.npcSlots = 5f; this.boss = true; } else { if (this.type == 127) { = "Skeletron Prime"; this.width = 80; this.height = 102; this.aiStyle = 32; this.damage = 45; this.defense = 22; this.lifeMax = 25000; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 14; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.value = 120000f; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.boss = true; this.npcSlots = 6f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.boss = true; } else { if (this.type == 128) { = "Prime Cannon"; this.width = 52; this.height = 52; this.aiStyle = 35; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 6000; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 14; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.netAlways = true; } else { if (this.type == 129) { = "Prime Saw"; this.width = 52; this.height = 52; this.aiStyle = 33; this.damage = 47; this.defense = 36; this.lifeMax = 8000; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 14; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.netAlways = true; } else { if (this.type == 130) { = "Prime Vice"; this.width = 52; this.height = 52; this.aiStyle = 34; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 8000; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 14; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.netAlways = true; } else { if (this.type == 131) { = "Prime Laser"; this.width = 52; this.height = 52; this.aiStyle = 36; this.damage = 29; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 5000; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 14; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.netAlways = true; } else { if (this.type == 132) { this.displayName = "Zombie"; = "Bald Zombie"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 15; this.defense = 5; this.lifeMax = 40; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 65f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 133) { = "Wandering Eye"; this.width = 30; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 2; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 300; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 500f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 134) { this.displayName = "The Destroyer"; this.npcSlots = 5f; = "The Destroyer"; this.width = 38; this.height = 38; this.aiStyle = 37; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 60000; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 14; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.value = 120000f; this.scale = 1.25f; this.boss = true; this.netAlways = true; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; flag = true; } else { if (this.type == 135) { this.displayName = "The Destroyer"; this.npcSlots = 5f; = "The Destroyer Body"; this.width = 38; this.height = 38; this.aiStyle = 37; this.damage = 35; this.defense = 26; this.lifeMax = 60000; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 14; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.netAlways = true; this.scale = 1.25f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 136) { this.displayName = "The Destroyer"; this.npcSlots = 5f; = "The Destroyer Tail"; this.width = 38; this.height = 38; this.aiStyle = 37; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 60000; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 14; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.behindTiles = true; this.scale = 1.25f; this.netAlways = true; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; NPC.noStream = true; } else { if (this.type == 139) { this.npcSlots = 1f; = "Probe"; this.width = 30; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 18; this.lifeMax = 180; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 14; this.noGravity = true; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.noTileCollide = true; } else { if (this.type == 137) { = "Illuminant Bat"; this.width = 26; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 75; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.75f; this.soundKilled = 6; this.value = 500f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 138) { = "Illuminant Slime"; this.width = 24; this.height = 18; this.aiStyle = 1; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 180; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.alpha = 100; this.value = 400f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.knockBackResist = 0.85f; this.scale = 1.05f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 140) { = "Possessed Armor"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 55; this.defense = 28; this.lifeMax = 260; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 6; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 400f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; this.buffImmune[24] = true; } else { if (this.type == 141) { = "Toxic Sludge"; this.width = 34; this.height = 28; this.aiStyle = 1; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 18; this.lifeMax = 150; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.alpha = 55; this.value = 400f; this.scale = 1.1f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; } else { if (this.type == 142) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Santa Claus"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 143) { = "Snowman Gangsta"; this.width = 26; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 38; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 11; this.soundKilled = 15; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.value = 400f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 144) { = "Mister Stabby"; this.width = 26; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 38; this.damage = 65; this.defense = 26; this.lifeMax = 240; this.soundHit = 11; this.soundKilled = 15; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.value = 400f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 145) { = "Snow Balla"; this.width = 26; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 38; this.damage = 55; this.defense = 22; this.lifeMax = 220; this.soundHit = 11; this.soundKilled = 15; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.value = 400f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 147) { = "Ice Slime"; this.width = 24; this.height = 18; this.aiStyle = 1; this.damage = 8; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 30; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.alpha = 50; this.value = 50f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 148) { = "Penguin"; this.width = 16; this.height = 34; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 0; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 5; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; } else { if (this.type == 149) { = "Penguin"; this.width = 16; this.height = 34; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 0; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 5; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; } else { if (this.type == 150) { this.npcSlots = 0.5f; = "Ice Bat"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 18; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 30; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 4; this.value = 130f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 151) { this.npcSlots = 0.5f; = "Lava bat"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 16; this.lifeMax = 160; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.soundKilled = 4; this.value = 400f; this.scale = 1.15f; this.lavaImmune = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 152) { this.npcSlots = 0.5f; = "Giant Flying Fox"; this.width = 38; this.height = 34; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 24; this.lifeMax = 220; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.65f; this.soundKilled = 4; this.value = 400f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 153) { this.npcSlots = 2f; = "Giant Tortoise"; this.width = 46; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 39; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 470; this.soundHit = 7; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.soundKilled = 5; this.value = 500f; this.noGravity = false; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 154) { this.npcSlots = 1.5f; = "Ice Tortoise"; this.width = 46; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 39; this.damage = 55; this.defense = 28; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 7; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.soundKilled = 5; this.value = 450f; this.noGravity = false; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 155) { = "Wolf"; this.width = 46; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 26; this.damage = 65; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 300; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 156) { this.npcSlots = 2f; = "Red Devil"; this.width = 28; this.height = 48; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 40; this.lifeMax = 600; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 1200f; this.lavaImmune = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 157) { this.npcSlots = 0.5f; this.noGravity = true; = "Arapaima"; this.width = 74; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 16; this.damage = 75; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 500f; } else { if (this.type == 158) { this.npcSlots = 2f; = "Vampire"; this.width = 22; this.height = 22; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 500; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.75f; this.soundKilled = 6; this.value = 5000f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 159) { this.npcSlots = 2f; = "Vampire"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 500; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 5000f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 160) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Truffle"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 161) { = "Zombie Eskimo"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 16; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 50; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.45f; this.value = 80f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 162) { = "Frankenstein"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 18; this.lifeMax = 220; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.value = 600f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 163) { = "Black Recluse"; this.width = 50; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 90; this.defense = 40; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.25f; this.value = 500f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; this.npcSlots = 0.5f; this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime * 2; } else { if (this.type == 238) { this.noGravity = true; = "Black Recluse"; this.width = 50; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 40; this.damage = 100; this.defense = 40; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.25f; this.value = 500f; this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime * 2; this.npcSlots = 0.5f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 164) { = "Wall Creeper"; this.width = 50; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 80; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.25f; this.value = 100f; this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime * 2; this.npcSlots = 0.5f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 165) { this.noGravity = true; = "Wall Creeper"; this.width = 50; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 40; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 80; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.25f; this.value = 100f; this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime * 2; this.npcSlots = 0.5f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 166) { = "Swamp Thing"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 32; this.lifeMax = 350; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.2f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 167) { = "Undead Viking"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 24; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 70; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 200f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 168) { = "Corrupt Penguin"; this.width = 16; this.height = 34; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 70; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 500f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 169) { this.noGravity = true; = "Ice Elemental"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 22; this.damage = 55; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 5; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.soundKilled = 7; this.value = 1500f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; this.buffImmune[44] = true; } else { if (this.type == 170) { = "Pigron"; this.width = 44; this.height = 36; this.aiStyle = 2; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 16; this.lifeMax = 210; this.soundHit = 7; this.soundKilled = 17; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 2000f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 171) { = "Pigron"; this.width = 44; this.height = 36; this.aiStyle = 2; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 16; this.lifeMax = 210; this.soundHit = 7; this.soundKilled = 17; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 2000f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 172) { = "Rune Wizard"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 8; this.damage = 200; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 600; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.value = 5000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 173) { this.npcSlots = 1f; = "Crimera"; this.width = 30; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 22; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 40; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 90f; } else { if (this.type == 174) { this.npcSlots = 1f; = "Herpling"; this.width = 52; this.height = 26; this.aiStyle = 41; this.damage = 65; this.defense = 26; this.lifeMax = 220; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.value = 450f; } else { if (this.type == 175) { this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; = "Angry Trapper"; this.width = 30; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 13; this.damage = 100; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 300; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.25f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 650f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 176) { = "Moss Hornet"; this.width = 34; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 22; this.lifeMax = 220; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 600f; this.noGravity = true; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.npcSlots = 1.5f; } else { if (this.type == 177) { this.npcSlots = 1f; = "Derpling"; this.width = 58; this.height = 44; this.aiStyle = 41; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 26; this.lifeMax = 300; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 500f; } else { if (this.type == 178) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Steampunker"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 179) { = "Crimson Axe"; this.width = 40; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 23; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 18; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 6; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; } else { if (this.type == 180) { = "Pigron"; this.width = 44; this.height = 36; this.aiStyle = 2; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 16; this.lifeMax = 210; this.soundHit = 7; this.soundKilled = 17; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 4000f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 181) { = "Face Monster"; this.width = 18; this.height = 44; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 25; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 70; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 200f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 182) { this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; = "Floaty Gross"; this.width = 24; this.height = 62; this.aiStyle = 22; this.damage = 65; this.defense = 18; this.lifeMax = 240; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.alpha = 100; this.value = 500f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.knockBackResist = 0.7f; } else { if (this.type == 183) { = "Crimslime"; this.width = 40; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 1; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 26; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.alpha = 55; this.value = 400f; this.scale = 1.1f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 184) { = "Spiked Ice Slime"; this.width = 24; this.height = 18; this.aiStyle = 1; this.damage = 12; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 60; this.scale = 1.1f; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.alpha = 50; this.value = 200f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 185) { = "Snow Flinx"; this.width = 28; this.height = 28; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 26; this.defense = 12; this.lifeMax = 70; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 1.1f; this.value = 200f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 186) { = "Pincushion Zombie"; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 16; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 50; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.45f; this.value = 65f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 187) { = "Slimed Zombie"; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 13; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 40; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.55f; this.value = 55f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 188) { = "Swamp Zombie"; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 13; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 45; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.45f; this.value = 80f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 189) { = "Twiggy Zombie"; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 16; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 45; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.55f; this.value = 70f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 190) { = "Cataract Eye"; this.displayName = "Demon Eye"; this.width = 30; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 2; this.damage = 18; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 65; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.7f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 75f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 191) { = "Sleepy Eye"; this.displayName = "Demon Eye"; this.width = 30; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 2; this.damage = 16; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 60; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.85f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 75f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 192) { = "Dialated Eye"; this.displayName = "Demon Eye"; this.width = 30; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 2; this.damage = 18; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 50; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 75f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 193) { = "Green Eye"; this.displayName = "Demon Eye"; this.width = 30; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 2; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 60; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 75f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 194) { = "Purple Eye"; this.displayName = "Demon Eye"; this.width = 30; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 2; this.damage = 14; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 60; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 75f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 195) { = "Lost Girl"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 42; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 196) { = "Nymph"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 35; this.defense = 16; this.lifeMax = 300; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 10000f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 197) { = "Armored Viking"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 28; this.lifeMax = 280; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.45f; this.value = 500f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 198) { = "Lihzahrd"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 38; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 650f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 199) { = "Lihzahrd"; this.width = 42; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.value = 650f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 200) { = "Female Zombie"; this.displayName = "Zombie"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 12; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 38; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.value = 65f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 201) { = "Headache Skeleton"; this.displayName = "Skeleton"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 12; this.lifeMax = 55; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 130f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 202) { = "Misassembled Skeleton"; this.displayName = "Skeleton"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 18; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 65; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 120f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 203) { = "Pantless Skeleton"; this.displayName = "Skeleton"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 22; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 60; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 110f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 204) { = "Spiked Jungle Slime"; this.width = 24; this.height = 18; this.aiStyle = 1; this.damage = 28; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 65; this.scale = 1.15f; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.alpha = 50; this.value = 300f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 205) { = "Moth"; this.width = 40; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 28; this.lifeMax = 1000; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 600f; this.noGravity = true; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 206) { = "Icy Merman"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 280; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 500f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 207) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Dye Trader"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 208) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Party Girl"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 209) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Cyborg"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 210) { = "Bee"; this.width = 12; this.height = 12; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 5; this.lifeMax = 20; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 211) { = "Bee"; this.width = 8; this.height = 8; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 15; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 10; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 212) { = "Pirate Deckhand"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 35; this.defense = 16; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 700f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 213) { = "Pirate Corsair"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 300; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.2f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 214) { = "Pirate Deadeye"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 12; this.lifeMax = 150; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 215) { = "Pirate Crossbower"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 35; this.defense = 18; this.lifeMax = 260; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.35f; this.value = 1500f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 216) { = "Pirate Captain"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 28; this.lifeMax = 2000; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.value = 50000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 217) { = "Cochineal Beetle"; this.width = 28; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 40; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 16; this.value = 60f; } else { if (this.type == 218) { = "Cyan Beetle"; this.width = 28; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 40; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 16; this.value = 60f; } else { if (this.type == 219) { = "Lac Beetle"; this.width = 28; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 40; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 16; this.value = 60f; } else { if (this.type == 220) { = "Sea Snail"; this.width = 28; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 40; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 60f; } else { if (this.type == 221) { this.noGravity = true; = "Squid"; this.width = 26; this.height = 26; this.aiStyle = 18; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 2; this.lifeMax = 30; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 100f; this.alpha = 20; } else { if (this.type == 222) { = "Queen Bee"; this.width = 66; this.height = 66; this.aiStyle = 43; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 3400; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime * 30; this.boss = true; this.value = 100000f; this.npcSlots = 5f; } else { if (this.type == 223) { = "Zombie"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 16; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 50; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.45f; this.value = 70f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 224) { = "Flying Fish"; this.width = 32; this.height = 18; this.aiStyle = 44; this.damage = 9; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 20; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 90f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (this.type == 225) { = "Umbrella Slime"; this.width = 38; this.height = 26; this.aiStyle = 1; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 5; this.lifeMax = 35; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.75f; this.value = 25f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 226) { this.npcSlots = 0.5f; = "Flying Snake"; this.width = 34; this.height = 50; this.aiStyle = 14; this.damage = 85; this.defense = 28; this.lifeMax = 260; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.65f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 400f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 227) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Painter"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 228) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Witch Doctor"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 229) { this.townNPC = true; this.friendly = true; = "Pirate"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 10; this.defense = 15; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; } else { if (this.type == 230) { = "Goldfish"; this.width = 18; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 0; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 5; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; } else { if (this.type == 231) { = "Hornet Fatty"; this.width = 34; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 22; this.defense = 16; this.lifeMax = 50; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 200f; this.noGravity = true; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 232) { = "Hornet Honey"; this.width = 34; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 28; this.defense = 12; this.lifeMax = 42; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 200f; this.noGravity = true; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 233) { = "Hornet Leafy"; this.width = 34; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 14; this.lifeMax = 38; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.45f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 200f; this.noGravity = true; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 234) { = "Hornet Spikey"; this.width = 34; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 32; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 42; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.55f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 200f; this.noGravity = true; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 235) { = "Hornet Stingy"; this.width = 34; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 34; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 38; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 200f; this.noGravity = true; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 236) { = "Jungle Creeper"; this.width = 50; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 14; this.lifeMax = 120; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.25f; this.value = 1000f; this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime * 2; this.npcSlots = 0.75f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 237) { this.noGravity = true; = "Jungle Creeper"; this.width = 50; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 40; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 14; this.lifeMax = 120; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.25f; this.value = 1000f; this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime * 2; this.npcSlots = 0.75f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 239) { = "Blood Crawler"; this.width = 50; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 60; this.soundHit = 13; this.soundKilled = 19; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 130f; this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime * 2; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 240) { this.noGravity = true; = "Blood Crawler"; this.width = 50; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 40; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 8; this.lifeMax = 60; this.soundHit = 13; this.soundKilled = 19; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 130f; this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime * 2; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 241) { this.npcSlots = 0.5f; this.noGravity = true; = "Blood Feeder"; this.width = 18; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 16; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 20; this.soundHit = 13; this.soundKilled = 19; this.value = 350f; } else { if (this.type == 242) { this.noGravity = true; = "Blood Jelly"; this.width = 26; this.height = 26; this.aiStyle = 18; this.damage = 75; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 150; this.soundHit = 13; this.soundKilled = 19; this.value = 800f; this.alpha = 20; } else { if (this.type == 243) { = "Ice Golem"; this.width = 30; this.height = 114; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 32; this.lifeMax = 3000; this.soundHit = 5; this.soundKilled = 7; this.knockBackResist = 0.05f; this.value = (float)Item.buyPrice(0, 1, 50, 0); this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[44] = true; } else { if (this.type == 244) { = "Rainbow Slime"; this.width = 60; this.height = 42; this.aiStyle = 1; this.damage = 85; this.defense = 26; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.alpha = 175; this.value = (float)Item.buyPrice(0, 0, 20, 0); this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 245) { = "Golem"; this.width = 140; this.height = 140; this.aiStyle = 45; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 24; this.lifeMax = 8000; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 14; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.alpha = 255; this.boss = true; } else { if (this.type == 246) { this.noGravity = true; = "Golem Head"; this.width = 70; this.height = 70; this.aiStyle = 46; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 18; this.lifeMax = 15000; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 0; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.alpha = 255; } else { if (this.type == 247 || this.type == 248) { this.noGravity = true; = "Golem Fist"; this.width = 40; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 47; this.damage = 55; this.defense = 28; this.lifeMax = 6000; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 14; this.alpha = 255; } else { if (this.type == 249) { this.noGravity = true; = "Golem Head"; this.width = 70; this.height = 70; this.aiStyle = 48; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 10000; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 14; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.dontTakeDamage = true; } else { if (this.type == 250) { = "Angry Nimbus"; this.width = 34; this.height = 26; this.aiStyle = 49; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 24; this.lifeMax = 300; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.value = 300f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 251) { = "Eyezor"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 1000; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.value = (float)Item.buyPrice(0, 0, 50, 0); this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 252) { this.noGravity = true; this.npcSlots = 0.5f; = "Parrot"; this.width = 32; this.height = 32; this.aiStyle = 5; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 12; this.lifeMax = 100; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0.7f; this.soundKilled = 4; this.value = 500f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 253) { this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; = "Reaper"; this.width = 24; this.height = 44; this.aiStyle = 22; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 18; this.lifeMax = 300; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.alpha = 100; this.value = 1500f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; } else { if (this.type == 254) { = "Zombie"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 180; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 255) { = "Zombie"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 38; this.defense = 16; this.lifeMax = 220; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.value = 1200f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 256) { this.noGravity = true; = "Fungo Fish"; this.width = 26; this.height = 26; this.aiStyle = 18; this.damage = 90; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 140; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.value = 1200f; this.alpha = 20; this.npcSlots = 0.3f; } else { if (this.type == 257) { = "Anomura Fungus"; this.width = 44; this.height = 34; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 38; this.defense = 24; this.lifeMax = 230; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.value = 1300f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; this.npcSlots = 0.3f; } else { if (this.type == 258) { = "Mushi Ladybug"; this.width = 30; this.height = 24; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 16; this.lifeMax = 220; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.value = 1500f; this.buffImmune[31] = false; this.npcSlots = 0.3f; } else { if (this.type == 259) { this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; = "Fungi Bulb"; this.width = 20; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 13; this.damage = 24; this.defense = 4; this.lifeMax = 90; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 350f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.npcSlots = 0.3f; } else { if (this.type == 260) { this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; = "Giant Fungi Bulb"; this.width = 36; this.height = 36; this.aiStyle = 13; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 300; this.soundHit = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.soundKilled = 1; this.value = 1250f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.npcSlots = 0.3f; } else { if (this.type == 261) { = "Fungi Spore"; this.width = 12; this.height = 12; this.aiStyle = 50; this.damage = 80; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 1; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.npcSlots = 0f; } else { if (this.type == 262) { this.noTileCollide = true; = "Plantera"; this.width = 86; this.height = 86; this.aiStyle = 51; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 14; this.lifeMax = 30000; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.noGravity = true; this.boss = true; this.npcSlots = 16f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 263) { this.noTileCollide = true; this.noGravity = true; = "Plantera's Hook"; this.width = 40; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 52; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 24; this.lifeMax = 4000; this.dontTakeDamage = true; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 264) { = "Plantera's Tentacle"; this.width = 24; this.height = 24; this.aiStyle = 53; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 1000; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 265) { = "Spore"; this.width = 18; this.height = 18; this.aiStyle = 50; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 1; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.npcSlots = 0f; } else { if (this.type == 266) { = "Brain of Cthulhu"; this.dontTakeDamage = true; this.width = 160; this.height = 110; this.aiStyle = 54; this.damage = 30; this.defense = 14; this.lifeMax = 1000; this.soundHit = 9; this.soundKilled = 11; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime * 30; this.boss = true; this.value = 50000f; this.npcSlots = 6f; } else { if (this.type == 267) { = "Creeper"; this.width = 30; this.height = 30; this.aiStyle = 55; this.damage = 20; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 100; this.soundHit = 9; this.soundKilled = 11; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.knockBackResist = 0.8f; } else { if (this.type == 268) { this.noGravity = true; = "Ichor Sticker"; this.width = 28; this.height = 56; this.aiStyle = 22; this.damage = 55; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 340; this.soundHit = 13; this.soundKilled = 19; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.value = 450f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 269) { = "Rusty Armored Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 34; this.lifeMax = 550; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 270) { = "Rusty Armored Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 55; this.defense = 50; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.2f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 271) { = "Rusty Armored Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 40; this.lifeMax = 450; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.25f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 272) { = "Rusty Armored Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 75; this.defense = 28; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.35f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 273) { = "Blue Armored Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 45; this.defense = 50; this.lifeMax = 500; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.15f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 274) { = "Blue Armored Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 65; this.defense = 34; this.lifeMax = 350; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 275) { = "Blue Armored Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 45; this.defense = 50; this.lifeMax = 550; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.15f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 276) { = "Blue Armored Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 85; this.defense = 54; this.lifeMax = 500; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.2f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 277) { = "Hell Armored Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 32; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 278) { = "Hell Armored Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 65; this.defense = 48; this.lifeMax = 450; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 279) { = "Hell Armored Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 54; this.lifeMax = 500; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.2f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 280) { = "Hell Armored Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 75; this.defense = 34; this.lifeMax = 500; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 281) { = "Ragged Caster"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 8; this.damage = 40; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.value = 1500f; this.npcSlots = 2f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 282) { = "Ragged Caster"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 8; this.damage = 35; this.defense = 28; this.lifeMax = 450; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 1500f; this.npcSlots = 2f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 283) { = "Necromancer"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 8; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 18; this.lifeMax = 300; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.55f; this.value = 1500f; this.npcSlots = 2f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 284) { = "Necromancer"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 8; this.damage = 35; this.defense = 24; this.lifeMax = 450; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.value = 1500f; this.npcSlots = 2f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 285) { = "Diabolist"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 8; this.damage = 50; this.defense = 12; this.lifeMax = 200; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.7f; this.value = 1500f; this.npcSlots = 2f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 286) { = "Diabolist"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 8; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 10; this.lifeMax = 250; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.65f; this.value = 1500f; this.npcSlots = 2f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; } else { if (this.type == 287) { = "Bone Lee"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 90; this.defense = 42; this.lifeMax = 1000; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f; this.value = 2000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 288) { = "Dungeon Spirit"; this.width = 20; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 56; this.damage = 70; this.defense = 30; this.lifeMax = 200; this.knockBackResist = 0.2f; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 6; this.value = 500f; this.noTileCollide = true; this.noGravity = true; flag = true; } else { if (this.type == 289) { = "Giant Cursed Skull"; this.width = 44; this.height = 44; this.aiStyle = 10; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 20; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.value = 150f; this.knockBackResist = 0.2f; this.npcSlots = 0.75f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[24] = true; this.buffImmune[39] = true; } else { if (this.type == 290) { = "Paladin"; this.width = 34; this.height = 62; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 100; this.defense = 50; this.lifeMax = 5000; this.soundHit = 4; this.soundKilled = 6; this.knockBackResist = 0f; this.value = 50000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 291) { = "Skeleton Sniper"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 28; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 292) { = "Tactical Skeleton"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 28; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 293) { = "Skeleton Commando"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 60; this.defense = 28; this.lifeMax = 400; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.4f; this.value = 1000f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 294) { = "Angry Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 34; this.defense = 6; this.lifeMax = 70; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.9f; this.value = 130f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 295) { = "Angry Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 28; this.defense = 12; this.lifeMax = 70; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.7f; this.value = 130f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 296) { = "Angry Bones"; this.width = 18; this.height = 40; this.aiStyle = 3; this.damage = 24; this.defense = 14; this.lifeMax = 120; this.soundHit = 2; this.soundKilled = 2; this.knockBackResist = 0.6f; this.value = 130f; this.buffImmune[20] = true; this.buffImmune[31] = false; } else { if (this.type == 299) { = "Squirrel"; this.width = 18; this.height = 20; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 0; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 5; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 1; } else { if (this.type == 300) { = "Mouse"; this.width = 14; this.height = 12; this.aiStyle = 7; this.damage = 0; this.defense = 0; this.lifeMax = 5; this.soundHit = 1; this.soundKilled = 4; this.npcSlots = 0.25f; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (flag) { for (int n = 0; n < 81; n++) { this.buffImmune[n] = true; } } if (Main.dedServ) { this.frame = default(Rectangle); } else { if (Main.NPCLoaded[this.type]) { this.frame = new Rectangle(0, 0, Main.npcTexture[this.type].Width, Main.npcTexture[this.type].Height / Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]); } else { this.setFrameSize = true; } } if (scaleOverride > 0f) { int num = (int)((float)this.width * this.scale); int num2 = (int)((float)this.height * this.scale); this.position.X = this.position.X + (float)(num / 2); this.position.Y = this.position.Y + (float)num2; this.scale = scaleOverride; this.width = (int)((float)this.width * this.scale); this.height = (int)((float)this.height * this.scale); if (this.height == 16 || this.height == 32) { this.height++; } this.position.X = this.position.X - (float)(this.width / 2); this.position.Y = this.position.Y - (float)this.height; } else { this.width = (int)((float)this.width * this.scale); this.height = (int)((float)this.height * this.scale); } if (this.buffImmune[20]) { this.buffImmune[70] = true; } = this.lifeMax; this.defDamage = this.damage; this.defDefense = this.defense; this.netID = this.type; this.displayName = Lang.npcName(this.netID, false); } public void AI() { if (this.aiStyle == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) { if (Main.player[i].active && Main.player[i].talkNPC == this.whoAmI) { if (this.type == 105) { this.Transform(107); return; } if (this.type == 106) { this.Transform(108); return; } if (this.type == 123) { this.Transform(124); return; } } } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.93f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } this.TargetClosest(true); this.spriteDirection = this.direction; return; } if (this.aiStyle == 1) { if (this.type == 244) { float num = (float)Main.DiscoR / 255f; float num2 = (float)Main.DiscoG / 255f; float num3 = (float)Main.DiscoB / 255f; num *= 1f; num2 *= 1f; num3 *= 1f; Lighting.addLight((int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f), (int)((this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16f), num, num2, num3); this.color.R = (byte)Main.DiscoR; this.color.G = (byte)Main.DiscoG; this.color.B = (byte)Main.DiscoB; this.color.A = 100; this.alpha = 175; } bool flag = false; if (!Main.dayTime || != this.lifeMax || (double)this.position.Y > Main.worldSurface * 16.0) { flag = true; } if (this.type == 81) { flag = true; if (Main.rand.Next(30) == 0) { int num4 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 14, 0f, 0f, this.alpha, this.color, 1f); Main.dust[num4].velocity *= 0.3f; } } if (this.type == 183) { flag = true; } if (this.type == 147 && Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { int num5 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 76, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num5].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num5].velocity *= 0.1f; } if (this.type == 244) { flag = true;[0] += 2f; } if (this.type == 184) { if (Main.rand.Next(8) == 0) { int num6 = Dust.NewDust(this.position - this.velocity, this.width, this.height, 76, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num6].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num6].velocity *= 0.15f; } flag = true; if (this.localAI[0] > 0f) { this.localAI[0] -= 1f; } if (!this.wet) { Vector2 vector = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num7 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector.X; float num8 = Main.player[].position.Y - vector.Y; float num9 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num7 * num7 + num8 * num8)); if (num9 < 200f && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height) && this.velocity.Y == 0f) {[0] = -40f; if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; } if (Main.netMode != 1 && this.localAI[0] == 0f) { num8 = Main.player[].position.Y - vector.Y - (float)Main.rand.Next(0, 200); num9 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num7 * num7 + num8 * num8)); num9 = 4.5f / num9; num7 *= num9; num8 *= num9; this.localAI[0] = 50f; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector.X, vector.Y, num7, num8, 174, 9, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } } } } if (this.type == 204) { flag = true; if (this.localAI[0] > 0f) { this.localAI[0] -= 1f; } if (!this.wet) { Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num10 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector2.X; float num11 = Main.player[].position.Y - vector2.Y; float num12 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num10 * num10 + num11 * num11)); if (num12 < 400f && Collision.CanHit(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y - 20f), this.width, this.height + 20, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height) && this.velocity.Y == 0f) {[0] = -80f; if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; } if (Main.netMode != 1 && this.localAI[0] == 0f) { num11 = Main.player[].position.Y - vector2.Y - (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 20); num11 -= num12 * 0.05f; num10 = Main.player[].position.X - vector2.X - (float)Main.rand.Next(-20, 20); num12 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num10 * num10 + num11 * num11)); num12 = 7f / num12; num10 *= num12; num11 *= num12; this.localAI[0] = 65f; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector2.X, vector2.Y, num10, num11, 176, 13, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } } } } if (this.type == 59) { Lighting.addLight((int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f), (int)((this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16f), 1f, 0.3f, 0.1f); int num13 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, this.velocity.X * 0.2f, this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 1.7f); Main.dust[num13].noGravity = true; } if ([2] > 1f) {[2] -= 1f; } if (this.wet) { if (this.collideY) { this.velocity.Y = -2f; } if (this.velocity.Y < 0f &&[3] == this.position.X) { this.direction *= -1;[2] = 200f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) {[3] = this.position.X; } if (this.type == 59) { if (this.velocity.Y > 2f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.9f; } else { if (this.directionY < 0) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.8f; } } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.5f; if (this.velocity.Y < -10f) { this.velocity.Y = -10f; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 2f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.9f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.5f; if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = -4f; } } if ([2] == 1f && flag) { this.TargetClosest(true); } } this.aiAction = 0; if ([2] == 0f) {[0] = -100f;[2] = 1f; this.TargetClosest(true); } if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if ([3] == this.position.X) { this.direction *= -1;[2] = 200f; }[3] = 0f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.8f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } if (flag) {[0] += 1f; }[0] += 1f; if (this.type == 59) {[0] += 2f; } if (this.type == 71) {[0] += 3f; } if (this.type == 138) {[0] += 2f; } if (this.type == 183) {[0] += 1f; } if (this.type == 81) { if (this.scale >= 0f) {[0] += 4f; } else {[0] += 1f; } } if ([0] >= 0f) { this.netUpdate = true; if (flag &&[2] == 1f) { this.TargetClosest(true); } if ([1] == 2f) { this.velocity.Y = -8f; if (this.type == 59) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 2f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)(3 * this.direction); if (this.type == 59) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.5f * (float)this.direction; }[0] = -200f;[1] = 0f;[3] = this.position.X; } else { this.velocity.Y = -6f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)(2 * this.direction); if (this.type == 59) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)(2 * this.direction); }[0] = -120f;[1] += 1f; } if (this.type == 141) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 1.3f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 1.2f; return; } } else { if ([0] >= -30f) { this.aiAction = 1; return; } } } else { if ( < 255 && ((this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 3f) || (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -3f))) { if ((this.direction == -1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) || (this.direction == 1 && (double)this.velocity.X > -0.1)) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.2f * (float)this.direction; return; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.93f; return; } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 2) { if ((this.type == 170 || this.type == 171 || this.type == 180) && Main.rand.Next(1000) == 0) { Main.PlaySound(29, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 9); } this.noGravity = true; if (!this.noTileCollide) { if (this.collideX) { this.velocity.X = this.oldVelocity.X * -0.5f; if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > 0f && this.velocity.X < 2f) { this.velocity.X = 2f; } if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 0f && this.velocity.X > -2f) { this.velocity.X = -2f; } } if (this.collideY) { this.velocity.Y = this.oldVelocity.Y * -0.5f; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && this.velocity.Y < 1f) { this.velocity.Y = 1f; } if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && this.velocity.Y > -1f) { this.velocity.Y = -1f; } } } if (Main.dayTime && (double)this.position.Y <= Main.worldSurface * 16.0 && (this.type == 2 || this.type == 133 || this.type == 190 || this.type == 191 || this.type == 192 || this.type == 193 || this.type == 194)) { if (this.timeLeft > 10) { this.timeLeft = 10; } this.directionY = -1; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.direction = 1; } this.direction = -1; if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.direction = 1; } } else { this.TargetClosest(true); } if (this.type == 170 || this.type == 171 || this.type == 180) { if (Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { if ([1] > 0f && !Collision.SolidCollision(this.position, this.width, this.height)) {[1] = 0f;[0] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } } else { if ([1] == 0f) {[0] += 1f; } } if ([0] >= 300f) {[1] = 1f;[0] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } if ([1] == 0f) { this.alpha = 0; this.noTileCollide = false; } else { this.wet = false; this.alpha = 200; this.noTileCollide = true; } this.rotation = this.velocity.Y * 0.1f * (float)this.direction; this.TargetClosest(true); if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -4f && this.position.X > Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.08f; if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.04f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.2f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = -4f; } } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 4f && this.position.X + (float)this.width < Main.player[].position.X) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.08f; if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.04f; } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.2f; } } if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = 4f; } } } if (this.directionY == -1 && (double)this.velocity.Y > -2.5 && this.position.Y > Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.1f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 2.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.15f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -2.5) { this.velocity.Y = -2.5f; } } else { if (this.directionY == 1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 2.5 && this.position.Y + (float)this.height < Main.player[].position.Y) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -2.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.15f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 2.5) { this.velocity.Y = 2.5f; } } } } else { if (this.type == 116) { this.TargetClosest(true); Lighting.addLight((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16, (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16, 0.3f, 0.2f, 0.1f); if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -6f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > 6f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.2f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -6f) { this.velocity.X = -6f; } } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 6f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -6f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.2f; } } if (this.velocity.X > 6f) { this.velocity.X = 6f; } } } if (this.directionY == -1 && (double)this.velocity.Y > -2.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.04f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 2.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.15f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -2.5) { this.velocity.Y = -2.5f; } } else { if (this.directionY == 1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.04f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -2.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.15f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 2.5) { this.velocity.Y = 2.5f; } } } if (Main.rand.Next(40) == 0) { int num14 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.25f), this.width, (int)((float)this.height * 0.5f), 5, this.velocity.X, 2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Dust expr_1B42_cp_0 = Main.dust[num14]; expr_1B42_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_1B42_cp_0.velocity.X * 0.5f; Dust expr_1B60_cp_0 = Main.dust[num14]; expr_1B60_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_1B60_cp_0.velocity.Y * 0.1f; } } else { if (this.type == 133) { if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.5) { if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -6f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > 6f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -6f) { this.velocity.X = -6f; } } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 6f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -6f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X > 6f) { this.velocity.X = 6f; } } } if (this.directionY == -1 && this.velocity.Y > -4f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y > 4f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = -4f; } } else { if (this.directionY == 1 && this.velocity.Y < 4f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.Y > 4f) { this.velocity.Y = 4f; } } } } else { if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = -4f; } } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = 4f; } } } if (this.directionY == -1 && (double)this.velocity.Y > -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.04f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.03f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = -1.5f; } } else { if (this.directionY == 1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.04f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.03f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = 1.5f; } } } } } else { float num15 = 4f; float num16 = 1.5f; num15 *= 1f + (1f - this.scale); num16 *= 1f + (1f - this.scale); if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -num15) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > num15) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -num15) { this.velocity.X = -num15; } } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < num15) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -num15) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X > num15) { this.velocity.X = num15; } } } if (this.directionY == -1 && this.velocity.Y > -num16) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.04f; if (this.velocity.Y > num16) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.03f; } } if (this.velocity.Y < -num16) { this.velocity.Y = -num16; } } else { if (this.directionY == 1 && this.velocity.Y < num16) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.04f; if (this.velocity.Y < -num16) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.03f; } } if (this.velocity.Y > num16) { this.velocity.Y = num16; } } } } } } if ((this.type == 2 || this.type == 133 || this.type == 190 || this.type == 191 || this.type == 192 || this.type == 193 || this.type == 194) && Main.rand.Next(40) == 0) { int num17 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.25f), this.width, (int)((float)this.height * 0.5f), 5, this.velocity.X, 2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Dust expr_251E_cp_0 = Main.dust[num17]; expr_251E_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_251E_cp_0.velocity.X * 0.5f; Dust expr_253C_cp_0 = Main.dust[num17]; expr_253C_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_253C_cp_0.velocity.Y * 0.1f; } if (this.wet && this.type != 170 && this.type != 171 && this.type != 172) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.95f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.5f; if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = -4f; } this.TargetClosest(true); return; } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 3) { bool flag2 = false; if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { flag2 = true; } if (this.justHit) { flag2 = false; } if (Main.netMode != 1 && this.type == 198 && (double) <= (double)this.lifeMax * 0.55) { this.Transform(199); } int num18 = 60; if (this.type == 120) { num18 = 180; if ([3] == -120f) { this.velocity *= 0f;[3] = 0f; Main.PlaySound(2, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 8); Vector2 vector3 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num19 = this.oldPos[2].X + (float)this.width * 0.5f - vector3.X; float num20 = this.oldPos[2].Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f - vector3.Y; float num21 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num19 * num19 + num20 * num20)); num21 = 2f / num21; num19 *= num21; num20 *= num21; for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) { int num22 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 71, num19, num20, 200, default(Color), 2f); Main.dust[num22].noGravity = true; Dust expr_27D5_cp_0 = Main.dust[num22]; expr_27D5_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_27D5_cp_0.velocity.X * 2f; } for (int k = 0; k < 20; k++) { int num23 = Dust.NewDust(this.oldPos[2], this.width, this.height, 71, -num19, -num20, 200, default(Color), 2f); Main.dust[num23].noGravity = true; Dust expr_2856_cp_0 = Main.dust[num23]; expr_2856_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_2856_cp_0.velocity.X * 2f; } } } bool flag3 = false; bool flag4 = true; if (this.type == 47 || this.type == 67 || this.type == 109 || this.type == 110 || this.type == 111 || this.type == 120 || this.type == 163 || this.type == 164 || this.type == 239 || this.type == 168 || this.type == 199 || this.type == 206 || this.type == 214 || this.type == 215 || this.type == 216 || this.type == 217 || this.type == 218 || this.type == 219 || this.type == 220 || this.type == 226 || this.type == 243 || this.type == 251 || this.type == 257 || this.type == 258 || this.type == 290 || this.type == 291 || this.type == 292 || this.type == 293) { flag4 = false; } if ((this.type != 110 && this.type != 111 && this.type != 206 && this.type != 216 && this.type != 214 && this.type != 215 && this.type != 291 && this.type != 292 && this.type != 293) ||[2] <= 0f) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f && ((this.velocity.X > 0f && this.direction < 0) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && this.direction > 0))) { flag3 = true; } if (this.position.X == this.oldPosition.X ||[3] >= (float)num18 || flag3) {[3] += 1f; } else { if ((double)Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) > 0.9 &&[3] > 0f) {[3] -= 1f; } } if ([3] > (float)(num18 * 10)) {[3] = 0f; } if (this.justHit) {[3] = 0f; } if ([3] == (float)num18) { this.netUpdate = true; } } if ((Main.eclipse || !Main.dayTime || (double)this.position.Y > Main.worldSurface * 16.0 || this.type == 26 || this.type == 27 || this.type == 28 || this.type == 31 || this.type == 294 || this.type == 295 || this.type == 296 || this.type == 47 || this.type == 67 || this.type == 73 || this.type == 77 || this.type == 78 || this.type == 79 || this.type == 80 || this.type == 110 || this.type == 111 || this.type == 120 || this.type == 168 || this.type == 181 || this.type == 185 || this.type == 198 || this.type == 199 || this.type == 198 || this.type == 206 || this.type == 217 || this.type == 218 || this.type == 219 || this.type == 220 || this.type == 239 || this.type == 243 || this.type == 254 || (this.type == 255 | this.type == 257) || this.type == 258 || this.type == 291 || this.type == 292 || this.type == 293 || (this.type >= 212 && this.type <= 216)) &&[3] < (float)num18) { if ((this.type == 3 || this.type == 21 || this.type == 31 || this.type == 294 || this.type == 295 || this.type == 296 || this.type == 77 || this.type == 110 || this.type == 132 || this.type == 167 || this.type == 161 || this.type == 162 || this.type == 186 || this.type == 187 || this.type == 188 || this.type == 189 || this.type == 197 || this.type == 200 || this.type == 201 || this.type == 202 || this.type == 203 || this.type == 223 || this.type == 291 || this.type == 292 || this.type == 293) && Main.rand.Next(1000) == 0) { Main.PlaySound(14, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); } if ((this.type == 78 || this.type == 79 || this.type == 80) && Main.rand.Next(500) == 0) { Main.PlaySound(26, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); } if (this.type == 159 && Main.rand.Next(500) == 0) { Main.PlaySound(29, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 7); } if (this.type == 162 && Main.rand.Next(500) == 0) { Main.PlaySound(29, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 6); } if (this.type == 181 && Main.rand.Next(500) == 0) { Main.PlaySound(29, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 8); } if (this.type >= 269 && this.type <= 280 && Main.rand.Next(1000) == 0) { Main.PlaySound(14, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); } this.TargetClosest(true); } else { if ((this.type != 110 && this.type != 111 && this.type != 206 && this.type != 216 && this.type != 214 && this.type != 215 && this.type != 291 && this.type != 292 && this.type != 293) ||[2] <= 0f) { if (Main.dayTime && (double)(this.position.Y / 16f) < Main.worldSurface && this.timeLeft > 10) { this.timeLeft = 10; } if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) {[0] += 1f; if ([0] >= 2f) { this.direction *= -1; this.spriteDirection = this.direction;[0] = 0f; } } } else {[0] = 0f; } if (this.direction == 0) { this.direction = 1; } } } if (this.type == 159) { if (this.type == 159 && ((this.velocity.X > 0f && this.direction < 0) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && this.direction > 0))) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.95f; } if (this.velocity.X < -6f || this.velocity.X > 6f) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.8f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < 6f && this.direction == 1) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f && this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.99f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X > 6f) { this.velocity.X = 6f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -6f && this.direction == -1) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f && this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.99f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X < -6f) { this.velocity.X = -6f; } } } } } else { if (this.type == 199) { if (this.velocity.X < -4f || this.velocity.X > 4f) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.8f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < 4f && this.direction == 1) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f && this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.8f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = 4f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -4f && this.direction == -1) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f && this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.8f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = -4f; } } } } } else { if (this.type == 120 || this.type == 166 || this.type == 213 || this.type == 258) { if (this.velocity.X < -3f || this.velocity.X > 3f) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.8f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < 3f && this.direction == 1) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f && this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.99f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X > 3f) { this.velocity.X = 3f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -3f && this.direction == -1) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f && this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.99f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X < -3f) { this.velocity.X = -3f; } } } } } else { if (this.type == 27 || this.type == 77 || this.type == 104 || this.type == 163 || this.type == 162 || this.type == 196 || this.type == 197 || this.type == 212 || this.type == 257) { if (this.velocity.X < -2f || this.velocity.X > 2f) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.8f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < 2f && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X > 2f) { this.velocity.X = 2f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -2f && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X < -2f) { this.velocity.X = -2f; } } } } } else { if (this.type == 109) { if (this.velocity.X < -2f || this.velocity.X > 2f) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.8f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < 2f && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.04f; if (this.velocity.X > 2f) { this.velocity.X = 2f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -2f && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.04f; if (this.velocity.X < -2f) { this.velocity.X = -2f; } } } } } else { if (this.type == 21 || this.type == 26 || this.type == 31 || this.type == 294 || this.type == 295 || this.type == 296 || this.type == 47 || this.type == 73 || this.type == 140 || this.type == 164 || this.type == 239 || this.type == 167 || this.type == 168 || this.type == 185 || this.type == 198 || this.type == 201 || this.type == 202 || this.type == 203 || this.type == 217 || this.type == 218 || this.type == 219 || this.type == 226 || this.type == 181 || this.type == 254) { float num24 = 1.5f; if (this.type == 294) { num24 = 2f; } if (this.type == 295) { num24 = 1.75f; } if (this.type == 296) { num24 = 1.25f; } if (this.type == 201) { num24 = 1.1f; } if (this.type == 202) { num24 = 0.9f; } if (this.type == 203) { num24 = 1.2f; } if (this.type == 21 || this.type == 201 || this.type == 202 || this.type == 203) { num24 *= 1f + (1f - this.scale); } if (this.velocity.X < -num24 || this.velocity.X > num24) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.8f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < num24 && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X > num24) { this.velocity.X = num24; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -num24 && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X < -num24) { this.velocity.X = -num24; } } } } } else { if (this.type >= 269 && this.type <= 280) { float num25 = 1.5f; if (this.type == 269) { num25 = 2f; } if (this.type == 270) { num25 = 1f; } if (this.type == 271) { num25 = 1.5f; } if (this.type == 272) { num25 = 3f; } if (this.type == 273) { num25 = 1.25f; } if (this.type == 274) { num25 = 3f; } if (this.type == 275) { num25 = 3.25f; } if (this.type == 276) { num25 = 2f; } if (this.type == 277) { num25 = 2.75f; } if (this.type == 278) { num25 = 1.8f; } if (this.type == 279) { num25 = 1.3f; } if (this.type == 280) { num25 = 2.5f; } num25 *= 1f + (1f - this.scale); if (this.velocity.X < -num25 || this.velocity.X > num25) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.8f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < num25 && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X > num25) { this.velocity.X = num25; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -num25 && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X < -num25) { this.velocity.X = -num25; } } } } } else { if (this.type == 67 || this.type == 220) { if (this.velocity.X < -0.5f || this.velocity.X > 0.5f) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.7f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0.5f && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.03f; if (this.velocity.X > 0.5f) { this.velocity.X = 0.5f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -0.5f && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.03f; if (this.velocity.X < -0.5f) { this.velocity.X = -0.5f; } } } } } else { if (this.type == 78 || this.type == 79 || this.type == 80) { float num26 = 1f; float num27 = 0.05f; if ( < this.lifeMax / 2) { num26 = 2f; num27 = 0.1f; } if (this.type == 79) { num26 *= 1.5f; } if (this.velocity.X < -num26 || this.velocity.X > num26) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.7f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < num26 && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num27; if (this.velocity.X > num26) { this.velocity.X = num26; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -num26 && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num27; if (this.velocity.X < -num26) { this.velocity.X = -num26; } } } } } else { if (this.type == 287) { float num28 = 5f; float num29 = 0.2f; if (this.velocity.X < -num28 || this.velocity.X > num28) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.7f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < num28 && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num29; if (this.velocity.X > num28) { this.velocity.X = num28; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -num28 && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num29; if (this.velocity.X < -num28) { this.velocity.X = -num28; } } } } } else { if (this.type == 243) { float num30 = 1f; float num31 = 0.07f; num30 += (1f - (float) / (float)this.lifeMax) * 1.5f; num31 += (1f - (float) / (float)this.lifeMax) * 0.15f; if (this.velocity.X < -num30 || this.velocity.X > num30) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.7f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < num30 && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num31; if (this.velocity.X > num30) { this.velocity.X = num30; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -num30 && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num31; if (this.velocity.X < -num30) { this.velocity.X = -num30; } } } } } else { if (this.type == 251) { float num32 = 1f; float num33 = 0.08f; num32 += (1f - (float) / (float)this.lifeMax) * 2f; num33 += (1f - (float) / (float)this.lifeMax) * 0.2f; if (this.velocity.X < -num32 || this.velocity.X > num32) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.7f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < num32 && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num33; if (this.velocity.X > num32) { this.velocity.X = num32; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -num32 && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num33; if (this.velocity.X < -num32) { this.velocity.X = -num32; } } } } } else { if (this.type != 110 && this.type != 111 && this.type != 206 && this.type != 214 && this.type != 215 && this.type != 216 && this.type != 290 && this.type != 291 && this.type != 292 && this.type != 293) { float num34 = 1f; if (this.type == 186) { num34 = 1.1f; } if (this.type == 187) { num34 = 0.9f; } if (this.type == 188) { num34 = 1.2f; } if (this.type == 189) { num34 = 0.8f; } if (this.type == 132) { num34 = 0.95f; } if (this.type == 200) { num34 = 0.87f; } if (this.type == 223) { num34 = 1.05f; } if (this.type == 3 || this.type == 132 || this.type == 186 || this.type == 187 || this.type == 188 || this.type == 189 || this.type == 200 || this.type == 223) { num34 *= 1f + (1f - this.scale); } if (this.velocity.X < -num34 || this.velocity.X > num34) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.8f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < num34 && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X > num34) { this.velocity.X = num34; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -num34 && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X < -num34) { this.velocity.X = -num34; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (this.type >= 277 && this.type <= 280) { Lighting.addLight((int) / 16, (int) / 16, 0.2f, 0.1f, 0f); } if (this.type == 258) { if (this.velocity.Y != 0f) { this.TargetClosest(true); this.spriteDirection = this.direction; if (Main.player[].center().X < this.position.X && this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.95f; } else { if (Main.player[].center().X > this.position.X + (float)this.width && this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.95f; } } if (Main.player[].center().X < this.position.X && this.velocity.X > -5f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } else { if (Main.player[].center().X > this.position.X + (float)this.width && this.velocity.X < 5f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } } } else { if (Main.player[].center().Y + 50f < this.position.Y && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { this.velocity.Y = -7f; } } } if (this.type == 185) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.rotation = 0f; this.localAI[0] = 0f; } else { if (this.localAI[0] == 1f) { this.rotation += this.velocity.X * 0.05f; } } } if (this.type == 159 && Main.netMode != 1) { Vector2 vector4 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num35 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector4.X; float num36 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector4.Y; float num37 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num35 * num35 + num36 * num36)); if (num37 > 300f) { this.Transform(158); } } if (this.type == 164 && Main.netMode != 1 && this.velocity.Y == 0f) { int num38 = (int) / 16; int num39 = (int) / 16; bool flag5 = false; for (int l = num38 - 1; l <= num38 + 1; l++) { for (int m = num39 - 1; m <= num39 + 1; m++) { if (Main.tile[l, m].wall > 0) { flag5 = true; } } } if (flag5) { this.Transform(165); } } if (this.type == 239 && Main.netMode != 1 && this.velocity.Y == 0f) { int num40 = (int) / 16; int num41 = (int) / 16; bool flag6 = false; for (int n = num40 - 1; n <= num40 + 1; n++) { for (int num42 = num41 - 1; num42 <= num41 + 1; num42++) { if (Main.tile[n, num42].wall > 0) { flag6 = true; } } } if (flag6) { this.Transform(240); } } if (this.type == 163 && Main.netMode != 1 && this.velocity.Y == 0f) { int num43 = (int) / 16; int num44 = (int) / 16; bool flag7 = false; for (int num45 = num43 - 1; num45 <= num43 + 1; num45++) { for (int num46 = num44 - 1; num46 <= num44 + 1; num46++) { if (Main.tile[num45, num46].wall > 0) { flag7 = true; } } } if (flag7) { this.Transform(238); } } if (this.type == 236 && Main.netMode != 1 && this.velocity.Y == 0f) { int num47 = (int) / 16; int num48 = (int) / 16; bool flag8 = false; for (int num49 = num47 - 1; num49 <= num47 + 1; num49++) { for (int num50 = num48 - 1; num50 <= num48 + 1; num50++) { if (Main.tile[num49, num50].wall > 0) { flag8 = true; } } } if (flag8) { this.Transform(237); } } if (this.type == 243) { if (this.justHit && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) {[2] -= (float)Main.rand.Next(30); } if ([2] < 0f) {[2] = 0f; } if (this.confused) {[2] = 0f; }[2] += 1f; float num51 = (float)Main.rand.Next(30, 900); num51 *= (float) / (float)this.lifeMax; num51 += 30f; if (Main.netMode != 1 &&[2] >= num51 && this.velocity.Y == 0f && !Main.player[].dead && !Main.player[].frozen && ((this.direction > 0 && < Main.player[].center().X) || (this.direction < 0 && > Main.player[].center().X)) && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { float num52 = 15f; Vector2 vector5 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + 20f); vector5.X += (float)(10 * this.direction); float num53 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector5.X; float num54 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector5.Y; num53 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41); num54 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41); float num55 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num53 * num53 + num54 * num54)); this.netUpdate = true; num55 = num52 / num55; num53 *= num55; num54 *= num55; int num56 = 32; int num57 = 257; vector5.X += num53 * 3f; vector5.Y += num54 * 3f; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector5.X, vector5.Y, num53, num54, num57, num56, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);[2] = 0f; } } if (this.type == 251) { if (this.justHit) {[2] -= (float)Main.rand.Next(30); } if ([2] < 0f) {[2] = 0f; } if (this.confused) {[2] = 0f; }[2] += 1f; float num58 = (float)Main.rand.Next(60, 1800); num58 *= (float) / (float)this.lifeMax; num58 += 15f; if (Main.netMode != 1 &&[2] >= num58 && this.velocity.Y == 0f && !Main.player[].dead && !Main.player[].frozen && ((this.direction > 0 && < Main.player[].center().X) || (this.direction < 0 && > Main.player[].center().X)) && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { float num59 = 15f; Vector2 vector6 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + 12f); vector6.X += (float)(6 * this.direction); float num60 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector6.X; float num61 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector6.Y; num60 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41); num61 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 0); float num62 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num60 * num60 + num61 * num61)); this.netUpdate = true; num62 = num59 / num62; num60 *= num62; num61 *= num62; int num63 = 30; int num64 = 83; vector6.X += num60 * 3f; vector6.Y += num61 * 3f; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector6.X, vector6.Y, num60, num61, num64, num63, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);[2] = 0f; } } if (this.type == 110 || this.type == 111 || this.type == 206 || this.type == 214 || this.type == 215 || this.type == 216 || this.type == 290 || this.type == 291 || this.type == 292 || this.type == 293) { if (this.confused) {[2] = 0f; } else { if ([1] > 0f) {[1] -= 1f; } if (this.justHit) {[1] = 30f;[2] = 0f; } int num65 = 70; if (this.type == 291) { num65 = 200; } if (this.type == 292) { num65 = 120; } if (this.type == 293) { num65 = 90; } if (this.type == 111) { num65 = 180; } if (this.type == 206) { num65 = 50; } if (this.type == 214) { num65 = 40; } if (this.type == 215) { num65 = 80; } if (this.type == 290) { num65 = 30; } bool flag9 = false; if (this.type == 216) { if (this.localAI[2] >= 20f) { flag9 = true; } if (flag9) { num65 = 60; } else { num65 = 8; } } if ([2] > 0f) { this.TargetClosest(true); if ([1] == (float)(num65 / 2)) { if (this.type == 216) { this.localAI[2] += 1f; } float num66 = 11f; if (this.type == 111) { num66 = 9f; } if (this.type == 206) { num66 = 7f; } if (this.type == 290) { num66 = 9f; } if (this.type == 293) { num66 = 4f; } if (this.type == 214) { num66 = 14f; } if (this.type == 215) { num66 = 16f; } Vector2 vector7 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); if (this.type == 206) { vector7.Y -= 10f; } if (this.type == 290) { vector7.Y -= 10f; } float num67 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector7.X; float num68 = Math.Abs(num67) * 0.1f; if (this.type == 291 || this.type == 292) { num68 = 0f; } if (this.type == 215) { num68 = Math.Abs(num67) * 0.08f; } if (this.type == 214 || (this.type == 216 && !flag9)) { num68 = 0f; } float num69 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector7.Y - num68; if (this.type == 291) { num67 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.2f; num69 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.2f; } else { if (this.type != 292) { num67 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41); num69 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41); } } float num70 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num67 * num67 + num69 * num69)); this.netUpdate = true; num70 = num66 / num70; num67 *= num70; num69 *= num70; int num71 = 35; if (this.type == 111) { num71 = 11; } if (this.type == 206) { num71 = 37; } int num72 = 82; if (this.type == 111) { num72 = 81; } if (this.type == 206) { num72 = 177; } if (this.type == 291) { num72 = 302; num71 = 100; } if (this.type == 290) { num72 = 300; num71 = 60; } if (this.type == 293) { num72 = 303; num71 = 60; } if (this.type == 214) { num72 = 180; num71 = 25; } if (this.type == 215) { num72 = 82; num71 = 40; } if (this.type == 292) { num71 = 50; num72 = 180; } if (this.type == 216) { num72 = 180; num71 = 30; if (flag9) { num71 = 100; num72 = 240; this.localAI[2] = 0f; } } vector7.X += num67; vector7.Y += num69; if (Main.netMode != 1) { if (this.type == 292) { for (int num73 = 0; num73 < 4; num73++) { num67 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector7.X; num69 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector7.Y; num70 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num67 * num67 + num69 * num69)); num70 = 12f / num70; num67 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41); num69 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41); num67 *= num70; num69 *= num70; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector7.X, vector7.Y, num67, num69, num72, num71, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } } else { Projectile.NewProjectile(vector7.X, vector7.Y, num67, num69, num72, num71, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } } if (Math.Abs(num69) > Math.Abs(num67) * 2f) { if (num69 > 0f) {[2] = 1f; } else {[2] = 5f; } } else { if (Math.Abs(num67) > Math.Abs(num69) * 2f) {[2] = 3f; } else { if (num69 > 0f) {[2] = 2f; } else {[2] = 4f; } } } } if (this.velocity.Y != 0f ||[1] <= 0f) {[2] = 0f;[1] = 0f; } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } } if ([2] <= 0f && this.velocity.Y == 0f &&[1] <= 0f && !Main.player[].dead && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { float num74 = 10f; Vector2 vector8 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num75 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector8.X; float num76 = Math.Abs(num75) * 0.1f; float num77 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector8.Y - num76; num75 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41); num77 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41); float num78 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num75 * num75 + num77 * num77)); float num79 = 700f; if (this.type == 214) { num79 = 550f; } if (this.type == 215) { num79 = 800f; } if (num78 < num79) { this.netUpdate = true; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.5f; num78 = num74 / num78; num75 *= num78; num77 *= num78;[2] = 3f;[1] = (float)num65; if (Math.Abs(num77) > Math.Abs(num75) * 2f) { if (num77 > 0f) {[2] = 1f; } else {[2] = 5f; } } else { if (Math.Abs(num75) > Math.Abs(num77) * 2f) {[2] = 3f; } else { if (num77 > 0f) {[2] = 2f; } else {[2] = 4f; } } } } } if ([2] <= 0f) { float num80 = 1f; float num81 = 0.07f; if (this.type == 214) { num80 = 2f; num81 = 0.09f; } else { if (this.type == 215) { num80 = 1.5f; num81 = 0.08f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -num80 || this.velocity.X > num80) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.8f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < num80 && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num81; if (this.velocity.X > num80) { this.velocity.X = num80; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -1f && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num81; if (this.velocity.X < -num80) { this.velocity.X = -num80; } } } } } } } if (this.type == 109 && Main.netMode != 1 && !Main.player[].dead) { if (this.justHit) {[2] = 0f; }[2] += 1f; if ([2] > 450f) { Vector2 vector9 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f - (float)(this.direction * 24), this.position.Y + 4f); int num82 = 3 * this.direction; int num83 = -5; int num84 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector9.X, vector9.Y, (float)num82, (float)num83, 75, 0, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num84].timeLeft = 300;[2] = 0f; } } bool flag10 = false; if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { int num85 = (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height + 7f) / 16; int num86 = (int)this.position.X / 16; int num87 = (int)(this.position.X + (float)this.width) / 16; for (int num88 = num86; num88 <= num87; num88++) { if (Main.tile[num88, num85] == null) { return; } if (Main.tile[num88, num85].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num88, num85].type]) { flag10 = true; break; } } } if (this.velocity.Y >= 0f) { int num89 = 0; if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { num89 = -1; } if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { num89 = 1; } Vector2 vector10 = this.position; vector10.X += this.velocity.X; int num90 = (int)((vector10.X + (float)(this.width / 2) + (float)((this.width / 2 + 1) * num89)) / 16f); int num91 = (int)((vector10.Y + (float)this.height - 1f) / 16f); if (Main.tile[num90, num91] == null) { Main.tile[num90, num91] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num90, num91 - 1] == null) { Main.tile[num90, num91 - 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num90, num91 - 2] == null) { Main.tile[num90, num91 - 2] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num90, num91 - 3] == null) { Main.tile[num90, num91 - 3] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num90, num91 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num90, num91 + 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num90 - num89, num91 - 3] == null) { Main.tile[num90 - num89, num91 - 3] = new Tile(); } if ((float)(num90 * 16) < vector10.X + (float)this.width && (float)(num90 * 16 + 16) > vector10.X && ((Main.tile[num90, num91].nactive() && Main.tile[num90, num91].slope() == 0 && Main.tile[num90, num91 - 1].slope() == 0 && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num90, num91].type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num90, num91].type]) || (Main.tile[num90, num91 - 1].halfBrick() && Main.tile[num90, num91 - 1].nactive())) && (!Main.tile[num90, num91 - 1].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num90, num91 - 1].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num90, num91 - 1].type] || (Main.tile[num90, num91 - 1].halfBrick() && (!Main.tile[num90, num91 - 4].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num90, num91 - 4].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num90, num91 - 4].type]))) && (!Main.tile[num90, num91 - 2].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num90, num91 - 2].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num90, num91 - 2].type]) && (!Main.tile[num90, num91 - 3].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num90, num91 - 3].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num90, num91 - 3].type]) && (!Main.tile[num90 - num89, num91 - 3].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num90 - num89, num91 - 3].type])) { float num92 = (float)(num91 * 16); if (Main.tile[num90, num91].halfBrick()) { num92 += 8f; } if (Main.tile[num90, num91 - 1].halfBrick()) { num92 -= 8f; } if (num92 < vector10.Y + (float)this.height) { float num93 = vector10.Y + (float)this.height - num92; float num94 = 16.1f; if (this.type == 163 || this.type == 164 || this.type == 236 || this.type == 239) { num94 += 8f; } if (num93 <= num94) { this.gfxOffY += this.position.Y + (float)this.height - num92; this.position.Y = num92 - (float)this.height; if (num93 < 9f) { this.stepSpeed = 1f; } else { this.stepSpeed = 2f; } } } } } if (flag10) { int num95 = (int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) + (float)(15 * this.direction)) / 16f); int num96 = (int)((this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 15f) / 16f); if (this.type == 109 || this.type == 163 || this.type == 164 || this.type == 199 || this.type == 236 || this.type == 239 || this.type == 257 || this.type == 258 || this.type == 290) { num95 = (int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) + (float)((this.width / 2 + 16) * this.direction)) / 16f); } if (Main.tile[num95, num96] == null) { Main.tile[num95, num96] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num95, num96 - 1] == null) { Main.tile[num95, num96 - 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num95, num96 - 2] == null) { Main.tile[num95, num96 - 2] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num95, num96 - 3] == null) { Main.tile[num95, num96 - 3] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num95, num96 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num95, num96 + 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num95 + this.direction, num96 - 1] == null) { Main.tile[num95 + this.direction, num96 - 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num95 + this.direction, num96 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num95 + this.direction, num96 + 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num95 - this.direction, num96 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num95 - this.direction, num96 + 1] = new Tile(); } Main.tile[num95, num96 + 1].halfBrick(); if (Main.tile[num95, num96 - 1].nactive() && Main.tile[num95, num96 - 1].type == 10 && flag4) {[2] += 1f;[3] = 0f; if ([2] >= 60f) { if (!Main.bloodMoon && (this.type == 3 || this.type == 132 || this.type == 161 || this.type == 186 || this.type == 187 || this.type == 188 || this.type == 189 || this.type == 200 || this.type == 223)) {[1] = 0f; } this.velocity.X = 0.5f * (float)(-(float)this.direction);[1] += 5f; if (this.type == 27) {[1] += 1f; } if (this.type == 31 || this.type == 294 || this.type == 295 || this.type == 296) {[1] += 6f; }[2] = 0f; bool flag11 = false; if ([1] >= 10f) { flag11 = true;[1] = 10f; } WorldGen.KillTile(num95, num96 - 1, true, false, false); if ((Main.netMode != 1 || !flag11) && flag11 && Main.netMode != 1) { if (this.type == 26) { WorldGen.KillTile(num95, num96 - 1, false, false, false); if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(17, -1, -1, "", 0, (float)num95, (float)(num96 - 1), 0f, 0); } } else { bool flag12 = WorldGen.OpenDoor(num95, num96 - 1, this.direction); if (!flag12) {[3] = (float)num18; this.netUpdate = true; } if (Main.netMode == 2 && flag12) { NetMessage.SendData(19, -1, -1, "", 0, (float)num95, (float)(num96 - 1), (float)this.direction, 0); } } } } } else { if ((this.velocity.X < 0f && this.spriteDirection == -1) || (this.velocity.X > 0f && this.spriteDirection == 1)) { if (Main.tile[num95, num96 - 2].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num95, num96 - 2].type]) { if (Main.tile[num95, num96 - 3].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num95, num96 - 3].type]) { this.velocity.Y = -8f; this.netUpdate = true; } else { this.velocity.Y = -7f; this.netUpdate = true; } } else { if (Main.tile[num95, num96 - 1].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num95, num96 - 1].type]) { this.velocity.Y = -6f; this.netUpdate = true; } else { if (this.position.Y + (float)this.height - (float)(num96 * 16) > 20f && Main.tile[num95, num96].nactive() && Main.tile[num95, num96].slope() == 0 && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num95, num96].type]) { this.velocity.Y = -5f; this.netUpdate = true; } else { if (this.directionY < 0 && this.type != 67 && (!Main.tile[num95, num96 + 1].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num95, num96 + 1].type]) && (!Main.tile[num95 + this.direction, num96 + 1].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num95 + this.direction, num96 + 1].type])) { this.velocity.Y = -8f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 1.5f; this.netUpdate = true; } else { if (flag4) {[1] = 0f;[2] = 0f; } } } } } if (this.velocity.Y == 0f && flag2 &&[3] == 1f) { this.velocity.Y = -5f; } } if ((this.type == 31 || this.type == 294 || this.type == 295 || this.type == 296 || this.type == 47 || this.type == 77 || this.type == 104 || this.type == 168 || this.type == 196) && this.velocity.Y == 0f && Math.Abs(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) - (Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2))) < 100f && Math.Abs(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - (Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2))) < 50f && ((this.direction > 0 && this.velocity.X >= 1f) || (this.direction < 0 && this.velocity.X <= -1f))) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 2f; if (this.velocity.X > 3f) { this.velocity.X = 3f; } if (this.velocity.X < -3f) { this.velocity.X = -3f; } this.velocity.Y = -4f; this.netUpdate = true; } if (this.type == 120 && this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 1.1f; } if (this.type == 287 && this.velocity.Y == 0f && Math.Abs(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) - (Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2))) < 150f && Math.Abs(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - (Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2))) < 50f && ((this.direction > 0 && this.velocity.X >= 1f) || (this.direction < 0 && this.velocity.X <= -1f))) { this.velocity.X = (float)(8 * this.direction); this.velocity.Y = -4f; this.netUpdate = true; } if (this.type == 287 && this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 1.2f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 1.1f; } } } else { if (flag4) {[1] = 0f;[2] = 0f; } } if (Main.netMode != 1 && this.type == 120 &&[3] >= (float)num18) { int num97 = (int)Main.player[].position.X / 16; int num98 = (int)Main.player[].position.Y / 16; int num99 = (int)this.position.X / 16; int num100 = (int)this.position.Y / 16; int num101 = 20; int num102 = 0; bool flag13 = false; if (Math.Abs(this.position.X - Main.player[].position.X) + Math.Abs(this.position.Y - Main.player[].position.Y) > 2000f) { num102 = 100; flag13 = true; } while (!flag13) { if (num102 >= 100) { return; } num102++; int num103 = Main.rand.Next(num97 - num101, num97 + num101); int num104 = Main.rand.Next(num98 - num101, num98 + num101); for (int num105 = num104; num105 < num98 + num101; num105++) { if ((num105 < num98 - 4 || num105 > num98 + 4 || num103 < num97 - 4 || num103 > num97 + 4) && (num105 < num100 - 1 || num105 > num100 + 1 || num103 < num99 - 1 || num103 > num99 + 1) && Main.tile[num103, num105].nactive()) { bool flag14 = true; if (this.type == 32 && Main.tile[num103, num105 - 1].wall == 0) { flag14 = false; } else { if (Main.tile[num103, num105 - 1].lava()) { flag14 = false; } } if (flag14 && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num103, num105].type] && !Collision.SolidTiles(num103 - 1, num103 + 1, num105 - 4, num105 - 1)) { this.position.X = (float)(num103 * 16 - this.width / 2); this.position.Y = (float)(num105 * 16 - this.height); this.netUpdate = true;[3] = -120f; } } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 4) { if ( < 0 || == 255 || Main.player[].dead || !Main.player[].active) { this.TargetClosest(true); } bool dead = Main.player[].dead; float num106 = this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) - Main.player[].position.X - (float)(Main.player[].width / 2); float num107 = this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 59f - Main.player[].position.Y - (float)(Main.player[].height / 2); float num108 = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num107, (double)num106) + 1.57f; if (num108 < 0f) { num108 += 6.283f; } else { if ((double)num108 > 6.283) { num108 -= 6.283f; } } float num109 = 0f; if ([0] == 0f &&[1] == 0f) { num109 = 0.02f; } if ([0] == 0f &&[1] == 2f &&[2] > 40f) { num109 = 0.05f; } if ([0] == 3f &&[1] == 0f) { num109 = 0.05f; } if ([0] == 3f &&[1] == 2f &&[2] > 40f) { num109 = 0.08f; } if (this.rotation < num108) { if ((double)(num108 - this.rotation) > 3.1415) { this.rotation -= num109; } else { this.rotation += num109; } } else { if (this.rotation > num108) { if ((double)(this.rotation - num108) > 3.1415) { this.rotation += num109; } else { this.rotation -= num109; } } } if (this.rotation > num108 - num109 && this.rotation < num108 + num109) { this.rotation = num108; } if (this.rotation < 0f) { this.rotation += 6.283f; } else { if ((double)this.rotation > 6.283) { this.rotation -= 6.283f; } } if (this.rotation > num108 - num109 && this.rotation < num108 + num109) { this.rotation = num108; } if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { int num110 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.25f), this.width, (int)((float)this.height * 0.5f), 5, this.velocity.X, 2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Dust expr_7973_cp_0 = Main.dust[num110]; expr_7973_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_7973_cp_0.velocity.X * 0.5f; Dust expr_7991_cp_0 = Main.dust[num110]; expr_7991_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_7991_cp_0.velocity.Y * 0.1f; } if (Main.dayTime || dead) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.04f; if (this.timeLeft > 10) { this.timeLeft = 10; return; } } else { if ([0] == 0f) { if ([1] == 0f) { float num111 = 5f; float num112 = 0.04f; Vector2 vector11 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num113 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector11.X; float num114 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - 200f - vector11.Y; float num115 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num113 * num113 + num114 * num114)); float num116 = num115; num115 = num111 / num115; num113 *= num115; num114 *= num115; if (this.velocity.X < num113) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num112; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num113 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num112; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num113) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num112; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num113 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num112; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num114) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num112; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num114 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num112; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num114) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num112; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num114 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num112; } } }[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 600f) {[1] = 1f;[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; = 255; this.netUpdate = true; } else { if (this.position.Y + (float)this.height < Main.player[].position.Y && num116 < 500f) { if (!Main.player[].dead) {[3] += 1f; } if ([3] >= 110f) {[3] = 0f; this.rotation = num108; float num117 = 5f; float num118 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector11.X; float num119 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector11.Y; float num120 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num118 * num118 + num119 * num119)); num120 = num117 / num120; Vector2 vector12 = vector11; Vector2 vector13; vector13.X = num118 * num120; vector13.Y = num119 * num120; vector12.X += vector13.X * 10f; vector12.Y += vector13.Y * 10f; if (Main.netMode != 1) { int num121 = NPC.NewNPC((int)vector12.X, (int)vector12.Y, 5, 0); Main.npc[num121].velocity.X = vector13.X; Main.npc[num121].velocity.Y = vector13.Y; if (Main.netMode == 2 && num121 < 200) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", num121, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } Main.PlaySound(3, (int)vector12.X, (int)vector12.Y, 1); for (int num122 = 0; num122 < 10; num122++) { Dust.NewDust(vector12, 20, 20, 5, vector13.X * 0.4f, vector13.Y * 0.4f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } } } } } else { if ([1] == 1f) { this.rotation = num108; float num123 = 6f; Vector2 vector14 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num124 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector14.X; float num125 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector14.Y; float num126 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num124 * num124 + num125 * num125)); num126 = num123 / num126; this.velocity.X = num124 * num126; this.velocity.Y = num125 * num126;[1] = 2f; } else { if ([1] == 2f) {[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 40f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.98f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.98f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 0.1) { this.velocity.Y = 0f; } } else { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X) - 1.57f; } if ([2] >= 150f) {[3] += 1f;[2] = 0f; = 255; this.rotation = num108; if ([3] >= 3f) {[1] = 0f;[3] = 0f; } else {[1] = 1f; } } } } } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.5) {[0] = 1f;[1] = 0f;[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } else { if ([0] == 1f ||[0] == 2f) { if ([0] == 1f) {[2] += 0.005f; if ((double)[2] > 0.5) {[2] = 0.5f; } } else {[2] -= 0.005f; if ([2] < 0f) {[2] = 0f; } } this.rotation +=[2];[1] += 1f; if ([1] == 100f) {[0] += 1f;[1] = 0f; if ([0] == 3f) {[2] = 0f; } else { Main.PlaySound(3, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); for (int num127 = 0; num127 < 2; num127++) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 8, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 7, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 6, 1f); } for (int num128 = 0; num128 < 20; num128++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); } } Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.98f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.98f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 0.1) { this.velocity.Y = 0f; return; } } else { this.damage = 23; this.defense = 0; if ([1] == 0f) { float num129 = 6f; float num130 = 0.07f; Vector2 vector15 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num131 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector15.X; float num132 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - 120f - vector15.Y; float num133 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num131 * num131 + num132 * num132)); num133 = num129 / num133; num131 *= num133; num132 *= num133; if (this.velocity.X < num131) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num130; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num131 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num130; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num131) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num130; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num131 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num130; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num132) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num130; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num132 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num130; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num132) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num130; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num132 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num130; } } }[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 200f) {[1] = 1f;[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; = 255; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } else { if ([1] == 1f) { Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); this.rotation = num108; float num134 = 6.8f; Vector2 vector16 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num135 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector16.X; float num136 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector16.Y; float num137 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num135 * num135 + num136 * num136)); num137 = num134 / num137; this.velocity.X = num135 * num137; this.velocity.Y = num136 * num137;[1] = 2f; return; } if ([1] == 2f) {[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 40f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.97f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.97f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 0.1) { this.velocity.Y = 0f; } } else { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X) - 1.57f; } if ([2] >= 130f) {[3] += 1f;[2] = 0f; = 255; this.rotation = num108; if ([3] >= 3f) {[1] = 0f;[3] = 0f; return; }[1] = 1f; return; } } } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 5) { if ( < 0 || == 255 || Main.player[].dead) { this.TargetClosest(true); } float num138 = 6f; float num139 = 0.05f; if (this.type == 6 || this.type == 173) { num138 = 4f; num139 = 0.02f; } else { if (this.type == 94) { num138 = 4.2f; num139 = 0.022f; } else { if (this.type == 252) { if (Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { num138 = 6f; num139 = 0.1f; } else { num139 = 0.01f; num138 = 2f; } } else { if (this.type == 42 || (this.type >= 231 && this.type <= 235)) { num138 = 3.5f; num139 = 0.021f; if (this.type == 231) { num138 = 3f; num139 = 0.017f; } num138 *= 1f - this.scale; num139 *= 1f - this.scale; } else { if (this.type == 205) { num138 = 3.25f; num139 = 0.018f; } else { if (this.type == 176) { num138 = 4f; num139 = 0.017f; } else { if (this.type == 23) { num138 = 1f; num139 = 0.03f; } else { if (this.type == 5) { num138 = 5f; num139 = 0.03f; } else { if (this.type == 210 || this.type == 211) { this.localAI[0] += 1f; float num140 = (this.localAI[0] - 60f) / 60f; if (num140 > 1f) { num140 = 1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 6f) { this.velocity.X = 6f; } if (this.velocity.X < -6f) { this.velocity.X = -6f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 6f) { this.velocity.Y = 6f; } if (this.velocity.Y < -6f) { this.velocity.Y = -6f; } } num138 = 5f; num139 = 0.1f; num139 *= num140; } } } } } } } } } Vector2 vector17 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num141 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2); float num142 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2); num141 = (float)((int)(num141 / 8f) * 8); num142 = (float)((int)(num142 / 8f) * 8); vector17.X = (float)((int)(vector17.X / 8f) * 8); vector17.Y = (float)((int)(vector17.Y / 8f) * 8); num141 -= vector17.X; num142 -= vector17.Y; float num143 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num141 * num141 + num142 * num142)); float num144 = num143; bool flag15 = false; if (num143 > 600f) { flag15 = true; } if (num143 == 0f) { num141 = this.velocity.X; num142 = this.velocity.Y; } else { num143 = num138 / num143; num141 *= num143; num142 *= num143; } if (this.type == 6 || this.type == 42 || this.type == 94 || this.type == 139 || this.type == 173 || this.type == 176 || this.type == 205 || this.type == 210 || this.type == 211 || (this.type >= 231 && this.type <= 235)) { if (num144 > 100f || this.type == 42 || this.type == 94 || this.type == 176 || this.type == 210 || this.type == 211 || (this.type >= 231 && this.type <= 235)) {[0] += 1f; if ([0] > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.023f; } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.023f; } if ([0] < -100f ||[0] > 100f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.023f; } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.023f; } if ([0] > 200f) {[0] = -200f; } } if (num144 < 150f && (this.type == 6 || this.type == 94 || this.type == 173)) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num141 * 0.007f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num142 * 0.007f; } } if (Main.player[].dead) { num141 = (float)this.direction * num138 / 2f; num142 = -num138 / 2f; } if (this.velocity.X < num141) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num139; if (this.type != 173 && this.type != 6 && this.type != 42 && (this.type < 231 || this.type > 235) && this.type != 94 && this.type != 139 && this.velocity.X < 0f && num141 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num139; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num141) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num139; if (this.type != 173 && this.type != 6 && this.type != 42 && (this.type < 231 || this.type > 235) && this.type != 94 && this.type != 139 && this.velocity.X > 0f && num141 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num139; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num142) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num139; if (this.type != 173 && this.type != 6 && this.type != 42 && (this.type < 231 || this.type > 235) && this.type != 94 && this.type != 139 && this.velocity.Y < 0f && num142 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num139; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num142) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num139; if (this.type != 173 && this.type != 6 && this.type != 42 && (this.type < 231 || this.type > 235) && this.type != 94 && this.type != 139 && this.velocity.Y > 0f && num142 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num139; } } } if (this.type == 23) { if (num141 > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num142, (double)num141); } else { if (num141 < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num142, (double)num141) + 3.14f; } } } else { if (this.type == 139) { this.localAI[0] += 1f; if (this.justHit) { this.localAI[0] = 0f; } if (Main.netMode != 1 && this.localAI[0] >= 120f) { this.localAI[0] = 0f; if (Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { int num145 = 25; int num146 = 84; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector17.X, vector17.Y, num141, num142, num146, num145, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } } int num147 = (int)this.position.X + this.width / 2; int num148 = (int)this.position.Y + this.height / 2; num147 /= 16; num148 /= 16; if (!WorldGen.SolidTile(num147, num148)) { Lighting.addLight((int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f), (int)((this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16f), 0.3f, 0.1f, 0.05f); } if (num141 > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num142, (double)num141); } if (num141 < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num142, (double)num141) + 3.14f; } } else { if (this.type == 6 || this.type == 94 || this.type == 173) { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num142, (double)num141) - 1.57f; } else { if (this.type == 42 || this.type == 176 || this.type == 205 || (this.type >= 231 && this.type <= 235)) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.1f; } else { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X) - 1.57f; } } } } if (this.type == 6 || this.type == 23 || this.type == 42 || this.type == 94 || this.type == 139 || this.type == 173 || this.type == 176 || this.type == 205 || this.type == 210 || this.type == 211 || (this.type >= 231 && this.type <= 235)) { float num149 = 0.7f; if (this.type == 6 || this.type == 173) { num149 = 0.4f; } if (this.collideX) { this.netUpdate = true; this.velocity.X = this.oldVelocity.X * -num149; if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > 0f && this.velocity.X < 2f) { this.velocity.X = 2f; } if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 0f && this.velocity.X > -2f) { this.velocity.X = -2f; } } if (this.collideY) { this.netUpdate = true; this.velocity.Y = this.oldVelocity.Y * -num149; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && (double)this.velocity.Y < 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = 2f; } if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && (double)this.velocity.Y > -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = -2f; } } if (this.type == 23) { int num150 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X - this.velocity.X, this.position.Y - this.velocity.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, this.velocity.X * 0.2f, this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 2f); Main.dust[num150].noGravity = true; Dust expr_9A75_cp_0 = Main.dust[num150]; expr_9A75_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_9A75_cp_0.velocity.X * 0.3f; Dust expr_9A93_cp_0 = Main.dust[num150]; expr_9A93_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_9A93_cp_0.velocity.Y * 0.3f; } else { if (this.type != 42 && this.type != 139 && this.type != 176 && this.type != 205 && this.type != 210 && this.type != 211 && this.type != 252 && (this.type < 231 || this.type > 235) && Main.rand.Next(20) == 0) { int num151 = 18; if (this.type == 173) { num151 = 5; } int num152 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.25f), this.width, (int)((float)this.height * 0.5f), num151, this.velocity.X, 2f, 75, this.color, this.scale); Dust expr_9BC9_cp_0 = Main.dust[num152]; expr_9BC9_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_9BC9_cp_0.velocity.X * 0.5f; Dust expr_9BE7_cp_0 = Main.dust[num152]; expr_9BE7_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_9BE7_cp_0.velocity.Y * 0.1f; } } } else { if (this.type != 252 && Main.rand.Next(40) == 0) { int num153 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.25f), this.width, (int)((float)this.height * 0.5f), 5, this.velocity.X, 2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Dust expr_9C94_cp_0 = Main.dust[num153]; expr_9C94_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_9C94_cp_0.velocity.X * 0.5f; Dust expr_9CB2_cp_0 = Main.dust[num153]; expr_9CB2_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_9CB2_cp_0.velocity.Y * 0.1f; } } if ((this.type == 6 || this.type == 94 || this.type == 173) && this.wet) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.95f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.3f; if (this.velocity.Y < -2f) { this.velocity.Y = -2f; } } if (this.type == 205 && this.wet) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.95f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.5f; if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = -4f; } this.TargetClosest(true); } if (this.type == 42 || this.type == 176 || (this.type >= 231 && this.type <= 235)) { if (this.wet) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.95f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.5f; if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = -4f; } this.TargetClosest(true); } if ([1] == 101f) { Main.PlaySound(2, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 17);[1] = 0f; } if (Main.netMode != 1) {[1] += (float)Main.rand.Next(5, 20) * 0.1f * this.scale; if (this.type == 176) {[1] += (float)Main.rand.Next(5, 20) * 0.1f * this.scale; } if ([1] >= 130f) { if (Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { float num154 = 8f; Vector2 vector18 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)); float num155 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector18.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(-20, 21); float num156 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector18.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(-20, 21); if ((num155 < 0f && this.velocity.X < 0f) || (num155 > 0f && this.velocity.X > 0f)) { float num157 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num155 * num155 + num156 * num156)); num157 = num154 / num157; num155 *= num157; num156 *= num157; int num158 = (int)(10f * this.scale); if (this.type == 176) { num158 = (int)(30f * this.scale); } int num159 = 55; int num160 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector18.X, vector18.Y, num155, num156, num159, num158, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num160].timeLeft = 300;[1] = 101f; this.netUpdate = true; } else {[1] = 0f; } } else {[1] = 0f; } } } } if (this.type == 139 && flag15) { if ((this.velocity.X > 0f && num141 > 0f) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && num141 < 0f)) { if (Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) < 12f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 1.05f; } } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; } } if (Main.netMode != 1 && this.type == 94 && !Main.player[].dead) { if (this.justHit) { this.localAI[0] = 0f; } this.localAI[0] += 1f; if (this.localAI[0] == 180f) { if (Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) + this.velocity.X), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) + this.velocity.Y), 112, 0); } this.localAI[0] = 0f; } } if ((Main.dayTime && this.type != 173 && this.type != 6 && this.type != 23 && this.type != 42 && this.type != 94 && this.type != 176 && this.type != 205 && this.type != 210 && this.type != 211 && this.type != 252 && (this.type < 231 || this.type > 235)) || Main.player[].dead) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num139 * 2f; if (this.timeLeft > 10) { this.timeLeft = 10; } } if (((this.velocity.X > 0f && this.oldVelocity.X < 0f) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && this.oldVelocity.X > 0f) || (this.velocity.Y > 0f && this.oldVelocity.Y < 0f) || (this.velocity.Y < 0f && this.oldVelocity.Y > 0f)) && !this.justHit) { this.netUpdate = true; return; } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 6) { if (this.type == 117 && this.localAI[1] == 0f) { this.localAI[1] = 1f; Main.PlaySound(4, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 13); int num161 = 1; if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { num161 = -1; } for (int num162 = 0; num162 < 20; num162++) { Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X - 20f, this.position.Y - 20f), this.width + 40, this.height + 40, 5, (float)(num161 * 8), -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } } if (this.type >= 13 && this.type <= 15) { this.realLife = -1; } else { if ([3] > 0f) { this.realLife = (int)[3]; } } if ( < 0 || == 255 || Main.player[].dead) { this.TargetClosest(true); } if (Main.player[].dead && this.timeLeft > 300) { this.timeLeft = 300; } if (Main.netMode != 1) { if (this.type == 87 &&[0] == 0f) {[3] = (float)this.whoAmI; this.realLife = this.whoAmI; int num163 = this.whoAmI; for (int num164 = 0; num164 < 14; num164++) { int num165 = 89; if (num164 == 1 || num164 == 8) { num165 = 88; } else { if (num164 == 11) { num165 = 90; } else { if (num164 == 12) { num165 = 91; } else { if (num164 == 13) { num165 = 92; } } } } int num166 = NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height), num165, this.whoAmI); Main.npc[num166].ai[3] = (float)this.whoAmI; Main.npc[num166].realLife = this.whoAmI; Main.npc[num166].ai[1] = (float)num163; Main.npc[num163].ai[0] = (float)num166; NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", num166, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); num163 = num166; } } if ((this.type == 7 || this.type == 8 || this.type == 10 || this.type == 11 || this.type == 13 || this.type == 14 || this.type == 39 || this.type == 40 || this.type == 95 || this.type == 96 || this.type == 98 || this.type == 99 || this.type == 117 || this.type == 118) &&[0] == 0f) { if (this.type == 7 || this.type == 10 || this.type == 13 || this.type == 39 || this.type == 95 || this.type == 98 || this.type == 117) { if (this.type < 13 || this.type > 15) {[3] = (float)this.whoAmI; this.realLife = this.whoAmI; }[2] = (float)Main.rand.Next(8, 13); if (this.type == 10) {[2] = (float)Main.rand.Next(4, 7); } if (this.type == 13) {[2] = (float)Main.rand.Next(45, 56); } if (this.type == 39) {[2] = (float)Main.rand.Next(12, 19); } if (this.type == 95) {[2] = (float)Main.rand.Next(6, 12); } if (this.type == 98) {[2] = (float)Main.rand.Next(20, 26); } if (this.type == 117) {[2] = (float)Main.rand.Next(3, 6); }[0] = (float)NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height), this.type + 1, this.whoAmI); } else { if ((this.type == 8 || this.type == 11 || this.type == 14 || this.type == 40 || this.type == 96 || this.type == 99 || this.type == 118) &&[2] > 0f) {[0] = (float)NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height), this.type, this.whoAmI); } else {[0] = (float)NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height), this.type + 1, this.whoAmI); } } if (this.type < 13 || this.type > 15) { Main.npc[(int)[0]].ai[3] =[3]; Main.npc[(int)[0]].realLife = this.realLife; } Main.npc[(int)[0]].ai[1] = (float)this.whoAmI; Main.npc[(int)[0]].ai[2] =[2] - 1f; this.netUpdate = true; } if ((this.type == 8 || this.type == 9 || this.type == 11 || this.type == 12 || this.type == 40 || this.type == 41 || this.type == 96 || this.type == 97 || this.type == 99 || this.type == 100 || (this.type > 87 && this.type <= 92) || this.type == 118 || this.type == 119) && (!Main.npc[(int)[1]].active || Main.npc[(int)[1]].aiStyle != this.aiStyle)) { = 0; this.HitEffect(0, 10.0); = false; } if ((this.type == 7 || this.type == 8 || this.type == 10 || this.type == 11 || this.type == 39 || this.type == 40 || this.type == 95 || this.type == 96 || this.type == 98 || this.type == 99 || (this.type >= 87 && this.type < 92) || this.type == 117 || this.type == 118) && (!Main.npc[(int)[0]].active || Main.npc[(int)[0]].aiStyle != this.aiStyle)) { = 0; this.HitEffect(0, 10.0); = false; } if (this.type == 13 || this.type == 14 || this.type == 15) { if (!Main.npc[(int)[1]].active && !Main.npc[(int)[0]].active) { = 0; this.HitEffect(0, 10.0); = false; } if (this.type == 13 && !Main.npc[(int)[0]].active) { = 0; this.HitEffect(0, 10.0); = false; } if (this.type == 15 && !Main.npc[(int)[1]].active) { = 0; this.HitEffect(0, 10.0); = false; } if (this.type == 14 && (!Main.npc[(int)[1]].active || Main.npc[(int)[1]].aiStyle != this.aiStyle)) { this.type = 13; int num167 = this.whoAmI; float num168 = (float) / (float)this.lifeMax; float num169 =[0]; this.SetDefaults(this.type, -1f); = (int)((float)this.lifeMax * num168);[0] = num169; this.TargetClosest(true); this.netUpdate = true; this.whoAmI = num167; } if (this.type == 14 && (!Main.npc[(int)[0]].active || Main.npc[(int)[0]].aiStyle != this.aiStyle)) { int num170 = this.whoAmI; float num171 = (float) / (float)this.lifeMax; float num172 =[1]; this.SetDefaults(this.type, -1f); = (int)((float)this.lifeMax * num171);[1] = num172; this.TargetClosest(true); this.netUpdate = true; this.whoAmI = num170; } if ( == 0) { bool flag16 = true; for (int num173 = 0; num173 < 200; num173++) { if (Main.npc[num173].active && (Main.npc[num173].type == 13 || Main.npc[num173].type == 14 || Main.npc[num173].type == 15)) { flag16 = false; break; } } if (flag16) { this.boss = true; this.NPCLoot(); } } } if (! && Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(28, -1, -1, "", this.whoAmI, -1f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } int num174 = (int)(this.position.X / 16f) - 1; int num175 = (int)((this.position.X + (float)this.width) / 16f) + 2; int num176 = (int)(this.position.Y / 16f) - 1; int num177 = (int)((this.position.Y + (float)this.height) / 16f) + 2; if (num174 < 0) { num174 = 0; } if (num175 > Main.maxTilesX) { num175 = Main.maxTilesX; } if (num176 < 0) { num176 = 0; } if (num177 > Main.maxTilesY) { num177 = Main.maxTilesY; } bool flag17 = false; if (this.type >= 87 && this.type <= 92) { flag17 = true; } if (!flag17) { for (int num178 = num174; num178 < num175; num178++) { for (int num179 = num176; num179 < num177; num179++) { if (Main.tile[num178, num179] != null && ((Main.tile[num178, num179].nactive() && (Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num178, num179].type] || (Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num178, num179].type] && Main.tile[num178, num179].frameY == 0))) || Main.tile[num178, num179].liquid > 64)) { Vector2 vector19; vector19.X = (float)(num178 * 16); vector19.Y = (float)(num179 * 16); if (this.position.X + (float)this.width > vector19.X && this.position.X < vector19.X + 16f && this.position.Y + (float)this.height > vector19.Y && this.position.Y < vector19.Y + 16f) { flag17 = true; if (Main.rand.Next(100) == 0 && this.type != 117 && Main.tile[num178, num179].nactive()) { WorldGen.KillTile(num178, num179, true, true, false); } if (Main.netMode != 1 && Main.tile[num178, num179].type == 2) { byte arg_B1F3_0 = Main.tile[num178, num179 - 1].type; } } } } } } if (!flag17 && (this.type == 7 || this.type == 10 || this.type == 13 || this.type == 39 || this.type == 95 || this.type == 98 || this.type == 117)) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height); int num180 = 1000; bool flag18 = true; for (int num181 = 0; num181 < 255; num181++) { if (Main.player[num181].active) { Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle((int)Main.player[num181].position.X - num180, (int)Main.player[num181].position.Y - num180, num180 * 2, num180 * 2); if (rectangle.Intersects(rectangle2)) { flag18 = false; break; } } } if (flag18) { flag17 = true; } } if (this.type >= 87 && this.type <= 92) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } } } float num182 = 8f; float num183 = 0.07f; if (this.type == 95) { num182 = 5.5f; num183 = 0.045f; } if (this.type == 10) { num182 = 6f; num183 = 0.05f; } if (this.type == 13) { num182 = 10f; num183 = 0.07f; } if (this.type == 87) { num182 = 11f; num183 = 0.25f; } if (this.type == 117 && Main.wof >= 0) { float num184 = (float)Main.npc[Main.wof].life / (float)Main.npc[Main.wof].lifeMax; if ((double)num184 < 0.5) { num182 += 1f; num183 += 0.1f; } if ((double)num184 < 0.25) { num182 += 1f; num183 += 0.1f; } if ((double)num184 < 0.1) { num182 += 2f; num183 += 0.1f; } } Vector2 vector20 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num185 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2); float num186 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2); num185 = (float)((int)(num185 / 16f) * 16); num186 = (float)((int)(num186 / 16f) * 16); vector20.X = (float)((int)(vector20.X / 16f) * 16); vector20.Y = (float)((int)(vector20.Y / 16f) * 16); num185 -= vector20.X; num186 -= vector20.Y; float num187 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num185 * num185 + num186 * num186)); if ([1] > 0f &&[1] < (float)Main.npc.Length) { try { vector20 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num185 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - vector20.X; num186 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].height / 2) - vector20.Y; } catch { } this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num186, (double)num185) + 1.57f; num187 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num185 * num185 + num186 * num186)); int num188 = this.width; if (this.type >= 87 && this.type <= 92) { num188 = 42; } num187 = (num187 - (float)num188) / num187; num185 *= num187; num186 *= num187; this.velocity = default(Vector2); this.position.X = this.position.X + num185; this.position.Y = this.position.Y + num186; if (this.type >= 87 && this.type <= 92) { if (num185 < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; return; } if (num185 > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; return; } } } else { if (!flag17) { this.TargetClosest(true); this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.11f; if (this.velocity.Y > num182) { this.velocity.Y = num182; } if ((double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y)) < (double)num182 * 0.4) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num183 * 1.1f; } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num183 * 1.1f; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y == num182) { if (this.velocity.X < num185) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num183; } else { if (this.velocity.X > num185) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num183; } } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 4f) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num183 * 0.9f; } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num183 * 0.9f; } } } } } else { if (this.type != 87 && this.type != 117 && this.soundDelay == 0) { float num189 = num187 / 40f; if (num189 < 10f) { num189 = 10f; } if (num189 > 20f) { num189 = 20f; } this.soundDelay = (int)num189; Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); } num187 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num185 * num185 + num186 * num186)); float num190 = Math.Abs(num185); float num191 = Math.Abs(num186); float num192 = num182 / num187; num185 *= num192; num186 *= num192; if ((this.type == 13 || this.type == 7) && !Main.player[].zoneEvil && !Main.player[].zoneBlood) { bool flag19 = true; for (int num193 = 0; num193 < 255; num193++) { if (Main.player[num193].active && !Main.player[num193].dead && Main.player[num193].zoneEvil) { flag19 = false; } } if (flag19) { if (Main.netMode != 1 && (double)(this.position.Y / 16f) > (Main.rockLayer + (double)Main.maxTilesY) / 2.0) { = false; int num194 = (int)[0]; while (num194 > 0 && num194 < 200 && Main.npc[num194].active && Main.npc[num194].aiStyle == this.aiStyle) { int num195 = (int)Main.npc[num194].ai[0]; Main.npc[num194].active = false; = 0; if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", num194, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } num194 = num195; } if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", this.whoAmI, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } num185 = 0f; num186 = num182; } } bool flag20 = false; if (this.type == 87) { if (((this.velocity.X > 0f && num185 < 0f) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && num185 > 0f) || (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num186 < 0f) || (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num186 > 0f)) && Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y) > num183 / 2f && num187 < 300f) { flag20 = true; if (Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y) < num182) { this.velocity *= 1.1f; } } if (this.position.Y > Main.player[].position.Y || (double)(Main.player[].position.Y / 16f) > Main.worldSurface || Main.player[].dead) { flag20 = true; if (Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) < num182 / 2f) { if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - (float)this.direction; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 1.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > -num182) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num183; } } } } if (!flag20) { if ((this.velocity.X > 0f && num185 > 0f) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && num185 < 0f) || (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num186 > 0f) || (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num186 < 0f)) { if (this.velocity.X < num185) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num183; } else { if (this.velocity.X > num185) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num183; } } if (this.velocity.Y < num186) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num183; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num186) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num183; } } if ((double)Math.Abs(num186) < (double)num182 * 0.2 && ((this.velocity.X > 0f && num185 < 0f) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && num185 > 0f))) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num183 * 2f; } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num183 * 2f; } } if ((double)Math.Abs(num185) < (double)num182 * 0.2 && ((this.velocity.Y > 0f && num186 < 0f) || (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num186 > 0f))) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num183 * 2f; } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num183 * 2f; } } } else { if (num190 > num191) { if (this.velocity.X < num185) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num183 * 1.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > num185) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num183 * 1.1f; } } if ((double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y)) < (double)num182 * 0.5) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num183; } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num183; } } } else { if (this.velocity.Y < num186) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num183 * 1.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num186) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num183 * 1.1f; } } if ((double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y)) < (double)num182 * 0.5) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num183; } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num183; } } } } } } this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X) + 1.57f; if (this.type == 7 || this.type == 10 || this.type == 13 || this.type == 39 || this.type == 95 || this.type == 98 || this.type == 117) { if (flag17) { if (this.localAI[0] != 1f) { this.netUpdate = true; } this.localAI[0] = 1f; } else { if (this.localAI[0] != 0f) { this.netUpdate = true; } this.localAI[0] = 0f; } if (((this.velocity.X > 0f && this.oldVelocity.X < 0f) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && this.oldVelocity.X > 0f) || (this.velocity.Y > 0f && this.oldVelocity.Y < 0f) || (this.velocity.Y < 0f && this.oldVelocity.Y > 0f)) && !this.justHit) { this.netUpdate = true; return; } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 7) { bool flag21 = Main.raining; if (!Main.dayTime) { flag21 = true; } if (this.type == 142 && Main.netMode != 1 && !Main.xMas) { this.StrikeNPC(9999, 0f, 0, false, false); if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(28, -1, -1, "", this.whoAmI, 9999f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } if ((this.type == 148 || this.type == 149) && this.localAI[0] == 0f) { this.localAI[0] = (float)Main.rand.Next(1, 5); } int num196 = (int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16; int num197 = (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height + 1f) / 16; if (this.type == 107) { NPC.savedGoblin = true; } if (this.type == 108) { NPC.savedWizard = true; } if (this.type == 124) { NPC.savedMech = true; } if ((this.type == 46 || this.type == 148 || this.type == 149 || this.type == 230 || this.type == 299 || this.type == 300) && == 255) { this.TargetClosest(true); if (this.position.X < Main.player[].position.X) { this.direction = 1; this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } if (this.position.X > Main.player[].position.X) { this.direction = -1; this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } if (this.homeTileX == -1) { this.homeTileX = (int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f); } } bool flag22 = false; this.directionY = -1; if (this.direction == 0) { this.direction = 1; } for (int num198 = 0; num198 < 255; num198++) { if (Main.player[num198].active && Main.player[num198].talkNPC == this.whoAmI) { flag22 = true; if ([0] != 0f) { this.netUpdate = true; }[0] = 0f;[1] = 300f;[2] = 100f; if (Main.player[num198].position.X + (float)(Main.player[num198].width / 2) < this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) { this.direction = -1; } else { this.direction = 1; } } } if ([3] > 0f) { = -1; this.HitEffect(0, 10.0); = false; if (this.type == 37) { Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); } } if (this.type == 37 && Main.netMode != 1) { this.homeless = false; this.homeTileX = Main.dungeonX; this.homeTileY = Main.dungeonY; if (NPC.downedBoss3) {[3] = 1f; this.netUpdate = true; } } int num199 = this.homeTileY; if (Main.netMode != 1 && this.homeTileY > 0) { while (!WorldGen.SolidTile(this.homeTileX, num199) && num199 < Main.maxTilesY - 20) { num199++; } } if (Main.netMode != 1 && this.townNPC && (flag21 || Main.tileDungeon[(int)Main.tile[num196, num197].type]) && (num196 != this.homeTileX || num197 != num199) && !this.homeless) { bool flag23 = true; for (int num200 = 0; num200 < 2; num200++) { Rectangle rectangle3 = new Rectangle((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) - (float)(NPC.sWidth / 2) - (float)NPC.safeRangeX), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - (float)(NPC.sHeight / 2) - (float)NPC.safeRangeY), NPC.sWidth + NPC.safeRangeX * 2, NPC.sHeight + NPC.safeRangeY * 2); if (num200 == 1) { rectangle3 = new Rectangle(this.homeTileX * 16 + 8 - NPC.sWidth / 2 - NPC.safeRangeX, num199 * 16 + 8 - NPC.sHeight / 2 - NPC.safeRangeY, NPC.sWidth + NPC.safeRangeX * 2, NPC.sHeight + NPC.safeRangeY * 2); } for (int num201 = 0; num201 < 255; num201++) { if (Main.player[num201].active) { Rectangle rectangle4 = new Rectangle((int)Main.player[num201].position.X, (int)Main.player[num201].position.Y, Main.player[num201].width, Main.player[num201].height); if (rectangle4.Intersects(rectangle3)) { flag23 = false; break; } } if (!flag23) { break; } } } if (flag23) { if (this.type == 37 || !Collision.SolidTiles(this.homeTileX - 1, this.homeTileX + 1, num199 - 3, num199 - 1)) { this.velocity.X = 0f; this.velocity.Y = 0f; this.position.X = (float)(this.homeTileX * 16 + 8 - this.width / 2); this.position.Y = (float)(num199 * 16 - this.height) - 0.1f; this.netUpdate = true; } else { this.homeless = true; WorldGen.QuickFindHome(this.whoAmI); } } } if ([0] == 0f) { if ([2] > 0f) {[2] -= 1f; } if (flag21 && !flag22 && this.type != 46 && this.type != 148 && this.type != 149 && this.type != 230 && this.type != 299 && this.type != 300) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { if (num196 == this.homeTileX && num197 == num199) { if (this.velocity.X != 0f) { this.netUpdate = true; } if ((double)this.velocity.X > 0.1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } else { if ((double)this.velocity.X < -0.1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } else { this.velocity.X = 0f; } } } else { if (!flag22) { if (num196 > this.homeTileX) { this.direction = -1; } else { this.direction = 1; }[0] = 1f;[1] = (float)(200 + Main.rand.Next(200));[2] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } } } } else { if (this.type == 300) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.5f; } if ((double)this.velocity.X > 0.1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } else { if ((double)this.velocity.X < -0.1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } else { this.velocity.X = 0f; } } if (Main.netMode != 1) { if ([1] > 0f) {[1] -= 1f; } if ([1] <= 0f) {[0] = 1f;[1] = (float)(200 + Main.rand.Next(200)); if (this.type == 46 || this.type == 148 || this.type == 149 || this.type == 230 || this.type == 299 || this.type == 300) {[1] += (float)Main.rand.Next(200, 400); }[2] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } } } if (Main.netMode != 1 && (!flag21 || (num196 == this.homeTileX && num197 == num199))) { if (num196 < this.homeTileX - 25 || num196 > this.homeTileX + 25) { if ([2] == 0f) { if (num196 < this.homeTileX - 50 && this.direction == -1) { this.direction = 1; this.netUpdate = true; return; } if (num196 > this.homeTileX + 50 && this.direction == 1) { this.direction = -1; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } } else { if (Main.rand.Next(80) == 0 &&[2] == 0f) {[2] = 200f; this.direction *= -1; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } } } else { if ([0] == 1f) { if (Main.netMode != 1 && flag21 && num196 == this.homeTileX && num197 == this.homeTileY && this.type != 46 && this.type != 148 && this.type != 149 && this.type != 230 && this.type != 299 && this.type != 300) {[0] = 0f;[1] = (float)(200 + Main.rand.Next(200));[2] = 60f; this.netUpdate = true; return; } if (Main.netMode != 1 && !this.homeless && !Main.tileDungeon[(int)Main.tile[num196, num197].type] && (num196 < this.homeTileX - 35 || num196 > this.homeTileX + 35)) { if (this.position.X < (float)(this.homeTileX * 16) && this.direction == -1) {[1] -= 5f; } else { if (this.position.X > (float)(this.homeTileX * 16) && this.direction == 1) {[1] -= 5f; } } }[1] -= 1f; if ([1] <= 0f) {[0] = 0f;[1] = (float)(300 + Main.rand.Next(300)); if (this.type == 46 || this.type == 148 || this.type == 149 || this.type == 230 || this.type == 299 || this.type == 300) {[1] -= (float)Main.rand.Next(100); }[2] = 60f; this.netUpdate = true; } if (this.closeDoor && ((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f > (float)(this.doorX + 2) || (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f < (float)(this.doorX - 2))) { bool flag24 = WorldGen.CloseDoor(this.doorX, this.doorY, false); if (flag24) { this.closeDoor = false; NetMessage.SendData(19, -1, -1, "", 1, (float)this.doorX, (float)this.doorY, (float)this.direction, 0); } if ((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f > (float)(this.doorX + 4) || (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f < (float)(this.doorX - 4) || (this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16f > (float)(this.doorY + 4) || (this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16f < (float)(this.doorY - 4)) { this.closeDoor = false; } } float num202 = 1f; float num203 = 0.07f; if (this.type == 299) { num202 = 1.5f; } if (this.type == 300) { num202 = 2f; num203 = 1f; } if (this.velocity.X < -num202 || this.velocity.X > num202) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.8f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < num202 && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num203; if (this.velocity.X > num202) { this.velocity.X = num202; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -num202 && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num203; if (this.velocity.X > num202) { this.velocity.X = num202; } } } } bool flag25 = (float)((this.homeTileY - 2) * 16) <= this.position.Y; if ((this.direction == 1 && this.position.Y + (float)(this.width / 2) > (float)(this.homeTileX * 16)) || (this.direction == -1 && this.position.Y + (float)(this.width / 2) < (float)(this.homeTileX * 16))) { flag25 = true; } if (this.velocity.Y >= 0f) { int num204 = 0; if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { num204 = -1; } if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { num204 = 1; } Vector2 vector21 = this.position; vector21.X += this.velocity.X; int num205 = (int)((vector21.X + (float)(this.width / 2) + (float)((this.width / 2 + 1) * num204)) / 16f); int num206 = (int)((vector21.Y + (float)this.height - 1f) / 16f); if ((float)(num205 * 16) < vector21.X + (float)this.width && (float)(num205 * 16 + 16) > vector21.X) { if (Main.tile[num205, num206] == null) { Main.tile[num205, num206] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num205, num206 - 1] == null) { Main.tile[num205, num206 - 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num205, num206 - 2] == null) { Main.tile[num205, num206 - 2] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num205, num206 - 3] == null) { Main.tile[num205, num206 - 3] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num205, num206 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num205, num206 + 1] = new Tile(); } if (((Main.tile[num205, num206].nactive() && Main.tile[num205, num206].slope() == 0 && Main.tile[num205, num206 - 1].slope() == 0 && ((Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num205, num206].type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num205, num206].type]) || (flag25 && Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num205, num206].type] && Main.tile[num205, num206].frameY == 0 && (!Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num205, num206 - 1].type] || !Main.tile[num205, num206 - 1].nactive()) && Main.tile[num205, num206].type != 16 && Main.tile[num205, num206].type != 18 && Main.tile[num205, num206].type != 134))) || (Main.tile[num205, num206 - 1].halfBrick() && Main.tile[num205, num206 - 1].nactive())) && (!Main.tile[num205, num206 - 1].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num205, num206 - 1].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num205, num206 - 1].type] || (Main.tile[num205, num206 - 1].halfBrick() && (!Main.tile[num205, num206 - 4].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num205, num206 - 4].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num205, num206 - 4].type]))) && (!Main.tile[num205, num206 - 2].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num205, num206 - 2].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num205, num206 - 2].type]) && (!Main.tile[num205, num206 - 3].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num205, num206 - 3].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num205, num206 - 3].type]) && (!Main.tile[num205 - num204, num206 - 3].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num205 - num204, num206 - 3].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num205 - num204, num206 - 3].type])) { float num207 = (float)(num206 * 16); if (Main.tile[num205, num206].halfBrick()) { num207 += 8f; } if (Main.tile[num205, num206 - 1].halfBrick()) { num207 -= 8f; } if (num207 < vector21.Y + (float)this.height) { float num208 = vector21.Y + (float)this.height - num207; if ((double)num208 <= 16.1) { this.gfxOffY += this.position.Y + (float)this.height - num207; this.position.Y = num207 - (float)this.height; if (num208 < 9f) { this.stepSpeed = 1f; } else { this.stepSpeed = 2f; } } } } } } if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.position.X ==[2]) { this.direction *= -1; }[2] = -1f; int num209 = (int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) + (float)(15 * this.direction)) / 16f); int num210 = (int)((this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 16f) / 16f); if (Main.tile[num209, num210] == null) { Main.tile[num209, num210] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num209, num210 - 1] == null) { Main.tile[num209, num210 - 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num209, num210 - 2] == null) { Main.tile[num209, num210 - 2] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num209, num210 - 3] == null) { Main.tile[num209, num210 - 3] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num209, num210 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num209, num210 + 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num209 + this.direction, num210 - 1] == null) { Main.tile[num209 + this.direction, num210 - 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num209 + this.direction, num210 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num209 + this.direction, num210 + 1] = new Tile(); } Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 1].halfBrick(); if (this.townNPC && Main.tile[num209, num210 - 2].nactive() && Main.tile[num209, num210 - 2].type == 10 && (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0 || flag21)) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { bool flag26 = WorldGen.OpenDoor(num209, num210 - 2, this.direction); if (flag26) { this.closeDoor = true; this.doorX = num209; this.doorY = num210 - 2; NetMessage.SendData(19, -1, -1, "", 0, (float)num209, (float)(num210 - 2), (float)this.direction, 0); this.netUpdate = true;[1] += 80f; return; } if (WorldGen.OpenDoor(num209, num210 - 2, -this.direction)) { this.closeDoor = true; this.doorX = num209; this.doorY = num210 - 2; NetMessage.SendData(19, -1, -1, "", 0, (float)num209, (float)(num210 - 2), (float)(-(float)this.direction), 0); this.netUpdate = true;[1] += 80f; return; } this.direction *= -1; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } else { if ((this.velocity.X < 0f && this.spriteDirection == -1) || (this.velocity.X > 0f && this.spriteDirection == 1)) { if (Main.tile[num209, num210 - 2].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num209, num210 - 2].type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num209, num210 - 2].type]) { if ((this.direction == 1 && !Collision.SolidTiles(num209 - 2, num209 - 1, num210 - 5, num210 - 1)) || (this.direction == -1 && !Collision.SolidTiles(num209 + 1, num209 + 2, num210 - 5, num210 - 1))) { if (!Collision.SolidTiles(num209, num209, num210 - 5, num210 - 3)) { this.velocity.Y = -6f; this.netUpdate = true; } else { if (this.type == 300) { if (WorldGen.SolidTile((int)( / 16f) + this.direction, (int)( / 16f))) { this.direction *= -1; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } } else { this.direction *= -1; this.netUpdate = true; } } } else { if (this.type == 300) { if (WorldGen.SolidTile((int)( / 16f) + this.direction, (int)( / 16f))) { this.direction *= -1; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } } else { this.direction *= -1; this.netUpdate = true; } } } else { if (Main.tile[num209, num210 - 1].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num209, num210 - 1].type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num209, num210 - 1].type]) { if ((this.direction == 1 && !Collision.SolidTiles(num209 - 2, num209 - 1, num210 - 4, num210 - 1)) || (this.direction == -1 && !Collision.SolidTiles(num209 + 1, num209 + 2, num210 - 4, num210 - 1))) { if (!Collision.SolidTiles(num209, num209, num210 - 4, num210 - 2)) { this.velocity.Y = -5f; this.netUpdate = true; } else { this.direction *= -1; this.netUpdate = true; } } else { this.direction *= -1; this.netUpdate = true; } } else { if (this.position.Y + (float)this.height - (float)(num210 * 16) > 20f && Main.tile[num209, num210].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num209, num210].type] && Main.tile[num209, num210].slope() == 0) { if ((this.direction == 1 && !Collision.SolidTiles(num209 - 2, num209, num210 - 3, num210 - 1)) || (this.direction == -1 && !Collision.SolidTiles(num209, num209 + 2, num210 - 3, num210 - 1))) { this.velocity.Y = -4.4f; this.netUpdate = true; } else { this.direction *= -1; this.netUpdate = true; } } } } try { if (Main.tile[num209, num210 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num209, num210 + 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num209, num210 + 2] == null) { Main.tile[num209, num210 + 2] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 2] == null) { Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 2] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num209, num210 + 3] == null) { Main.tile[num209, num210 + 3] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 3] == null) { Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 3] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num209, num210 + 4] == null) { Main.tile[num209, num210 + 4] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 4] == null) { Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 4] = new Tile(); } else { if (num196 >= this.homeTileX - 35 && num196 <= this.homeTileX + 35 && (!Main.tile[num209, num210 + 1].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num209, num210 + 1].type]) && (!Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 1].active() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 1].type]) && (!Main.tile[num209, num210 + 2].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num209, num210 + 2].type]) && (!Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 2].active() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 2].type]) && (!Main.tile[num209, num210 + 3].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num209, num210 + 3].type]) && (!Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 3].active() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 3].type]) && (!Main.tile[num209, num210 + 4].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num209, num210 + 4].type]) && (!Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 4].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num209 - this.direction, num210 + 4].type]) && this.type != 46 && this.type != 148 && this.type != 149 && this.type != 230 && this.type != 299 && this.type != 300) { this.direction *= -1; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * -1f; this.netUpdate = true; } } } catch { } if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) {[2] = this.position.X; } } if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && this.wet) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 1.2f; } if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && (this.type == 46 || this.type == 299)) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 1.2f; return; } } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 8) { this.TargetClosest(true); this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.93f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } if ([0] == 0f) {[0] = 500f; } if (this.type == 172) { if (this.alpha < 255) { this.alpha++; } if (this.justHit) { this.alpha = 0; } } if ([2] != 0f &&[3] != 0f) { if (this.type == 172) { this.alpha = 255; } Main.PlaySound(2, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 8); for (int num211 = 0; num211 < 50; num211++) { if (this.type == 29 || this.type == 45) { int num212 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 27, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), (float)Main.rand.Next(1, 3)); Main.dust[num212].velocity *= 3f; if (Main.dust[num212].scale > 1f) { Main.dust[num212].noGravity = true; } } else { if (this.type == 32) { int num213 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 172, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num213].velocity *= 3f; Main.dust[num213].noGravity = true; } else { if (this.type == 283 || this.type == 284) { int num214 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 173, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num214].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num214].scale = 1.4f; } else { if (this.type == 285 || this.type == 286) { int num215 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 174, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num215].velocity *= 3f; Main.dust[num215].noGravity = true; } else { if (this.type == 281 || this.type == 282) { int num216 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 175, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num216].velocity *= 3f; Main.dust[num216].noGravity = true; } else { if (this.type == 172) { int num217 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 106, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2.5f); Main.dust[num217].velocity *= 3f; Main.dust[num217].noGravity = true; } else { int num218 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2.5f); Main.dust[num218].velocity *= 3f; Main.dust[num218].noGravity = true; } } } } } } } this.position.X =[2] * 16f - (float)(this.width / 2) + 8f; this.position.Y =[3] * 16f - (float)this.height; this.velocity.X = 0f; this.velocity.Y = 0f;[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; Main.PlaySound(2, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 8); for (int num219 = 0; num219 < 50; num219++) { if (this.type == 29 || this.type == 45) { int num220 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 27, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), (float)Main.rand.Next(1, 3)); Main.dust[num220].velocity *= 3f; if (Main.dust[num220].scale > 1f) { Main.dust[num220].noGravity = true; } } else { if (this.type == 32) { int num221 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 172, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num221].velocity *= 3f; Main.dust[num221].noGravity = true; } else { if (this.type == 172) { int num222 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 106, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2.5f); Main.dust[num222].velocity *= 3f; Main.dust[num222].noGravity = true; } else { if (this.type == 283 || this.type == 284) { int num223 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 173, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num223].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num223].scale = 1.4f; } else { if (this.type == 285 || this.type == 286) { int num224 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 174, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num224].velocity *= 3f; Main.dust[num224].noGravity = true; } else { if (this.type == 281 || this.type == 282) { int num225 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 175, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num225].velocity *= 3f; Main.dust[num225].noGravity = true; } else { int num226 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2.5f); Main.dust[num226].velocity *= 3f; Main.dust[num226].noGravity = true; } } } } } } } }[0] += 1f; if (this.type == 283 || this.type == 284) { if ([0] == 50f ||[0] == 100f ||[0] == 150f ||[0] == 200f ||[0] == 250f) {[1] = 30f; this.netUpdate = true; } if ([0] >= 400f) {[0] = 700f; } } else { if (this.type == 172 && ([0] == 75f ||[0] == 150f ||[0] == 225f ||[0] == 300f ||[0] == 375f ||[0] == 450f)) {[1] = 30f; this.netUpdate = true; } } if (this.type == 281 || this.type == 282) { if ([0] == 20f ||[0] == 40f ||[0] == 60f ||[0] == 120f ||[0] == 140f ||[0] == 160f ||[0] == 220f ||[0] == 240f ||[0] == 260f) {[1] = 30f; this.netUpdate = true; } if ([0] >= 460f) {[0] = 700f; } } else { if ([0] == 100f ||[0] == 200f ||[0] == 300f) {[1] = 30f; this.netUpdate = true; } } if ((this.type == 285 || this.type == 286) &&[0] > 400f) {[0] = 650f; } if ([0] >= 650f && Main.netMode != 1) {[0] = 1f; int num227 = (int)Main.player[].position.X / 16; int num228 = (int)Main.player[].position.Y / 16; int num229 = (int)this.position.X / 16; int num230 = (int)this.position.Y / 16; int num231 = 20; int num232 = 0; bool flag27 = false; if (Math.Abs(this.position.X - Main.player[].position.X) + Math.Abs(this.position.Y - Main.player[].position.Y) > 2000f) { num232 = 100; flag27 = true; } while (!flag27 && num232 < 100) { num232++; int num233 = Main.rand.Next(num227 - num231, num227 + num231); int num234 = Main.rand.Next(num228 - num231, num228 + num231); for (int num235 = num234; num235 < num228 + num231; num235++) { if ((num235 < num228 - 4 || num235 > num228 + 4 || num233 < num227 - 4 || num233 > num227 + 4) && (num235 < num230 - 1 || num235 > num230 + 1 || num233 < num229 - 1 || num233 > num229 + 1) && Main.tile[num233, num235].nactive()) { bool flag28 = true; if ((this.type == 32 || (this.type >= 281 && this.type <= 286)) && !Main.wallDungeon[(int)Main.tile[num233, num235 - 1].wall]) { flag28 = false; } else { if (Main.tile[num233, num235 - 1].lava()) { flag28 = false; } } if (flag28 && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num233, num235].type] && !Collision.SolidTiles(num233 - 1, num233 + 1, num235 - 4, num235 - 1)) {[1] = 20f;[2] = (float)num233;[3] = (float)num235; flag27 = true; break; } } } } this.netUpdate = true; } if ([1] > 0f) {[1] -= 1f; if ([1] == 25f) { if (this.type >= 281 && this.type <= 286) { float num236 = 6f; if (this.type == 285 || this.type == 286) { num236 = 8f; } if (this.type == 281 || this.type == 282) { num236 = 4f; } Vector2 vector22 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y); float num237 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector22.X; float num238 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector22.Y; if (this.type == 283 || this.type == 284) { num237 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31); num238 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31); num237 -= Main.player[].velocity.X * 10f; num238 -= Main.player[].velocity.Y * 10f; } float num239 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num237 * num237 + num238 * num238)); num239 = num236 / num239; num237 *= num239; num238 *= num239; int num240 = 30; int num241 = 290; if (this.type == 285 || this.type == 286) { num241 = 291; num240 = 40; } if (this.type == 281 || this.type == 282) { num241 = 293; num240 = 40; } int num242 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector22.X, vector22.Y, num237, num238, num241, num240, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num242].timeLeft = 300; if (num241 == 291) { Main.projectile[num242].ai[0] = Main.player[].center().X; Main.projectile[num242].ai[1] = Main.player[].center().Y; Main.projectile[num242].netUpdate = true; } this.localAI[0] = 0f; } else { if (this.type != 172) { Main.PlaySound(2, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 8); } if (Main.netMode != 1) { if (this.type == 29 || this.type == 45) { NPC.NewNPC((int)this.position.X + this.width / 2, (int)this.position.Y - 8, 30, 0); } else { if (this.type == 32) { NPC.NewNPC((int)this.position.X + this.width / 2, (int)this.position.Y - 8, 33, 0); } else { if (this.type == 172) { float num243 = 10f; Vector2 vector23 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num244 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector23.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11); float num245 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector23.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11); float num246 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num244 * num244 + num245 * num245)); num246 = num243 / num246; num244 *= num246; num245 *= num246; int num247 = 40; int num248 = 129; int num249 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector23.X, vector23.Y, num244, num245, num248, num247, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num249].timeLeft = 300; this.localAI[0] = 0f; } else { NPC.NewNPC((int)this.position.X + this.width / 2 + this.direction * 8, (int)this.position.Y + 20, 25, 0); } } } } } } } if (this.type == 29 || this.type == 45) { if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { int num250 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 2f), this.width, this.height, 27, this.velocity.X * 0.2f, this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num250].noGravity = true; Dust expr_FC8F_cp_0 = Main.dust[num250]; expr_FC8F_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_FC8F_cp_0.velocity.X * 0.5f; Main.dust[num250].velocity.Y = -2f; return; } } else { if (this.type == 32) { if (Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { int num251 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 2f), this.width, this.height, 172, this.velocity.X * 0.2f, this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 0.9f); Main.dust[num251].noGravity = true; Dust expr_FD68_cp_0 = Main.dust[num251]; expr_FD68_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_FD68_cp_0.velocity.X * 0.3f; Dust expr_FD88_cp_0 = Main.dust[num251]; expr_FD88_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_FD88_cp_0.velocity.Y * 0.2f; Dust expr_FDA8_cp_0 = Main.dust[num251]; expr_FDA8_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_FDA8_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; return; } } else { if (this.type == 172) { int num252 = 1; if (this.alpha == 255) { num252 = 2; } for (int num253 = 0; num253 < num252; num253++) { if (Main.rand.Next(255) > 255 - this.alpha) { int num254 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 2f), this.width, this.height, 106, this.velocity.X * 0.2f, this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 1.2f); Main.dust[num254].noGravity = true; Dust expr_FE99_cp_0 = Main.dust[num254]; expr_FE99_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_FE99_cp_0.velocity.X * (0.1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(30) * 0.01f); Dust expr_FECD_cp_0 = Main.dust[num254]; expr_FECD_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_FECD_cp_0.velocity.Y * (0.1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(30) * 0.01f); Main.dust[num254].scale *= 1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(6) * 0.1f; } } return; } if (this.type == 283 || this.type == 284) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { int num255 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 2f), this.width, this.height, 173, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Dust expr_FFCD_cp_0 = Main.dust[num255]; expr_FFCD_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_FFCD_cp_0.velocity.X * 0.5f; Dust expr_FFED_cp_0 = Main.dust[num255]; expr_FFED_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_FFED_cp_0.velocity.Y * 0.5f; return; } } else { if (this.type == 285 || this.type == 286) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { int num256 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 2f), this.width, this.height, 174, this.velocity.X * 0.2f, this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num256].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num256].velocity *= 0.4f; Dust expr_100DC_cp_0 = Main.dust[num256]; expr_100DC_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_100DC_cp_0.velocity.Y - 0.7f; return; } } else { if (this.type == 281 || this.type == 282) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { int num257 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 2f), this.width, this.height, 175, this.velocity.X * 0.2f, this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 0.1f); Main.dust[num257].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num257].velocity *= 0.5f; Main.dust[num257].fadeIn = 1.2f; return; } } else { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { int num258 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 2f), this.width, this.height, 6, this.velocity.X * 0.2f, this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 2f); Main.dust[num258].noGravity = true; Dust expr_1026E_cp_0 = Main.dust[num258]; expr_1026E_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_1026E_cp_0.velocity.X * 1f; Dust expr_1028E_cp_0 = Main.dust[num258]; expr_1028E_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_1028E_cp_0.velocity.Y * 1f; return; } } } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 9) { if ( == 255) { this.TargetClosest(true); float num259 = 6f; if (this.type == 25) { num259 = 5f; } if (this.type == 112) { num259 = 7f; } Vector2 vector24 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num260 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector24.X; float num261 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector24.Y; float num262 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num260 * num260 + num261 * num261)); num262 = num259 / num262; this.velocity.X = num260 * num262; this.velocity.Y = num261 * num262; } if (this.type == 112) {[0] += 1f; if ([0] > 3f) {[0] = 3f; } if ([0] == 2f) { this.position += this.velocity; Main.PlaySound(4, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 9); for (int num263 = 0; num263 < 20; num263++) { int num264 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 2f), this.width, this.height, 18, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.8f); Main.dust[num264].velocity *= 1.3f; Main.dust[num264].velocity += this.velocity; Main.dust[num264].noGravity = true; } } } if (this.type == 112 && Collision.SolidCollision(this.position, this.width, this.height)) { int arg_1056F_0 = Main.netMode; this.StrikeNPC(999, 0f, 0, false, false); } if (this.timeLeft > 100) { this.timeLeft = 100; } for (int num265 = 0; num265 < 2; num265++) { if (this.type == 30) { int num266 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 2f), this.width, this.height, 27, this.velocity.X * 0.2f, this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 2f); Main.dust[num266].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num266].velocity *= 0.3f; Dust expr_1065A_cp_0 = Main.dust[num266]; expr_1065A_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_1065A_cp_0.velocity.X - this.velocity.X * 0.2f; Dust expr_10686_cp_0 = Main.dust[num266]; expr_10686_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_10686_cp_0.velocity.Y - this.velocity.Y * 0.2f; } else { if (this.type == 33) { for (int num267 = 0; num267 < 3; num267++) { float num268 = this.velocity.X / 3f * (float)num265; float num269 = this.velocity.Y / 3f * (float)num265; int num270 = 2; int num271 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)num270, this.position.Y + (float)num270), this.width - num270 * 2, this.height - num270 * 2, 172, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.2f); Main.dust[num271].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num271].velocity *= 0.1f; Main.dust[num271].velocity += this.velocity * 0.5f; Dust expr_107D0_cp_0 = Main.dust[num271]; expr_107D0_cp_0.position.X = expr_107D0_cp_0.position.X - num268; Dust expr_107EF_cp_0 = Main.dust[num271]; expr_107EF_cp_0.position.Y = expr_107EF_cp_0.position.Y - num269; } if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { int num272 = 2; int num273 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)num272, this.position.Y + (float)num272), this.width - num272 * 2, this.height - num272 * 2, 172, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 0.6f); Main.dust[num273].velocity *= 0.25f; Main.dust[num273].velocity += this.velocity * 0.5f; } } else { if (this.type == 112) { int num274 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 2f), this.width, this.height, 18, this.velocity.X * 0.1f, this.velocity.Y * 0.1f, 80, default(Color), 1.3f); Main.dust[num274].velocity *= 0.3f; Main.dust[num274].noGravity = true; } else { Lighting.addLight((int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f), (int)((this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16f), 1f, 0.3f, 0.1f); int num275 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 2f), this.width, this.height, 6, this.velocity.X * 0.2f, this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 2f); Main.dust[num275].noGravity = true; Dust expr_10A6D_cp_0 = Main.dust[num275]; expr_10A6D_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_10A6D_cp_0.velocity.X * 0.3f; Dust expr_10A8D_cp_0 = Main.dust[num275]; expr_10A8D_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_10A8D_cp_0.velocity.Y * 0.3f; } } } } this.rotation += 0.4f * (float)this.direction; return; } if (this.aiStyle == 10) { float num276 = 1f; float num277 = 0.011f; this.TargetClosest(true); Vector2 vector25 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num278 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector25.X; float num279 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector25.Y; float num280 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num278 * num278 + num279 * num279)); float num281 = num280;[1] += 1f; if ([1] > 600f) { num277 *= 8f; num276 = 4f; if ([1] > 650f) {[1] = 0f; } } else { if (num281 < 250f) {[0] += 0.9f; if ([0] > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.019f; } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.019f; } if ([0] < -100f ||[0] > 100f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.019f; } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.019f; } if ([0] > 200f) {[0] = -200f; } } } if (num281 > 350f) { num276 = 5f; num277 = 0.3f; } else { if (num281 > 300f) { num276 = 3f; num277 = 0.2f; } else { if (num281 > 250f) { num276 = 1.5f; num277 = 0.1f; } } } num280 = num276 / num280; num278 *= num280; num279 *= num280; if (Main.player[].dead) { num278 = (float)this.direction * num276 / 2f; num279 = -num276 / 2f; } if (this.velocity.X < num278) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num277; } else { if (this.velocity.X > num278) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num277; } } if (this.velocity.Y < num279) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num277; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num279) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num277; } } if (num278 > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num279, (double)num278); } if (num278 < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num279, (double)num278) + 3.14f; } if (this.type == 289) { if (this.justHit) {[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; } vector25 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num278 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector25.X; num279 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector25.Y; num280 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num278 * num278 + num279 * num279)); if (num280 > 500f) {[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; return; }[2] += 1f; if ([3] == 0f) { if ([2] > 120f) {[2] = 0f;[3] = 1f; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } else { if ([2] > 40f) {[3] = 0f; } if (Main.netMode != 1 &&[2] == 20f) { float num282 = 6f; int num283 = 25; int num284 = 299; num280 = num282 / num280; num278 *= num280; num279 *= num280; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector25.X, vector25.Y, num278, num279, num284, num283, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); return; } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 11) { if ([0] == 0f && Main.netMode != 1) { this.TargetClosest(true);[0] = 1f; if (this.type != 68) { int num285 = NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)this.position.Y + this.height / 2, 36, this.whoAmI); Main.npc[num285].ai[0] = -1f; Main.npc[num285].ai[1] = (float)this.whoAmI; Main.npc[num285].target =; Main.npc[num285].netUpdate = true; num285 = NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)this.position.Y + this.height / 2, 36, this.whoAmI); Main.npc[num285].ai[0] = 1f; Main.npc[num285].ai[1] = (float)this.whoAmI; Main.npc[num285].ai[3] = 150f; Main.npc[num285].target =; Main.npc[num285].netUpdate = true; } } if (this.type == 68 &&[1] != 3f &&[1] != 2f) { Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0);[1] = 2f; } if (Main.player[].dead || Math.Abs(this.position.X - Main.player[].position.X) > 2000f || Math.Abs(this.position.Y - Main.player[].position.Y) > 2000f) { this.TargetClosest(true); if (Main.player[].dead || Math.Abs(this.position.X - Main.player[].position.X) > 2000f || Math.Abs(this.position.Y - Main.player[].position.Y) > 2000f) {[1] = 3f; } } if (Main.dayTime &&[1] != 3f &&[1] != 2f) {[1] = 2f; Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); } if ([1] == 0f) { this.defense = 10;[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 800f) {[2] = 0f;[1] = 1f; this.TargetClosest(true); this.netUpdate = true; } this.rotation = this.velocity.X / 15f; if (this.position.Y > Main.player[].position.Y - 250f) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.98f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.02f; if (this.velocity.Y > 2f) { this.velocity.Y = 2f; } } else { if (this.position.Y < Main.player[].position.Y - 250f) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.98f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.02f; if (this.velocity.Y < -2f) { this.velocity.Y = -2f; } } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2)) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.98f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.05f; if (this.velocity.X > 8f) { this.velocity.X = 8f; } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2)) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.98f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.05f; if (this.velocity.X < -8f) { this.velocity.X = -8f; } } } else { if ([1] == 1f) { this.defense = 0;[2] += 1f; if ([2] == 2f) { Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); } if ([2] >= 400f) {[2] = 0f;[1] = 0f; } this.rotation += (float)this.direction * 0.3f; Vector2 vector26 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num286 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector26.X; float num287 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector26.Y; float num288 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num286 * num286 + num287 * num287)); num288 = 1.5f / num288; this.velocity.X = num286 * num288; this.velocity.Y = num287 * num288; } else { if ([1] == 2f) { this.damage = 9999; this.defense = 9999; this.rotation += (float)this.direction * 0.3f; Vector2 vector27 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num289 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector27.X; float num290 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector27.Y; float num291 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num289 * num289 + num290 * num290)); num291 = 8f / num291; this.velocity.X = num289 * num291; this.velocity.Y = num290 * num291; } else { if ([1] == 3f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.95f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.95f; if (this.timeLeft > 500) { this.timeLeft = 500; } } } } } if ([1] != 2f &&[1] != 3f && this.type != 68) { int num292 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) - 15f - this.velocity.X * 5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 2f), 30, 10, 5, -this.velocity.X * 0.2f, 3f, 0, default(Color), 2f); Main.dust[num292].noGravity = true; Dust expr_11B42_cp_0 = Main.dust[num292]; expr_11B42_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_11B42_cp_0.velocity.X * 1.3f; Dust expr_11B62_cp_0 = Main.dust[num292]; expr_11B62_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_11B62_cp_0.velocity.X + this.velocity.X * 0.4f; Dust expr_11B8E_cp_0 = Main.dust[num292]; expr_11B8E_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_11B8E_cp_0.velocity.Y + (2f + this.velocity.Y); for (int num293 = 0; num293 < 2; num293++) { num292 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 120f), this.width, 60, 5, this.velocity.X, this.velocity.Y, 0, default(Color), 2f); Main.dust[num292].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num292].velocity -= this.velocity; Dust expr_11C51_cp_0 = Main.dust[num292]; expr_11C51_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_11C51_cp_0.velocity.Y + 5f; } return; } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 12) { this.spriteDirection = -(int)[0]; if (!Main.npc[(int)[1]].active || Main.npc[(int)[1]].aiStyle != 11) {[2] += 10f; if ([2] > 50f || Main.netMode != 2) { = -1; this.HitEffect(0, 10.0); = false; } } if ([2] == 0f ||[2] == 3f) { if (Main.npc[(int)[1]].ai[1] == 3f && this.timeLeft > 10) { this.timeLeft = 10; } if (Main.npc[(int)[1]].ai[1] != 0f) { if (this.position.Y > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y - 100f) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.07f; if (this.velocity.Y > 6f) { this.velocity.Y = 6f; } } else { if (this.position.Y < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y - 100f) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.07f; if (this.velocity.Y < -6f) { this.velocity.Y = -6f; } } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 120f *[0]) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > 8f) { this.velocity.X = 8f; } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 120f *[0]) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -8f) { this.velocity.X = -8f; } } } else {[3] += 1f; if ([3] >= 300f) {[2] += 1f;[3] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } if (this.position.Y > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.04f; if (this.velocity.Y > 3f) { this.velocity.Y = 3f; } } else { if (this.position.Y < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.04f; if (this.velocity.Y < -3f) { this.velocity.Y = -3f; } } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 200f *[0]) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X > 8f) { this.velocity.X = 8f; } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 200f *[0]) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X < -8f) { this.velocity.X = -8f; } } } Vector2 vector28 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num294 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 200f *[0] - vector28.X; float num295 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f - vector28.Y; Math.Sqrt((double)(num294 * num294 + num295 * num295)); this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num295, (double)num294) + 1.57f; return; } if ([2] == 1f) { Vector2 vector29 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num296 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 200f *[0] - vector29.X; float num297 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f - vector29.Y; float num298 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num296 * num296 + num297 * num297)); this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num297, (double)num296) + 1.57f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.95f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y < -8f) { this.velocity.Y = -8f; } if (this.position.Y < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y - 200f) { this.TargetClosest(true);[2] = 2f; vector29 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num296 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector29.X; num297 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector29.Y; num298 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num296 * num296 + num297 * num297)); num298 = 18f / num298; this.velocity.X = num296 * num298; this.velocity.Y = num297 * num298; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } else { if ([2] == 2f) { if (this.position.Y > Main.player[].position.Y || this.velocity.Y < 0f) {[2] = 3f; return; } } else { if ([2] == 4f) { Vector2 vector30 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num299 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 200f *[0] - vector30.X; float num300 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f - vector30.Y; float num301 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num299 * num299 + num300 * num300)); this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num300, (double)num299) + 1.57f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.95f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f *[0]; if (this.velocity.X < -8f) { this.velocity.X = -8f; } if (this.velocity.X > 8f) { this.velocity.X = 8f; } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 500f || this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) + 500f) { this.TargetClosest(true);[2] = 5f; vector30 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num299 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector30.X; num300 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector30.Y; num301 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num299 * num299 + num300 * num300)); num301 = 17f / num301; this.velocity.X = num299 * num301; this.velocity.Y = num300 * num301; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } else { if ([2] == 5f && ((this.velocity.X > 0f && this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2)) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2)))) {[2] = 0f; return; } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 13) { if ([0] < 0f ||[0] >= (float)Main.maxTilesX ||[1] < 0f ||[1] >= (float)Main.maxTilesX) { return; } if (Main.tile[(int)[0], (int)[1]] == null) { Main.tile[(int)[0], (int)[1]] = new Tile(); } if (!Main.tile[(int)[0], (int)[1]].active()) { = -1; this.HitEffect(0, 10.0); = false; return; } this.TargetClosest(true); float num302 = 0.035f; float num303 = 150f; if (this.type == 43) { num303 = 250f; } if (this.type == 101) { num303 = 175f; } if (this.type == 259) { num303 = 100f; } if (this.type == 175) { num303 = 500f; num302 = 0.05f; } if (this.type == 260) { num303 = 350f; num302 = 0.15f; }[2] += 1f; if ([2] > 300f) { num303 = (float)((int)((double)num303 * 1.3)); if ([2] > 450f) {[2] = 0f; } } Vector2 vector31 = new Vector2([0] * 16f + 8f,[1] * 16f + 8f); float num304 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - (float)(this.width / 2) - vector31.X; float num305 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - (float)(this.height / 2) - vector31.Y; float num306 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num304 * num304 + num305 * num305)); if (num306 > num303) { num306 = num303 / num306; num304 *= num306; num305 *= num306; } if (this.position.X <[0] * 16f + 8f + num304) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num302; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num304 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num302 * 1.5f; } } else { if (this.position.X >[0] * 16f + 8f + num304) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num302; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num304 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num302 * 1.5f; } } } if (this.position.Y <[1] * 16f + 8f + num305) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num302; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num305 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num302 * 1.5f; } } else { if (this.position.Y >[1] * 16f + 8f + num305) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num302; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num305 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num302 * 1.5f; } } } if (this.type == 43) { if (this.velocity.X > 3f) { this.velocity.X = 3f; } if (this.velocity.X < -3f) { this.velocity.X = -3f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 3f) { this.velocity.Y = 3f; } if (this.velocity.Y < -3f) { this.velocity.Y = -3f; } } else { if (this.type == 175) { if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = 4f; } if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = -4f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 4f) { this.velocity.Y = 4f; } if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = -4f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > 2f) { this.velocity.X = 2f; } if (this.velocity.X < -2f) { this.velocity.X = -2f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 2f) { this.velocity.Y = 2f; } if (this.velocity.Y < -2f) { this.velocity.Y = -2f; } } } if (this.type == 259 || this.type == 260) { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num305, (double)num304) + 1.57f; } else { if (num304 > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num305, (double)num304); } if (num304 < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num305, (double)num304) + 3.14f; } } if (this.collideX) { this.netUpdate = true; this.velocity.X = this.oldVelocity.X * -0.7f; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && this.velocity.X < 2f) { this.velocity.X = 2f; } if (this.velocity.X < 0f && this.velocity.X > -2f) { this.velocity.X = -2f; } } if (this.collideY) { this.netUpdate = true; this.velocity.Y = this.oldVelocity.Y * -0.7f; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && this.velocity.Y < 2f) { this.velocity.Y = 2f; } if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && this.velocity.Y > -2f) { this.velocity.Y = -2f; } } if (Main.netMode != 1) { if (this.type == 101 && !Main.player[].dead) { if (this.justHit) { this.localAI[0] = 0f; } this.localAI[0] += 1f; if (this.localAI[0] >= 120f) { if (!Collision.SolidCollision(this.position, this.width, this.height) && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { float num307 = 10f; vector31 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num304 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector31.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11); num305 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector31.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11); num306 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num304 * num304 + num305 * num305)); num306 = num307 / num306; num304 *= num306; num305 *= num306; int num308 = 22; int num309 = 96; int num310 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector31.X, vector31.Y, num304, num305, num309, num308, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num310].timeLeft = 300; this.localAI[0] = 0f; } else { this.localAI[0] = 100f; } } } if (this.type == 260 && !Main.player[].dead) { if (this.justHit) { this.localAI[0] = 0f; } this.localAI[0] += 1f; if (this.localAI[0] >= 150f) { if (!Collision.SolidCollision(this.position, this.width, this.height)) { float num311 = 14f; vector31 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num304 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector31.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11); float num312 = Math.Abs(num304 * 0.1f); if (num305 > 0f) { num312 = 0f; } num305 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector31.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11) - num312; num306 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num304 * num304 + num305 * num305)); num306 = num311 / num306; num304 *= num306; num305 *= num306; int num313 = NPC.NewNPC((int), (int), 261, 0); Main.npc[num313].velocity.X = num304; Main.npc[num313].velocity.Y = num305; Main.npc[num313].netUpdate = true; this.localAI[0] = 0f; return; } this.localAI[0] = 250f; return; } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 14) { if (this.type == 60 || this.type == 151) { int num314 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, this.velocity.X * 0.2f, this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 2f); Main.dust[num314].noGravity = true; } if (this.type == 150 && Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { int num315 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 67, this.velocity.X * 0.5f, this.velocity.Y * 0.5f, 90, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num315].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num315].velocity *= 0.2f; Main.dust[num315].noLight = true; } this.noGravity = true; if (this.collideX) { this.velocity.X = this.oldVelocity.X * -0.5f; if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > 0f && this.velocity.X < 2f) { this.velocity.X = 2f; } if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 0f && this.velocity.X > -2f) { this.velocity.X = -2f; } } if (this.collideY) { this.velocity.Y = this.oldVelocity.Y * -0.5f; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && this.velocity.Y < 1f) { this.velocity.Y = 1f; } if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && this.velocity.Y > -1f) { this.velocity.Y = -1f; } } if (this.type == 226) { int num316 = 1; int num317 = 1; if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { num316 = -1; } if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { num317 = -1; } this.TargetClosest(true); if (!Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { this.direction = num316; this.directionY = num317; } } else { this.TargetClosest(true); } if (this.type == 158) { if ((double)this.position.Y < Main.worldSurface * 16.0 && Main.dayTime && !Main.eclipse) { this.directionY = -1; this.direction *= -1; } if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -7f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.2f; if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -7f) { this.velocity.X = -7f; } } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 7f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.2f; if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X > 7f) { this.velocity.X = 7f; } } } if (this.directionY == -1 && this.velocity.Y > -7f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.2f; if (this.velocity.Y > 4f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.Y < -7f) { this.velocity.Y = -7f; } } else { if (this.directionY == 1 && this.velocity.Y < 7f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.2f; if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.Y > 7f) { this.velocity.Y = 7f; } } } } else { if (this.type == 226) { if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.2f; if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = -4f; } } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.2f; if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = 4f; } } } if (this.directionY == -1 && (double)this.velocity.Y > -2.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.1f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 2.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.03f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -2.5) { this.velocity.Y = -2.5f; } } else { if (this.directionY == 1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 2.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -2.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.03f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 2.5) { this.velocity.Y = 2.5f; } } } } else { if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = -4f; } } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = 4f; } } } if (this.directionY == -1 && (double)this.velocity.Y > -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.04f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.03f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = -1.5f; } } else { if (this.directionY == 1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.04f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.03f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = 1.5f; } } } } } if (this.type == 49 || this.type == 51 || this.type == 60 || this.type == 62 || this.type == 66 || this.type == 93 || this.type == 137 || this.type == 150 || this.type == 151 || this.type == 152) { if (this.wet) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.95f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.5f; if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = -4f; } this.TargetClosest(true); } if (this.type == 60) { if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.07f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.03f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = -4f; } } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.07f; } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.03f; } } if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = 4f; } } } if (this.directionY == -1 && (double)this.velocity.Y > -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.04f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.03f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.02f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = -1.5f; } } else { if (this.directionY == 1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.04f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.03f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.02f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = 1.5f; } } } } else { if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = -4f; } } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = 4f; } } } if (this.directionY == -1 && (double)this.velocity.Y > -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.04f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.03f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = -1.5f; } } else { if (this.directionY == 1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.04f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.03f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = 1.5f; } } } } } if (this.type == 158 && Main.netMode != 1) { Vector2 vector32 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num318 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector32.X; float num319 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector32.Y; float num320 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num318 * num318 + num319 * num319)); if (num320 < 200f && this.position.Y + (float)this.height < Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { this.Transform(159); } }[1] += 1f; if (this.type == 158) {[1] += 1f; } if ([1] > 200f) { if (!Main.player[].wet && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) {[1] = 0f; } float num321 = 0.2f; float num322 = 0.1f; float num323 = 4f; float num324 = 1.5f; if (this.type == 48 || this.type == 62 || this.type == 66) { num321 = 0.12f; num322 = 0.07f; num323 = 3f; num324 = 1.25f; } if ([1] > 1000f) {[1] = 0f; }[2] += 1f; if ([2] > 0f) { if (this.velocity.Y < num324) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num322; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > -num324) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num322; } } if ([2] < -150f ||[2] > 150f) { if (this.velocity.X < num323) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num321; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -num323) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num321; } } if ([2] > 300f) {[2] = -300f; } } if (Main.netMode != 1) { if (this.type == 48) {[0] += 1f; if ([0] == 30f ||[0] == 60f ||[0] == 90f) { if (Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { float num325 = 6f; Vector2 vector33 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num326 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector33.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(-100, 101); float num327 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector33.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(-100, 101); float num328 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num326 * num326 + num327 * num327)); num328 = num325 / num328; num326 *= num328; num327 *= num328; int num329 = 15; int num330 = 38; int num331 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector33.X, vector33.Y, num326, num327, num330, num329, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num331].timeLeft = 300; } } else { if ([0] >= (float)(400 + Main.rand.Next(400))) {[0] = 0f; } } } if (this.type == 62 || this.type == 66) {[0] += 1f; if ([0] == 20f ||[0] == 40f ||[0] == 60f ||[0] == 80f) { if (Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { float num332 = 0.2f; Vector2 vector34 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num333 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector34.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(-100, 101); float num334 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector34.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(-100, 101); float num335 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num333 * num333 + num334 * num334)); num335 = num332 / num335; num333 *= num335; num334 *= num335; int num336 = 21; int num337 = 44; int num338 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector34.X, vector34.Y, num333, num334, num337, num336, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num338].timeLeft = 300; } } else { if ([0] >= (float)(300 + Main.rand.Next(300))) {[0] = 0f; } } } if (this.type == 156) {[0] += 1f; if ([0] == 20f ||[0] == 40f ||[0] == 60f ||[0] == 80f ||[0] == 100f) { if (Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { float num339 = 0.2f; Vector2 value = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num340 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - value.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(-50, 51); float num341 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - value.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(-50, 51); float num342 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num340 * num340 + num341 * num341)); num342 = num339 / num342; num340 *= num342; num341 *= num342; int num343 = 80; int num344 = 115; value += this.velocity * 5f; int num345 = Projectile.NewProjectile(value.X + num340 * 100f, value.Y + num341 * 100f, num340, num341, num344, num343, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num345].timeLeft = 300; return; } } else { if ([0] >= (float)(250 + Main.rand.Next(250))) {[0] = 0f; return; } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 15) { this.aiAction = 0; if ([3] == 0f && > 0) {[3] = (float)this.lifeMax; } if ([2] == 0f) {[0] = -100f;[2] = 1f; this.TargetClosest(true); } if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.8f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) { this.velocity.X = 0f; }[0] += 2f; if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.8) {[0] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.6) {[0] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.4) {[0] += 2f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.2) {[0] += 3f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.1) {[0] += 4f; } if ([0] >= 0f) { this.netUpdate = true; this.TargetClosest(true); if ([1] == 3f) { this.velocity.Y = -13f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 3.5f * (float)this.direction;[0] = -200f;[1] = 0f; } else { if ([1] == 2f) { this.velocity.Y = -6f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 4.5f * (float)this.direction;[0] = -120f;[1] += 1f; } else { this.velocity.Y = -8f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 4f * (float)this.direction;[0] = -120f;[1] += 1f; } } } else { if ([0] >= -30f) { this.aiAction = 1; } } } else { if ( < 255 && ((this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 3f) || (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -3f))) { if ((this.direction == -1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) || (this.direction == 1 && (double)this.velocity.X > -0.1)) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.2f * (float)this.direction; } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.93f; } } } int num346 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, this.velocity.X, this.velocity.Y, 255, new Color(0, 80, 255, 80), this.scale * 1.2f); Main.dust[num346].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num346].velocity *= 0.5f; if ( > 0) { float num347 = (float) / (float)this.lifeMax; num347 = num347 * 0.5f + 0.75f; if (num347 != this.scale) { this.position.X = this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2); this.position.Y = this.position.Y + (float)this.height; this.scale = num347; this.width = (int)(98f * this.scale); this.height = (int)(92f * this.scale); this.position.X = this.position.X - (float)(this.width / 2); this.position.Y = this.position.Y - (float)this.height; } if (Main.netMode != 1) { int num348 = (int)((double)this.lifeMax * 0.05); if ((float)( + num348) <[3]) {[3] = (float); int num349 = Main.rand.Next(1, 4); for (int num350 = 0; num350 < num349; num350++) { int x = (int)(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width - 32)); int y = (int)(this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height - 32)); int num351 = NPC.NewNPC(x, y, 1, 0); Main.npc[num351].SetDefaults(1, -1f); Main.npc[num351].velocity.X = (float)Main.rand.Next(-15, 16) * 0.1f; Main.npc[num351].velocity.Y = (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 1) * 0.1f; Main.npc[num351].ai[1] = (float)Main.rand.Next(3); if (Main.netMode == 2 && num351 < 200) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", num351, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } return; } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 16) { if (this.direction == 0) { this.TargetClosest(true); } if (this.wet) { bool flag29 = false; if (this.type != 55) { this.TargetClosest(false); if (Main.player[].wet && !Main.player[].dead) { flag29 = true; } } if (!flag29) { if (this.collideX) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * -1f; this.direction *= -1; this.netUpdate = true; } if (this.collideY) { this.netUpdate = true; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y) * -1f; this.directionY = -1;[0] = -1f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y); this.directionY = 1;[0] = 1f; } } } } if (this.type == 102) { Lighting.addLight((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) + (float)(this.direction * (this.width + 8))) / 16, (int)(this.position.Y + 2f) / 16, 0.07f, 0.04f, 0.025f); } if (flag29) { this.TargetClosest(true); if (this.type == 157) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f && this.direction < 0) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.95f; } if (this.velocity.X < 0f && this.direction > 0) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.95f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)this.direction * 0.25f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + (float)this.directionY * 0.2f; if (this.velocity.X > 8f) { this.velocity.X = 7f; } if (this.velocity.X < -8f) { this.velocity.X = -7f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 5f) { this.velocity.Y = 4f; } if (this.velocity.Y < -5f) { this.velocity.Y = -4f; } } else { if (this.type == 65 || this.type == 102) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)this.direction * 0.15f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + (float)this.directionY * 0.15f; if (this.velocity.X > 5f) { this.velocity.X = 5f; } if (this.velocity.X < -5f) { this.velocity.X = -5f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 3f) { this.velocity.Y = 3f; } if (this.velocity.Y < -3f) { this.velocity.Y = -3f; } } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)this.direction * 0.1f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + (float)this.directionY * 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > 3f) { this.velocity.X = 3f; } if (this.velocity.X < -3f) { this.velocity.X = -3f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 2f) { this.velocity.Y = 2f; } if (this.velocity.Y < -2f) { this.velocity.Y = -2f; } } } } else { if (this.type == 157) { if (Main.player[].position.Y > this.position.Y) { this.directionY = 1; } else { this.directionY = -1; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)this.direction * 0.2f; if (this.velocity.X < -2f || this.velocity.X > 2f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.95f; } if ([0] == -1f) { float num352 = -0.6f; if (this.directionY < 0) { num352 = -1f; } if (this.directionY > 0) { num352 = -0.2f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.02f; if (this.velocity.Y < num352) {[0] = 1f; } } else { float num353 = 0.6f; if (this.directionY < 0) { num353 = 0.2f; } if (this.directionY > 0) { num353 = 1f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.02f; if (this.velocity.Y > num353) {[0] = -1f; } } } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)this.direction * 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -1f || this.velocity.X > 1f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.95f; } if ([0] == -1f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.01f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -0.3) {[0] = 1f; } } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.01f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 0.3) {[0] = -1f; } } } int num354 = (int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16; int num355 = (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16; if (Main.tile[num354, num355 - 1] == null) { Main.tile[num354, num355 - 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num354, num355 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num354, num355 + 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num354, num355 + 2] == null) { Main.tile[num354, num355 + 2] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num354, num355 - 1].liquid > 128) { if (Main.tile[num354, num355 + 1].active()) {[0] = -1f; } else { if (Main.tile[num354, num355 + 2].active()) {[0] = -1f; } } } if (this.type != 157 && ((double)this.velocity.Y > 0.4 || (double)this.velocity.Y < -0.4)) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.95f; } } } else { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.type == 65) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.94f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.2 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.2) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } } else { if (Main.netMode != 1) { this.velocity.Y = (float)Main.rand.Next(-50, -20) * 0.1f; this.velocity.X = (float)Main.rand.Next(-20, 20) * 0.1f; this.netUpdate = true; } } } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.3f; if (this.velocity.Y > 10f) { this.velocity.Y = 10f; }[0] = 1f; } this.rotation = this.velocity.Y * (float)this.direction * 0.1f; if ((double)this.rotation < -0.2) { this.rotation = -0.2f; } if ((double)this.rotation > 0.2) { this.rotation = 0.2f; return; } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 17) { this.noGravity = true; if ([0] == 0f) { this.noGravity = false; this.TargetClosest(true); if (Main.netMode != 1) { if (this.velocity.X != 0f || this.velocity.Y < 0f || (double)this.velocity.Y > 0.3) {[0] = 1f; this.netUpdate = true; } else { Rectangle rectangle5 = new Rectangle((int)Main.player[].position.X, (int)Main.player[].position.Y, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height); Rectangle rectangle6 = new Rectangle((int)this.position.X - 100, (int)this.position.Y - 100, this.width + 200, this.height + 200); if (rectangle6.Intersects(rectangle5) || < this.lifeMax) {[0] = 1f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 6f; this.netUpdate = true; } } } } else { if (!Main.player[].dead) { if (this.collideX) { this.velocity.X = this.oldVelocity.X * -0.5f; if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > 0f && this.velocity.X < 2f) { this.velocity.X = 2f; } if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 0f && this.velocity.X > -2f) { this.velocity.X = -2f; } } if (this.collideY) { this.velocity.Y = this.oldVelocity.Y * -0.5f; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && this.velocity.Y < 1f) { this.velocity.Y = 1f; } if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && this.velocity.Y > -1f) { this.velocity.Y = -1f; } } this.TargetClosest(true); if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -3f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > 3f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -3f) { this.velocity.X = -3f; } } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 3f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -3f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X > 3f) { this.velocity.X = 3f; } } } float num356 = Math.Abs(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) - (Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2))); float num357 = Main.player[].position.Y - (float)(this.height / 2); if (num356 > 50f) { num357 -= 100f; } if (this.position.Y < num357) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.05f; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.01f; } } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.05f; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.01f; } } if (this.velocity.Y < -3f) { this.velocity.Y = -3f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 3f) { this.velocity.Y = 3f; } } } if (this.wet) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.95f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.5f; if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = -4f; } this.TargetClosest(true); return; } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 18) { if (this.type == 63) { Lighting.addLight((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16, (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16, 0.05f, 0.15f, 0.4f); } else { if (this.type == 103) { Lighting.addLight((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16, (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16, 0.05f, 0.45f, 0.1f); } else { if (this.type != 221 && this.type != 242) { Lighting.addLight((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16, (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16, 0.35f, 0.05f, 0.2f); } } } if (this.direction == 0) { this.TargetClosest(true); } if (!this.wet) { this.rotation += this.velocity.X * 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.98f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.01 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.01) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.2f; if (this.velocity.Y > 10f) { this.velocity.Y = 10f; }[0] = 1f; return; } if (this.collideX) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * -1f; this.direction *= -1; } if (this.collideY) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y) * -1f; this.directionY = -1;[0] = -1f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y); this.directionY = 1;[0] = 1f; } } } bool flag30 = false; if (!this.friendly) { this.TargetClosest(false); if (Main.player[].wet && !Main.player[].dead) { flag30 = true; } } if (flag30) { this.localAI[2] = 1f; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X) + 1.57f; this.velocity *= 0.98f; float num358 = 0.2f; if (this.type == 103) { this.velocity *= 0.98f; num358 = 0.6f; } if (this.type == 221) { this.velocity *= 0.99f; num358 = 1f; } if (this.type == 242) { this.velocity *= 0.995f; num358 = 3f; } if (this.velocity.X > -num358 && this.velocity.X < num358 && this.velocity.Y > -num358 && this.velocity.Y < num358) { if (this.type == 221) { this.localAI[0] = 1f; } this.TargetClosest(true); float num359 = 7f; if (this.type == 103) { num359 = 9f; } Vector2 vector35 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num360 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector35.X; float num361 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector35.Y; float num362 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num360 * num360 + num361 * num361)); num362 = num359 / num362; num360 *= num362; num361 *= num362; this.velocity.X = num360; this.velocity.Y = num361; return; } } else { this.localAI[2] = 0f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)this.direction * 0.02f; this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.4f; if (this.velocity.X < -1f || this.velocity.X > 1f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.95f; } if ([0] == -1f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.01f; if (this.velocity.Y < -1f) {[0] = 1f; } } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.01f; if (this.velocity.Y > 1f) {[0] = -1f; } } int num363 = (int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16; int num364 = (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16; if (Main.tile[num363, num364 - 1] == null) { Main.tile[num363, num364 - 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num363, num364 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num363, num364 + 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num363, num364 + 2] == null) { Main.tile[num363, num364 + 2] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num363, num364 - 1].liquid > 128) { if (Main.tile[num363, num364 + 1].active()) {[0] = -1f; } else { if (Main.tile[num363, num364 + 2].active()) {[0] = -1f; } } } else {[0] = 1f; } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 1.2 || (double)this.velocity.Y < -1.2) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.99f; return; } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 19) { this.TargetClosest(true); float num365 = 12f; Vector2 vector36 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num366 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector36.X; float num367 = Main.player[].position.Y - vector36.Y; float num368 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num366 * num366 + num367 * num367)); num368 = num365 / num368; num366 *= num368; num367 *= num368; bool flag31 = false; if (this.directionY < 0) { this.rotation = (float)(Math.Atan2((double)num367, (double)num366) + 1.57); flag31 = ((double)this.rotation >= -1.2 && (double)this.rotation <= 1.2); if ((double)this.rotation < -0.8) { this.rotation = -0.8f; } else { if ((double)this.rotation > 0.8) { this.rotation = 0.8f; } } if (this.velocity.X != 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.1 || (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) { this.netUpdate = true; this.velocity.X = 0f; } } } if ([0] > 0f) { if ([0] == 200f) { Main.PlaySound(2, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 5); }[0] -= 1f; } if (Main.netMode != 1 && flag31 &&[0] == 0f && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) {[0] = 200f; int num369 = 10; int num370 = 31; int num371 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector36.X, vector36.Y, num366, num367, num370, num369, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num371].ai[0] = 2f; Main.projectile[num371].timeLeft = 300; Main.projectile[num371].friendly = false; NetMessage.SendData(27, -1, -1, "", num371, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); this.netUpdate = true; } try { int num372 = (int)this.position.X / 16; int num373 = (int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16; int num374 = (int)(this.position.X + (float)this.width) / 16; int num375 = (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height) / 16; bool flag32 = false; if (Main.tile[num372, num375] == null) { Main.tile[num372, num375] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num373, num375] == null) { Main.tile[num372, num375] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num374, num375] == null) { Main.tile[num372, num375] = new Tile(); } if ((Main.tile[num372, num375].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num372, num375].type]) || (Main.tile[num373, num375].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num373, num375].type]) || (Main.tile[num374, num375].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num374, num375].type])) { flag32 = true; } if (flag32) { this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; this.velocity.Y = -0.2f; } else { this.noGravity = false; this.noTileCollide = false; if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { int num376 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X - 4f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 8f), this.width + 8, 24, 32, 0f, this.velocity.Y / 2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Dust expr_17B8A_cp_0 = Main.dust[num376]; expr_17B8A_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_17B8A_cp_0.velocity.X * 0.4f; Dust expr_17BAA_cp_0 = Main.dust[num376]; expr_17BAA_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_17BAA_cp_0.velocity.Y * -1f; if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.dust[num376].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num376].scale += 0.2f; } } } return; } catch { return; } } if (this.aiStyle == 20) { if ([0] == 0f) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { this.TargetClosest(true); this.direction *= -1; this.directionY *= -1; this.position.Y = this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2 + 8);[1] = this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2);[2] = this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2); if (this.direction == 0) { this.direction = 1; } if (this.directionY == 0) { this.directionY = 1; }[3] = 1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(15) * 0.1f; this.velocity.Y = (float)(this.directionY * 6) *[3];[0] += 1f; this.netUpdate = true; return; }[1] = this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2);[2] = this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2); return; } else { float num377 = 6f *[3]; float num378 = 0.2f *[3]; float num379 = num377 / num378 / 2f; if ([0] >= 1f &&[0] < (float)((int)num379)) { this.velocity.Y = (float)this.directionY * num377;[0] += 1f; return; } if ([0] >= (float)((int)num379)) { this.velocity.Y = 0f; this.directionY *= -1; this.velocity.X = num377 * (float)this.direction;[0] = -1f; return; } if (this.directionY > 0) { if (this.velocity.Y >= num377) { this.directionY *= -1; this.velocity.Y = num377; } } else { if (this.directionY < 0 && this.velocity.Y <= -num377) { this.directionY *= -1; this.velocity.Y = -num377; } } if (this.direction > 0) { if (this.velocity.X >= num377) { this.direction *= -1; this.velocity.X = num377; } } else { if (this.direction < 0 && this.velocity.X <= -num377) { this.direction *= -1; this.velocity.X = -num377; } } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num378 * (float)this.direction; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num378 * (float)this.directionY; return; } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 21) { if ([0] == 0f) { this.TargetClosest(true); this.directionY = 1;[0] = 1f; } int num380 = 6; if ([1] == 0f) { this.rotation += (float)(this.direction * this.directionY) * 0.13f; if (this.collideY) {[0] = 2f; } if (!this.collideY &&[0] == 2f) { this.direction = -this.direction;[1] = 1f;[0] = 1f; } if (this.collideX) { this.directionY = -this.directionY;[1] = 1f; } } else { this.rotation -= (float)(this.direction * this.directionY) * 0.13f; if (this.collideX) {[0] = 2f; } if (!this.collideX &&[0] == 2f) { this.directionY = -this.directionY;[1] = 0f;[0] = 1f; } if (this.collideY) { this.direction = -this.direction;[1] = 0f; } } this.velocity.X = (float)(num380 * this.direction); this.velocity.Y = (float)(num380 * this.directionY); float num381 = (float)(270 - (int)Main.mouseTextColor) / 400f; Lighting.addLight((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16, (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16, 0.9f, 0.3f + num381, 0.2f); return; } if (this.aiStyle == 22) { bool flag33 = false; if (this.justHit) {[2] = 0f; } if ([2] >= 0f) { int num382 = 16; bool flag34 = false; bool flag35 = false; if (this.position.X >[0] - (float)num382 && this.position.X <[0] + (float)num382) { flag34 = true; } else { if ((this.velocity.X < 0f && this.direction > 0) || (this.velocity.X > 0f && this.direction < 0)) { flag34 = true; } } num382 += 24; if (this.position.Y >[1] - (float)num382 && this.position.Y <[1] + (float)num382) { flag35 = true; } if (flag34 && flag35) {[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 30f && num382 == 16) { flag33 = true; } if ([2] >= 60f) {[2] = -200f; this.direction *= -1; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * -1f; this.collideX = false; } } else {[0] = this.position.X;[1] = this.position.Y;[2] = 0f; } this.TargetClosest(true); } else { if (this.type == 253) { this.TargetClosest(true);[2] += 2f; } else {[2] += 1f; if (Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) > this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) { this.direction = -1; } else { this.direction = 1; } } } int num383 = (int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f) + this.direction * 2; int num384 = (int)((this.position.Y + (float)this.height) / 16f); bool flag36 = true; bool flag37 = false; int num385 = 3; if (this.type == 122) { if (this.justHit) {[3] = 0f; this.localAI[1] = 0f; } float num386 = 7f; Vector2 vector37 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num387 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector37.X; float num388 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector37.Y; float num389 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num387 * num387 + num388 * num388)); num389 = num386 / num389; num387 *= num389; num388 *= num389; if (Main.netMode != 1 &&[3] == 32f) { int num390 = 25; int num391 = 84; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector37.X, vector37.Y, num387, num388, num391, num390, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } num385 = 8; if ([3] > 0f) {[3] += 1f; if ([3] >= 64f) {[3] = 0f; } } if (Main.netMode != 1 &&[3] == 0f) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; if (this.localAI[1] > 120f && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { this.localAI[1] = 0f;[3] = 1f; this.netUpdate = true; } } } else { if (this.type == 75) { num385 = 4; if (Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { int num392 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 55, 0f, 0f, 200, this.color, 1f); Main.dust[num392].velocity *= 0.3f; } if (Main.rand.Next(40) == 0) { Main.PlaySound(27, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); } } else { if (this.type == 169) { Lighting.addLight((int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f), (int)((this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16f), 0f, 0.6f, 0.75f); this.alpha = 30; if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { int num393 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 92, 0f, 0f, 200, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num393].velocity *= 0.3f; Main.dust[num393].noGravity = true; } if (this.justHit) {[3] = 0f; this.localAI[1] = 0f; } float num394 = 5f; Vector2 vector38 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num395 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector38.X; float num396 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector38.Y; float num397 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num395 * num395 + num396 * num396)); num397 = num394 / num397; num395 *= num397; num396 *= num397; if (num395 > 0f) { this.direction = 1; } else { this.direction = -1; } this.spriteDirection = this.direction; if (this.direction < 0) { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)(-(double)num396), (double)(-(double)num395)); } else { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num396, (double)num395); } if (Main.netMode != 1 &&[3] == 16f) { int num398 = 45; int num399 = 128; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector38.X, vector38.Y, num395, num396, num399, num398, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } num385 = 10; if ([3] > 0f) {[3] += 1f; if ([3] >= 64f) {[3] = 0f; } } if (Main.netMode != 1 &&[3] == 0f) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; if (this.localAI[1] > 120f && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { this.localAI[1] = 0f;[3] = 1f; this.netUpdate = true; } } } else { if (this.type == 268) { this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.1f; if (Main.player[].center().Y < { num385 = 12; } else { num385 = 6; } if (Main.netMode != 1 && !this.confused) {[3] += 1f; if (this.justHit) {[3] = -45f; this.localAI[1] = 0f; } if (Main.netMode != 1 &&[3] >= (float)(60 + Main.rand.Next(60))) {[3] = 0f; if (Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].head)) { float num400 = 10f; Vector2 vector39 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f - 4f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.7f); float num401 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector39.X; float num402 = Math.Abs(num401) * 0.1f; float num403 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector39.Y - num402; num401 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11); num403 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 21); float num404 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num401 * num401 + num403 * num403)); num404 = num400 / num404; num401 *= num404; num403 *= num404; int num405 = 40; int num406 = 288; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector39.X, vector39.Y, num401, num403, num406, num405, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } } } } } } } for (int num407 = num384; num407 < num384 + num385; num407++) { if (Main.tile[num383, num407] == null) { Main.tile[num383, num407] = new Tile(); } if ((Main.tile[num383, num407].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num383, num407].type]) || Main.tile[num383, num407].liquid > 0) { if (num407 <= num384 + 1) { flag37 = true; } flag36 = false; break; } } if (this.type == 169 || this.type == 268) { for (int num408 = num384 - 3; num408 < num384; num408++) { if (Main.tile[num383, num408] == null) { Main.tile[num383, num408] = new Tile(); } if ((Main.tile[num383, num408].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num383, num408].type]) || Main.tile[num383, num408].liquid > 0) { flag37 = false; flag33 = true; break; } } } if (flag33) { flag37 = false; flag36 = true; if (this.type == 268) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 2f; } } if (flag36) { if (this.type == 75 || this.type == 169) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.2f; if (this.velocity.Y > 2f) { this.velocity.Y = 2f; } } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y > 3f) { this.velocity.Y = 3f; } } } else { if (this.type == 75 || this.type == 169) { if ((this.directionY < 0 && this.velocity.Y > 0f) || flag37) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.2f; } } else { if (this.directionY < 0 && this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.1f; } } if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = -4f; } } if (this.type == 75 && this.wet) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.2f; if (this.velocity.Y < -2f) { this.velocity.Y = -2f; } } if (this.collideX) { this.velocity.X = this.oldVelocity.X * -0.4f; if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > 0f && this.velocity.X < 1f) { this.velocity.X = 1f; } if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 0f && this.velocity.X > -1f) { this.velocity.X = -1f; } } if (this.collideY) { this.velocity.Y = this.oldVelocity.Y * -0.25f; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && this.velocity.Y < 1f) { this.velocity.Y = 1f; } if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && this.velocity.Y > -1f) { this.velocity.Y = -1f; } } float num409 = 2f; if (this.type == 75) { num409 = 3f; } if (this.type == 253) { num409 = 4f; } if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -num409) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > num409) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -num409) { this.velocity.X = -num409; } } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < num409) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -num409) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X > num409) { this.velocity.X = num409; } } } if (this.directionY == -1 && (double)this.velocity.Y > -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.04f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.03f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = -1.5f; } } else { if (this.directionY == 1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.04f; if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.05f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.03f; } } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = 1.5f; } } } if (this.type == 122) { Lighting.addLight((int)this.position.X / 16, (int)this.position.Y / 16, 0.4f, 0f, 0.25f); return; } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 23) { this.noGravity = true; this.noTileCollide = true; if (this.type == 83) { Lighting.addLight((int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f), (int)((this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16f), 0.2f, 0.05f, 0.3f); } else { if (this.type == 179) { Lighting.addLight((int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f), (int)((this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16f), 0.3f, 0.15f, 0.05f); } else { Lighting.addLight((int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f), (int)((this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16f), 0.05f, 0.2f, 0.3f); } } if ( < 0 || == 255 || Main.player[].dead) { this.TargetClosest(true); } if ([0] == 0f) { float num410 = 9f; Vector2 vector40 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num411 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector40.X; float num412 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector40.Y; float num413 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num411 * num411 + num412 * num412)); num413 = num410 / num413; num411 *= num413; num412 *= num413; this.velocity.X = num411; this.velocity.Y = num412; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X) + 0.785f;[0] = 1f;[1] = 0f; return; } if ([0] == 1f) { if (this.justHit) {[0] = 2f;[1] = 0f; } this.velocity *= 0.99f;[1] += 1f; if ([1] >= 100f) {[0] = 2f;[1] = 0f; this.velocity.X = 0f; this.velocity.Y = 0f; return; } } else { if (this.justHit) {[0] = 2f;[1] = 0f; } this.velocity *= 0.96f;[1] += 1f; float num414 =[1] / 120f; num414 = 0.1f + num414 * 0.4f; this.rotation += num414 * (float)this.direction; if ([1] >= 120f) { this.netUpdate = true;[0] = 0f;[1] = 0f; return; } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 24) { this.noGravity = true; if ([0] == 0f) { this.noGravity = false; this.TargetClosest(true); if (Main.netMode != 1) { if (this.velocity.X != 0f || this.velocity.Y < 0f || (double)this.velocity.Y > 0.3) {[0] = 1f; this.netUpdate = true; this.direction = -this.direction; } else { Rectangle rectangle7 = new Rectangle((int)Main.player[].position.X, (int)Main.player[].position.Y, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height); Rectangle rectangle8 = new Rectangle((int)this.position.X - 100, (int)this.position.Y - 100, this.width + 200, this.height + 200); if (rectangle8.Intersects(rectangle7) || < this.lifeMax) {[0] = 1f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 6f; this.netUpdate = true; this.direction = -this.direction; } } } } else { if (!Main.player[].dead) { if (this.collideX) { this.direction *= -1; this.velocity.X = this.oldVelocity.X * -0.5f; if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > 0f && this.velocity.X < 2f) { this.velocity.X = 2f; } if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 0f && this.velocity.X > -2f) { this.velocity.X = -2f; } } if (this.collideY) { this.velocity.Y = this.oldVelocity.Y * -0.5f; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && this.velocity.Y < 1f) { this.velocity.Y = 1f; } if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && this.velocity.Y > -1f) { this.velocity.Y = -1f; } } if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -3f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > 3f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -3f) { this.velocity.X = -3f; } } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 3f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -3f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.05f; } } if (this.velocity.X > 3f) { this.velocity.X = 3f; } } } int num415 = (int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f) + this.direction; int num416 = (int)((this.position.Y + (float)this.height) / 16f); bool flag38 = true; int num417 = 15; bool flag39 = false; for (int num418 = num416; num418 < num416 + num417; num418++) { if (Main.tile[num415, num418] == null) { Main.tile[num415, num418] = new Tile(); } if ((Main.tile[num415, num418].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num415, num418].type]) || Main.tile[num415, num418].liquid > 0) { if (num418 < num416 + 5) { flag39 = true; } flag38 = false; break; } } if (flag38) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.1f; } if (flag39) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.2f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 3f) { this.velocity.Y = 3f; } if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = -4f; } } } if (this.wet) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.95f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.5f; if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = -4f; } this.TargetClosest(true); return; } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 25) { if ([3] == 0f) { this.position.X = this.position.X + 8f; if (this.position.Y / 16f > (float)(Main.maxTilesY - 200)) {[3] = 3f; } else { if ((double)(this.position.Y / 16f) > Main.worldSurface) { this.TargetClosest(true); if (Main.player[].zoneSnow) {[3] = 4f; } else {[3] = 2f; } } else {[3] = 1f; } } } if ([0] == 0f) { this.TargetClosest(true); if (Main.netMode != 1) { if (this.velocity.X != 0f || this.velocity.Y < 0f || (double)this.velocity.Y > 0.3) {[0] = 1f; this.netUpdate = true; return; } Rectangle rectangle9 = new Rectangle((int)Main.player[].position.X, (int)Main.player[].position.Y, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height); Rectangle rectangle10 = new Rectangle((int)this.position.X - 100, (int)this.position.Y - 100, this.width + 200, this.height + 200); if (rectangle10.Intersects(rectangle9) || < this.lifeMax) {[0] = 1f; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } } else { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) {[2] += 1f; int num419 = 20; if ([1] == 0f) { num419 = 12; } if ([2] < (float)num419) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; return; }[2] = 0f; this.TargetClosest(true); this.spriteDirection = this.direction;[1] += 1f; if ([1] == 2f) { this.velocity.X = (float)this.direction * 2.5f; this.velocity.Y = -8f;[1] = 0f; } else { this.velocity.X = (float)this.direction * 3.5f; this.velocity.Y = -4f; } this.netUpdate = true; return; } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 1f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; return; } if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -1f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; return; } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 26) { int num420 = 30; bool flag40 = false; if (this.velocity.Y == 0f && ((this.velocity.X > 0f && this.direction < 0) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && this.direction > 0))) { flag40 = true;[3] += 1f; } if (this.position.X == this.oldPosition.X ||[3] >= (float)num420 || flag40) {[3] += 1f; } else { if ([3] > 0f) {[3] -= 1f; } } if ([3] > (float)(num420 * 10)) {[3] = 0f; } if (this.justHit) {[3] = 0f; } if ([3] == (float)num420) { this.netUpdate = true; } Vector2 vector41 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num421 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector41.X; float num422 = Main.player[].position.Y - vector41.Y; float num423 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num421 * num421 + num422 * num422)); if (num423 < 200f) {[3] = 0f; } if (this.type == 155 && this.velocity.Y == 0f && num423 < 100f && Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) > 3f && ((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) && this.velocity.X > 0f) || (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) && this.velocity.X < 0f))) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 4f; } if ([3] < (float)num420) { this.TargetClosest(true); } else { if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) {[0] += 1f; if ([0] >= 2f) { this.direction *= -1; this.spriteDirection = this.direction;[0] = 0f; } } } else {[0] = 0f; } this.directionY = -1; if (this.direction == 0) { this.direction = 1; } } float num424 = 6f; if (this.velocity.Y == 0f || this.wet || (this.velocity.X <= 0f && this.direction < 0) || (this.velocity.X >= 0f && this.direction > 0)) { if (this.type == 155) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f && this.direction < 0) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.95f; } if (this.velocity.X < 0f && this.direction > 0) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.95f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -num424 || this.velocity.X > num424) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.8f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < num424 && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X > num424) { this.velocity.X = num424; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -num424 && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X < -num424) { this.velocity.X = -num424; } } } } } if (this.velocity.Y >= 0f) { int num425 = 0; if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { num425 = -1; } if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { num425 = 1; } Vector2 vector42 = this.position; vector42.X += this.velocity.X; int num426 = (int)((vector42.X + (float)(this.width / 2) + (float)((this.width / 2 + 1) * num425)) / 16f); int num427 = (int)((vector42.Y + (float)this.height - 1f) / 16f); if (Main.tile[num426, num427] == null) { Main.tile[num426, num427] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num426, num427 - 1] == null) { Main.tile[num426, num427 - 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num426, num427 - 2] == null) { Main.tile[num426, num427 - 2] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num426, num427 - 3] == null) { Main.tile[num426, num427 - 3] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num426, num427 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num426, num427 + 1] = new Tile(); } if ((float)(num426 * 16) < vector42.X + (float)this.width && (float)(num426 * 16 + 16) > vector42.X && ((Main.tile[num426, num427].nactive() && Main.tile[num426, num427].slope() == 0 && Main.tile[num426, num427 - 1].slope() == 0 && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num426, num427].type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num426, num427].type]) || (Main.tile[num426, num427 - 1].halfBrick() && Main.tile[num426, num427 - 1].nactive())) && (!Main.tile[num426, num427 - 1].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num426, num427 - 1].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num426, num427 - 1].type] || (Main.tile[num426, num427 - 1].halfBrick() && (!Main.tile[num426, num427 - 4].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num426, num427 - 4].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num426, num427 - 4].type]))) && (!Main.tile[num426, num427 - 2].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num426, num427 - 2].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num426, num427 - 2].type]) && (!Main.tile[num426, num427 - 3].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num426, num427 - 3].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num426, num427 - 3].type]) && (!Main.tile[num426 - num425, num427 - 3].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num426 - num425, num427 - 3].type])) { float num428 = (float)(num427 * 16); if (Main.tile[num426, num427].halfBrick()) { num428 += 8f; } if (Main.tile[num426, num427 - 1].halfBrick()) { num428 -= 8f; } if (num428 < vector42.Y + (float)this.height) { float num429 = vector42.Y + (float)this.height - num428; if ((double)num429 <= 16.1) { this.gfxOffY += this.position.Y + (float)this.height - num428; this.position.Y = num428 - (float)this.height; if (num429 < 9f) { this.stepSpeed = 1f; } else { this.stepSpeed = 2f; } } } } } if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { int num430 = (int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) + (float)((this.width / 2 + 2) * this.direction) + this.velocity.X * 5f) / 16f); int num431 = (int)((this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 15f) / 16f); if (Main.tile[num430, num431] == null) { Main.tile[num430, num431] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num430, num431 - 1] == null) { Main.tile[num430, num431 - 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num430, num431 - 2] == null) { Main.tile[num430, num431 - 2] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num430, num431 - 3] == null) { Main.tile[num430, num431 - 3] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num430, num431 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num430, num431 + 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num430 + this.direction, num431 - 1] == null) { Main.tile[num430 + this.direction, num431 - 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num430 + this.direction, num431 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num430 + this.direction, num431 + 1] = new Tile(); } if (Main.tile[num430 - this.direction, num431 + 1] == null) { Main.tile[num430 - this.direction, num431 + 1] = new Tile(); } if ((this.velocity.X < 0f && this.spriteDirection == -1) || (this.velocity.X > 0f && this.spriteDirection == 1)) { if (Main.tile[num430, num431 - 2].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num430, num431 - 2].type]) { if (Main.tile[num430, num431 - 3].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num430, num431 - 3].type]) { this.velocity.Y = -8.5f; this.netUpdate = true; return; } this.velocity.Y = -7.5f; this.netUpdate = true; return; } else { if (Main.tile[num430, num431 - 1].nactive() && Main.tile[num430, num431 - 1].slope() == 0 && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num430, num431 - 1].type]) { this.velocity.Y = -7f; this.netUpdate = true; return; } if (this.position.Y + (float)this.height - (float)(num431 * 16) > 20f && Main.tile[num430, num431].nactive() && Main.tile[num430, num431].slope() == 0 && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num430, num431].type]) { this.velocity.Y = -6f; this.netUpdate = true; return; } if ((this.directionY < 0 || Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) > 3f) && (!Main.tile[num430, num431 + 2].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num430, num431 + 2].type]) && (!Main.tile[num430 + this.direction, num431 + 3].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num430 + this.direction, num431 + 3].type])) { this.velocity.Y = -8f; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 27) { if (this.position.X < 160f || this.position.X > (float)((Main.maxTilesX - 10) * 16)) { = false; } if (this.localAI[0] == 0f) { this.localAI[0] = 1f; Main.wofB = -1; Main.wofT = -1; }[1] += 1f; if ([2] == 0f) { if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.5) {[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.2) {[1] += 1f; } if ([1] > 2700f) {[2] = 1f; } } if ([2] > 0f &&[1] > 60f) { int num432 = 3; if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.3) { num432++; }[2] += 1f;[1] = 0f; if ([2] > (float)num432) {[2] = 0f; } if (Main.netMode != 1) { int num433 = NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) + 20f), 117, 1); Main.npc[num433].velocity.X = (float)(this.direction * 8); } } this.localAI[3] += 1f; if (this.localAI[3] >= (float)(600 + Main.rand.Next(1000))) { this.localAI[3] = (float)(-(float)Main.rand.Next(200)); Main.PlaySound(4, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 10); } Main.wof = this.whoAmI; int num434 = (int)(this.position.X / 16f); int num435 = (int)((this.position.X + (float)this.width) / 16f); int num436 = (int)((this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16f); int num437 = 0; int num438 = num436 + 7; while (num437 < 15 && num438 > Main.maxTilesY - 200) { num438++; for (int num439 = num434; num439 <= num435; num439++) { try { if (WorldGen.SolidTile(num439, num438) || Main.tile[num439, num438].liquid > 0) { num437++; } } catch { num437 += 15; } } } num438 += 4; if (Main.wofB == -1) { Main.wofB = num438 * 16; } else { if (Main.wofB > num438 * 16) { Main.wofB--; if (Main.wofB < num438 * 16) { Main.wofB = num438 * 16; } } else { if (Main.wofB < num438 * 16) { Main.wofB++; if (Main.wofB > num438 * 16) { Main.wofB = num438 * 16; } } } } num437 = 0; num438 = num436 - 7; while (num437 < 15 && num438 < Main.maxTilesY - 10) { num438--; for (int num440 = num434; num440 <= num435; num440++) { try { if (WorldGen.SolidTile(num440, num438) || Main.tile[num440, num438].liquid > 0) { num437++; } } catch { num437 += 15; } } } num438 -= 4; if (Main.wofT == -1) { Main.wofT = num438 * 16; } else { if (Main.wofT > num438 * 16) { Main.wofT--; if (Main.wofT < num438 * 16) { Main.wofT = num438 * 16; } } else { if (Main.wofT < num438 * 16) { Main.wofT++; if (Main.wofT > num438 * 16) { Main.wofT = num438 * 16; } } } } float num441 = (float)((Main.wofB + Main.wofT) / 2 - this.height / 2); if (this.position.Y > num441 + 1f) { this.velocity.Y = -1f; } else { if (this.position.Y < num441 - 1f) { this.velocity.Y = 1f; } } this.velocity.Y = 0f; this.position.Y = num441; float num442 = 1.5f; if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.75) { num442 += 0.25f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.5) { num442 += 0.4f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.25) { num442 += 0.5f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.1) { num442 += 0.6f; } if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { this.TargetClosest(true); this.velocity.X = (float)this.direction; } if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = -num442; this.direction = -1; } else { this.velocity.X = num442; this.direction = 1; } this.spriteDirection = this.direction; Vector2 vector43 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num443 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector43.X; float num444 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector43.Y; float num445 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num443 * num443 + num444 * num444)); num443 *= num445; num444 *= num445; if (this.direction > 0) { if (Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) > this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)(-(double)num444), (double)(-(double)num443)) + 3.14f; } else { this.rotation = 0f; } } else { if (Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) < this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num444, (double)num443) + 3.14f; } else { this.rotation = 0f; } } if (this.localAI[0] == 1f && Main.netMode != 1) { this.localAI[0] = 2f; num441 = (float)((Main.wofB + Main.wofT) / 2); num441 = (num441 + (float)Main.wofT) / 2f; int num446 = NPC.NewNPC((int)this.position.X, (int)num441, 114, this.whoAmI); Main.npc[num446].ai[0] = 1f; num441 = (float)((Main.wofB + Main.wofT) / 2); num441 = (num441 + (float)Main.wofB) / 2f; num446 = NPC.NewNPC((int)this.position.X, (int)num441, 114, this.whoAmI); Main.npc[num446].ai[0] = -1f; num441 = (float)((Main.wofB + Main.wofT) / 2); num441 = (num441 + (float)Main.wofB) / 2f; for (int num447 = 0; num447 < 11; num447++) { num446 = NPC.NewNPC((int)this.position.X, (int)num441, 115, this.whoAmI); Main.npc[num446].ai[0] = (float)num447 * 0.1f - 0.05f; } return; } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 28) { if (Main.wof < 0) { = false; return; } this.realLife = Main.wof; if (Main.npc[Main.wof].life > 0) { = Main.npc[Main.wof].life; } this.TargetClosest(true); this.position.X = Main.npc[Main.wof].position.X; this.direction = Main.npc[Main.wof].direction; this.spriteDirection = this.direction; float num448 = (float)((Main.wofB + Main.wofT) / 2); if ([0] > 0f) { num448 = (num448 + (float)Main.wofT) / 2f; } else { num448 = (num448 + (float)Main.wofB) / 2f; } num448 -= (float)(this.height / 2); if (this.position.Y > num448 + 1f) { this.velocity.Y = -1f; } else { if (this.position.Y < num448 - 1f) { this.velocity.Y = 1f; } else { this.velocity.Y = 0f; this.position.Y = num448; } } if (this.velocity.Y > 5f) { this.velocity.Y = 5f; } if (this.velocity.Y < -5f) { this.velocity.Y = -5f; } Vector2 vector44 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num449 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector44.X; float num450 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector44.Y; float num451 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num449 * num449 + num450 * num450)); num449 *= num451; num450 *= num451; bool flag41 = true; if (this.direction > 0) { if (Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) > this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)(-(double)num450), (double)(-(double)num449)) + 3.14f; } else { this.rotation = 0f; flag41 = false; } } else { if (Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) < this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num450, (double)num449) + 3.14f; } else { this.rotation = 0f; flag41 = false; } } if (Main.netMode != 1) { int num452 = 4; this.localAI[1] += 1f; if ((double)Main.npc[Main.wof].life < (double)Main.npc[Main.wof].lifeMax * 0.75) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; num452++; } if ((double)Main.npc[Main.wof].life < (double)Main.npc[Main.wof].lifeMax * 0.5) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; num452++; } if ((double)Main.npc[Main.wof].life < (double)Main.npc[Main.wof].lifeMax * 0.25) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; num452 += 2; } if ((double)Main.npc[Main.wof].life < (double)Main.npc[Main.wof].lifeMax * 0.1) { this.localAI[1] += 2f; num452 += 3; } if (this.localAI[2] == 0f) { if (this.localAI[1] > 600f) { this.localAI[2] = 1f; this.localAI[1] = 0f; return; } } else { if (this.localAI[1] > 45f && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { this.localAI[1] = 0f; this.localAI[2] += 1f; if (this.localAI[2] >= (float)num452) { this.localAI[2] = 0f; } if (flag41) { float num453 = 9f; int num454 = 11; int num455 = 83; if ((double)Main.npc[Main.wof].life < (double)Main.npc[Main.wof].lifeMax * 0.5) { num454++; num453 += 1f; } if ((double)Main.npc[Main.wof].life < (double)Main.npc[Main.wof].lifeMax * 0.25) { num454++; num453 += 1f; } if ((double)Main.npc[Main.wof].life < (double)Main.npc[Main.wof].lifeMax * 0.1) { num454 += 2; num453 += 2f; } vector44 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num449 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector44.X; num450 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector44.Y; num451 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num449 * num449 + num450 * num450)); num451 = num453 / num451; num449 *= num451; num450 *= num451; vector44.X += num449; vector44.Y += num450; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector44.X, vector44.Y, num449, num450, num455, num454, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); return; } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 29) { if (this.justHit) {[1] = 10f; } if (Main.wof < 0) { = false; return; } this.TargetClosest(true); float num456 = 0.1f; float num457 = 300f; if ((double)Main.npc[Main.wof].life < (double)Main.npc[Main.wof].lifeMax * 0.25) { this.damage = 75; this.defense = 40; num457 = 900f; } else { if ((double)Main.npc[Main.wof].life < (double)Main.npc[Main.wof].lifeMax * 0.5) { this.damage = 60; this.defense = 30; num457 = 700f; } else { if ((double)Main.npc[Main.wof].life < (double)Main.npc[Main.wof].lifeMax * 0.75) { this.damage = 45; this.defense = 20; num457 = 500f; } } } float num458 = Main.npc[Main.wof].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[Main.wof].width / 2); float num459 = Main.npc[Main.wof].position.Y; float num460 = (float)(Main.wofB - Main.wofT); num459 = (float)Main.wofT + num460 *[0];[2] += 1f; if ([2] > 100f) { num457 = (float)((int)(num457 * 1.3f)); if ([2] > 200f) {[2] = 0f; } } Vector2 vector45 = new Vector2(num458, num459); float num461 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - (float)(this.width / 2) - vector45.X; float num462 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - (float)(this.height / 2) - vector45.Y; float num463 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num461 * num461 + num462 * num462)); if ([1] == 0f) { if (num463 > num457) { num463 = num457 / num463; num461 *= num463; num462 *= num463; } if (this.position.X < num458 + num461) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num456; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num461 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num456 * 2.5f; } } else { if (this.position.X > num458 + num461) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num456; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num461 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num456 * 2.5f; } } } if (this.position.Y < num459 + num462) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num456; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num462 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num456 * 2.5f; } } else { if (this.position.Y > num459 + num462) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num456; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num462 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num456 * 2.5f; } } } if (this.velocity.X > 4f) { this.velocity.X = 4f; } if (this.velocity.X < -4f) { this.velocity.X = -4f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 4f) { this.velocity.Y = 4f; } if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = -4f; } } else { if ([1] > 0f) {[1] -= 1f; } else {[1] = 0f; } } if (num461 > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num462, (double)num461); } if (num461 < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num462, (double)num461) + 3.14f; } Lighting.addLight((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16, (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16, 0.3f, 0.2f, 0.1f); return; } else { if (this.aiStyle == 30) { if ( < 0 || == 255 || Main.player[].dead || !Main.player[].active) { this.TargetClosest(true); } bool dead2 = Main.player[].dead; float num464 = this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) - Main.player[].position.X - (float)(Main.player[].width / 2); float num465 = this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 59f - Main.player[].position.Y - (float)(Main.player[].height / 2); float num466 = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num465, (double)num464) + 1.57f; if (num466 < 0f) { num466 += 6.283f; } else { if ((double)num466 > 6.283) { num466 -= 6.283f; } } float num467 = 0.1f; if (this.rotation < num466) { if ((double)(num466 - this.rotation) > 3.1415) { this.rotation -= num467; } else { this.rotation += num467; } } else { if (this.rotation > num466) { if ((double)(this.rotation - num466) > 3.1415) { this.rotation += num467; } else { this.rotation -= num467; } } } if (this.rotation > num466 - num467 && this.rotation < num466 + num467) { this.rotation = num466; } if (this.rotation < 0f) { this.rotation += 6.283f; } else { if ((double)this.rotation > 6.283) { this.rotation -= 6.283f; } } if (this.rotation > num466 - num467 && this.rotation < num466 + num467) { this.rotation = num466; } if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { int num468 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.25f), this.width, (int)((float)this.height * 0.5f), 5, this.velocity.X, 2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Dust expr_1CF50_cp_0 = Main.dust[num468]; expr_1CF50_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_1CF50_cp_0.velocity.X * 0.5f; Dust expr_1CF70_cp_0 = Main.dust[num468]; expr_1CF70_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_1CF70_cp_0.velocity.Y * 0.1f; } if (Main.dayTime || dead2) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.04f; if (this.timeLeft > 10) { this.timeLeft = 10; return; } } else { if ([0] == 0f) { if ([1] == 0f) { float num469 = 7f; float num470 = 0.1f; int num471 = 1; if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width) { num471 = -1; } Vector2 vector46 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num472 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) + (float)(num471 * 300) - vector46.X; float num473 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - 300f - vector46.Y; float num474 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num472 * num472 + num473 * num473)); float num475 = num474; num474 = num469 / num474; num472 *= num474; num473 *= num474; if (this.velocity.X < num472) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num470; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num472 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num470; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num472) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num470; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num472 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num470; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num473) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num470; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num473 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num470; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num473) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num470; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num473 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num470; } } }[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 600f) {[1] = 1f;[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; = 255; this.netUpdate = true; } else { if (this.position.Y + (float)this.height < Main.player[].position.Y && num475 < 400f) { if (!Main.player[].dead) {[3] += 1f; } if ([3] >= 60f) {[3] = 0f; vector46 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num472 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector46.X; num473 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector46.Y; if (Main.netMode != 1) { float num476 = 9f; int num477 = 20; int num478 = 83; num474 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num472 * num472 + num473 * num473)); num474 = num476 / num474; num472 *= num474; num473 *= num474; num472 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.08f; num473 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.08f; vector46.X += num472 * 15f; vector46.Y += num473 * 15f; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector46.X, vector46.Y, num472, num473, num478, num477, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } } } } } else { if ([1] == 1f) { this.rotation = num466; float num479 = 12f; Vector2 vector47 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num480 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector47.X; float num481 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector47.Y; float num482 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num480 * num480 + num481 * num481)); num482 = num479 / num482; this.velocity.X = num480 * num482; this.velocity.Y = num481 * num482;[1] = 2f; } else { if ([1] == 2f) {[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 25f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 0.1) { this.velocity.Y = 0f; } } else { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X) - 1.57f; } if ([2] >= 70f) {[3] += 1f;[2] = 0f; = 255; this.rotation = num466; if ([3] >= 4f) {[1] = 0f;[3] = 0f; } else {[1] = 1f; } } } } } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.5) {[0] = 1f;[1] = 0f;[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } else { if ([0] == 1f ||[0] == 2f) { if ([0] == 1f) {[2] += 0.005f; if ((double)[2] > 0.5) {[2] = 0.5f; } } else {[2] -= 0.005f; if ([2] < 0f) {[2] = 0f; } } this.rotation +=[2];[1] += 1f; if ([1] == 100f) {[0] += 1f;[1] = 0f; if ([0] == 3f) {[2] = 0f; } else { Main.PlaySound(3, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); for (int num483 = 0; num483 < 2; num483++) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 143, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 7, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 6, 1f); } for (int num484 = 0; num484 < 20; num484++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); } } Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.98f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.98f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 0.1) { this.velocity.Y = 0f; return; } } else { this.damage = (int)((double)this.defDamage * 1.5); this.defense = this.defDefense + 15; this.soundHit = 4; if ([1] == 0f) { float num485 = 8f; float num486 = 0.15f; Vector2 vector48 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num487 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector48.X; float num488 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - 300f - vector48.Y; float num489 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num487 * num487 + num488 * num488)); num489 = num485 / num489; num487 *= num489; num488 *= num489; if (this.velocity.X < num487) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num486; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num487 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num486; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num487) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num486; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num487 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num486; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num488) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num486; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num488 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num486; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num488) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num486; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num488 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num486; } } }[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 300f) {[1] = 1f;[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; this.TargetClosest(true); this.netUpdate = true; } vector48 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num487 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector48.X; num488 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector48.Y; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num488, (double)num487) - 1.57f; if (Main.netMode != 1) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.75) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.5) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.25) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.1) { this.localAI[1] += 2f; } if (this.localAI[1] > 140f && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { this.localAI[1] = 0f; float num490 = 9f; int num491 = 25; int num492 = 100; num489 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num487 * num487 + num488 * num488)); num489 = num490 / num489; num487 *= num489; num488 *= num489; vector48.X += num487 * 15f; vector48.Y += num488 * 15f; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector48.X, vector48.Y, num487, num488, num492, num491, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); return; } } } else { int num493 = 1; if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width) { num493 = -1; } float num494 = 8f; float num495 = 0.2f; Vector2 vector49 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num496 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) + (float)(num493 * 340) - vector49.X; float num497 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector49.Y; float num498 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num496 * num496 + num497 * num497)); num498 = num494 / num498; num496 *= num498; num497 *= num498; if (this.velocity.X < num496) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num495; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num496 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num495; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num496) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num495; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num496 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num495; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num497) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num495; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num497 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num495; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num497) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num495; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num497 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num495; } } } vector49 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num496 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector49.X; num497 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector49.Y; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num497, (double)num496) - 1.57f; if (Main.netMode != 1) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.75) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.5) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.25) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.1) { this.localAI[1] += 2f; } if (this.localAI[1] > 45f && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { this.localAI[1] = 0f; float num499 = 9f; int num500 = 20; int num501 = 100; num498 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num496 * num496 + num497 * num497)); num498 = num499 / num498; num496 *= num498; num497 *= num498; vector49.X += num496 * 15f; vector49.Y += num497 * 15f; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector49.X, vector49.Y, num496, num497, num501, num500, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } }[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 200f) {[1] = 0f;[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; this.TargetClosest(true); this.netUpdate = true; return; } } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 31) { if ( < 0 || == 255 || Main.player[].dead || !Main.player[].active) { this.TargetClosest(true); } bool dead3 = Main.player[].dead; float num502 = this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) - Main.player[].position.X - (float)(Main.player[].width / 2); float num503 = this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 59f - Main.player[].position.Y - (float)(Main.player[].height / 2); float num504 = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num503, (double)num502) + 1.57f; if (num504 < 0f) { num504 += 6.283f; } else { if ((double)num504 > 6.283) { num504 -= 6.283f; } } float num505 = 0.15f; if (this.rotation < num504) { if ((double)(num504 - this.rotation) > 3.1415) { this.rotation -= num505; } else { this.rotation += num505; } } else { if (this.rotation > num504) { if ((double)(this.rotation - num504) > 3.1415) { this.rotation += num505; } else { this.rotation -= num505; } } } if (this.rotation > num504 - num505 && this.rotation < num504 + num505) { this.rotation = num504; } if (this.rotation < 0f) { this.rotation += 6.283f; } else { if ((double)this.rotation > 6.283) { this.rotation -= 6.283f; } } if (this.rotation > num504 - num505 && this.rotation < num504 + num505) { this.rotation = num504; } if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { int num506 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.25f), this.width, (int)((float)this.height * 0.5f), 5, this.velocity.X, 2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Dust expr_1EBBF_cp_0 = Main.dust[num506]; expr_1EBBF_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_1EBBF_cp_0.velocity.X * 0.5f; Dust expr_1EBDF_cp_0 = Main.dust[num506]; expr_1EBDF_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_1EBDF_cp_0.velocity.Y * 0.1f; } if (Main.dayTime || dead3) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.04f; if (this.timeLeft > 10) { this.timeLeft = 10; return; } } else { if ([0] == 0f) { if ([1] == 0f) { this.TargetClosest(true); float num507 = 12f; float num508 = 0.4f; int num509 = 1; if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width) { num509 = -1; } Vector2 vector50 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num510 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) + (float)(num509 * 400) - vector50.X; float num511 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector50.Y; float num512 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num510 * num510 + num511 * num511)); num512 = num507 / num512; num510 *= num512; num511 *= num512; if (this.velocity.X < num510) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num508; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num510 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num508; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num510) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num508; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num510 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num508; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num511) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num508; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num511 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num508; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num511) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num508; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num511 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num508; } } }[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 600f) {[1] = 1f;[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; = 255; this.netUpdate = true; } else { if (!Main.player[].dead) {[3] += 1f; } if ([3] >= 60f) {[3] = 0f; vector50 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num510 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector50.X; num511 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector50.Y; if (Main.netMode != 1) { float num513 = 12f; int num514 = 25; int num515 = 96; num512 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num510 * num510 + num511 * num511)); num512 = num513 / num512; num510 *= num512; num511 *= num512; num510 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.05f; num511 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.05f; vector50.X += num510 * 4f; vector50.Y += num511 * 4f; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector50.X, vector50.Y, num510, num511, num515, num514, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } } } } else { if ([1] == 1f) { this.rotation = num504; float num516 = 13f; Vector2 vector51 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num517 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector51.X; float num518 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector51.Y; float num519 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num517 * num517 + num518 * num518)); num519 = num516 / num519; this.velocity.X = num517 * num519; this.velocity.Y = num518 * num519;[1] = 2f; } else { if ([1] == 2f) {[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 8f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.9f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 0.1) { this.velocity.Y = 0f; } } else { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X) - 1.57f; } if ([2] >= 42f) {[3] += 1f;[2] = 0f; = 255; this.rotation = num504; if ([3] >= 10f) {[1] = 0f;[3] = 0f; } else {[1] = 1f; } } } } } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.5) {[0] = 1f;[1] = 0f;[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } else { if ([0] == 1f ||[0] == 2f) { if ([0] == 1f) {[2] += 0.005f; if ((double)[2] > 0.5) {[2] = 0.5f; } } else {[2] -= 0.005f; if ([2] < 0f) {[2] = 0f; } } this.rotation +=[2];[1] += 1f; if ([1] == 100f) {[0] += 1f;[1] = 0f; if ([0] == 3f) {[2] = 0f; } else { Main.PlaySound(3, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); for (int num520 = 0; num520 < 2; num520++) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 144, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 7, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 6, 1f); } for (int num521 = 0; num521 < 20; num521++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); } } Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.98f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.98f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 0.1) { this.velocity.Y = 0f; return; } } else { this.soundHit = 4; this.damage = (int)((double)this.defDamage * 1.5); this.defense = this.defDefense + 25; if ([1] == 0f) { float num522 = 4f; float num523 = 0.1f; int num524 = 1; if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width) { num524 = -1; } Vector2 vector52 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num525 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) + (float)(num524 * 180) - vector52.X; float num526 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector52.Y; float num527 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num525 * num525 + num526 * num526)); num527 = num522 / num527; num525 *= num527; num526 *= num527; if (this.velocity.X < num525) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num523; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num525 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num523; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num525) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num523; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num525 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num523; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num526) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num523; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num526 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num523; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num526) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num523; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num526 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num523; } } }[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 400f) {[1] = 1f;[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; = 255; this.netUpdate = true; } if (Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { this.localAI[2] += 1f; if (this.localAI[2] > 22f) { this.localAI[2] = 0f; Main.PlaySound(2, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 34); } if (Main.netMode != 1) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.75) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.5) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.25) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.1) { this.localAI[1] += 2f; } if (this.localAI[1] > 8f) { this.localAI[1] = 0f; float num528 = 6f; int num529 = 30; int num530 = 101; vector52 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num525 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector52.X; num526 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector52.Y; num527 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num525 * num525 + num526 * num526)); num527 = num528 / num527; num525 *= num527; num526 *= num527; num526 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.01f; num525 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.01f; num526 += this.velocity.Y * 0.5f; num525 += this.velocity.X * 0.5f; vector52.X -= num525 * 1f; vector52.Y -= num526 * 1f; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector52.X, vector52.Y, num525, num526, num530, num529, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); return; } } } } else { if ([1] == 1f) { Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); this.rotation = num504; float num531 = 14f; Vector2 vector53 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num532 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector53.X; float num533 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector53.Y; float num534 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num532 * num532 + num533 * num533)); num534 = num531 / num534; this.velocity.X = num532 * num534; this.velocity.Y = num533 * num534;[1] = 2f; return; } if ([1] == 2f) {[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 50f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.93f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.93f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.Y < 0.1) { this.velocity.Y = 0f; } } else { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X) - 1.57f; } if ([2] >= 80f) {[3] += 1f;[2] = 0f; = 255; this.rotation = num504; if ([3] >= 6f) {[1] = 0f;[3] = 0f; return; }[1] = 1f; return; } } } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 32) { this.damage = this.defDamage; this.defense = this.defDefense; if ([0] == 0f && Main.netMode != 1) { this.TargetClosest(true);[0] = 1f; if (this.type != 68) { int num535 = NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)this.position.Y + this.height / 2, 128, this.whoAmI); Main.npc[num535].ai[0] = -1f; Main.npc[num535].ai[1] = (float)this.whoAmI; Main.npc[num535].target =; Main.npc[num535].netUpdate = true; num535 = NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)this.position.Y + this.height / 2, 129, this.whoAmI); Main.npc[num535].ai[0] = 1f; Main.npc[num535].ai[1] = (float)this.whoAmI; Main.npc[num535].target =; Main.npc[num535].netUpdate = true; num535 = NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)this.position.Y + this.height / 2, 130, this.whoAmI); Main.npc[num535].ai[0] = -1f; Main.npc[num535].ai[1] = (float)this.whoAmI; Main.npc[num535].target =; Main.npc[num535].ai[3] = 150f; Main.npc[num535].netUpdate = true; num535 = NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)this.position.Y + this.height / 2, 131, this.whoAmI); Main.npc[num535].ai[0] = 1f; Main.npc[num535].ai[1] = (float)this.whoAmI; Main.npc[num535].target =; Main.npc[num535].netUpdate = true; Main.npc[num535].ai[3] = 150f; } } if (this.type == 68 &&[1] != 3f &&[1] != 2f) { Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0);[1] = 2f; } if (Main.player[].dead || Math.Abs(this.position.X - Main.player[].position.X) > 6000f || Math.Abs(this.position.Y - Main.player[].position.Y) > 6000f) { this.TargetClosest(true); if (Main.player[].dead || Math.Abs(this.position.X - Main.player[].position.X) > 6000f || Math.Abs(this.position.Y - Main.player[].position.Y) > 6000f) {[1] = 3f; } } if (Main.dayTime &&[1] != 3f &&[1] != 2f) {[1] = 2f; Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); } if ([1] == 0f) {[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 600f) {[2] = 0f;[1] = 1f; this.TargetClosest(true); this.netUpdate = true; } this.rotation = this.velocity.X / 15f; if (this.position.Y > Main.player[].position.Y - 200f) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.98f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y > 2f) { this.velocity.Y = 2f; } } else { if (this.position.Y < Main.player[].position.Y - 500f) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.98f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y < -2f) { this.velocity.Y = -2f; } } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) + 100f) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.98f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > 8f) { this.velocity.X = 8f; } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - 100f) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.98f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -8f) { this.velocity.X = -8f; return; } } } else { if ([1] == 1f) { this.defense *= 2; this.damage *= 2;[2] += 1f; if ([2] == 2f) { Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); } if ([2] >= 400f) {[2] = 0f;[1] = 0f; } this.rotation += (float)this.direction * 0.3f; Vector2 vector54 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num536 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector54.X; float num537 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector54.Y; float num538 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num536 * num536 + num537 * num537)); num538 = 2f / num538; this.velocity.X = num536 * num538; this.velocity.Y = num537 * num538; return; } if ([1] == 2f) { this.damage = 9999; this.defense = 9999; this.rotation += (float)this.direction * 0.3f; Vector2 vector55 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num539 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector55.X; float num540 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector55.Y; float num541 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num539 * num539 + num540 * num540)); num541 = 8f / num541; this.velocity.X = num539 * num541; this.velocity.Y = num540 * num541; return; } if ([1] == 3f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.95f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.95f; if (this.timeLeft > 500) { this.timeLeft = 500; return; } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 33) { Vector2 vector56 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num542 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 200f *[0] - vector56.X; float num543 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f - vector56.Y; float num544 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num542 * num542 + num543 * num543)); if ([2] != 99f) { if (num544 > 800f) {[2] = 99f; } } else { if (num544 < 400f) {[2] = 0f; } } this.spriteDirection = -(int)[0]; if (!Main.npc[(int)[1]].active || Main.npc[(int)[1]].aiStyle != 32) {[2] += 10f; if ([2] > 50f || Main.netMode != 2) { = -1; this.HitEffect(0, 10.0); = false; } } if ([2] == 99f) { if (this.position.Y > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y > 8f) { this.velocity.Y = 8f; } } else { if (this.position.Y < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y < -8f) { this.velocity.Y = -8f; } } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2)) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.5f; if (this.velocity.X > 12f) { this.velocity.X = 12f; } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2)) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.5f; if (this.velocity.X < -12f) { this.velocity.X = -12f; return; } } } else { if ([2] == 0f ||[2] == 3f) { if (Main.npc[(int)[1]].ai[1] == 3f && this.timeLeft > 10) { this.timeLeft = 10; } if (Main.npc[(int)[1]].ai[1] != 0f) { this.TargetClosest(true); if (Main.player[].dead) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y > 16f) { this.velocity.Y = 16f; } } else { Vector2 vector57 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num545 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector57.X; float num546 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector57.Y; float num547 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num545 * num545 + num546 * num546)); num547 = 7f / num547; num545 *= num547; num546 *= num547; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num546, (double)num545) - 1.57f; if (this.velocity.X > num545) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.97f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.05f; } if (this.velocity.X < num545) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.97f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.05f; } if (this.velocity.Y > num546) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.97f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.05f; } if (this.velocity.Y < num546) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.97f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.05f; } }[3] += 1f; if ([3] >= 600f) {[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } } else {[3] += 1f; if ([3] >= 300f) {[2] += 1f;[3] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } if (this.position.Y > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 320f) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.04f; if (this.velocity.Y > 3f) { this.velocity.Y = 3f; } } else { if (this.position.Y < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 260f) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.04f; if (this.velocity.Y < -3f) { this.velocity.Y = -3f; } } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2)) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.3f; if (this.velocity.X > 12f) { this.velocity.X = 12f; } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 250f) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.3f; if (this.velocity.X < -12f) { this.velocity.X = -12f; } } } Vector2 vector58 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num548 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 200f *[0] - vector58.X; float num549 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f - vector58.Y; Math.Sqrt((double)(num548 * num548 + num549 * num549)); this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num549, (double)num548) + 1.57f; return; } if ([2] == 1f) { Vector2 vector59 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num550 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 200f *[0] - vector59.X; float num551 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f - vector59.Y; float num552 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num550 * num550 + num551 * num551)); this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num551, (double)num550) + 1.57f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.95f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y < -8f) { this.velocity.Y = -8f; } if (this.position.Y < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y - 200f) { this.TargetClosest(true);[2] = 2f; vector59 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num550 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector59.X; num551 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector59.Y; num552 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num550 * num550 + num551 * num551)); num552 = 22f / num552; this.velocity.X = num550 * num552; this.velocity.Y = num551 * num552; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } else { if ([2] == 2f) { if (this.position.Y > Main.player[].position.Y || this.velocity.Y < 0f) {[2] = 3f; return; } } else { if ([2] == 4f) { this.TargetClosest(true); Vector2 vector60 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num553 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector60.X; float num554 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector60.Y; float num555 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num553 * num553 + num554 * num554)); num555 = 7f / num555; num553 *= num555; num554 *= num555; if (this.velocity.X > num553) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.97f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.05f; } if (this.velocity.X < num553) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.97f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.05f; } if (this.velocity.Y > num554) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.97f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.05f; } if (this.velocity.Y < num554) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.97f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.05f; }[3] += 1f; if ([3] >= 600f) {[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } vector60 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num553 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 200f *[0] - vector60.X; num554 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f - vector60.Y; num555 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num553 * num553 + num554 * num554)); this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num554, (double)num553) + 1.57f; return; } if ([2] == 5f && ((this.velocity.X > 0f && this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2)) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2)))) {[2] = 0f; return; } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 34) { this.spriteDirection = -(int)[0]; Vector2 vector61 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num556 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 200f *[0] - vector61.X; float num557 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f - vector61.Y; float num558 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num556 * num556 + num557 * num557)); if ([2] != 99f) { if (num558 > 800f) {[2] = 99f; } } else { if (num558 < 400f) {[2] = 0f; } } if (!Main.npc[(int)[1]].active || Main.npc[(int)[1]].aiStyle != 32) {[2] += 10f; if ([2] > 50f || Main.netMode != 2) { = -1; this.HitEffect(0, 10.0); = false; } } if ([2] == 99f) { if (this.position.Y > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y > 8f) { this.velocity.Y = 8f; } } else { if (this.position.Y < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y < -8f) { this.velocity.Y = -8f; } } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2)) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.5f; if (this.velocity.X > 12f) { this.velocity.X = 12f; } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2)) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.5f; if (this.velocity.X < -12f) { this.velocity.X = -12f; return; } } } else { if ([2] == 0f ||[2] == 3f) { if (Main.npc[(int)[1]].ai[1] == 3f && this.timeLeft > 10) { this.timeLeft = 10; } if (Main.npc[(int)[1]].ai[1] != 0f) { this.TargetClosest(true); this.TargetClosest(true); if (Main.player[].dead) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y > 16f) { this.velocity.Y = 16f; } } else { Vector2 vector62 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num559 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector62.X; float num560 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector62.Y; float num561 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num559 * num559 + num560 * num560)); num561 = 12f / num561; num559 *= num561; num560 *= num561; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num560, (double)num559) - 1.57f; if (Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y) < 2f) { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num560, (double)num559) - 1.57f; this.velocity.X = num559; this.velocity.Y = num560; this.netUpdate = true; } else { this.velocity *= 0.97f; }[3] += 1f; if ([3] >= 600f) {[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } } } else {[3] += 1f; if ([3] >= 600f) {[2] += 1f;[3] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } if (this.position.Y > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 300f) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y > 3f) { this.velocity.Y = 3f; } } else { if (this.position.Y < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y < -3f) { this.velocity.Y = -3f; } } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) + 250f) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.94f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.3f; if (this.velocity.X > 9f) { this.velocity.X = 9f; } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2)) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.94f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.2f; if (this.velocity.X < -8f) { this.velocity.X = -8f; } } } Vector2 vector63 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num562 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 200f *[0] - vector63.X; float num563 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f - vector63.Y; Math.Sqrt((double)(num562 * num562 + num563 * num563)); this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num563, (double)num562) + 1.57f; return; } if ([2] == 1f) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.9f; } Vector2 vector64 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num564 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 280f *[0] - vector64.X; float num565 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f - vector64.Y; float num566 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num564 * num564 + num565 * num565)); this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num565, (double)num564) + 1.57f; this.velocity.X = (this.velocity.X * 5f + Main.npc[(int)[1]].velocity.X) / 6f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.5f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.5f; if (this.velocity.Y < -9f) { this.velocity.Y = -9f; } if (this.position.Y < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y - 280f) { this.TargetClosest(true);[2] = 2f; vector64 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num564 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector64.X; num565 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector64.Y; num566 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num564 * num564 + num565 * num565)); num566 = 20f / num566; this.velocity.X = num564 * num566; this.velocity.Y = num565 * num566; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } else { if ([2] == 2f) { if (this.position.Y > Main.player[].position.Y || this.velocity.Y < 0f) { if ([3] >= 4f) {[2] = 3f;[3] = 0f; return; }[2] = 1f;[3] += 1f; return; } } else { if ([2] == 4f) { Vector2 vector65 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num567 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 200f *[0] - vector65.X; float num568 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f - vector65.Y; float num569 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num567 * num567 + num568 * num568)); this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num568, (double)num567) + 1.57f; this.velocity.Y = (this.velocity.Y * 5f + Main.npc[(int)[1]].velocity.Y) / 6f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.5f; if (this.velocity.X > 12f) { this.velocity.X = 12f; } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 500f || this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) + 500f) { this.TargetClosest(true);[2] = 5f; vector65 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num567 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector65.X; num568 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector65.Y; num569 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num567 * num567 + num568 * num568)); num569 = 17f / num569; this.velocity.X = num567 * num569; this.velocity.Y = num568 * num569; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } else { if ([2] == 5f && this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - 100f) { if ([3] >= 4f) {[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; return; }[2] = 4f;[3] += 1f; return; } } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 35) { this.spriteDirection = -(int)[0]; if (!Main.npc[(int)[1]].active || Main.npc[(int)[1]].aiStyle != 32) {[2] += 10f; if ([2] > 50f || Main.netMode != 2) { = -1; this.HitEffect(0, 10.0); = false; } } if ([2] == 0f) { if (Main.npc[(int)[1]].ai[1] == 3f && this.timeLeft > 10) { this.timeLeft = 10; } if (Main.npc[(int)[1]].ai[1] != 0f) { this.localAI[0] += 2f; if (this.position.Y > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y - 100f) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.07f; if (this.velocity.Y > 6f) { this.velocity.Y = 6f; } } else { if (this.position.Y < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y - 100f) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.07f; if (this.velocity.Y < -6f) { this.velocity.Y = -6f; } } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 120f *[0]) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > 8f) { this.velocity.X = 8f; } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 120f *[0]) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -8f) { this.velocity.X = -8f; } } } else {[3] += 1f; if ([3] >= 1100f) { this.localAI[0] = 0f;[2] = 1f;[3] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } if (this.position.Y > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y - 150f) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.04f; if (this.velocity.Y > 3f) { this.velocity.Y = 3f; } } else { if (this.position.Y < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y - 150f) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.04f; if (this.velocity.Y < -3f) { this.velocity.Y = -3f; } } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) + 200f) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.2f; if (this.velocity.X > 8f) { this.velocity.X = 8f; } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) + 160f) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.2f; if (this.velocity.X < -8f) { this.velocity.X = -8f; } } } Vector2 vector66 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num570 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 200f *[0] - vector66.X; float num571 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + 230f - vector66.Y; float num572 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num570 * num570 + num571 * num571)); this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num571, (double)num570) + 1.57f; if (Main.netMode != 1) { this.localAI[0] += 1f; if (this.localAI[0] > 140f) { this.localAI[0] = 0f; float num573 = 12f; int num574 = 0; int num575 = 102; num572 = num573 / num572; num570 = -num570 * num572; num571 = -num571 * num572; num570 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.01f; num571 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.01f; vector66.X += num570 * 4f; vector66.Y += num571 * 4f; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector66.X, vector66.Y, num570, num571, num575, num574, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); return; } } } else { if ([2] == 1f) {[3] += 1f; if ([3] >= 300f) { this.localAI[0] = 0f;[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } Vector2 vector67 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num576 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - vector67.X; float num577 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y - vector67.Y; num577 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - 80f - vector67.Y; float num578 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num576 * num576 + num577 * num577)); num578 = 6f / num578; num576 *= num578; num577 *= num578; if (this.velocity.X > num576) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.04f; } if (this.velocity.X < num576) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.04f; } if (this.velocity.Y > num577) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.9f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.08f; } if (this.velocity.Y < num577) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.9f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.08f; } this.TargetClosest(true); vector67 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num576 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector67.X; num577 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector67.Y; num578 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num576 * num576 + num577 * num577)); this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num577, (double)num576) - 1.57f; if (Main.netMode != 1) { this.localAI[0] += 1f; if (this.localAI[0] > 40f) { this.localAI[0] = 0f; float num579 = 10f; int num580 = 0; int num581 = 102; num578 = num579 / num578; num576 *= num578; num577 *= num578; num576 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.01f; num577 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.01f; vector67.X += num576 * 4f; vector67.Y += num577 * 4f; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector67.X, vector67.Y, num576, num577, num581, num580, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); return; } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 36) { this.spriteDirection = -(int)[0]; if (!Main.npc[(int)[1]].active || Main.npc[(int)[1]].aiStyle != 32) {[2] += 10f; if ([2] > 50f || Main.netMode != 2) { = -1; this.HitEffect(0, 10.0); = false; } } if ([2] == 0f ||[2] == 3f) { if (Main.npc[(int)[1]].ai[1] == 3f && this.timeLeft > 10) { this.timeLeft = 10; } if (Main.npc[(int)[1]].ai[1] != 0f) { this.localAI[0] += 3f; if (this.position.Y > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y - 100f) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.07f; if (this.velocity.Y > 6f) { this.velocity.Y = 6f; } } else { if (this.position.Y < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y - 100f) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.07f; if (this.velocity.Y < -6f) { this.velocity.Y = -6f; } } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 120f *[0]) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X > 8f) { this.velocity.X = 8f; } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 120f *[0]) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X < -8f) { this.velocity.X = -8f; } } } else {[3] += 1f; if ([3] >= 800f) {[2] += 1f;[3] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } if (this.position.Y > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y - 100f) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y > 3f) { this.velocity.Y = 3f; } } else { if (this.position.Y < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y - 100f) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.96f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y < -3f) { this.velocity.Y = -3f; } } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) > Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 180f *[0]) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.14f; if (this.velocity.X > 8f) { this.velocity.X = 8f; } } if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - 180f *[0]) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.14f; if (this.velocity.X < -8f) { this.velocity.X = -8f; } } } this.TargetClosest(true); Vector2 vector68 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num582 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector68.X; float num583 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector68.Y; float num584 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num582 * num582 + num583 * num583)); this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num583, (double)num582) - 1.57f; if (Main.netMode != 1) { this.localAI[0] += 1f; if (this.localAI[0] > 200f) { this.localAI[0] = 0f; float num585 = 8f; int num586 = 25; int num587 = 100; num584 = num585 / num584; num582 *= num584; num583 *= num584; num582 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.05f; num583 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.05f; vector68.X += num582 * 8f; vector68.Y += num583 * 8f; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector68.X, vector68.Y, num582, num583, num587, num586, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); return; } } } else { if ([2] == 1f) {[3] += 1f; if ([3] >= 200f) { this.localAI[0] = 0f;[2] = 0f;[3] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } Vector2 vector69 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num588 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - 350f - vector69.X; float num589 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - 20f - vector69.Y; float num590 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num588 * num588 + num589 * num589)); num590 = 7f / num590; num588 *= num590; num589 *= num590; if (this.velocity.X > num588) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } if (this.velocity.X < num588) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } if (this.velocity.Y > num589) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.9f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.03f; } if (this.velocity.Y < num589) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.9f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.03f; } this.TargetClosest(true); vector69 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num588 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector69.X; num589 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector69.Y; num590 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num588 * num588 + num589 * num589)); this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num589, (double)num588) - 1.57f; if (Main.netMode == 1) { this.localAI[0] += 1f; if (this.localAI[0] > 80f) { this.localAI[0] = 0f; float num591 = 10f; int num592 = 25; int num593 = 100; num590 = num591 / num590; num588 *= num590; num589 *= num590; num588 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.05f; num589 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41) * 0.05f; vector69.X += num588 * 8f; vector69.Y += num589 * 8f; Projectile.NewProjectile(vector69.X, vector69.Y, num588, num589, num593, num592, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); return; } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 37) { if ([3] > 0f) { this.realLife = (int)[3]; } if ( < 0 || == 255 || Main.player[].dead) { this.TargetClosest(true); } if (this.type > 134) { bool flag42 = false; if ([1] <= 0f) { flag42 = true; } else { if (Main.npc[(int)[1]].life <= 0) { flag42 = true; } } if (flag42) { = 0; this.HitEffect(0, 10.0); this.checkDead(); } } if (Main.netMode != 1) { if ([0] == 0f && this.type == 134) {[3] = (float)this.whoAmI; this.realLife = this.whoAmI; int num594 = this.whoAmI; int num595 = 80; for (int num596 = 0; num596 <= num595; num596++) { int num597 = 135; if (num596 == num595) { num597 = 136; } int num598 = NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height), num597, this.whoAmI); Main.npc[num598].ai[3] = (float)this.whoAmI; Main.npc[num598].realLife = this.whoAmI; Main.npc[num598].ai[1] = (float)num594; Main.npc[num594].ai[0] = (float)num598; NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", num598, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); num594 = num598; } } if (this.type == 135) { this.localAI[0] += (float)Main.rand.Next(4); if (this.localAI[0] >= (float)Main.rand.Next(1400, 26000)) { this.localAI[0] = 0f; this.TargetClosest(true); if (Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { float num599 = 8f; Vector2 vector70 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)); float num600 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector70.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(-20, 21); float num601 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector70.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(-20, 21); float num602 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num600 * num600 + num601 * num601)); num602 = num599 / num602; num600 *= num602; num601 *= num602; num600 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-20, 21) * 0.05f; num601 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-20, 21) * 0.05f; int num603 = 22; int num604 = 100; vector70.X += num600 * 5f; vector70.Y += num601 * 5f; int num605 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector70.X, vector70.Y, num600, num601, num604, num603, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num605].timeLeft = 300; this.netUpdate = true; } } } } int num606 = (int)(this.position.X / 16f) - 1; int num607 = (int)((this.position.X + (float)this.width) / 16f) + 2; int num608 = (int)(this.position.Y / 16f) - 1; int num609 = (int)((this.position.Y + (float)this.height) / 16f) + 2; if (num606 < 0) { num606 = 0; } if (num607 > Main.maxTilesX) { num607 = Main.maxTilesX; } if (num608 < 0) { num608 = 0; } if (num609 > Main.maxTilesY) { num609 = Main.maxTilesY; } bool flag43 = false; if (!flag43) { for (int num610 = num606; num610 < num607; num610++) { for (int num611 = num608; num611 < num609; num611++) { if (Main.tile[num610, num611] != null && ((Main.tile[num610, num611].nactive() && (Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num610, num611].type] || (Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num610, num611].type] && Main.tile[num610, num611].frameY == 0))) || Main.tile[num610, num611].liquid > 64)) { Vector2 vector71; vector71.X = (float)(num610 * 16); vector71.Y = (float)(num611 * 16); if (this.position.X + (float)this.width > vector71.X && this.position.X < vector71.X + 16f && this.position.Y + (float)this.height > vector71.Y && this.position.Y < vector71.Y + 16f) { flag43 = true; break; } } } } } if (!flag43) { if (this.type != 135 ||[2] != 1f) { Lighting.addLight((int)((this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16f), (int)((this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16f), 0.3f, 0.1f, 0.05f); } this.localAI[1] = 1f; if (this.type == 134) { Rectangle rectangle11 = new Rectangle((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height); int num612 = 1000; bool flag44 = true; if (this.position.Y > Main.player[].position.Y) { for (int num613 = 0; num613 < 255; num613++) { if (Main.player[num613].active) { Rectangle rectangle12 = new Rectangle((int)Main.player[num613].position.X - num612, (int)Main.player[num613].position.Y - num612, num612 * 2, num612 * 2); if (rectangle11.Intersects(rectangle12)) { flag44 = false; break; } } } if (flag44) { flag43 = true; } } } } else { this.localAI[1] = 0f; } float num614 = 16f; if (Main.dayTime || Main.player[].dead) { flag43 = false; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 1f; if ((double)this.position.Y > Main.worldSurface * 16.0) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 1f; num614 = 32f; } if ((double)this.position.Y > Main.rockLayer * 16.0) { for (int num615 = 0; num615 < 200; num615++) { if (Main.npc[num615].aiStyle == this.aiStyle) { Main.npc[num615].active = false; } } } } float num616 = 0.1f; float num617 = 0.15f; Vector2 vector72 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num618 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2); float num619 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2); num618 = (float)((int)(num618 / 16f) * 16); num619 = (float)((int)(num619 / 16f) * 16); vector72.X = (float)((int)(vector72.X / 16f) * 16); vector72.Y = (float)((int)(vector72.Y / 16f) * 16); num618 -= vector72.X; num619 -= vector72.Y; float num620 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num618 * num618 + num619 * num619)); if ([1] > 0f &&[1] < (float)Main.npc.Length) { try { vector72 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); num618 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].width / 2) - vector72.X; num619 = Main.npc[(int)[1]].position.Y + (float)(Main.npc[(int)[1]].height / 2) - vector72.Y; } catch { } this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num619, (double)num618) + 1.57f; num620 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num618 * num618 + num619 * num619)); int num621 = (int)(44f * this.scale); num620 = (num620 - (float)num621) / num620; num618 *= num620; num619 *= num620; this.velocity = default(Vector2); this.position.X = this.position.X + num618; this.position.Y = this.position.Y + num619; return; } if (!flag43) { this.TargetClosest(true); this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.15f; if (this.velocity.Y > num614) { this.velocity.Y = num614; } if ((double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y)) < (double)num614 * 0.4) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num616 * 1.1f; } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num616 * 1.1f; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y == num614) { if (this.velocity.X < num618) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num616; } else { if (this.velocity.X > num618) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num616; } } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 4f) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num616 * 0.9f; } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num616 * 0.9f; } } } } } else { if (this.soundDelay == 0) { float num622 = num620 / 40f; if (num622 < 10f) { num622 = 10f; } if (num622 > 20f) { num622 = 20f; } this.soundDelay = (int)num622; Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); } num620 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num618 * num618 + num619 * num619)); float num623 = Math.Abs(num618); float num624 = Math.Abs(num619); float num625 = num614 / num620; num618 *= num625; num619 *= num625; if (((this.velocity.X > 0f && num618 > 0f) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && num618 < 0f)) && ((this.velocity.Y > 0f && num619 > 0f) || (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num619 < 0f))) { if (this.velocity.X < num618) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num617; } else { if (this.velocity.X > num618) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num617; } } if (this.velocity.Y < num619) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num617; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num619) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num617; } } } if ((this.velocity.X > 0f && num618 > 0f) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && num618 < 0f) || (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num619 > 0f) || (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num619 < 0f)) { if (this.velocity.X < num618) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num616; } else { if (this.velocity.X > num618) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num616; } } if (this.velocity.Y < num619) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num616; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num619) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num616; } } if ((double)Math.Abs(num619) < (double)num614 * 0.2 && ((this.velocity.X > 0f && num618 < 0f) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && num618 > 0f))) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num616 * 2f; } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num616 * 2f; } } if ((double)Math.Abs(num618) < (double)num614 * 0.2 && ((this.velocity.Y > 0f && num619 < 0f) || (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num619 > 0f))) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num616 * 2f; } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num616 * 2f; } } } else { if (num623 > num624) { if (this.velocity.X < num618) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num616 * 1.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.X > num618) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num616 * 1.1f; } } if ((double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y)) < (double)num614 * 0.5) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num616; } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num616; } } } else { if (this.velocity.Y < num619) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num616 * 1.1f; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num619) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num616 * 1.1f; } } if ((double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y)) < (double)num614 * 0.5) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num616; } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num616; } } } } } this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X) + 1.57f; if (this.type == 134) { if (flag43) { if (this.localAI[0] != 1f) { this.netUpdate = true; } this.localAI[0] = 1f; } else { if (this.localAI[0] != 0f) { this.netUpdate = true; } this.localAI[0] = 0f; } if (((this.velocity.X > 0f && this.oldVelocity.X < 0f) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && this.oldVelocity.X > 0f) || (this.velocity.Y > 0f && this.oldVelocity.Y < 0f) || (this.velocity.Y < 0f && this.oldVelocity.Y > 0f)) && !this.justHit) { this.netUpdate = true; return; } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 38) { float num626 = 4f; float num627 = 1f; if (this.type == 143) { num626 = 3f; num627 = 0.7f; } if (this.type == 145) { num626 = 3.5f; num627 = 0.8f; } if (this.type == 143) {[2] += 1f; if ([2] >= 120f) {[2] = 0f; if (Main.netMode != 1) { Vector2 vector73 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f - (float)(this.direction * 12), this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float speedX = (float)(12 * this.spriteDirection); float speedY = 0f; if (Main.netMode != 1) { int num628 = 25; int num629 = 110; int num630 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector73.X, vector73.Y, speedX, speedY, num629, num628, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num630].ai[0] = 2f; Main.projectile[num630].timeLeft = 300; Main.projectile[num630].friendly = false; NetMessage.SendData(27, -1, -1, "", num630, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); this.netUpdate = true; } } } } if (this.type == 144 &&[1] >= 3f) { this.TargetClosest(true); this.spriteDirection = this.direction; if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f;[2] += 1f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.3 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.3) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } if ([2] >= 200f) {[2] = 0f;[1] = 0f; } } } else { if (this.type == 145 &&[1] >= 3f) { this.TargetClosest(true); if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f;[2] += 1f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.3 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.3) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } if ([2] >= 16f) {[2] = 0f;[1] = 0f; } } if (this.velocity.X == 0f && this.velocity.Y == 0f &&[2] == 8f) { float num631 = 10f; Vector2 vector74 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f - (float)(this.direction * 12), this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.25f); float num632 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector74.X; float num633 = Main.player[].position.Y - vector74.Y; float num634 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num632 * num632 + num633 * num633)); num634 = num631 / num634; num632 *= num634; num633 *= num634; if (Main.netMode != 1) { int num635 = 35; int num636 = 109; int num637 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector74.X, vector74.Y, num632, num633, num636, num635, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num637].ai[0] = 2f; Main.projectile[num637].timeLeft = 300; Main.projectile[num637].friendly = false; NetMessage.SendData(27, -1, -1, "", num637, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); this.netUpdate = true; } } } else { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.localAI[2] == this.position.X) { this.direction *= -1;[3] = 60f; } this.localAI[2] = this.position.X; if ([3] == 0f) { this.TargetClosest(true); }[0] += 1f; if ([0] > 2f) {[0] = 0f;[1] += 1f; this.velocity.Y = -8.2f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)this.direction * num627 * 1.1f; } else { this.velocity.Y = -6f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)this.direction * num627 * 0.9f; } this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)this.direction * num627 * 0.01f; } } if ([3] > 0f) {[3] -= 1f; } if (this.velocity.X > num626 && this.direction > 0) { this.velocity.X = 4f; } if (this.velocity.X < -num626 && this.direction < 0) { this.velocity.X = -4f; return; } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 39) { if ( < 0 || Main.player[].dead || this.direction == 0) { this.TargetClosest(true); } bool flag45 = true; int num638 = 0; if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { num638 = -1; } if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { num638 = 1; } Vector2 vector75 = this.position; vector75.X += this.velocity.X; int num639 = (int)((vector75.X + (float)(this.width / 2) + (float)((this.width / 2 + 1) * num638)) / 16f); int num640 = (int)((vector75.Y + (float)this.height - 1f) / 16f); if ((float)(num639 * 16) < vector75.X + (float)this.width && (float)(num639 * 16 + 16) > vector75.X && ((Main.tile[num639, num640].nactive() && Main.tile[num639, num640].slope() == 0 && Main.tile[num639, num640 - 1].slope() == 0 && ((Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num639, num640].type] && !Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num639, num640].type]) || (flag45 && Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num639, num640].type] && (!Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num639, num640 - 1].type] || !Main.tile[num639, num640 - 1].nactive()) && Main.tile[num639, num640].type != 16 && Main.tile[num639, num640].type != 18 && Main.tile[num639, num640].type != 134))) || (Main.tile[num639, num640 - 1].halfBrick() && Main.tile[num639, num640 - 1].nactive())) && (!Main.tile[num639, num640 - 1].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num639, num640 - 1].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num639, num640 - 1].type] || (Main.tile[num639, num640 - 1].halfBrick() && (!Main.tile[num639, num640 - 4].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num639, num640 - 4].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num639, num640 - 4].type]))) && (!Main.tile[num639, num640 - 2].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num639, num640 - 2].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num639, num640 - 2].type]) && (!Main.tile[num639, num640 - 3].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num639, num640 - 3].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num639, num640 - 3].type]) && (!Main.tile[num639 - num638, num640 - 3].nactive() || !Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num639 - num638, num640 - 3].type] || Main.tileSolidTop[(int)Main.tile[num639 - num638, num640 - 3].type])) { float num641 = (float)(num640 * 16); if (Main.tile[num639, num640].halfBrick()) { num641 += 8f; } if (Main.tile[num639, num640 - 1].halfBrick()) { num641 -= 8f; } if (num641 < vector75.Y + (float)this.height) { float num642 = vector75.Y + (float)this.height - num641; if ((double)num642 <= 16.1) { this.gfxOffY += this.position.Y + (float)this.height - num641; this.position.Y = num641 - (float)this.height; if (num642 < 9f) { this.stepSpeed = 0.75f; } else { this.stepSpeed = 1.5f; } } } } if (this.justHit) {[0] = 0f;[1] = 0f; this.TargetClosest(true); } if (this.type == 154 && Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { int num643 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 67, this.velocity.X * 0.5f, this.velocity.Y * 0.5f, 90, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num643].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num643].velocity *= 0.2f; } if ([0] == 0f) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.direction = -1; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.direction = 1; } } this.spriteDirection = this.direction; Vector2 vector76 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num644 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector76.X; float num645 = Main.player[].position.Y - vector76.Y; float num646 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num644 * num644 + num645 * num645)); bool flag46 = Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height); if (num646 > 200f && flag46) {[1] += 4f; } if (num646 > 600f && (flag46 || this.position.Y + (float)this.height > Main.player[].position.Y - 200f)) {[1] += 10f; } if (this.wet) {[1] = 1000f; } this.defense = 30; this.damage = 80; this.knockBackResist = 0.3f;[1] += 1f; if ([1] >= 400f) {[1] = 0f;[0] = 1f; } if (!this.justHit && this.velocity.X != this.oldVelocity.X) { this.direction *= -1; } if (this.velocity.Y == 0f && Main.player[].position.Y < this.position.Y + (float)this.height) { int num647; int num648; if (this.direction > 0) { num647 = (int)(((double)this.position.X + (double)this.width * 0.5) / 16.0); num648 = num647 + 3; } else { num648 = (int)(((double)this.position.X + (double)this.width * 0.5) / 16.0); num647 = num648 - 3; } int num649 = (int)((this.position.Y + (float)this.height + 2f) / 16f) - 1; int num650 = num649 + 4; bool flag47 = false; for (int num651 = num647; num651 <= num648; num651++) { for (int num652 = num649; num652 <= num650; num652++) { if (Main.tile[num651, num652] != null && Main.tile[num651, num652].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num651, num652].type]) { flag47 = true; } } } if (!flag47) { this.direction *= -1; this.velocity.X = 0.1f * (float)this.direction; } } if (num646 < 400f) { if (this.velocity.X < -1f || this.velocity.X > 1f) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.8f; return; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < 1f && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X > 1f) { this.velocity.X = 1f; return; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -1f && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X < -1f) { this.velocity.X = -1f; return; } } } } } else { if (this.velocity.X < -1.5f || this.velocity.X > 1.5f) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity *= 0.8f; return; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < 1.5f && this.direction == 1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X > 1.5f) { this.velocity.X = 1.5f; return; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > -1.5f && this.direction == -1) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.07f; if (this.velocity.X < -1.5f) { this.velocity.X = -1.5f; return; } } } } } } else { if ([0] == 1f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.5f;[1] += 1f; if ([1] >= 30f) { this.netUpdate = true; this.TargetClosest(true);[1] = 0f;[0] = 3f;[2] = 0f; return; } } else { if ([0] == 3f) { if (this.type == 154 && Main.rand.Next(3) < 2) { int num653 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 67, this.velocity.X * 0.5f, this.velocity.Y * 0.5f, 90, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num653].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num653].velocity *= 0.2f; } this.damage = 120; this.defense = 70;[1] += 1f; if ([1] == 1f) { this.netUpdate = true; this.TargetClosest(true);[2] += 0.3f; this.rotation +=[2] * (float)this.direction;[1] += 1f; bool flag48 = Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height); float num654 = 10f; if (!flag48) { num654 = 6f; } Vector2 vector77 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num655 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector77.X; float num656 = Math.Abs(num655) * 0.2f; if (this.directionY > 0) { num656 = 0f; } float num657 = Main.player[].position.Y - vector77.Y - num656; float num658 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num655 * num655 + num657 * num657)); this.netUpdate = true; num658 = num654 / num658; num655 *= num658; num657 *= num658; if (!flag48) { num657 = -10f; } this.velocity.X = num655; this.velocity.Y = num657;[3] = this.velocity.X; } else { if (this.position.X + (float)this.width > Main.player[].position.X && this.position.X < Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width && this.position.Y < Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.8f;[3] = 0f; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.2f; } } if ([3] != 0f) { this.velocity.X =[3]; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.22f; } if ([1] >= 90f) { this.noGravity = false;[1] = 0f;[0] = 4f; } } if (this.wet && this.directionY < 0) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.3f; } this.rotation +=[2] * (float)this.direction; return; } if ([0] == 4f) { if (this.wet && this.directionY < 0) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.3f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.96f; if ([2] > 0f) {[2] -= 0.01f; this.rotation +=[2] * (float)this.direction; } else { if (this.velocity.Y >= 0f) { this.rotation = 0f; } } if ([2] <= 0f && (this.velocity.Y == 0f || this.wet)) { this.netUpdate = true; this.rotation = 0f;[2] = 0f;[1] = 0f;[0] = 5f; return; } } else { if ([0] == 5f) { this.rotation = 0f; this.velocity.X = 0f;[1] += 1f; if ([1] >= 30f) { this.TargetClosest(true); this.netUpdate = true;[1] = 0f;[0] = 0f; } if (this.wet) {[0] = 3f;[1] = 0f; return; } } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 40) { if ( < 0 || == 255 || Main.player[].dead) { this.TargetClosest(true); } float num659 = 2f; float num660 = 0.08f; Vector2 vector78 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num661 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2); float num662 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2); num661 = (float)((int)(num661 / 8f) * 8); num662 = (float)((int)(num662 / 8f) * 8); vector78.X = (float)((int)(vector78.X / 8f) * 8); vector78.Y = (float)((int)(vector78.Y / 8f) * 8); num661 -= vector78.X; num662 -= vector78.Y; float num663 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num661 * num661 + num662 * num662)); if (num663 == 0f) { num661 = this.velocity.X; num662 = this.velocity.Y; } else { num663 = num659 / num663; num661 *= num663; num662 *= num663; } if (Main.player[].dead) { num661 = (float)this.direction * num659 / 2f; num662 = -num659 / 2f; } this.spriteDirection = -1; if (!Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) {[0] += 1f; if ([0] > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.023f; } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.023f; } if ([0] < -100f ||[0] > 100f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.023f; } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.023f; } if ([0] > 200f) {[0] = -200f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num661 * 0.007f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num662 * 0.007f; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X); if ((double)this.velocity.X > 1.5) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; } if ((double)this.velocity.X < -1.5) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; } if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.9f; } if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.9f; } if (this.velocity.X > 3f) { this.velocity.X = 3f; } if (this.velocity.X < -3f) { this.velocity.X = -3f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 3f) { this.velocity.Y = 3f; } if (this.velocity.Y < -3f) { this.velocity.Y = -3f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < num661) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num660; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num661 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num660; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num661) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num660; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num661 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num660; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num662) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num660; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num662 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num660; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num662) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num660; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num662 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num660; } } } this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num662, (double)num661); } float num664 = 0.5f; if (this.collideX) { this.netUpdate = true; this.velocity.X = this.oldVelocity.X * -num664; if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > 0f && this.velocity.X < 2f) { this.velocity.X = 2f; } if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 0f && this.velocity.X > -2f) { this.velocity.X = -2f; } } if (this.collideY) { this.netUpdate = true; this.velocity.Y = this.oldVelocity.Y * -num664; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && (double)this.velocity.Y < 1.5) { this.velocity.Y = 2f; } if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && (double)this.velocity.Y > -1.5) { this.velocity.Y = -2f; } } if (((this.velocity.X > 0f && this.oldVelocity.X < 0f) || (this.velocity.X < 0f && this.oldVelocity.X > 0f) || (this.velocity.Y > 0f && this.oldVelocity.Y < 0f) || (this.velocity.Y < 0f && this.oldVelocity.Y > 0f)) && !this.justHit) { this.netUpdate = true; } if (Main.netMode != 1) { int num665 = (int) / 16; int num666 = (int) / 16; bool flag49 = false; for (int num667 = num665 - 1; num667 <= num665 + 1; num667++) { for (int num668 = num666 - 1; num668 <= num666 + 1; num668++) { if (Main.tile[num667, num668].wall > 0) { flag49 = true; } } } if (!flag49) { if (this.type == 237) { this.Transform(236); return; } if (this.type == 238) { this.Transform(163); return; } if (this.type == 240) { this.Transform(239); return; } this.Transform(164); return; } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 41) { if ([2] > 1f) {[2] -= 1f; } if ([2] == 0f) {[0] = -100f;[2] = 1f; this.TargetClosest(true); this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } if (this.wet && this.type != 177) { if (this.collideX) { this.direction *= -this.direction; this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } if (this.collideY) { this.TargetClosest(true); if (this.oldVelocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = 5f; } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 2f; } this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } if (this.velocity.Y > 4f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.95f; } this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.3f; if (this.velocity.Y < -4f) { this.velocity.Y = -4f; } } if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if ([3] == this.position.X) { this.direction *= -1;[2] = 300f; }[3] = 0f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.8f; if ((double)this.velocity.X > -0.1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } if (this.type == 177) {[0] += 2f; } else {[0] += 5f; } Vector2 vector79 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num669 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector79.X; float num670 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector79.Y; float num671 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num669 * num669 + num670 * num670)); float num672 = 400f / num671; if (this.type == 177) { num672 *= 5f; } else { num672 *= 10f; } if (num672 > 30f) { num672 = 30f; }[0] += (float)((int)num672); if ([0] >= 0f) { this.netUpdate = true; if ([2] == 1f) { this.TargetClosest(true); } if (this.type == 177) { if ([1] == 2f) { this.velocity.Y = -11.5f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 2f * (float)this.direction; if (num671 < 350f && num671 > 200f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)this.direction; }[0] = -200f;[1] = 0f;[3] = this.position.X; } else { this.velocity.Y = -7.5f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)(4 * this.direction); if (num671 < 350f && num671 > 200f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)this.direction; }[0] = -120f;[1] += 1f; } } else { if ([1] == 3f) { this.velocity.Y = -9f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)(3 * this.direction); if (num671 < 350f && num671 > 200f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)this.direction; }[0] = -200f;[1] = 0f;[3] = this.position.X; } else { this.velocity.Y = -5f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)(5 * this.direction); if (num671 < 350f && num671 > 200f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + (float)this.direction; }[0] = -120f;[1] += 1f; } } } else { if ([0] >= -30f) { this.aiAction = 1; } } this.spriteDirection = this.direction; return; } if ( < 255) { if (this.type == 177) { bool flag50 = false; if (this.position.Y + (float)this.height < Main.player[].position.Y && this.position.X + (float)this.width > Main.player[].position.X && this.position.X < Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width) { flag50 = true; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.92f; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.9f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.1f; } } if (!flag50 && ((this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 4f) || (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -4f))) { if ((this.direction == -1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) || (this.direction == 1 && (double)this.velocity.X > -0.1)) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.2f * (float)this.direction; return; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.93f; return; } } else { if ((this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 3f) || (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -3f)) { if ((this.direction == -1 && (double)this.velocity.X < 0.1) || (this.direction == 1 && (double)this.velocity.X > -0.1)) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.2f * (float)this.direction; return; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.93f; return; } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 42) { this.TargetClosest(true); if ([0] == 0f) { if ( >= 0) { Vector2 vector80 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num673 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector80.X; float num674 = Main.player[].position.Y - vector80.Y; float num675 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num673 * num673 + num674 * num674)); if (num675 < 200f && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) {[0] = 1f; } } if (this.velocity.X != 0f || this.velocity.Y < 0f || this.velocity.Y > 2f || != this.lifeMax) {[0] = 1f; return; } } else {[0] += 1f; if ([0] >= 21f) {[0] = 21f; this.Transform(196); return; } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 43) { if ( == -1 || Main.player[].dead || !Main.player[].active) { this.TargetClosest(true); } if ([0] == -1f && Main.netMode != 1) { float num676 =[1]; int num677; do { num677 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num677 == 1) { num677 = 2; } else { if (num677 == 2) { num677 = 3; } } } while ((float)num677 == num676);[0] = (float)num677;[1] = 0f;[2] = 0f; } if ([0] == 0f) { if ([1] > 4f &&[1] % 2f == 0f) {[0] = -1f;[1] = 0f;[2] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } else { if ([1] % 2f == 0f) { this.TargetClosest(true); if (Math.Abs(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - (Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2))) < 20f) { this.localAI[0] = 1f;[1] += 1f;[2] = 0f; float num678 = 12f; Vector2 vector81 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num679 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector81.X; float num680 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector81.Y; float num681 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num679 * num679 + num680 * num680)); num681 = num678 / num681; this.velocity.X = num679 * num681; this.velocity.Y = num680 * num681; this.spriteDirection = this.direction; Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); } else { this.localAI[0] = 0f; if (this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) < Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2)) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.15f; } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.15f; } if (this.velocity.Y < -12f) { this.velocity.Y = -12f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 12f) { this.velocity.Y = 12f; } if (Math.Abs(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) - (Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2))) > 600f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.15f * (float)this.direction; } else { if (Math.Abs(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) - (Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2))) < 300f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.15f * (float)this.direction; } else { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.8f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -16f) { this.velocity.X = -16f; } if (this.velocity.X > 16f) { this.velocity.X = 16f; } this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.direction = -1; } else { this.direction = 1; } this.spriteDirection = this.direction; int num682 = 1; if (this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) < Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2)) { num682 = -1; } if (this.direction == num682 && Math.Abs(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) - (Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2))) > 600f) {[2] = 1f; } if ([2] == 1f) { this.TargetClosest(true); this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.localAI[0] = 0f; this.velocity *= 0.9f; if ((double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y)) < 0.1) {[2] = 0f;[1] += 1f; } } else { this.localAI[0] = 1f; } } } } if ([0] == 2f) { this.TargetClosest(true); this.spriteDirection = this.direction; float num683 = 12f; float num684 = 0.07f; Vector2 vector82 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num685 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector82.X; float num686 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - 200f - vector82.Y; float num687 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num685 * num685 + num686 * num686)); if (num687 < 200f) {[0] = 1f;[1] = 0f; this.netUpdate = true; } else { num687 = num683 / num687; if (this.velocity.X < num685) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num684; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num685 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num684; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num685) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num684; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num685 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num684; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num686) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num684; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num686 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num684; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num686) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num684; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num686 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num684; } } } } } if ([0] == 1f) { this.localAI[0] = 0f; this.TargetClosest(true); Vector2 vector83 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) + (float)(Main.rand.Next(20) * this.direction), this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.8f); Vector2 vector84 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num688 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector84.X; float num689 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector84.Y; float num690 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num688 * num688 + num689 * num689)); if (Collision.CanHit(vector83, 1, 1, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) {[1] += 1f; if ([1] > 40f) {[1] = 0f;[2] += 1f; Main.PlaySound(3, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); if (Main.netMode != 1) { int num691 = Main.rand.Next(210, 212); int num692 = NPC.NewNPC((int)vector83.X, (int)vector83.Y, num691, 0); Main.npc[num692].velocity.X = (float)Main.rand.Next(-200, 201) * 0.002f; Main.npc[num692].velocity.Y = (float)Main.rand.Next(-200, 201) * 0.002f; Main.npc[num692].localAI[0] = 60f; Main.npc[num692].netUpdate = true; } } } if (num690 > 400f || !Collision.CanHit(new Vector2(vector83.X, vector83.Y - 30f), 1, 1, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { float num693 = 14f; float num694 = 0.1f; vector84 = vector83; num688 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector84.X; num689 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector84.Y; num690 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num688 * num688 + num689 * num689)); num690 = num693 / num690; if (this.velocity.X < num688) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num694; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num688 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num694; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num688) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num694; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num688 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num694; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num689) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num694; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num689 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num694; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num689) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num694; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num689 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num694; } } } } else { this.velocity *= 0.9f; } this.spriteDirection = this.direction; if ([2] > 5f) {[0] = -1f;[1] = 1f; this.netUpdate = true; } } if ([0] == 3f) { float num695 = 4f; float num696 = 0.05f; Vector2 vector85 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) + (float)(Main.rand.Next(20) * this.direction), this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.8f); Vector2 vector86 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num697 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector86.X; float num698 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - 300f - vector86.Y; float num699 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num697 * num697 + num698 * num698));[1] += 1f; if ([1] % 40f == 39f && this.position.Y + (float)this.height < Main.player[].position.Y && Collision.CanHit(vector85, 1, 1, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { Main.PlaySound(2, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 17); if (Main.netMode != 1) { float num700 = 8f; float num701 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector85.