# -*- org-reveal-title-slide: "




" -*- #+Title: Analyzing Programs #+Subtitle: with SMT solvers #+Author: Tikhon Jelvis #+Email: tikhon@jelv.is #+REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE_BACKGROUND: #052d69 #+REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE_BACKGROUND_TRANSITION: none #+REVEAL_HEAD_PREAMBLE: #+REVEAL_POSTAMBLE:

Created by Tikhon Jelvis.

# Options I change before uploading to jelv.is #+OPTIONS: reveal_control:nil #+OPTIONS: reveal_mathjax:nil #+REVEAL_ROOT: ../reveal.js/ #+OPTIONS: reveal_center:t reveal_progress:nil reveal_history:t #+OPTIONS: reveal_rolling_links:t reveal_keyboard:t reveal_overview:t num:nil #+OPTIONS: reveal_width:1200 reveal_height:800 reveal_rolling_links:nil #+OPTIONS: toc:nil timestamp:nil email:t #+REVEAL_MARGIN: 0.1 #+REVEAL_MIN_SCALE: 0.5 #+REVEAL_MAX_SCALE: 2.5 #+REVEAL_TRANS: none #+REVEAL_THEME: tikhon #+REVEAL_HLEVEL: 2 #+REVEAL_PLUGINS: (highlight markdown notes) * Constraint Satisfaction ** [[./img/sudoku.png]] ** _ :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: ./img/bugs.jpg :reveal_background_trans: none :END: ** #+ATTR_HTML: :class no-background [[./img/liquid-haskell.png]] #+ATTR_HTML: :width 200% [[./img/liquid-haskell-snippet.png]] ** [[./img/type-error-localization.png]] ** SMT Satisfiability Modulo Theories ** Satisfiability (SAT) \begin{equation} (x_1 \lor \lnot x_2) \land (x_1 \lor x_3 \lor \lnot x_4) \land \cdots \end{equation} ** Theories \begin{equation} x_1 \le 10 \land x_3 \le x_1 + x_2 \land \cdots \end{equation} ** Theories - integers - reals - bitvectors - floating point numbers - arrays - ... ** Why? ** Expressive ** Fast ** [[./img/sat-graf.png]] * Analyzing Programs :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: #052d69 :reveal_background_trans: none :reveal_extra_attr: class="section-slide" :END: ** Program ⇒ SMT formula ** 1. Inputs 2. States 3. Outputs ** Inputs ⇒ States + Outputs Outputs ⇒ Inputs + States ** P(States) ⇒ Check Invariant ** ∃ Input. Output₁ ≠ Output₂ * IMP Language :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: #052d69 :reveal_background_trans: none :reveal_extra_attr: class="section-slide" :END: ** #+BEGIN_SRC java gcd(a, b) { d := 0; while (even(a) && even(b)) { a := a / 2; b := b / 2; d := d + 1; } while (a != b) { ...; } return d; } #+END_SRC ** expressions: #+BEGIN_SRC java 1 + x * 2 (x <= 10) && (y == 5) #+END_SRC statements: #+BEGIN_SRC java x := x + 1 ⋯ ; ⋯ while cond { ⋯ } if cond { ⋯ } else { ⋯ } #+END_SRC ** #+BEGIN_SRC haskell data AExp = Var Name | Lit Int | AExp :+: AExp | AExp :-: AExp | AExp :*: AExp | AExp :/: AExp #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC haskell data BExp = True' | False' | ⋯ #+END_SRC ** #+BEGIN_SRC haskell data Cmd = Skip | Set Name AExp | Seq Cmd Cmd | If BExp Cmd Cmd | While BExp Cmd #+END_SRC * Compiling to SMT :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: #052d69 :reveal_background_trans: none :reveal_extra_attr: class="section-slide" :END: ** Z3 SMT Solver ** Inline ⇒ Unroll ⇒ SSA ** Inline #+BEGIN_SRC java foo(a, b) { ⟨BODY⟩; return x } … result := foo (1, 2); #+END_SRC #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in #+BEGIN_SRC java // fresh names foo_a := 1; foo_b := 2; ⟨BODY⟩ result := foo_x; #+END_SRC ** Unroll #+BEGIN_SRC java while x < 5 { ⟨BODY⟩ } #+END_SRC #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in #+BEGIN_SRC java if x < 5 { ⟨BODY⟩ if x < 5 { … /* n times */ } else {} } else {} #+END_SRC ** SSA - Single Static Assignment #+BEGIN_SRC java x := 10; a := 11; x := x + a; #+END_SRC #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in #+BEGIN_SRC java x₀ := 10; a₀ := 11; x₁ := x₀ + a₀; #+END_SRC ** #+BEGIN_SRC java if x < 5 { x := x + 1; } else { x := x + 2; } #+END_SRC #+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in #+BEGIN_SRC java if x < 5 { x₁ := x₀ + 1; } else { x₂ := x₀ + 2; } x₃ := φ(x₁, x₂) #+END_SRC ** Interpreter #+BEGIN_SRC haskell aexp ∷ (Scope Int) → AExp → Result Int bexp ∷ (Scope Int) → BExp → Result Bool cmd ∷ (Scope Int) → Cmd → Result Scope #+END_SRC Compiler #+BEGIN_SRC haskell aexp ∷ (Scope AST) → AExp → Z3 AST bexp ∷ (Scope AST) → BExp → Z3 AST cmd ∷ (Scope AST) → Cmd → Z3 () #+END_SRC ** #+BEGIN_SRC java 5 + x #+END_SRC \begin{align} bvAdd(&bv(5, 32),\\ &bv(x_0, 32)) \end{align} ** Expressions #+BEGIN_SRC haskell Lit n → return n Var x → lookup scope x e₁ :+: e₂ → do r₁ ← aexp scope e₁ r₂ ← aexp scope e₂ return (r₁ + r₂) #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC haskell Lit n → Z3.mkBv 32 n Var x → lookup x scope e₁ :+: e₂ → do exp₁ ← aexp scope e₁ exp₂ ← aexp scope e₂ Z3.mkAdd exp₁ exp₂ #+END_SRC ** #+BEGIN_SRC java x = 5 + x #+END_SRC \begin{align} \text{assert}(x_1 = bvAdd(&bv(5, 32), \\ &bv(x_0, 32))) \end{align} ** Assignment #+BEGIN_SRC haskell Set name val → do newVal <- aexp scope val update name newVal scope #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC haskell Set name val → do newVal ← aexp scope val newVar ← Z3.mkFreshBvVar name 32 eq ← Z3.mkEq newVar newVal Z3.assert eq return (update name newVar scope) #+END_SRC ** #+BEGIN_SRC java if x < 5 { x := x + 1 } else { x := x + 2 } #+END_SRC \begin{align} &\text{assert}(x_1 = x_0 + 1) \\ &\text{assert}(x_2 = x_0 + 2) \\ &\text{assert}(x_3 = \phi(x_0 < 5, x_1, x_2)) \\ \end{align} ** If: φ-functions #+BEGIN_SRC haskell If cond c_1 c_2 → do cond' ← bexp scope cond scope' ← compile scope c_1 scope'' ← compile scope c_2 makePhis cond' scope scope' scope'' #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC haskell Z3.mkIte cond (lookup name scope₁) (lookup name scope₂) #+END_SRC * Now what? :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: #052d69 :reveal_background_trans: none :reveal_extra_attr: class="section-slide" :END: ** Interpreting #+BEGIN_SRC java f(x) { ...; return y } #+END_SRC ⇓ \begin{align} \Rightarrow \quad & \exists y. x_0 = \text{input} \\ \Leftarrow \quad & \exists x. y_n = \text{output} \end{align} ** Invariants #+BEGIN_SRC java while (...) { x := x + 1 ... assert (x > 0) } #+END_SRC ⇓ $(x₁ > 0) ∧ (x₂ > 0) ∧ (x₃ > 0) ∧ …$ ** Verification #+BEGIN_SRC java f(x) { ...; return y } g(x) { ...; return y } #+END_SRC ⇓ $\exists x. y_f \ne y_g$ ** CEGIS [[./img/cegis.png]] *counterexample guided inductive synthesis* ** Sketching #+BEGIN_SRC java while x <= ?? { x += a * ?? } #+END_SRC ** Refinement Types #+BEGIN_SRC Haskell termination measure len :: List a -> {Int | _v >= 0} where Nil -> 0 Cons x xs -> 1 + len xs replicate :: n: Nat -> x: a -> {List a | len _v == n} replicate = ?? #+END_SRC ** Easier for DSLs! * Questions? :PROPERTIES: :reveal_background: #052d69 :reveal_background_trans: none :reveal_extra_attr: class="section-slide" :END: