<# .SYNOPSIS A backup script for Lync that uses GIT (via libgit2) to save the data, provide diff emails of changes (similar to RANCID) and creates zip snapshots. .DESCRIPTION Version 1.2.2 released 2016-06-20 If you specify Commit, libgit2 is used to interact with GIT. It is used via libgit2sharp and if either of these dlls are not in the same directly as the script, they will be downloaded from NuGet. .PARAMETER Path path to the folder where the backup data will be stored .PARAMETER IncludeConfig switch to include configuration in backup (default true) .PARAMETER IncludeUsers switch to include user data in backup .PARAMETER IncludeRgs switch to include RGS data in backup .PARAMETER Archive switch to create a ZIP file of this backup run .PARAMETER Commit switch to commit this run into a local GIT repository .PARAMETER CommitMessage optional string to document this backup run for the Commit .PARAMETER EmailArchiveTo space or comma separated list of email addresses to email the ZIP archive to .PARAMETER EmailChangesTo space or comma separated list of email addresses to email the differences between this and the last commit to .PARAMETER From email address that the email sent by EmailArchiveTo and EmailChangesTo will be sent from .PARAMETER SmtpServer FQDN of the SMTP server that the email sent by EmailArchiveTo and EmailChangesTo will be sent using .PARAMETER RemoteName local remote name for the remote GIT repository (defaults to origin) .PARAMETER RemoteRepoUrl URL of the remote GIT repository to push changes to .PARAMETER RemoteCredential credentials to use to authenticate to the remote GIT repository .PARAMETER SaveConfig switch to save the parameters to ConfigFile and exit instead of running .PARAMETER LoadConfig switch to load config from ConfigFile instead of using parameters .PARAMETER ConfigFile path to XML configuration file to be written to (with SaveConfig) or read from (with LoadConfig) .EXAMPLE Backup-Lync.ps1 The default is to read the default configuration file (.\config.xml) and perform a backup of Lync/Skype for Business .EXAMPLE Write all parameters to the default configuration file (.\config.xml). A specific config file can be set using -ConfigFile path\to\config\file.xml Backup-Lync.ps1 -IncludeConfig -Commit -EmailChangesTo my.email@domain.com -From lyncbackup@domain.com -SmtpServer smtp.domain.com -SaveConfig .EXAMPLE Backup-Lync.ps1 -IncludeConfig -Commit -EmailChangesTo my.email@domain.com -From lyncbackup@domain.com -SmtpServer smtp.domain.com Skip the configuration file and immediately perform a backup of Lync/Skype for Business configuration, committing changes and emailing a diff (similar to RANCID) #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, DefaultParameterSetName = "cfg")] param( [Parameter(Position=0, ParameterSetName = "cli")][string]$Path = ".\data", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cli")][switch]$IncludeConfig = $true, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cli")][switch]$IncludeUsers = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cli")][switch]$IncludeRgs = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cli")][switch]$Archive = $true, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cli")][switch]$Commit = $true, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cli")][string]$CommitMessage, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cli")][string]$EmailArchiveTo, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cli")][string]$EmailChangesTo, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cli")][string]$From, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cli")][string]$SmtpServer, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cli")][string]$RemoteName = "origin", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cli")][string]$RemoteRepoUrl, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cli")][System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$RemoteCredential, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cli")][switch]$SaveConfig, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "cfg")][switch]$LoadConfig = $true, [Parameter()][string]$ConfigFile = ".\config.xml" ) $thisScriptPath = [io.path]::GetDirectoryName($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) if($ConfigFile.StartsWith(".")) { $ConfigFile = join-path $thisScriptPath $ConfigFile.Substring(2) } if($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "cli" -and $SaveConfig) { # write the config then exit $cfg = [xml]"" $nCfg = $cfg.GetElementsByTagName("config") $nCfg.SetAttribute("path", $Path) $nInclude = $cfg.CreateElement("include"); $nInclude.SetAttribute("config", $IncludeConfig) $nInclude.SetAttribute("users", $IncludeUsers) $nInclude.SetAttribute("rgs", $IncludeRgs) $nCfg.AppendChild($nInclude) | Out-Null $nArchive = $cfg.CreateElement("archive") $nArchive.SetAttribute("enabled", $Archive) $nCfg.AppendChild($nArchive) | Out-Null if($EmailArchiveTo) { $nEmail = $cfg.CreateElement("email") $nEmail.AppendChild($cfg.CreateTextNode($EmailArchiveTo)) | Out-Null $nArchive.AppendChild($nEmail) | Out-Null } $nCommit = $cfg.CreateElement("commit") $nCommit.SetAttribute("enabled", $Commit) $nCfg.AppendChild($nCommit) | Out-Null if($CommitMessage) { $nMsg = $cfg.CreateElement("message") $nMsg.AppendChild($cfg.CreateTextNode($CommitMessage)) | Out-Null $nCommit.AppendChild($nMsg) | Out-Null } if($EmailChangesTo) { $nEmail = $cfg.CreateElement("email") $nEmail.AppendChild($cfg.CreateTextNode($EmailChangesTo)) | Out-Null $nCommit.AppendChild($nEmail) | Out-Null } if($RemoteName -or $RemoteRepoUrl -or $RemoteCredential) { $nRemote = $cfg.CreateElement("remote") if($RemoteName) { $nRemote.SetAttribute("name", $RemoteName) } if($RemoteRepoUrl) { $nRemote.SetAttribute("href", $RemoteRepoUrl) } if($RemoteCredential) { $nRmtUsername = $cfg.CreateElement("username") $nRmtUsername.AppendChild($cfg.CreateTextNode($RemoteCredential.Username)) | Out-Null $nRemote.AppendChild($nRmtUsername) | Out-Null $nRmtPassword = $cfg.CreateElement("password") # encrypts password uring Data Protection API $pwd = $RemoteCredential.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString $nRmtPassword.AppendChild($cfg.CreateTextNode($pwd)) | Out-Null $nRemote.AppendChild($nRmtPassword) | Out-Null } $nCommit.AppendChild($nRemote) | Out-Null } if($SmtpServer -or $From) { $nSmtp = $cfg.CreateElement("smtp") if($SmtpServer) { $nSmtp.SetAttribute("server", $SmtpServer) } if($From) { $nSmtp.SetAttribute("from", $From) } $nCfg.AppendChild($nSmtp) | Out-Null } $cfg.Save($ConfigFile) exit } if($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "cfg") { # check if the file exists if(!$(Test-Path $ConfigFile)) { Write-Error "$ConfigFile doesn't exist. Please create a config file with -SaveConfig and try running again, or specify a configuration using the command line parameters or with -LoadConfig" exit } # load the config [xml]$cfg = gc $ConfigFile -Raw -Encoding ASCII [string]$Path = $cfg.config.path [bool]$IncludeConfig = $($cfg.config.include.config -eq "True") [bool]$IncludeUsers = $($cfg.config.include.users-eq "True") [bool]$IncludeRgs = $($cfg.config.include.rgs -eq "True") [bool]$Archive = $($cfg.config.archive.enabled -eq "True") [string]$EmailArchiveTo = $cfg.config.archive.email [bool]$Commit = $($cfg.config.commit.enabled -eq "True") [string]$CommitMessage = $cfg.config.commit.message [string]$EmailChangesTo = $cfg.config.commit.email [string]$RemoteName = $cfg.config.commit.remote.name [string]$RemoteRepoUrl = $cfg.config.commit.remote.href if($cfg.config.commit.remote.username -and $cfg.config.commit.remote.password) { $rmtUsername = $cfg.config.commit.remote.username $rmtPassword = $cfg.config.commit.remote.password | ConvertTo-SecureString $RemoteCredential = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $rmtUsername, $rmtPassword } [string]$SmtpServer = $cfg.config.smtp.server [string]$From = $cfg.config.smtp.from } $start = [DateTime]::UtcNow if(!$From) { $fqdn = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($env:computerName).HostName $From = $env:USERNAME + "@" + $fqdn } [reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("windowsbase") | out-null # for system.io.packaging if($Commit -and !