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(-80, 81); float num702 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector85.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(-40, 41); float num703 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num701 * num701 + num702 * num702)); num703 = num700 / num703; num701 *= num703; num702 *= num703; int num704 = 11; int num705 = 55; int num706 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector85.X, vector85.Y, num701, num702, num705, num704, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num706].timeLeft = 300; } } if (!Collision.CanHit(new Vector2(vector85.X, vector85.Y - 30f), 1, 1, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { num695 = 14f; num696 = 0.1f; vector86 = vector85; num697 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2) - vector86.X; num698 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[].height / 2) - vector86.Y; num699 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num697 * num697 + num698 * num698)); num699 = num695 / num699; if (this.velocity.X < num697) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num696; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num697 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num696; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num697) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num696; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num697 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num696; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num698) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num696; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num698 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num696; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num698) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num696; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num698 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num696; } } } } else { if (num699 > 100f) { this.TargetClosest(true); this.spriteDirection = this.direction; num699 = num695 / num699; if (this.velocity.X < num697) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num696; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num697 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num696 * 2f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num697) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num696; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num697 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num696 * 2f; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num698) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num696; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num698 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num696 * 2f; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num698) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num696; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num698 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num696 * 2f; } } } } } if ([1] > 800f) {[0] = -1f;[1] = 3f; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 44) { this.noGravity = true; if (this.collideX) { this.velocity.X = this.oldVelocity.X * -0.5f; if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > 0f && this.velocity.X < 2f) { this.velocity.X = 2f; } if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 0f && this.velocity.X > -2f) { this.velocity.X = -2f; } } if (this.collideY) { this.velocity.Y = this.oldVelocity.Y * -0.5f; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && this.velocity.Y < 1f) { this.velocity.Y = 1f; } if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && this.velocity.Y > -1f) { this.velocity.Y = -1f; } } this.TargetClosest(true); float num707 = 0.05f; float num708 = 3f; float num709 = Math.Abs(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) - (Main.player[].position.X + (float)(Main.player[].width / 2))); float num710 = Main.player[].position.Y - (float)(this.height / 2); if (num709 > 30f) { if (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > -num708) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num707; if (this.velocity.X > num708) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num707; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num707 / 2f; } } if (this.velocity.X < -num708) { this.velocity.X = -num708; } } else { if (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < num708) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num707; if (this.velocity.X < -num708) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num707; } else { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num707 / 2f; } } if (this.velocity.X > num708) { this.velocity.X = num708; } } } } if (num709 > 100f) { num710 -= 50f; } if (this.position.Y < num710) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.01f; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.01f; } } else { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.01f; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - 0.01f; } } if (this.velocity.Y < -1f) { this.velocity.Y = -1f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 1f) { this.velocity.Y = 1f; return; } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 45) { NPC.golemBoss = this.whoAmI; if (this.localAI[0] == 0f && Main.netMode != 1) { this.localAI[0] = 1f; NPC.NewNPC((int) - 84, (int) - 9, 247, 0); NPC.NewNPC((int) + 78, (int) - 9, 248, 0); NPC.NewNPC((int) - 3, (int) - 57, 246, 0); } if (this.alpha > 0) { this.alpha -= 10; if (this.alpha < 0) { this.alpha = 0; }[1] = 0f; } bool flag51 = false; bool flag52 = false; bool flag53 = false; this.dontTakeDamage = false; for (int num711 = 0; num711 < 200; num711++) { if (Main.npc[num711].active && Main.npc[num711].type == 246) { flag51 = true; } if (Main.npc[num711].active && Main.npc[num711].type == 247) { flag52 = true; } if (Main.npc[num711].active && Main.npc[num711].type == 248) { flag53 = true; } } this.dontTakeDamage = flag51; if (!flag52) { int num712 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2( - 80f, - 9f), 8, 8, 31, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num712].alpha += Main.rand.Next(100); Main.dust[num712].velocity *= 0.2f; Dust expr_2B011_cp_0 = Main.dust[num712]; expr_2B011_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_2B011_cp_0.velocity.Y - (0.5f + (float)Main.rand.Next(10) * 0.1f); Main.dust[num712].fadeIn = 0.5f + (float)Main.rand.Next(10) * 0.1f; if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { num712 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2( - 80f, - 9f), 8, 8, 6, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); if (Main.rand.Next(20) != 0) { Main.dust[num712].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num712].scale *= 1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(10) * 0.1f; Dust expr_2B11C_cp_0 = Main.dust[num712]; expr_2B11C_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_2B11C_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; } } } if (!flag53) { int num713 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2( + 62f, - 9f), 8, 8, 31, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num713].alpha += Main.rand.Next(100); Main.dust[num713].velocity *= 0.2f; Dust expr_2B1D9_cp_0 = Main.dust[num713]; expr_2B1D9_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_2B1D9_cp_0.velocity.Y - (0.5f + (float)Main.rand.Next(10) * 0.1f); Main.dust[num713].fadeIn = 0.5f + (float)Main.rand.Next(10) * 0.1f; if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { num713 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2( + 62f, - 9f), 8, 8, 6, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); if (Main.rand.Next(20) != 0) { Main.dust[num713].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num713].scale *= 1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(10) * 0.1f; Dust expr_2B2E4_cp_0 = Main.dust[num713]; expr_2B2E4_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_2B2E4_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; } } } if ([0] == 0f) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.8f;[1] += 1f; if ([1] > 0f) { if (!flag52) {[1] += 2f; } if (!flag53) {[1] += 2f; } if (!flag51) {[1] += 4f; } if ( < this.lifeMax) {[1] += 2f; } if ( < this.lifeMax / 2) {[1] += 4f; } if ( < this.lifeMax / 3) {[1] += 8f; } } if ([1] >= 300f) {[1] = -20f; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { if ([1] == -1f) { this.TargetClosest(true); this.velocity.X = (float)(4 * this.direction); this.velocity.Y = -12.1f;[0] = 1f;[1] = 0f; } } } } else { if ([0] == 1f) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { Main.PlaySound(2, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 14);[0] = 0f; for (int num714 = (int)this.position.X - 20; num714 < (int)this.position.X + this.width + 40; num714 += 20) { for (int num715 = 0; num715 < 4; num715++) { int num716 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X - 20f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height), this.width + 20, 4, 31, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num716].velocity *= 0.2f; } int num717 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2((float)(num714 - 20), this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 8f), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num717].velocity *= 0.4f; } } else { this.TargetClosest(true); if (this.position.X < Main.player[].position.X && this.position.X + (float)this.width > Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.2f; } else { if (this.direction < 0) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.2f; } else { if (this.direction > 0) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.2f; } } float num718 = 3f; if ( < this.lifeMax) { num718 += 1f; } if ( < this.lifeMax / 2) { num718 += 1f; } if ( < this.lifeMax / 4) { num718 += 1f; } if (this.velocity.X < -num718) { this.velocity.X = -num718; } if (this.velocity.X > num718) { this.velocity.X = num718; } } } } } if ( <= 0 || == 255 || Main.player[].dead) { this.TargetClosest(true); } int num719 = 3000; if (Math.Abs( - Main.player[].center().X) + Math.Abs( - Main.player[].center().Y) > (float)num719) { this.TargetClosest(true); if (Math.Abs( - Main.player[].center().X) + Math.Abs( - Main.player[].center().Y) > (float)num719) { = false; return; } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 46) { if (NPC.golemBoss < 0) { this.StrikeNPC(9999, 0f, 0, false, false); return; } this.noTileCollide = false; float num720 = 12f; Vector2 vector87 = new Vector2(,; float num721 = Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].center().X - vector87.X; float num722 = Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].center().Y - vector87.Y; num722 -= 57f; num721 -= 3f; float num723 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num721 * num721 + num722 * num722)); if (num723 < 20f) { this.rotation = 0f; this.velocity.X = num721; this.velocity.Y = num722; } else { num723 = num720 / num723; this.velocity.X = num721 * num723; this.velocity.Y = num722 * num723; this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.1f; } if (this.alpha > 0) { this.alpha -= 10; if (this.alpha < 0) { this.alpha = 0; }[1] = 30f; } if ([0] == 0f) {[1] += 1f; int num724 = 300; if ([1] < 20f ||[1] > (float)(num724 - 20)) { this.localAI[0] = 1f; } else { this.localAI[0] = 0f; } if ([1] >= (float)num724) { this.TargetClosest(true);[1] = 0f; Vector2 vector88 = new Vector2(, + 10f); float num725 = 8f; float num726 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector88.X; float num727 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector88.Y; float num728 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num726 * num726 + num727 * num727)); num728 = num725 / num728; num726 *= num728; num727 *= num728; int num729 = 18; int num730 = 258; if (Main.netMode != 1) { Projectile.NewProjectile(vector88.X, vector88.Y, num726, num727, num730, num729, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } } } else { if ([0] == 1f) { this.TargetClosest(true); Vector2 vector89 = new Vector2(, + 10f); if (Main.player[].center().X < - (float)this.width) { this.localAI[1] = -1f; vector89.X -= 40f; } else { if (Main.player[].center().X > + (float)this.width) { this.localAI[1] = 1f; vector89.X += 40f; } else { this.localAI[1] = 0f; } }[1] += 1f; if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.4) {[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.3) {[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.2) {[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.1) {[1] += 1f; } int num731 = 300; if ([1] < 20f ||[1] > (float)(num731 - 20)) { this.localAI[0] = 1f; } else { this.localAI[0] = 0f; } if ([1] >= (float)num731) { this.TargetClosest(true);[1] = 0f; float num732 = 8f; float num733 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector89.X; float num734 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector89.Y; float num735 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num733 * num733 + num734 * num734)); num735 = num732 / num735; num733 *= num735; num734 *= num735; int num736 = 24; int num737 = 258; if (Main.netMode != 1) { Projectile.NewProjectile(vector89.X, vector89.Y, num733, num734, num737, num736, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } }[2] += 1f; if ( < this.lifeMax / 3) {[2] += 1f; } if ( < this.lifeMax / 4) {[2] += 1f; } if ( < this.lifeMax / 5) {[2] += 1f; } if ([2] > (float)(60 + Main.rand.Next(600))) {[2] = 0f; if (this.localAI[1] != 0f) { vector89 = new Vector2(, - 22f); if (this.localAI[1] == -1f) { vector89.X -= 30f; } else { if (this.localAI[1] == 1f) { vector89.X += 30f; } } float num738 = 12f; float num739 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector89.X; float num740 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector89.Y; float num741 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num739 * num739 + num740 * num740)); num741 = num738 / num741; num739 *= num741; num740 *= num741; int num742 = 29; int num743 = 259; vector89.X += num739 * 3f; vector89.Y += num740 * 3f; if (Main.netMode != 1) { int num744 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector89.X, vector89.Y, num739, num740, num743, num742, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num744].timeLeft = 300; } } } } } if ( < this.lifeMax / 2) {[0] = 1f; return; }[0] = 0f; return; } else { if (this.aiStyle == 47) { if (NPC.golemBoss < 0) { this.StrikeNPC(9999, 0f, 0, false, false); return; } if (this.alpha > 0) { this.alpha -= 10; if (this.alpha < 0) { this.alpha = 0; }[1] = 0f; } if ([0] == 0f) { this.noTileCollide = true; float num745 = 8f; if ( < this.lifeMax / 2) { num745 += 2f; } if ( < this.lifeMax / 4) { num745 += 2f; } if (Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].life < Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].lifeMax) { num745 += 8f; } Vector2 vector90 = new Vector2(,; float num746 = Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].center().X - vector90.X; float num747 = Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].center().Y - vector90.Y; num747 -= 9f; if (this.type == 247) { num746 -= 84f; } else { num746 += 78f; } float num748 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num746 * num746 + num747 * num747)); if (num748 < 12f + num745) { this.rotation = 0f; this.velocity.X = num746; this.velocity.Y = num747;[1] += 1f; if ( < this.lifeMax / 2) {[1] += 1f; } if ( < this.lifeMax / 4) {[1] += 1f; } if (Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].life < Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].lifeMax) {[1] += 10f; } if ([1] >= 60f) { this.TargetClosest(true); if ((this.type == 247 && + 100f > Main.player[].center().X) || (this.type == 248 && - 100f < Main.player[].center().X)) {[1] = 0f;[0] = 1f; return; }[1] = 0f; return; } } else { num748 = num745 / num748; this.velocity.X = num746 * num748; this.velocity.Y = num747 * num748; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)(-(double)this.velocity.Y), (double)(-(double)this.velocity.X)); if (this.type == 247) { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X); return; } } } else { if ([0] == 1f) { this.noTileCollide = false; float num749 = 10f; if ( < this.lifeMax / 2) { num749 += 4f; } if ( < this.lifeMax / 4) { num749 += 4f; } if (Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].life < Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].lifeMax) { num749 += 10f; } Vector2 vector91 = new Vector2(,; float num750 = Main.player[].center().X - vector91.X; float num751 = Main.player[].center().Y - vector91.Y; float num752 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num750 * num750 + num751 * num751)); num752 = num749 / num752; this.velocity.X = num750 * num752; this.velocity.Y = num751 * num752;[0] = 2f; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X); if (this.type == 247) { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)(-(double)this.velocity.Y), (double)(-(double)this.velocity.X)); return; } } else { if ([0] == 2f) { Vector2 vector92 = new Vector2(,; float num753 = Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].center().X - vector92.X; float num754 = Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].center().Y - vector92.Y; num753 += Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].velocity.X; num754 += Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].velocity.Y; num754 -= 9f; if (this.type == 247) { num753 -= 84f; } else { num753 += 78f; } float num755 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num753 * num753 + num754 * num754)); if (Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].life < Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].lifeMax) { this.knockBackResist = 0f; if (num755 > 700f || this.collideX || this.collideY) { this.noTileCollide = true;[0] = 0f; return; } } else { if (num755 > 600f || this.collideX || this.collideY || this.justHit) { this.noTileCollide = true;[0] = 0f; return; } } } else { if ([0] == 3f) { this.noTileCollide = true; float num756 = 12f; float num757 = 0.4f; Vector2 vector93 = new Vector2(,; float num758 = Main.player[].center().X - vector93.X; float num759 = Main.player[].center().Y - vector93.Y; float num760 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num758 * num758 + num759 * num759)); num760 = num756 / num760; num758 *= num760; num759 *= num760; if (this.velocity.X < num758) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num757; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num758 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num757 * 2f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num758) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num757; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num758 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num757 * 2f; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num759) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num757; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num759 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num757 * 2f; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num759) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num757; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num759 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num757 * 2f; } } } this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X); if (this.type == 247) { this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)(-(double)this.velocity.Y), (double)(-(double)this.velocity.X)); return; } } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 48) { if (NPC.golemBoss < 0) { this.StrikeNPC(9999, 0f, 0, false, false); return; } this.TargetClosest(true); float num761 = 7f; float num762 = 0.05f; Vector2 vector94 = new Vector2(,; float num763 = Main.player[].center().X - vector94.X; float num764 = Main.player[].center().Y - vector94.Y - 300f; float num765 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num763 * num763 + num764 * num764)); num765 = num761 / num765; num763 *= num765; num764 *= num765; if (this.velocity.X < num763) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num762; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num763 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num762; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num763) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num762; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num763 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num762; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num764) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num762; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num764 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num762; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num764) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num762; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num764 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num762; } } }[1] += 1f; if ((double)Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].life < (double)Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].lifeMax * 0.8) {[1] += 1f; } if ((double)Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].life < (double)Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].lifeMax * 0.6) {[1] += 1f; } if ((double)Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].life < (double)Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].lifeMax * 0.4) {[1] += 1f; } if ((double)Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].life < (double)Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].lifeMax * 0.2) {[1] += 1f; } int num766 = 300; if ([1] < 20f ||[1] > (float)(num766 - 20)) { this.localAI[0] = 1f; } else { this.localAI[0] = 0f; } if ([1] >= (float)num766) { this.TargetClosest(true);[1] = 0f; Vector2 vector95 = new Vector2(, - 10f); float num767 = 8f; float num768 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector95.X; float num769 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector95.Y; float num770 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num768 * num768 + num769 * num769)); num770 = num767 / num770; num768 *= num770; num769 *= num770; int num771 = 20; int num772 = 258; if (Main.netMode != 1) { Projectile.NewProjectile(vector95.X, vector95.Y, num768, num769, num772, num771, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); } } if (Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].life < Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].lifeMax / 2) {[2] += 1f; } if (Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].life < Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].lifeMax / 3) {[2] += 1f; } if (Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].life < Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].lifeMax / 4) {[2] += 1f; } if (Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].life < Main.npc[NPC.golemBoss].lifeMax / 5) {[2] += 1f; } if ([2] > (float)(80 + Main.rand.Next(1200))) {[2] = 0f; for (int num773 = 0; num773 < 2; num773++) { Vector2 vector96 = new Vector2(, - 50f); if (num773 == 0) { vector96.X -= 14f; } else { if (num773 == 1) { vector96.X += 14f; } } float num774 = 12f; float num775 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector96.X; float num776 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector96.Y; float num777 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num775 * num775 + num776 * num776)); num777 = num774 / num777; num775 *= num777; num776 *= num777; int num778 = 25; int num779 = 259; vector96.X += num775 * 3f; vector96.Y += num776 * 3f; if (Main.netMode != 1) { int num780 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector96.X, vector96.Y, num775, num776, num779, num778, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); Main.projectile[num780].timeLeft = 300; } } return; } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 49) { this.noGravity = true; this.TargetClosest(true); float num781 = 4f; float num782 = 0.25f; Vector2 vector97 = new Vector2(,; float num783 = Main.player[].center().X - vector97.X; float num784 = Main.player[].center().Y - vector97.Y - 200f; float num785 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num783 * num783 + num784 * num784)); if (num785 < 20f) { num783 = this.velocity.X; num784 = this.velocity.Y; } else { num785 = num781 / num785; num783 *= num785; num784 *= num785; } if (this.velocity.X < num783) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num782; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num783 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num782 * 2f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num783) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num782; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num783 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num782 * 2f; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num784) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num782; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num784 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num782 * 2f; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num784) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num782; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num784 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num782 * 2f; } } } if (this.position.X + (float)this.width > Main.player[].position.X && this.position.X < Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width && this.position.Y + (float)this.height < Main.player[].position.Y && Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height) && Main.netMode != 1) {[0] += 1f; if ([0] > 8f) {[0] = 0f; int num786 = (int)(this.position.X + 10f + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width - 20)); int num787 = (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height + 4f); Projectile.NewProjectile((float)num786, (float)num787, 0f, 5f, 264, 20, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); return; } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 50) { if (this.timeLeft > 5) { this.timeLeft = 5; } this.noTileCollide = true; this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + 0.02f; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.99f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 1f) { this.velocity.Y = 1f; } this.TargetClosest(true); if (this.position.X + (float)this.width < Main.player[].position.X) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.98f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + 0.1f; } else { if (this.position.X > Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.98f; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - 0.1f; } } if (this.velocity.X > 5f || this.velocity.X < -5f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.97f; } this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.2f; return; } if (this.aiStyle == 51) { this.TargetClosest(true); if (Main.netMode != 1) { int num788 = 6000; if (Math.Abs( - Main.player[].center().X) + Math.Abs( - Main.player[].center().Y) > (float)num788) { = false; = 0; if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", this.whoAmI, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } } NPC.plantBoss = this.whoAmI; if (this.localAI[0] == 0f && Main.netMode != 1) { this.localAI[0] = 1f; NPC.NewNPC((int), (int), 263, this.whoAmI); NPC.NewNPC((int), (int), 263, this.whoAmI); NPC.NewNPC((int), (int), 263, this.whoAmI); } int[] array = new int[3]; float num789 = 0f; float num790 = 0f; int num791 = 0; for (int num792 = 0; num792 < 200; num792++) { if (Main.npc[num792].active && Main.npc[num792].aiStyle == 52) { num789 += Main.npc[num792].center().X; num790 += Main.npc[num792].center().Y; array[num791] = num792; num791++; if (num791 > 2) { break; } } } num789 /= (float)num791; num790 /= (float)num791; float num793 = 2.5f; float num794 = 0.025f; if ( < this.lifeMax / 2) { num793 = 5f; num794 = 0.05f; } if ( < this.lifeMax / 4) { num793 = 7f; } if (!Main.player[].zoneJungle || (double)Main.player[].position.Y < Main.worldSurface / 16.0 || Main.player[].position.Y > (float)(Main.maxTilesY / 16 - 300)) { num793 += 4f; } Vector2 vector98 = new Vector2(num789, num790); float num795 = Main.player[].center().X - vector98.X; float num796 = Main.player[].center().Y - vector98.Y; float num797 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num795 * num795 + num796 * num796)); int num798 = 500; if (num797 >= (float)num798) { num797 = (float)num798 / num797; num795 *= num797; num796 *= num797; } num789 += num795; num790 += num796; vector98 = new Vector2(,; num795 = num789 - vector98.X; num796 = num790 - vector98.Y; num797 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num795 * num795 + num796 * num796)); if (num797 < num793) { num795 = this.velocity.X; num796 = this.velocity.Y; } else { num797 = num793 / num797; num795 *= num797; num796 *= num797; } if (this.velocity.X < num795) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num794; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num795 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num794 * 2f; } } else { if (this.velocity.X > num795) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num794; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num795 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num794 * 2f; } } } if (this.velocity.Y < num796) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num794; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num796 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num794 * 2f; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > num796) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num794; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num796 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num794 * 2f; } } } Vector2 vector99 = new Vector2(,; float num799 = Main.player[].center().X - vector99.X; float num800 = Main.player[].center().Y - vector99.Y; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num800, (double)num799) + 1.57f; if ( > this.lifeMax / 2) { this.defense = 36; this.damage = 50; if (Main.netMode != 1) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.9) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.8) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.7) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.6) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if (this.localAI[1] > 80f) { this.localAI[1] = 0f; if (Collision.CanHit(this.position, this.width, this.height, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { Vector2 vector100 = new Vector2(,; float num801 = 15f; float num802 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector100.X; float num803 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector100.Y; float num804 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num802 * num802 + num803 * num803)); num804 = num801 / num804; num802 *= num804; num803 *= num804; int num805 = 22; int num806 = 275; if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.8 && Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { num805 = 27; this.localAI[1] = -30f; num806 = 276; } else { if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.8 && Main.rand.Next(8) == 0) { num805 = 31; this.localAI[1] = -120f; num806 = 277; } } vector100.X += num802 * 3f; vector100.Y += num803 * 3f; int num807 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector100.X, vector100.Y, num802, num803, num806, num805, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f); if (num806 != 277) { Main.projectile[num807].timeLeft = 300; return; } } } } } else { this.defense = 10; this.damage = 70; if (this.localAI[0] == 1f && Main.netMode != 1) { this.localAI[0] = 2f; for (int num808 = 0; num808 < 8; num808++) { NPC.NewNPC((int), (int), 264, this.whoAmI); } } if (this.localAI[2] == 0f) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 378, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 379, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 380, this.scale); this.localAI[2] = 1f; } this.localAI[1] += 1f; if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.4) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.3) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.2) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.1) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; } if (this.localAI[1] >= 350f) { float num809 = 8f; Vector2 vector101 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)this.width * 0.5f, this.position.Y + (float)this.height * 0.5f); float num810 = Main.player[].position.X + (float)Main.player[].width * 0.5f - vector101.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11); float num811 = Math.Abs(num810 * 0.2f); float num812 = Main.player[].position.Y + (float)Main.player[].height * 0.5f - vector101.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11); if (num812 > 0f) { num811 = 0f; } num812 -= num811; float num813 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num810 * num810 + num812 * num812)); num813 = num809 / num813; num810 *= num813; num812 *= num813; int num814 = NPC.NewNPC((int), (int), 265, 0); Main.npc[num814].velocity.X = num810; Main.npc[num814].velocity.Y = num812; Main.npc[num814].netUpdate = true; this.localAI[1] = 0f; return; } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 52) { if (NPC.plantBoss < 0) { this.StrikeNPC(9999, 0f, 0, false, false); this.netUpdate = true; return; } if (Main.netMode == 1) { if ([0] == 0f) {[0] = (float)((int)( / 16f)); } if ([1] == 0f) {[1] = (float)((int)( / 16f)); } } if (Main.netMode != 1) { if ([0] == 0f ||[1] == 0f) { this.localAI[0] = 0f; } this.localAI[0] -= 1f; if (Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].life < Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].lifeMax / 2) { this.localAI[0] -= 2f; } if (Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].life < Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].lifeMax / 4) { this.localAI[0] -= 2f; } if (!Main.player[Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].target].zoneJungle || (double)Main.player[Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].target].position.Y < Main.worldSurface / 16.0 || Main.player[Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].target].position.Y > (float)(Main.maxTilesY / 16 - 300)) { this.localAI[0] -= 4f; } if (this.localAI[0] <= 0f &&[0] != 0f) { for (int num815 = 0; num815 < 200; num815++) { if (num815 != this.whoAmI && Main.npc[num815].active && Main.npc[num815].type == this.type && (Main.npc[num815].velocity.X != 0f || Main.npc[num815].velocity.Y != 0f)) { this.localAI[0] = (float)Main.rand.Next(60, 300); } } } if (this.localAI[0] <= 0f) { this.localAI[0] = (float)Main.rand.Next(300, 600); bool flag54 = false; int num816 = 0; while (!flag54 && num816 <= 1000) { num816++; int num817 = (int)(Main.player[Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].target].center().X / 16f); int num818 = (int)(Main.player[Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].target].center().Y / 16f); if ([0] == 0f) { num817 = (int)((Main.player[Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].target].center().X + Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].center().X) / 32f); num818 = (int)((Main.player[Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].target].center().Y + Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].center().Y) / 32f); } int num819 = 20; num819 += (int)(100f * ((float)num816 / 1000f)); int num820 = num817 + Main.rand.Next(-num819, num819 + 1); int num821 = num818 + Main.rand.Next(-num819, num819 + 1); if (Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].life < Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].lifeMax / 2 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { this.TargetClosest(true); int num822 = (int)(Main.player[].center().X / 16f); int num823 = (int)(Main.player[].center().Y / 16f); if (Main.tile[num822, num823].wall > 0) { num820 = num822; num821 = num823; } } if (WorldGen.SolidTile(num820, num821) || (Main.tile[num820, num821].wall > 0 && (num816 > 500 || Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].life < Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].lifeMax / 2))) { flag54 = true;[0] = (float)num820;[1] = (float)num821; this.netUpdate = true; } } } } if ([0] > 0f &&[1] > 0f) { float num824 = 6f; if (Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].life < Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].lifeMax / 2) { num824 = 8f; } if (Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].life < Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].lifeMax / 4) { num824 = 10f; } if (!Main.player[Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].target].zoneJungle || (double)Main.player[Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].target].position.Y < Main.worldSurface / 16.0 || Main.player[Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].target].position.Y > (float)(Main.maxTilesY / 16 - 300)) { num824 += 6f; } Vector2 vector102 = new Vector2(,; float num825 =[0] * 16f - 8f - vector102.X; float num826 =[1] * 16f - 8f - vector102.Y; float num827 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num825 * num825 + num826 * num826)); if (num827 < 12f + num824) { this.velocity.X = num825; this.velocity.Y = num826; } else { num827 = num824 / num827; this.velocity.X = num825 * num827; this.velocity.Y = num826 * num827; } Vector2 vector103 = new Vector2(,; float num828 = Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].center().X - vector103.X; float num829 = Main.npc[NPC.plantBoss].center().Y - vector103.Y; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num829, (double)num828) - 1.57f; return; } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 53) { if (NPC.plantBoss < 0) { this.StrikeNPC(9999, 0f, 0, false, false); this.netUpdate = true; return; } int num830 = NPC.plantBoss; if (Main.netMode != 1) { this.localAI[0] -= 1f; if (this.localAI[0] <= 0f) { this.localAI[0] = (float)Main.rand.Next(120, 480);[0] = (float)Main.rand.Next(-100, 101);[1] = (float)Main.rand.Next(-100, 101); this.netUpdate = true; } } this.TargetClosest(true); float num831 = 0.2f; float num832 = 200f; if ((double)Main.npc[num830].life < (double)Main.npc[num830].lifeMax * 0.25) { num832 += 100f; } if ((double)Main.npc[num830].life < (double)Main.npc[num830].lifeMax * 0.1) { num832 += 100f; } if (!Main.npc[num830].active || NPC.plantBoss < 0) { = false; return; } float num833 = Main.npc[num830].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[num830].width / 2); float num834 = Main.npc[num830].position.Y + (float)(Main.npc[num830].height / 2); Vector2 vector104 = new Vector2(num833, num834); float num835 = num833 +[0]; float num836 = num834 +[1]; float num837 = num835 - vector104.X; float num838 = num836 - vector104.Y; float num839 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num837 * num837 + num838 * num838)); num839 = num832 / num839; num837 *= num839; num838 *= num839; if (this.position.X < num833 + num837) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num831; if (this.velocity.X < 0f && num837 > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; } } else { if (this.position.X > num833 + num837) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num831; if (this.velocity.X > 0f && num837 < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.9f; } } } if (this.position.Y < num834 + num838) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num831; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f && num838 > 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.9f; } } else { if (this.position.Y > num834 + num838) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y - num831; if (this.velocity.Y > 0f && num838 < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 0.9f; } } } if (this.velocity.X > 8f) { this.velocity.X = 8f; } if (this.velocity.X < -8f) { this.velocity.X = -8f; } if (this.velocity.Y > 8f) { this.velocity.Y = 8f; } if (this.velocity.Y < -8f) { this.velocity.Y = -8f; } if (num837 > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num838, (double)num837); } if (num837 < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num838, (double)num837) + 3.14f; return; } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 54) { NPC.crimsonBoss = this.whoAmI; if (Main.netMode != 1 && this.localAI[0] == 0f) { this.localAI[0] = 1f; for (int num840 = 0; num840 < 20; num840++) { float num841 =; float num842 =; num841 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-this.width, this.width); num842 += (float)Main.rand.Next(-this.height, this.height); int num843 = NPC.NewNPC((int)num841, (int)num842, 267, 0); Main.npc[num843].velocity = new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.1f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.1f); Main.npc[num843].netUpdate = true; } } if (Main.netMode != 1) { this.TargetClosest(true); int num844 = 6000; if (Math.Abs( - Main.player[].center().X) + Math.Abs( - Main.player[].center().Y) > (float)num844) { = false; = 0; if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", this.whoAmI, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } } if ([0] < 0f) { if (this.localAI[2] == 0f) { Main.PlaySound(3, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); this.localAI[2] = 1f; Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 392, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 393, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 394, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 395, 1f); for (int num845 = 0; num845 < 20; num845++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); } this.dontTakeDamage = false; this.knockBackResist = 0.5f; this.TargetClosest(true); Vector2 vector105 = new Vector2(,; float num846 = Main.player[].center().X - vector105.X; float num847 = Main.player[].center().Y - vector105.Y; float num848 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num846 * num846 + num847 * num847)); float num849 = 8f; num848 = num849 / num848; num846 *= num848; num847 *= num848; this.velocity.X = (this.velocity.X * 50f + num846) / 51f; this.velocity.Y = (this.velocity.Y * 50f + num847) / 51f; if ([0] == -1f) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { this.localAI[1] += 1f; if (this.localAI[1] >= (float)(60 + Main.rand.Next(120))) { this.localAI[1] = 0f; this.TargetClosest(true); int num850 = 0; int num851; int num852; while (true) { num850++; num851 = (int)Main.player[].center().X / 16; num852 = (int)Main.player[].center().Y / 16; if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num851 += Main.rand.Next(7, 13); } else { num851 -= Main.rand.Next(7, 13); } if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num852 += Main.rand.Next(7, 13); } else { num852 -= Main.rand.Next(7, 13); } if (!WorldGen.SolidTile(num851, num852)) { break; } if (num850 > 100) { return; } }[0] = -2f;[1] = (float)num851;[2] = (float)num852; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } } else { if ([0] == -2f) { this.velocity *= 0.9f; this.alpha += 25; if (this.alpha >= 255) { this.alpha = 255; this.position.X =[1] * 16f - (float)(this.width / 2); this.position.Y =[2] * 16f - (float)(this.height / 2); Main.PlaySound(2, (int), (int), 8);[0] = -3f; return; } } else { if ([0] == -3f) { this.alpha -= 25; if (this.alpha <= 0) { this.alpha = 0;[0] = -1f; return; } } } } } else { this.TargetClosest(true); Vector2 vector106 = new Vector2(,; float num853 = Main.player[].center().X - vector106.X; float num854 = Main.player[].center().Y - vector106.Y; float num855 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num853 * num853 + num854 * num854)); float num856 = 1f; if (num855 < num856) { this.velocity.X = num853; this.velocity.Y = num854; } else { num855 = num856 / num855; this.velocity.X = num853 * num855; this.velocity.Y = num854 * num855; } if ([0] == 0f) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { int num857 = 0; for (int num858 = 0; num858 < 200; num858++) { if (Main.npc[num858].active && Main.npc[num858].type == 267) { num857++; } } if (num857 == 0) {[0] = -1f; this.localAI[1] = 0f; this.alpha = 0; this.netUpdate = true; } this.localAI[1] += 1f; if (this.localAI[1] >= (float)(120 + Main.rand.Next(300))) { this.localAI[1] = 0f; this.TargetClosest(true); int num859 = 0; int num860; int num861; while (true) { num859++; num860 = (int)Main.player[].center().X / 16; num861 = (int)Main.player[].center().Y / 16; num860 += Main.rand.Next(-50, 51); num861 += Main.rand.Next(-50, 51); if (!WorldGen.SolidTile(num860, num861) && Collision.CanHit(new Vector2((float)(num860 * 16), (float)(num861 * 16)), 1, 1, Main.player[].position, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height)) { break; } if (num859 > 100) { return; } }[0] = 1f;[1] = (float)num860;[2] = (float)num861; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } } else { if ([0] == 1f) { this.alpha += 5; if (this.alpha >= 255) { Main.PlaySound(2, (int), (int), 8); this.alpha = 255; this.position.X =[1] * 16f - (float)(this.width / 2); this.position.Y =[2] * 16f - (float)(this.height / 2);[0] = 2f; return; } } else { if ([0] == 2f) { this.alpha -= 5; if (this.alpha <= 0) { this.alpha = 0;[0] = 0f; return; } } } } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 55) { if (NPC.crimsonBoss < 0) { = false; this.netUpdate = true; return; } if ([0] == 0f) { Vector2 vector107 = new Vector2(,; float num862 = Main.npc[NPC.crimsonBoss].center().X - vector107.X; float num863 = Main.npc[NPC.crimsonBoss].center().Y - vector107.Y; float num864 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num862 * num862 + num863 * num863)); if (num864 > 90f) { num864 = 8f / num864; num862 *= num864; num863 *= num864; this.velocity.X = (this.velocity.X * 15f + num862) / 16f; this.velocity.Y = (this.velocity.Y * 15f + num863) / 16f; return; } if (Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y) < 8f) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y * 1.05f; this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 1.05f; } if (Main.netMode != 1 && Main.rand.Next(200) == 0) { this.TargetClosest(true); vector107 = new Vector2(,; num862 = Main.player[].center().X - vector107.X; num863 = Main.player[].center().Y - vector107.Y; num864 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num862 * num862 + num863 * num863)); num864 = 8f / num864; this.velocity.X = num862 * num864; this.velocity.Y = num863 * num864;[0] = 1f; this.netUpdate = true; return; } } else { Vector2 vector108 = new Vector2(,; float num865 = Main.npc[NPC.crimsonBoss].center().X - vector108.X; float num866 = Main.npc[NPC.crimsonBoss].center().Y - vector108.Y; float num867 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num865 * num865 + num866 * num866)); if (num867 > 700f || this.justHit) {[0] = 0f; return; } } } else { if (this.aiStyle == 56) { this.TargetClosest(true); Vector2 vector109 = new Vector2(,; float num868 = Main.player[].center().X - vector109.X; float num869 = Main.player[].center().Y - vector109.Y; float num870 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(num868 * num868 + num869 * num869)); float num871 = 12f; num870 = num871 / num870; num868 *= num870; num869 *= num870; this.velocity.X = (this.velocity.X * 100f + num868) / 101f; this.velocity.Y = (this.velocity.Y * 100f + num869) / 101f; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)num869, (double)num868) - 1.57f; int num872 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 180, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num872].velocity *= 0.1f; Main.dust[num872].scale = 1.3f; Main.dust[num872].noGravity = true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } public void FindFrame() { int num = 1; if (!Main.dedServ) { if (!Main.NPCLoaded[this.type]) { return; } num = Main.npcTexture[this.type].Height / Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]; } int num2 = 0; if (this.aiAction == 0) { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { num2 = 2; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { num2 = 3; } else { if (this.velocity.X != 0f) { num2 = 1; } else { num2 = 0; } } } } else { if (this.aiAction == 1) { num2 = 4; } } if (this.type == 1 || this.type == 16 || this.type == 59 || this.type == 71 || this.type == 81 || this.type == 138 || this.type == 147 || this.type == 183 || this.type == 184 || this.type == 204 || this.type == 225) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (num2 > 0) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; } if (num2 == 4) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; } if (this.frameCounter >= 8.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 266) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; } if ([0] >= 0f) { if (this.frame.Y > num * 3) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } else { if (this.frame.Y < num * 4) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } if (this.frame.Y > num * 7) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } } } if (this.type == 262) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; } if ( > this.lifeMax / 2) { if (this.frame.Y > num * 3) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } else { if (this.frame.Y < num * 4) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } if (this.frame.Y > num * 7) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } } } if (this.type == 263) { if (this.velocity.X == 0f && this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.frame.Y > 0) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 4.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y - num; } } } else { if (this.frame.Y < 2) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 4.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; } } } } if (this.type == 244) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (num2 > 0) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; } if (num2 == 4) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; } if (this.frameCounter >= 8.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 289) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter < 2.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 3.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { this.frame.Y = num * 2; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } if ([3] == 1f) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num * 3; } } if (this.type == 288) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 250 || this.type == 264 || this.type == 268) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 245) { if ([0] == 0f) { if ([1] < -16f) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if ([1] < -12f) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if ([1] < -8f) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if ([1] < -4f) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { if ([1] < 0f) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } } } } else { if ([0] == 1f) { this.frame.Y = 1; } } } if (this.type == 246) { if ([0] == 0f) { if (this.localAI[0] == 1f) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { this.frame.Y = 0; } } else { if ([0] == 1f) { if (this.localAI[0] == 1f) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { this.frame.Y = 0; } if (this.localAI[1] == -1f) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num * 4; } if (this.localAI[1] == 1f) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num * 2; } } } } if (this.type == 249) { if (this.localAI[0] == 1f) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 141) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; if (this.velocity.Y != 0f) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 8.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y > num) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } if (this.type == 243) { if (this.frameCounter < 0.0) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter < -12.0) { if (this.frame.Y > num * 9) { this.frame.Y = num * 11; } } else { if (this.frameCounter < -6.0) { if (this.frame.Y > num * 9) { this.frame.Y = num * 12; } } else { if (this.frameCounter < 0.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; if (this.frame.Y > num * 9) { this.frame.Y = num * 11; } } } } } else { this.frameCounter = -18.0; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.frame.Y = num * 14; } else { this.frame.Y = num * 13; } } } else { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.frameCounter += (double)Math.Abs(this.velocity.X * 1.1f); if (this.frameCounter >= 6.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; if (this.frame.Y > num * 9) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.velocity.Y < -2f || this.velocity.Y > 5f) { this.frameCounter = -18.0; } } } if (this.type == 222) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.localAI[0] == 1f) { if (this.frameCounter > 4.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * 4) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } else { if (this.frameCounter > 4.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y < num * 4) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * 12) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } } } if (this.type == 164 || this.type == 239) { if (this.velocity.Y != 0f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { this.frame.Y = 0; } } else { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 1.1f); if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 18.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } if (this.type == 236) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } else { this.frame.Y = 0; } this.frameCounter += (double)Math.Abs(this.velocity.X); if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y > num || this.velocity.Y != 0f) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 165 || this.type == 237 || this.type == 238 || this.type == 240) { this.frameCounter += (double)((Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y)) * 0.5f); if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 18.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 24.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } if (this.type == 195) { if ([0] < 3f) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if ([0] < 6f) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if ([0] < 9f) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if ([0] < 12f) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { if ([0] < 15f) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { this.frame.Y = num * 5; } } } } } } if (this.type == 174) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if ((double)this.velocity.Y < -1.5) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if ((double)this.velocity.Y > 1.5) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } } } } if (this.type == 177) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 10.0) { this.frameCounter = 30.0; this.frame.Y = 0; } else { this.frame.Y = num; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num * 2; } } } if (this.type == 163) { if (this.velocity.Y != 0f) { this.frameCounter = -12.0; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.frame.Y = num * 5; } else { this.frame.Y = num * 6; } } else { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 1.1f); if (this.frameCounter < -6.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 6; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 0.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 7; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 18.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } } } if (this.type == 143) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.frameCounter -= 1.0; } } if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 18.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } } } if (this.frameCounter < 0.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frameCounter > 17.0) { this.frameCounter = 17.0; } } if (this.type == 144) { if (this.velocity.X == 0f && this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.localAI[3] += 1f; if (this.localAI[3] < 6f) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.localAI[3] < 12f) { this.frame.Y = num; } } if (this.localAI[3] >= 11f) { this.localAI[3] = 0f; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.frameCounter -= 1.0; } } if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 18.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } } } if (this.frameCounter < 0.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frameCounter > 17.0) { this.frameCounter = 17.0; } } } if (this.type == 145) { if (this.velocity.X == 0f && this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if ([2] < 4f) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if ([2] < 8f) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if ([2] < 12f) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if ([2] < 16f) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } } } } } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.frameCounter -= 1.0; } } if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 5; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 18.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 6; } } } if (this.frameCounter < 0.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frameCounter > 17.0) { this.frameCounter = 17.0; } } } if (this.aiStyle == 39) { if ([0] == 0f) { this.rotation = 0f; if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 1.1f); if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 18.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 24.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 32.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } } else { if ([0] == 1f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; if ([1] < 10f) { this.frame.Y = num * 5; } else { if ([1] < 20f) { this.frame.Y = num * 6; } else { this.frame.Y = num * 7; } } } else { if ([0] == 5f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; if ([1] < 10f) { this.frame.Y = num * 7; } else { if ([1] < 20f) { this.frame.Y = num * 6; } else { this.frame.Y = num * 5; } } } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num * 7; } } } } if (this.type == 50) { if (this.velocity.Y != 0f) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (num2 > 0) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; } if (num2 == 4) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; } if (this.frameCounter >= 8.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * 4) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } if (this.type == 170 || this.type == 171 || this.type == 180) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 4.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * 14) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 135) { if ([2] == 0f) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { this.frame.Y = num; } } if (this.type == 85) { if ([0] == 0f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = 0; } else { int num3 = 3; if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.frameCounter -= 1.0; } else { this.frameCounter += 1.0; } if (this.frameCounter < 0.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frameCounter > (double)(num3 * 4)) { this.frameCounter = (double)(num3 * 4); } if (this.frameCounter < (double)num3) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < (double)(num3 * 2)) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < (double)(num3 * 3)) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { if (this.frameCounter < (double)(num3 * 4)) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { if (this.frameCounter < (double)(num3 * 5)) { this.frame.Y = num * 5; } else { if (this.frameCounter < (double)(num3 * 6)) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { if (this.frameCounter < (double)(num3 * 7)) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { this.frame.Y = num * 2; if (this.frameCounter >= (double)(num3 * 8)) { this.frameCounter = (double)num3; } } } } } } } } } if ([3] == 2f) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num * 6; } else { if ([3] == 3f) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num * 12; } else { if ([3] == 4f) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num * 18; } } } } if (this.type == 113 || this.type == 114) { if ([2] == 0f) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 12.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } else { this.frame.Y = 0; this.frameCounter = -60.0; } } if (this.type == 61) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X == 0f && this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.frame.Y = 0; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter < 4.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { this.frame.Y = num * 2; if (this.frameCounter >= 7.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } if (this.type == 252) { if ((double)this.velocity.X > 0.5) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if ((double)this.velocity.X < -0.5) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X == 0f && this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.frame.Y = 0; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 4.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; } if (this.frame.Y > num * 4 || this.frame.Y == 0) { this.frame.Y = num; } } } if (this.type == 122) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.05f; if ([3] > 0f) { int num4 = (int)([3] / 8f); this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = (num4 + 3) * num; } else { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 8.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * 3) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } if (this.type == 74 || this.type == 297 || this.type == 298) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.1f; if (this.velocity.X == 0f && this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 4.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } if (this.type == 62 || this.type == 66 || this.type == 156) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.1f; this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { this.frame.Y = num; if (this.frameCounter >= 11.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } if (this.type == 63 || this.type == 64 || this.type == 103 || this.type == 242 || this.type == 256) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 18.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { this.frame.Y = num * 3; if (this.frameCounter >= 23.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } if (this.type == 221) { if (this.localAI[2] == 1f) { if (this.localAI[0] == 1f) { this.frame.Y = 0; this.localAI[0] = 0f; } this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 8.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type] - num; } } else { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 13.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } if (this.type == 2 || this.type == 23 || this.type == 121 || this.type == 169 || this.type == 190 || this.type == 191 || this.type == 192 || this.type == 193 || this.type == 194) { if (this.type == 2 || this.type == 190 || this.type == 191 || this.type == 192 || this.type == 193 || this.type == 194) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X); } if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X) + 3.14f; } } else { if (this.type == 2 || this.type == 121) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.1f; } } this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 8.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 133) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X); } if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X) + 3.14f; } this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 8.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { this.frame.Y = 0; } if (this.frameCounter >= 16.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if ((double) < (double)this.lifeMax * 0.5) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num * 2; } } if (this.type == 116) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X); } if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; this.rotation = (float)Math.Atan2((double)this.velocity.Y, (double)this.velocity.X) + 3.14f; } this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 5.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 75) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } else { this.spriteDirection = -1; } this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.1f; this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 4.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 157) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (!this.wet) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; } int num5 = 5; if (this.frameCounter < (double)num5) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < (double)(num5 * 2)) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < (double)(num5 * 3)) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < (double)(num5 * 4)) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < (double)(num5 * 5)) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { if (this.frameCounter < (double)(num5 * 6)) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { if (this.frameCounter < (double)(num5 * 7)) { this.frame.Y = num * 5; } else { if (this.frameCounter < (double)(num5 * 8)) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } } } } } if (this.type == 55 || this.type == 57 || this.type == 58 || this.type == 102 || this.type == 241) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.wet) { if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 18.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 24.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } else { if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 5; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } if (this.type == 69) { if ([0] < 190f) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 6.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type] - 1) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num * (Main.npcFrameCount[this.type] - 1); } } if (this.type == 155) { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.frame.Y = num * 6; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 0.4f); if ((this.direction > 0 && this.velocity.X < 0f) || (this.direction < 0 && this.velocity.X > 0f)) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 8.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 16.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 6; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 24.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 32.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 5; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } } } } if (this.type == 86) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f || this.wet) { if (this.velocity.X < -2f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } else { if (this.velocity.X > 2f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } else { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } } } if (this.velocity.Y != 0f) { this.frame.Y = num * 15; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) < 3f) { this.frameCounter += (double)Math.Abs(this.velocity.X); if (this.frameCounter >= 6.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; if (this.frame.Y / num >= 9) { this.frame.Y = num; } if (this.frame.Y / num <= 0) { this.frame.Y = num; } } } else { this.frameCounter += (double)Math.Abs(this.velocity.X); if (this.frameCounter >= 10.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; if (this.frame.Y / num >= 15) { this.frame.Y = num * 9; } if (this.frame.Y / num <= 8) { this.frame.Y = num * 9; } } } } } } if (this.type == 127) { if ([1] == 0f) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 12.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; if (this.frame.Y / num >= 2) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num * 2; } } if (this.type == 129) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 2.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } if (this.type == 130) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 8.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } if (this.type == 67 || this.type == 217 || this.type == 218 || this.type == 219) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 6.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } if (this.type == 220) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 10.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } if (this.type == 109) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f && ((this.velocity.X <= 0f && this.direction < 0) || (this.velocity.X >= 0f && this.direction > 0))) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; } this.frameCounter += (double)Math.Abs(this.velocity.X); if (this.frameCounter >= 7.0) { this.frameCounter -= 7.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } if (this.type == 83 || this.type == 84 || this.type == 179) { if ([0] == 2f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = 0; } else { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 4.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } } if (this.type == 72) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 3.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } if (this.type == 65) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.wet) { if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 18.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 24.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } } if (this.type == 224) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; this.rotation = this.velocity.Y * 0.2f; } if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; this.rotation = -this.velocity.Y * 0.2f; } this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * 4) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 150 || this.type == 151 || this.type == 152 || this.type == 158 || this.type == 226) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.1f; this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * 4) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 48 || this.type == 49 || this.type == 51 || this.type == 60 || this.type == 82 || this.type == 93 || this.type == 137 || this.type == 182 || this.type == 210 || this.type == 211 || this.type == 253) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.1f; if (this.type == 210 || this.type == 211) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; this.rotation = this.velocity.X * 0.2f; } this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 42 || (this.type >= 231 && this.type <= 235)) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter < 2.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 4.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 8.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } if (this.type == 205) { this.frameCounter += 0.5; if (this.frameCounter < 2.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 4.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 8.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } if (this.type == 176) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 4.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y > num) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 43 || this.type == 56 || this.type == 175) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 18.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 24.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } } } } if (this.frameCounter == 23.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } if (this.type == 115) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter < 3.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 15.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } } } } if (this.frameCounter == 15.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } if (this.type == 101) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num * 2; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y > num * 2) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 199) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } } if (this.frame.Y < num * 3) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; } } else { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.frameCounter += (double)Math.Abs(this.velocity.X); if (this.frameCounter > 12.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; if (this.frame.Y > num * 7) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } } } } } if (this.type == 17 || this.type == 18 || this.type == 19 || this.type == 20 || this.type == 22 || this.type == 142 || this.type == 178 || this.type == 38 || this.type == 26 || this.type == 27 || this.type == 28 || this.type == 31 || this.type == 294 || this.type == 295 || this.type == 296 || this.type == 21 || this.type == 44 || this.type == 54 || this.type == 37 || this.type == 73 || this.type == 77 || this.type == 78 || this.type == 79 || this.type == 80 || this.type == 104 || this.type == 107 || this.type == 108 || this.type == 120 || this.type == 124 || this.type == 140 || this.type == 159 || this.type == 160 || this.type == 167 || this.type == 181 || this.type == 185 || this.type == 196 || this.type == 197 || this.type == 198 || this.type == 201 || this.type == 202 || this.type == 203 || this.type == 207 || this.type == 208 || this.type == 209 || this.type == 212 || this.type == 213 || this.type == 227 || this.type == 228 || this.type == 229 || this.type == 287) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { if (this.type == 140 || this.type == 287) { this.frame.Y = num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { this.frame.Y = 0; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } else { this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 2f); this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } } } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num; if (this.type == 21 || this.type == 31 || this.type == 294 || this.type == 295 || this.type == 296 || this.type == 44 || this.type == 77 || this.type == 78 || this.type == 79 || this.type == 80 || this.type == 120 || this.type == 140 || this.type == 159 || this.type == 167 || this.type == 197 || this.type == 201 || this.type == 202 || this.type == 203 || this.type == 287) { this.frame.Y = 0; } if (this.type == 181) { this.frame.Y = num * 14; } } } if (this.type >= 269 && this.type <= 280) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { if (this.type == 140) { this.frame.Y = num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { this.frame.Y = 0; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } else { this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 2f); this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } } } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = 0; } } if (this.type == 230) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { this.rotation = 0f; if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { this.frame.Y = 0; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 2f); this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 10.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = 0; if (this.velocity.Y > 4f) { this.rotation -= this.velocity.Y * 0.01f; } } } else { if (this.type == 290) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } if ([2] > 0f) { if ([1] < 10f) { this.frame.Y = num * 11; } else { if ([1] < 20f) { this.frame.Y = num * 10; } else { this.frame.Y = num * 9; } } } else { if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frame.Y < num * 2) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 1f); if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y > num * 8) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } } } } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num; } } else { if (this.type == 110 || this.type == 214 || this.type == 215 || this.type == 216 || this.type == 291 || this.type == 292 || this.type == 293) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } if ([2] > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.frame.Y = num * (int)[2]; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { if (this.frame.Y < num * 6) { this.frame.Y = num * 6; } this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 2f); this.frameCounter += (double)this.velocity.X; if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = num * 6; } } } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = 0; } } else { if (this.type == 206) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } if ([2] > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.frame.Y = num * (int)[2]; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { if (this.frame.Y < num * 6) { this.frame.Y = num * 6; } this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 2f); this.frameCounter += (double)this.velocity.X; if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = num * 6; } } } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = 0; } } } } } if (this.type == 111) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } if ([2] > 0f) { this.spriteDirection = this.direction; this.frame.Y = num * ((int)[2] - 1); this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { if (this.frame.Y < num * 7) { this.frame.Y = num * 7; } this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 2f); this.frameCounter += (double)(this.velocity.X * 1.3f); if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = num * 7; } } } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num * 6; } } else { if (this.type == 257) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } } if (this.velocity.Y != 0f || (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > 0f) || (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 0f)) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = 0; } else { this.frameCounter += (double)Math.Abs(this.velocity.X); if (this.frameCounter < 8.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 16.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 24.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 32.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 258) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } } if (this.velocity.Y != 0f || (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > 0f) || (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 0f)) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 1.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y > num * 5 || this.frame.Y < num * 3) { this.frame.Y = num * 3; } } else { if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = 0; } else { this.frameCounter += (double)Math.Abs(this.velocity.X); if (this.frameCounter < 8.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 16.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 24.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 3 || this.type == 52 || this.type == 53 || this.type == 132 || this.type == 161 || this.type == 162 || this.type == 166 || this.type == 186 || this.type == 187 || this.type == 188 || this.type == 189 || this.type == 200 || this.type == 223 || this.type == 251 || this.type == 254 || this.type == 255) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } } if (this.velocity.Y != 0f || (this.direction == -1 && this.velocity.X > 0f) || (this.direction == 1 && this.velocity.X < 0f)) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = 0; } else { this.frameCounter += (double)Math.Abs(this.velocity.X); if (this.frameCounter < 8.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 16.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 24.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 32.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 148 || this.type == 149 || this.type == 168) { int num6 = 0; if (this.localAI[0] == 2f) { num6 = 3; } if (this.localAI[0] == 3f) { num6 = 6; } if (this.localAI[0] == 4f) { num6 = 9; } num6 *= num; if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { this.frame.Y = num6; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 1f); if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = num6; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num + num6; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 15.