Verilog Automatic ==================== This plugin can automatically add ports to the current editing file, generate module instances (need ctags),add instance connections ,add file header for verilog code. Both verilog-1995 and verilog-2001 style are supported. I borrowed the idea from automatic.vim which is a similar plugin for VIM, I just rewrote one for sublime text2&3. # Features *********** * AutoPort * AutoInst * AutoDef * AddFileHeader # Description ## AutoPort:(shift+f6) ******************* Automatically add ports to the current editing file after the "/*autoport*/" mark. * NOTE: NOT SUPPORTED STYLE: input clk,output single_out, //multiple input/output/inout keywords in the same line input clk,rst, chip_en; //multiple signals separated by comma written in different lines * NOTE: Do not use this function when there are multiple modules in the same file. Example: #### Before (verilog-1995 style): module test(/*autoport*/); input [1:0]a; input b; output [2:0]c,d; inout e; (verilog-2001 style): module test(/*autoport*/); input wire[1:0]a; input wire b; output reg [2:0]c,d; inout wire e; #### After: module test(/*autoport*/ //inout e, //output c, d, //input a, b); ## AutoInst:(shift+f7) ******************* Automatically generate module instances after the "/*autoinst*/" mark (need ctags). * NOTE:Need to place the cursor on the module name, multiple-cursor supported to generate multiple instances. Example: #### Before: test test_instance(/*autoinst*/); #### After: * Place the cursor on the module name "test" test test_instance(/*autoinst*/ .e(e), .c(c), .d(d[2:0]), .a(a[1:0]), .b(b)); ## AutoDef:(shift+f8) ****************** Automatically add instance connections after the /*autodef*/ mark. Example: #### before: /*autodef*/ test test_instance(/*autoinst*/ .e(e), .c(c), .d(d[2:0]), .a(a[1:0]), .b(b)); #### after: /*autodef*/ wire e; wire [2:0]d; wire c; wire b; wire [1:0]a; //assign e= //assign d= //assign c= //assign b= //assign a= test test_instance(/*autoinst*/ .e(e), .c(c), .d(d[2:0]), .a(a[1:0]), .b(b)); ## AddFileHeader:(shift+f9) ************************ Add your personal information in the setting file(the user's setting file is better),like below or leave any of them empty: { "Author":"Mike", "Company":"Microsoft", "Email":"" } thus generates the file header like this: //================================================================================================== // Filename : test.v // Created On : 2013-04-01 21:37:31 // Last Modified : // Revision : // Author : Mike // Company : Microsoft // Email : // // Description : // // //================================================================================================== ## Change log #### 05/08/2013 Add verilog-2001 style port declaration support. Add comments support, single line commneted-out code will be ignored.