$(ls $thisScriptPath\libgit2sharp.dll -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Verbose "Commit requested but libgit2sharp.dll not found; downloading..." $wc = new-object System.Net.WebClient #[system.reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("system.runtime.serialization") | out-null #$json = new-object system.runtime.serialization.json.datacontractjsonserializer $([string[]]) #$verStr = $wc.downloadstring("https://nuget.org/api/v2/package-versions/libgit2sharp") #$verData = [system.text.encoding]::ascii.getbytes($verStr) #$mem = new-object system.io.memorystream @(,[byte[]]$verData) #[string[]]$versions = $json.ReadObject($mem) #$latestVersion = $versions | select -last 1 $latestVersion = "" $url = "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/{0}/{1}" -f "libgit2sharp",$latestVersion $tempNupkg = join-path $env:temp "libgit2sharp.nupkg" $wc.DownloadFile($url, $tempNupkg) $nupkg = [system.io.packaging.package]::open($tempNupkg) $dll = $nupkg.GetPart("/lib/net40/LibGit2Sharp.dll") $file = new-object System.IO.FileStream $(Join-Path $thisScriptPath "libgit2sharp.dll"), "Create" $s = $dll.GetStream() $s.CopyTo($file) $s.Close() $file.Close() $dll = $nupkg.getparts() | where { $_.Uri -match "amd64/git2-.*\.dll" } $git2Dll = $dll.Uri.ToString() -split '/' | select -last 1 $file = new-object System.IO.FileStream $(Join-Path $thisScriptPath $git2Dll), "Create" $s = $dll.GetStream() $s.CopyTo($file) $s.Close() $file.Close() $nupkg.Close() } if($EmailArchiveTo -and (!$From -or !$SmtpServer)) { Write-Error "From and SmtpServer are required for EmailArchiveTo" exit } if($EmailChangesTo -and (!$From -or !$SmtpServer)) { Write-Error "From and SmtpServer are required for EmailChangesTo" exit } Import-Module Lync -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false [reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("system.xml.linq") | out-null if($Path.StartsWith(".")) { $Path = join-path $thisScriptPath $Path.Substring(2) } $arkPath = join-path $Path "archive" $bakPath = join-path $Path "current" if(-not $(Test-Path $bakPath)) { mkdir $bakPath | out-null } if($IncludeConfig) { ## BACKUP TOPOLOGY Write-Verbose "Backing up topology" (Get-CsTopology -AsXml).ToString() | Out-File $bakPath\Topology.xml -encoding ascii ## BACKUP CONFIG & POLICIES if(Test-Path $bakPath\config) { rm $bakPath\config -recurse } mkdir $bakPath\config | Out-Null $ExcludedCommands = @('Get-CsEffectivePolicy', 'Get-CsRgsConfiguration', 'Get-CsSlaConfiguration', 'Get-CsWatcherNodeConfiguration') $cmds = @("Get-CsDialPlan","Get-CsVoiceRoute","Get-CsPstnUsage","Get-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber","Get-CsExUmContact") $cmds += @("Get-CsHostingProvider","Get-CsAllowedDomain","Get-CsBlockedDomain") $cmds += Get-Command Get-Cs*Configuration,Get-Cs*Policy -Module Lync | %{ $_.Name } | ?{ $ExcludedCommands -notcontains $_ } $cmds += Get-Command Get-Cs*Configuration,Get-Cs*Policy -Module SkypeForBusiness | %{ $_.Name } | ?{ $ExcludedCommands -notcontains $_ } $cmds | foreach { $type = $_.Substring(6) Write-Verbose "Backing up $type" [array]$ret = & $_ -Verbose:$false if($ret) { ## don't have results with .element # Get-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber # Get-CsExUmContact # Get-CsAccessEdgeConfiguration ## in addition, some that have .element don't have .anchor (but they have identity) # Get-CsVoiceRoute # Get-CsHealthMonitoringConfiguration if($ret[0].Element) { mkdir "$bakPath\config\$type" | out-null # write one per file identified by anchor (if available) or identity otherwise $ret | foreach { if($_.Anchor) { if($_.Identity -eq "Global") { $id = $_.Identity } else { $id = $($_.Anchor.FullName -replace ":","_") + "_" + $_.Anchor.TagId } } else { $id = $_.Identity } $_.Element.ToString() | out-file "$bakPath\config\$type\$($id).xml" -encoding ascii } } elseif($ret[0].LineUri) { # exumcontact & dialinconferencingaccessnumber mkdir "$bakPath\config\$type" | out-null $ret | foreach { $id = $_.LineUri.Substring(4) $_ | Export-Clixml -Path "$bakPath\config\$type\$($id).xml" -encoding ascii } } else { $ret | Export-Clixml -Path "$bakPath\config\$($type).xml" -encoding ascii } } } } if($IncludeUsers) { ## BACKUP USER DATA if(Test-Path $bakPath\users) { # by removing this path we don't have to prune it later for users who may be gone # and since git will detect changes; if the generated files are the same then it won't be included in the commit rm $bakPath\users -Recurse } mkdir $bakPath\users | Out-Null if(Test-Path $bakPath\userdata) { rm $bakPath\userdata -Recurse } mkdir $bakPath\userdata | Out-Null $settings = new-object system.xml.XmlWriterSettings $settings.Indent = $true; $settings.IndentChars = " "; $settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = $false; # in case there's a mixed environment $supportedPools = Get-CsService -UserServer | ?