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2 + num6; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num * 2 + num6; } } } } } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num * 2 + num6; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num * 2 + num6; } } } } else { if (this.type == 299) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { this.frame.Y = 0; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 0.5f); this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type] - 1) { this.frame.Y = num; } } } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num * 4; } } } } else { if (this.type == 300) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 8.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y / num > 1) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } else { this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 0.5f); this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } } } else { this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 0.5f); this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } } } else { if (this.type == 46 || this.type == 47) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } if (this.velocity.X == 0f) { this.frame.Y = 0; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } else { this.frameCounter += (double)(Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) * 1f); this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter > 6.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y / num >= Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } else { if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { if (this.velocity.Y > 0f) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = num * 6; } } } } else { if (this.type == 4 || this.type == 125 || this.type == 126) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter < 7.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 14.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 21.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { this.frameCounter = 0.0; this.frame.Y = 0; } } } if ([0] > 1f) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num * 3; } } else { if (this.type == 5) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 8.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } else { if (this.type == 94) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter < 6.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter < 18.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { this.frame.Y = num; if (this.frameCounter >= 23.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } else { if (this.type == 6 || this.type == 173) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 8.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } else { if (this.type == 24) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } } if ([1] > 0f) { if (this.frame.Y < 4) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter <= 4.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 4; } else { if (this.frameCounter <= 8.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 5; } else { if (this.frameCounter <= 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 6; } else { if (this.frameCounter <= 16.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 7; } else { if (this.frameCounter <= 20.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 8; } else { this.frame.Y = num * 9; this.frameCounter = 100.0; } } } } } } else { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter <= 4.0) { this.frame.Y = 0; } else { if (this.frameCounter <= 8.0) { this.frame.Y = num; } else { if (this.frameCounter <= 12.0) { this.frame.Y = num * 2; } else { this.frame.Y = num * 3; if (this.frameCounter >= 16.0) { this.frameCounter = 0.0; } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 29 || this.type == 32 || this.type == 45 || this.type == 172 || (this.type >= 281 && this.type <= 286)) { if (this.velocity.Y == 0f) { if (this.direction == 1) { this.spriteDirection = 1; } if (this.direction == -1) { this.spriteDirection = -1; } } this.frame.Y = 0; if (this.velocity.Y != 0f) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; } else { if ([1] > 0f) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num * 2; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (this.type == 34) { this.frameCounter += 1.0; if (this.frameCounter >= 4.0) { this.frame.Y = this.frame.Y + num; this.frameCounter = 0.0; } if (this.frame.Y >= num * Main.npcFrameCount[this.type]) { this.frame.Y = 0; } } } public void TargetClosest(bool faceTarget = true) { float num = 0f; bool flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) { if (Main.player[i].active && !Main.player[i].dead) { float num2 = Math.Abs(Main.player[i].position.X + (float)(Main.player[i].width / 2) - this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) + Math.Abs(Main.player[i].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[i].height / 2) - this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)); num2 -= (float)Main.player[i].aggro; if (!flag || num2 < num) { flag = true; num = Math.Abs(Main.player[i].position.X + (float)(Main.player[i].width / 2) - this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) + Math.Abs(Main.player[i].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[i].height / 2) - this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)); = i; } } } if ( < 0 || >= 255) { = 0; } this.targetRect = new Rectangle((int)Main.player[].position.X, (int)Main.player[].position.Y, Main.player[].width, Main.player[].height); if (Main.player[].dead) { faceTarget = false; } if (faceTarget) { this.direction = 1; if ((float)(this.targetRect.X + this.targetRect.Width / 2) < this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) { this.direction = -1; } this.directionY = 1; if ((float)(this.targetRect.Y + this.targetRect.Height / 2) < this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) { this.directionY = -1; } } if (this.confused) { this.direction *= -1; } if ((this.direction != this.oldDirection || this.directionY != this.oldDirectionY || != this.oldTarget) && !this.collideX && !this.collideY) { this.netUpdate = true; } } public void CheckActive() { if ( { if (this.type == 8 || this.type == 9 || this.type == 11 || this.type == 12 || this.type == 14 || this.type == 15 || this.type == 40 || this.type == 41 || this.type == 96 || this.type == 97 || this.type == 99 || this.type == 100 || (this.type > 87 && this.type <= 92) || this.type == 118 || this.type == 119 || this.type == 113 || this.type == 114 || this.type == 115 || this.type == 263 || this.type == 267) { return; } if (this.type >= 246 && this.type <= 249) { return; } if (this.type >= 134 && this.type <= 136) { return; } if (this.townNPC) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) - (float)NPC.townRangeX), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - (float)NPC.townRangeY), NPC.townRangeX * 2, NPC.townRangeY * 2); for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) { if (Main.player[i].active && rectangle.Intersects(new Rectangle((int)Main.player[i].position.X, (int)Main.player[i].position.Y, Main.player[i].width, Main.player[i].height))) { Main.player[i].townNPCs += this.npcSlots; } } return; } bool flag = false; Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2) - (float)NPC.activeRangeX), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - (float)NPC.activeRangeY), NPC.activeRangeX * 2, NPC.activeRangeY * 2); Rectangle rectangle3 = new Rectangle((int)((double)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) - (double)NPC.sWidth * 0.5 - (double)this.width), (int)((double)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) - (double)NPC.sHeight * 0.5 - (double)this.height), NPC.sWidth + this.width * 2, NPC.sHeight + this.height * 2); for (int j = 0; j < 255; j++) { if (Main.player[j].active) { if (rectangle2.Intersects(new Rectangle((int)Main.player[j].position.X, (int)Main.player[j].position.Y, Main.player[j].width, Main.player[j].height))) { flag = true; if (this.type != 25 && this.type != 30 && this.type != 33 && this.lifeMax > 0) { Main.player[j].activeNPCs += this.npcSlots; } } if (rectangle3.Intersects(new Rectangle((int)Main.player[j].position.X, (int)Main.player[j].position.Y, Main.player[j].width, Main.player[j].height))) { this.timeLeft = NPC.activeTime; } if (this.type == 7 || this.type == 10 || this.type == 13 || this.type == 39 || this.type == 87) { flag = true; } if (this.boss || this.type == 35 || this.type == 36 || this.type == 127 || this.type == 128 || this.type == 129 || this.type == 130 || this.type == 131) { flag = true; } } } this.timeLeft--; if (this.timeLeft <= 0) { flag = false; } if (!flag && Main.netMode != 1) { NPC.noSpawnCycle = true; = false; if (Main.netMode == 2) { this.netSkip = -1; = 0; NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", this.whoAmI, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } if (this.aiStyle == 6) { for (int k = (int)[0]; k > 0; k = (int)Main.npc[k].ai[0]) { if (Main.npc[k].active) { Main.npc[k].active = false; if (Main.netMode == 2) { Main.npc[k].life = 0; Main.npc[k].netSkip = -1; NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", k, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } } } } } } public static void SpawnNPC() { if (NPC.noSpawnCycle) { NPC.noSpawnCycle = false; return; } bool flag = false; int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) { if (Main.player[i].active) { num4++; } } for (int j = 0; j < 255; j++) { if (Main.player[j].active && !Main.player[j].dead) { bool flag2 = false; bool flag3 = false; bool flag4 = false; bool flag5 = false; bool flag6 = false; if (Main.player[j].active && Main.invasionType > 0 && Main.invasionDelay == 0 && Main.invasionSize > 0 && (double)Main.player[j].position.Y < Main.worldSurface * 16.0 + (double)NPC.sHeight) { int num5 = 3000; if ((double)Main.player[j].position.X > Main.invasionX * 16.0 - (double)num5 && (double)Main.player[j].position.X < Main.invasionX * 16.0 + (double)num5) { flag4 = true; } } bool flag7 = false; NPC.spawnRate = NPC.defaultSpawnRate; NPC.maxSpawns = NPC.defaultMaxSpawns; if (Main.hardMode) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.defaultSpawnRate * 0.9); NPC.maxSpawns = NPC.defaultMaxSpawns + 1; } if (Main.player[j].position.Y > (float)((Main.maxTilesY - 200) * 16)) { NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 2f); } else { if ((double)Main.player[j].position.Y > Main.rockLayer * 16.0 + (double)NPC.sHeight) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.spawnRate * 0.4); NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 1.9f); } else { if ((double)Main.player[j].position.Y > Main.worldSurface * 16.0 + (double)NPC.sHeight) { if (Main.hardMode) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.spawnRate * 0.45); NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 1.8f); } else { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.spawnRate * 0.5); NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 1.7f); } } else { if (!Main.dayTime) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.spawnRate * 0.6); NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 1.3f); if (Main.bloodMoon) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.spawnRate * 0.3); NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 1.8f); } } else { if (Main.dayTime && Main.eclipse) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.spawnRate * 0.2); NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 1.9f); } } } } } if (Main.player[j].zoneSnow && (double)(Main.player[j].position.Y / 16f) < Main.worldSurface) { NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns + (float)NPC.maxSpawns * Main.cloudAlpha); NPC.spawnRate = (int)((float)NPC.spawnRate * (1f - Main.cloudAlpha + 1f) / 2f); } if (Main.player[j].zoneDungeon) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.spawnRate * 0.4); NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 1.7f); } else { if (Main.player[j].zoneJungle) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.spawnRate * 0.4); NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 1.5f); } else { if (Main.player[j].zoneEvil || Main.player[j].zoneBlood) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.spawnRate * 0.65); NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 1.3f); } else { if (Main.player[j].zoneMeteor) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.spawnRate * 0.4); NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 1.1f); } } } } if (Main.player[j].zoneHoly && (double)Main.player[j].position.Y > Main.rockLayer * 16.0 + (double)NPC.sHeight) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.spawnRate * 0.65); NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 1.3f); } if (Main.wof >= 0 && Main.player[j].position.Y > (float)((Main.maxTilesY - 200) * 16)) { NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 0.3f); NPC.spawnRate *= 3; } if ((double)Main.player[j].activeNPCs < (double)NPC.maxSpawns * 0.2) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((float)NPC.spawnRate * 0.6f); } else { if ((double)Main.player[j].activeNPCs < (double)NPC.maxSpawns * 0.4) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((float)NPC.spawnRate * 0.7f); } else { if ((double)Main.player[j].activeNPCs < (double)NPC.maxSpawns * 0.6) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((float)NPC.spawnRate * 0.8f); } else { if ((double)Main.player[j].activeNPCs < (double)NPC.maxSpawns * 0.8) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((float)NPC.spawnRate * 0.9f); } } } } if ((double)(Main.player[j].position.Y * 16f) > (Main.worldSurface + Main.rockLayer) / 2.0 || Main.player[j].zoneEvil || Main.player[j].zoneBlood) { if ((double)Main.player[j].activeNPCs < (double)NPC.maxSpawns * 0.2) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((float)NPC.spawnRate * 0.7f); } else { if ((double)Main.player[j].activeNPCs < (double)NPC.maxSpawns * 0.4) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((float)NPC.spawnRate * 0.9f); } } } if (Main.player[j].inventory[Main.player[j].selectedItem].type == 148) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.spawnRate * 0.75); NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 1.5f); } if (Main.player[j].enemySpawns) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.spawnRate * 0.5); NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 2f); } if (Main.player[j].zoneCandle) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.spawnRate * 0.75); NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((float)NPC.maxSpawns * 1.5f); } if ((double)NPC.spawnRate < (double)NPC.defaultSpawnRate * 0.1) { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((double)NPC.defaultSpawnRate * 0.1); } if (NPC.maxSpawns > NPC.defaultMaxSpawns * 3) { NPC.maxSpawns = NPC.defaultMaxSpawns * 3; } if (flag4) { NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((double)NPC.defaultMaxSpawns * (2.0 + 0.3 * (double)num4)); NPC.spawnRate = 20; } if (Main.player[j].zoneDungeon && !NPC.downedBoss3) { NPC.spawnRate = 10; } bool flag8 = false; if (!flag4 && (!Main.bloodMoon || Main.dayTime) && (!Main.eclipse || !Main.dayTime) && !Main.player[j].zoneDungeon && !Main.player[j].zoneEvil && !Main.player[j].zoneBlood && !Main.player[j].zoneMeteor) { if (Main.player[j].townNPCs == 1f) { flag3 = true; if (Main.rand.Next(3) <= 1) { flag8 = true; NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((double)((float)NPC.maxSpawns) * 0.6); } else { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((float)NPC.spawnRate * 2f); } } else { if (Main.player[j].townNPCs == 2f) { flag3 = true; if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { flag8 = true; NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((double)((float)NPC.maxSpawns) * 0.6); } else { NPC.spawnRate = (int)((float)NPC.spawnRate * 3f); } } else { if (Main.player[j].townNPCs >= 3f) { flag3 = true; flag8 = true; NPC.maxSpawns = (int)((double)((float)NPC.maxSpawns) * 0.6); } } } } int num6 = (int)(Main.player[j].position.X + (float)(Main.player[j].width / 2)) / 16; int num7 = (int)(Main.player[j].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[j].height / 2)) / 16; if (Main.wallHouse[(int)Main.tile[num6, num7].wall]) { flag3 = true; } if (Main.tile[num6, num7].wall == 87) { flag2 = true; } if (Main.player[j].active && !Main.player[j].dead && Main.player[j].activeNPCs < (float)NPC.maxSpawns && Main.rand.Next(NPC.spawnRate) == 0) { NPC.spawnRangeX = (int)((double)(NPC.sWidth / 16) * 0.7); NPC.spawnRangeY = (int)((double)(NPC.sHeight / 16) * 0.7); NPC.safeRangeX = (int)((double)(NPC.sWidth / 16) * 0.52); NPC.safeRangeY = (int)((double)(NPC.sHeight / 16) * 0.52); if (Main.player[j].inventory[Main.player[j].selectedItem].type == 1254 || Main.player[j].inventory[Main.player[j].selectedItem].type == 1299 || Main.player[j].scope) { float num8 = 1.5f; if (Main.player[j].inventory[Main.player[j].selectedItem].type == 1254 && Main.player[j].scope) { num8 = 1.25f; } else { if (Main.player[j].inventory[Main.player[j].selectedItem].type == 1254) { num8 = 1.5f; } else { if (Main.player[j].inventory[Main.player[j].selectedItem].type == 1299) { num8 = 1.5f; } else { if (Main.player[j].scope) { num8 = 2f; } } } } NPC.spawnRangeX += (int)((double)(NPC.sWidth / 16) * 0.5 / (double)num8); NPC.spawnRangeY += (int)((double)(NPC.sHeight / 16) * 0.5 / (double)num8); NPC.safeRangeX += (int)((double)(NPC.sWidth / 16) * 0.5 / (double)num8); NPC.safeRangeY += (int)((double)(NPC.sHeight / 16) * 0.5 / (double)num8); } int num9 = (int)(Main.player[j].position.X / 16f) - NPC.spawnRangeX; int num10 = (int)(Main.player[j].position.X / 16f) + NPC.spawnRangeX; int num11 = (int)(Main.player[j].position.Y / 16f) - NPC.spawnRangeY; int num12 = (int)(Main.player[j].position.Y / 16f) + NPC.spawnRangeY; int num13 = (int)(Main.player[j].position.X / 16f) - NPC.safeRangeX; int num14 = (int)(Main.player[j].position.X / 16f) + NPC.safeRangeX; int num15 = (int)(Main.player[j].position.Y / 16f) - NPC.safeRangeY; int num16 = (int)(Main.player[j].position.Y / 16f) + NPC.safeRangeY; if (num9 < 0) { num9 = 0; } if (num10 > Main.maxTilesX) { num10 = Main.maxTilesX; } if (num11 < 0) { num11 = 0; } if (num12 > Main.maxTilesY) { num12 = Main.maxTilesY; } int k = 0; while (k < 50) { int num17 = Main.rand.Next(num9, num10); int num18 = Main.rand.Next(num11, num12); if (Main.tile[num17, num18].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num17, num18].type]) { goto IL_FF5; } if (!Main.wallHouse[(int)Main.tile[num17, num18].wall]) { if (!flag4 && (double)num18 < Main.worldSurface * 0.34999999403953552 && !flag8 && ((double)num17 < (double)Main.maxTilesX * 0.45 || (double)num17 > (double)Main.maxTilesX * 0.55 || Main.hardMode)) { num3 = (int)Main.tile[num17, num18].type; num = num17; num2 = num18; flag7 = true; flag = true; } else { if (!flag4 && (double)num18 < Main.worldSurface * 0.44999998807907104 && !flag8 && Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { num3 = (int)Main.tile[num17, num18].type; num = num17; num2 = num18; flag7 = true; flag = true; } else { int l = num18; while (l < Main.maxTilesY) { if (Main.tile[num17, l].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num17, l].type]) { if (num17 < num13 || num17 > num14 || l < num15 || l > num16) { num3 = (int)Main.tile[num17, l].type; num = num17; num2 = l; flag7 = true; break; } break; } else { l++; } } } } if (!flag7) { goto IL_FF5; } int num19 = num - NPC.spawnSpaceX / 2; int num20 = num + NPC.spawnSpaceX / 2; int num21 = num2 - NPC.spawnSpaceY; int num22 = num2; if (num19 < 0) { flag7 = false; } if (num20 > Main.maxTilesX) { flag7 = false; } if (num21 < 0) { flag7 = false; } if (num22 > Main.maxTilesY) { flag7 = false; } if (flag7) { for (int m = num19; m < num20; m++) { for (int n = num21; n < num22; n++) { if (Main.tile[m, n].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[m, n].type]) { flag7 = false; break; } if (Main.tile[m, n].lava()) { flag7 = false; break; } } } goto IL_FF5; } goto IL_FF5; } IL_FFB: k++; continue; IL_FF5: if (!flag7 && !flag7) { goto IL_FFB; } break; } } if (flag7) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(num * 16, num2 * 16, 16, 16); for (int num23 = 0; num23 < 255; num23++) { if (Main.player[num23].active) { Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle((int)(Main.player[num23].position.X + (float)(Main.player[num23].width / 2) - (float)(NPC.sWidth / 2) - (float)NPC.safeRangeX), (int)(Main.player[num23].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[num23].height / 2) - (float)(NPC.sHeight / 2) - (float)NPC.safeRangeY), NPC.sWidth + NPC.safeRangeX * 2, NPC.sHeight + NPC.safeRangeY * 2); if (rectangle.Intersects(rectangle2)) { flag7 = false; } } } } if (flag7) { if (Main.player[j].zoneDungeon && (!Main.tileDungeon[(int)Main.tile[num, num2].type] || Main.tile[num, num2 - 1].wall == 0)) { flag7 = false; } if (Main.tile[num, num2 - 1].liquid > 0 && Main.tile[num, num2 - 2].liquid > 0 && !Main.tile[num, num2 - 1].lava()) { if (Main.tile[num, num2 - 1].honey()) { flag6 = true; } else { flag5 = true; } } } if (flag6) { flag7 = false; } if (flag7) { bool flag9 = false; if ((double)num2 > Main.rockLayer && num2 < Main.maxTilesY - 200 && !Main.player[j].zoneDungeon && !flag4) { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { int num24 = Main.rand.Next(5, 15); if (num - num24 >= 0 && num + num24 < Main.maxTilesX) { for (int num25 = num - num24; num25 < num + num24; num25++) { for (int num26 = num2 - num24; num26 < num2 + num24; num26++) { if (Main.tile[num25, num26].wall == 62) { flag9 = true; } } } } } else { int num27 = (int)Main.player[j].position.X / 16; int num28 = (int)Main.player[j].position.Y / 16; if (Main.tile[num27, num28].wall == 62) { flag9 = true; } } } bool flag10 = false; if (NPC.downedPlantBoss && Main.hardMode) { flag10 = true; } int num29 = (int)Main.tile[num, num2].type; int num30 = 200; if (flag) { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(10) == 0 && !NPC.AnyNPCs(87) && !flag3) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 87, 1); } else { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 48, 0); } } else { if (flag4) { if (Main.invasionType == 1) { if (Main.rand.Next(9) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 29, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 26, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 111, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 27, 0); } else { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 28, 0); } } } } } else { if (Main.invasionType == 2) { if (Main.rand.Next(7) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 145, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 143, 0); } else { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 144, 0); } } } else { if (Main.invasionType == 3) { if (Main.rand.Next(30) == 0 && !NPC.AnyNPCs(216)) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 216, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(11) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 215, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(9) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 252, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(7) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 214, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 213, 0); } else { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 212, 0); } } } } } } } } } else { if (Main.tile[num, num2].wall == 62 || flag9) { if (Main.hardMode) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 163, 0); } else { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 164, 0); } } else { if (Main.hardMode && flag5 && Main.player[j].zoneJungle && Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 157, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && flag5 && Main.player[j].zoneBlood && Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 242, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && flag5 && Main.player[j].zoneBlood && Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 241, 0); } else { if (flag5 && (num < 250 || num > Main.maxTilesX - 250) && num29 == 53 && (double)num2 < Main.rockLayer) { if (Main.rand.Next(60) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 220, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(25) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 221, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(8) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 65, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 67, 0); } else { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 64, 0); } } } } } else { if (flag5 && (((double)num2 > Main.rockLayer && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) || num29 == 60)) { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(3) > 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 102, 0); } else { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 58, 0); } } else { if (flag5 && (double)num2 > Main.worldSurface && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.hardMode) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 103, 0); } else { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 63, 0); } } else { if (flag5 && Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { if (Main.player[j].zoneEvil) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 57, 0); } else { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 55, 0); } } else { if (NPC.downedGoblins && Main.rand.Next(20) == 0 && !flag5 && (double)num2 >= Main.rockLayer && num2 < Main.maxTilesY - 210 && !NPC.savedGoblin && !NPC.AnyNPCs(105)) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 105, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(20) == 0 && !flag5 && (double)num2 >= Main.rockLayer && num2 < Main.maxTilesY - 210 && !NPC.savedWizard && !NPC.AnyNPCs(106)) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 106, 0); } else { if (flag8) { if (flag5) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 55, 0); } else { if (num29 == 147 || num29 == 161) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 148, 0); } else { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 149, 0); } } else { if (num29 != 2 && num29 != 109 && (double)num2 <= Main.worldSurface) { return; } if (Main.raining) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 230, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0 && (double)num2 <= Main.worldSurface) { int num31 = Main.rand.Next(4); if (num31 == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 297, 0); } else { if (num31 == 1) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 298, 0); } else { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 74, 0); } } } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0 && (double)num2 <= Main.worldSurface) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 299, 0); } else { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 46, 0); } } } } } } else { if (Main.player[j].zoneDungeon) { int num32 = 0; if (Main.tile[num, num2].wall == 94 || Main.tile[num, num2].wall == 96 || Main.tile[num, num2].wall == 98) { num32 = 1; } if (Main.tile[num, num2].wall == 95 || Main.tile[num, num2].wall == 97 || Main.tile[num, num2].wall == 99) { num32 = 2; } if (!NPC.downedBoss3) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 68, 0); } else { if (!NPC.savedMech && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0 && !flag5 && !NPC.AnyNPCs(123) && (double)num2 > Main.rockLayer) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 123, 0); } else { if (flag10 && Main.rand.Next(75) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 287, 0); } else { if (flag10 && num32 == 0 && Main.rand.Next(25) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 293, 0); } else { if (flag10 && num32 == 1 && Main.rand.Next(25) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 291, 0); } else { if (flag10 && num32 == 2 && Main.rand.Next(25) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 292, 0); } else { if (flag10 && !NPC.AnyNPCs(290) && num32 == 0 && Main.rand.Next(45) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 290, 0); } else { if (flag10 && (num32 == 1 || num32 == 2) && Main.rand.Next(30) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 289, 0); } else { if (flag10 && Main.rand.Next(20) == 0) { int num33 = 281; if (num32 == 0) { num33 += 2; } if (num32 == 2) { num33 += 4; } num33 += Main.rand.Next(2); if (!NPC.AnyNPCs(num33)) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, num33, 0); } } else { if (flag10 && Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { int num34 = 269; if (num32 == 0) { num34 += 4; } if (num32 == 2) { num34 += 8; } num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, num34 + Main.rand.Next(4), 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(37) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 71, 0); } else { if (num32 == 1 && Main.rand.Next(4) == 0 && !NPC.NearSpikeBall(num, num2)) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 70, 0); } else { if (num32 == 2 && Main.rand.Next(15) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 72, 0); } else { if (num32 == 0 && Main.rand.Next(9) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 34, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(7) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 32, 0); } else { int num35 = Main.rand.Next(5); if (num35 == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 294, 0); } else { if (num35 == 1) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 295, 0); } else { if (num35 == 2) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 296, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 31, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Boned"); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Short Bones"); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (Main.player[j].zoneMeteor) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 23, 0); } else { if ((double)num2 <= Main.worldSurface && Main.dayTime && Main.eclipse) { if (Main.rand.Next(50) == 0 && !NPC.AnyNPCs(251)) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 251, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 253, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(12) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 158, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 162, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 166, 0); } } } } } else { if (Main.hardMode && num3 == 70 && flag5) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 256, 0); } else { if (num3 == 70 && (double)num2 <= Main.worldSurface && Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 260, 0); Main.npc[num30].ai[0] = (float)num; Main.npc[num30].ai[1] = (float)num2; Main.npc[num30].netUpdate = true; } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 259, 0); Main.npc[num30].ai[0] = (float)num; Main.npc[num30].ai[1] = (float)num2; Main.npc[num30].netUpdate = true; } } else { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 257, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 258, 0); } } } else { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 254, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 255, 0); } } } else { if (num3 == 70 && Main.hardMode && (double)num2 >= Main.worldSurface && Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 260, 0); Main.npc[num30].ai[0] = (float)num; Main.npc[num30].ai[1] = (float)num2; Main.npc[num30].netUpdate = true; } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 259, 0); Main.npc[num30].ai[0] = (float)num; Main.npc[num30].ai[1] = (float)num2; Main.npc[num30].netUpdate = true; } } else { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 257, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 258, 0); } } } else { if (Main.player[j].zoneEvil && Main.rand.Next(65) == 0 && !flag3) { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(4) != 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 98, 1); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 7, 1); } } else { if (Main.hardMode && (double)num2 > Main.worldSurface && Main.rand.Next(75) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 85, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && Main.tile[num, num2 - 1].wall == 2 && Main.rand.Next(20) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 85, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && (double)num2 <= Main.worldSurface && !Main.dayTime && (Main.rand.Next(20) == 0 || (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0 && Main.moonPhase == 4))) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 82, 0); } else { if (num29 == 60 && Main.rand.Next(500) == 0 && !Main.dayTime) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 52, 0); } else { if (num29 == 60 && (double)num2 > Main.worldSurface && Main.rand.Next(60) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 219, 0); } else { if ((double)num2 > Main.worldSurface && !Main.player[j].zoneSnow && !Main.player[j].zoneBlood && !Main.player[j].zoneEvil && !Main.player[j].zoneJungle && !Main.player[j].zoneHoly && Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 300, 0); } else { if (num29 == 60 && Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { if ((double)num2 < Main.worldSurface && !Main.dayTime && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 152, 0); } else { if ((double)num2 < Main.worldSurface && Main.dayTime && Main.rand.Next(4) != 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 177, 0); } else { if ((double)num2 > Main.worldSurface && Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 205, 0); } else { if ((double)num2 > Main.worldSurface && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 236, 0); } else { if ((double)num2 > Main.worldSurface && Main.rand.Next(4) != 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 176, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Tiny Moss Hornet"); } if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Little Moss Hornet"); } if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Moss Hornet"); } if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Giant Moss Hornet"); } } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 175, 0); Main.npc[num30].ai[0] = (float)num; Main.npc[num30].ai[1] = (float)num2; Main.npc[num30].netUpdate = true; } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 153, 0); } } } } } } } else { if (num29 == 226 && flag2) { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 226, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 198, 0); } } else { if (num29 == 60 && (double)num2 > (Main.worldSurface + Main.rockLayer) / 2.0) { if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 204, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 43, 0); Main.npc[num30].ai[0] = (float)num; Main.npc[num30].ai[1] = (float)num2; Main.npc[num30].netUpdate = true; } else { int num36 = Main.rand.Next(8); if (num36 == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 231, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Little Hornet Fatty"); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Hornet Fatty"); } } } else { if (num36 == 1) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 232, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Little Hornet Honey"); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Hornet Honey"); } } } else { if (num36 == 2) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 233, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Little Hornet Leafy"); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Hornet Leafy"); } } } else { if (num36 == 3) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 234, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Little Hornet Spikey"); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Hornet Spikey"); } } } else { if (num36 == 4) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 235, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Little Hornet Stingy"); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Hornet Stingy"); } } } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 42, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Little Stinger"); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Stinger"); } } } } } } } } } } else { if (num29 == 60 && Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 51, 0); } else { if (num29 == 60 && Main.rand.Next(8) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 56, 0); Main.npc[num30].ai[0] = (float)num; Main.npc[num30].ai[1] = (float)num2; Main.npc[num30].netUpdate = true; } else { if (Main.hardMode && num29 == 53 && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 78, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && (num29 == 112 || num29 == 234) && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 79, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && num29 == 116 && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 80, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && !flag5 && (double)num2 < Main.rockLayer && (num29 == 116 || num29 == 117 || num29 == 109 || num29 == 164)) { if (!Main.dayTime && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 122, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 86, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 75, 0); } } } else { if (!flag3 && Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(50) == 0 && !flag5 && (double)num2 >= Main.rockLayer && (num29 == 116 || num29 == 117 || num29 == 109 || num29 == 164)) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 84, 0); } else { if ((num29 == 204 && Main.player[j].zoneBlood) || num29 == 199 || num29 == 200 || num29 == 203) { if (Main.hardMode && (double)num2 >= Main.rockLayer && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0 && !flag3) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 182, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && (double)num2 >= Main.rockLayer && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 268, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 183, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Little Crimslime"); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Crimslime"); } } } else { if (Main.hardMode && (double)num2 >= Main.rockLayer && Main.rand.Next(40) == 0 && !flag3) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 179, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0 || (double)num2 > Main.worldSurface)) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 174, 0); } else { if ((Main.tile[num, num2].wall > 0 && Main.rand.Next(4) != 0) || Main.rand.Next(8) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 239, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 181, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 173, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Little Crimera"); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Crimera"); } } } } } } } } } } else { if ((num29 == 22 && Main.player[j].zoneEvil) || num29 == 23 || num29 == 25 || num29 == 112 || num29 == 163) { if (Main.hardMode && (double)num2 >= Main.rockLayer && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 101, 0); Main.npc[num30].ai[0] = (float)num; Main.npc[num30].ai[1] = (float)num2; Main.npc[num30].netUpdate = true; } else { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 121, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 81, 0); } } else { if (Main.hardMode && (double)num2 >= Main.rockLayer && Main.rand.Next(40) == 0 && !flag3) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 83, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0 || (double)num2 > Main.rockLayer)) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 94, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 6, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Little Eater"); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Eater"); } } } } } } } else { if ((double)num2 <= Main.worldSurface) { if (Main.player[j].zoneSnow && Main.hardMode && Main.cloudAlpha > 0f && !NPC.AnyNPCs(243) && Main.rand.Next(20) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 243, 0); } else { if (Main.player[j].zoneHoly && Main.hardMode && Main.cloudAlpha > 0f && !NPC.AnyNPCs(244) && Main.rand.Next(20) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 244, 0); } else { if (!Main.player[j].zoneSnow && Main.hardMode && Main.cloudAlpha > 0f && !NPC.AnyNPCs(250) && Main.rand.Next(14) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 250, 0); } else { if (Main.dayTime) { int num37 = Math.Abs(num - Main.spawnTileX); if (num37 < Main.maxTilesX / 3 && Main.rand.Next(15) == 0 && (num29 == 2 || num29 == 109 || num29 == 147 || num29 == 161)) { if (num29 == 147 || num29 == 161) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 148, 0); } else { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 149, 0); } } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0 && (double)num2 <= Main.worldSurface) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 299, 0); } else { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 46, 0); } } } else { if (num37 < Main.maxTilesX / 3 && Main.rand.Next(15) == 0 && (num29 == 2 || num29 == 109 || num29 == 147)) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 74, 0); } else { if (num37 > Main.maxTilesX / 3 && num29 == 2 && Main.rand.Next(300) == 0 && !NPC.AnyNPCs(50)) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 50, 0); } else { if (num29 == 53 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0 && !flag5) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 69, 0); } else { if (num29 == 53 && !flag5) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 61, 0); } else { if (num37 > Main.maxTilesX / 3 && (Main.rand.Next(15) == 0 || (!NPC.downedGoblins && WorldGen.shadowOrbSmashed && Main.rand.Next(7) == 0))) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 73, 0); } else { if (Main.raining && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 224, 0); } else { if (Main.raining && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 225, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 1, 0); if (num29 == 60) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Jungle Slime"); } else { if (num29 == 161 || num29 == 147) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Ice Slime"); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0 || num37 < 200) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Green Slime"); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0 && num37 > 400) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Purple Slime"); } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (Main.rand.Next(6) == 0 || (Main.moonPhase == 4 && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0)) { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 133, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 2, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Demon Eye 2"); } } else { int num38 = Main.rand.Next(5); if (num38 == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 190, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Cataract Eye 2"); } } else { if (num38 == 1) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 191, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Sleepy Eye 2"); } } else { if (num38 == 2) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 192, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Dialated Eye 2"); } } else { if (num38 == 3) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 193, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Green Eye 2"); } } else { if (num38 == 4) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 194, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Purple Eye 2"); } } } } } } } } } else { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(50) == 0 && Main.bloodMoon && !NPC.AnyNPCs(109)) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 109, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(250) == 0 && Main.bloodMoon) { NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 53, 0); } else { if (Main.moonPhase == 0 && Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 104, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 140, 0); } else { if (num3 == 147 || num3 == 161 || num3 == 163 || num3 == 164 || num3 == 162) { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 169, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 155, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 161, 0); } } } else { if (Main.raining && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 223, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Small Rain Zombie"); } else { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Rain Zombie"); } } } else { int num39 = Main.rand.Next(7); if (num39 == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 3, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Small Zombie"); } else { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Zombie"); } } } else { if (num39 == 1) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 132, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Small Bald Zombie"); } else { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Bald Zombie"); } } } else { if (num39 == 2) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 186, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Small Pincushion Zombie"); } else { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Pincushion Zombie"); } } } else { if (num39 == 3) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 187, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Small Slimed Zombie"); } else { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Slimed Zombie"); } } } else { if (num39 == 4) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 188, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Small Swamp Zombie"); } else { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Swamp Zombie"); } } } else { if (num39 == 5) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 189, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Small Twiggy Zombie"); } else { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Twiggy Zombie"); } } } else { if (num39 == 6) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 200, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Small Female Zombie"); } else { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Female Zombie"); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if ((double)num2 <= Main.rockLayer) { if (!flag3 && Main.rand.Next(50) == 0 && !Main.player[j].zoneSnow) { if (Main.hardMode) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 95, 1); } else { if (Main.player[j].zoneSnow) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 185, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 10, 1); } } } else { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 140, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(4) != 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 141, 0); } else { if (num29 == 147 || num29 == 161 || Main.player[j].zoneSnow) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 147, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 1, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Yellow Slime"); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Blue Slime"); } else { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Red Slime"); } } } } } } } else { if (num2 > Main.maxTilesY - 190) { if (Main.rand.Next(40) == 0 && !NPC.AnyNPCs(39)) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 39, 1); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(14) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 24, 0); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(8) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(7) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 66, 0); } else { if (NPC.downedMechBossAny && Main.rand.Next(5) != 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 156, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 62, 0); } } } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 59, 0); } else { if (NPC.downedMechBossAny && Main.rand.Next(5) != 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 151, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 60, 0); } } } } } } else { if (Main.rand.Next(60) == 0) { if (Main.player[j].zoneSnow) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 218, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 217, 0); } } else { if ((num29 == 116 || num29 == 117 || num29 == 164) && !flag3 && Main.rand.Next(8) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 120, 0); } else { if ((num3 == 147 || num3 == 161 || num3 == 162 || num3 == 163 || num3 == 164) && !flag3 && Main.hardMode && Main.player[j].zoneEvil && Main.rand.Next(30) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 170, 0); } else { if ((num3 == 147 || num3 == 161 || num3 == 162 || num3 == 163 || num3 == 164) && !flag3 && Main.hardMode && Main.player[j].zoneHoly && Main.rand.Next(30) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 171, 0); } else { if ((num3 == 147 || num3 == 161 || num3 == 162 || num3 == 163 || num3 == 164) && !flag3 && Main.hardMode && Main.player[j].zoneBlood && Main.rand.Next(30) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 171, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && Main.player[j].zoneSnow && Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 154, 0); } else { if (!flag3 && Main.rand.Next(100) == 0 && !Main.player[j].zoneHoly) { if (Main.hardMode) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 95, 1); } else { if (Main.player[j].zoneSnow) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 185, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 10, 1); } } } else { if (Main.player[j].zoneSnow && Main.rand.Next(20) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 185, 0); } else { if (!Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { if (Main.player[j].zoneSnow) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults(184, -1f); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 16, 0); } } else { if (!Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 1, 0); if (Main.player[j].zoneJungle) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Jungle Slime"); } else { if (Main.player[j].zoneSnow) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults(184, -1f); } else { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Black Slime"); } } } else { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { if ((!Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) || Main.rand.Next(500) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 195, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && (double)num2 > (Main.rockLayer + (double)Main.maxTilesY) / 2.0 && Main.rand.Next(400) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 172, 0); } else { if ((double)num2 > (Main.rockLayer + (double)Main.maxTilesY) / 2.0 && Main.rand.Next(350) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 45, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(10) != 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { if (Main.player[j].zoneSnow) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 197, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 77, 0); if ((double)num2 > (Main.rockLayer + (double)Main.maxTilesY) / 2.0 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Heavy Skeleton"); } } } else { if (Main.player[j].zoneSnow) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 206, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 110, 0); } } } else { if (Main.rand.Next(20) == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 44, 0); } else { if (num3 == 147 || num3 == 161 || num3 == 162) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 167, 0); } else { if (Main.player[j].zoneSnow) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 185, 0); } else { int num40 = Main.rand.Next(4); if (num40 == 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 21, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Skeleton"); } else { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Small Skeleton"); } } } else { if (num40 == 1) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 201, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Headache Skeleton"); } else { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Small Headache Skeleton"); } } } else { if (num40 == 2) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 202, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Misassembled Skeleton"); } else { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Small Misassembled Skeleton"); } } } else { if (num40 == 3) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 203, 0); if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Big Pantless Skeleton"); } else { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Small Pantless Skeleton"); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (Main.hardMode && (Main.player[j].zoneHoly & Main.rand.Next(2) == 0)) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 138, 0); } else { if (Main.player[j].zoneJungle) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 51, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && Main.player[j].zoneHoly) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 137, 0); } else { if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(6) > 0) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 93, 0); } else { if (num3 == 147 || num3 == 161 || num3 == 162) { if (Main.hardMode) { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 169, 0); } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 150, 0); } } else { num30 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, 49, 0); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (Main.npc[num30].type == 1 && Main.rand.Next(250) == 0) { Main.npc[num30].SetDefaults("Pinky"); } if (Main.netMode == 2 && num30 < 200) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", num30, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); return; } break; } } } } public static void SpawnWOF(Vector2 pos) { if (pos.Y / 16f < (float)(Main.maxTilesY - 205)) { return; } if (Main.wof >= 0) { return; } if (Main.netMode == 1) { return; } Player.FindClosest(pos, 16, 16); int num = 1; if (pos.X / 16f > (float)(Main.maxTilesX / 2)) { num = -1; } bool flag = false; int num2 = (int)pos.X; while (!flag) { flag = true; for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) { if (Main.player[i].active && Main.player[i].position.X > (float)(num2 - 1200) && Main.player[i].position.X < (float)(num2 + 1200)) { num2 -= num * 16; flag = false; } } if (num2 / 16 < 20 || num2 / 16 > Main.maxTilesX - 20) { flag = true; } } int num3 = (int)pos.Y; int num4 = num2 / 16; int num5 = num3 / 16; int num6 = 0; try { while (WorldGen.SolidTile(num4, num5 - num6) || Main.tile[num4, num5 - num6].liquid >= 100) { if (!WorldGen.SolidTile(num4, num5 + num6) && Main.tile[num4, num5 + num6].liquid < 100) { num5 += num6; goto IL_162; } num6++; } num5 -= num6; } catch { } IL_162: num3 = num5 * 16; int num7 = NPC.NewNPC(num2, num3, 113, 0); if (Main.npc[num7].displayName == "") { Main.npc[num7].displayName = Main.npc[num7].name; } if (Main.netMode == 0) { Main.NewText(Main.npc[num7].displayName + " " + Lang.misc[16], 175, 75, 255, false); return; } if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(25, -1, -1, Main.npc[num7].displayName + " " + Lang.misc[16], 255, 175f, 75f, 255f, 0); } } public static void SpawnOnPlayer(int plr, int Type) { if (Main.netMode == 1) { return; } if (Type == 262 && NPC.AnyNPCs(262)) { return; } if (Type != 245) { bool flag = false; int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = (int)(Main.player[plr].position.X / 16f) - NPC.spawnRangeX * 2; int num4 = (int)(Main.player[plr].position.X / 16f) + NPC.spawnRangeX * 2; int num5 = (int)(Main.player[plr].position.Y / 16f) - NPC.spawnRangeY * 2; int num6 = (int)(Main.player[plr].position.Y / 16f) + NPC.spawnRangeY * 2; int num7 = (int)(Main.player[plr].position.X / 16f) - NPC.safeRangeX; int num8 = (int)(Main.player[plr].position.X / 16f) + NPC.safeRangeX; int num9 = (int)(Main.player[plr].position.Y / 16f) - NPC.safeRangeY; int num10 = (int)(Main.player[plr].position.Y / 16f) + NPC.safeRangeY; if (num3 < 0) { num3 = 0; } if (num4 > Main.maxTilesX) { num4 = Main.maxTilesX; } if (num5 < 0) { num5 = 0; } if (num6 > Main.maxTilesY) { num6 = Main.maxTilesY; } for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { int j = 0; while (j < 100) { int num11 = Main.rand.Next(num3, num4); int num12 = Main.rand.Next(num5, num6); if (Main.tile[num11, num12].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num11, num12].type]) { goto IL_518; } if (!Main.wallHouse[(int)Main.tile[num11, num12].wall] || i >= 999) { int k = num12; while (k < Main.maxTilesY) { if (Main.tile[num11, k].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[num11, k].type]) { if (num11 < num7 || num11 > num8 || k < num9 || k > num10 || i == 999) { byte arg_43A_0 = Main.tile[num11, k].type; num = num11; num2 = k; flag = true; break; } break; } else { k++; } } if (!flag || i >= 999) { goto IL_518; } int num13 = num - NPC.spawnSpaceX / 2; int num14 = num + NPC.spawnSpaceX / 2; int num15 = num2 - NPC.spawnSpaceY; int num16 = num2; if (num13 < 0) { flag = false; } if (num14 > Main.maxTilesX) { flag = false; } if (num15 < 0) { flag = false; } if (num16 > Main.maxTilesY) { flag = false; } if (flag) { for (int l = num13; l < num14; l++) { for (int m = num15; m < num16; m++) { if (Main.tile[l, m].nactive() && Main.tileSolid[(int)Main.tile[l, m].type]) { flag = false; break; } } } goto IL_518; } goto IL_518; } IL_520: j++; continue; IL_518: if (!flag && !flag) { goto IL_520; } break; } if (flag && i < 999) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(num * 16, num2 * 16, 16, 16); for (int n = 0; n < 255; n++) { if (Main.player[n].active) { Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle((int)(Main.player[n].position.X + (float)(Main.player[n].width / 2) - (float)(NPC.sWidth / 2) - (float)NPC.safeRangeX), (int)(Main.player[n].position.Y + (float)(Main.player[n].height / 2) - (float)(NPC.sHeight / 2) - (float)NPC.safeRangeY), NPC.sWidth + NPC.safeRangeX * 2, NPC.sHeight + NPC.safeRangeY * 2); if (rectangle.Intersects(rectangle2)) { flag = false; } } } } if (flag) { break; } } if (flag) { int num17 = NPC.NewNPC(num * 16 + 8, num2 * 16, Type, 1); if (num17 == 200) { return; } Main.npc[num17].target = plr; Main.npc[num17].timeLeft *= 20; string str = Main.npc[num17].name; if (Main.npc[num17].displayName != "") { str = Main.npc[num17].displayName; } if (Main.netMode == 2 && num17 < 200) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", num17, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } if (Type == 125) { if (Main.netMode == 0) { Main.NewText("The Twins " + Lang.misc[16], 175, 75, 255, false); return; } if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(25, -1, -1, "The Twins " + Lang.misc[16], 255, 175f, 75f, 255f, 0); return; } } else { if (Type != 82 && Type != 126 && Type != 50) { if (Main.netMode == 0) { Main.NewText(str + " " + Lang.misc[16], 175, 75, 255, false); return; } if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(25, -1, -1, str + " " + Lang.misc[16], 255, 175f, 75f, 255f, 0); } } } } return; } if (NPC.AnyNPCs(245)) { return; } try { int num18 = (int)Main.player[plr].center().X / 16; int num19 = (int)Main.player[plr].center().Y / 16; int num20 = 0; int num21 = 0; for (int num22 = num18 - 20; num22 < num18 + 20; num22++) { for (int num23 = num19 - 20; num23 < num19 + 20; num23++) { if (Main.tile[num22, num23].active() && Main.tile[num22, num23].type == 237 && Main.tile[num22, num23].frameX == 18 && Main.tile[num22, num23].frameY == 0) { num20 = num22; num21 = num23; } } } if (num20 > 0 && num21 > 0) { int num24 = num21 - 15; int num25 = num21 - 15; for (int num26 = num21; num26 > num21 - 100; num26--) { if (WorldGen.SolidTile(num20, num26)) { num24 = num26; break; } } for (int num27 = num21; num27 < num21 + 100; num27++) { if (WorldGen.SolidTile(num20, num27)) { num25 = num27; break; } } num21 = (num24 + num24 + num25) / 3; int num28 = NPC.NewNPC(num20 * 16 + 8, num21 * 16, 245, 100); Main.npc[num28].target = plr; string str2 = Main.npc[num28].name; if (Main.netMode == 0) { Main.NewText(str2 + " " + Lang.misc[16], 175, 75, 255, false); } else { if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(25, -1, -1, str2 + " " + Lang.misc[16], 255, 175f, 75f, 255f, 0); } } } } catch { } } public static int NewNPC(int X, int Y, int Type, int Start = 0) { int num = -1; if (Type == 222) { for (int i = 199; i >= 0; i--) { if (!Main.npc[i].active) { num = i; break; } } } else { for (int j = Start; j < 200; j++) { if (!Main.npc[j].active) { num = j; break; } } } if (num >= 0) { Main.npc[num] = new NPC(); Main.npc[num].SetDefaults(Type, -1f); Main.npc[num].position.X = (float)(X - Main.npc[num].width / 2); Main.npc[num].position.Y = (float)(Y - Main.npc[num].height); Main.npc[num].active = true; Main.npc[num].timeLeft = (int)((double)NPC.activeTime * 1.25); Main.npc[num].wet = Collision.WetCollision(Main.npc[num].position, Main.npc[num].width, Main.npc[num].height); if (Type == 50) { if (Main.netMode == 0) { Main.NewText(Main.npc[num].name + " " + Lang.misc[16], 175, 75, 255, false); } else { if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(25, -1, -1, Main.npc[num].name + " " + Lang.misc[16], 255, 175f, 75f, 255f, 0); } } } return num; } return 200; } public void xForm(int oldType, int newType) { if ((oldType == 158 && newType == 159) || (oldType == 159 && newType == 158)) { Main.PlaySound(2, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 8); int num = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y - 10f), this.velocity, 99, this.scale); Main.gore[num].velocity *= 0.3f; num = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 10f), this.velocity, 99, this.scale); Main.gore[num].velocity *= 0.3f; num = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 10f), this.velocity, 99, this.scale); Main.gore[num].velocity *= 0.3f; } } public void Teleport(Vector2 newPos, int Style = 0) { Main.TeleportEffect(this.getRect(), Style); this.position = newPos; Main.TeleportEffect(this.getRect(), Style); this.teleportTime = 1f; if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(65, -1, -1, "", 1, (float)this.whoAmI, newPos.X, newPos.Y, Style); } } public void Transform(int newType) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { bool flag = false; if (this.value == 0f) { flag = true; } int oldType = this.type; int num =; int num2 = this.lifeMax; Vector2 vector = this.velocity; this.position.Y = this.position.Y + (float)this.height; int num3 = this.spriteDirection; this.SetDefaults(newType, -1f); this.spriteDirection = num3; this.TargetClosest(true); this.velocity = vector; this.position.Y = this.position.Y - (float)this.height; if (flag) { this.value = 0f; } if (this.lifeMax == num2) { = num; } if (newType == 107 || newType == 108) { this.homeTileX = (int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16; this.homeTileY = (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height) / 16; this.homeless = true; } if (Main.netMode == 2) { this.netUpdate = true; NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", this.whoAmI, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } this.xForm(oldType, newType); } } public double StrikeNPC(int Damage, float knockBack, int hitDirection, bool crit = false, bool noEffect = false) { if (! || <= 0) { return 0.0; } double num = (double)Damage; if (this.ichor) { num = Main.CalculateDamage((int)num, this.defense - 20); } else { num = Main.CalculateDamage((int)num, this.defense); } if (crit) { num *= 2.0; } if (Damage != 9999 && this.lifeMax > 1) { if (this.friendly) { CombatText.NewText(new Rectangle((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height), new Color(255, 80, 90, 255), string.Concat((int)num), crit, false); } else { CombatText.NewText(new Rectangle((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height), new Color(255, 160, 80, 255), string.Concat((int)num), crit, false); } } if (num >= 1.0) { this.justHit = true; if (this.townNPC) {[0] = 1f;[1] = (float)(300 + Main.rand.Next(300));[2] = 0f; this.direction = hitDirection; this.netUpdate = true; } if (this.aiStyle == 8 && Main.netMode != 1) { if (this.type == 172) {[0] = 450f; } else {[0] = 400f; } this.TargetClosest(true); } if (this.type == 184) { this.localAI[0] = 60f; } if (this.type == 185) { this.localAI[0] = 1f; } if (this.realLife >= 0) { Main.npc[this.realLife].life -= (int)num; = Main.npc[this.realLife].life; this.lifeMax = Main.npc[this.realLife].lifeMax; } else { -= (int)num; } if (knockBack > 0f && this.knockBackResist > 0f) { float num2 = knockBack * this.knockBackResist; if (num2 > 8f) { num2 = 8f; } if (crit) { num2 *= 1.4f; } if (num * 10.0 > (double)this.lifeMax) { if (hitDirection < 0 && this.velocity.X > -num2) { if (this.velocity.X > 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num2; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X - num2; if (this.velocity.X < -num2) { this.velocity.X = -num2; } } else { if (hitDirection > 0 && this.velocity.X < num2) { if (this.velocity.X < 0f) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num2; } this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X + num2; if (this.velocity.X > num2) { this.velocity.X = num2; } } } if (this.type == 185) { num2 *= 1.5f; } if (!this.noGravity) { num2 *= -0.75f; } else { num2 *= -0.5f; } if (this.velocity.Y > num2) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + num2; if (this.velocity.Y < num2) { this.velocity.Y = num2; } } } else { if (!this.noGravity) { this.velocity.Y = -num2 * 0.75f * this.knockBackResist; } else { this.velocity.Y = -num2 * 0.5f * this.knockBackResist; } this.velocity.X = num2 * (float)hitDirection * this.knockBackResist; } } if ((this.type == 113 || this.type == 114) && <= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (Main.npc[i].active && (Main.npc[i].type == 113 || Main.npc[i].type == 114)) { Main.npc[i].HitEffect(hitDirection, num); } } } else { this.HitEffect(hitDirection, num); } if (this.soundHit > 0) { Main.PlaySound(3, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.soundHit); } if (this.realLife >= 0) { Main.npc[this.realLife].checkDead(); } else { this.checkDead(); } return num; } return 0.0; } public void checkDead() { if (! { return; } if (this.realLife >= 0 && this.realLife != this.whoAmI) { return; } if ( <= 0) { NPC.noSpawnCycle = true; if (this.townNPC && this.type != 37) { string str =; if (this.displayName != "") { str = this.displayName; } if (Main.netMode == 0) { Main.NewText(str + Lang.misc[19], 255, 25, 25, false); } else { if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(25, -1, -1, str + Lang.misc[19], 255, 255f, 25f, 25f, 0); } } } if (Main.netMode != 1 && !Main.dayTime && this.type == 54 && !NPC.AnyNPCs(35)) { for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) { if (Main.player[i].active && !Main.player[i].dead && Main.player[i].killClothier) { NPC.SpawnOnPlayer(i, 35); break; } } } if (this.townNPC && Main.netMode != 1 && this.homeless && WorldGen.spawnNPC == this.type) { WorldGen.spawnNPC = 0; } if (this.soundKilled > 0) { Main.PlaySound(4, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.soundKilled); } this.NPCLoot(); if (this.townNPC && this.type != 37 && Main.netMode != 1) { Main.chrName[this.type] = ""; NPC.setNames(); NetMessage.SendData(56, -1, -1, "", this.type, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } = false; if (this.type == 26 || this.type == 27 || this.type == 28 || this.type == 29 || this.type == 111 || this.type == 143 || this.type == 144 || this.type == 145 || this.type == 212 || this.type == 213 || this.type == 214 || this.type == 215) { Main.invasionSize--; } if (this.type == 216) { Main.invasionSize -= 5; } } } public void NPCLoot() { if (Main.netMode == 1) { return; } if (Main.hardMode && this.lifeMax > 1 && this.damage > 0 && !this.friendly && (double)this.position.Y > Main.rockLayer * 16.0 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0 && this.type != 121 && this.value > 0f) { if (Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].zoneEvil || Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].zoneBlood) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 521, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].zoneHoly) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 520, 1, false, 0, false); } } if (this.type == 22 && Main.chrName[22] == "Andrew") { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 867, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(200) == 0) { int num = Item.NPCtoBanner(this.type); if (num > 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1615 + num - 1, 1, false, 0, false); } } if (Main.hardMode && this.value > 0f) { if (!NPC.downedMechBoss1 && Main.rand.Next(1000) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 556, 1, false, 0, false); } else { if (!NPC.downedMechBoss2 && Main.rand.Next(1000) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 544, 1, false, 0, false); } else { if (!NPC.downedMechBoss3 && Main.rand.Next(1000) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 557, 1, false, 0, false); } } } } if (Main.hardMode && this.value > 0f) { if (Main.rand.Next(4000) == 0 && Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].zoneJungle) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1533, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(4000) == 0 && Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].zoneEvil) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1534, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(4000) == 0 && Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].zoneBlood) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1535, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(4000) == 0 && Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].zoneHoly) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1536, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(4000) == 0 && Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].zoneSnow) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1537, 1, false, 0, false); } } if (this.type == 68) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1169, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 156 && Main.rand.Next(75) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1518, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 243 && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1519, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type >= 269 && this.type <= 280 && Main.rand.Next(450) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1517, 1, false, 0, false); } if ((this.type == 158 || this.type == 159) && Main.rand.Next(40) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1520, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 176 && Main.rand.Next(150) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1521, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 48 && Main.rand.Next(200) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1516, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 205 && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1611, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.xMas && this.lifeMax > 1 && this.damage > 0 && !this.friendly && this.type != 121 && this.value > 0f && Main.rand.Next(13) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, Main.rand.Next(599, 602), 1, false, 0, false); } if ((this.type == 281 || this.type == 282) && Main.rand.Next(40) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1446, 1, false, -1, false); } if ((this.type == 283 || this.type == 284) && Main.rand.Next(40) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1444, 1, false, -1, false); } if ((this.type == 285 || this.type == 286) && Main.rand.Next(40) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1445, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.lifeMax > 100 && this.type != 288 && >= 0 && Main.hardMode && NPC.downedPlantBoss && Main.player[].zoneDungeon && Main.rand.Next(13) == 0 && Main.wallDungeon[(int)Main.tile[(int) / 16, (int) / 16].wall]) { NPC.NewNPC((int), (int), 288, 0); } if (this.type == 288) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1508, Main.rand.Next(1, 3), false, -1, false); } if ((this.type == 162 || this.type == 166) && Main.rand.Next(250) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1570, 1, false, -1, false); } if ((this.type == 158 || this.type == 159) && Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 900, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 35) { if (Main.rand.Next(7) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1281, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(7) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1273, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(7) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1313, 1, false, -1, false); } } } } if (Main.bloodMoon && Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(1000) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1314, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { if (this.type == 104 || this.type == 102 || (this.type >= 269 && this.type <= 272)) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 885, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 77 || (this.type >= 273 && this.type <= 276)) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 886, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 141 || this.type == 178 || this.type == 42 || (this.type >= 231 && this.type <= 235)) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 887, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 79 || this.type == 81) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 888, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 75 || this.type == 78 || this.type == 82) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 889, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 75 || this.type == 79 || this.type == 103) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 890, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 34 || this.type == 83 || this.type == 84) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 891, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 94) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 892, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 93 || this.type == 109 || this.type == 80) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 893, 1, false, -1, false); } } if (this.type == 290) { if (Main.rand.Next(35) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1513, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(15) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 938, 1, false, -1, false); } } } if (this.type == 291) { if (Main.rand.Next(15) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1300, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(15) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1254, 1, false, -1, false); } } } if (this.type == 292) { if (Main.rand.Next(15) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1514, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(15) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 679, 1, false, -1, false); } } } if (this.type == 293 && Main.rand.Next(20) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 759, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 156 && Main.rand.Next(30) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 683, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 245) { int num2 = Main.rand.Next(8); if (num2 == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1258, 1, false, -1, false); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1261, Main.rand.Next(60, 100), false, 0, false); } else { if (num2 == 1) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1122, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (num2 == 2) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 899, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (num2 == 3) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1248, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (num2 == 4) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1294, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (num2 == 5) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1295, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (num2 == 6) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1296, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (num2 == 7) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1297, 1, false, -1, false); } } } } } } } } NPC.downedGolemBoss = true; } if (this.type == 268) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1332, Main.rand.Next(1, 4), false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 109 && !NPC.downedClown) { NPC.downedClown = true; if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(7, -1, -1, "", 0, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } if (this.type == 153 && Main.rand.Next(17) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1328, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 253 && Main.rand.Next(250) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1327, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 120 && Main.rand.Next(500) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1326, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 49 && Main.rand.Next(250) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1325, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 185 && Main.rand.Next(150) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 951, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 44 && Main.rand.Next(75) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1320, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 110 && Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1321, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 260 && Main.rand.Next(150) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1322, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 151 && Main.rand.Next(50) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1322, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 24 && Main.rand.Next(75) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1323, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 109 && Main.rand.Next(30) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1324, Main.rand.Next(1, 5), false, -1, false); } if ((this.type == 163 || this.type == 238) && Main.rand.Next(40) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1308, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 287 && Main.rand.Next(7) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 963, 1, false, -1, false); } else { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 977, 1, false, -1, false); } } if (this.type == 77 && Main.rand.Next(150) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 723, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 251 && Main.rand.Next(50) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1311, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 197 && Main.rand.Next(200) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1306, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 244) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 23, Main.rand.Next(1, 6), false, 0, false); if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 23, Main.rand.Next(1, 6), false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 23, Main.rand.Next(1, 6), false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 23, Main.rand.Next(1, 6), false, 0, false); } Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 662, Main.rand.Next(30, 60), false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 250 && Main.rand.Next(15) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1244, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 172) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 754, 1, false, -1, false); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 755, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 110 && Main.rand.Next(200) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 682, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type >= 269 && this.type <= 280) { if (Main.rand.Next(600) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1183, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(400) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1266, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(300) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 671, 1, false, -1, false); } } } } if (this.type == 154 && Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1253, 1, false, -1, false); } if ((this.type == 169 || this.type == 206) && Main.rand.Next(50) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 726, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 243) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, Main.rand.Next(684, 687), 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 198 || this.type == 199 || this.type == 226) { if (Main.rand.Next(3000) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1172, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1293, 1, false, -1, false); } } if (this.type == 78 || this.type == 79 || this.type == 80) { if (Main.rand.Next(75) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 870, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(75) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 871, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(75) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 872, 1, false, -1, false); } } if (this.type == 85 && this.value > 0f) { if ([3] == 4f) { if (Main.rand.Next(20) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1312, 1, false, -1, false); } else { int num3 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num3 == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 676, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (num3 == 1) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 725, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (num3 == 2) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1264, 1, false, -1, false); } } } } } else { int num4 = Main.rand.Next(7); if (num4 == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 437, 1, false, -1, false); } if (num4 == 1) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 517, 1, false, -1, false); } if (num4 == 2) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 535, 1, false, -1, false); } if (num4 == 3) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 536, 1, false, -1, false); } if (num4 == 4) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 532, 1, false, -1, false); } if (num4 == 5) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 393, 1, false, -1, false); } if (num4 == 6) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 554, 1, false, -1, false); } } } if (this.type == 87) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 575, Main.rand.Next(5, 11), false, 0, false); } if (this.type >= 212 && this.type <= 215) { if (Main.rand.Next(8000) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 905, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(4000) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 855, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(2000) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 854, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(200) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 672, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(500) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1277, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(500) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1278, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(500) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1279, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(500) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1280, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(300) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1704, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(300) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1705, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(300) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1710, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(300) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1716, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(300) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1720, 1, false, 0, false); } } else { if (this.type == 216) { if (Main.rand.Next(4000) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 905, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(2000) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 855, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(1000) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 854, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 672, 1, false, -1, false); } } } if (this.type == 161 && Main.rand.Next(50) == 0) { int num5 = Main.rand.Next(3); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 803 + num5, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 217) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1115, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 218) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1116, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 219) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1117, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 220) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1118, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 221) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1119, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 167 && Main.rand.Next(50) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 879, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 143 || this.type == 144 || this.type == 145) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 593, Main.rand.Next(5, 11), false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 79) { if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 527, 1, false, 0, false); } } else { if (this.type == 80 && Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 528, 1, false, 0, false); } } if (this.type == 49 && Main.rand.Next(200) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 18, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 21 || this.type == 201 || this.type == 202 || this.type == 203) { if (Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 954, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(200) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 955, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(200) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1166, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(500) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1274, 1, false, -1, false); } } } } } else { if (this.type == 6) { if (Main.rand.Next(150) == 0) { int num6 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num6 == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 956, 1, false, -1, false); } if (num6 == 1) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 957, 1, false, -1, false); } else { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 958, 1, false, -1, false); } } } else { if (this.type == 42 || this.type == 43 || (this.type >= 231 && this.type <= 235)) { if (Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { int num7 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num7 == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 960, 1, false, -1, false); } if (num7 == 1) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 961, 1, false, -1, false); } else { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 962, 1, false, -1, false); } } } else { if (this.type == 31 || this.type == 32 || this.type == 294 || this.type == 295 || this.type == 296) { if (Main.rand.Next(450) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 959, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(300) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1307, 1, false, -1, false); } } } } } if ((this.type == 174 || this.type == 179 || this.type == 182 || this.type == 183) && Main.rand.Next(200) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 996, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 101 || this.type == 98) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 522, Main.rand.Next(2, 6), false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 86) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 526, 1, false, 0, false); if (Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 856, 1, false, 0, false); } } if (this.type == 113) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 367, 1, false, -1, false); if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, Main.rand.Next(489, 492), 1, false, -1, false); } else { int num8 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num8 == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 514, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (num8 == 1) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 426, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (num8 == 2) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 434, 1, false, -1, false); } } } } if (Main.netMode != 1) { int num9 = (int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16; int num10 = (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16; int num11 = this.width / 2 / 16 + 1; for (int i = num9 - num11; i <= num9 + num11; i++) { for (int j = num10 - num11; j <= num10 + num11; j++) { if ((i == num9 - num11 || i == num9 + num11 || j == num10 - num11 || j == num10 + num11) && !Main.tile[i, j].active()) { Main.tile[i, j].type = 140; Main.tile[i, j].active(true); } Main.tile[i, j].lava(false); Main.tile[i, j].liquid = 0; if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendTileSquare(-1, i, j, 1); } else { WorldGen.SquareTileFrame(i, j, true); } } } } } if (this.type == 186) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 40, Main.rand.Next(1, 10), false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 225) { if (Main.rand.Next(45) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1243, 1, false, 0, false); } else { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 23, Main.rand.Next(2, 6), false, 0, false); } } if (this.type == 1 || this.type == 16 || this.type == 138 || this.type == 141 || this.type == 147 || this.type == 184 || this.type == 187 || this.type == 204) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 23, Main.rand.Next(1, 3), false, 0, false); if (Main.rand.Next(10000) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1309, 1, false, -1, false); } } if (this.type == 75) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 501, Main.rand.Next(1, 4), false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 81) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 23, Main.rand.Next(2, 5), false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 122) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 23, Main.rand.Next(5, 11), false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 71) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 327, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 2) { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 38, 1, false, 0, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 236, 1, false, 0, false); } } } if (this.type == 104 && Main.rand.Next(60) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 485, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.type == 58) { if (Main.rand.Next(500) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 263, 1, false, 0, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(40) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 118, 1, false, 0, false); } } } if (this.type == 102 && Main.rand.Next(500) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 263, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 3 || this.type == 132 || this.type == 161 || this.type == 186 || this.type == 187 || this.type == 188 || this.type == 189 || this.type == 200 || this.type == 223) { if (Main.rand.Next(50) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 216, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(250) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1304, 1, false, -1, false); } } if (this.type == 223 && Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1135, 1, false, -1, false); } else { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1136, 1, false, -1, false); } } if (this.type == 66) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 267, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 62 && Main.rand.Next(50) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 272, 1, false, -1, false); } if (this.value > 0f && Main.hardMode && (double)(this.position.Y / 16f) < Main.worldSurface + 10.0 && ( / 16f < 380f || / 16f > (float)(Main.maxTilesX - 380)) && Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1315, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 52) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 251, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 53) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 239, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 54) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 260, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 55 || this.type == 230) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 261, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 69 && Main.rand.Next(7) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 323, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 73) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 362, Main.rand.Next(1, 3), false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 4) { if (Main.rand.Next(150) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1299, 1, false, 0, false); } if (WorldGen.crimson) { int stack = Main.rand.Next(20) + 10; Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 880, stack, false, 0, false); stack = Main.rand.Next(20) + 10; Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 880, stack, false, 0, false); stack = Main.rand.Next(20) + 10; Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 880, stack, false, 0, false); } else { int stack2 = Main.rand.Next(30) + 20; Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 47, stack2, false, 0, false); stack2 = Main.rand.Next(20) + 10; Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 56, stack2, false, 0, false); stack2 = Main.rand.Next(20) + 10; Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 56, stack2, false, 0, false); stack2 = Main.rand.Next(20) + 10; Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 56, stack2, false, 0, false); stack2 = Main.rand.Next(3) + 1; Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 59, stack2, false, 0, false); } } if ((this.type == 6 || this.type == 94) && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 68, 1, false, 0, false); } if ((this.type == 181 || this.type == 173 || this.type == 239 || this.type == 240) && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1330, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 7 || this.type == 8 || this.type == 9) { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 68, Main.rand.Next(1, 3), false, 0, false); } Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 69, Main.rand.Next(3, 9), false, 0, false); } if ((this.type == 10 || this.type == 11 || this.type == 12 || this.type == 95 || this.type == 96 || this.type == 97) && Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 215, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 47 && Main.rand.Next(75) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 243, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 222) { NPC.downedQueenBee = true; int num12 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num12 == 0) { num12 = 1121; } else { if (num12 == 1) { num12 = 1123; } else { if (num12 == 2) { num12 = 1132; } } } Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, num12, 1, false, 0, false); if (Main.rand.Next(20) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1170, 1, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1129, 1, false, 0, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num12 = Main.rand.Next(842, 845); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, num12, 1, false, 0, false); } } if (Main.rand.Next(4) != 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1130, Main.rand.Next(10, 30), false, 0, false); } } if (this.type == 266) { int stack3 = Main.rand.Next(15, 41); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 880, stack3, false, 0, false); stack3 = Main.rand.Next(15, 41); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 880, stack3, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 267 && NPC.AnyNPCs(266)) { int stack4 = Main.rand.Next(2, 6); if (Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1329, stack4, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { stack4 = Main.rand.Next(4, 11); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 880, stack4, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0 && Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].statLife < Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].statLifeMax) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 58, 1, false, 0, false); } } if (this.type == 13 || this.type == 14 || this.type == 15) { int stack5 = Main.rand.Next(1, 3); if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 86, stack5, false, 0, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { stack5 = Main.rand.Next(2, 6); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 56, stack5, false, 0, false); } if (this.boss) { stack5 = Main.rand.Next(10, 30); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 56, stack5, false, 0, false); stack5 = Main.rand.Next(10, 31); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 56, stack5, false, 0, false); if (Main.rand.Next(30) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 995, 1, false, 0, false); } } if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0 && Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].statLife < Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].statLifeMax) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 58, 1, false, 0, false); } } if (this.type == 116 || this.type == 117 || this.type == 118 || this.type == 119 || this.type == 139) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 58, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 63 || this.type == 64 || this.type == 103) { if (Main.rand.Next(100) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1303, 1, false, -1, false); } Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 282, Main.rand.Next(1, 5), false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 21 || this.type == 44 || this.type == 167 || this.type == 201 || this.type == 202 || this.type == 203) { if (Main.rand.Next(25) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 118, 1, false, 0, false); } else { if (this.type == 44) { if (Main.rand.Next(20) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, Main.rand.Next(410, 412), 1, false, 0, false); } else { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 166, Main.rand.Next(1, 4), false, 0, false); } } } } if (this.type == 45) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 238, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 50) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, Main.rand.Next(256, 259), 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 23 && Main.rand.Next(50) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 116, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 24 && Main.rand.Next(300) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 244, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 31 || this.type == 32 || this.type == 34) { if (Main.rand.Next(250) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 932, 1, false, 0, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(65) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 327, 1, false, 0, false); } else { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 154, Main.rand.Next(1, 4), false, 0, false); } } } if (this.type == 26 || this.type == 27 || this.type == 28 || this.type == 29 || this.type == 111) { if (Main.rand.Next(200) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 160, 1, false, 0, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { int stack6 = Main.rand.Next(1, 6); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 161, stack6, false, 0, false); } } } if (this.type == 175 && Main.rand.Next(200) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1265, 1, false, -1, false); } if ((this.type == 42 || (this.type >= 231 && this.type <= 235)) && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 209, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 204 && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 209, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 43 && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 210, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 65) { if (Main.rand.Next(50) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 268, 1, false, 0, false); } else { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 319, 1, false, 0, false); } } if (this.type == 48 && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 320, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 125 || this.type == 126) { int num13 = 125; if (this.type == 125) { num13 = 126; } if (!NPC.AnyNPCs(num13)) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 549, Main.rand.Next(25, 41), false, 0, false); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1225, Main.rand.Next(20, 36), false, 0, false); } else { this.value = 0f; this.boss = false; } } else { if (this.type == 127) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 547, Main.rand.Next(25, 41), false, 0, false); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1225, Main.rand.Next(20, 36), false, 0, false); } else { if (this.type == 134) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 548, Main.rand.Next(25, 41), false, 0, false); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1225, Main.rand.Next(20, 36), false, 0, false); } } } if (this.type == 262) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1141, 1, false, -1, false); if (Main.rand.Next(20) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1182, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(200) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1305, 1, false, -1, false); } if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1157, 1, false, -1, false); } int num14 = Main.rand.Next(6); if (!NPC.downedPlantBoss) { num14 = 0; } if (num14 == 0) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 758, 1, false, -1, false); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 771, Main.rand.Next(20, 50), false, 0, false); } else { if (num14 == 1) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1255, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (num14 == 2) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 788, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (num14 == 3) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1178, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (num14 == 4) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1259, 1, false, -1, false); } else { if (num14 == 5) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1155, 1, false, -1, false); } } } } } } NPC.downedPlantBoss = true; } if ((this.boss || this.type == 125 || this.type == 126) && Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { if (this.type == 4) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1360, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 13 || this.type == 14 || this.type == 15) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1361, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 266) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1362, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 35) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1363, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 222) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1364, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 113) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1365, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 134) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1366, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 127) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1367, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 125) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1368, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 126) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1369, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 262) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1370, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 245) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 1371, 1, false, 0, false); } } if (this.boss) { if (this.type == 4) { NPC.downedBoss1 = true; } else { if (this.type == 13 || this.type == 14 || this.type == 15) { NPC.downedBoss2 = true; = "Eater of Worlds"; } else { if (this.type == 35) { NPC.downedBoss3 = true; = "Skeletron"; } else { = this.displayName; } } } if (this.type == 127) { NPC.downedMechBoss3 = true; NPC.downedMechBossAny = true; } if (this.type == 134) { NPC.downedMechBoss1 = true; NPC.downedMechBossAny = true; } string str =; if (this.displayName != "") { str = this.displayName; } int stack7 = Main.rand.Next(5, 16); int num15 = 28; if (this.type == 113) { num15 = 188; } else { if (this.type == 222) { num15 = 1134; } else { if (this.type > 113 && this.type < 222) { num15 = 499; } else { if (this.type == 245 || this.type == 262) { num15 = 499; } } } } Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, num15, stack7, false, 0, false); int num16 = Main.rand.Next(5) + 5; for (int k = 0; k < num16; k++) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 58, 1, false, 0, false); } if (this.type == 125 || this.type == 126) { NPC.downedMechBoss2 = true; NPC.downedMechBossAny = true; if (Main.netMode == 0) { Main.NewText("The Twins " + Lang.misc[17], 175, 75, 255, false); } else { if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(25, -1, -1, "The Twins " + Lang.misc[17], 255, 175f, 75f, 255f, 0); } } } else { if (Main.netMode == 0) { Main.NewText(str + " " + Lang.misc[17], 175, 75, 255, false); } else { if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(25, -1, -1, str + " " + Lang.misc[17], 255, 175f, 75f, 255f, 0); } } } if (this.type == 113 && Main.netMode != 1) { WorldGen.StartHardmode(); } if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(7, -1, -1, "", 0, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } if (Main.rand.Next(6) == 0 && this.lifeMax > 1 && this.damage > 0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0 && Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].statMana < Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].statManaMax) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 184, 1, false, 0, false); } else { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0 && Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].statLife < Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].statLifeMax) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 58, 1, false, 0, false); } } } if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0 && this.lifeMax > 1 && this.damage > 0 && Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].statMana < Main.player[(int)Player.FindClosest(this.position, this.width, this.height)].statManaMax) { Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 184, 1, false, 0, false); } float num17 = this.value; if (this.midas) { num17 *= 1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(10, 50) * 0.01f; } num17 *= 1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(-20, 21) * 0.01f; if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { num17 *= 1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(5, 11) * 0.01f; } if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) { num17 *= 1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(10, 21) * 0.01f; } if (Main.rand.Next(15) == 0) { num17 *= 1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(15, 31) * 0.01f; } if (Main.rand.Next(20) == 0) { num17 *= 1f + (float)Main.rand.Next(20, 41) * 0.01f; } while ((int)num17 > 0) { if (num17 > 1000000f) { int num18 = (int)(num17 / 1000000f); if (num18 > 50 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { num18 /= Main.rand.Next(3) + 1; } if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { num18 /= Main.rand.Next(3) + 1; } num17 -= (float)(1000000 * num18); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 74, num18, false, 0, false); } else { if (num17 > 10000f) { int num19 = (int)(num17 / 10000f); if (num19 > 50 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { num19 /= Main.rand.Next(3) + 1; } if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { num19 /= Main.rand.Next(3) + 1; } num17 -= (float)(10000 * num19); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 73, num19, false, 0, false); } else { if (num17 > 100f) { int num20 = (int)(num17 / 100f); if (num20 > 50 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { num20 /= Main.rand.Next(3) + 1; } if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { num20 /= Main.rand.Next(3) + 1; } num17 -= (float)(100 * num20); Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 72, num20, false, 0, false); } else { int num21 = (int)num17; if (num21 > 50 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { num21 /= Main.rand.Next(3) + 1; } if (Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { num21 /= Main.rand.Next(4) + 1; } if (num21 < 1) { num21 = 1; } num17 -= (float)num21; Item.NewItem((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height, 71, num21, false, 0, false); } } } } } public void HitEffect(int hitDirection = 0, double dmg = 10.0) { if (! { return; } if (this.type == 1 || this.type == 16 || this.type == 71 || this.type == 244) { if ( > 0) { int num = 0; while ((double)num < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, (float)hitDirection, -1f, this.alpha, this.color, 1f); num++; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, this.alpha, this.color, 1f); } if (Main.netMode != 1 && this.type == 16) { int num2 = Main.rand.Next(2) + 2; for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++) { int num3 = NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height), 1, 0); Main.npc[num3].SetDefaults("Baby Slime"); Main.npc[num3].velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 2f; Main.npc[num3].velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y; NPC expr_193_cp_0 = Main.npc[num3]; expr_193_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_193_cp_0.velocity.X + ((float)Main.rand.Next(-20, 20) * 0.1f + (float)(j * this.direction) * 0.3f); NPC expr_1D1_cp_0 = Main.npc[num3]; expr_1D1_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_1D1_cp_0.velocity.Y - ((float)Main.rand.Next(0, 10) * 0.1f + (float)j); Main.npc[num3].ai[1] = (float)j; if (Main.netMode == 2 && num3 < 200) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", num3, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } } } } if (this.type >= 245 && this.type <= 249) { if ( > 0) { int num4 = 0; while ((double)num4 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 148, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num4++; } } else { if (this.type == 246) { if (Main.netMode != 1) { NPC.NewNPC((int), (int)this.position.Y + this.height, 249, this.whoAmI); } } else { for (int k = 0; k < 50; k++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 148, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } if (this.type == 245) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 368, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 370, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 368, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 370, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 368, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 370, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 360, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 361, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 362, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 363, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 364, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 367, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 366, this.scale); } else { if (this.type == 249) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 368, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 370, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 368, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 370, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 365, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 363, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 362, this.scale); } else { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 369, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 371, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 370, this.scale); } } } } } if (this.type == 288 && <= 0) { for (int l = 0; l < 50; l++) { int num5 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 180, this.velocity.X, this.velocity.Y, 0, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num5].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num5].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num5].scale = 1.4f; } } if (this.type == 204) { if ( > 0) { int num6 = 0; while ((double)num6 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 100, new Color(149, 208, 104), 1f); num6++; } } else { for (int m = 0; m < 50; m++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 100, new Color(149, 208, 104), 1f); } } } if (this.type == 225) { if ( > 0) { int num7 = 0; while ((double)num7 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 100, new Color(0, 80, 255, 100), 1f); num7++; } } else { for (int n = 0; n < 50; n++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 100, new Color(0, 80, 255, 100), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 314, this.scale); } } if (this.type == 243) { if ( > 0) { int num8 = 0; while ((double)num8 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 150.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 161, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num8++; } } else { for (int num9 = 0; num9 < 200; num9++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 161, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 359, this.scale); } } if ((this.type == 210 || this.type == 211) && <= 0) { for (int num10 = 0; num10 < 6; num10++) { int num11 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 150, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.dust[num11].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num11].scale = 1.5f; } else { Main.dust[num11].scale = 0.8f; } } } if (this.type == 154) { if ( > 0) { int num12 = 0; while ((double)num12 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { int num13 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 67, this.velocity.X, this.velocity.Y, 90, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num13].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num13].velocity *= 0.2f; num12++; } } else { for (int num14 = 0; num14 < 50; num14++) { int num15 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 67, this.velocity.X, this.velocity.Y, 90, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num15].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num15].velocity *= 0.2f; } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 180, this.scale); } } if (this.type == 147 || this.type == 184) { if ( > 0) { int num16 = 0; while ((double)num16 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { int num17 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 76, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num17].noGravity = true; Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 100, new Color(97, 200, 255, 100), 1f); num16++; } } else { for (int num18 = 0; num18 < 30; num18++) { int num19 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 76, (float)hitDirection, -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num19].noGravity = true; Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, (float)hitDirection, -2f, 100, new Color(97, 200, 255, 100), 1f); } } } if (this.type == 143 || this.type == 144 || this.type == 145) { if ( > 0) { int num20 = 0; while ((double)num20 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { int num21 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 76, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num21].noGravity = true; num20++; } } else { for (int num22 = 0; num22 < 50; num22++) { int num23 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 76, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num23].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num23].scale *= 1.2f; } } } if (this.type == 141) { if ( > 0) { int num24 = 0; while ((double)num24 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, (float)hitDirection, -1f, this.alpha, new Color(210, 230, 140), 1f); num24++; } } else { for (int num25 = 0; num25 < 50; num25++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, this.alpha, new Color(210, 230, 140), 1f); } } } if (this.type == 112) { for (int num26 = 0; num26 < 20; num26++) { int num27 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 2f), this.width, this.height, 18, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2f); if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Main.dust[num27].scale *= 0.6f; } else { Main.dust[num27].velocity *= 1.4f; Main.dust[num27].noGravity = true; } } } if (this.type == 183) { if ( > 0) { int num28 = 0; while ((double)num28 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 136, 0f, 0f, this.alpha, this.color, 1f); num28++; } } else { for (int num29 = 0; num29 < 50; num29++) { int num30 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 136, (float)hitDirection, 0f, this.alpha, this.color, 1f); Main.dust[num30].velocity *= 2f; } } } if (this.type == 81 || this.type == 121) { if ( > 0) { int num31 = 0; while ((double)num31 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 14, 0f, 0f, this.alpha, this.color, 1f); num31++; } } else { for (int num32 = 0; num32 < 50; num32++) { int num33 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 14, (float)hitDirection, 0f, this.alpha, this.color, 1f); Main.dust[num33].velocity *= 2f; } if (Main.netMode != 1) { if (this.type == 121) { int num34 = NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height), 81, 0); Main.npc[num34].SetDefaults("Slimer2"); Main.npc[num34].velocity.X = this.velocity.X; Main.npc[num34].velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y; Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 94, this.scale); if (Main.netMode == 2 && num34 < 200) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", num34, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } else { if (this.scale >= 1f) { int num35 = Main.rand.Next(2) + 2; for (int num36 = 0; num36 < num35; num36++) { int num37 = NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height), 1, 0); Main.npc[num37].SetDefaults("Slimeling"); Main.npc[num37].velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 3f; Main.npc[num37].velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y; NPC expr_1545_cp_0 = Main.npc[num37]; expr_1545_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_1545_cp_0.velocity.X + ((float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 10) * 0.1f + (float)(num36 * this.direction) * 0.3f); NPC expr_1584_cp_0 = Main.npc[num37]; expr_1584_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_1584_cp_0.velocity.Y - ((float)Main.rand.Next(0, 10) * 0.1f + (float)num36); Main.npc[num37].ai[1] = (float)num36; if (Main.netMode == 2 && num37 < 200) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", num37, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } } } } } } if (this.type == 120 || this.type == 137 || this.type == 138) { if ( > 0) { int num38 = 0; while ((double)num38 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { int num39 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 71, 0f, 0f, 200, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num39].velocity *= 1.5f; num38++; } } else { for (int num40 = 0; num40 < 50; num40++) { int num41 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 71, (float)hitDirection, 0f, 200, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num41].velocity *= 1.5f; } } } if (this.type == 122) { if ( > 0) { int num42 = 0; while ((double)num42 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { int num43 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 72, 0f, 0f, 200, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num43].velocity *= 1.5f; num42++; } } else { for (int num44 = 0; num44 < 50; num44++) { int num45 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 72, (float)hitDirection, 0f, 200, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num45].velocity *= 1.5f; } } } if (this.type == 75) { if ( > 0) { int num46 = 0; while ((double)num46 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 55, 0f, 0f, 200, this.color, 1f); num46++; } } else { for (int num47 = 0; num47 < 50; num47++) { int num48 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 55, (float)hitDirection, 0f, 200, this.color, 1f); Main.dust[num48].velocity *= 2f; } } } if (this.type == 63 || this.type == 64 || this.type == 103) { Color newColor = new Color(50, 120, 255, 100); if (this.type == 64) { newColor = new Color(225, 70, 140, 100); } if (this.type == 103) { newColor = new Color(70, 225, 140, 100); } if ( > 0) { int num49 = 0; while ((double)num49 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, newColor, 1f); num49++; } return; } for (int num50 = 0; num50 < 25; num50++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, newColor, 1f); } return; } else { if (this.type != 59 && this.type != 60 && this.type != 151) { if (this.type == 50) { if ( > 0) { int num51 = 0; while ((double)num51 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 300.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 175, new Color(0, 80, 255, 100), 1f); num51++; } return; } for (int num52 = 0; num52 < 200; num52++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 4, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 175, new Color(0, 80, 255, 100), 1f); } if (Main.netMode != 1) { int num53 = Main.rand.Next(4) + 4; for (int num54 = 0; num54 < num53; num54++) { int x = (int)(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width - 32)); int y = (int)(this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height - 32)); int num55 = NPC.NewNPC(x, y, 1, 0); Main.npc[num55].SetDefaults(1, -1f); Main.npc[num55].velocity.X = (float)Main.rand.Next(-15, 16) * 0.1f; Main.npc[num55].velocity.Y = (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 1) * 0.1f; Main.npc[num55].ai[1] = (float)Main.rand.Next(3); if (Main.netMode == 2 && num55 < 200) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", num55, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } return; } } else { if (this.type == 153) { if ( > 0) { int num56 = 0; while ((double)num56 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 30.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num56++; } return; } for (int num57 = 0; num57 < 15; num57++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 177, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 178, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 179, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 179, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 177) { if ( > 0) { int num58 = 0; while ((double)num58 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 30.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num58++; } return; } for (int num59 = 0; num59 < 15; num59++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 234, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 235, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 236, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 236, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 49 || this.type == 51 || this.type == 93 || this.type == 150 || this.type == 152 || this.type == 226) { if ( > 0) { int num60 = 0; while ((double)num60 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 30.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num60++; } return; } for (int num61 = 0; num61 < 15; num61++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } if (this.type == 51) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 83, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 93) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 107, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 150) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 164, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 165, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 152) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 175, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 176, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 176, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 226) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 317, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 318, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 318, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 319, 1f); return; } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 82, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 46 || this.type == 55 || this.type == 67 || this.type == 74 || this.type == 102 || this.type == 224 || this.type == 230 || this.type == 297 || this.type == 298 || this.type == 299 || this.type == 300) { if ( > 0) { int num62 = 0; while ((double)num62 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 20.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num62++; } return; } for (int num63 = 0; num63 < 10; num63++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } if (this.type == 46) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 76, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 77, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 67) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 95, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 95, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 96, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 74) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 100, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 297) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 431, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 298) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 432, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 299) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 433, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 300) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 434, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 102) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 116, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 224) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 312, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 313, 1f); return; } } else { if (this.type == 148 || this.type == 149 || this.type == 168) { if ( > 0) { int num64 = 0; while ((double)num64 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 20.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num64++; } return; } for (int num65 = 0; num65 < 10; num65++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } if (this.type == 148) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 160, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 161, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 149) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 162, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 163, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 168) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 215, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 216, 1f); return; } } else { if (this.type == 47 || this.type == 57 || this.type == 58) { if ( > 0) { int num66 = 0; while ((double)num66 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 20.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num66++; } return; } for (int num67 = 0; num67 < 10; num67++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } if (this.type == 57) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 84, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 58) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 85, 1f); return; } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 78, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 79, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 173 || this.type == 174 || this.type == 181 || this.type == 182 || this.type == 268) { if ( > 0) { int num68 = 0; while ((double)num68 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, this.alpha, default(Color), 1f); num68++; } return; } for (int num69 = 0; num69 < 50; num69++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, this.alpha, default(Color), 1f); } if (this.type == 173) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 223, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 224, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 174) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 225, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 226, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 181) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 237, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 182) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 238, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 239, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 268) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 403, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 404, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 405, 1f); return; } } else { if (this.type == 2 || this.type == 190 || this.type == 191 || this.type == 192 || this.type == 193 || this.type == 194) { if ( > 0) { int num70 = 0; while ((double)num70 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num70++; } return; } for (int num71 = 0; num71 < 50; num71++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } if (this.type == 190) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 249, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + 14f, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 2, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 191) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 248, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + 14f, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 2, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 192) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 247, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + 14f, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 2, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 193) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 252, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + 14f, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 253, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 194) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 250, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + 14f, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 251, this.scale); return; } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 1, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + 14f, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 2, this.scale); return; } else { if (this.type == 157) { if ( > 0) { int num72 = 0; while ((double)num72 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num72++; } return; } for (int num73 = 0; num73 < 50; num73++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 186, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + 14f, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 187, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 133) { if ( <= 0) { for (int num74 = 0; num74 < 50; num74++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 155, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 14f), this.velocity, 155, 1f); return; } int num75 = 0; while ((double)num75 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num75++; } if ((float) < (float)this.lifeMax * 0.5f && this.localAI[0] == 0f) { this.localAI[0] = 1f; Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 1, 1f); return; } } else { if (this.type == 69) { if ( > 0) { int num76 = 0; while ((double)num76 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num76++; } return; } for (int num77 = 0; num77 < 50; num77++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 97, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 98, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 61) { if ( > 0) { int num78 = 0; while ((double)num78 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num78++; } return; } for (int num79 = 0; num79 < 50; num79++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 86, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + 14f, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 87, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + 14f, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 88, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 252) { if ( > 0) { int num80 = 0; while ((double)num80 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num80++; } return; } for (int num81 = 0; num81 < 50; num81++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 373, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 374, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 65) { if ( > 0) { int num82 = 0; while ((double)num82 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 150.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num82++; } return; } for (int num83 = 0; num83 < 75; num83++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity * 0.8f, 89, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + 14f, this.position.Y), this.velocity * 0.8f, 90, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + 14f, this.position.Y), this.velocity * 0.8f, 91, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + 14f, this.position.Y), this.velocity * 0.8f, 92, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 195 || this.type == 196) { if ( > 0) { int num84 = 0; while ((double)num84 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 150.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num84++; } return; } for (int num85 = 0; num85 < 75; num85++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 254, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 255, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 255, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 256, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 256, this.scale); return; } else { if (this.type == 198 || this.type == 199) { if ( > 0) { int num86 = 0; while ((double)num86 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 150.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num86++; } return; } for (int num87 = 0; num87 < 75; num87++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 258, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 259, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 259, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 260, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 260, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 261, this.scale); return; } else { if (this.type == 206) { if ( > 0) { int num88 = 0; while ((double)num88 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 150.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 137, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num88++; } return; } for (int num89 = 0; num89 < 75; num89++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 137, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 273, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 274, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 274, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 275, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 275, this.scale); return; } else { if (this.type == 3 || this.type == 52 || this.type == 53 || this.type == 104 || this.type == 109 || this.type == 132 || this.type == 161 || this.type == 162 || this.type == 186 || this.type == 187 || this.type == 188 || this.type == 189 || this.type == 200 || this.type == 223 || this.type == 251) { if ( > 0) { int num90 = 0; while ((double)num90 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num90++; } if (this.type == 186 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 242, 1f); } if (this.type == 187) { int num91 = 0; while ((double)num91 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 200.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, 24, 4, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 125, new Color(0, 80, 255, 100), 1f); num91++; } return; } } else { for (int num92 = 0; num92 < 50; num92++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } if (this.type == 187) { for (int num93 = 0; num93 < 25; num93++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, 24, 4, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 125, new Color(0, 80, 255, 100), 1f); } } if (this.type == 104) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 117, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 118, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 118, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 119, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 119, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 109) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 121, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 122, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 122, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 123, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 123, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 46f), this.velocity, 120, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 161) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 191, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 192, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 192, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 193, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 193, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 162) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 194, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 195, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 195, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 196, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 196, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 188) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 243, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 244, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 244, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 245, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 245, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 200) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 262, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 263, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 263, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 264, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 264, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 223) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 309, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 310, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 310, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 311, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 311, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 132) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 154, 1f); } else { if (this.type == 186) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 241, 1f); } else { if (this.type == 189) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 246, 1f); } else { if (this.type == 251) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 372, 1f); } else { if (this.type != 187) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 3, 1f); } } } } } Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 4, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 4, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 5, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 5, 1f); if (this.type == 186) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 242, 1f); } if (this.type == 186 && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 242, 1f); return; } } } else { if (this.type == 83 || this.type == 84 || this.type == 179) { if ( > 0) { int num94 = 0; while ((double)num94 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { int num95 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 31, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num95].noGravity = true; num94++; } return; } for (int num96 = 0; num96 < 20; num96++) { int num97 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 31, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num97].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num97].noGravity = true; } int num98 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 10f), new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-2, 3), (float)Main.rand.Next(-2, 3)), 61, this.scale); Main.gore[num98].velocity *= 0.5f; num98 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 10f), new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-2, 3), (float)Main.rand.Next(-2, 3)), 61, this.scale); Main.gore[num98].velocity *= 0.5f; num98 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 10f), new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-2, 3), (float)Main.rand.Next(-2, 3)), 61, this.scale); Main.gore[num98].velocity *= 0.5f; return; } else { if (this.type == 262 || this.type == 263 || this.type == 264) { if ( > 0) { int num99 = 0; while ((double)num99 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { if (this.type == 262 && > this.lifeMax / 2 && Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 166, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } else { if (this.type == 265 && Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 166, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } else { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 167, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } } num99++; } return; } for (int num100 = 0; num100 < 150; num100++) { if (this.type == 265 && Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 166, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } else { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 167, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } } if (this.type == 262) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 381, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 382, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 383, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 384, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 385, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 386, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 386, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 387, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 387, this.scale); } if (this.type == 263) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 390, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 391, this.scale); } if (this.type == 264) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 388, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.width), this.position.Y + (float)Main.rand.Next(this.height)), this.velocity, 389, this.scale); return; } } else { if (this.type == 265) { if ( < 0) { for (int num101 = 0; num101 < 15; num101++) { if (Main.rand.Next(3) != 0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 166, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } else { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 167, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } } return; } } else { if (this.type == 266) { if ( > 0) { int num102 = 0; while ((double)num102 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num102++; } return; } for (int num103 = 0; num103 < 150; num103++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 396, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 397, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 398, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 399, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 400, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 401, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 267) { if ( > 0) { int num104 = 0; while ((double)num104 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num104++; } return; } for (int num105 = 0; num105 < 20; num105++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 402, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 4 || this.type == 126 || this.type == 125) { if ( > 0) { int num106 = 0; while ((double)num106 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num106++; } return; } for (int num107 = 0; num107 < 150; num107++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } for (int num108 = 0; num108 < 2; num108++) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 2, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 7, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 9, 1f); if (this.type == 4) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 10, 1f); Main.PlaySound(15, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); } else { if (this.type == 125) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 146, 1f); } else { if (this.type == 126) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-30, 31) * 0.2f), 145, 1f); } } } } if (this.type == 125 || this.type == 126) { for (int num109 = 0; num109 < 10; num109++) { int num110 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 31, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num110].velocity *= 1.4f; } for (int num111 = 0; num111 < 5; num111++) { int num112 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2.5f); Main.dust[num112].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num112].velocity *= 5f; num112 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num112].velocity *= 3f; } int num113 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num113].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_575D_cp_0 = Main.gore[num113]; expr_575D_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_575D_cp_0.velocity.X + 1f; Gore expr_577B_cp_0 = Main.gore[num113]; expr_577B_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_577B_cp_0.velocity.Y + 1f; num113 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num113].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_57F9_cp_0 = Main.gore[num113]; expr_57F9_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_57F9_cp_0.velocity.X - 1f; Gore expr_5817_cp_0 = Main.gore[num113]; expr_5817_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_5817_cp_0.velocity.Y + 1f; num113 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num113].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_5895_cp_0 = Main.gore[num113]; expr_5895_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_5895_cp_0.velocity.X + 1f; Gore expr_58B3_cp_0 = Main.gore[num113]; expr_58B3_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_58B3_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; num113 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num113].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_5931_cp_0 = Main.gore[num113]; expr_5931_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_5931_cp_0.velocity.X - 1f; Gore expr_594F_cp_0 = Main.gore[num113]; expr_594F_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_594F_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; return; } } else { if (this.type == 5) { if ( > 0) { int num114 = 0; while ((double)num114 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num114++; } return; } for (int num115 = 0; num115 < 20; num115++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 6, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 7, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 113 || this.type == 114) { if ( > 0) { for (int num116 = 0; num116 < 20; num116++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } return; } for (int num117 = 0; num117 < 50; num117++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } if (this.type == 114) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 137, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)), this.velocity, 139, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2), this.position.Y), this.velocity, 139, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2), this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)), this.velocity, 137, this.scale); return; } Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 137, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)), this.velocity, 138, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2), this.position.Y), this.velocity, 138, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2), this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)), this.velocity, 137, this.scale); if (Main.player[Main.myPlayer].position.Y / 16f > (float)(Main.maxTilesY - 250)) { int num118 = (int)Main.screenPosition.Y; int num119 = num118 + Main.screenWidth; int num120 = (int)this.position.X; if (this.direction > 0) { num120 -= 80; } int num121 = num120 + 140; int num122 = num120; for (int num123 = num118; num123 < num119; num123 += 50) { while (num122 < num121) { for (int num124 = 0; num124 < 5; num124++) { Dust.NewDust(new Vector2((float)num122, (float)num123), 32, 32, 5, (float)Main.rand.Next(-60, 61) * 0.1f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-60, 61) * 0.1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Vector2 vector = new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-80, 81) * 0.1f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-60, 21) * 0.1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2((float)num122, (float)num123), vector, Main.rand.Next(140, 143), 1f); num122 += 46; } num122 = num120; } return; } } else { if (this.type == 115 || this.type == 116) { if ( > 0) { for (int num125 = 0; num125 < 5; num125++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } return; } if (this.type == 115 && Main.netMode != 1) { NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height), 116, 0); for (int num126 = 0; num126 < 10; num126++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } return; } for (int num127 = 0; num127 < 20; num127++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 132, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 133, this.scale); return; } else { if (this.type >= 117 && this.type <= 119) { if ( > 0) { for (int num128 = 0; num128 < 5; num128++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } return; } for (int num129 = 0; num129 < 10; num129++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 134 + this.type - 117, this.scale); return; } else { if (this.type == 217 || this.type == 218 || this.type == 219) { if ( > 0) { int num130 = 0; while ((double)num130 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -1f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); num130++; } return; } for (int num131 = 0; num131 < 50; num131++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -2f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); } if (this.type == 217) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 292, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 293, this.scale); } if (this.type == 218) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 295, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 296, this.scale); } if (this.type == 219) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 294, this.scale); return; } } else { if (this.type == 222) { if ( > 0) { int num132 = 0; while ((double)num132 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -1f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); num132++; } return; } for (int num133 = 0; num133 < 50; num133++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -2f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); } Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y - 35f), this.velocity, 303, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y - 45f), this.velocity, 304, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.velocity, 305, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 306, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 10f), this.velocity, 307, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y - 10f), this.velocity, 308, this.scale); return; } else { if (this.type == 6 || this.type == 94 || this.type == 166) { if ( > 0) { int num134 = 0; while ((double)num134 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -1f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); num134++; } return; } for (int num135 = 0; num135 < 50; num135++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -2f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); } int num136; if (this.type == 94) { num136 = Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 108, this.scale); num136 = Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 108, this.scale); num136 = Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 109, this.scale); num136 = Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 110, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 166) { num136 = Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 209, this.scale); num136 = Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 210, this.scale); num136 = Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 211, this.scale); return; } num136 = Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 14, this.scale); Main.gore[num136].alpha = this.alpha; num136 = Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 15, this.scale); Main.gore[num136].alpha = this.alpha; return; } else { if (this.type == 101) { if ( > 0) { int num137 = 0; while ((double)num137 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -1f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); num137++; } return; } for (int num138 = 0; num138 < 50; num138++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -2f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 110, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 114, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 114, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 115, this.scale); return; } else { if (this.type == 7 || this.type == 8 || this.type == 9) { if ( > 0) { int num139 = 0; while ((double)num139 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -1f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); num139++; } return; } for (int num140 = 0; num140 < 50; num140++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -2f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); } int num141 = Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, this.type - 7 + 18, 1f); Main.gore[num141].alpha = this.alpha; return; } else { if (this.type == 98 || this.type == 99 || this.type == 100) { if ( > 0) { int num142 = 0; while ((double)num142 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -1f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); num142++; } return; } for (int num143 = 0; num143 < 50; num143++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -2f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); } int num144 = Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 110, 1f); Main.gore[num144].alpha = this.alpha; return; } else { if (this.type == 10 || this.type == 11 || this.type == 12) { if ( > 0) { int num145 = 0; while ((double)num145 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num145++; } return; } for (int num146 = 0; num146 < 10; num146++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, this.type - 7 + 18, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 95 || this.type == 96 || this.type == 97) { if ( > 0) { int num147 = 0; while ((double)num147 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num147++; } return; } for (int num148 = 0; num148 < 10; num148++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, this.type - 95 + 111, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 13 || this.type == 14 || this.type == 15) { if ( > 0) { int num149 = 0; while ((double)num149 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -1f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); num149++; } return; } for (int num150 = 0; num150 < 50; num150++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -2f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); } if (this.type == 13) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 24, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 25, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 14) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 26, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 27, 1f); return; } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 28, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 29, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 17) { if ( > 0) { int num151 = 0; while ((double)num151 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num151++; } return; } for (int num152 = 0; num152 < 50; num152++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 30, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 31, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 31, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 32, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 32, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 86) { if ( > 0) { int num153 = 0; while ((double)num153 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num153++; } return; } for (int num154 = 0; num154 < 50; num154++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 101, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 102, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 103, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 103, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 104, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 104, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 105, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 155) { if ( > 0) { int num155 = 0; while ((double)num155 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num155++; } return; } for (int num156 = 0; num156 < 50; num156++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 181, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 182, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 183, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 183, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 163 || this.type == 238) { if ( > 0) { int num157 = 0; while ((double)num157 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num157++; } return; } for (int num158 = 0; num158 < 50; num158++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 205, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 206, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 206, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 206, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 206, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 164 || this.type == 165) { if ( > 0) { int num159 = 0; while ((double)num159 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num159++; } return; } for (int num160 = 0; num160 < 50; num160++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 207, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 208, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 208, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 208, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 208, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 239 || this.type == 240) { if ( > 0) { int num161 = 0; while ((double)num161 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num161++; } return; } for (int num162 = 0; num162 < 50; num162++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 351, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 352, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 352, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 353, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 353, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 236 || this.type == 237) { if ( > 0) { int num163 = 0; while ((double)num163 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num163++; } return; } for (int num164 = 0; num164 < 50; num164++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 332, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 333, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 334, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 335, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 335, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 241) { if ( > 0) { int num165 = 0; while ((double)num165 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num165++; } return; } for (int num166 = 0; num166 < 50; num166++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 354, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 355, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 242) { if ( > 0) { int num167 = 0; while ((double)num167 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num167++; } return; } for (int num168 = 0; num168 < 50; num168++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 356, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 357, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 357, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 358, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 358, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type >= 105 && this.type <= 108) { if ( > 0) { int num169 = 0; while ((double)num169 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num169++; } return; } for (int num170 = 0; num170 < 50; num170++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } if (this.type == 105 || this.type == 107) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 124, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 125, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 125, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 126, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 126, 1f); return; } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 127, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 128, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 128, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 129, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 129, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 123 || this.type == 124) { if ( > 0) { int num171 = 0; while ((double)num171 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num171++; } return; } for (int num172 = 0; num172 < 50; num172++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 151, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 152, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 152, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 153, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 153, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 22) { if ( > 0) { int num173 = 0; while ((double)num173 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num173++; } return; } for (int num174 = 0; num174 < 50; num174++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 73, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 74, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 74, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 75, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 75, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 227) { if ( > 0) { int num175 = 0; while ((double)num175 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num175++; } return; } for (int num176 = 0; num176 < 50; num176++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 320, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 321, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 322, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 323, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 323, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 228) { if ( > 0) { int num177 = 0; while ((double)num177 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num177++; } return; } for (int num178 = 0; num178 < 50; num178++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 324, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 325, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 326, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 327, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 327, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 229) { if ( > 0) { int num179 = 0; while ((double)num179 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num179++; } return; } for (int num180 = 0; num180 < 50; num180++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 328, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 329, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 329, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 330, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 330, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 142) { if ( > 0) { int num181 = 0; while ((double)num181 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num181++; } return; } for (int num182 = 0; num182 < 50; num182++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 157, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 158, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 158, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 159, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 159, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 178) { if ( > 0) { int num183 = 0; while ((double)num183 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num183++; } return; } for (int num184 = 0; num184 < 50; num184++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 231, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 232, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 232, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 233, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 37 || this.type == 54) { if ( > 0) { int num185 = 0; while ((double)num185 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num185++; } return; } for (int num186 = 0; num186 < 50; num186++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 58, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 59, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 59, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 60, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 60, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 160) { if ( > 0) { int num187 = 0; while ((double)num187 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 26, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num187++; } return; } for (int num188 = 0; num188 < 50; num188++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 26, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 188, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 189, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 189, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 190, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 190, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 18) { if ( > 0) { int num189 = 0; while ((double)num189 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num189++; } return; } for (int num190 = 0; num190 < 50; num190++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 33, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 34, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 34, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 35, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 35, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 19) { if ( > 0) { int num191 = 0; while ((double)num191 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num191++; } return; } for (int num192 = 0; num192 < 50; num192++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 36, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 37, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 37, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 38, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 38, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 38) { if ( > 0) { int num193 = 0; while ((double)num193 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num193++; } return; } for (int num194 = 0; num194 < 50; num194++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 64, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 65, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 65, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 66, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 66, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 20) { if ( > 0) { int num195 = 0; while ((double)num195 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num195++; } return; } for (int num196 = 0; num196 < 50; num196++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 39, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 40, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 40, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 41, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 41, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 207) { if ( > 0) { int num197 = 0; while ((double)num197 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num197++; } return; } for (int num198 = 0; num198 < 50; num198++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 283, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 284, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 284, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 285, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 285, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 208) { if ( > 0) { int num199 = 0; while ((double)num199 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num199++; } return; } for (int num200 = 0; num200 < 50; num200++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 286, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 287, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 287, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 288, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 288, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 209) { if ( > 0) { int num201 = 0; while ((double)num201 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num201++; } return; } for (int num202 = 0; num202 < 50; num202++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 289, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 290, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 290, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 291, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 291, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type >= 212 && this.type <= 216) { if ( > 0) { int num203 = 0; while ((double)num203 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num203++; } return; } for (int num204 = 0; num204 < 50; num204++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } if (this.type == 212) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 336, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 337, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 337, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 338, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 338, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 213) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 339, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 340, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 340, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 341, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 341, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 214) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 342, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 343, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 343, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 344, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 344, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 215) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 345, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 346, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 346, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 347, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 347, 1f); return; } if (this.type == 216) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 348, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 348, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 348, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 348, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 348, 1f); return; } } else { if (this.type == 220 || this.type == 221) { if ( > 0) { int num205 = 0; while ((double)num205 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 151, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 0.7f); num205++; } return; } for (int num206 = 0; num206 < 20; num206++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 151, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 0.7f); } if (this.type == 221) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 298, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 299, this.scale); return; } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 297, this.scale); return; } else { if (this.type == 21 || this.type == 31 || this.type == 294 || this.type == 295 || this.type == 296 || this.type == 32 || this.type == 44 || this.type == 45 || this.type == 77 || this.type == 110 || this.type == 167 || this.type == 197 || this.type == 201 || this.type == 202 || this.type == 203 || this.type == 287 || this.type == 291 || this.type == 292 || this.type == 293) { if ( > 0) { int num207 = 0; while ((double)num207 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 26, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num207++; } return; } for (int num208 = 0; num208 < 20; num208++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 26, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } if (this.type == 167) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 213, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 214, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 43, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 43, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 212, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 212, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 197) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 257, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 43, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 43, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 212, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 212, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 201) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 265, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 267, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 43, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 43, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 44, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 44, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 202) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 268, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 43, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 43, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 44, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 44, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 203) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 269, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 43, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 43, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 266, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 266, this.scale); return; } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 42, this.scale); if (this.type == 77) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 106, this.scale); } if (this.type == 110) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 130, this.scale); } Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 43, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 43, this.scale); if (this.type == 110) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 131, this.scale); } Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 44, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 44, this.scale); return; } else { if ((this.type >= 269 && this.type <= 276) || (this.type >= 281 && this.type <= 286)) { if ( > 0) { int num209 = 0; while ((double)num209 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 26, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num209++; } return; } for (int num210 = 0; num210 < 20; num210++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 26, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 42, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 43, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 43, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 44, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 44, this.scale); if (this.type == 269) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 406, this.scale); } if (this.type == 270) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 407, this.scale); } if (this.type == 271 || this.type == 272) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 408, this.scale); } if (this.type == 274) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 409, this.scale); } if (this.type == 276) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 410, this.scale); return; } } else { if (this.type >= 277 && this.type <= 280) { if ( > 0) { int num211 = 0; while ((double)num211 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { int num212 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 174, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num212].scale = 1.1f; Main.dust[num212].noGravity = true; num211++; } return; } for (int num213 = 0; num213 < 75; num213++) { int num214 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 174, 1.5f * (float)hitDirection, -0.