AutoSlim Sublime Text 2 Plugin ================================ This plugin parses slim files, and saves the resulting HTML to the clipboard. Installation ------------ This plugin requires ruby, with the Slim gem installed. ### Git 1. Checkout the plugin into your Packages directory cd PLATFOMR_PACKAGE_DIR git clone git:// ### Package Control 1. Open Command Palette - `Control+Shift+P` on Linux/Windows, `Command+Shift+P` on OS X 2. Select "Package Control: Install Package" 3. Select "AutoSlim" Configuration ------------- Options and Key Bindings are available in `Preferences -> Package Settings -> AutoSlim` 1. `ruby` - Path to the ruby executable 2. `run_on_save` - Automatically parse slim files to clipboard on save (Default: false) Default hotkey for the operation is `Control+Shiftt+L` or `Command+Shift+L`