{ $_.Version -ge 6 } | %{ $_.PoolFqdn } | sort -Unique $users = Get-CsUser | sort SipAddress foreach($u in $users) { $sip = $u.SipAddress.Substring(4) Write-Verbose "Backing up user $sip" $u | Export-Clixml -Path "$bakPath\users\$($sip).xml" -encoding ascii if($supportedPools -notcontains $u.RegistrarPool) { Write-Warning "$sip is not on a supported pool" } else { $tempZip = [io.path]::GetTempFileName() rm $tempZip Export-CsUserData -PoolFqdn $u.RegistrarPool.ToString() -UserFilter $sip -FileName $tempZip -Verbose:$false $pkg = [system.io.packaging.package]::open($tempZip) $zip = $pkg.GetPart("/DocItemSet.xml").GetStream() # this indents the file nicely so that we have better diffs [system.xml.linq.xdocument]::Load($zip).ToString() | Out-File "$bakPath\userdata\$($sip).xml" -encoding ascii $zip.Close() $pkg.Close() rm $tempZip } } } ## TODO: backup the conferencing directory's (and their export-csuserdata -confdirectoryfilter data too) if($IncludeRgs) { ## BACKUP RGS # TODO: maybe we can export-clixml the rgs workflow/queue/agentgroup/holidayset/hoursofbusiness objects? # if(-not $(Test-Path $bakPath\rgs)) { # mkdir $bakPath\rgs | Out-Null # } get-csservice -applicationserver | ?{ $_.version -eq 6 } | %{ $_.identity } | sort -unique | foreach { $name = $_ -split ':' | select -first 1 -skip 1 export-csrgsconfiguration -source "service:$_" -filename "$bakPath\rgs_$($name).zip" } } function Email($to, $subjTplt, $attachment, $mimetype) { $domain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain().Name $subj = $subjTplt -f $domain,$Script:start $msg = new-object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $msg.From = $Script:From $atLeastOne = $false $to -split '[\s,]+' | foreach { $addr = $_.Trim() if($addr) { try { $msg.To.Add($addr) $atLeastOne = $true } catch { Write-Error "Failed to add $addr as 'To' address for email '$subjTplt': $_" } } } $msg.Subject = $subj if($([System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames+Text]::Plain) -eq $mimetype) { $msg.Body = gc $attachment -raw } else { $msg.Body = "See attached file" $msgAttachment = new-object System.Net.Mail.Attachment $attachment, $mimetype $msgAttachment.ContentDisposition.FileName = $domain + "_" + $date + ".zip" $msgAttachment.ContentDisposition.CreationDate = [System.IO.File]::GetCreationTime($attachment) $msgAttachment.ContentDisposition.ModificationDate = [System.IO.File]::GetLastWriteTime($attachment) $msgAttachment.ContentDisposition.ReadDate = [System.IO.File]::GetLastAccessTime($attachment) $msg.Attachments.Add($msgAttachment) } # TODO: instead of $SmtpServer we could MX lookup instead # SEE: http://blog.icewolf.ch/archive/2013/05/27/powershell-dns-reverse-and-mx-lookup.aspx if($atLeastOne) { $smtp = new-object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient $SmtpServer $smtp.Send($msg) } else { Write-Warning "Not sending email '$subjTplt' since there are not valid 'To' email addresses" } } ## ARCHIVE ALL DATA INTO DATE STAMPED FILE if($Archive) { if(-not $(Test-Path $arkPath)) { mkdir $arkPath | out-null } $arkFile = "$arkPath\{0:yyyMMdd}.zip" -f $start if(Test-Path $arkFile) { rm $arkFile } $compression = [system.io.packaging.compressionoption]::Maximum Write-Verbose "Creating archive $arkFile" $zip = [system.io.packaging.package]::open($arkFile, [system.io.filemode]::Create) ls $bakPath\**.xml -recurse | foreach { $item = $_.FullName.Substring($bakPath.Length) -replace '\\','/' Write-Verbose "Archiving $item" # a part name can't have a space (per the Open Packaging Conventions specification) so replace those $item = $item -replace ' ','_' -replace '#','' try { $part = $zip.CreatePart($item, "text/xml", $compression) $s = $part.GetStream() $file = new-object system.io.filestream $_.FullName, $([system.io.filemode]::open), $([system.io.fileaccess]::Read) $file.CopyTo($s) $file.Close() $s.Close() } catch { Write-Error "Failed to create part $item; $_" } } $zip.Close() if($EmailArchiveTo) { Write-Verbose "Emailing archive $arkFile to $EmailArchiveTo" Email $EmailArchiveTo "Lync Backup for {0} ({1:yyyy-MMM-dd})" $arkFile $([System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames+Application]::Zip) } # TODO: optionally only keep a certain number of backups } ## COMMIT ALL CHANGES if($Commit) { Import-Module $thisScriptPath\libgit2sharp.dll -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false if(-not $(Test-Path $bakPath\.git)) { Write-Verbose "Initializing git repo" [LibGit2Sharp.Repository]::Init($bakPath) | out-null "*.zip" | Out-File $bakPath\.gitignore -encoding ascii } $git = new-object LibGit2Sharp.Repository "$bakPath\.git" $dirty = $false $statusOpts = new-object LibGit2Sharp.StatusOptions $stageOpts = new-object LibGit2Sharp.StageOptions $git.RetrieveStatus($statusOpts) | foreach { if($_.State -eq "Untracked" -or $_.State -eq "Missing" -or $_.State -eq "Modified") { Write-Verbose "Staging $($_.FilePath)" $git.Stage($_.FilePath, $stageOpts) $dirty = $true } else { Write-Verbose "Skipping $($_.FilePath) [$($_.State)]" } } if($dirty) { if($EmailChangesTo) { Write-Verbose "Recording changes..." $diffPath = join-path $Path "changes" if(-not $(Test-Path $diffPath)) { mkdir $diffPath | out-null } $diffFile = "$diffPath\{0:yyyy-MM-dd_HHmm}.txt" -f $start $compare = $git.diff.gettype().getmethod("Compare", [type[]]@([LibGit2Sharp.Tree], [LibGit2Sharp.DiffTargets], [System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[string]], [LibGit2Sharp.ExplicitPathsOptions], [LibGit2Sharp.CompareOptions])) $compareTree = $compare.MakeGenericMethod([libgit2sharp.patch]) # $co = new-object libgit2sharp.compareoptions # $co.ContextLines = 0 $diff = $compareTree.Invoke($git.Diff, @($git.Head.Tip.Tree, [libgit2sharp.difftargets]::Index, $null, $null, $null)) $diff | foreach { if($_.Status -eq "Added") { "diff added " + $($_.Path -Replace '\\','/') + "`r`n" } elseif($_.Status -eq "Removed") { "diff removed " + $($_.OldPath -Replace '\\','/') + "`r`n" } else { $_.Patch -Replace "`r?`n","`r`n" } } | Out-File $diffFile -encoding ascii Write-Verbose "Emailing changes $diffFile to $EmailChangesTo" Email $EmailChangesTo "Lync config changes for {0} ({1:yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm})" $diffFile $([System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames+Text]::Plain) } Write-Verbose "Committing..." $sig = new-object libgit2sharp.signature "Backup-Lync.ps1",$From,$([DateTimeOffset]::Now) if($CommitMessage) { $msg = $CommitMessage } else { $msg = "Backup run @ {0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm} UTC" -f $start } $commitOpts = new-object LibGit2Sharp.CommitOptions $git.Commit($msg, $sig, $sig, $commitOpts) | out-null } if($RemoteName -and $RemoteRepoUrl) { # get the remote $remote = $git.Network.Remotes[$RemoteName] # if there's a remote check that it points to the right repo url if($remote -and $remote.Url -ne $RemoteRepoUrl) { # if not then remove since we will recreate the remote $git.Network.Remotes.Remove($RemoteName) $remote = $null } # if there's no remote create it it if(!$remote) { $remote = $git.Network.Remotes.Add($RemoteName, $RemoteRepoUrl) $git.Branches.Update($git.Head, {param($b) $b.Remote = $remote.Name; $b.UpstreamBranch = $git.Head.CanonicalName}) | Out-Null } ## only push if we haven't pushed yet or master is ahead of the remote if(-not $git.Branches["$RemoteName/master"] -or $git.Branches["master"].Tip.Id.Sha -ne $git.Branches["$RemoteName/master"].Tip.Id.Sha) { Write-Verbose "Pushing to $RemoteName ($RemoteRepoUrl)" $pushOptions = new-object LibGit2Sharp.PushOptions if($RemoteCredential) { $credHandler = { param($url,$usernameFromUrl,$types) $cred = new-object LibGit2Sharp.UsernamePasswordCredentials $cred.Username = $RemoteCredential.Username $cred.Password = $RemoteCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password return $cred } $pushOptions.CredentialsProvider = ($credHandler -as [LibGit2Sharp.Handlers.CredentialsHandler]) } [LibGit2Sharp.NetworkExtensions]::Push($git.Network, $git.Branches["master"], $pushOptions) } } }