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num214].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num214].scale = 1.4f; Main.dust[num214].noGravity = true; } return; } else { if (this.type == 85) { int num215 = 7; if ([3] == 2f) { num215 = 10; } if ([3] == 3f) { num215 = 37; } if ( > 0) { int num216 = 0; while ((double)num216 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, num215, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num216++; } return; } for (int num217 = 0; num217 < 20; num217++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, num215, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } int num218 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y - 10f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 61, this.scale); Main.gore[num218].velocity *= 0.3f; num218 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 10f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 62, this.scale); Main.gore[num218].velocity *= 0.3f; num218 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 10f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 63, this.scale); Main.gore[num218].velocity *= 0.3f; return; } else { if (this.type == 169) { if ( > 0) { int num219 = 0; while ((double)num219 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { int num220 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 92, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num220].velocity *= 1.5f; Main.dust[num220].noGravity = true; num219++; } return; } for (int num221 = 0; num221 < 100; num221++) { int num222 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 92, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num222].scale = 1.5f; Main.dust[num222].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num222].noGravity = true; } return; } else { if (this.type == 170 || this.type == 180) { if ( > 0) { int num223 = 0; while ((double)num223 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { int num224 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 54, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num224].velocity *= 1.5f; Main.dust[num224].noGravity = true; num223++; } return; } for (int num225 = 0; num225 < 10; num225++) { int num226 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 54, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num226].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num226].noGravity = true; } for (int num227 = 0; num227 < 4; num227++) { int num228 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 10f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 99, this.scale); Main.gore[num228].velocity *= 0.3f; } return; } else { if (this.type == 171) { if ( > 0) { int num229 = 0; while ((double)num229 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { int num230 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 16, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num230].velocity *= 1.5f; Main.dust[num230].noGravity = true; num229++; } return; } for (int num231 = 0; num231 < 10; num231++) { int num232 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 16, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num232].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num232].noGravity = true; } for (int num233 = 0; num233 < 4; num233++) { int num234 = 11 + num233; if (num234 > 13) { num234 = Main.rand.Next(11, 14); } int num235 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 10f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), num234, this.scale); Main.gore[num235].velocity *= 0.3f; } return; } else { if (this.type == 290) { if ( <= 0) { for (int num236 = 0; num236 < 10; num236++) { int num237 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 16, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num237].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num237].noGravity = true; } int num238 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(11, 14), this.scale); Main.gore[num238].velocity *= 0.5f; num238 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(11, 14), this.scale); Main.gore[num238].velocity *= 0.5f; num238 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 40f), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(11, 14), this.scale); Main.gore[num238].velocity *= 0.5f; return; } } else { if (this.type >= 87 && this.type <= 92) { if ( > 0) { int num239 = 0; while ((double)num239 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { int num240 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 16, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num240].velocity *= 1.5f; Main.dust[num240].noGravity = true; num239++; } return; } for (int num241 = 0; num241 < 10; num241++) { int num242 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 16, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num242].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num242].noGravity = true; } int num243 = Main.rand.Next(1, 4); for (int num244 = 0; num244 < num243; num244++) { int num245 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 10f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), Main.rand.Next(11, 14), this.scale); Main.gore[num245].velocity *= 0.8f; } return; } else { if (this.type == 78 || this.type == 79 || this.type == 80) { if ( > 0) { int num246 = 0; while ((double)num246 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { int num247 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 31, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num247].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num247].noGravity = true; num246++; } return; } for (int num248 = 0; num248 < 20; num248++) { int num249 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 31, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num249].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num249].noGravity = true; } int num250 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y - 10f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 61, this.scale); Main.gore[num250].velocity *= 0.3f; num250 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 10f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 62, this.scale); Main.gore[num250].velocity *= 0.3f; num250 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 10f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 63, this.scale); Main.gore[num250].velocity *= 0.3f; return; } else { if (this.type == 82 || this.type == 158 || this.type == 159 || this.type == 250 || this.type == 253) { if ( > 0) { int num251 = 0; while ((double)num251 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { int num252 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 54, 0f, 0f, 50, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num252].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num252].noGravity = true; num251++; } return; } for (int num253 = 0; num253 < 20; num253++) { int num254 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 54, 0f, 0f, 50, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num254].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num254].noGravity = true; } int num255 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y - 10f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 99, this.scale); Main.gore[num255].velocity *= 0.3f; num255 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 15f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 99, this.scale); Main.gore[num255].velocity *= 0.3f; num255 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 20f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 99, this.scale); Main.gore[num255].velocity *= 0.3f; return; } else { if (this.type == 254 || this.type == 255 || this.type == 256 || this.type == 257 || this.type == 258 || this.type == 259 || this.type == 260 || this.type == 261) { if ( > 0) { int num256 = 0; while ((double)num256 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { int num257 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 165, 0f, 0f, 50, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num257].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num257].noGravity = true; num256++; } return; } for (int num258 = 0; num258 < 20; num258++) { int num259 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 165, 0f, 0f, 50, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num259].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num259].noGravity = true; } if (this.type != 261) { int num260 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y - 10f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 375, this.scale); Main.gore[num260].velocity *= 0.3f; num260 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 15f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 376, this.scale); Main.gore[num260].velocity *= 0.3f; num260 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 20f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 377, this.scale); Main.gore[num260].velocity *= 0.3f; return; } } else { if (this.type == 140) { if ( <= 0) { for (int num261 = 0; num261 < 20; num261++) { int num262 = Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 54, 0f, 0f, 50, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num262].velocity *= 2f; Main.dust[num262].noGravity = true; } int num263 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y - 10f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 99, this.scale); Main.gore[num263].velocity *= 0.3f; num263 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 15f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 99, this.scale); Main.gore[num263].velocity *= 0.3f; num263 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + (float)this.height - 20f), new Vector2((float)hitDirection, 0f), 99, this.scale); Main.gore[num263].velocity *= 0.3f; return; } } else { if (this.type == 39 || this.type == 40 || this.type == 41) { if ( > 0) { int num264 = 0; while ((double)num264 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 50.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 26, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num264++; } return; } for (int num265 = 0; num265 < 20; num265++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 26, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, this.type - 39 + 67, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 34) { if ( > 0) { int num266 = 0; while ((double)num266 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 30.0) { int num267 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 15, -this.velocity.X * 0.2f, -this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 1.8f); Main.dust[num267].noLight = true; Main.dust[num267].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num267].velocity *= 1.3f; num267 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 26, -this.velocity.X * 0.2f, -this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 0, default(Color), 0.9f); Main.dust[num267].noLight = true; Main.dust[num267].velocity *= 1.3f; num266++; } return; } for (int num268 = 0; num268 < 15; num268++) { int num269 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 15, -this.velocity.X * 0.2f, -this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 1.8f); Main.dust[num269].noLight = true; Main.dust[num269].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num269].velocity *= 1.3f; num269 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 26, -this.velocity.X * 0.2f, -this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 0, default(Color), 0.9f); Main.dust[num269].noLight = true; Main.dust[num269].velocity *= 1.3f; } return; } else { if (this.type == 289) { if ( > 0) { int num270 = 0; while ((double)num270 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 30.0) { int num271 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 181, -this.velocity.X * 0.2f, -this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 1.8f); Main.dust[num271].noLight = true; Main.dust[num271].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num271].velocity *= 1.3f; num270++; } return; } for (int num272 = 0; num272 < 50; num272++) { int num273 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 181, -this.velocity.X * 0.2f, -this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 1.8f); Main.dust[num273].noLight = true; Main.dust[num273].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num273].velocity *= 1.3f; } return; } else { if (this.type == 35 || this.type == 36) { if ( > 0) { int num274 = 0; while ((double)num274 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 26, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num274++; } return; } for (int num275 = 0; num275 < 150; num275++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 26, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } if (this.type == 35) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 54, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 55, 1f); return; } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 56, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 57, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 57, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 57, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 139) { if ( <= 0) { for (int num276 = 0; num276 < 10; num276++) { int num277 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 31, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num277].velocity *= 1.4f; } for (int num278 = 0; num278 < 5; num278++) { int num279 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2.5f); Main.dust[num279].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num279].velocity *= 5f; num279 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num279].velocity *= 3f; } int num280 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num280].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_C6F1_cp_0 = Main.gore[num280]; expr_C6F1_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_C6F1_cp_0.velocity.X + 1f; Gore expr_C711_cp_0 = Main.gore[num280]; expr_C711_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_C711_cp_0.velocity.Y + 1f; num280 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num280].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_C795_cp_0 = Main.gore[num280]; expr_C795_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_C795_cp_0.velocity.X - 1f; Gore expr_C7B5_cp_0 = Main.gore[num280]; expr_C7B5_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_C7B5_cp_0.velocity.Y + 1f; num280 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num280].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_C839_cp_0 = Main.gore[num280]; expr_C839_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_C839_cp_0.velocity.X + 1f; Gore expr_C859_cp_0 = Main.gore[num280]; expr_C859_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_C859_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; num280 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num280].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_C8DD_cp_0 = Main.gore[num280]; expr_C8DD_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_C8DD_cp_0.velocity.X - 1f; Gore expr_C8FD_cp_0 = Main.gore[num280]; expr_C8FD_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_C8FD_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; return; } } else { if (this.type >= 134 && this.type <= 136) { if (this.type == 135 && > 0 && Main.netMode != 1 &&[2] == 0f && Main.rand.Next(25) == 0) {[2] = 1f; int num281 = NPC.NewNPC((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)), (int)(this.position.Y + (float)this.height), 139, 0); if (Main.netMode == 2 && num281 < 200) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", num281, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } this.netUpdate = true; } if ( <= 0) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 156, 1f); if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { for (int num282 = 0; num282 < 10; num282++) { int num283 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 31, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num283].velocity *= 1.4f; } for (int num284 = 0; num284 < 5; num284++) { int num285 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2.5f); Main.dust[num285].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num285].velocity *= 5f; num285 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num285].velocity *= 3f; } int num286 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num286].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_CC3E_cp_0 = Main.gore[num286]; expr_CC3E_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_CC3E_cp_0.velocity.X + 1f; Gore expr_CC5E_cp_0 = Main.gore[num286]; expr_CC5E_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_CC5E_cp_0.velocity.Y + 1f; num286 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num286].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_CCE2_cp_0 = Main.gore[num286]; expr_CCE2_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_CCE2_cp_0.velocity.X - 1f; Gore expr_CD02_cp_0 = Main.gore[num286]; expr_CD02_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_CD02_cp_0.velocity.Y + 1f; num286 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num286].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_CD86_cp_0 = Main.gore[num286]; expr_CD86_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_CD86_cp_0.velocity.X + 1f; Gore expr_CDA6_cp_0 = Main.gore[num286]; expr_CDA6_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_CDA6_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; num286 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num286].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_CE2A_cp_0 = Main.gore[num286]; expr_CE2A_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_CE2A_cp_0.velocity.X - 1f; Gore expr_CE4A_cp_0 = Main.gore[num286]; expr_CE4A_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_CE4A_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; return; } } } else { if (this.type == 127) { if ( <= 0) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 149, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 150, 1f); for (int num287 = 0; num287 < 10; num287++) { int num288 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 31, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num288].velocity *= 1.4f; } for (int num289 = 0; num289 < 5; num289++) { int num290 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2.5f); Main.dust[num290].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num290].velocity *= 5f; num290 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num290].velocity *= 3f; } int num291 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num291].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_D0B8_cp_0 = Main.gore[num291]; expr_D0B8_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_D0B8_cp_0.velocity.X + 1f; Gore expr_D0D8_cp_0 = Main.gore[num291]; expr_D0D8_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_D0D8_cp_0.velocity.Y + 1f; num291 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num291].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_D15C_cp_0 = Main.gore[num291]; expr_D15C_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_D15C_cp_0.velocity.X - 1f; Gore expr_D17C_cp_0 = Main.gore[num291]; expr_D17C_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_D17C_cp_0.velocity.Y + 1f; num291 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num291].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_D200_cp_0 = Main.gore[num291]; expr_D200_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_D200_cp_0.velocity.X + 1f; Gore expr_D220_cp_0 = Main.gore[num291]; expr_D220_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_D220_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; num291 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num291].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_D2A4_cp_0 = Main.gore[num291]; expr_D2A4_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_D2A4_cp_0.velocity.X - 1f; Gore expr_D2C4_cp_0 = Main.gore[num291]; expr_D2C4_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_D2C4_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; return; } } else { if (this.type >= 128 && this.type <= 131) { if ( <= 0) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 147, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 148, 1f); for (int num292 = 0; num292 < 10; num292++) { int num293 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 31, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num293].velocity *= 1.4f; } for (int num294 = 0; num294 < 5; num294++) { int num295 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2.5f); Main.dust[num295].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num295].velocity *= 5f; num295 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f); Main.dust[num295].velocity *= 3f; } int num296 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num296].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_D545_cp_0 = Main.gore[num296]; expr_D545_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_D545_cp_0.velocity.X + 1f; Gore expr_D565_cp_0 = Main.gore[num296]; expr_D565_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_D565_cp_0.velocity.Y + 1f; num296 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num296].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_D5E9_cp_0 = Main.gore[num296]; expr_D5E9_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_D5E9_cp_0.velocity.X - 1f; Gore expr_D609_cp_0 = Main.gore[num296]; expr_D609_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_D609_cp_0.velocity.Y + 1f; num296 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num296].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_D68D_cp_0 = Main.gore[num296]; expr_D68D_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_D68D_cp_0.velocity.X + 1f; Gore expr_D6AD_cp_0 = Main.gore[num296]; expr_D6AD_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_D6AD_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; num296 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f); Main.gore[num296].velocity *= 0.4f; Gore expr_D731_cp_0 = Main.gore[num296]; expr_D731_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_D731_cp_0.velocity.X - 1f; Gore expr_D751_cp_0 = Main.gore[num296]; expr_D751_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_D751_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; return; } } else { if (this.type == 23) { if ( > 0) { int num297 = 0; while ((double)num297 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { int num298 = 25; if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num298 = 6; } Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, num298, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); int num299 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, this.velocity.X * 0.2f, this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 2f); Main.dust[num299].noGravity = true; num297++; } return; } for (int num300 = 0; num300 < 50; num300++) { int num301 = 25; if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { num301 = 6; } Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, num301, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } for (int num302 = 0; num302 < 50; num302++) { int num303 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, this.velocity.X * 0.2f, this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 2.5f); Main.dust[num303].velocity *= 6f; Main.dust[num303].noGravity = true; } return; } else { if (this.type == 24) { if ( > 0) { int num304 = 0; while ((double)num304 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { int num305 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, this.velocity.X, this.velocity.Y, 100, default(Color), 2.5f); Main.dust[num305].noGravity = true; num304++; } return; } for (int num306 = 0; num306 < 50; num306++) { int num307 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, this.velocity.X, this.velocity.Y, 100, default(Color), 2.5f); Main.dust[num307].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num307].velocity *= 2f; } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 45, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 46, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 46, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 47, 1f); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 47, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 25) { Main.PlaySound(2, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 10); for (int num308 = 0; num308 < 20; num308++) { int num309 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, -this.velocity.X * 0.2f, -this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 2f); Main.dust[num309].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num309].velocity *= 2f; num309 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 6, -this.velocity.X * 0.2f, -this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num309].velocity *= 2f; } return; } if (this.type == 33) { Main.PlaySound(2, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 10); for (int num310 = 0; num310 < 20; num310++) { int num311 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 172, -this.velocity.X * 0.2f, -this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 1.2f); Main.dust[num311].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num311].velocity *= 2f; num311 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 172, -this.velocity.X * 0.2f, -this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 0.6f); Main.dust[num311].velocity *= 2f; } return; } if (this.type == 26 || this.type == 27 || this.type == 28 || this.type == 29 || this.type == 73 || this.type == 111) { if ( > 0) { int num312 = 0; while ((double)num312 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num312++; } return; } for (int num313 = 0; num313 < 50; num313++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 48, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 49, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 20f), this.velocity, 49, this.scale); if (this.type == 111) { Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 131, this.scale); } Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 50, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y + 34f), this.velocity, 50, this.scale); return; } else { if (this.type == 185) { if ( > 0) { int num314 = 0; while ((double)num314 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num314++; } return; } for (int num315 = 0; num315 < 50; num315++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 240, this.scale); return; } else { if (this.type == 30) { Main.PlaySound(2, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 10); for (int num316 = 0; num316 < 20; num316++) { int num317 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 27, -this.velocity.X * 0.2f, -this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 2f); Main.dust[num317].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num317].velocity *= 2f; num317 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X, this.position.Y), this.width, this.height, 27, -this.velocity.X * 0.2f, -this.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num317].velocity *= 2f; } return; } if (this.type == 42 || this.type == 176 || this.type == 205 || (this.type >= 231 && this.type <= 235)) { if ( > 0) { int num318 = 0; while ((double)num318 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -1f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); num318++; } return; } for (int num319 = 0; num319 < 50; num319++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 18, (float)hitDirection, -2f, this.alpha, this.color, this.scale); } if (this.type == 205) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 270, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 271, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 271, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 272, this.scale); return; } if (this.type == 176) { Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 229, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 230, this.scale); return; } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 70, this.scale); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 71, this.scale); return; } else { if (this.type == 43 || this.type == 56) { if ( > 0) { int num320 = 0; while ((double)num320 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 40, (float)hitDirection, -1f, this.alpha, this.color, 1.2f); num320++; } return; } for (int num321 = 0; num321 < 50; num321++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 40, (float)hitDirection, -2f, this.alpha, this.color, 1.2f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 72, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 72, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 175) { if ( > 0) { int num322 = 0; while ((double)num322 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 40, (float)hitDirection, -1f, this.alpha, this.color, 1.2f); num322++; } return; } for (int num323 = 0; num323 < 50; num323++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 40, (float)hitDirection, -2f, this.alpha, this.color, 1.2f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 227, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 228, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 48) { if ( > 0) { int num324 = 0; while ((double)num324 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num324++; } return; } for (int num325 = 0; num325 < 50; num325++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 80, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 81, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 62 || this.type == 66) { if ( > 0) { int num326 = 0; while ((double)num326 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num326++; } return; } for (int num327 = 0; num327 < 50; num327++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 93, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 94, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 94, 1f); return; } else { if (this.type == 156) { if ( > 0) { int num328 = 0; while ((double)num328 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 100.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)hitDirection, -1f, 0, default(Color), 1f); num328++; } return; } for (int num329 = 0; num329 < 50; num329++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 5, (float)(2 * hitDirection), -2f, 0, default(Color), 1f); } Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 184, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 185, 1f); Gore.NewGore(this.position, this.velocity, 185, 1f); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return; } if ( > 0) { int num330 = 0; while ((double)num330 < dmg / (double)this.lifeMax * 80.0) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 6, (float)(hitDirection * 2), -1f, this.alpha, default(Color), 1.5f); num330++; } return; } for (int num331 = 0; num331 < 40; num331++) { Dust.NewDust(this.position, this.width, this.height, 6, (float)(hitDirection * 2), -1f, this.alpha, default(Color), 1.5f); } return; } } public static bool AnyNPCs(int Type) { for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (Main.npc[i].active && Main.npc[i].type == Type) { return true; } } return false; } public static void SpawnSkeletron() { bool flag = true; bool flag2 = false; Vector2 vector = default(Vector2); int num = 0; int num2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (Main.npc[i].active && Main.npc[i].type == 35) { flag = false; break; } } for (int j = 0; j < 200; j++) { if (Main.npc[j].active && Main.npc[j].type == 37) { flag2 = true; Main.npc[j].ai[3] = 1f; vector = Main.npc[j].position; num = Main.npc[j].width; num2 = Main.npc[j].height; if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", j, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } } if (flag && flag2) { int num3 = NPC.NewNPC((int)vector.X + num / 2, (int)vector.Y + num2 / 2, 35, 0); Main.npc[num3].netUpdate = true; string str = "Skeletron"; if (Main.netMode == 0) { Main.NewText(str + " " + Lang.misc[16], 175, 75, 255, false); return; } if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(25, -1, -1, str + " " + Lang.misc[16], 255, 175f, 75f, 255f, 0); } } } public static bool NearSpikeBall(int x, int y) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(x * 16 - 300, y * 16 - 300, 600, 600); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (Main.npc[i].active && Main.npc[i].aiStyle == 20) { Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle((int)Main.npc[i].ai[1], (int)Main.npc[i].ai[2], 20, 20); if (rectangle.Intersects(rectangle2)) { return true; } } } return false; } public void AddBuff(int type, int time, bool quiet = false) { if (this.buffImmune[type]) { return; } if (!quiet) { if (Main.netMode == 1) { NetMessage.SendData(53, -1, -1, "", this.whoAmI, (float)type, (float)time, 0f, 0); } else { if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(54, -1, -1, "", this.whoAmI, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } } int num = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (this.buffType[i] == type) { if (this.buffTime[i] < time) { this.buffTime[i] = time; } return; } } while (num == -1) { int num2 = -1; for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (!Main.debuff[this.buffType[j]]) { num2 = j; break; } } if (num2 == -1) { return; } for (int k = num2; k < 5; k++) { if (this.buffType[k] == 0) { num = k; break; } } if (num == -1) { this.DelBuff(num2); } } this.buffType[num] = type; this.buffTime[num] = time; } public void DelBuff(int b) { this.buffTime[b] = 0; this.buffType[b] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (this.buffTime[i] == 0 || this.buffType[i] == 0) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 5; j++) { this.buffTime[j - 1] = this.buffTime[j]; this.buffType[j - 1] = this.buffType[j]; this.buffTime[j] = 0; this.buffType[j] = 0; } } } if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(54, -1, -1, "", this.whoAmI, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } public Vector2 center() { return new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2), this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)); } public Rectangle getRect() { return new Rectangle((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height); } public void UpdateNPC(int i) { this.whoAmI = i; if ( { if (this.realLife >= 0) { = Main.npc[this.realLife].life; } if (Main.netMode == 1) { bool flag = false; int num = (int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16; int num2 = (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16; try { if (num >= 4 && num <= Main.maxTilesX - 4 && num2 >= 4 && num2 <= Main.maxTilesY - 4) { if (Main.tile[num, num2] == null) { flag = true; } else { if (Main.tile[num - 3, num2] == null) { flag = true; } else { if (Main.tile[num + 3, num2] == null) { flag = true; } else { if (Main.tile[num, num2 - 3] == null) { flag = true; } else { if (Main.tile[num, num2 + 3] == null) { flag = true; } } } } } } } catch { flag = true; } if (flag) { return; } } if (this.displayName == "") { this.displayName =; } if (this.townNPC && Main.chrName[this.type] != "") { this.displayName = Main.chrName[this.type]; } this.lifeRegen = 0; this.poisoned = false; this.venom = false; this.onFire = false; this.midas = false; this.ichor = false; this.onFrostBurn = false; this.onFire2 = false; this.confused = false; for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (this.buffType[j] > 0 && this.buffTime[j] > 0) { this.buffTime[j]--; if (this.buffType[j] == 20) { this.poisoned = true; } if (this.buffType[j] == 70) { this.venom = true; } if (this.buffType[j] == 24) { this.onFire = true; } if (this.buffType[j] == 72) { this.midas = true; } if (this.buffType[j] == 69) { this.ichor = true; } if (this.buffType[j] == 31) { this.confused = true; } if (this.buffType[j] == 39) { this.onFire2 = true; } if (this.buffType[j] == 44) { this.onFrostBurn = true; } } } if (Main.netMode != 1) { for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) { if (this.buffType[k] > 0 && this.buffTime[k] <= 0) { this.DelBuff(k); if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(54, -1, -1, "", this.whoAmI, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } } } if (this.teleportTime > 0f) { if ((float)Main.rand.Next(100) <= 100f * this.teleportTime * 2f) { int num3 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2((float)this.getRect().X, (float)this.getRect().Y), this.getRect().Width, this.getRect().Height, 159, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Main.dust[num3].scale = this.teleportTime * 1.5f; Main.dust[num3].noGravity = true; Main.dust[num3].velocity *= 1.1f; } this.teleportTime -= 0.005f; } if (this.type >= 254 && this.type <= 261) { float num4 = (float)Main.rand.Next(28, 42) * 0.005f; num4 += (float)(270 - (int)Main.mouseTextColor) / 500f; float num5 = 0.1f; float num6 = 0.3f + num4 / 2f; float num7 = 0.6f + num4; float num8 = 0.35f; num5 *= num8; num6 *= num8; num7 *= num8; Lighting.addLight((int) / 16, (int) / 16, num5, num6, num7); } if (!this.dontTakeDamage) { if (this.poisoned) { if (this.lifeRegen > 0) { this.lifeRegen = 0; } this.lifeRegen -= 4; } if (this.onFire) { if (this.lifeRegen > 0) { this.lifeRegen = 0; } this.lifeRegen -= 8; } if (this.onFrostBurn) { if (this.lifeRegen > 0) { this.lifeRegen = 0; } this.lifeRegen -= 12; } if (this.onFire2) { if (this.lifeRegen > 0) { this.lifeRegen = 0; } this.lifeRegen -= 12; } if (this.venom) { if (this.lifeRegen > 0) { this.lifeRegen = 0; } this.lifeRegen -= 12; } this.lifeRegenCount += this.lifeRegen; while (this.lifeRegenCount >= 120) { this.lifeRegenCount -= 120; if ( < this.lifeMax) {; } if ( > this.lifeMax) { = this.lifeMax; } } while (this.lifeRegenCount <= -120) { this.lifeRegenCount += 120; int num9 = this.whoAmI; if (this.realLife >= 0) { num9 = this.realLife; } Main.npc[num9].life--; CombatText.NewText(new Rectangle((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height), new Color(255, 140, 40, 255), string.Concat(1), false, true); if (Main.npc[num9].life <= 0) { Main.npc[num9].life = 1; if (Main.netMode != 1) { Main.npc[num9].StrikeNPC(9999, 0f, 0, false, false); if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData(28, -1, -1, "", num9, 9999f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } } } } if (Main.netMode != 1 && Main.bloodMoon) { bool flag2 = false; if (this.value == 0f) { flag2 = true; } if (this.type == 46) { this.Transform(47); } else { if (this.type == 55) { this.Transform(57); } else { if (this.type == 148 || this.type == 149) { this.Transform(168); } } } if (flag2) { this.value = 0f; } } float num10 = 10f; NPC.gravity = 0.3f; if (this.type == 258) { NPC.gravity = 0.1f; if (this.velocity.Y > 3f) { this.velocity.Y = 3f; } } float num11 = (float)(Main.maxTilesX / 4200); num11 *= num11; float num12 = (float)((double)(this.position.Y / 16f - (60f + 10f * num11)) / (Main.worldSurface / 6.0)); if ((double)num12 < 0.25) { num12 = 0.25f; } if (num12 > 1f) { num12 = 1f; } NPC.gravity *= num12; if (this.wet) { if (this.honeyWet) { NPC.gravity = 0.1f; num10 = 4f; } else { NPC.gravity = 0.2f; num10 = 7f; } } if (this.soundDelay > 0) { this.soundDelay--; } if ( <= 0) { = false; } this.oldTarget =; this.oldDirection = this.direction; this.oldDirectionY = this.directionY; float num13 = 1f + Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) / 3f; if (this.gfxOffY > 0f) { this.gfxOffY -= num13 * this.stepSpeed; if (this.gfxOffY < 0f) { this.gfxOffY = 0f; } } else { if (this.gfxOffY < 0f) { this.gfxOffY += num13 * this.stepSpeed; if (this.gfxOffY > 0f) { this.gfxOffY = 0f; } } } if (this.gfxOffY > 16f) { this.gfxOffY = 16f; } if (this.gfxOffY < -16f) { this.gfxOffY = -16f; } this.AI(); if (this.type == 44) { Lighting.addLight((int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16, (int)(this.position.Y + 4f) / 16, 0.9f, 0.75f, 0.5f); } for (int l = 0; l < 256; l++) { if (this.immune[l] > 0) { this.immune[l]--; } } if (!this.noGravity && !this.noTileCollide) { int num14 = (int)(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) / 16; int num15 = (int)(this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)) / 16; if (Main.tile[num14, num15] == null) { NPC.gravity = 0f; this.velocity.X = 0f; this.velocity.Y = 0f; } } if (!this.noGravity) { this.velocity.Y = this.velocity.Y + NPC.gravity; if (this.velocity.Y > num10) { this.velocity.Y = num10; } } if ((double)this.velocity.X < 0.005 && (double)this.velocity.X > -0.005) { this.velocity.X = 0f; } if (Main.netMode != 1 && this.type != 37 && (this.friendly || this.type == 46 || this.type == 55 || this.type == 74 || this.type == 148 || this.type == 149 || this.type == 230 || this.type == 297 || this.type == 298 || this.type == 299 || this.type == 300)) { if ( < this.lifeMax) { this.friendlyRegen++; if (this.friendlyRegen > 300) { this.friendlyRegen = 0;; this.netUpdate = true; } } if (this.immune[255] == 0) { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle((int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, this.width, this.height); for (int m = 0; m < 200; m++) { if (Main.npc[m].active && !Main.npc[m].friendly && Main.npc[m].damage > 0) { Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle((int)Main.npc[m].position.X, (int)Main.npc[m].position.Y, Main.npc[m].width, Main.npc[m].height); if (rectangle.Intersects(rectangle2)) { int num16 = Main.npc[m].damage; int num17 = 6; int num18 = 1; if (Main.npc[m].position.X + (float)(Main.npc[m].width / 2) > this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2)) { num18 = -1; } Main.npc[i].StrikeNPC(num16, (float)num17, num18, false, false); if (Main.netMode != 0) { NetMessage.SendData(28, -1, -1, "", i, (float)num16, (float)num17, (float)num18, 0); } this.netUpdate = true; this.immune[255] = 30; } } } } } if (!this.noTileCollide) { Vector4 vector = Collision.WalkDownSlope(this.position, this.velocity, this.width, this.height, NPC.gravity); this.position.X = vector.X; this.position.Y = vector.Y; this.velocity.X = vector.Z; this.velocity.Y = vector.W; bool flag3 = Collision.LavaCollision(this.position, this.width, this.height); if (flag3) { this.lavaWet = true; if (!this.lavaImmune && !this.dontTakeDamage && Main.netMode != 1 && this.immune[255] == 0) { this.AddBuff(24, 420, false); this.immune[255] = 30; this.StrikeNPC(50, 0f, 0, false, false); if (Main.netMode == 2 && Main.netMode != 0) { NetMessage.SendData(28, -1, -1, "", this.whoAmI, 50f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } } bool flag4; if (this.type == 72 || this.aiStyle == 21) { flag4 = false; this.wetCount = 0; flag3 = false; } else { flag4 = Collision.WetCollision(this.position, this.width, this.height); if (Collision.honey) { this.honeyWet = true; } } if (flag4) { if (this.onFire && !this.lavaWet && Main.netMode != 1) { for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++) { if (this.buffType[n] == 24) { this.DelBuff(n); } } } if (!this.wet && this.wetCount == 0) { this.wetCount = 10; if (!flag3) { if (this.honeyWet) { for (int num19 = 0; num19 < 10; num19++) { int num20 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X - 6f, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 8f), this.width + 12, 24, 152, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Dust expr_F65_cp_0 = Main.dust[num20]; expr_F65_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_F65_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; Dust expr_F83_cp_0 = Main.dust[num20]; expr_F83_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_F83_cp_0.velocity.X * 2.5f; Main.dust[num20].scale = 1.3f; Main.dust[num20].alpha = 100; Main.dust[num20].noGravity = true; } if (this.aiStyle != 1 && this.type != 1 && this.type != 16 && this.type != 147 && this.type != 59 && this.aiStyle != 39 && !this.noGravity) { Main.PlaySound(19, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); } } else { for (int num21 = 0; num21 < 30; num21++) { int num22 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X - 6f, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 8f), this.width + 12, 24, Dust.dustWater(), 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Dust expr_10C8_cp_0 = Main.dust[num22]; expr_10C8_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_10C8_cp_0.velocity.Y - 4f; Dust expr_10E6_cp_0 = Main.dust[num22]; expr_10E6_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_10E6_cp_0.velocity.X * 2.5f; Main.dust[num22].scale *= 0.8f; Main.dust[num22].alpha = 100; Main.dust[num22].noGravity = true; } if (this.aiStyle != 1 && this.type != 1 && this.type != 16 && this.type != 147 && this.type != 59 && this.aiStyle != 39 && !this.noGravity) { Main.PlaySound(19, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); } } } else { for (int num23 = 0; num23 < 10; num23++) { int num24 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X - 6f, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 8f), this.width + 12, 24, 35, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Dust expr_122F_cp_0 = Main.dust[num24]; expr_122F_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_122F_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1.5f; Dust expr_124D_cp_0 = Main.dust[num24]; expr_124D_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_124D_cp_0.velocity.X * 2.5f; Main.dust[num24].scale = 1.3f; Main.dust[num24].alpha = 100; Main.dust[num24].noGravity = true; } if (this.aiStyle != 1 && this.type != 1 && this.type != 16 && this.type != 147 && this.type != 59 && this.aiStyle != 39 && !this.noGravity) { Main.PlaySound(19, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); } } } this.wet = true; } else { if (this.wet) { this.velocity.X = this.velocity.X * 0.5f; this.wet = false; if (this.wetCount == 0) { this.wetCount = 10; if (!this.lavaWet) { if (this.honeyWet) { for (int num25 = 0; num25 < 10; num25++) { int num26 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X - 6f, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 8f), this.width + 12, 24, 152, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Dust expr_13D6_cp_0 = Main.dust[num26]; expr_13D6_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_13D6_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1f; Dust expr_13F4_cp_0 = Main.dust[num26]; expr_13F4_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_13F4_cp_0.velocity.X * 2.5f; Main.dust[num26].scale = 1.3f; Main.dust[num26].alpha = 100; Main.dust[num26].noGravity = true; } if (this.aiStyle != 1 && this.type != 1 && this.type != 16 && this.type != 147 && this.type != 59 && this.aiStyle != 39 && !this.noGravity) { Main.PlaySound(19, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); } } else { for (int num27 = 0; num27 < 30; num27++) { int num28 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X - 6f, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 8f), this.width + 12, 24, Dust.dustWater(), 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Dust expr_1539_cp_0 = Main.dust[num28]; expr_1539_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_1539_cp_0.velocity.Y - 4f; Dust expr_1557_cp_0 = Main.dust[num28]; expr_1557_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_1557_cp_0.velocity.X * 2.5f; Main.dust[num28].scale *= 0.8f; Main.dust[num28].alpha = 100; Main.dust[num28].noGravity = true; } if (this.aiStyle != 1 && this.type != 1 && this.type != 16 && this.type != 59 && this.aiStyle != 39 && !this.noGravity) { Main.PlaySound(19, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 0); } } } else { for (int num29 = 0; num29 < 10; num29++) { int num30 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(this.position.X - 6f, this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2) - 8f), this.width + 12, 24, 35, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f); Dust expr_1690_cp_0 = Main.dust[num30]; expr_1690_cp_0.velocity.Y = expr_1690_cp_0.velocity.Y - 1.5f; Dust expr_16AE_cp_0 = Main.dust[num30]; expr_16AE_cp_0.velocity.X = expr_16AE_cp_0.velocity.X * 2.5f; Main.dust[num30].scale = 1.3f; Main.dust[num30].alpha = 100; Main.dust[num30].noGravity = true; } if (this.aiStyle != 1 && this.type != 1 && this.type != 16 && this.type != 59 && this.aiStyle != 39 && !this.noGravity) { Main.PlaySound(19, (int)this.position.X, (int)this.position.Y, 1); } } } } } if (!this.wet) { this.lavaWet = false; this.honeyWet = false; } if (this.wetCount > 0) { this.wetCount -= 1; } bool flag5 = false; if (this.aiStyle == 10) { flag5 = true; } if (this.aiStyle == 14) { flag5 = true; } if (this.aiStyle == 3 && this.directionY == 1) { flag5 = true; } this.oldVelocity = this.velocity; this.collideX = false; this.collideY = false; if (Main.netMode != 1) { if (this.type == 230 && this.wet) { int num31 = this.direction; Vector2 vector2 = this.velocity; this.Transform(55); this.direction = num31; this.velocity = vector2; this.wet = true; if (this.velocity.Y < 0f) { this.velocity.Y = 0f; } } else { if (this.type == 55 && !this.wet && Main.raining) { int num32 = this.direction; Vector2 vector3 = this.velocity; this.Transform(230); this.direction = num32; this.velocity = vector3; this.homeTileX = (int)(this.position.X / 16f) + 10 * this.direction; } } } Vector2 vector4 = this.position; int num33 = this.width; int num34 = this.height; if (this.type == 243) { num34 = 90; } if (this.type == 290) { num34 = 40; } if (num34 != this.height) { vector4.Y += (float)(this.height - num34); } if (this.wet) { if (this.honeyWet) { Vector2 vector5 = this.velocity; this.velocity = Collision.TileCollision(vector4, this.velocity, num33, num34, flag5, flag5); if (Collision.up) { this.velocity.Y = 0.01f; } Vector2 value = this.velocity * 0.25f; if (this.velocity.X != vector5.X) { value.X = this.velocity.X; this.collideX = true; } if (this.velocity.Y != vector5.Y) { value.Y = this.velocity.Y; this.collideY = true; } this.oldPosition = this.position; this.position += value; } else { Vector2 vector6 = this.velocity; this.velocity = Collision.TileCollision(vector4, this.velocity, num33, num34, flag5, flag5); if (Collision.up) { this.velocity.Y = 0.01f; } Vector2 value2 = this.velocity * 0.5f; if (this.velocity.X != vector6.X) { value2.X = this.velocity.X; this.collideX = true; } if (this.velocity.Y != vector6.Y) { value2.Y = this.velocity.Y; this.collideY = true; } this.oldPosition = this.position; this.position += value2; } } else { if (this.type == 72) { Vector2 vector7 = new Vector2(this.position.X + (float)(this.width / 2), this.position.Y + (float)(this.height / 2)); int num35 = 12; int num36 = 12; vector7.X -= (float)(num35 / 2); vector7.Y -= (float)(num36 / 2); this.velocity = Collision.noSlopeCollision(vector4, this.velocity, num33, num34, true, true); } else { this.velocity = Collision.TileCollision(vector4, this.velocity, num33, num34, flag5, flag5); } if (Collision.up) { this.velocity.Y = 0.01f; } if (this.oldVelocity.X != this.velocity.X) { this.collideX = true; } if (this.oldVelocity.Y != this.velocity.Y) { this.collideY = true; } this.oldPosition = this.position; this.position += this.velocity; } Vector4 vector8 = Collision.SlopeCollision(this.position, this.velocity, this.width, this.height, NPC.gravity); this.position.X = vector8.X; this.position.Y = vector8.Y; this.velocity.X = vector8.Z; this.velocity.Y = vector8.W; } else { this.oldPosition = this.position; this.position += this.velocity; } if (Main.netMode != 1 && !this.noTileCollide && this.lifeMax > 1 && Collision.SwitchTiles(this.position, this.width, this.height, this.oldPosition, 2) && (this.type == 46 || this.type == 148 || this.type == 149)) {[0] = 1f;[1] = 400f;[2] = 0f; } this.FindFrame(); if (this.type == 120 || this.type == 137 || this.type == 138) { for (int num37 = this.oldPos.Length - 1; num37 > 0; num37--) { this.oldPos[num37] = this.oldPos[num37 - 1]; Lighting.addLight((int)this.position.X / 16, (int)this.position.Y / 16, 0.3f, 0f, 0.2f); } this.oldPos[0] = this.position; } else { if (this.type == 94) { for (int num38 = this.oldPos.Length - 1; num38 > 0; num38--) { this.oldPos[num38] = this.oldPos[num38 - 1]; } this.oldPos[0] = this.position; } else { if (this.type == 125 || this.type == 126 || this.type == 127 || this.type == 128 || this.type == 129 || this.type == 130 || this.type == 131 || this.type == 139 || this.type == 140) { for (int num39 = this.oldPos.Length - 1; num39 > 0; num39--) { this.oldPos[num39] = this.oldPos[num39 - 1]; } this.oldPos[0] = this.position; } } } if (! { this.netUpdate = true; } if (Main.netMode == 2) { if (Main.npcStreamSpeed > 0 && !this.townNPC && Math.Abs(this.velocity.X) + Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y) > 1f) { this.netStream += 1; if ((int)this.netStream > Main.npcStreamSpeed) { for (int num40 = 0; num40 < 255; num40++) { if (Main.player[num40].active) { float num41 = Math.Abs( - Main.player[num40].center().X) + Math.Abs( - Main.player[num40].center().Y); if (num41 < 250f) { byte[] expr_1FAE_cp_0 = this.streamPlayer; int expr_1FAE_cp_1 = num40; expr_1FAE_cp_0[expr_1FAE_cp_1] -= 8; } else { if (num41 < 500f) { byte[] expr_1FD4_cp_0 = this.streamPlayer; int expr_1FD4_cp_1 = num40; expr_1FD4_cp_0[expr_1FD4_cp_1] -= 4; } else { if (num41 < 1000f) { byte[] expr_1FFA_cp_0 = this.streamPlayer; int expr_1FFA_cp_1 = num40; expr_1FFA_cp_0[expr_1FFA_cp_1] -= 2; } else { if (num41 < 1500f) { byte[] expr_2020_cp_0 = this.streamPlayer; int expr_2020_cp_1 = num40; expr_2020_cp_0[expr_2020_cp_1] -= 1; } } } } if (this.streamPlayer[num40] <= 0) { this.streamPlayer[num40] = 8; NetMessage.SendData(23, num40, -1, "", i, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); } } } } } if (this.townNPC) { this.netSpam = 0; } if (this.netUpdate2) { this.netUpdate = true; } if (! { this.netSpam = 0; } if (this.netUpdate) { if (this.netSpam <= 90) { this.netSpam += 30; NetMessage.SendData(23, -1, -1, "", i, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0); this.netUpdate2 = false; } else { this.netUpdate2 = true; } } if (this.netSpam > 0) { this.netSpam--; } if ( && this.townNPC && NPC.TypeToNum(this.type) != -1) { if (this.homeless != this.oldHomeless || this.homeTileX != this.oldHomeTileX || this.homeTileY != this.oldHomeTileY) { int num42 = 0; if (this.homeless) { num42 = 1; } NetMessage.SendData(60, -1, -1, "", i, (float)Main.npc[i].homeTileX, (float)Main.npc[i].homeTileY, (float)num42, 0); } this.oldHomeless = this.homeless; this.oldHomeTileX = this.homeTileX; this.oldHomeTileY = this.homeTileY; } } this.CheckActive(); this.netUpdate = false; this.justHit = false; } } public Color GetAlpha(Color newColor) { float num = (float)(255 - this.alpha) / 255f; int num2 = (int)((float)newColor.R * num); int num3 = (int)((float)newColor.G * num); int num4 = (int)((float)newColor.B * num); int num5 = (int)newColor.A - this.alpha; if (this.type == 25 || this.type == 30 || this.type == 59 || this.type == 60) { return new Color(200, 200, 200, 0); } if (this.type == 72) { num2 = (int)newColor.R; num3 = (int)newColor.G; num4 = (int)newColor.B; } else { if (this.type == 288) { return new Color(200, 200, 200, 0); } if (this.type == 289) { return new Color(250, 250, 250, 50); } if (this.type >= 254 && this.type <= 261) { num4 = 255; if (num2 < 100) { num2 = 100; } if (num3 < 150) { num3 = 150; } } else { if (this.type == 64 || this.type == 63 || this.type == 75 || this.type == 103) { num2 = (int)((double)newColor.R * 1.5); num3 = (int)((double)newColor.G * 1.5); num4 = (int)((double)newColor.B * 1.5); if (num2 > 255) { num2 = 255; } if (num3 > 255) { num3 = 255; } if (num4 > 255) { num4 = 255; } } } } if (num5 < 0) { num5 = 0; } if (num5 > 255) { num5 = 255; } return new Color(num2, num3, num4, num5); } public Color GetColor(Color newColor) { int num = (int)(this.color.R - (255 - newColor.R)); int num2 = (int)(this.color.G - (255 - newColor.G)); int num3 = (int)(this.color.B - (255 - newColor.B)); int num4 = (int)(this.color.A - (255 - newColor.A)); if (num < 0) { num = 0; } if (num > 255) { num = 255; } if (num2 < 0) { num2 = 0; } if (num2 > 255) { num2 = 255; } if (num3 < 0) { num3 = 0; } if (num3 > 255) { num3 = 255; } if (num4 < 0) { num4 = 0; } if (num4 > 255) { num4 = 255; } return new Color(num, num2, num3, num4); } public string GetChat() { Recipe.FindRecipes(); bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; bool flag3 = false; bool flag4 = false; bool flag5 = false; bool flag6 = false; bool flag7 = false; bool flag8 = false; bool flag9 = false; bool flag10 = false; bool flag11 = false; bool flag12 = false; bool flag13 = false; bool flag14 = false; bool flag15 = false; for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (Main.npc[i].active) { if (Main.npc[i].type == 17) { flag = true; } else { if (Main.npc[i].type == 18) { flag2 = true; } else { if (Main.npc[i].type == 19) { flag3 = true; } else { if (Main.npc[i].type == 20) { flag4 = true; } else { if (Main.npc[i].type == 37) { flag5 = true; } else { if (Main.npc[i].type == 38) { flag6 = true; } else { if (Main.npc[i].type == 124) { flag7 = true; } else { if (Main.npc[i].type == 107) { flag8 = true; } else { if (Main.npc[i].type == 54) { flag9 = true; } else { if (Main.npc[i].type == 160) { flag10 = true; } else { if (Main.npc[i].type == 178) { flag11 = true; } else { if (Main.npc[i].type == 229) { flag12 = true; } else { if (Main.npc[i].type == 209) { flag13 = true; } else { if (Main.npc[i].type == 208) { flag14 = true; } else { if (Main.npc[i].type == 2) { flag15 = true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } string result = ""; if (this.type == 17) { if (!NPC.downedBoss1 && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { if (Main.player[Main.myPlayer].statLifeMax < 200) { result = Lang.dialog(1, false); } else { if (Main.player[Main.myPlayer].statDefense <= 10) { result = Lang.dialog(2, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(3, false); } } } else { if (Main.dayTime) { if (Main.time < 16200.0) { int num = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(4, false); } else { if (num == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(5, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(6, false); } } } else { if (Main.time > 37800.0) { int num2 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num2 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(7, false); } else { if (num2 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(8, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(9, false); } } } else { int num3 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num3 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(10, false); } else { if (num3 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(11, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(12, false); } } } } } else { if (Main.bloodMoon) { if (flag2 && flag7 && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(13, false); } else { int num4 = Main.rand.Next(4); if (num4 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(14, false); } else { if (num4 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(15, false); } else { if (num4 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(16, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(17, false); } } } } } else { if (Main.time < 9720.0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(18, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(19, false); } } else { if (Main.time > 22680.0) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(20, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(21, false); } } else { int num5 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num5 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(22, false); } else { if (num5 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(23, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(24, false); } } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 18) { if (Main.bloodMoon) { if ((double)Main.player[Main.myPlayer].statLife < (double)Main.player[Main.myPlayer].statLifeMax * 0.66) { int num6 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num6 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(25, false); } else { if (num6 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(26, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(27, false); } } } else { int num7 = Main.rand.Next(4); if (num7 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(28, false); } else { if (num7 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(29, false); } else { if (num7 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(30, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(31, false); } } } } } else { if (Main.rand.Next(3) == 0 && !NPC.downedBoss3) { result = Lang.dialog(32, false); } else { if (flag6 && Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(33, false); } else { if (flag3 && Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(34, false); } else { if (flag15 && Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(35, false); } else { if ((double)Main.player[Main.myPlayer].statLife < (double)Main.player[Main.myPlayer].statLifeMax * 0.33) { int num8 = Main.rand.Next(5); if (num8 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(36, false); } else { if (num8 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(37, false); } else { if (num8 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(38, false); } else { if (num8 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(39, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(40, false); } } } } } else { if ((double)Main.player[Main.myPlayer].statLife < (double)Main.player[Main.myPlayer].statLifeMax * 0.66) { int num9 = Main.rand.Next(7); if (num9 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(41, false); } else { if (num9 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(42, false); } else { if (num9 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(43, false); } else { if (num9 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(44, false); } else { if (num9 == 4) { result = Lang.dialog(45, false); } else { if (num9 == 5) { result = Lang.dialog(46, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(47, false); } } } } } } } else { int num10 = Main.rand.Next(4); if (num10 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(48, false); } else { if (num10 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(49, false); } else { if (num10 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(50, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(51, false); } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 19) { if (NPC.downedBoss3 && !Main.hardMode) { result = Lang.dialog(58, false); } else { if (flag2 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(59, false); } else { if (flag2 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(60, false); } else { if (flag4 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(61, false); } else { if (flag6 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(62, false); } else { if (flag6 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(63, false); } else { if (Main.bloodMoon) { if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(64, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(65, false); } } else { int num11 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num11 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(66, false); } else { if (num11 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(67, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(68, false); } } } } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 20) { if (!NPC.downedBoss2 && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(69, false); } else { if (flag3 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(70, false); } else { if (flag && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(71, false); } else { if (flag5 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(72, false); } else { if (flag10 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(238, false); } else { if (Main.bloodMoon) { int num12 = Main.rand.Next(4); if (num12 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(73, false); } else { if (num12 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(74, false); } else { if (num12 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(75, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(76, false); } } } } else { int num13 = Main.rand.Next(5); if (num13 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(77, false); } else { if (num13 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(78, false); } else { if (num13 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(79, false); } else { if (num13 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(80, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(81, false); } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 37) { if (Main.dayTime) { int num14 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num14 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(82, false); } else { if (num14 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(83, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(84, false); } } } else { if (Main.player[Main.myPlayer].statLifeMax < 300 || Main.player[Main.myPlayer].statDefense < 10) { int num15 = Main.rand.Next(4); if (num15 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(85, false); } else { if (num15 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(86, false); } else { if (num15 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(87, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(88, false); } } } } else { int num16 = Main.rand.Next(4); if (num16 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(89, false); } else { if (num16 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(90, false); } else { if (num16 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(91, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(92, false); } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 38) { if (!NPC.downedBoss2 && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(93, false); } if (Main.bloodMoon) { int num17 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num17 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(94, false); } else { if (num17 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(95, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(96, false); } } } else { if (flag3 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(97, false); } else { if (flag3 && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(98, false); } else { if (flag2 && Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(99, false); } else { if (flag4 && Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(100, false); } else { if (!Main.dayTime) { int num18 = Main.rand.Next(4); if (num18 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(101, false); } else { if (num18 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(102, false); } else { if (num18 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(103, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(104, false); } } } } else { int num19 = Main.rand.Next(5); if (num19 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(105, false); } else { if (num19 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(106, false); } else { if (num19 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(107, false); } else { if (num19 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(108, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(109, false); } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 54) { if (!flag7 && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(110, false); } else { if (flag10 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(237, false); } else { if (Main.bloodMoon) { result = Lang.dialog(111, false); } else { if (flag2 && Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(112, false); } else { if (Main.player[Main.myPlayer].head == 24) { result = Lang.dialog(113, false); } else { int num20 = Main.rand.Next(6); if (num20 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(114, false); } else { if (num20 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(115, false); } else { if (num20 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(116, false); } else { if (num20 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(117, false); } else { if (num20 == 4) { result = Lang.dialog(118, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(119, false); } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 105) { result = Lang.dialog(120, false); } else { if (this.type == 107) { if (this.homeless) { int num21 = Main.rand.Next(5); if (num21 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(121, false); } else { if (num21 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(122, false); } else { if (num21 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(123, false); } else { if (num21 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(124, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(125, false); } } } } } else { if (flag7 && Main.rand.Next(4) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(126, false); } else { if (!Main.dayTime) { int num22 = Main.rand.Next(5); if (num22 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(127, false); } else { if (num22 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(128, false); } else { if (num22 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(129, false); } else { if (num22 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(130, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(131, false); } } } } } else { int num23 = Main.rand.Next(5); if (num23 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(132, false); } else { if (num23 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(133, false); } else { if (num23 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(134, false); } else { if (num23 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(135, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(136, false); } } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 106) { result = Lang.dialog(137, false); } else { if (this.type == 108) { if (this.homeless) { int num24 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num24 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(138, false); } else { if (num24 == 1 && !Main.player[Main.myPlayer].male) { result = Lang.dialog(139, false); } else { if (num24 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(140, false); } else { if (num24 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(141, false); } } } } } else { if (Main.player[Main.myPlayer].male && flag15 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(142, false); } else { if (Main.player[Main.myPlayer].male && flag6 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(143, false); } else { if (Main.player[Main.myPlayer].male && flag8 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(144, false); } else { if (!Main.player[Main.myPlayer].male && flag2 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(145, false); } else { if (!Main.player[Main.myPlayer].male && flag7 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(146, false); } else { if (!Main.player[Main.myPlayer].male && flag4 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(147, false); } else { if (!Main.dayTime) { int num25 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num25 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(148, false); } else { if (num25 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(149, false); } else { if (num25 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(150, false); } } } } else { int num26 = Main.rand.Next(5); if (num26 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(151, false); } else { if (num26 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(152, false); } else { if (num26 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(153, false); } else { if (num26 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(154, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(155, false); } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 123) { result = Lang.dialog(156, false); } else { if (this.type == 124) { if (this.homeless) { int num27 = Main.rand.Next(4); if (num27 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(157, false); } else { if (num27 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(158, false); } else { if (num27 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(159, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(160, false); } } } } else { if (Main.bloodMoon) { int num28 = Main.rand.Next(4); if (num28 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(161, false); } else { if (num28 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(162, false); } else { if (num28 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(163, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(164, false); } } } } else { if (flag8 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(165, false); } else { if (flag3 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(166, false); } else { int num29 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num29 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(167, false); } else { if (num29 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(168, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(169, false); } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 22) { if (Main.bloodMoon) { int num30 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num30 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(170, false); } else { if (num30 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(171, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(172, false); } } } else { if (!Main.dayTime) { result = Lang.dialog(173, false); } else { int num31 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num31 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(174, false); } else { if (num31 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(175, false); } else { result = Lang.dialog(176, false); } } } } } else { if (this.type == 142) { int num32 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (num32 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(224, false); } else { if (num32 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(225, false); } else { if (num32 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(226, false); } } } } else { if (this.type == 160) { int num33 = Main.rand.Next(6); if (flag4 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(232, false); } else { if (flag9 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(236, false); } else { if (num33 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(231, false); } else { if (num33 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(233, false); } else { if (num33 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(234, false); } else { if (num33 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(235, false); } else { if (num33 == 4) { result = Lang.dialog(240, false); } else { if (num33 == 5) { result = Lang.dialog(241, false); } } } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 178) { int num34 = Main.rand.Next(5); if (Main.bloodMoon && Main.rand.Next(3) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(245, false); } else { if (flag13 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(246, false); } else { if (flag12 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(247, false); } else { if (num34 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(242, false); } else { if (num34 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(243, false); } else { if (num34 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(244, false); } else { if (num34 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(248, false); } else { if (num34 == 4) { result = Lang.dialog(249, false); } } } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 207) { int num35 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (flag12 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(260, false); } else { if (num35 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(257, false); } else { if (num35 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(258, false); } else { if (num35 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(259, false); } } } } } else { if (this.type == 208) { int num36 = Main.rand.Next(7); if (Main.player[Main.myPlayer].male && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(268, false); } else { if (num36 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(265, false); } else { if (num36 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(266, false); } else { if (num36 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(267, false); } else { if (num36 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(269, false); } else { if (num36 == 4) { result = Lang.dialog(270, false); } else { if (num36 == 5) { result = Lang.dialog(271, false); } else { if (num36 == 6) { result = Lang.dialog(272, false); } } } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 209) { int num37 = Main.rand.Next(5); if (flag12 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(284, false); } else { if (flag11 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(283, false); } else { if (num37 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(280, false); } else { if (num37 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(281, false); } else { if (num37 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(282, false); } else { if (num37 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(285, false); } else { if (num37 == 4) { result = Lang.dialog(286, false); } } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 227) { int num38 = Main.rand.Next(5); if (Main.hardMode && Main.rand.Next(7) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(250, false); } else { if (flag14 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(251, false); } else { if (num38 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(252, false); } else { if (num38 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(253, false); } else { if (num38 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(254, false); } else { if (num38 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(255, false); } else { if (num38 == 4) { result = Lang.dialog(256, false); } } } } } } } } else { if (this.type == 228) { int num39 = Main.rand.Next(3); if (flag2 && Main.rand.Next(6) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(263, false); } else { if (num39 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(261, false); } else { if (num39 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(262, false); } else { if (num39 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(264, false); } } } } } else { if (this.type == 229) { int num40 = Main.rand.Next(6); if (!Main.player[Main.myPlayer].male && Main.rand.Next(5) == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(276, false); } else { if (num40 == 0) { result = Lang.dialog(273, false); } else { if (num40 == 1) { result = Lang.dialog(274, false); } else { if (num40 == 2) { result = Lang.dialog(275, false); } else { if (num40 == 3) { result = Lang.dialog(277, false); } else { if (num40 == 4) { result = Lang.dialog(278, false); } else { if (num40 == 5) { result = Lang.dialog(279, false); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return result; } public object Clone() { return base.MemberwiseClone(); } } }