import hexchat __module_name__ = "Bookmarks" __module_author__ = "TingPing" __module_version__ = "2" __module_description__ = "Bookmark channels to easily rejoin them." def get_networks(name): pref = hexchat.get_pluginpref('bookmark_' + name) if not pref: return [] else: return pref.split(',') def load_bookmarks(): hexchat.command('menu -p-2 add "$TAB/Bookmark" "bookmark %s"') hexchat.command('menu add "$CHAN/Bookmark Channel" "bookmark %s"') hexchat.command('menu -p-3 add "Bookmarks"') hexchat.command('menu add "Bookmarks/-"') hexchat.command('menu add "Bookmarks/Add or Remove Current Channel" "bookmark"') for pref in hexchat.list_pluginpref(): if pref[:9] == 'bookmark_': chan = pref[9:] for net in get_networks(chan): hexchat.command('menu -p-2 add "Bookmarks/{}'.format(net)) hexchat.command('menu add "Bookmarks/{0}/{1}" "netjoin {1} {0}"'.format(net, chan)) def toggle_bookmark(chan, net): # It's a toggle because /menu sucks if chan == None: chan = hexchat.get_info('channel') if chan == '': return if net == None: try: # If from a $TAB it may be a different network. net = hexchat.find_context(None, chan).get_info('network') except AttributeError: net = hexchat.get_info('network') for channel in hexchat.get_list('channels'): if == chan: if channel.type != 2: # Only bookmark channels return networks = get_networks(chan) pref = 'bookmark_' + chan if net in networks: # Remove if len(networks) == 1: hexchat.del_pluginpref(pref) else: networks.remove(net) hexchat.set_pluginpref(pref, ','.join(networks)) hexchat.command('menu del "Bookmarks/{}/{}"'.format(net, chan)) else: # Add networks.append(net) hexchat.set_pluginpref(pref, ','.join(networks)) hexchat.command('menu -p-2 add "Bookmarks/{}'.format(net)) hexchat.command('menu add "Bookmarks/{0}/{1}" "netjoin {1} {0}"'.format(net, chan)) def netjoin_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): joinchan = word[1] joinnet = word_eol[2] for chan in hexchat.get_list('channels'): if == joinnet: chan.context.command('join {}'.format(joinchan)) return hexchat.EAT_ALL # Not found, connect to network automatically. hexchat.command('url irc://"{}"/{}'.format(joinnet, joinchan)) return hexchat.EAT_ALL def bookmark_cb(word, word_eol, userdata): chan = None net = None try: chan = word[1] net = word[2] except IndexError: pass toggle_bookmark(chan, net) return hexchat.EAT_ALL def unload_callback(userdata): hexchat.command('menu del "Bookmarks"') hexchat.command('menu del "$TAB/Bookmark"') hexchat.command('menu del "$CHAN/Bookmark Channel"') print(__module_name__ + ' version ' + __module_version__ + ' unloaded.') hexchat.hook_command("bookmark", bookmark_cb, help='Usage: bookmark [channel] [network]\n\tToggles a bookmark.') hexchat.hook_command("netjoin", netjoin_cb, help='netjoin ') hexchat.hook_unload(unload_callback) load_bookmarks() print(__module_name__ + ' version ' + __module_version__ + ' loaded.')